The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, June 26, 1889, Image 2

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e - l portion (Of o p anvwhere uti *^ " u ° i c near u<7tw ) that was to itote United .Brown, Qop* •he ’■ 0m E M L not get any one t tiling that stands , we refer our readers to arraignment by the sis, perhaps, in part true, (•.correspondent in estira- . Grady’s strength, has fail- rone fact which t, neu- destroy, Mr. I receiving a nom i for the governorship or any intent office, and that is y of a protective tariff. > aware that in this district " > numbers of readers of i and friends and ad- r. Grady, who greatly ap- and are truly thankful for stand they have taken 9 internal revenue laws, j for the establishment of > for confederate veter- the other important meas- 1 above, but does not itlvfc tariff which Mr. Grady i overshadow all this ? Are »people k more interested jus| ! relieved from an odions ive system of taxation, (very trusts andmo- »*re made possible, and by (working classes and con- i generally are crashed for the fe of capitalists ? l to a protective tariff i cardinal principle with the dem- f this, as well as of every oth- U of the south, and no man i entertains or advocates a con. r doctrine can have any consid- > following, even in the motra- i counties, where a high tariff is ^regarded Vis with as much disfavor in some other localities, owing »the infusion of a strong republican We repeat that no politi- i Claim much of a following i part of the south who is not sympathy with the people on i vital question. However ardent- v «e may advocate such measures as -~i mentioned in the extract above, > persists in advocating a system b Is Jhore oppressive and danger- i than all of these combined, he is bysfeian who tries to allevi- lof his patient and ; the same time aggravating the f that produces them. not traveled over the We have not met the > at their homes, but we have ; and conversed with numbers of ive democrats from aL •very county and section of i Georgia, and Judging from -W say, we are unable to see W the Chronicle’s correspondent ‘pulse’ beating very f in favor of Mr. Grady or > for governor. ( believe it will beat very y tha t way a. long as he is accord, with his party and te -w A/w — n i.1, !* . 1 __ ,„ HOW’S ™.» V , Toledo, O. -him # II of Honoliihihaa reached San Francisco to nrge the formation of a company to construct a cable between San Francisco and Honolulu. The cost, it is estimated, will be 11,500,000. The Hawaiian Government is willing to furnish from $800,000 to $500,000. the remain¬ der to be raised in the United States subscription. It is urged that the construction of such a cable would exercise a powerful influence in binding to our country those outiy: ing tropic isles of the Pacific, whose natural taste and gravitation is to¬ ward the United States, s&l 1. 1 ~ l The best joke in connection with President Harrison's Sunday yacht trips is his reported determination to take a chaplain with him in the futuref te order to vindicate himself against all suspicion of Sabbath breaking. Nothing quite so original as this has turned up since P. T. Barnaul used to rig up four stately Bowery gentlemen tu clerical garb to occupy the main box at his circus while exhibiting in pious Connecticut towns. . Robert Louis Stevenson, the well- known no vrfist, who is at present in Honolulu, Sandwich Island, will soon •tart onanothervoyageto the South Seas. The trading schooner Equador will visit Honolulu and will sail with Mr. Stevenson direct to the Marshall Islands *n the South Pacific. He will be accompanied by his wife, step-son and Joseph Strong, an artist. He will be absent about a year, and ex pecta to gather material for a new novel. By his veto of items of robbery in the appropriation bills, Governor BKII has saved the State of New York over $1,800,000. By his extrava¬ gant administration Governor For- aker has added $1,300,000 to the indebtedness of Ohio. Governor Hill is a Democrat. s The jury on Monday evening, after a trial of eighteen days, decided Woolfolk to be guilty. Now let him hang. 1 I' iiw. l i' f I III . 11 . i r " - ■ The complicated diseases brought on anxiety, by intense study, often thought, of the care, rious etc., are Heed such most se¬ nature. symptoms as loss of memory, universal lassitude, heart disease, kidney complains liver troubles and a general hreakingjdown of health and strength. When thus afflicted, when the least exertion causes burden, great fatigue, the]reliable when strengthen¬ life seems a use iriB ing tonic, Brown’s Iron Bitters. It afford yon sure relief. B. B. jB. (Botanic Blood Balm.) - II yon try this remedy you will nay an many other, hare mid, that is the best blood puri¬ fier and tonic. Write Blood Balm Co., Atlan¬ ta, Ga., (or book of convincing testimony. J. P. Davie, Atlanta, Ga. (West End), write.: “I consider that B, B. B. has perma- “k 0 !Atfc^Ga*!“BJBJB. cared me of an ulcer that had resisted all oth- mother and Columbiana, had ulcerated Ala., writes: throat “My sister sore and scrofula. B. B. B. cured them.” Jacob F. Spender, Newnan, Ga., write.: “B. B. B. entirely cured me of rheumatism in my shoulders. fused six Irnttim” cured ____I Me. Iln bad * * been troubled ‘ 8 wmmr several of^.^ _ B*^iptet&ycureSm 0 years. b ttle n : “ e ° 1 my child of ecse- W. A. Pepper, Predonia, Ala., writes: B. B. B. cured my mother of ulcerated sore throat. ” The postoffice at Greenville does a business of $50,000 a year. During the past three years nearly $200,000 have been sent through the postofflee- The amount range from 5* cents to $100. The largest day’s business ever done in the money order busi¬ ness amounted to $1,485. An Admission of Its Good Qualities. mends An old line physcian medicine never recom¬ he knows a of proprietary its good qualities and tail has proved of them. the health A well known conserv¬ ator writes i “Allow me to offer yon my experi¬ ence with Cahsaya Tonic. I have prescribed It in many cases of general debility with marked success. In fact, I treated a ease of typhoid malarial fever with no other anti-periodic tonic or stimulant. It hag proved all you claim for it in my hands, and has been perfectly Calfeaya satisfactory.” Tonic is sold by all drng- jpste at fifty cents and a dollar a CUrkt’i Extract of Flax Coach Cure. It Is a sure cure for Whooping Coogh. It stops the whoop, and per¬ mits the child to catch its breath. It is entirely ok harmless. Good for any It coogh cough childhood childhood or or^ old old age. age. & Stops the For Wurter or Bronchial this syrup is the H.00, Only o mMM Dr. at , dianapolis lawyer, bat he has never pretended to profound learning would not have thought of , nofttg* doing what it has done. The act of the col¬ lege and is, therefore, flunkeyism. apiece of sycophanj cy This Is » Great State, You Bet. Chicago New. (Ind.) The most astounding news contin¬ ues to come from Gainesville, Ga., where Gen. Longstreet’s dewelling In ad¬ was burned the the discovery other day. of gold dition to a mine beneath the ashes and the noli' num is itself rendered almost impos¬ sible of access by. a stratum of por- phyriticrock thickly studded with diamonds, some of which are as large as Nebraska hailstones. This story goes until amplified “finds.” by news of still later alleged Opposed to White Vessels. Hartford Tim*. (Dem.) The order of the Secretary of the Navy Tracy to paint the United States vessels white is not in good taste. taste. A A white white war war vessel vessel would would ap¬ ap- pear delicate < PJR~* and and iMPM weak, weak, and and when when touch inched by dirty i water, the vessel wanld make Little an fancy unpleasant yachts appear¬ ance. are some¬ times painted white, but the effect, even on these delicate boats, is not so agreeable as a darker color. Bat when a war ship—-a real old sea-dog—is dressed in paper ruffles and white, it would seem as if she were fitted for a mere Bhow—a Sunday excursion on Long Chesapeake Branch bay, or a run up to with a tea party. I Remember. I When remember, I I remember, was but a boy, How Cantor Oil and Epsom Salt* Bobbed life of half it. joy. teSSJSSSB But „ happily, (let of suffering thanksgiving) humani- „ ty that murmur period a of prayer is past. Speed woe and disordered painless relief stomach from all the impaired ills of a or liver, can be obtained by the use of Dr. lets. Pierce’s They do Pleasant gripe, Purgative weaken Pel¬ not or nauseate. Small, sugar-coated, mild gentle pleas- d and in put up in glass vials, take. lallest, cheapest, easi¬ est to Brunswick Advertiser: A. C. Banks of this city, wears a curiosity in the shape of a Panama hat which is worth about $40. It was presented to him by a captain of a foreign ves¬ sel, who bought it from a native of an island in the Pacific. The hat is a large one, about the size of a Mex¬ ican sombrero, and can be folded compactly, but yet retain its shape when unfolded. These hats are knit very closely from the finest Panama stiaw, and the knitting of them is very tedious. They can be knit only in the cool of the day, as the heat of the sun causes the straw to draw loosefrom their holds. It sometimes takes twelve and thirteen months to knit the most valuable ones, which cost all the way from $50 to $125. Vigor and Vitality ■erypartof th# body i, That tired tooling entirely overcome. The blood ie purified, enriched, and vitalised, and carries health in¬ stead of disease to every organ. The etom- abh is toned The and strenghened, and liver the appetite and re¬ stored, invigorated. kidneys The is are refreshed, roused the brain mind mvde clear and ready for work. Try it. Where Unanimity Prevailed. A well known medical practitioner in a certain metropolitan hospital,found the following record of one days ad¬ missions to his institution. The list should send a thrill through the breast of every reader— Syphilis 5 cases. Rheumatism 8 cases Scrofula 2 “ Scrofulous 2 “ CatarrhS Malaria 8 “ Dyspepsia SkinErup’nsS 7 “ “ “ Asthma 2 “ Scald Head, Gout, Ulcerous and 1 each. General Debility and Emaciation This, remarked Dr. K. “is the way the human race is going—in fact its ‘blood’ is going to the devil, excuse the expression, nothing lees emphat¬ ic covers the subject. A man will wind bis watch every twenty-four hours with a methodical exactness that is tiresome, and yet will seldom or icate ever mechanism give a thought until to his something own del¬ ‘snaps’ and then he comes to us, about fit to be side tracked on the sir, railroad of life. All from the blood, every one of ’em. A few bottles of P. P.P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and have Potassium) cured at the them, onteet and would most of even in stubborn or apparently hopeless stages the blood can be cleansed and renewed, but only P. P. P. can do it.” Your druggist will endorse the above as there is scarce an apothecary in the country P. who P.’s cannot testify per¬ sonally for blood to diseases-SyphiKs, P. success as a Scrof¬ cure all ulous, Ulcerous or Rheumatism. Try mayl7dAwly. CSld.w Jv iiiLix-' $-*ri 'Ji aii uMlTl J( - The Chief WUmum for the great »U« ee >9 of Hood’# Sarsaparilla is found in the article Itself. It is merit that wins, and the Ret that Hood’s Sarsaparilla actually ac¬ complishes what is claimed tor It, to what has given to this medicine a popularity and ■ale greater than that of any other sarsapa- a# IVIerlt AV |x u/i Wins ne rilla or hlood puri- fler before the pubUc. Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula, Salt Bheum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Biliousness, overcomes That Tired Feeling, creates an Appetite, strength- en# the Nerves, builds up the Whole neod’a SarHaparilla Is sold by all drug¬ gists. * 1 ; six for »8. Prepared hy C. L Hood MOo.. Apothecary Lowell,Masx Intelligent Readers trill notice that Ms Pills not “warranted taeure” *11 classes Vertigo, "evers, Headache, Costiveness, Dyspepsia, Bilious Colic, Flatulence, etc. ; For these they ore not warranted (»- SOLD KVE1£YWU12I£H. —tg . The nulls came off l i fingers came off t. For 8 years he i y; is now getting we 1 , aed SWIfCs Specific Is the Chief cause of Ms improvement. Jons Dkibx., Jan. 12,188). Peru, Ind. the resunof the saliva of a calf coming h showed a cut finger. inclination The ulcers to Were heal, deep f and pate- him no gave • Specific, and he Jouh Is now F. IIkakp, well. Auhum, mm Ala. Send for books on Blood Poisons Sc Skin Diseases, free. Swnrr Srnemo Co., Atlanta, Ga. _ Ih.g.c. U iJACKSONWUfi CHE^ .n LTPPMAN BBOS., Wholesale Agents, Sa¬ vannah, Ga. lune25d&wly BY FAR WuilkptFnprUe -TO- NEW YORK OR BOSTON -IS VIA- ---- SAVANNAH -AND TUB- OCEAN : STEAMSHIP: LINE ......... or THE—— Central Railroad of Georgia*. SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS Now on sale at reduced rates. Good to re • turn until OetoberSlst, 1889. Magnificent Steamer and elegant service Free from the heat and dust, Incident to All- Bail Routes. H you are sii ~ vigorate and buud you up. 6o East by Sea and You’U not Regret it ther information may be had by applying to the Agent at yonr station or to M. 8. BELKNAP, W. F. SHELLMAN, E. „ T.CHABLTON, CtawraJ Manager. CLYDE T^c BOSTICK, Manager. — Gen’i Pass. Agent. Trar. Pass. Agent. ' Savannah, Ga. FOR MEN ONLY! panJ *a*l g*nte* safe s fezes,« of equai I i v#iu*. r U»e rerwn i« each )»- tatfty caii k< ure out free, I- M larra an it vs w3T« Free, «!.. r, W.W.. 1,, - * ». r--. l. tn in rWU * MiC • -< may h*¥« CiJivJ, ■ 'A* write *t **ne# <*J*e*e ' f - v- -ri ‘■■r*. frysat, . .«• j . ■** v we will • IjwgplM fegjgjfBttsags I» wtem w* ask that yoa r who sraanB _ bin about Ms year# old one Jgbt yean without old, one bodies. log wagons aatisly fi 1» issued on and sold to an# iavor of Comity Court of Coweta in Also, atrihesametime and placed will be sold eold west to by eatWy land of one W. 8 J.^lie. fa issued Levied from Spalding on and Superior Court in favor of Frank W. Stanley Receiver’s Sale. By virtue of an order granted by Judge Jomra S. Boynton on May the 18th, Co. 1889, ijt the matter of McCone, Wallace A v*. J. L. Vaughn, Bill. Ac., in theconrthousedoor Spalding Superior Court, will be sold before of Spalding county, on the first Tuesday in July next, the following property of J. L. Vaughn: * ^ One undivided one-half interest in one liv ery stable at the Mt. Son camp ground in Spalding county, 30x60 feet, bounded on th# west, north and east by lands of JohnConnal- ly, on the south by hit. Zion camp ground. Also, tiie one story residence frame containing building with five reoms, with lot of land twelve acres, in CresweB, the Spalding north by county, public Georgia, bounded on road, known as the Griffin and Fayetteville road, on east by said road and Baptist church lot, on south, by lands of J. W. Vaughn and B. F. Norton and west by J. W. Vaughn. Terms of sale CONNELL, cash. BdAsiver. fflLOO. • BQBT. 8. Ordinary’* Advertisements, ( \J xRDINABY’S OFFICE—Spaj.»iko Cocs- iv, Georgia, Ma/ 31,1889,-W. Dismission E. Alex- ander applies to me lor letters of on the estate of Wm. Woodward, late of said county, deceased. Let all persons concerned showcause before the Court of Ordinary, first at Monday my office, in Septem¬ by ten o’clock a. m.,on why the ber next, such letters of dismission should not be eT granted. HAMMOND, Ordinary. 96.15. W. /"VRDINABY’8 OFFICE-Spaummo Coum- VF»t,Geob:u, May 81, 1889.—A. J. Mad¬ dox applies to me for letters ot Dismission as guardian of the Anderson minora. Let all persons concerned show cause befere theCourt of Ordinary, at my office, by ten o’clock a. m., such on the first Dismission Monday in should July next, why granted. letters of not be |3.00. E. W. HAMMOND, Ordinary /"VRDINABY’S U Georgia. May OFFICE—SpalmnoCouk 81,1889.—To the cred¬ tv, itors and next of kin ol Nicholas Goodin, late of said county, deceased : Yon are hereby no¬ tified to be and appear at the Conrt of Ordi¬ nal by ten o’clock a. m. on the 1st Monday in July next, to be held atmy office the in Griffin, admin¬ then and there to show cause why istration of his estate should not be cast upon the County Anministrator, it appearing that said estate is not likely to be represented. . f 3,00. E. W. HAMMOND, Ordinary. V /'ORDINARY’S OFFICE—Spalding Couh- / tv, Gbobgu, June 3rd, 1889.—J. H.Mn- lair applies to me for letters of Administra¬ tion on the estate of Martha A. Malair, late of said county, deceased ; Let all personeconcerned showcause before the Court of Ordinary, at my office, by ten o’clock a. m., on the first Monday administration in July should next, why be such granted. letters of not $8.00. E. W. HAMMOND, Ordinary. Notice of Local Legislation. be Notice made is to hereby the General given Assembly that application of the State will of Georgiafor the passage of a bill saleof at the July adjourned and malt session liquors to prohibit within the three miles spirit- of uonB Onion Baptist Church in Cabins district in Spalding County. Notice of Local Legislation be Notice made to is hereby the General given Assembly that application of the State will ol Georgia for the passage of a bill atthe July adjourned and session malt Honors to prohibit within the three sale of miles spirit¬ of uous Teamon Baptist Church in Cabins district in Spalding County. Notice of Local Legislation be Notice made is to hereby the General given Assembly that application of the State will of Georgia forthe passage bit of a bill sale at the July adjourned and malt session Honors to proH within the three of miles spirit¬ of uous Midway Methodist Church in Akin district in Spalding County. Notice of Local Legislation be Notice made ie hereby the General given Assembly that application of the State will to of Georgia for the passage of a bill at theJuly adjourned session to prohibit the sale of farm sundown products in and the county of Spalding between sunrise. Notice of Local Legislation Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the General Assembly of the State adjourned of Georgia session forthe passage prohibit of a the bill sale at the of July seed to cotton in the county of Spalding from the 15th day of Augnst to the 15th day of De¬ cember, Notice of Proposed Leg is lotion, Z Notice is hereby given that a bill will be in troducedatthesummerseesion of the Spalding Legisla¬ ture to authorise, the county of to bonds, issue sixteen thousand thereof dollars is (# 16,000) in or as much as necessary, for repairing the purpose public of paying for, in improving method and vided by the Constitution property of this the State. pro¬ Notice to Debtors and Creditors. Notice is hereby ol given to all who are indebt¬ ed to the estate John D. George, deceased,to call claims and settle at once. AD parties deceased holding against the estate ot said are notified to present L. ELLEDGE, them at once Administrator, in legal form to A. jnnellw6.48.70. Columbus, Ga HOTEL CUBTIS GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, Under New Management. 4. 6. DANIEL, Prop'r. ! ■ ters meet all trains. W *• Hit A ILJU Send ns ora dolub, aad we will sand yon sample that sells for three dot lare, and start you in a business that will pay yon from $100 to $300 per month " Address • . ■ ’ " THE RICHMOND PUBLISHING CO.. RICHMO' X VA. $75 tot 250 r preferred who can furnish a hors* and giv their whole time to the business. Spare me ents may be profitably employed also. Griffin News DAILY AND WEEKLY, (CONSOLIDATED MAY 26, 1889,) -OFFERS--- More Value + ^ To Advertii In proportion to prices charged, than other medium in the South. V' ■ RE • With the combined circulation of two and well established papers, it charges prices of only one. It is published in one of the agriculture* commercial, manufacturing and railroi centers of the most progressive State in the South, with a large and intelligent surrond- ing population and extra facilities for dis¬ tribution. Being a first-class newspaper, fully up to all demands of the times and the require¬ ments of its constituency, it is read not only by nearly every family in Spalding County, but in the eight surrounding counties, with a good genera] circulation in the State and other States. 19 IT COVERS ITS WHOLE FIELD. and covers it completely. Prices low. Write for rates and sample copies of Daily and Weekly to ------- DOUGLAS GLESSNER, Publisher, Griffin, Ga. MB fr;n WHAT COMMISSIONER KOLB BATS. Omoi Comnwwoir#* or Aemccunms. kamm. At*. greaive agriculturist. Very truly you*#, *. j. meuje. 800,000 Readers 1 Established 1843. Lw*dlmr In 18801 11 SOMHffl CULTIVATOR AID Dll FAIIi, A-TXaAJNTA., C3-E30RO-XA, 2To-vr la. It» Fort^r-ee-veatli. ’Z’max of The reoognii.d organ of Southern agriculture and tha induitrlai progrou of th. South, wt^ u guaranteed Miuulation in ovary Southern and Wtttom Statu. A BRILLIANT CORPS OF WRITERS. ed agricultural D. Journaltit in the Profeasor country, of but Agrieulture he w»« for at four tha SeorgUfifet# year# Vim*By <^m*a»l#uer a» Wuhington, C., end later, of R. J. RIDDING U the ableamd thoroughly ouuipped A^titaut Commtirioner the State of Georgia, as well a# an experienced writer. Pnof. J. S. NEWMAN Ula *»** »* *'■ Alabama Bute Rnperiment Button, and atand. in the front rank of agricultural teuaatw# on* wriUiu in the South. With th.te eminent writer# are aaaooUUd a #*or# or mere of tnMeuudW- male contributora-ineluding not a few profeaaional agricultural wriUrt-whcae m.athly artt- elea eover every department of farm management and honaehold work, making Tun Cut m * ran the moat oomplete, attractive and valuable agricultural journal in the ***** being worth more than a whole year’* #ub#oription to any farmer who read* aad thins# » It« illnstrationa are (uperb, aad every department will be foundfull U overflowing w ltfc -*^ ter to inatrnot, ghten and entertain. Saeh number 1# worth the aura eharged for the year • "NeU^ily‘can afiord to be withoufTH.T S0DTHRRN CULTIVATOR. ^ New U ??? the tiaaete *** #eud is your aubaerlptiona. Only L_---- anuum, the twulra ** valum* for the f ot exUn.ivelnfonnaUoa u ^u l to all Subscription, el a .