Newspaper Page Text
I hr Fnh Growing
Soft Peaches,
'*®° l
^tflb ilOKK regs G'ngl W
rown Ladies Hats in
red at 15 cents worth
- m
eawBf' acaa
irds bo well?
m, -
i ««a
Fished for [fished for prf;
paints at Dr. Anttbmy i
stock will get it for you.
\ jc. a. Mills has r#tumrd from with Ma¬
con and is confined at home an
'ftistmek of rbeam'atiim, £ * fib J ., ■ -
of h ! s la-ge business. 5
Charlie Rice, of Macon, who has
been here for the past ten days,
; jRev, W. P. Hemphill, who lives a
|| gsw miles south of this city, went
Stone Mountain yesterday, at
i ;
ados.of A]
,adaob*. Y<
negro wc
drew his iistol and but for th
ly entci orence of other
would be re shot the woman.
LU WIC Ui UVUVJ ewvm uwsuv.M
ainst the C. R. R. argument of
lieb was beard at Macon last week,
roe Denham s iUicit distillery and
three tegs of whisky in h«s house,
uenr TbomhsWta, »ad also eaptured
Allen Powers’ illicit disti'lery near
Headricks, and arrested his son J.
F* Pow«w, and carded him to Ma¬
con where he was bound over in the
Henry County Times: “Hon. John
D. Stewart, of Griffin, our popular
Bores, iera«, van
Corns, sod r] 1 Skin
ly cores Piles, or so
j ”• “For^bT rursan t&j
The Bates O’’ M'M Plant Sc Id to the
Co-oprrat<vs Co.
Dtttem oil niiltpYant mid the Farmers’
Co-operative Manufacturing Go.,
which has been pebdiug for several
days, wav closed, a ndjthe later
company became the owners of the
oH mill, cotton ginnery and the gu-
anofaetory. The mill will be finish¬
ed at once, and in addition to ether
contemplated improvements, will be
added two more presses to the seed
mffi which w'H givea pressingcopaci-
% of fifty tons of seed each day.
The Farmers’ Co-opsrative U’Vg
Co. have ample capital and energy
with the best of management at the
helm, and propose to run their plant
to Its fuRe*t capacity and will doubt¬
less show great results in the future.
i t* purchase of
MUfimvil situ-
the business, was
and every mem-
ion should rally
3**C$taad make
itirpfiffl that
4 .
i I !T 3r .r‘- —
ft H*bt«, arc sod into.-
SH The paper* have been
jP signed *a both aide*,
•• • , r k u, undtr
< 0 7'* '
: The light for
been a hard on
patently analn
in this as in eve
qf progress
ways must
n north Side of railroad. ^
Intersection of Broadway sad Hill,
n fiflstb side erf railroad.
Intersection of Broadway and
lighth, at Oty HaU.
Intersection of Broadway and Tenth
“ “ Thirteenth.
“ “ Solomon and Brooks
“ “ “ Hill.
“ Ninth.
“ “ “ Eleventh.
1“ “-(nadecided.)
“ ! “ Tavlor and Sixth.
" Tenth.
“ Twelfth,
“ Fourteenth.
Poplar and Hill.
‘ “ ;s Ten*.
« Ttrirtwnttl.
College and Sixth.
opfsr .treet, hot. It is a qowtion
ss ».t t trr“SrS™^’f.i ,to
sr* szz
to, Mow to.^ M
freed, that all may toderettod it.
id entered into, by and between.
e City of Griffin, 4» the Com
of Spalding and State of Georgia,
irty of the first part,and The Brash
j^ toe said 3 SS Brash 3 Mte ffiertnc Company, ot
party of the second part, the use erf
thirty Arc Lights of 2000candle pow¬
er eadk, for and during the full term of
five yearn; from th. date said light,
shall be in successful operation, they
having first been inspected and ac¬
cepted by the.,party of the first part.
And in consideration for this service
On the part of the said party of the
second part, in furnishing said lights
to the said party of the first part, the
mid party of the first part agrees to
pay to the said party of the second
parti, its successors and assigns, the
spm two thousand dollars per an¬
num during the continuance of this
agreement, payable in monthly ii»-
The obligation to pay beginning
with the beginning of the service
aforesaid on the part of tbesaid par¬
ty of the second part, to-wit; from
the date said lights shall be in suo-
cesafol operation, they bavin* first
mSBE&I Oft
o( t)»
? I*”*"™
for iteelf, it» Boecefsors and a*-
doe* farther agree andcoye-
that thelampatobe need, shall
and continue to be, of the
known aa .the Bra* Duplex
Damp, Ho. 1«, with brass
camngsaad chimneys, pul weather
and water proof, and that the said
lamps shaRboplacSd at the intersec-
I And tbe said party of the second
part, foe itself, its successors and as¬
signs, does farther agree and cove¬
nant, that the said thirty arc lights
Shallbe in operation within sixty days
from the passage of the ordinance
Mrtijtfct. and franchise to th.
the said party of the second part and
they, the said thirtyarc lights, shall
he subject to the approval of the City
VonncQ of the said party of the first
^ ^
part, j** on 1***“ demand of !£*-!!£%** the said City Conn-
SSEC^S the thirty arc lights named above,
he of the same thirt/^W capacity and poi
**•*?*■#, SsskSSbs
u regard to the 8. id thirt,
arc lights, shall also fully and wholly
apply * the additional light, or
figftts, afomsaid.
And the said party of the first part
does hereby agree lo pay to the said
party of the secOnd part, in the same
| manner and rate as for the thirty arc
fights aforesaid, for each 'additional
fight ] so ordered, they having first
been inspected mod accepted by the
its part and furnish the said lights
tiud additional lights to said party
of tbe first part as hereinabove
Given under our hands and signed
f .k- tocammweut KlecUo..
< Oasis Encampment No. 7, I. O. O.
Tri Vlte regular section held Friday
Right, elected the foHowmg officers
for the ensuing term:
B, C. Randall, C. P.
4.f.«tork*,J.W. .
r r*
Bfs,* W 4
81 Hill Street. H !‘.-v ,- f
RV Sfct**'' Kt ’is# i
- LlNTHE-^- f * vi a M
on 1 - • .»•
Coats and Vests from 76 c. to $ 36 .
FoU Suits “ $ 2,00 “ $ 80 .
Come. SOe the Goods and be Convince!
' y ar. all right tod jtot whot w» repitotot. 8
j j 'X 1 f**!
the best works in
Has just received t hiU supply of Lsndredth, Cievelam
•“ “
And Farming Implements.
Have just received a nice line of CEDAR BUCKETS, POT-WARE
if if it PISTOLS t PISTOLS!! * *
•9** Come and see me. “*•
3 Sm"J
. Home-made Shoes and Leather a Specialty.
.£ 3 s^£ 2 MS 8 ^
«»rd paid for 200 cord* of Tan-bark. B. W. HASSE1
For X Cheat) )-( Goo&
........CALL ON........
and in fact anything you want.
Vstr Leave us your order and if will be attended to.
Attention, P
i This is to certify.that John thesafeTour {son, Esq., of Griffin, anther
ieedond exclusive agept for celebrate
“Bid Gum Spring” I
in the city of Griffin from this date, and no other parties i
brand of whiskey to offer to the trade, will find Those it only wishing in the a hai j
berated whiskey for all puraoees,
Trv it and be convinced. The ladies, babies, and old men
Kentucky,” and wherever known, for years. ^ j
■ . ,k*?|v A. ! -v ■ LOWER - ■ tfe-1v ’ # &&*/» **
xsejsw ■
fw —" •-- ---—~r—'-r r.
tiami a * ; i*s’ ^ *'