Newspaper Page Text
* will
nt up to back Boat
»t FrarY Flynt can
and keep in abetter
lybody who has to act
oach his favorite com-
yfc __HDi „“Th”
*^^ltlT more mac¬
ro improved on their
f America No. 5 it was
wall made a break for
asked to be allowed to
G. A. Cunning-
yet, Jim?” “Not a bit of it-
mw er of of flan Ben bouncing hnnnrinv me.” ms ”
Jfoar administration of the
I has been pretty tough,
ve been kits of complaints
ou, Jjm.” “I know it, Bill,
let the office ran itself.”
n were always a violent
t?” “Yes, denovneed Har-
the stump as a Puritan
►m Indiana, and I say so
rnd yon say you don’t ex-
i bounced this term? There
ing incomprehensible about
Sot. at an. My wife is a rfe-
of Russ Harrison’s college
Will Moore, of Atlanta, was her#
is visiting Griffin.
Dr. R. H. Taylor left yesterday for
a week’s stay at Indian Springs.
B. P. Beeves, of Tuscaloosa, Ala.,
is spending a few days in Griffin.
Will Thrash, of Woodbury, spent ft
few hoars in Griffin yesterday.
Prank Z. Curry, of Hampton, spent
yesterday with his Griffin friends.
Mrs. W. J. MeCaslan left yesterday
to visit her parents at Thomaston.
Byron Williams, of Woodbury, has
been spending several days in Griffin.
Chaa. Fechter, of Augusta, after a
day spent here returned home yester¬
Dr. F. U. Riguey, of Milner, has
been spending several days in our
Miss Emma Johnson left yesterday
'afternoon for a visit to Warm
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Springer, after
Collier and Joe Collier returned home
to Collier’s station yesterday.
Chatsooga county officers came in
on the 8. G. A N. A. train, having in
charge a couple of lunatics, a whits
woman and a negro man, whom
they were carrying to the asylum.
W.W. Turner, of the Albany News
and Advertiser, ons of the handsom¬
est members of tbe Georgia press,
passed through the city yesterday
en route home, after a visit to At¬
Cols. Sam Murray, of the Newnan
Advertiser, T. W. Cochran, of the
Bamesville Gazette, and J. Mark
Bishop, of the Wolverine Citizen, of
Flint, Mich., represented the foreign
press at the tournament on Thurs¬
A negro tallying to the description
of Sol Williams, who killed a farmer
named Graham in Pike county, last
had taken refuge.
which was in the room and struck
the woman on the back of the neck
just at the base of the skull, knocking
her completely down. Laura mans
aged to get out of the house and
started across the Arid to Abbie
Hall’s near by, followed by Charlie,
who overtaking her, caught hold of
her clothing in the back and the
basque giving away came complete¬
ly off, leaving the woman in a state
of UHL. semi-nudity. Hi. Charlie had his
knife ontby this time and taking hold
of one of the womans breasts, said
he was going to cut it off. The wo¬
man told him that instead of catting
her he had better put something
around her. Whereupon he palled
off his ragged coat and threw it over
her shoulders. She, however, in
the struggle which went on all
the time, was cuten one of her hands
and across the abdomen; neither one
being serious. Officers were called
and Cunningham and Floyd respond¬
ed. Charlie ran and was located with
the help of a woman, in Hudson's
livery stable. When the officers ap¬
proached him he showed fight and
his knife being open he was cautious¬
ly approached and by a well directed
blow from a club the knife was knock¬
ed from his hand and he was arrest¬
ed, and taken to the calaboose.
Later in the daya state warrant was
sworn ont and he was transferred to
jail, where he will remain until the
commitment trial, The woman is
badly hurt and may die, She was un¬
able to speak last night. It is re¬
ported that this same man made an
attempt to hurt the woman one day
last week.
The Verdict Unanimous.
W. 0. Salt, Druggist, Bippus, Ind., testifies:
"1 can recommend Electric Bitters as the
very best in remedy. Every One bottle sold has given
relief every case. man took six bottles,
and was cured of Rheumatism of 10 years’
standing.” Abraham Hare, dUmmtet, BeB-
ville. I Ohio, affirms: handled “The beet semng medi¬
cine have ewer in my 30 years' ex¬
perience, is Electric Bitters.” Thousands of
Vandalism and Thieving.
Shortly after tbe running squad of
No, 5 fire company of Columbiu£had
vadhted their quarters on Thursday
afternoon, at the Curtis Home, it
was discovered that some of the
rooms were in a deplorable condition,
one or two in particular being very
much torn up and tbs furniture dam¬
aged. One of tbe ladies had given
up her room to the team, and in that
the principal damage was done. The
drawers of the dressing case were
broken open .and some money, old
coins and trinkets taken, besides
books being tom and the pieces scat¬
tered about and pictures cut to frag-
miserable. I have my hands full, and
to take up other work should have to
give up much of that I now have;
consequently I really do not think
about politics in a>erio«s way.”
“Have you ever said you would
run for Congress in this district?
“No, I have not. I have had
great many people to talk asked to 'Ms i
about it, and many have me to
run, but as I say, I have never given
isfied with my work but I am proud
of my profession. I may drift into
politics some time or other, for it
seems to be the fashionable thing to
do; but I Should divide the allegiance
I now give to journalism with great
reluctance and misgiving.”
Those who are well acquainted with
Mr. Grady will know how to take
“la it hot enough for you.”
Whoa the mercury climbs up to 98
mad 94 in the shade and the hygrom¬
eter 75 to 80 per cent, of humidity,
it is hot and the heat is oppressive.
We may as well make up our minds
that summer is here.
People should eat and dress to suit
the season. If they don’t they will
suffer for it. More important than
dress, however, are some other
things. When it is hot, yon most
not hurry, nor fret, if yen don’t want
to be extremely uncomfortable, and
ran the risk of collapsing altogether.
Further, it does no good to pour
down large quantities of so-called
“cooling drinks.” Cooling drinks in
summer time are for the most part a
snare and delusion, andif they have
any alcohol in them they are still
Dress as comfortable as you can,
take things as easy as you can, eat
and drink moderately and of things
adapted to the season, and the heat
will not trouble you half as much as
it otherwise would.
Death of H. C. MeKimiey.
Died, at the residence of his par¬
ents, in this city, at 1 o’clock yester¬
day morning, H. C. McKinney, {the
cause bring typhoid fever. He was a
young man, being in his twenty-sev-
The last period for the month is
closing storms oi July. Another of
the hottest spells of smnmer will fall
within the last July period, and the
high temperature will yield not un-
til it has developed some very hard
storms of rain and wind, with thun-
der And Bail. ,
Grady Too Fat for the Bars.
The Baroesv ’e Gazette, in refer-
ri ig to Henry Grady’# alleged eandi-
dacy for governor, pays:
Returning to Grady the correepon-
dent, to disarm suspicion, declares
that “We_got these lines not as the
champion of Mr. Grady,” and con-
eludes that *no one w ; ll be more sur-
prised at reading this than Mr. Gra-
dy.” It is some time yet till this
Me warm weather and Grady is rath¬
er fat to be pushed on the track so
far in advance. The Cbror ; c*e cor¬
respondent shows great ignorance of
the facts or misrepresents his knowl r
edge when he says Northern and
Blonnt are personally known to but
few. We have not the slightest doubt
but. either of them are personally
known to twice as many men in
Georgia as Grady.
We havelnot the slightest doubt
bat that either of them are more
thoroughly r’igned with the real in¬
terests and welfare of the masses
than Grady. Let truth prevail, as
we go marching on,
Every Night I Scratched Until tne
Skin was Raw.
spots of mortar spotted on, and which came
off in layers, accompanied with itching. I
would scratch every night until I was raw
then the next night the scales, being formed
meanwhile, were scratched off again. In thus
did I consult all the doctors in the country,
but without aid. After giving op advertise¬ all hopes
of recovery, I happened about to£see an Ccticcra
ment in the newspaper yonr
Remedies, and and obtained purchased almost them immediatr from my
druggist, I notice that the scaly re¬
lief. began to disappeared erup¬
tions gradually dropped off fully and cured. I had
one by one, and have been
with loss of hair,
eruptions, scrofulous. sores,
rtMSaftgSWi Soap.
. ness. Chest Paine, Soreness. Weak¬
[ Pleurisy, Hacking Inflammation Cough, Asthma,
and reliev-
minnte by the Cutjccsa Ahti-Paix
Be ft ordained by the Mayor and 0
tiffin, Oa., that from and after the
f this ordinance it shall he illegal
> mm
T,,ke - T t :
Coals and Vests from
. —-
* i
Hardware, W. D. .DAVIS,
And Farming Implements.
Have just received anieelineof CEDAR BUCKETS, POT-WARE and
■* l®“ Come and see mo. "©I
Home-made Shoes and Leather a Specialty.
C©- We warrant all work and shall make It a point to misrepresent nothin. Joat recoil
a large shipment of Gent*’ and Ladies’ and Misses’ flue goods. Mid school shoes for Child!
and Slippers of all kinds. _
For X Ghean X <?°od
.......CALL ON........
We Standard A Sugar fer making cake. Ciiron, Currents, Pram
kinds of Extracts for Flavoring. The best Pat. Flour, Mince Me:
and in fact anything you want.
I®“ Leave us your order and it will be attended to.
Attention, Public
This is to certify that John Ison, Esq., of Griffin, Ga., is the only author,
feed and exclusive agent for the side of our celebrated brand of
Practical Jeweler aid Dealer ia DianoMs, Me;
Special attention given lo Repairing.