Newspaper Page Text
rk & tom.
oj a
iof igihiskev and two
y 'barrels for thepay-
e claims. Yesterday
claims were received
rm fur ovsr«800. Bo
i amount to between
3,000, with a stock left
3 S 55 S
hands of a receiver in
te apple cider that was
nrntof debts here still
^irr^ Macon,
Mine Bessie and Fannie Johnson,
Royal Daniel returned to Atlanta
Mias Nellie Collier, of Colliers sta-
Services wTlbe heldattheEpiscopa
church this afternoon at five o'clock
with sermon by Rev. George Mr. Funs-
i.__. ten, of Atlanta. a
Mr, and Mrs. A. L. Nelms and
Master Lewellen left yesterday for
Columbus, where they w''l visit Col.
and Mrs. F.D. Peabody.
Miss Kitty Searcy, of Bolingbroke,
arrived yesterday and is visiting
Mines Susie Stewart returned to hear
home at Jonesboro yesterday.
The Barnesvi lie railroad cases
hare been compromised by the pay¬
ment of 133,000 by the radroad,
being above 80 per cent of the
P. R. Bingham, of Newnan, who is
a special U. S. revenue agent in this
district, will be located here about
three months. He went to Macon
There will be no services at the
Christian church this morning, owing
to the absence of the paetorin East-
man. Judge Judge Stewart Stewart will will fill flu the the
pulpit in the evening.
Malcolm McLean and family ar¬
rived in the city Friday evening from
Savannah and w ’l spend the sum¬
mer at their beautiful suburban resi¬
dence jost west of town.
Geo. McCall, after a few
Joum in this city, left yesterday for
Macon, where he goes back to his
same position with W. C. Lyons, a
change having been made in the
house at this place, causing the
The case of Nancy O. Hadaway
against the citiaens of Bunny Side for
possession of lands was compromised
yesterday. Mrs. Hadaway keeps
buggy belonging to a farmer named
Row took fright at the top on the
buggy, which had become ungeared
and ran away, starting out on the
lower end of Chapel street and was
caught near Osborne’s shops, After
breaking np the vehicle to a consid¬
erable extent, the boy who was
driving at the time was either thrown
or jumped out, but was not hurt.
A Isms In Omauswr.
“I cough! Heconghs! They cough!”
three weeks and the pricea quoted
this morning will speak for them-
otbmfcavs added their testimony, •
til* verdict to unanimous that Electric
do cure all disease* inf the liver, Kidn
Blood, Only a baH dollar a bottle a1
Anthony’* Drugstore.
Tue Co*ny Com..
Spalding County Court has been
wide open for the past two days for
the transaction of criminal business.
The fourth of July docket waselear-
ed by sentencing Wash McCreary,
colored, for resisting an officer on an
assault and battery warrant and fo.
breach of fvace, to 12 months in the
chain gang, Wash is a very tough
case and received only his just mer¬
Jerome Wilson was sent np fi
months for assaulting Virgil Dunn
on the Fourth, both with his fist and
a knife. Jerome is a peace loving ne¬
gro, with a good character, but got
too much excited over the conduct of
the Columbus company.
Jno. McGehee is in jail for carrying
a pistol and under sentence of six
months, waiting for somebody to
carry him off.
Charlie Wilson is also in jail await¬
ing the convalescence at death o f
Laura Hussey. ?n the first ease h?
may be cried for asflautt and battery
in county court, or assault with in¬
tent to kill in Superior Court; in the
latter case for murder in Superior
Where Shall We Hammer It.
Thk is an important question,
both to the invalid and pleasure
Bowden Lithia, Georgia’s wonder¬
ful Mineral Spring, probably offers
the beet advantage* to both the
health and pleasure seeker.
Only twenty miles from Atlanta,
situated directly on the Georgia
Pacific railroad. Trains several
world; cool mountain air, and the
great Piedmont Chautauqua holding
its summer session there this season,
make it especially attractive.
Send your name to E. W. Marsh
A Co., Salt Springs, Qa., and they
will send you an illustrated pam¬
phlet on this great health and pleas¬
ure resort. aug20
At the cabinet meeting to-day,
when the tnermometer registered 89°,
the grave subject said to have been
under discussion eras whether or not
cabinet ofllceni might mar flannel
shirts. Secretary Busk proposed the
subject, just after Mr. Blaine had
told a funny story. It had been on
his mind for some time, and he be¬
came eloquent as be enlarged upon
the comforts and beauty of that style
of dress. Be said that these shirts
were the salvation of farmers in the
harvest field and at the threshing
one—a heavy homespun, none of
MO 2, TOta wmp^°• t^’tbe itoflereto IwA th ’«
world, and tits advantagw tnwir-
August Sheriffs Sales.
Application for Amend¬
ment o£Charter.
State or Gkocoia, Bcauwko, Comity:
o toe Honorable, ibe Snwsior Court ol
sain conn v: Tb* petition of t m ■■
Farmers Co-operative Man*
ufacturing Company.
of *aid couatv, a corporation incorporated organized an bj
ter the law* of Georgia end
thie Honorable Court on adjourned the 80th of Apnl
1889, at tiie February that the term sail a
•aid court, respectfully have show*, their chart
company desires to ir sc
amended as to allow them to engage in t in
po£ of transacting securing the this payment branch of of it* it* debt*
ness. or tee** *nch
a id advancer, to sell, re it, or n«e
real and personal prop< rty so purchased Company
received when to the Interest of the
to do *o and to do so and to do any and
o.her her acta • t*m which which are are proper nroner and and lent] legal hi In ca
ryiug on a warehouse and commistbn bui
*^Yonr petitioners and pray by that this an ore’er Honorab ma
be granted issued
Court and allowing of the this charter amendment; heretofore an i
making this it a part corporation investing it with
sued to for in thi* amendment th«
power ft asked
may have the right to carry on said war
house and commission bauinetsin conneetio
with the business authorised by the origin)
charter. Done this the^id daj ofdldy 189!
Pres. Farmers Co-operative MTg do.
J. Filed F.. 8TILWELL, office, Bect’r. Snrpsrior Coni
in Clerk’s
Be it ordained by the Mayor and Conned of
Griffin. Oa., that from and after the passage
of this ordinance it shall be doing illegal business for any in
merchant or other party
the city to keep any goods, wares, merchan¬
dise of any kind or description, on the side¬
walks of said city nearer than four feet of
center of sidewalk on eithe: side. if
Be it further ordained and passed. That
any percon shall violate this ordinance they
shall be arrested and a warrant sworn ont
and they shall and be tried conviction before the shall Judge work of
the the city court, the on city chain not
on streets on gang,
more than sixty day*, or shall be fined not
more than fifty dollars, or both of said penal¬
ties in the discretion of the court.
u. II. 11
Dreivrtf : Star
Has just received a full supply of Landredlh, Cleveland
bins’ Garden Seed—also field seed—all fresh.
Hardware, Stove
And Farming Implements.
Have iust received a nice line of CEDAR BUCKETS, POT-WARE
* * * PISTOLS ! PISTOLS! ! ★ ★
Mr Come and see me. *fM
Home-made Shoes and Leather a Specialty.
IBS" We warrant, all work and shall make it a point to misrepresent nothin, ln*t recei ved
large shipment of Gents’ and Ladies’ and Misses’ Bn* goods, and school shoes for CblWres
cord paid for 200 cords of Tan-bark. fl. W.
For X Cheat) )-( Good,
: on........
We Standard A Sugar for making cake. Citron, Currents, Prunes and
kinds of Extracts for Flavoring. The best Pat. Fleur, Mince Meat, Jellii
Attention, Pu.
in the city whiskey of.Griffin from this date, and no other
brand of to offer to the trade. Those wii
terated whiskey for all purposes, will find it only
Try Kentucky,” it and be convinced. wherever The ladies, babie^ and
and known, ior years.
nmy26dlra - TKO]
Mai Mir ill sealer li it
JEWELRY, jwwrt.kv mw-irv
Special attentiei given to Repairinj
Which wf pt PH opo
Cheaper The