The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, July 30, 1889, Image 3

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i m " W: ffiCO! ~ Z&S* P&fli Richmond, M 10 of to ull bo com- the Lowell, Mas*. IT'l-J.:.- „u ,tew Advertisements. C* r»> f ",i> \ Z-ja igsas..^ »§§§ mmSiM BIER! CTg-^rnr I ' ll. wholmom nr it. c« E. Hires, Philadelphia. LAS GENTLEMEN, I CO* L AO I US. Shoes toi If m*** ijj CRIFFIW. r mTis #111. sr New ew Management, Harm* v. r the Catholic Total * Union. ional Convention to be Held :;vfu:4k Cleveland ' iff* Croui, * OrcaalMtiMt AU On, Euv«p<—The the !*•«».. * July 27.—One of the meet at National conventions of the Total Abstinence union held of years will convene, in J on See Ang. ting 8. the a consolidation of '■ -\Europenu he of the society, known ling Onms, of which is heml, will Uiof- lague fias branches all over Eu» i its stronghold is in (boat Ifrit- and Ireland. In the latter country It has for its executive officer Archbishop /■w,— mi " archbishops rcbblsUoiw of of Dublin. !)nbUo. Ar- imiiary object of the league is to teched. Whan anupplieutimi for mem¬ ted bership to select is made the of oandidute is permit- one the two If he does not wislf to take this pledge he is allowed to become 423 a member with all the priv 1 *'-'--' .....*■«- whereby toxicarfhg h. saloon amt when absolutely necessary,' At the house of a friend o» in his own he go over the limit And get drunk lie is mspended tain period from for the membership first offense, for and a cer¬ for subsequent The Eev. offenses Father he Conaty. is expelled. National ePB7i£w2c% president of the Catholic Total Absti- file league, with a view of effecting a union of the two societies in an inter- tional i&&rssxs^AS£ union be effected. There is one branch of the League of the Cross in this country. Pal It was or- aed in Brooklyn by gg» dow with ter 950,000 the convention ohair in will the be Catholic to en a university ut 925,000 was raised dur- „ 0 past year. The money will be given fiie to the university March 10, 189!, centennary of Father Matthew's PLAGu Tcf gAND FLIgS. Tiic Stmts or TifflMands, N. V.. Oov.led lias This Ullage been plague of hich that vis a heavy eloud was noticed of hanging over the Canadian shore the Niagara river, and m*ny supposed a storm was oomini nature of this storm "became mani¬ fest. Billions of Canadian sand flies, town. file In streets. an hour Houses it was impossible shat to stores walk were ap, were went closed, to bed. and Most everybody ol fire prematurely flies were deed covering Thursday the streets marMog, and their house bodies tops nearly three inches deep., The river har¬ bor and the canal were thick with their remains. The street oommiroianar was busy ihJlr tM bodies in thousand other places. light a Nothing rimiUrm.remembered here John U (nUbM’a M*wa»a Sullivan Nbw York, attended July the 27.-After funeral JohnL. of his friend, Johnny Murphy, the horseman, in drive Harlem, with his Thursday, friends. Now he took that along John has induced Muldoon to accept the car | | ■BPIHHHP Bsmstt, . is , four men to whom he indebted. Grat¬ itude and rugged honesty are two of What will They Want Meat! SoBAirroH, Fa., July English 97.—It is report, ed that agents of an syndicate SEitaUJd B,.t William Connell and John Jevmyn were offered 9800.000 SSKfeSE each for their coal property in Old West Pittston. Won, Than Bulteta to Tae«. City, disturbed a bumble bee nest, and f Detective Worn.* ChaaaaeA 97,-Deteo- | / lTflval* • ■ Kicked Klc Wife to Death. First a Pigmy—Anon a Giant. ?Sr < s fact that kipneya or s the tSffirsSffi an - agreement to • the rsCKT those arrested uro ■....... court ooni lig headed M iWt ly by l > sffssttia •' • Police Court Judge Ermston de¬ nounces this meeting, and hopes the aaloonists will undertake to attend his court with a band of musio. Chief of Police Deitsch says every saloon keeper keeping open will be ar¬ rested on sight, and reonested if neoes- kiepets police, their and if the want to butt heads a stone wall he propose* to let them do it.__ NEGRO LYNCHED. 4||toW«.al«iOM .■ Parte, jaaato. to a Black Brute % S **»* ' at Ky. 4% A . , , P«a, Ky„ July 27,—Jim Kelly, 80, a t&KarbKg irgima negri negro, was taken from to ! £S Kelly, other hand heid a pistol in her fans i^apsBJzf&si jhdann anil <mi in jail TeU the good news to the suffering— At last is a remedy found, Which mighfchave saved, had they known it, TeU Many of the who’er “Favorite under Prescription,” the ground. Bid bopelees whom be giad- Bear the good news to poor creature*, Heart-sick, diseases?’ discouraged and sad. “Female so terrible in their effects, and so prevalent amonfl all classes can be cured by the use of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. mmols' White cap outrages. Lotus, Gillespie, July 37.—Wednesday near Bokamp Macoupin and wife^were county, .onry l by armed body of White an Caps, shameful token liberties from their token bu|wy with and the were woman while the man was hung lastitime to an apple tree three proving times. fatal. The came been new: suspected several times Bokamp petit has ot larceny, Charles Jones, but never saloon was keeper, convicted. a had 9250 stolen a few nights ago and the mob wanted Bokamp to tell what he had done with Ahe mcmey that he had stolen it. j It m believed Standard Oil In Indians. Indianapolis, July 27.—The Standard evidently with the intention of controll¬ ing the be entire gas fidld ultimately. It Win neoessary some lame soon for the pipe line ies Of Indianapolis, Lafayi in ette territory, and c er cities to sink wells new leases for this ........ "will purpose, thev Ofi be wholly at the mercy of the Standard tear Indianapolis within the last two days, and it is believod*it will be found sasisxs-ra gas belt Peculiar In the combinatlori, proportion, and prepa ration of it* ingredient*, Hood’s Saraaparilla aeoomplishes cures where Other preparatdi entirely entirely fail. fail. Peculiar Peculiar in in it* it* good good name name at home, home, which which is is a a “tower “tower of of strength strength abroad," * peculiar ill ' the phenomenal ' omenal sale* salee i it has at- tained, Hood’s Sarsaparilla aparilla is is the the most suc- cessful strength, medicine and for creating purifying the blood, giv- ng an appetite, (e) snort—Sam He Would Surdde. Nashvellb, July 97.—W. T. Davis, Mk*bmmis3& ously left the city after confessing in a letter to officers of the organization that fcslfflftsrisr ng himself in the river. Davis’ bond missing man has a wife and three chil¬ dren, and has always stood high promt' in with the public *!* plosion Of Whisky. sion Stnooz, ooouired Misa, the July home 97.—An of explo¬ at Peter Hol¬ lins, oolored, five miles from town, causing the tl death of his daughter and mortally wounded liis son. Rollins himself W as severely burned, Rollins whisky *££&*£ from a barrel. Hie tel fofo , explosion, pieofs. blowing the ber- i w day Up ana millionaire, down, up and day down—one “dead a next broke”—one 'next day gloomy day buoyant in spirits, day in seeming perfec as health, a fog—one “laid out” with bilious attack next day a pr headed, have torpid dyspeptic, action want of liver, appetite kidneys or or Pellets—purely bowels, take Pr. Pierce’s Pleasant harmless; vegetably, dose. perfectly one a Rheumatism Cored. POTSDAMEB’S BSD STAB STORE, 1 Gents—H ave suffered with rheuma- some time andtried a greiri great L. %' ' Vi CateaSaja Havana, Ji fiiirty l ^ rran years ^ 'ways of the An Arkanmm Shaker. ^“Wivll, old feller, what’s the mat- thought “OMly a I little would agur, shake stranger, myself out but hr I ^I’ve had ’em myself, ifalisaya friend; I tiik Westmoreland’s Tonic and I never have a shake.” Good advice to the friend who was ply. shaking is implied in the friends’ has re¬ been No ease of malaria ever found which baffled its curative powers, it successfully and one in the physician treatment has of used phoid fever. It only *1.00 ty- bottle costs a and one or two bottles will stop the fever. Buy it of y<»ur drug- Fot sale by E. E. Anthony. UNAPPRECIATIVE. How little we are apt to o appreciate that which vie possess. The hardy wood-sawyer envies the wealth of his employer. The rhetich rich mtn envies the health and strength of his poor neighbor. “Oar mind and our time we employ In longing for what we have not, Unmindful of what we enjoy." How much better if ali exerted themselves to oh tain their heart’s longing. If poor in purse seek to grin wealth by Industrious and frugal habits. If poor ia health seek to use thosa remedies which aie the jwrt and truest m edicines. Among remedies sc-- by druggists none is the equal of Botaidc Blood Balm for curing the ills of flesh and Wood. Fate Foster, Atlanta,Oa* says: “I took B. & B, for severe! foul ulcers, which- had given ms much trouble and would not heal from a use of III PCD5 other remedies. Within ten days my ULwtLnd health improved, and before I had strength." _____ Hudson Clark, Camden, Art, says: “I was A- BAD BLOOD “ withth * « Terest<orta of rheumatism for about if years, and suffered extreme misery during all that while. I also had catarrh so bad it almost stopped tlNlfMllt!! PATARRU my breat!iitl « through my nose. My Seshiaaome places lookedaa If It had been charred re scalded. My back was ao hume I could hardly stand. I tried nearly every- RHEUMATISM several bottles and am now as sound and writ as any man in Arkansas.” J. W. Messer, Howell’s Cross Roads Cherokee County, Gs-- writes: I was afflicted with chronic CfIDCQ uUilLO sores nine years, and had tried many medidnes and they did mend good. I then tried B. B.B-, and eight bottles emi t* sound and weD.” « u I mi HUN. ft In effect Jnne 23rd, 1889. No. 15— Daily, Except Sunday. Leave Griffln.................................5:45 a. m. Arrive Atlanta.................................8:00 " No. 16— Daily, Except Sunday. Leave Atlanta................... 8:05 p.m. Arrive Griffln.......................... .....8:05 “ No. 17— Sunday Only. Arrive Leave Griffln...................... 7:40 a, m. Atlanta................ ,.,.lhM No, 18 —Sunday Only. A^ctt:::z?z:;.:::zztoo p - - No. 8 —Daily. Lwive Macon..,,.............................8:80 Oa.m. Arrive Griffln.................................5:95 5:95 «r “ Atlanta............. 7:00 “ , No. 11— Daily. “ Atlanta...:........... 19:80 p. m. No. 1—Daily. Leave lUcon...................—...1:40 p. m. Arrive Griffin..................................8:58 “ Leave “ ......................... 4:00 “ Arrive Atlanta................ 5:45 “ No. 18 —Daily, raiiwmm'.iii'ii'itv": ”* So. 9—Daily. Leave Atlanta.............................. 6:50 a. m, Arrive Griffin.... Maeon....,...|. ................ il0>80 8:17 U ’ t ,,„„„ 1 ., ,..,.. V . N«, xa-iLiLT. Arnve M So, 4 —Daily. Leave Atlanta,,.------------------------- 7:05 p.m. No. 14 —Daily, . Lear® Atlanto."','.".v''.-''."i—u:05 a. m, ArriyeGrittn....................-.....v-4fo48 i!v0 « A8^0Q„.,»r»,>...... .....••****»•* p, 81, iki.'a7—D^o-iCe > Griffln........................ lf|0 ft" ®' Arrive ..... Leave Cam>lltcm..... Arrive Olrffin,........... ( No. 30 -Daily, except I Leave “ Arrive Carronton. vaiTouton........................7:10 No. SO—Dailt, Except Sunday. Leave( ; Arrive] * --- , .Blinds, Doors. -Jebr- rr* • m 'mm We are here, and here to slay and have on hand a large stock stock of SASH AND DfiNDS! which we defy competition on. We have » large stock of "bone dry *Tn lum- her,’ of Mouldings, the finest vuality and can cihu antee the very best go<>ds. the way of Monties, Bniteterv, «r<-., etc., «e ean just beat the best price the you can ge( any where! And u* njr..... i born place and to raised come. in (Jcorgie, Ours is a “hot: • . i and I,..- ! \ to working wood for (lie pusl iv-o'i $* .ir«t»mi«l work to the best advantage. Wen -> mp < v gooi stand how to do the work. For many* o name, we claim a right to p.ntr<imrge of the js-ople. ° We heartily tlmuk the public g. is'itilly for very Klierul patronage, and solicit a continanco of the same. 00117 FORGET TKiiT W£ WILL HAVE. A. LOWER, fish mental Antoni t »n«, no* JEWELRY, CLOCKS, &C. Special attention f iyen to Repairing. JO Hill Slreal SRIFFIN, 6A. .tar: ; -a '. BOOTS, 'jlsT" 2 2 -HILL ST.- -Hn,L8T^ ............. . Home-mtde Shoes end Leather t _________ e for Children a V 1 rord pahHor 200 cords ol Tan-bark. H. W. Drewry’s : Drug : Has just received a full supply of Landredth, Cleveland and Johnson & Bob¬ bins’ Garden Seed-also Add soetf—alt fresh. Guaranteed ' EASTERN SEED POTATOES. STOCK POWOERSII NERVE AND BONE LINIMENT!!! N.B.DREWRY. A NEW m SWEEPS R, Spence at the helm yon esueot fall lo i et (nil de»liLg. C slice us 1 1 lit i)ul SPENCE & , Solomon Street,. Griffln, Ca For )-( Chean )-( Goods ........CALL ON........ W.M. HOLMAN .SCO. iasatt, and Buttaas in fact anything you want. ★ TURKEYS, FISH AND OYSTERS. Wr Leave us your order and it will be attended to. 'i!»_ '- - ' W Ba uagi' - * ' New Goods Every Day Which wo propose to sell Cheaper Than Anybody. assortment LSxSi:lS^.f best (%ars. Best * ta '' slways hand. Pork, Beet, j f on McFirUMs k Cos’. 1845 , Life Issuranoe. 1889 . THE Mai Beii Life lance Co. -0F- NEWARK, NEW JERSEY. Purely MutuaL Issots over FORTY TWO MILLKM DOLLARS. Income over Seven Million Dollars. * e«w«la«to wr Policies with lltoaa 1 8 - w - A8M - CUkO^CE V ANQIER state Agent, Attants, 6a % FAMED F( For ‘We do 1 ■ ss f DOtratlt™ ®i 5 V <• V 2 5^ For Sale by N. ] rMsmshteg -■a the g Jen. 8.1880. Books on Blood and Skin Disease* a *<•*»***■, - - Bwnr SpbcWk: i --- . ‘f; •- *f*i "'. W sas 4.1. *T"1 n- :!s rt* ~ jauaWly I Z&Z3EX -- ---- 1 ' prtMMM