The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, July 20, 1889, Image 2

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' i, t; - fipffHj : 44” s* *41*' ( fe’| -5 £ to ^yf >-<v, Rny . x ^ ■2 # fit j iVfor 3 it «- ^ ag & will bs little dr nosbr- India oriwtroi W ' ’ ■ l -4 Kj W*. the , «, the i 0 m reds This!* phlT^I wlulduTfLTo^mafo ssi.'xr.eTv: I can for m j country and my pso- e^jsssa the^Kliedivc would give up reign- ing and gut a good position that would support him he ought be hap- pier. But, after all, nobody Is entire- t «* «?.: “W. ^ ^ our exchanges that a certain institution has besn organ- ized at Chicago for the purpose of em have bitten eagerly. For the de¬ gree of L. L. D., Ph. D., or any of that daw, the gam of $25 is charged, and In caw a man does not want fo spend that much, a reduction is made. If th* institution keeps up very long degrees will soon be thick- er than Imps, and it wifi be an honor to not to have a handle to one’s ’ ______» Tt ____ _____ sr$se V B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm.) / IT you try this remedy, yon wttl say as many other, have Mid, that I* the best blood pari- Sersud tonic. WritoBlood BsimCo.. Atln- t*, Ga., lor bcHik of convincing teeUmony. i 4,g f *9 ,' WWWW mtk #|&> *£; *» n * # ■*'£ ifm the earth with terrific force. It does not fall like rain, bat in sheets and streams. Clond bursts have been known to,.hole. > the the Johnstown place is free from then, and they are liable to come at anf fodn,ent. Why they are more frequent now than in former year, is not explain- sd, but onr own theory It that the reckless destruction of forests ha. sms marked and immediatai’ bottle fl.00. Clarke’s Fla: iriss. sre. V ^ 0 ' ™ ^ *** has 4 a Me S -VIA- ; u : JESUP,MACON, r AtLi UNsWlCK, CHATTANOOGA TA, ROME and ONLY UNK Double Omiy Sleeping Car Service Between Cincinnati and Jacksonville. Solid trains between Chattanooga and Jacksonville. Closely connecting with double trains East Tenn., Va and Georgia R, R B. W. WRENN, Gen. Pass. & Ticket Agt., Knoxville. S. H. Hardwick, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt., Atlanta. ' WW t 13£pJ5 1 ,4to.r am ~~~ I ^ SEW YORK OB BOSTON —B VIA SAVANNAH —.*»»**— OCEAN : STEAMSHIP; Central Railroad ofGeorgfo. •SUMMER E W TIWE11- Now OB torn sale uuti at tie, s',,-... list’f » ItO A -55SJ - .... !%!£?§ before^purehaMug tiek<*s^Tia Georgia Midland t M 18. Tim T.W., Taking Effect Mil 7, VS No. 50 .-Pa*bno*s, South, DMly 5 E*ar» SCJSPAT. Arrive. Leave. ffln n ^! , .::::::::::::::::::5:4o». mS*- rm Springe.............. 7:09 ‘‘ ambus.................—„8:48 “ J No. 5t.—P assbimibs. North. hAit-t. > umbus...................... ' >.05** rm Spring............... 3:34 - ffln..........................3:50 p. m. No. 59.—Passbkgbb, South, Daily. J5-««crr:: «8£* umbns..................,...7iOOp. m. Columbus. Warm Springs. No. 54.—pASSranire South, 8uai»iY 0 ».y, saftsfc=*“‘:is» McDonough................... Rwahe-W ( ohmibus.....................11.10 , „ ■ No. 55 .—Passenger North. Boxray t^ibY. ........... lif No. l.—FtKKfHT North , Mdw ivs, W«n»BS. fbi® n '..................^ 8.30 p t®. McDonough............ m**H9 PW-CsUI iD, Ordinary. Ur ... . >. 4 ,: was*#, have rtfHS _ f||- ^ for die- j DllABT’E OFFTCH^riLWSU Cora- < Jtirt ofOrdfnary, at my office, by ten 't 'ivusrfSEriKssssES 1 (ART'S Ol Geos u, Ji y ZD a, l. V. .me- __, ____Mm. Jnnett Bethnne, seed, applies to me for fetters of Dismis- ' om ■ffs*™* said estate. before * n8 COBCern ®d show cause „ 1 -1 .15*™ nt E. W. HAMMONB, Ordinary T street, oh the east Arnold by and hyWumbtoerMd of said for the estate, lsbm of deceased and for ^heheiiSL ^ sssstsr slx ber next, Why such letters of dismission should not be granted. . 90.15. E. W. HAMMOND, Ordinary. Notice to Debtors and ciucHtorsr Notice to hereby given to all who are indebt¬ ed he the estate of John D. George, deewised,to csdland settle at ones. AH parties deceased holding claims against the estate of said are ianellw0.-f3.70. Columbus, «a' mine tbs question wbet ber bonds shall or shall * * *--- ---‘d county lor ths purpose ivingand Said repairing bonds public be unty. of sixteen thousand to onnt i a&voupon bonds of the e hundred doilars each, to rate of six per cent, per of said bonds to be paid S751oS.2a0lSi eryWWW working for us. Agents few vacancies in towns and cities. B: JOHNSON k 00., 1€K>9 Main St„ Kiekmond ! f '|M r-i i) More yU«e v.^,t£ l 1 In proportion to prices cam other medium in the South. With the combined circulation of two and well established papers, It charges prices of only one. f,- 1 • ■ • It is published in one of the commercial, manufacturing and railrt centers of the most progressive State in South, with a large and intelligent surroi ing population and extra facilities for < tribntion. Being a first-class newspaper, fully up all demands of the times and the requir ments of its constituency, it is read not on by nearly ©very family in Spalding Couni but in the eight surrounding counties, wi a good general circulation in the State ai other States. __ IT COVERS ITS WHOLE FIEL and covei*s it completely. Brices low. Writ© for rates and sampi copies of Biaily and Weekly to ,}j DOUGLAS GLESSNER, I’nbliahcr, Griffin, GE, th i T°iL r : p - r Ladle whose systemsaNpatoMMCaE *^.■—6—“sr I -m 1