The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, July 28, 1889, Image 2

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---- ««>£ r as. tsso. MO. - of SpaWiag Co * 1-V' • mar Victoria, b, her «r, to give land drink , L life?. % state It to the opin- |» be defeated. fi *« «* At Kranholm. river Marowa, r, dnT00 looms. ; ,m P l0 ^ t-J*:. | AM 9 in to*nlfica£ the infantry F i of the service r great has been melon of the mill* , of < European j to the says that the I ^Nashville railroad a few days begin at instruction of a coal i of vessels in the era- i coal company, a the purpose of ex- \ coal to Cuba and id roads narrow gauge this re adopted the standard ■Hows: Toledo, St. Louis j City, 450 miles; Natcbes, d Columbus, 100; North- t and Florida, 50; Savannah, and Montgomery, 62; and North Georgia, ST; to Columbus and Binning- ___ Jato and Hammondsporfc, . I ", ;r, '4 ' ' h i. ............... . I. i received a neat pamphlet fthe official proceedings of hdd in Atlanta i months ago. It is to be hoped he proooeeding of this congress i the means of bringing about i system of road working, of good roads can- i overestimated. The present legislature will consider some sug¬ gestions which hove been given it on the rood qnestlon by a tee appointed for the purpose by road congress. We trust that tceedings will have some effect on ► working of roads in this i as a number of them workmen titan the heavy but cut it is ad with, the blissful future ________itbem Harrison when they last were fall. asked vote for presidential remembered election by promises the will long cheats tobe resented ‘ mas •ballots.~[N. Y.Star, ie promises also fell i the lips of workers and it th's broad t the fosterers of the i,audda’’y howls andlond are resounding in every Of the country asking where to ptotection and why were the es not carried out. The fact will well remembered down here, and be fertilised and kept growing by the sweat of the wage-worker as he feels the iron grip of redaction knowing at Ikiwmlfinff s^——— ———t*sss from liaVtnplrn> U a.. V : U. I ."Ui, >-I. rflv#S r and serious; bat the use of bomb. ifMirj* i# quit* as dangerous. In the patient ha* a mild "fallSy* ** p * riw ’ to * n other »’ f theTrean ■ was exceptional, Money*! are w "ttnfj to pay (or executive ability and financial ex¬ perience. But they were apparently Impreeeed by the br’Miaacy of the robber stamp financier. HUH, « Wall street bad no me for Mr. Wte- dom, he had no# for Wall street. Various schemes, including a Western railroad that wait* for money to complete it, kept him occnpied, if not raccearfoi, until be was invited by President Harrison to take his •“rSfinaTt of the Treasury to thus Car contented himself with ob- aenring that be is unable to see the danger of financial stringency, and that, moreover, the Treasury to do¬ ing all it can. Bnt It seems that be to at last aroased to the importance of the situation. Supported by the businem element in the Administra¬ tion in the person of the Postmaster- General, he to now visiting toe finan¬ cial center. Between toe rubber- stamp financier and the representa¬ tive Cheap John something effectual and brilliant in the way of a Treas¬ ury policy ought to be evolved. It may be just a coincidence, but yesterday a scheme was sprung on WaS street relative to theincomplete ^•road with wbichMr.Wiudomwas connected during hif career In ton Street. This to a business Adminto- tration ifc ^ . ■; • S • For the sake of humanity it to to t<) be hoped that the story about the condemnation of Mrs. Heron In Corea will turn out to la without foundation, as latest dispatches in¬ dicate. But if the report prove true, our Government must act promptly and vigorously. The report to being vigorously de- utod by the press, in substantiation of which, *a letter to published from Rev. H. G. Underwood, recently made missionary into the interior of Cored, dated at Hun Chun, April 8; from wbljh it appears that Corea to considered one of the beet mission fields by the Presbyterian church both North and South. The story has but Utile credence anywhere. The public to receiving an interest¬ ing lesson in toe eccentricities of elec¬ tricity through toe proceedings of the Kemmtor reference. The number of instances of almost miraculous escape from death by electric shock recited by witnesses do not seem to affect the general opinion of scientists that electricity properly applied will kill with certainty and dispatch. The disadvantage under which As¬ sistant Attorney-General Pocte labors to that he cannot produce the men who have been killed by electrici¬ ty to offset the evidence of Mr. Cock' ram’s witnesses who were not killed when struck by lightning. What will cure the worst case of dyspepsia? What will insure a bear- AT give a ■ ..... dispel spirits? ... .. - nervous depression restore exhaust- and low ea mothers moth to full strength? What will strengthen will nerves and muscles? What enrich the blood? What will enable you to overcome weak¬ ness, wakefulness and lack of energy ? What will prevent chills and fever and other effects of malarial poison ? Brown’s Iron Bitters. It is well to know this. _ The Pike’s Peak Observer. New Orleans Picayune. The man who occupies ths highest office within the gift of the American people to keeping the signal office at the summit of Pike’s Peak. Concern ittg this summer resort he says: “Sometimes I stand at the window with my telescope. The wind with¬ out to keen and cutting as a knife, can see the booses in Colorado Springs, twenty miles away, the visi¬ tors sitting in their shirt sleeves, sip¬ ping iced drinks to keep cool, and la¬ dies walking about in white summer robes. I lower the glass, the sum¬ mer scene to gone. Green trees, ani¬ mal life, men and women fade away like matures in a dream and I am the only living thing in the world of eternal ice and snow and silenc^,” U. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm.) If you try tbi* remedy you wOl my aa many other* have said, that i* the best blood puri¬ fier and tonic. Write Blood Balia Co., Atlan¬ ta, Ga.. for book of eonvthciiig testimony. J. P. Dork, Atlanta, Ga. (West and), write*: “I consider that B. B. B. ha* perma¬ nently cored aeof rheumatism and sciatica.” B. B. Bauiter. Athena, Ga., says: “B. B. B. cured me of an ulcer that bad misted all oth- cs* treatment. K. G. Tinsley, Columbiana. Ala., writeK**](y mother and sister had ulcerated sore throat and scrofula. B. B. B. cured them." Jacob F.8poDeier,Newnan,Oa., writes: "B. B. B. entirely cured me ol rheumatism is my shoulders. I used six bottles." Cbas. Reinhardt, No, SON Pi - j spoilsmen erf bis gat in their work, is seriouslyfelt. Thai «d, its work to and there to disgust in tbs Railway Mail Service Bureau ths way things am going. A head ctork of tbe bureau is quoted as au¬ thority for ths statement that the i» recently introduced am a worthless lot,” The postal clerks themselves, according to the Wato- of ths New Tort Sub, declare that the service to bring rained. The hurried dismissal of hundreds of experienced and skill¬ ful Democratic clerks to make room for the proteges of influential Repub¬ lican Congressmen has not, it ap¬ pears, been in tbs interest of tbepub- Mc. There am 5,000 employss in the Railway Mai! Service. About one- fifth of their number were dismissed in the interval gained by Pmnhtont Harrison suspending PresidentCleTe- land's order directing that toe bu¬ reau should come under the Civil ■AN* Iter .,| M |gffinir>__ Vice TO 9—— ten -■ *_ in AWvA'.J;:- AST.— Tr t . j>/ ; Up Tirt trtter-lxmrd to^pMNdera.’* and down-one and down, up day a millionaire, day buoyant next day in spirits, ’dead broke”—one next day gloomy as health, a fog-one day day “laid in seeming out* with perlec bilious attack next a or your stomack “on a strike " This is the way the world wags melcholic. now-a-days. dixxy If you are bilious, have headed, torpid dyspeptic, action want of liver, appetite kidneys or or bowels, take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets—purely vegetably, perfectly harmtofa; one a dose* |• -< 1 Aa AxkeaaM Shaker. Wall, old feller, what’s the mat¬ ter?” ‘Only a H ilwWtJ little agur, OgUI) ouiaogwAj stranger, bnt uuv I A 38 I would shake myself out ve had ’em nr nyself, friend; Itu Westmoreland’s ..foreland’sit Calisaya Tonic and I nevfir have a shake.” Good advice to the friend who halting ply. to implied of malaria in the friends’ has No case been found which baffled its powers, ft successfully and oae in the physician treatment has of phoid fever. It eosts only bottles fil.00 wil bottle and one or two Atop the fever. Buy it of your For safe by E. R. Anthony. See Wkat * Tonic Out Do- Lake Citt, Fla, June 24,1886. og. Buys his wife has suffered for seven years with a complication of diseas¬ es, of which asthma was the most prevalent, bed She has not laid down in tor seven years. He has expend¬ ed all the money his business has made him in that time for medicine, physicians, etc., to obtain relief for her, but wirhout any success what¬ ever, He was ad vised by physicians to try P, P, P.. derive He finally benefit, did bat so, expecting after taking to less than no two bottles eruptions appeared all over, and she nowBer immediately sWn began te w perfectly to improve, dear. and She Newman, who is sr merenat in years. in Lake a City, to very enthusiastic over 0 core, purifier and and thinks tonic it of tfaegrandes the blood age. Rheumatism Cured. Potsdameb’b Rbd Stab Stobe, 5,188T.) 1 Lake City, Fla., Jon. P. Gents—H P. P.MfgCo,: suffered with rheuma ave tism tor some time and tried a great many remedies, but could find no re¬ lief until I used your great and bene¬ ficial P. P. P. I recommend it to suffering humanity. Truly yours, J. POTSDAMER. -VIA- 8RUNSWICK. JESUP,MACON, ATUN TA, ROME and CHAnANOOGA. ONLY LINE Double Duj % Sleeping Car Servita ■ Between Cincinnati and Jacksonville. Solid trains between Closely Chattanooga connecting and with Jacksonville, double trains with Pullman Sleeping from Cars to and * Memphis, Nashville, Kansas and the West and Knexville, Washington, New York and the East. THE SHORT LINE BETWEEN Atlanta and Jacksonville, Atlanta and oavannan, Atlanta Atlanta and Macon, Brunswick, and Atlanta and Rome. For rates, Time Cards and other information apply to agents of tba East Tomi., Vs and Georgia ft. R. B. W. WRENN, ' Gen. Pass. A Ticket Agti, Knoxville. S. HT Hardwick, Asst. Gen. Pare. Agt., Atlanta. An Ordinance. hf ths Mayor aod Coqariipf any person to rids on a hicyris or of E 5 H i { ‘ ; ... 1 1 . -■ MB OM WUmmm tor mgmtwm t tawwrtB a Is tenta *» *• ttsett. RIsssertlltaltiltawaBi* aetnaUr tat Z.*** BooA’a aamsparilla aa- aatwtiwa tost to ass a ** Merit Wins * er be ^^*i >DbIk ‘- hr sn tort-' Application for Amend¬ ment of Charter. . Sraiarie, Corsonr. n ufacturing Company. 1888, at i farehanae a«d todr mm ‘ op aalhtowl cotton and other tom debtsby o* b mortart"*, »«• on real ] rssrraes rent^raefri ommieeion bastowa; and and purchase, lease or cut sneh real pen* * IT- Yob Court and alios Charter. Itore ttM ^ . „Pr^-Fa^raemC«voperatireMTgCo Clerk’s Orncv Stmaaon Cavwr. ' Georgia, Spalwwo Couktt.j I certify that the foregoing is a true a correct copy as appears of reeord in t! , t Bl'WPAY. Arrive. Leave McDonough.................. 5:00 a.: m ■' Columbus.....................8:48 “ No. 51.—Passenger, North. Daily. Columbus...................... 1:05 p. Warm Spring,'-............. 2:84 • Griffin..........................8:50 p.m. No. 52.— Passenger, South. Daily. Griffin........................... 4!05 p. Warn Springs.............. 5:28 ‘ Columbus................ 7:00 p. m. No. 58 —Passenger, North. Daily Excei ti 1 SUNEAY. Columbus..................... Sprigs.............. SilOp.; 6:48 Griffin......TT,...............8:15 Warm 8:20 p.m. ‘ McDonough....'................9:00" No. 54 .—Passenger South, Bond • -teferrkWaa. . Warm Springs.........— Columbus.....................11:10 ", No. 55.—Passenger North. Soni Columbus........—...------ 7:40 a. l Warm Springs. ....... 9:14 “ Griffin’......................„...10:88a. m. 11:00 j McDonough. 1.1.3.;.......’..11:40 “ " DAYS AHPT BIDAYS. Columbus.......... 9:00 a , Jam M&igh"-;: Springs... £»■ No. 2.- Freight South, Ti BAYS AND SaTURI McDonough.*, 11:00 a. m. -.8:50 * ' ■ rtcta**ttoSl"nU w -on taking it; It ts * , MERCER UNIVERSITY, ’ MACON, GA. FULL FACULTIES. FIVE m srelArts, $75 to$250 48 ; U. Rossnfleld * Wp 8ta«' ,r ol B. H. Drake, i: fe fcCi*S 1?&- at w. OMmitk 8«hgw * —" T Ordinary’s Advcrtiserrehis. 1 iRDINABY’8 OFriCF^P*Lmso Oovn to-wit: One two story brick store house o» in Griffin, Go., byte. «*dotojL m. o« toe sifs ^Ttwo«7^oi iMd i. too rity oi i§Mp§?l concerned show eauee be- LrtaH pmaona county deceased, with the will annexed. /^BDINARY’8 OFFICB-Spalwno CoVN- Sr^s:“’'ZT" Ijet allpersonB coocernWI shqw cam« t Tr' befuup next, why such letters of Dismission should ♦fir.Xir E. W. HAMMOND, Ordinary ^RpiNAKY’SOFi’lCE^PALumo County, half acre* of land, more or less, bounded ,or unulDuwuu among nwir®. , . ts&:&g£psamas& Let all persons concwoed ahow eaum bs { LJty, bRDfNABY’8 OFFICB-SrALUmo Cotm Geoboia, May 31,1889.—W. of Dismission E. Alex under applies tome for letters on the estate of fa. Woodward, late ol said the Court of Ordinary, at Monday my office, in by ten o’clock a. m., on toe first Septem¬ ber next, why sneh letters of dismission should riot be granted. *6.15. £ W. HAMMOND, Ordinary. Notice to Debtors and Creditor*. Notice is hereby given to all who ore indebt¬ ed to the estate of John D. George, deceased,to coll and settle ** once. All parties hoMing chums against the estate of said deceased ore ir"' janellw8.-*3.70. Columbus, Ga Special Election. . Notice to- hereby given that there wilt b* held on Tuesday, Spalding the 18th day eleetion of August, 18894 b county, an to deter¬ mine the question whether bonds shall or shall not of paying be issued for, by improvingand said county for the purpose property said county. Said repairing bonds public be m to of toe aggregate amount of sixteen thousand bear interest at toe rate of six per emit, per annum 1st day and of January payable and semi-annually, the 1st day on July the of of each year. Two of said bonds to be paid off on January 1st, 1891. and one thousam dollars annually thereafter until all of said bonds are retired. Said eleetion shall be held and conducted In accordance wfto an Act of toe Legislature, approved There shall October 14th, 1879. be printed orwritten on the bat- uHc MAJRION PATRICK, X C. C. julylSim --- ■ - Receiver's Sale. Ssritan nag- material, varnish, swsk paints, carriage New Alvertiseipenii mmmm Sjss^$$8pta& is a J41MES 8, EARLE k $QNi f -* . PHILADELPHIA, PA. tit' Catalogue on receipt of stamp. — - — A'''itijflp,•'>* i ■ - ■ -w lets ■i anil ffiWBiWi I DAILY AND WEEKLY, (CONSOLIDATED MW 2d, 1889,) j OFFEHS Value To Advertisen other medium in the South. With the combined circulation of two old and well established papers, it changes thi prices of only one. Ills published in one of the agricultural, commercial, manufacturing and railroad centers of the most progressive State in the South, with a large and intelligent surroud- ing population and extra facilities for dis¬ tribution. ’V Being a first-class newspaper, fully up to all demands of the times and the require¬ ments of its constituency, it is read not only by nearly every family in Spalding County, but in the eight surrounding counties, with a good general circulation in the State an<l other States. IT CO VERS ITS WHOLE FIELD and Rovers it completely. Prices low. Write for rates and sample copies of Daily and Weekly to 1 DOUGLAS GLESSNER, Publisher. Griffin, Ga. |9| m ^ fPrlahly Ash, Poke Boot an* -maxes roemvx cubes ov all forms and staoes or- Physicians sndorse P. P. P. m » splen- I you win rsgsin flash sad strength. dM eombluattcm, and prescribe It with I Waste of energy aod all diseases resulting gnat ssristosMen tat tbs can* of *U m overtaing the system sr* cured by terns sad stsgm at Primsry, Secondary I the use of P. P. P. Bad Tertiary Syphilis. Syphilitic Rheu¬ matism, Scrofulous Hears sod Sores, Glandular Bwellings, B&eumstirin, Xld- I >hdnts,*old Chronic Dicer* Out benefited by the wonderful tonlo Mil SYPHILIS! -e (SCROFULA have restated *11 trmtmect. OsUrrh, Skin blood deansiag properties of P. P.P. Steams, Be rn m *, Chronic PttnuOe Prickly Ash.Poh* Boot and Pu l —lnwi Compfateta Mercurial Poison, Tatter, Sold by sll Druggists. Sesldhssd, eta., ale. P. P. P. is a powerful tonic sad an 1JHUH Mtoh, ftstast i w, exceOsnt sppittner, buOdlng up the whhium oauaamvw. - •yutem rapidly. "If yon are weak and SAVANNAH, CUL fsahigsad fad body try P. P. P, and RHEUMATISM ^ ....... ...... ... ' ■ - - g