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GRIFFIN, georgu, u. s. a. ,
Origin fat the b*et and most promising little
| ityin the South. Its record, lor S£S; the past
Sr^ 3 FJC 32
- o it a business etatemeut and not a hyper¬
bolical description.
During tbtft time it has built and put into
S most succesHlul operation a 1100,000 cotton
jjtory and with this year started the wheels
: «l * second of more than twice that capital,
i |t has pnt np a large iron and brass loundry,
»fertiliser factory, an immense ice and bot¬
tling works, a sash anl blind factory, a
broom factory, opened op the finest granite
i qgsrry in the United States, and now has
1 «sr large oil mills in mors or less advanced
stsgesoi construction, with an aggregate au-
tfaorised capital of over half a million dollars.
pBsd for two toarters for rtreekratway*. It
! has secured another railroad ninety miles long,
end while located on the greatest system in
the South, the Central, has secuftd connec-
«d direct independent connection with Chat-
tsnooga and the West, and willbreak ground
ina few days fora fourth road, connecting
with a fourth independent syetem.
With its fere white and four colored church-
m, it has recently completed a *10,000 new
Presbyterian church. It has increased itspop-
glation by nearly one fifth. It has attracted
wound its borders fruit grower* from nearly
and r^eyardp. It has put up the largest
fruit evaporate** In the State. It is the home
of thegrape audits winem&kingcapacity has
doubled every year. It has successfully in*
‘l augurated a system of public schools, with a
seven years curriculum, second to none.
Thfat is part of the record of a half decade
and eimply dhows the progress of an already
admirable city, with the natural advantages
of having the finest climate, summer and
Griffin is the county seat of Spalding conn-
level. ‘ By the of 1890, it
above sfa census
will have at alow estimate between 6 000 and
7,000 people, and they are allot the right
sort-wride-awake, up to the toes, ready to
wefaome strangers and anxious to secure de¬
sirabie settlers, who will not be any less wel¬
come if,they bring money to help build up tho
own. There is abont only one thing we
need badly Just now, and that is a big hotel.
We have several small ones, but their accom¬
modations are entirely too limited for our
basineee, pleasure and health seeking guests.
If you see anybody that wants a good loca¬
tion for a hotel inths South, just mention
Griffin. ‘ " '
Griffin is the place where the GJUrrw Npw
■ published—daily und weekly—the Georgia. best Please news¬
paper inths Empire State of
enclose stamps in sending for sample copies,
dtg ft toijyi nsnipbltt of Griffin.|
TfUlw brief sketch is written April 12th, 1889,
and WiB bo changed in a few months
commenced # and
o embrace new MjgM enterprises
pgf4 - •» stato
Office, 81 Hill Street, Up Stairs, over J, H.
White’s Clothing Store. mar22d&wly
Will practice in the State federal
tjpnrte. Office over George & Hartnett s
ioH n. sTewart . eobt. t. banish.
Over George A Hartnett?*, Griffin, Ga.
WU1 practice in the State and Federal
ourt*. jnlyl9dtf
Cleveland & garland,
\filf Pprompt attention given to all business!
practice in all the Courts, and where
Ter business calls.
Collections a specialty.
fj . . ..-j*- -----*-—
The J. A Brauks Farm
For Sale! isai
55 ACRES near city
&lr d *i
mill and present growing
pwt hwide «ity timite.
____Hinthe woods,, A room house, Ac.
58 acres inside city Smite. dwelling.
18 arrrs lurid* city limits—good
in * « h « « > f “ fruits
- U « „ « m •»
and vacant lots too numerous to
SSSSSS wffldoweU
• Real Estate Agent.
Being Washed Ashore on the
Massachusetts Coast
Some of the Victoria’s Bills of
. • Lading Found.
AU8 a I.ot of Gift Holding, and Window
Sashes Have Been Picked lip on Abe
Beach at Nantucket—CarGasse* of*Cattle
Sighted Near Sable Island and Cape
Sable—Where Is the Columbia?
New Yobs, June 27.*—The telegraphic
reports of wreckage washed ashore on
Nantucket, which hare been coming*
•long for the past few days, dispatch were re-en-
forced Tuesday by a from
Gloucester. Capt. i Carlson, of the
schooner Annie 0. Holly, reports that
he has seep a large number of drowned
cattle afloat east of Sable Island and
near (Jape Sable “during the past two
The steamer Victoria, which left here
over a week ago, and of whose safety
doubts have been expressed, was loaded
with cattle, but “during the past two
weeks” is no sort of a description of the
time in which she could have lost them.
Some of her bilk of lading, with a lot
of gilt moldings and window sashes,
have floated ashore on Nantucket
The Victoria hod two deck loads of
cattle for-Avenmouth, and should have
been off Nantucket last Thursday, and if
she had come to serious grief there the
catcasses of her cattle should be afloat
here. The steamship Columbia lost
twenty-three recently. head It of cattle be on the that way
over may those are
afloat off' Sable Island. The Victoria
should reach England before the Fourth.
The report that a life preserver of the
the City other of Rome stuff hnd off been Nantucket, picked up bright with
have caused uneasiness if that steam¬
ship now. did Why not happen bins of to lading be in and this wine port
cards from the Havtian Republic should
have been found off Nantucket when
that steamship was spoken off Pemam-
buoh oh May 13, bound for San Fran¬
cisco, 'remains a puzzle of the sea.
And as to “wine cards,” they maist be
rubbish Of her ancient days as’a passen-
steamer, - She fe a freight boat now,
erhaps employed some former another official vessel, of found hers,
now on
the cai U'ds in rummaging through life
ba; mgage and threw them overboard. ^
Lieut. Blow, in charge of the hydro
graphic office in the Maritime Ex¬
change, said he thought there might
have lieen some vessel wrecked off the
Massachusetts coast, but that the men¬
tion of the Haytian Republic was ab¬
surd.-------------.. - .......—.... said, ____ ''is
” he
Btraits of Ma¬
sbejvas gellan now, sighted or sailing Pernambuco up the Pacific. May If
at on
13, she riever could have got back with¬
out “Sr_-'posing being seen. that she wrecked
then down there and that the wind had
been strong enough to blow hejr.qnt of
the equatorial current up to the West
Indies,.she Following could the hardly track have of favorable reached
currents she would have had to drift
about 6,000 miles from Pernambuco.
To strike off Nantucket would have been
almost impossible. If she got into the
middle or outer gulf stream she would
have “If been carried had drifted over to into England. the inner
edge dor current she would have Cape struck Hatteras, the Labra¬ which
runs south, and which would at once
have turned her back None of the cur¬
rents the is favorable to such and a hypothesis trade
winds as report Soutn suggests, Atlantic me also ad¬
in the are
verse. A report received some days ago
dented stated that though one of it the had icebergs collision wim in¬
as crtmeui
with a vessel, and that may account for
the wreckage. ”
Lieut. Blow thought that the Colum¬
bia’s cattle had been lost nearer Nan¬
tucket than Cape Sable, and said Tues¬
day afternoon that even if cattle should
come be the ashore Columbia’s. at Nantuaket They they hare might
Bobber Trost Talk.
New Yobk, June 27.—It was reported
.Tuesday that the recent success of Hie
sugar and lead tr usts had caused the
rubber manufacturers to revive once
more the rubber trust, which fell
more ago. When the
that trust was first
agitated nearly all the big rubber houses
in the country consented to go in, but
in arranging the details the companies the late Christopher they
Meyer refused to enter, and as
fight, were strong the organization enough to make a vigorous
Now, however, was it is never said per¬ the
matter meeting can of be the carried rubber through, munnfacturei* and that
will be held in a few of days lookings to¬
ward the formation the trust.
Killed His Wife** Paramour.
Birmingham, Ala., June 27.—Joseph
Williamson Courtenay, a furnace, laborer gjispected employed Ms at wife the
of infidelity. Monday he told her be
would compelled not be at home that of the night, city as he
was to go out on
business. and slipped About in midnight quietly with he went his
night key. He found Charles Tucker, a
young man about town, in his wife’s
room. Mrs. Courtenay but Tucker ran screaming showed
from the house, drew his revolver,
shot fight Tucker Courtenay through the head four
times,’and left him dead on the flow,
He then made his escape. Mrs. Courte¬
nay was arrested Tuesday morning, and
tried did’not to do shield the her shooting. husband by saying he
Miner* Crusbed By Slate.
Shawnee, O., June 87.— caught Lake under Kelly
were a
fee and top slate at Gas-
<uiv vv ^uauwiM. m mine TtiBsd&y, mid
tained fatal. serious injuries wMch may prove
Forak er Renominated.
CoxuKBtTSs O., June 26.— Governor
J. B. Foraker bus renominated for gov¬
ernor on the second ballot to-dayby the
Republican state convention. This is
his fourth nomination.
Keek Broken and Tet He Uvm.
Resident Fhjnfteian* Complain to 4m.
Hast Inge—Typhoid Fever.
Johnstown, Pa., June The resi¬
dent physicians of this city have com¬
plained to Gen. Hastings of the en-
valley K arid ________ endeavpring ___Conemaugh to build
permanent are practice for themselves. The up
complainants state that, notwithstand¬
ing the fact that they have lost all their
-against Yellow Cross the corps of the Red Cross and
societies, who they The say are
also very fond of interfering. gen¬
eral promised the physicians whatever
Dynamiting the dam. .
continues. Dynamiting The the workmen jam at the the bridge drift
state that without doubt many human
bodies are being blown-to pieces with
each shot. At each explosion piece* of
garments parts of human are sent bodies flying in mpJkmM the air, and
fl( m
dynamited current
• Surgeon’.* Heport. rile
Dr. Foster, assistant surgeon of
Fourteenth regiment, in an official re-
nine of the laborers have been li
other with symptoms of Thirty-eight typhoid fever of this and
number are at work again this morning,
and ' ** the others * have beerisent home.-
Pointer* for Distiller*.
Washington, June 27.—In order to
secure a close supervision of the opera¬
tions of fruit distillers during the ap-.
preaching season, collectors of internal
revenue have been instructed to give
prompt attention »to all’ notices and
bonds, that distillers may suffer no de¬
lay in beginning work nor have pre¬
text notified for commencing^ of the approval work before of their they
papers. Distillers be notified that they
are to
will be expected to 'Pay the tax on the
product of each month, or to warehouse doubled
it and that all singlings must be
collectors are also instructed that the
employment of special officers shall
cease each district at the close and of active later thaii operations Decem¬ in
ber 1, unless specially authorized for a
further period. . ■
Statistics o' I.abor Bureau.
Habtfobo. National Conn.. June 27. —The
seventh statistics convention of the bu¬
reau of of kbor opened United in States this
city Tuesday Joseph afternoon. R. Hawley and Senator
Platt menting'the made felicitous convention speeches its work compli¬ and
pledging their support. President
Wright would said that issue the statistics Washington relating bu¬
reau soon
to workingmen gathered in twenty-two
of the large cities of the country, a book
of over 500 pages. A book on matriage
and divorce was in press and would soon
be issued. It would contain statistics
gathered by experts in 2,700 courts all
over the c ountry.
Where They Will Fight.
New York, June 27. —Representa¬
tives of several Kilrain points were here the Tuesday Queen and and
visited on
Crescent route to select a site foT the
great Sullivan-Kilrain fight. A contract
was made the with Queen Passenger and Crescent, Agent Bar¬
rett, of to
choose some point an his road. It fe
believed Honey island will be decided
upon. It is a secluded spot and can be
had free. It is twenty-four be miles, special from
New Orleans.- There will a
train over toe road from New Orleans
on July 8. The date of toe fight and
the train place fe will ady-to not start. be given opt until the
re s
Capt, Schoomaker Declared Dead.
New Yobk, June 27.—He fate of
Capt. E. Marius Schoomaker, who was
lost overboard from toe Vandalia in the
terrible Btorm at Samoa in March last,
has court been Referee passed W. upon H. Willis by toe found supreme that
he was dead and Justice Andrews Toes-
Margaretta S. Ooqper. The beneficiary
Peabody of the trust will is give Ferguson bond L. of Cooper. $ 25,000. Mr.
. ' . A» Ohio B -y Won. • .
Xww-UMm Gkto., jtofe of the 87,-The Yale
commencement held exeroisas
law school were Tuesday being afternoon, the
toe oratorical contest for
Townsend prize. Hie Fdteign subject discussed Immigra-
was “Restnotions to
tion,” And the prize was awarded to
Henry Brant of Hayesvrile, Frank D. O. The
other speakers were William Jackson,
of Jonesville, Wis., and H.
Cowles, of Chicago. Hon. Chaanoey
M. Depew delivered an address.
CimiwcrttoJacic toc feippev.» *
London, June 27.—The name of the
woman whose body was cut up and
thrown into toe Thames recently was
Elizabeth Jackson. This fact has been
established by soars The on the body and of low by
character, toe clothing. apd in woman the habit was of fre-
May 81. The theory Ripper that she was the
victim of Jack the is again re-
H*# \ —- U -- tuf
SI* Drowned.
Albany, consisting N. Y., Jnas of John* 87.*-A afattimore. boating
party, Edward and Joseph Oody, Maud and
Maggie Horner, and two girls, cousins Y.,
of the Homers, from Hudson, N.
While rowing on the ri-er ware ran down
by a tug and their ooat upset at 9 :80
o’clock Tuesday Joseph night Cody. All were
drowned e xcept
Ha* Had Enough or the Fiend*.
Thoson, Aria., June 37.—The press of
the entire territory is up in arms agamst
toe proposition to remote Geronimo
Gen. Miles’policy, which has given toe
territory peace for three years.
' '
— --
No Adjustment as Yet of the
Miner*’Strike at Brazil, Ind.
Both Sides Seem Determined
Not to Surrender
Notwithstanding tho Attempt* of the
Slate Board of Charities to Harraonlxe
Matter* — The Dependents Increasing.
) and the Contribution* Smalt—The State :
Can Investigate.
■■■if » of both,
adjustment of tho existing difficulties.
Aftei*t$fe both sides were called in
and’permitted to argue the matter. The
operators are firm, claiming that oil this
discovery of natural gas, erode and
the low prices of bituminous coal have
up. They elkim that they can afford to
but ’ seventy seventy-five, else
pay they will__be compelled or to close their
and returning to
adjourned at fl o’clook to meet at 9
a. in. Martin-
In conversation with E. B.
dale, this evening, he gave iAU it as his
opiuiou that matters would be adj
snthh thin a very few ilays, and thh the miners
return to work. Later, J, A. Giouse, Grouse, «n an
acknowledged head of the miners’ stated
toe strike never would’ be ended at
seventy and. seventy-five cents.
Distributing the Contributions.
The executive committee of miners
toiot here Tuesday to open letters eon-
“ ’ 1 ”m umber turns of for dependents the hungry
" an increase of almost
hi day’s report. The
amount received in subscriptions waa
$372 80, little more than half the
amount received for the last distribu¬
tion which wa s $787 76.
’ fpNew Daw in the Ca*e>
Inmanapoms, June 27,—It supplemental develops
that the one of establishing the new laws, bureau
to act toe state
of statistics, gives the statistician power
to in-K*»t>tg&l» Wtew ateikee, he haring
the right to ascertain inside facts re-
gaiding wage troubles, and it oonnected lies in his
power with the to miners’ bring out strike, matters which the
have been unwilling to make oper¬ pub¬
lic. For this reason the statistician ac¬
companied toe state lx»rd of charities
to the mining district to co-operate wito
them. "
Forcibly Take* a Murderer from th©
Shepherds ville, Ky., Jail. *
I, Ky., June 27.—
Shortly iff ter midnight Tuesday night a
fkeys mob entered the jail and demanded the
to the cells of Murderers Ardell
and Mitchell, who, on June 19 toot and
killed Pe&Rer Lavino white trying to
rob him. Jailer Bowman took his stand
at too entrance with a shotgun, but the
mob soon ’overpowered him, and his
wife, thinking he would be murdered,
came forth with the keys. t-B-ro ‘not Hm™im Bowman
pleaded with the mob to take
Mitchell, rtchell, as he believes him innoeent.
•warned They left him Mitchell of his future, iu his and cell, told him but
he could thank Bowman for saving hfe
life; that After it was their intention of taking
Ardell both. the they command had securely 'given fastened to
march, and with curses, oaths and yells
they left with the doomed man. Noth¬
ing could be learned to the direc¬
tion manded taken aU by the mob, behind. as they com¬ The
to remain
man’s The body crime has with not which been found. the
men was
had. charged stopped was a most house flagrant ona Sheperds- Lavine
at a near
willelaat Thursday, and was showing his
goods, asked for whan something two tramps to eat. came They up and
mained several minutes, and, when they
left, secreted short themselves by toe side of
the road, a distance away.
When Lavine came by they demand-
shots were heard, and the men were seen
running away, lavine, who was a Pole,
Was brought to his home in this city,
and died last Sunday. On Friday
Mitchell and Ardell were arrested, and
Argell tramps. was Tlie identified identification as of one Mitchell of toe
was not positive.
4. Boom for Cumberland Gap.
BAi/hmobe, Juno 27. —A new era in
toe south’s iron and steel history fe
marked by the organization of English
mid oompanics steel composed of of Great the leading Britain, iron to
1 ’’ ’ extensive sled'aud iron works, in-
ag four fornaoes, a steel rail mill,
mill, etc., at a new town at Cum-
1 Gap, on toe dividing line be-
tweeu Tennessee and Kentucky,
The name offhe town fe to be Mid-
the dlesbqrough, work of ■PPH buying Ky, and mineral for over lands, A a year
paring ing railroad railroad connections, connections, ...... etc etc.,
been u vigorously vigorously pushed pushed by by toe toe Ameri¬
can association, limited, which fe the
name of the parent company. Over
$4,000,000 and upward in cash of has '00,000 already been at min¬ paid
out acres
eral lands purchased, and over $7,000,-
000 prises. have been pledged for new
Aceideotally Shot.
cttb'col* Mr tofbqy was mtolto^d£ not aware of
ttafmsenoe of
Plivlp* Go«** to <
Bookkeeper lntlmbl-ile.l by >l*-ko.l Met
at Ouray—83 J,OOO Seen red.
Tuesday morning, with by their four annetl The
who rode away booty.
robbery aud was committed daring,fe misur)Nui8ed in broad day¬ in
light, for the
the history of tins part of oountry.
About 10 o’clock, while toe oashier, <X
F. Painter, was out making collection*,
three men eutered the bank, and, cover¬
ing the bookkeeper with their revolvers,
demanded that he hand over to them
the cash of the oonoera. The book¬
keeper was alone and unarmed, and was
compelled to comply. the three
Having secured the money,
joined their companion, who w«* bold¬
ing their hones in front of the building.
All quickly mounted, and left town on
the run, firing their revolvers in toe air
as they went. No one interfered wito
them, and all four escaped Without diffi¬
culty. The robbers are described
looking like plainsmen or cowboys, and
evidently evident! knew toe bank raid and toe habits well
of its officials, as their daring ’was deed
timed. The news of toe
and description of the perpetrators has
The last heard of toe bank robbers
was at Trout Lake, between Rico and
Telluride, evidently intending heading to con¬
vey the belief that they wore
for be familiar Arizona ; wito but as toe they country are believed in and to
around the Sierra Lasal mountains, it is
to believed reach by Utah. Ml that Strong they pSses will endeavor la
hot pursuit from Telluride, and toe
“ and river
and head
if possible. The amount stolen
fe about _$22,000. HHHL , The _ depositors ..... will
suffer no loss, as the officers and stock¬
holders ore wealthy.
Growing Every Day Throughout Europe.
Other Foreign New*.
London, June 27.—In toe house of
lords yesterday the prospects Of a
European war were freely discussed,
and the attention of toe government
was called to serious danger to England
which would result if the annexation at
Island of Crete were accomplished, by
one of the powers as is reported to be in
contemplate^, Lord Salisbury stated
that the government were not unmind¬
ful of the possibilities which might be
toe outcome of toe present state of con¬
tinental Europe, but he assured their
lordships that the report that any at the
great powers were seriously contem¬
plating toe annexation of Crete wasun-
’ founded.
; The Russian censorship of tho pre s s,
which has never hnd a reputation for
extreme ilance in leniency, the has. redoubled weeks and its is vig¬
rigorous that past the two items of which now
so news
mildest- and
' political character fe
' Russian co™*«d.
ents by mail as far as toe German fron¬
tier, whence it is telegraphed. Such
news as fe allowed to filter through in
this way confirms the reports heretofore
received of toe strained relations be¬
tween Russia and Italy, and indicates
that the Italian ambassador at St
Petersburg, M. De Marocheti, finds
himself at the: Russian oohrt in a posi¬
tion that fe all but unbearable.
evidently The Cologne inspired Gazette toe prints probable an article atti¬
tude Turkey, of Turkey it declares, in the is event naturally of war. dis-
Russia on the subject of a Turkish neu¬
trality. repeatedly Truly, to extort Russia from has Turkey made efforts
a neu¬
trality treaty, but lias always fmled. It
is possible force Turkey that and Russian her allies intrigue to may take
yet but considering that Turkey
up arms,
can muster 500,000 troops, it fe impossi¬
ble that Russia should desire such *
Switzerland Deal re* Peace.
Vienna, June 27.—Count Kalnoky
stated addressing that the toe delegations of Europe yesterday,
although peace was not
unsettled. endangered, The condition toe situation of things was in
Servia is such that Austria is bound to
guard which against bo contemplated subversive by measures her
mies in may that There ene¬
nations which oountry. manriest discontent are which a few
would perhaps welcome a disturbance
ofrtho balance of power in Europe. This
all fact toe causes Swiss a feeling devoted of insecurity, but
are to the mainte¬
nance of peace. The count said that
toe movement for Servian autonomy was
okimevioal and did not constitute a dan¬
ger to Austria. The action of the recent
Catholic congress could not affect the
cordial relations between Austria and
Koula’s Foreign Relation*.
St. Pbtebsbtoo, June 27,
Journal De St Petersburg mi
comment on the speech of Emperor
Francis Joseph, of Austria, to the dele¬
gations. editorial article It remarks, filling however* conspicuous in an
place in the paper, that the foreign re¬
lations of Russia are unchanged, sod
hopes that the peace, of Europe may be
Th# Emperor Fe»r$ He War.
London, June 27. —A Vienna dispatch
to The Standard says: Emperor Francis
Joseph, gation yesterday, speaking said individually the public to a dele¬ and
far pressjjview and the foreign situation ina
more <
facts warrant,
Servia, whore good immediate prospects
of peace exist
Gorman/ Forelitulng Repeating $1$M.
' Bermn, Jane 27,—Thb
tim sum _
francs, w Pa h 8
tori - It it wilTbe fe fe sbo re¬
ranted tost a held in
Genera to deal *
fe the
The Situation on the Reservation
Grows More Serious* *
Three Companies of United
States Troops Sent There.
Tlw Indian* ftwsfcr Tkay Will No* Soraeit-
dor tho Murderer*—Thvjr Decorate Wltfc
War Paint aad a Mamaatv o»U«* 1
don 1* Penrod—Tho #h
no change in toe Indian trouble on
Flathead reservation. militia Capt Sloan's
company of Montana fe at Jocko,
to which point 1,000 rounds erf ammuni¬
tion were sent on toe captain’s order.
Col. Lawson, of Fort Missoula, has gone
to the soeuo with three companies of the
Twenty-fifth infantry and rations for
three days. Two companies of Helena
militia are at present quartered Imre
ready to start on a special train at a mo¬
ment's notice.
A dispatch from Jocko say* that toe
Indians shot by toe sheriffs posse Mon¬
day died Tuesday, aud that toe iritoa-
grows more serious. Indians from
of the reservation are
„__feielt ’Asar&fcKgfes ft* the settlers who live
__ and whom
on toe borders of the reserve
toe •'ffi&ftssrsfe Indians oould massacre before an
toe sheriff in making arrests,
to find the Indians wanted, but without
success. Three hundred camped near
Rarilli, aad swear they will not give up
toe mufflexers, whom toe Indian police
and aheriff half-breeds fe determined are to concealing. have town, The and
if he makes another trial a battle will
has surely called ensue. tor The commanding officer
more troops.
A Toss* Mas ot Wait Superior. IP!**.
Wed* a Chippewa Maiden.
West Sitfkbiob, Wfe., June 27.—The
marriage of toe Indian maiden Miss
Emma Skye and Thomas MoLaughton,
was celebrated at St Frandis Catholic
church, Father Eustace officiating. The
ooupte were to have been married about
three weeks ago, but toe prospective
grwm weakened and left town.
He did not have the courage to face
the anger of life parents and friend* and
they were led to believe that the match
was off He reappeared about two weeks
ago and declared that he had seen the
error of hfe way, and professed to have
shaken off for good his infatuation for
hfe dusky oharmer. He returned to his
position with the Terminal company,
and to all appearances arances had given up the
idea of getting married. married He was play-
nig posBinn^ it uowGver. that
When was announced anno
couple had been quietly married it it was
nor. Miss Skye is a prepossessing
young Chippewa McLaughlin Indian isseven woman of her 20
years. and industrious, respectable years
senior is an
fellow. ’ ;
She 1 * Often Seen at Splet’ Tomb—No* Go-
liigi y p n ee A.ctroin.
Chicago, June 27.—The VanZandt
family, of which Miss Nina, the proxy
widow of August Spies, the hanged An¬
archist, fe a member, removed recently
from their Rush street residence to Aus¬
tin, a suburb of Chicago. Their new
home was selected because ot its prox¬
imity lie the to bourne* Washington the cemetery, five Anarchists. where
Nina still mourns her loss, and, wears
feSK* JvOYWIUNu, a?* loot, OB© uYv8 d «rcIlTcu, a ^
melancholy of the life, tragic wrapped past,. and up in soli- the
memory a be
can often
l, Alrling gilant.
is a bookkeeper ft* Kirk A Company,
the soap manufacturers. Your corre¬
spondent called at the office wito a dis¬
patch kgd toe which Anarchist stated mob that Nina the wanted Stage to fa
across the face of the VanZfendt^ telegram, “An in-
fttooms lie. J. K.
Four Tnnpt Killed, Two Tralamon Ml**-
Iti^ nntf On e InJnroJ.
PmvsCBo, June 27.—At 2^0 mm.
extra westbound freight No. 1313, tele-
lreignt s! rto. r eOo, Sw °* At t 6 Monestety co&e
works of nearLMrobe station, on the
mjured,* saz.tnw„,
dead. apjn The bodies toe, wreck of four very
tramps, who had been stealing »
have teen taken out The otter 1
men, so far as can be lean
gqrioua inj ury.
Good Chanc* tot •)
Sjuwkkrtown, Hi,
H' ^ "‘411
ChMta« CarctnoslM .
nifioent parade of
mttoering mends InwoOd of toe
at p
A Conrfoatatlon ot 1
I N. Richard*, broker, i
wall by tho
bitlori in )
during stone a m
LX* to»*
university at Delawaa
7'h’o Homoopatbio
wtonka decUnad to dealt
holic liquor. In medicine.
In spite ot the rains, *
Caps sad big state i
will h*v* s flr*t else* e
year* ot age anii
•1 per barrel ft
in oi
uraUy aud
j ui AWQnumer on
put upon the
ittS; Ben.1ft.min 1
InowtaXfL* been stealing o
13 would not al Hi-^r .....,
tion« of Fiirmno Fm rv
il®P bOlBO n ea t- Ifl "
until Ufewra
- *