The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, July 04, 1889, Image 2

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fundi for oar tebool mjwtem, It is piptle that inch tion will be taken. The opposition to the baa* of State road arbe* mottly from ofarefwtltioBirf tlM ammdd which attended thepreeent lease; bnteuch repetition can easily be avoided by patting the road up to th* highest bidder, and there ta little doubt but that it will bring it# full value, aa It b known that several huge railroad corporation* tuganxione to The made b an r Wetrwrt marked wb A lowconcmBhof health is com¬ mon with man/who allow themselves to bodily worry. sufferings. Mental Anxiety anguish and cause* cam ha* broken down many eonatltutioua. A train of disorders usually follows mental distress. Heart affections, trees ta Brown’s Iron Bitters. at once strengthens every part of body, unknown. making work a pleasure jM jM B. B. U. (Botanic Blood BalH II yon try this remedy you will say at nM others kav« said, that is the »bst Wood «*» sad tonic. Writs Blood Balm Co., Atlan- ta, Ga.. lor book ot eonvindag testimoay. iisl J. P. Davis, Atlanta, Oa. jWsst End), From the Creeco, Iowa, “Plalndeab er." “We have never, aa our reader* tor nearly testify, thirty written year* In ‘buff thin county of can a any patient inclination medicine. Duty depart a* well this atutfed impel na to silence, to nay Jajfl Mad era and the public that, ■gen completely proatated^w a, - - dmTpnef irniwre dd* wagon and 0* make ail the turn* rigla *u the hero dip hour. this patriotic procession moved to Oencral or Colonel Homebody's grove; toe “aurvtvora." mantiial* and commit¬ tee took the stand; tire niiiiUa were ranked around it; the real of the multi- tude seated themselves. and tbe-Exer- cieea of the Day'' began. First was a roaring blast from all the Btm end drums that wuld Ire mustered; aod the old felimawltu had -fifed in the war" was on to siiow what he could and^H^|W><mgli rally had no teeth. t<> walk n tHf5e times they *Wr not taken from the “Jeeks" till Ure meeting bugwi—and as for bread and butter, cheese and picklsa, teem was a general contribution arid more than enough After dinner tea ambitious local speakers were suooas- ■Ively called and made abort speeches If tee humor sofawd them; tee but tee speaker people wandered at will, and last often quit short for want of an s udl s sr oa Sometimes there waa a dance to tee trove; oftener a grand foot ram. wrote* ting matches or an improptu horse raos. Ely this time on^te ttet toWa drunkard—every aod town had pretty far gone, Merit erf Ctevelend, Ohio, it* successors and S&aSSSSJSSS SHcrio* 1. Belt ordained by the Mayor to construct, maintain, repair and operate with all necessary feeders and la&^jsssast m. 4. Within ordinance ten (10) days said from Mrepe sh of this the company a written acceptance of the terms of t I company, its successor* and BD. 8. This ordinance shall be 4g3gi ORDINANCE. MEMMUri ; ' fd-15. .wot* m nereo« be made to them of Georgia for the adjourned and malt searfon lit; 1 non* Midway Spalding Methodic County. Notice of Loral Legislation Legislation •MlCnCun. to all who am fndel jnnel 1 w8.-f 3.7 0. ; x \* daily a III proportion to pi other medium in tj With the combined cl and well established p prices of only one. commKl, It ffl Hblied in one of the agricult oral, manufacturing and railroad centers of the most progressive State in the South, with a large and ini surroiul- log population and extra tribntion. A Being a first-clH ments all demands of its constituency^® of the^HPTm| by nearly every family ifl but In the eight smrroundS^ ;ies, with a good genera] circulation ii date and other States. . - ITS WHOLE FIELD vlP ' * and covers It completely. Prices low. Writ copies of Dally and The resorslud orgsn of Souteore atrieulture end tee Industrie! agasraatssd strsnlatioa Insrerr Beatbsra sad Western Steto^h A BRILLIANT CORPS OwKk Th* editorial corps of writers and contributors NORfIIf is onsafjjtt ' liar publication In all the Union. HON. W. J. - Agricultural Society, and a practical firmer of the alH ft always instructive to farmers. DR. DANIELLEE btegtawss is FHHhI •d agricultural Journalist in the country, almUSkar* for tM| Washington, D. C„ and later, Professor thcror^M|^^.rsUUnt at R. J. REDDING i. the able and Don the State of Georgia, as well as an experiM .Alabama State Experiment Slat, rank of