The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, July 19, 1889, Image 2

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i xi l&rifcsBi-'i W»» t»n.»IO<n. h« thinks ol ng: “The - to i ati 1 - - .is o-i ‘r id- ,™» u oes ifulfilled ? I liquor, MOOU.hU : • s ; i i the title of » * ' 1 | ! ■ i i ; dent>. Now he has appointed at Del- wbo "TT Tb* good use kTwhich Mahone of M*n in th* promtolng condition of hto oanvna* for tb* Republican nomi¬ nation for Governor. The Conven- 4h« to to be held on the 20th of next month, and In the matter membership! erf time, place, nnd largely in its It will b* Mahan*’* Convention. What wW happen after th# nomina¬ tion tool more interest, however. Th# alienation of a considerable por¬ tion of the party, bj reason of Ma- . luiffiffi’ffi hoas’s ffiMMMMffiifA arrogance rm qn account aoonnnf rtf of hi* hto “recognition” at Washington, Reeme to t» compter and ,1th hi, in organizing a Southern Republican protective party, with the adminis¬ tration at ite back, there to likely to come an Increased Democratic •treagth by the accession erf malcon¬ tent*. . - '-r-r—♦ The reason why many local bill# ssssszrsrz vide* that “law* of a general nature SOU hav« nHorn operation throughout the State, ane no speefai faw shall be enacted in any case tor which provision has been made by an existing general law. No gen- eeffil law affecting private rights shall be varied in any particular by a special legislation, except the consent, in rriting. of all to be affected thereby.’ It ppibe ^strong rale smu wad that confines thto special to a pretty legis¬ lation to a pretty narrow channel. f one-half the special law* asked f passed, would be declared un- titational by the courts. Ho it se.aSeu that togtolatore cannot II that thfiy would - wish to or their constituents wish them to ■upporter* of the exiled hero of the boulevards must wait the chance that will com. with the fall elections. ffju, utjyvw |fiki BoOlftPg^P if foftStf* is ting a scheme tor reorganising oq pin ft fi{ th# Republic, is humbug. His project is Findlay,0.,taanjoylnga »ri« ol intowonrertiblegm wulto, which cry mU ch resemble the patent ironing table, bedstead and stepladder com- bination described by Mark Twain. A lew weeks ago several of the largest gas welte shut off gas and turned on salt water. The gas company, tor Inch ol machinery, sold the wells to a salt eompany, which has been dc* in 8 a husfnnss in salt manufac-' tore. Suddenly, without a moment’s warning, the salt stream shut off; and the gas flowed ___ A on ___fPhu as before. The salt company has resigned, and to now quietly sitting in a vacant lot Waiting tor it* next turn at this mys- terions and double-headed supply station. ju The opening guns of the Bepubli- can champion are wholly coneentrat- ed upon the person of Colonel C. S. Brice; and they thunder away as if ftred with the fancy that his destine* tion to absolutely prerequisite to any hope of Republican success. But Colonel Brice has been under fire many * time before. The warrior who successfully withstood the at- tacks o! 1888 to not to he worried by learned to have confidence in both his sagacity and his energy; and there to constantly increasing grati¬ fication that he should be once mare at the bead of the National Com- mittee. This enemy’s fire serve* only to exhibit its fear. There Is to be an election for a now Chumber of Deputies in France In the month of October. The Bou¬ langer faction claim that they will be able to elect 800 of the 584 mem- bere of the body. If they do, he win be recalled from his enforced residence in England and there Is no telling to what excesses he and hto followers may go. It has been a long time since France enjoyed the pleasure of a revolution and perhaps her people are preparing for It. , The Great Political Pwzsle. Just after the last President ial elec¬ tion waa th# Southern question nnd the Cabinet that would be chosen. The , same thing comas invariably af¬ ter every political fight. There are issues to be made and the party in power and the party that to not are at daggers's points, each lighting tor its own convictions. Now, if the cure of , malarial fever to the question there is no need debate. of a congressional The simple fight method or any be long adopted to the taking of Calte- to ; aya Tonic, which promptly removes all signs of malarial pois¬ on. Sold by all drnggists 4 at 50 cents and For fl.OOa by bottto. E. R, Anthony. • sale U. B. tf. (Botaate Blood Holm.) If yoo tty thto remedy yon wiH say as many others have said, that is the sett Mood puri¬ fier aad tonic. Write Blood Balm Co., Atlas- Ga., tor book of convincing testimony. ' ta, J. P. Doris, Atlanta, Gte (West Kad), writes: "1 consider that B. B. B. has perosa- nentty cured meof ritenmattem aadwriatfea.*’ R. R. Basher, Athens, Go., says: “B. B. B. •tobi vjii 'hi ! .. assrrsrsi' 1SU Merit Win* •JoIssM-ro, BERCER WIVERSilfi «is.«»rn»tW *icoH,a*,; , , ; FULL FACULTIES. FIVE SCHOOLS. iSSKatesr*' « , &W&&V ( . , w i..i, n...' .h«i' 1 :""’--i. r ; t : . ; i'J l.' ^ 1 A «t- V*#--****- |." BRUMS TA, Moor*- Double Oil with Pullman and Sleeping Care : i?’ . i f.. to from ■ •• ••* : i. Memphis, Nashville, Kansas City and the West and r r! 1 ; Knoxville, Washington, Now York and the East, > ■.■a THE SHORT LINE BETWEEN Atlanta and Jacksonville, Atlanta and Macon, Atlanta and Rome. For rates, Time Cards and other information apply to agents of the East Tenn., Va. and Georgia R. R. B. W. WRENN. Gen. Pass. & Ticket Agt., H? Knoxville. S. Habdwick, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt., Atlanta. An Ordinance granting; certain rights and franchises to the Ohio, Brash Electric Company, ot Cleveland, its successors and as¬ signs. v.l Sbctiow . 1. Be it ordained by Mayor the and City Connril of the city of Griffin, Geor¬ gia: That the Brash Electric Company, of Cleveland, Ohio, be and is hereby and authorised to construct, maintain, repair alleys, operate upon, or under the public streets, and other and dnring public the- places in of the five city (S) of Griffin lor term date of the passage of this ordinance, a line or lmes.of wire, or other electric conductors together with all necessary feeders and ser¬ vice wires, the or other electric conductors, to be used for furnishing transmission light of and electricity for th* purpose of tines Wire power. Sec. 2. Said line or of may he placed leys, upon public poles places, erected under in mid ground, streets, hl- or or or both, at the election of said company. That the poles be erected under supervision and direction of the street committee. During said term of years said company shall furnish good electric lights, both arc and incandes¬ cent, to all and persons for that desiring period and shall paying for the same, ulone be entitled or authorised' to maintain and oper¬ ate within the limits of said city sash line or lines to be used for Bach purpose. Sbo. 8. That the contract for lighting the streets of the city to be entered into by «aM company with the city, when this ordinance is accepted and by portion said company, of this ordinapee. is hereby made «i a part i Skc. 4. Within ten (10) days from the pass¬ age of this ordinance the saidcompany shall flic ordinance a written with acceptance the city Clerk of the terms Griffia, of this of when so accepted this ordinance shall oper¬ ate as a contract between the city and the said company, ite successors and assigns,- See, 5. This ordinance shaH be of full few* and as soon Connell as it of shall the be city adopted Griffin by and said publish¬ Mayor, ol ed in the GairriN Saws asp Sop. Sec. 6. All ordinances, or part* of ordi¬ nances heretofore passed to conflict with this ordihencc, be and the same are hereby re¬ pealed. ' > , ■ ' 1 ■; . "• rtTi ,, hof Its •• *f Ato* I certify that sewtoh savannah »- r A |WTWWt i - OCEAN : STEAMSHIP: LINi The Georgia Midland RR With Through Coach e* Between COLOVBUS ami ATLANTA] ONLY ONE CHANGE TO | ItasfilWton, Hew Nashville or Cincinnati. •>« VI. *$8 - Am. 18E0. Schedule in Ktfact Sunday, S, TRAIN NORTH Leave UWob Depot, ....................8:5* Coinsib«*.M.fWS p. »• Arrive Griffa *' Arrive Atlanta....................5:« *** s**Zi ,. SOOTH it ,UND TR ,JN s»S =3 v Arrive st > i'/nknv Is bc~ Tiek- office Jl. W.GRAV, Kuth La t?. W. Cl tew Advertisetneirt: piCnffl£S,MlRROSS ■ _______ THE „_____ . . kiada AU greted.tock.toth, fit!'* *l ^&e. i HAMITS *im I NOMB, «rratsio^fan^Lptpf.t Ordinary’s Adverttsemcnls. , iii - j i; ) nn- wlll anil testa- tDUH i 3ta« place; also, a lot show eauie be- : Ordinary, at my o«ce in ^““•^iMVOTOOrfln..,. «|Sp 9 Rs 4 iaBs ’iwicei,faUMMi CraB«. 1 Notice is hereby givea to aU who are indebt- iuneUwt ' Special Election. mine the question whether bonds shall the or shall not be iseosd by saW coanty for purpose , of paying for, Improving and Sard repairing bdbds public be property in said cauety. to of the aggregate amount of sixteen thousand dollers. to b» known as coupon bonds of the ^smpiteap$at denomination of the'fpief five hundred dollars each, to ffix ---- ' ““ Off rtn January annually Is*, thereafter 1891, and until one all thousand of said dollars **8^ XiriMM^aBbe field and condncted in accordance with as Act of the Legislature, aerssKttBdgb-. M «h*» worils “For issJibg bonds,’’and ling “the same the words bonds ” - ■ ■ '--x' ■ T. B. MILLS, C. t, i I^SSKESSS ft 09.; low Mein 8t., niPTIVE daily a.nd wekkl (CONSOLIDATED MAY «■Vra?* , I OFFERS ,$§§ - J -W ‘i 1 More Value v [• • ki§ •. !■ • In proportion to prices charged.than ai other medium In the South. with th© coinbined circulation of two and well established papers, it charges prices of only one. It is published in one of the agrlcultn Being a first-class newspaper, fully up all demands of the times and the requir ments of its constituency, it is read not on by nearly every family in Spalding Count but in the eight surrounding counties, wii a good general circulation in the State ai otherStates. FIEL - Prices low. Write for i*ates and sample copies of Daily and Weekly to DOUGLAS GLESSNEB, Publisher. Waste of erorgya S m whoeebiooduiaMUnywis wmiwasaflee —