The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, July 11, 1889, Image 4

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ft. .1.. SR turf trtMMltflflpf M8BMHH :. ^ JL' On Ice. ,1 cs- Soft Pmhe*. Clark & Son. 'M§\ XXL .......«? ” , d*., J-UrU. f5t*ts .’“'rSo^tab ’ „„„ on the *________ lawn at wilwvti TheO. B. Club Bwabridiraa All aw cordial- KM liW*. e SM, &W at ) Fruit Growers* aftas batter now and will to send bard fruit and I choicest selections. B H. W. IUw x^s. , The Tern an 8. 8. Celebration. I.MLL.,HE.BVCo.G.„Joly 10- rains baa brought Gen. ■out and the busy the f hard to gain r looked better, in jre also and watermelons plumns are a and young chickens, gar- etc, etc. 0, the lux- life ! , of Macon, spent “The parents, at •? The pro- £ ■‘••".as ________ _____ _____ au- > did justice to the many emd before them nn. _f the trwaat noon, r there were more moBic. speeches, At d afe—ifcded with good their home, way most 7 6 had spent a ting day. badge Miss tor _ the of the day. We StHttkSt in- labor of those . be hi vain, but that sink into the hearts attend “Chil- Side next to I he never i seen here and ___re-opened “practical school larroer. at has stocked Bis fish =, :©iy Six Hundr - d morning ’ROUND ABOUT. Ctt*n«**&aA New. From ThU and Adjoining Conntle*. L. B. Lyon, ofitekte, to in the city. Jake Menko, of Albany, to in the city. Will Moore returned to Atlanta yesterday. J.H. Milner, of Zebulon, came up yesterday. * - of Hollonvifle, was in the dty yesterday. Rev. J. M. Johnson, of Barnreville, hfrisiting relatlTes in this city. from a short visit to friends in Co¬ lumbus yesterday. Cot R. M. MeCsalan, ofWoodbnry, was here yesterday on his way home from a trip to South Carolina. Ben Neal, of McDonough, passed through yesterday on his way from Atlanta to his plantation at Flat Shoals. Miss Maggie McFarland entertain¬ ed a few friends on yesterday after¬ noon at her residence, in honor of her guest, Miss Sallie Florence, of Hampton. Mrs. W. E. H. Searcy, Mrs. W. J. Kincaid and daughter, Miss Addie Kincaid and Master Leon Davis, left yesterday for Warm Springs on the Ga. Midland, where they will spend a week or so. The members of the reception com¬ mittee, and committee on homes, ap¬ pointed to prepare for the meeting of the State Horticultural Society, will meet at the office of Col. J. J. Hunt tomorrow (Friday) morning at teno’lock. Business of importance. Col. J.Q. A. Alford, a former citi- _jnofthi# city, and practicing at¬ torney, to on a visit to relatives here, the Colonel is 75 years of aw hot seems to be as active and bright as he was when the writer first knew him, 35 years ago. He now resides in Texas. Letters have been received in this city to date, addressed to Man¬ ager Opera House, from more than twenty first-class minstrel, dramatic and other companies, wanting dates fenweason 1889-90. A city with th« population that this one has should have an opera house and it should receive a sufficient support for it to be permanent, and to make it a paying in vestment. E.B. Porter, E. S. Wells and M* Joseph, time very clever Columbus gentleman and members o! Young America No. 5 fire company, arrived fot he city yesterday morning at 11:45 lor the purpose of investigating the charges against No. 5 in the recent tournament. They were met by May¬ or ptewart and Alderman Burr and lucted to the offices of the Griffin cm factories, Where they were made at it home home and aiu acted in conjunc¬ tion with Goto. E. W. Hammond and Frank Flynt aad Captain D. G. Sheehan, of Griffin. After a full and fair investigation they departed on the four o’clock train and will pre¬ sumably publish the result of their investigations in the Columbus pa¬ pers. The Nkws and Sun being the second party in this affair, will not of course forestall such publication. Budklen’e Antics Solve. Brew*. Th* Bert Bocrt, Salve Uk*r», is the Balt world Rheum, (ornate, Fever Lptiotuuand It pomtive- r cures Pflee, or no pay freqnired. I i* gu*i- i ted to give.Perfect**tie Price ________* 35 cents per action, box. or For money safe re by < k it i who » ' J ^ ^ ’ Call i see him every wife and mother. ltcomct. irregu J»r- lti«*, f»«« tone and etrength to the rltol or- *•**’ *»d deanaea tilt *J»Um t ttm ' Tb * l) ** t ***"*** l a edidno. CHEAP CIGARS. Beb Touchstone Aesteta la SaWnc * Stock of ©Mare Below Coat. For some little time past Dr. An¬ thony has been missing cigars from bis store in this dty. On Toreday he missed a great many more, esti¬ mated to be about eleven hundred, and the matter was at once placed in the hands of Policeman Gossett; Dr. Anthony stating that a negro boy named Bob Touchstone who was working about the store, was suspected of getting the goods. Goe- sett at once began hi* investigation* whfch resulted in his searching U store on Broadway kept by Tom Bunt, and finding 4 boxes of cigars in the store, and in Tom’s room back of the store three more boxes were found, all being special brands sold by Hr. Anthony. The officer also found a lamp and two boxes o f toilet soap which were indent!fled os having been taken from the stock in the drag store. At a negro resturant next to Hunt’s run by Henry Alexandre more of the same cigars were bought. Tom claims that he bsuglit the cigars ex¬ cept one bsx, from Bob Touchstone at fifty cents a box and had been retai'ing them himself, also supply¬ ing Alexandre. Officer Gossett spent the entire night, assisted during the latter part by Chief Mann, in trying to find the negro but without success. Just about daylight he discovered a party near Springer’s store who was making tracks toward the Experi¬ mental Farm and after folio wing him for some time ord ered him to stop, which only quickened his speed and by turning in towards the old fair ground he escaped. Gossett felt sure that he was the right party though it was too dark to see plain¬ ly, so he came back to town an4»no- tifled the conductor of the accom¬ modation to be on the look out for the boy , who would probably board the train up the road, also asking that he be handed over to the au¬ thorities at some station on the road. At Sunny Side a boy answering to tbe description of Bob got on and proving to be the right one was banded off at Jonesboro and the police at this place were notified of tbe arrest. Dr. Anthony got a State warrant and officer Floyd was sent after him on the morning train re¬ turning at 4 p. m. with the prisoner who to now in jail awaiting commit¬ ment trial which will take place to¬ day before Justice Stflwell. The value of the goods fonnd were about fifty dollars, but it to supposed that he has been stealing for a long time. The cigars were being retailed at about three or four for five cents. “O. K.” The origin of the expression “It to aliO. K. to thus,told: An ignorant official endorsed each account that he audited and found corrects—O. K. —meaning to intimate that the bill was all correct, or as he pronounced and spelt it, (HI Krect, Whosever the origin, the expression to used in a variety of connections, as for instance, when ftobson told Tomkins that hto wife’s health had been 0. K.ever since she used ft few bottles of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. Ittothegreat cure for all the painful and distress¬ ing ailments It and is the weaknesses only guaranteed peculiar to women. cure for these ailments, sold by drag- gist. ly returned Money if paid it for it will be prompt¬ don’t give satisfac¬ tion. See guarantee printed on ,tbe bottle-wrapper. , ABILITY VS. DIGNITY. Court* Which Need More of the < and ton of the Other. In a county some distance from this, occurred a court scene not only amusing but which illustrates point well taken.” There to a cer¬ tain lawyer in this State noted for his oddity and originality, and who, when under the mellowing influence of the “rosy too freely passed” grows not only brilliant but eloquent. This lawyer on a certain occasion, being loaded with what to politely termed “boose,” had a case in a County Court. The attorney on the opposite side produced a decision of the Su¬ preme Court, tbe indirect tendency of which was to turn our “original” friend out of court. But ever full of resources and reedy with the keen blade of bis wit and originality, our bright lawyer addressed the Court about aa follows: “May it please your*Honor. I have heard that de¬ cision of the Supreme Court read be» fore. It ain’t the law. The Snprem - Court can not make law, The Legis¬ lature makes the law. Now sir, it to ray opinion, that the Supreme Court of this State basen’t had an original idea hi twenty-five years. But if your Honor hasen’t any more tf. ■% ,_____ #r.iwm CLOTHIERS, si mu net. * SI HU! Street URIPKIB, 0A„ Jure. 8th, 188». J. H. WHITE, JH, 3 CO., Again propose to — —— Take - The - Lead -IN THE- BEST GOODS SOLD IK THE CHI FOB THE PRICE Come, See the Goods and be Convinced That they are all right and just what we represent, Splendid lot o HATS, Young Mm’s Haafl Sewed Shoes from the best works in tho country. Thanks to all. vJKi Tl> CO. W. D. DAVIS, Hardware, Stoves, And Fa wning Impl ements* Have just received a nice line of CEDAR BUCKETS, POT-WARE and PISTOLS. ★ * PISTOLS ! PISTOLS! ! ★ ★ 9~ Come and see me. than to follow the Supreme Court why, you can do it and torn me out of court. But I don’t see any reason, because the Supreme Court has made fools of themselves, why the Judge of the County Court of-county shoald make a fool of himself.” Here the court exhibited signs of nervous¬ ness. The lawyer continued, “I know a dozen Justices of the Peace in tbto county who have too much sense to follow any such a decision, but yonr Honor can taks a different line snd turn me out of court. This I grant to oneot the high prerogatives of this court.” At this the Judge grew very in¬ dignant and remarked to the law¬ yer. “Sir, you shall not Yufleefc up¬ on this court and the majesty of the law in this style. Hie dignity of this court shall be respected and maintained and the court will punish you severely if you continue ysur insulting remarks.” . Whereupon onr bright witted attorney, leaning upon a table to steady the already shaking pillars to his human anatomy. “I have been thinking for some time that if this court had less dignity and more ability she might get. along .a good deal better.” Of course at this point the Judge grew furious and but for the timely interference of earnest pleading friends the lawyer Would have landed in jail, but the triumph of his wit ameleorated the wrath erf the court’s insulted dignity and the lawyer free much to the delight of hto ad¬ miring hearers. Moral, “MoreabiUty and less dig¬ nity to what tWcountry needs.” 1 —— v Ha)'» ■*>'— -. . - . - S500 Reward. For many years the manufacturers of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy have offered, ward in |500 good for faith, a stading chronic re¬ of a case of nasal catarrh which they cannot cure. No matter how bad the diseases has become, it or of how many years stand¬ ing, yieds, in due time, to their by skill. This famous remedy is sold druggists at 50 cents. ' Tbe Middle Georgia Hortlcnltanti So¬ ciety. Griffin, Ga., July Oth, 1889. On account of toe court boose be¬ ing in charge of decorators tbe regu¬ lar meeting of the Society was heidin Col. Hunt’s law office, which he kind¬ ly placed at tbe disposal of the Socie¬ ty. Mr. Haaelkuspresided. Minutes of last meeting were read and approv¬ ed. The committee appointed to meet with the city council in regard to the State Horticultural Society, made report of valued acquisitions to their number from that body. Cot. Hunt, chairman of committee of arrangements, reported that sub¬ committees had been appointed and started to work. The question of transportation of fruit was introduced and Mr. Why- man reported that the use of ice bad proven satisfactory, when icing was not neglected or car delayed by acci¬ dent enroute as had been th# unfor¬ tunate case in one On motion of Mr. Wayraan toe Hats and Cm ■ ■ Popular as it - ■ TL, The U New AIU l to A cinity. ft U all Ami AND- Business! • Mv Jlfei I A ' -i atfassasttsar' “ 5 3U * h, “” ’ ,i “ *• All our 8 and 10 cents Chaflire will be closed g^ORE. 1 lot of French Chaflire, rich designs, 40 inchre wde wll^^ld at 10 cte. Marked down from 15c. At NEW YORK STORE 1 lot of Handsome 36 inch wide Dress Batiste, B yard. Reduced from 15c. At NEW YORK STORE. and 1 core White will be Lawn convinced. at 7c.—well worth 10c. Come At NEW and YORK nlrs^RT^ STORE, yon worth 10c lease of Cable Cord at«c.-well ‘ AtNEW yoEK 8T0RE . 1 case very fine Sheer India Linen Lawn at 10c ” ^^toRkItORE. Handsome line of Lacre and Lace Flouncing. If you want Swiss Emb d Skirting and Hamburg Edgings at prices that call at once as we want room. AtnfcW lima, tsiviuii. 2 lots Figured Batiste, perfectly fast colors, new styles, only 5e. a yard, reduced from 8c. This is yonr chance to get a himdwmre^ g|?)RE All oor English Sateens will be clewed out at 12^c.^redu^^^ml5c. and 3 lots of French Sateens, latest styles, will be on* •* f“ reduced from 80c. and 35c. a yard. At NEW YOU. 2 lots of new styles English Sateens, that we sold at 10c a yard, wffl be closed out at 6c. Call and get you a few dresses as they wiU wot! at the above price. At NEW YORKS------ 2500 yards Sea Island, edge slightly damnged^wdy* 1 case 1 1 ■'** w “““* - ” !I1 *“ “* ** “ Shoes ! Shoes ! Shoes * ! MUST BE SOLD TO MAKE BOOM. .....- : ' M y ^ *■ reflection. Yon can get the best value for your money and have your choice from tbe largest stock in Griffin. A FEW OF THE SLAUGHTERS. Balmoral Boys Button Shore Shore, from sire sire 12 from to 2 12 at to $1.25, 2, $1,25, reduced reduced from sir Ladies make roorq. 1 lot b — — M reduced from 1 lot lot Ladles Ladies Opera Opera Slippers Slippers Slippers at at 65c.; 65e..; reduced I 1 lot Ladies r* Opera Opera Slippers 75c 75c. ; 1 lot Ladies adim Opera Opera Slippers Slippers at $1.00;^ A full line of Gente’ Fine Shore from $1.2j to t5^ L w Beautiful line of Ladies Opera Heel aad Toe 12 Button ] dneed from $1.50. * f f At NEW luna cfxva*,. If yon want a Brogan Shoe call and see our $1 yoRK STORE Beautiful line of Ladies Shoes from $1.00 to $5.50. whichi‘we guarantee every pair. At NEW YORK STORE, Ladies Slippers, Opera Newport Tire, Oxford’fire, NEW with YORK patent STORE. and com¬ mon sense tore, from 50c. to $2.00. At MEN’S, BOYS’ AND YOUTHS’ CLOTHING. , If Working you are in Sait, need of a fine Dress the the Sait, best best neat value value Working for for Suit or a good, and dura¬ have ble yon yon can can get get yonr yonr----v money —----- your choice from the largest and best stock In Grtffi ^b^ makin^ Remember that immense stock of pry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Carpets, STRAW GOODS. 1 lot Sailors Hate, all color*, at 15e.; reduced children’s fancy Hate, richly trimmed, at 50c. Yhsase Cape Town Ladies Hats, t* §Sm : ■ i •lection of officers was defered until the next regular meeting, 2nd Toes¬ day of September. Urged Mr. Oetter, toe treasurer, members to pay up back dure with¬ out delay, as money to needed partic¬ ularly at the present time. J. G. Rhea, E. W. Hammond and Miss Susan Dtomuhe were duly Meet* ed members of the Society. After a few minutes races* the fol¬ lowing reports were made: Yonr committeee find exhibited by T.G. Stanley two splendid plates of seedling peaches, good sire, fine col or and free seed. S. M. Wayman, Mt. Yemon straw berries. H. Galhause, Duchess of Oldenburg applre, Crawford’s late, Crawford's snriy and fine Elberta peaches, Hall’s Mammoth grapes, large berry, com¬ pact cluster, nearly ripe. Also, a fine specimen of the Peach tomato. Judge E. W. Hammond, good specimen of Trophy and Brandywine tomato*. L. L. Stanley, nice plate of figs. S. M. Wayman, plate of peaches for name. Oetter and Messrs. Sutherland, Stanley, Committee. The committee on flows report as exhibited a very handsome dish of china pinks from Mrs. Wayman, all this vears ClaraWayman seedlings. exhibits aplate Miss of pansies, 25 varieties, some very fine ones. Mrs. Waymaa’s boqnet erf roses was very beautiful. Also, a large bunch Col. of Hammond perennial exhibits flax. bunch of a double flowering tansy and frankin¬ cense or Galhouse spikenard. exhibit* bunch Miss a gladioli and 2 varieties of dahlias. Mrs. Wayman, Mrs. Warder and Miss Galhouse, Committee. Meeting then Warper, adjourned. Sec Wm. retary. Their Business Booming. Probably no one thing ha* ennaed anch a general revival of trade at E. R. Anthonjr’e Drug Store ae their giving: away to their ewe- tomera of so many free trial bottle* of Dr. Tl»e& King’s New Discovery for Consumption. in this trade ia simply enamona very valuable article from the fact that it alwave cores and never disappoints. Croup, aad Coeghe, all throat Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, cored, ton and Inag before diseases quickly by getting trial battle can' free, test it baying $ 1. Every bottle a warranted large rite Some religious papers are noting It as a curious fact that tbe bigger clergyman’s salary to tbe longer to hto vacation. The poor fellows who receive just a little more than noth¬ ing a year find it hard to get any vacation at all. Cold. eangh, ooffln is what phUoaopher* term “a logical sequence.” One is very liable to follow the other; bnt by earing the cold with a does of Ajrvr’a Cherry Pectoral, the eongh wiH he stopped and thecoftanot nssd sd —jort at present. ? m mTuuiih a OF NEW YORK. T : m