The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, July 05, 1889, Image 4

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    HUHh jJ P
heg .
, condition.
f P •
»are in process of Incuba-
° p “
— -- .
lood Is cleansed ol impurities, it
v&h up, a Georgia
» ran into an
dm cured. Toe’ll Hud
worth the pr lc.
oik case coat
A writer in
us says the case *
; and fro each ftp «man Hit*:
J. W. Sullivan, of Erin, came up
Sharp, o,
the dty. , ’ fhM'
Mrs. E. B. Boyd is spending today
ia Atlanta.
S. W. Murray, of Newnan, came
down to the tournament.
Mrs. G. R. McCall, of Macon, is vis¬
iting friends in this city.
Scarcely a disturbance to mar the
pleasure of the day.
N. R. Winship, of Macon, spent
yesterday ia this city.
The Georgia Midland excursion
from Columbus brought in 800.
Sam Kafka, the .biggest hearted
man that lives, was here yesterday.
G. A. Cara way, Jr., of Swifton, Ga.,
is visiting relatives and friends in the
The largest crowd Griffin ever had-
A careful estimate makes it fully
8 , 000 .
Mrs. Charles MarkBam, ol Colum¬
bus, is visiting Mrs. T. W. Markham,
ol this city.
Miss Mary Lou Williams, of Luth¬
erville, spent yesterday with relatives
in this city.
W. A. Prout and Boat Goodwin,
of Barnesville, came up with the boys
yesterday. ,4 J j
Mrs. I. W. Williamsom, of William¬
son, spent yesterday with relatives
in this city.
Young Gray leaves for Atlanta
today to take a position with John
Ryan’s Sons.
Judge J. D. Cunningham, of At¬
lanta, is in the city looking after his
fruit interests.
Every train which; came in yes¬
terday was crowded with visitors to
Wood Moreland, of Woodbury,
returned home yesterday, after
several days spent in the city.
Numbers of stores were dosed up
entirely, thus giving all employees
the benefit of the holiday. w
Royal Daniel, who is attending
business college in AHautn, spent
yesterday with his parents in this
The visiting firemen were treated
royally and are enthusiastic in their
demonstrations of the hospitalities
Misses Sallie and Myrtle McCurdy
and Janie Campbell, three beautiful
young ladies, of Stone Mountain,are
visiting Misses Minnie and Ola Doe.
The Broadway Blues base ball dub
downed the Hill street nine yesterday
to the tune of 17 to 7. Oliver Slaton
is captain of the blues and Butler
Hudson, Jr.,captain of theH01 street-
J. B. Mills, umpire. The game hod
many interesting features and the
young fellows of both dubs played
not have
run. This action was regretted by
all, as the company is composed of a
86-100 seconds; second test, 19 sec-
Stonewall No. 2, of Griffin, came
next and whooped up things lively,
to these the old plug favorite in 12 ^^time 91-1<N> seconds;
first test, 21 62-100 seconds; test,
17& seconds, winning both first
prises in the two tests and second
money on time to the plug.
Jeff Davis, of Barnesville, came
next and won first money on time to
the plug in 12 87-100 seconds; mon¬
ey ia first test in 24 41-100, and
The wheelbarrow race was won
ouglasjfoyd, of Stonewall No. 2,
bo pocketed f 10 in gold.
were all armed with new brooms and
literally swept themselves -out of
Barnesville, ever favored for her
beautiful women, was well represent¬
ed by members of the gentler sex yp-
terday, who came to champion
faverite, Jeff Davis No. 1.
Stonewall No. 2. ever victorious,
never appeared to a better advan-
tuge than yesterday, They all are
as handsome a set of boys as any
city can boast.
W. D. Suit, Dm,
“loan recoomn
very beet remedy.
Columbus, Ga., July 8.—The
has reached here of an accident to
the passenger train from Macon
Columbus, one mile this tide Geneva,
at six o’clock this morning. killed and
wounded. Several are reported
yes, Fan, not Frances or Fanny, but Fan.
She was too wicked to be called anything else.
I had no such taste as to want to possess
thorn to Ihe side of every quiet darling, person.
Alice was ray favorite—my hated Fan my
angel. I loved Alice as much as I
and fir® crackers.
Jl listened to hear the voice of another
to the famUy-Dick. Dick was 5. 1
posed he bad gotten up early and was
his explosives. Everything was quiet
an occasional crack or a bang thing near my
dow. Where can toe cursed come
There’s no one on the lawn; at least I
hear any voices.
A couple of hours passed during which I
ternately dosed, started, again. wondered. At last
looked at my watch It was ToVdock.
window was broad open. It had
once I saw something which I, at
Lj 1] ||
- ||
ail day.
ad them that *o they many seconds me oat. before 1 wished tb« eip^; the
atod, isiSS wore
tn a gun carriage. by, admirer
This lieutenant, by the was an
of Alice’s. He was nearer Alice’s age than I,
and used to call be- Alice in the most dis¬
agreeable and familiar way. Fan and .the
lieutenant were very chummy. They were I
both disagreeable characters to me, and
spent many an boor trying to make Fan up the my
mind which I disliked the most, or
lieutenant During this memorable “Fourth”
horror, the two of them spent most of their
time together and left Alice to me.
It was evening. The sun had sunk beneeih
the horiaon end left rosy tints upon the
clouds. Alice and I were strolling about
J. H. WHITE, JR., &
I Take - The - j
L K ^Come, %% Ful1 a cC Sn,t8 eat * * 2 -°°
See the Goods and be C
y are all right and just what we represent. S
Young Men’s .Hand Sewed Shoes from the best works in the country.
Thanks to all. . ' .
J. H. WHITE, JR., « C
Drewry’s : Drug : (Store
Has just received a full supply of Landredlh, Cleveland and Johnson & Rob¬
bins’ Garden Seed—also fiefd seed—all fresh. Guaranteed
eastern seed potatoes. -
Hardware, Stoves
And Fawning Implements.
-jo|- POT-WARE and
Have just received a nice line of CEDAR BUCKETS,
* ‘
* * * PISTOLS! PISTOLS!! ★ ★
ter Come and see me. "®8
____ . .
Home-made Shoes and Leather a Specialty-
For )-( Cheat) Good
We Standard A Sugar for making cake. Cifron, Currents, Prunes and al
kinds of Extracts for Flavoring. The best Pat. Flour, Mince Meat, Jellies
and in fact anything you want.
order will be attended *
WST Leave us your and it to.
Attention, Public!
This is to certify that John Ison, Esq., of Griffin, Ga., is the only
ized and exclusive agent for the sale of our celebrated brand of
Old Gum Sphng” Kentucl
in the city of Griffin from this date, and no other parties have this noted
brand of whiskey to offer to the trade. Those wishing a pure and unadul¬
terated whiskey for all purposes, will find it only in the hands of John Ison.
Try it and be convinced. The ladies, babies, and old men require it it “Old
Kentucky,” and wherever known-, for years.
may26dlm , THOMPSON, WILSON * CO.
Practical Jeweler M Sealer is Diannas, Mas
Special attention given lo Repairing. 20 Hill Street GRIFFIN, 6fl
..;" ri UUA|!
^ wlc s° d t!r r * 1
Cheaper Than Anyl