The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, July 28, 1889, Image 3

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l«BgL_________________ i ?8 Pills, — ANTI-BILI 0 U 8 MEDICINE. )iw*R. Sold Everywhere. Office, 44 Murray St., New York. .Jew AiWamsenieot*. ' i- ' ••••■& *• a s luxuriant Bettor» growth. Qny .0 MIS The only Htsoii 3#» € ***** for aomfort to the- f«ct. 16c, at HistorjofJchstofiFil Profusely Uluntrated with with view.-t of alt sorts ctnnacted thgteiribla, 460 seenes of the Price migh¬ fl.- ty inunation. 1 imo. pages. GO. Liberal terms. Thousands want it. De¬ mand is IMMENSE. Send quickly 80 cents tor Outfit to J. W. KEELER k (XL, 523 Chestnut St., Phils., Pa. HIRES tu ue ROOT BEER! INUQWO N0B0IUNC EASILY MADE tuts MCI ACS ! MAKES I FIVE GALLONS s m H F t /mF *Mamar hoo *f »• most AFPsrmtra ud wholbsomb tBKPgBAMC« PBI Mg In the world. TKTIT. *Ask your Drug gist o r Grocer for It. * c. e. hires, Philadelphia. W. L. DOUGLAS 83SHOE « N ffg, CK mm fsarwraBHanKassami ,iM 8h “-« F JR SALE BY SC HEUERM AN & WHITE, GRIFFIN. HOTEL CURTIS ' < 3BIFFIN, GEOEQLA. Under New Management 0. DANIEL, PrOp'r. _jr »■■■«. .writ ng-. t* . HHSPHBI an .t.t «h. ” ConjEreesmen purpose of re- political recognition ehould lie accorded tlenien now claim the balance ouee of Reprerenta- itir . T .------will permit them to dictate the Republican financial poli¬ cy. These Republicans demand that the internal revenue tax shall be re¬ pealed, claiming that it strikes se¬ verely at tlpir eppstituents. It is a curious fact that. <the greater part of the “moonshiners’' at the South are Republican*, and tiie writer recalls the remark made to him in Western North Carolina some years ago, by a prominent Republican of the Old North State, that the energy and thoroughness displayed by the reve¬ nue officers in destroying the illicit whisky stills and arresting the distil¬ lers had seriously injured the strength of the Republican party in that State. It Is to correct little unplea#an , es of this kind that the Southern R publicans are now combining. Tell the last good is news remedy to found. tbesufiering— At a Which might h are saved, hod they kno wn it, Tell Many the who’er “Favorite under Prescription,'’ the ground. of Bear Bid the hopelecg good whom be glad— creatutee, new* to poor Heart-sick, discouraged and sad. ah classes can be cured by the use of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. Athens Banner: Col. B. H. NoWe, who is said and known to be the only rising young lawyer in North Gear gia, has not got such an elephant on his hands as bis friends thought he had. The rattle snake taken from, the snake charmer for a fee is no dead weight on his bands. He was asked ho expected by a reporter to do with yesterday his pet.' wh|.t| The colonel aftei*rubbing, his brow and robbing his coat sleeve oyer the worn spots on his beaver, said that he believed in getting his fee and was willing to take anything so he could say he got a fee. I shall carry my snake around to justice courfp, and if business is dull I will exhibit him at 10 cents percapita. If these young lawyers sit around and laugh at my fees they will yet go to Red hungry and some of them may see snakes that are not genuine like mine. I practice law for the money that is in it and I must haVe somCthhlng to show as a retainer before I pour out my legal lore. Col. Noble i? right we applaud him and hope that his snake may turn him out held a large for pile $5 of money. The snake being amount of fee. i > \ \ % Thousand* have been relieved of indigestion and lose of appetite by a single bottle of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. The -nse thfe medicine, by giving tone and strengh to the assimila¬ tive organs, has made innumerable cures of chronic dyspepsia. Price $1. Worth 99 * bottle. Ruby** Letter. A letter from Mr. J. W. Ruby, Union City, Ind., says: “I have used your Clarke’s Extractor Flax (Papil- lott) plete Cough for Cure deep and seated find ft cold. a com¬ It cure has done more than two of our most skillful physicians. My children had the whooping eoughand with the aid of your Cough Cure, they had it very light dren compared with take neighbors’ chil¬ who did not it. I believe it to be the best cough cure in the market.” So it is. A large bottle the only Skin. fl.00. It Clarke’s them Flak ftH. Soap for leads Price 25 cents. Cough Cure and Soap for sale by Dr. N. B. Drewry, Wise Head on Young Shoulders Enterprise (Kane.) Independent. One of our Sunday school teachers on a recent occasion told her pupils that when they pat their pennies in the contribution box she wanted each one to repeat a Bible verse suit¬ able for the occasion. The first boy dropped in a cent, saying: “The Lord loveth a cheerful giver.” The next boy dropped his cent into the box, saying: "He that giveth to the poor lendeth to the Lord.” The third and youngest boy dropped his penny, saying: “A fool and bis money are soon parted.” Nasal Catarrh is a dangerous extend disease. the From its bronchial tendency to tabes, and to finally throat, ^ to volve the it e shouM lungs lungs in in be conthmptive di- that sense, these hese promptly dankers cared, averted. So grave grave confident dangers may may be are the manufacturers of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy of with their thievery ability prevalent,dis¬ to cope suc¬ cessfully that they have for offered, ease, faith, $500reward years in of good catarrh, how for bad a case of no matter or how many years standing, which they cannot druggists. cure. Remedy only 50 cents, by First a Pigmy—Anon • Giant. We are to apt to regard a small ailment able MI70D - ive. Partaeulariy ^ runuing ISil lie’ druggist, ■■§■ who knew uoth- _ was a ing honest, about and law, that but he the was only perfectly qualill- was n the eitisens demred. Aocord- , ‘Charlie’ set up a law d riaMedicaandl ou Fractured Bones. He engaged tofficer of the court a man who fiafy. ucrthli#*^ »u iuu tu mo bui^f, and who walked with some < •ad. graceful! maittiaissi; m*r^ 4 sfnm , sisass . _____„ ition of the United i protested in silence. In i The vj ?35 Mere now etigto&fn &*zdig the its founds) ■ men were proportionately ^^irsSrpuSt ■ however, gtt one of them plucked up spiriteimugh to go before *.*••*. the eeuiAin to sentence the the chain gang, ' demurrer. ‘My client,’ a this and r.’said *Whk “ ‘He dSiands,’ said the law^lr! lie, ‘Veil I sendence him to two like dot trial by shury?’ and into the Chain gang the kwyerwent and there man but a shrewd one knew all the brisks of the •Charlie’ felt that in his case the 'v Medica Was not sufficient au- and eo he adjourned the court to met _ opportunity to consult an books on the law or to ‘ from somebody with a |L As he declared the ( _ it is de Unanimous opinion of dis com¬ munity coincides dot you are a —^ dot Ref and this court fully in opinion.' . “Wolf lost color don’t and raising his fist Ire said: ‘Judge, I let any one speak to me in that way.’ • , ‘and stands Piff SOT you committed to de shi gravely look it and after dividing between himself and Indiana ‘Jimmy’ Douglas, And this he ave$S to the nals to y, in the an- of that Indian ‘Charlie’ 8U —WaBhingto 2J or ,$ 3 before Telegram. him and recover $5!” i Vigor ^ and Vitality Arequicxly by Hoods Sarsaparilla, given to everypart That of the body tired teeliog enriched, ■ entirely and overcome. The Mood is purified, stead ol disease vitalized, and carriee The health in¬ to every organ. atom- invigorated. The brain is refreshed, the mind made clear and ready tor wo rk. Try it Where NbaHWh Somme* R, This is an important question, both to the invalid and pleasure seeker. ' Bowden Lithia, Georgia’s wonder¬ ful Mineral Spring, probably offers the beet advantages to both the health and pleasure seeker. Only twenty miles %om Atlanta, situated directly on the Georgia Pacific railroad. Trains several times daily; full mail and telegraph accommodations. A magnificent hotel; Hot Spring# system of bath¬ ing. The finest mineral water in the world; co (A mountain air, and the great Piedmont Chautauquaholding its summer session there this season, make it especially attractive. Send your name to E. W. Marsh t Co., Salt Springs, Ga., and they will send yon an illustrated pam¬ phlet on this great health and pleas¬ ure resort.__ aug20 8iwd firoin OonsmitptlOB. Several physicians predicted that Mr. Asa B. Rowley, Druggist, of Chi- cagof would soon have consumption caused by an aggravated case of Ca¬ tarrh. Customers finally induced him to try Clarke’s Extract of Flax (Papillon) “The result Catarrh Cure. He says: commenced to was get well unprecedented. after the first I application and am now, after a few b entirely cured.” , It will do the you wffl uiie no other. 25 cents. AM M* ....... Vktoui..*, ; a lady ? Lef her i , - ’ # * lH ^| H | U MAdB H B.kO I tote V-eir ton** tonging. K pore to puna Wfe ssek to J# b * “ d ,rugaI U FffisFoster,AtkMta.Gm «•»»: *1 took B.B. B, tor several foal wkm* Which had give* me much trouble sod would IK* htol freto * «• Of ULCERS othermmedto - used three bottkstaeryMiw was entirely tooled. It Impretod my srestita »d gave m. fieri, n>d J- W. Mt**er, Howell’s Cr " ' _ I was i Teats, s medicines aad they •M.W*d B. A, aad eight 1 mmm ««• (g ■ ■ i #. i TiMi m , . As efieet June 28rd, 1888. * No. 15 —Daily, Excspt Schuat. Leave Griffin ....;.......................5:49 a. m. Arrive Atlanta................................8:00 “ W. 19—Daily, Except .......fJmk' Arrive Griffin................................8:05 •* sorttwdm. ■ UA?e Arrive Griffin..................... Atlanta......................9:85 .........7:40 am. “ No. 18— Sunday D*lv. Leave Atlanta ........... ..............8:00 AnfvfiwHfflo. ..5:' ’ Atlanta....................... ......... *.7d)0 " • '4*1 : ,N<Ml-DAitY. Leave Macon....................... 8:25 a.m. Arrive Griffin.... .10:43 n.xa “ Atlanta. ........12:30 p. m* No. 1 —Daily. iXfe; ......—1:40 ..........3^1 p.m. “ i Leave “ ..... Arrive Attests....,.,.......... .................5:4S No. 13 —Dailt. Leave Macon................................ 6:40p.m. Arrive Griffin.................... 8.00 “ “ Atlanta................... 10:40 “ No. 2 —Daily. Leave Atlanta............................. Arrive Griffin.................... ,**•** 8:|7 o.A | " Macon... No. 18 —Daily. Leave Atlanta.. —2:15 p. m. Arri ve griffin..... ....6:15 ...4:00 “ « No. 4-DAILY. Arrive (inHIB,,___________ Macon............................ ... 8:85 “ “ ... 11:00 ’• No. 14— Daily. Leave Atlanta........................... ... 9:05 a.m. Arrive Griffin............................. ...10:48 “ Macon........................... ... 1:00 p.m. No. 27 —Daily. ■^•Sassrsz Arrive Carrollton............ ... .. 10:20 8:30 a.m. “ ...11^5 « No. 28 —Daily. Leave Carrollton ...........................4:20 p. m Newnan.............. Griffin..— 5:25 Arrive .........................7:20 “ No. 29 —Daily, kxcbpt Sunday. Leave Griffin..................................1:80 p. m. Arrive Newnan....—.........................4:80 “ Leave ..............................5:35 Arrive Carrollton...........................7:10 “ No. 80 —Daily, Except Sunday. Leave Carrollton...........................5:46 a.m Arrive Newnan..—..........................7:85 “ Leave Newnan................................8:05 “ Arrive Griffin.................-............10:85 “ ••"For further,information relative to tick¬ et rates, beet rentes, schedule, Ac., write to SttSS«^.Tt“8M!ra Savannah, Ga. BY FAR IlieMudiihspiTuseiigffMt -TO- *| NEW YORK OR BOSTON —-1SV1A- SAVANNAH •-AND YDS- OCEAN i STEAMSHIP s LINE —or T*E— Central Railroad of Georgia. SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS Rail Routes. If yon are sick the trip will in¬ vigorate and boild you np. Go East by Sea and You’ll not Regret It ofherrentea’would ticket* via do writ to u*_ inquire first of vannah. Fnr- HyapplyftWt- M. 8. General BELKNAP, Mamur^r W.Wt> E. T. CHARLTON; CL' Gen’l Pass. Agent.. Savanti t : . . ' - ~tMM ..... ’ ...... ' ' 11 wm^ywoMkptett to fSOO 3 ~ ' S ‘ •' I | 1 , here, and here e are 10 stay and have on hand a large stock of J ’ ‘ * DOORS, SASH AND BUNDS I w*y of Moulding*, Mnhtfre, Bnilaaln . .-j«»*su. wo tbh jnkt IWht' the best burn and raised in (ittirgin, and in. to work working to tbehMt wood advantage. for tin* past V-. .« ,|> n} j jfr eo stand how to do the work. For i lie-. «■, «} ni name, we claim ft right to patcoim-f of o We heartily thank ink the the putillc public koncruIlV gcni railv for • vitv l!l:eral solicit a continancc of the same. m DON'T FORGET TH/tf U jbr the present Fruit Crop, 20 to 30 thousand CMT tie right here of abroad, luid Office—P lanters’ Warehouse. “ Factory, lltfi 'Griffin*, ■ito \V —....... mmm mmm JEWELRY, CLOCKS., &C. Special attention given to Reeelring. 20 Hill Street tRIFFtN. BA 4—w—-............................ .. ........ .... .......... ....... ^ f t I BOO* LEATHER ... !!**£. AT -HILL 8T- HOE STORE ei— in^eord pai.l lor 300 cord, of ran-bark. . i,'' Ti .W’ if, * Drewt'y’s ■: Drug : Store i per. hHi|S*r?wA.M' '0: Has just received a full supply ofLandredth, Cleveland and Johnson A Rab- I , bine’ Garden Seed-also field iied-all fresht Gttaraideed EASTERN SEED POTATOES. ■ STOCK POWDERS! ! NERVE AN0 80NE LINIMENT! H H.B. DREWRY. 4 in BROOM SUPS CLEAN SPENCE dt SMITH. r-.t OPTO9H® BRICK warehoiise,*olomon St A’ L?: *' * gy xnd St Deliveij will build Wtit-i >« m r<i.]fitlDgcn fcig vLtib- li Li vil! Ir-ggiei, 1 lull). lit tl< 1 <Jit 1 , bir titr* »* V- Nothing Drsys, but c.ik ill f. It i> j t tHqiitihi t 1 t tl lib ip, t cftc v vt rtl.r. «>u y slf toa hi j j ii* t H. Sj ence at tbe i.ilm jon cciiLct toil to j i-i itii d< i !ii f . t cli ps 1 tu>i. jn b SPENCE & SMITH, Solomon Street,* Griffin, Ca. For )-( Cheat) )-( Goods . .GALL ON.. W. M. HOLMAN *CO f: ★ TURKEYS, FISH AND OYSTERS. HT Leave ne vwr order and it will be attended to. New Goods Every Day Which we propose to sell Cheaper Than Anybody assortment btat always on hand, Fork, Beet, McFarland, Boyles & Cos’. NEWARK, NEW JEBSEY. Purely Mutual. Assets ever FORTY TWO MILLION DOLLARS. I ncows over Seven Million Dollars. Ls fle and Annual D vldends. No “Ti The best Life Contract on the market Policies with these written by other Att IS"! isaini : orMA.D IfMlUV] By ordto- Kw «1! Address R nmwom ______ e roc vuunS) ONE I) SSSn part or fraction « i*: 2b* • ITOS. P For Sale by N. B. i, mmmm - ——~ f ■ i • r f r * Jim. 8,1888. it !