The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, July 31, 1889, Image 2

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BIT' <MgU- “•” took ottDe •aerfligiously u holy career. The a are only hnita- »#w<ww #j4jkp jiJZTJG' « in the world has, * a "false Christ,’' just a* Victoria. The who are now « reason, if not the maj- “""S should be consigned mock Napoleons , _—gtons abide. In "»7 b, pmnlttol to oraliiingcommani- dangeron* nuisances be abated assuch. Itis common account, religious zealots, or able lunatics, who, *0*0 of Mecca found stolen from the “upon one and one necessary fic- luuaties are bad at large, but incendiary * with jan- best behind the bars. m mumblings of these we may state that pro- -snjs r from Immemorial time, twists. For some! ends every second, final collapse is known only It is said to be true that an , who died some twen- , thought that the grand universe was near, be- portents, but he did • be a prophet. It is was not long ago stated, ly the greatest of mod- astronomers, Piaggi skeptical as to the occult ol the “miracles of the pyramid,” had been converted observation and compu- that he forecasted some collapse in 1892—the completion of the 0,000 years of the Egyptian sorcery-in stone. These are curious incidents, but liable to failure as prophecies. They are, bow- % roor* apt to have ft foundation the mouthings of mes, white or who need only a wiep of straw abont their beads to be dramatically mad. The wisest of men, no doubt, so live as to be always ready for ‘the day of wrath,” butthey do notcredit irresponsible vaticinations and “false Christs.” Bather do they believe that {Dst as ages have rolled their dust over Babylon, so other ages will obliterate London or New York It is possible, of course, for an in¬ stant demolition of the world, bat, even from the Biblical text, there is j no assurance of It, and nothing la much more proflUese than a wander hag lunatic’s assertion of an event that is hidden from him as well as from everybody else. The “False Christ” that is to presumably ante¬ date the end of the physical globe, will take a more formidable and por- tentoue shape than that which is but a »------ hideous travesty in the State of Georgia. tab. It* proprietor* tell plainly VSSS& whnt ho* it dose, submit reliability, proof ond from asked smrrrs of frankly unmie*. if tinned yon ' W SS a Haq born any by disease or affec- wed or promo* ") impure blood or *of Tte teesystem, to try Hood’s sufficient Surra- exper-ace cl other* i* . . ee that yon will not be dieappoited i the reran. (*) IgM’’*'" l>r»fnes» "“ Can’t be Cored * d ea f n e ss. and that it by oon- Deofness i* caneed by ^ Tube. . *d When the bmi this itaiug of l tube get* *ISd wteu itte*nd^y cWd! result, and unieM the inflama- i and thi* tuhe restored on, tearing will of be do- i ceres out ten are which is nothing but an - a ay - ftSfHlii miifftl'flil ’SiS . "vS?? mendicancy. com in w- a congreosionni scrutiny, and it may, or may not, whitewash the Corporal. Bat a department thaiba* dishorned a billion within a quarter of a cen¬ tury need# watching, and when Con¬ gress assembles it will be proper for the Democratic side to move a thorough and searching examina¬ tion of the concern, *H order that the people may know Just what baa be¬ come of their money. Speaker CariisteV estimate that Repnb’ ean prodigality will speedily increase the expenditures of the Gov¬ ernment by not less than f200.000,- 000 a year, consume the surplus and render further financial expedients necessary, seems extravagant. But it certainly is not so, hi view ol what has already been accomplished in the Pension Bureau, by ransoming n great fond in newly,created bounties, white leaving a small army of meri¬ torious pensioners without their reg¬ ular stipend, II the Speaker’s pre¬ dictions fail of verification, it will Be on account of the influence of indig¬ nant public sentiment, the interfer¬ ence of the courts or the closeness of the vote between parties in the next House of Representative. If left without restraint, the Bepublican Administration would be sure to empty the overflowing Treasury In its effort to keep the almost count¬ less promises that were made in order to place it in power. The Rockdale Banner has fixed up a political slate with Judge Boynton for governor, Judge Stewart for Congress and Emmet Womack for Judge of the Flint circuit. It would he a very good arrangement. “Oh, my back I” is a common ex¬ clamation, and expresses a world of misery and suffering. It such is singular various this pain arises from causes. plaint, Kidney disease, colds liver rheu¬ com¬ wasting dyspepsia, affections, overwork and matism, debility chief nervous are causes. When thus ailing seek prompt relief. Iron It can be found beet in Brown’s Bitters. It builds up from the foun¬ dation by mal..'ng the blood rich and pure. Leading physicians and min¬ isters use and recommend it. It has cured tfiatiy, and if you are a sufferer, ———«•■- B. B. II. (Botanic Blood Balm.) If you try this remedy you will snyn* many otter* hove raid, that i* tte debt Mood puri¬ fier nnd tonic. Write Blood BalmCo., Atlan¬ ta, Ga„ for book of convincing testimony. J, P. David, Atlanta, Ga. (Wert End), writes-. “I consider that B, B. 15. has perma¬ nently cured me of rheumatism and sciatica." R. B. Sauiter, Athens, Ga,, toys: “8. B, B. cured me of an ulcer that hod resisted all ot h- ^E^^nsley, mother and sister Columbisna, had ulcerated Ala., sore write*:“My throat Md scrofula. B.B.B. wired them.” Jacob F. Sponcler, Newnan, Cia., writes: “B. B. B. entirely cured me of rheumatism in my shoulders, BSSra-SdXSWK.*: 1 used six bottles/’ aasfaKffans.s'-*” Hm®, Tw*o», 0.., “B. B. w B. J. J. .0,..: is a quick eure for catarrh. Three bottles cured me 1 had been (la., troubled several “One years.” bottle Of A. B, Spink. B, IS, B. H completely Atlanta, cared says; child of , my ee*e- m writes: B. B. W, A. Pepper, Fredonia, Ala., throat.’* B. cured my mother o In Icerated sore John Murphy’s FuusVsl, New Yojue, July 31 -Ths funeral of the late John and driver J. Murphy, of trotting the edebraU*! htases, trainer Jerome’s Roman took ffisee church tan Thursday. St The edifioe Catholic foomefs was filled with prominent horse pall- and sjmrtingmen. Among the besrars were Roliert Bonner sud Gribe Case, Among those Out church were: Me Hill,* Joe Coburn, Wakely and Pierre 1 termeut w as in Calva ry cemet ery. The Belle Memlln-Harry WUkes Baee. WiEBtes -gSS have been perfected and the xaoe forfait money of tl.OOu on each side sssuss ted Th ursday, Aug, & on Storms In Hinasgota. Morristown, Ohjoaoo, July Anoka 9?.—Disptohes and Bm** from Now Minn., state that these localities have experienced terrible storms of bail and mn. At each of the plaoea mentioned houses and barns were demolished and much damage dona At New Prague a tornado with wheat prevailed. thrown Five from ears the loaded track were and destro yed. No lives wwe lost Nasal Catarrh a dangerous disease. From its to extend to the throat, tubes, In and eouthmjptive finally to-in¬ di¬ the lungs It should be promptly cured, these crate danker# may averted. So confident nre the of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh of their ability to cope auo- with thievery prevalent dis¬ that they $500reward have for years offered, good catarrh, frith, how for bad a ease no matter or of many years standing, which cannot druggists, rare. Remedy only 50 ..... hy aTSs SSSftS-aSS I ht OT . wili prove * HmmSS w *Mmmr m Wllm. YwuuowJrtUA, July 87.—Char las Oe- a 13-year-oM newsboy. hs« m- Inobeokfcr from the lie Traction company in pay- jodgment sad interest ob- ---corporation form- S s®&!3Sb5 was 006. When handed hU chock OsbMin _i ^eywJ (rieeftdferC^Cw tefaL. Baffin^ got as' modi OllW» Prnh Ibt tloffiist*. Mmina fa.1 U ^"foOmn: FOT How Relgart and Simmons Struck H HUH. fa* tte remark ttetDave 8immons made to a Saturday Keening Call reporter. He ie a hortfe.ahw foreman «» tte rouad-to ureof of, and bate received tte i»^Jg**-** {j pari part mm iTCHiNG AGONIES. Kranr Ms»t 1 Eentehed Until tBB Skin was Raw. s In five weeks. dnm*. About the 1st of April last I noticed Huts later on, when ft began to took Mte spots of mortar spotted on, and which came oft in layers, accompanied with itching. I ssss dld ' X coAsult t% doefa^ ju firi ^ country, Oj of^teteS'hao^d TCCOVfify* 1 BBppOll90 ^ uO, 8CC flu an^vertST 6QV81IIBC meat fa the newspaper abont your Covtcuks Rf.medies, mid obtained purchased almost them immediate from my druggist, MeTTteg. and ‘ re- to notice ....... that the scaly erUp- nan SL.- — — four taking tte Cvnci-HA Remedies, cured. an Hy ig or five weeks w» and entirely peoriasis. I recommended disease was ecsema the CtmmmA Remedies to ail 1» my vteiulty, and I know Uf a meat many who have taken them, and thank me for the knowledge of them, with ecsly especially eruption mothers on their who heade have and bodies babes I oannot express In words tte thanks to youfor yon lor what what CcneunA Cere R :» muss have been tome. My body was covered with scales, and and I I was was an an awful awfu spectacle to behold. Now my skin is ns nice and dear as a baby’s. GEO. C0TEY, MerrM, Wis. Feb 7,1888.—No suffered trace shown of tte itself disease since from which I has my nre. G, C. Cutlcnm) Remedies ........ scales ftt»d cruets, wten whethcr-simp?e, physiciads and scrofnlons, all other or remfidiefi contagions, fail, Sold everywhere. Price, ecTwuax, 50c.; 8o*p, 25J Decs RESotreWT, #1. Prepared Cokpobatiox by tte Pott*» av» Chemical ta- tend for "How toCure Skip Diseases,” 64 pa ges, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimo- plftJPLEB, » H*I ped and Mack-teads, oily skin prevented red, rough, by ehap Cun oi-BA Soap. I CAN’T BPEATHE. <W 1 -uses, He ed in one Jdt?ttte Cl-tutpea Waak ahti-Paih Lungs. Plasteb. Nothing like it for wvm BRUNSWICK. IESUP,»IAC0N. ATUN- TA, ROME and CHATTANOOGA ONLY LINK ■■■■■ Double Daily Sleeping Car Service Between Cinrinnnti and Jacksonviiie. Bplfd trains between Chattanooga and Jacksonville, double Closely connecting with trains with Pullman Sleeping Cara to and from Memphis, Nashville, Kansas Cl y and the West m>d Knoxville, Washington, New York and the East . THE SHORT LINE BETWEEN Atlanta and Jacksonville, Atlanta and Savannah, Atlanta and Brunswick, Atlanta and Macon, Atlanta and Rome. For rates. Time Cards and other apply to agents of the Tenn., V» and Georgia A. R. Asst. Ora. Pass. Agt., Atlanta. ” I ] I # m R Am , tor Ike creed «• MdHoetPit amts found in the what is etteaed h* «. >* ^ W mmm na w Honors# grey. B Mmmnere . «v« SE«»*imi,WlfiiW*»2 SSH-F a . „.... S Application for Amend¬ ment ofCharter. Jd^; Farmers Cooperative Man¬ ufacturing Company. SMI® said court,, that the said may sitter on ttelr own scconnt or. Wilier* ana oiner ameum oi mm by farmers S»d ■RIHI... their fam*e«,e prodsce vanees upon cotton and other! fh« to secure all . debts debts by by mortgages, raortga tens or purchase, lease or rent such reel aed person- pose aB&gftfiSg debts todoso 1o bo And sndtodo to do so so and and todoanyand to do any and all other art-' ----“*■* ‘ rtfegou Sifaraa'WcsaME sued to this corporation investing it with the power asked ter In this amendment that it may have the rigbt to carry on said ware- bonse and commission bnsinessin connection with the business authorized by ol[July1899. tte original charter. Done this the 3rdday W. E. H. shAKi i, Pres. Farmers Co-operative M’Pg Co. 1. F„ STILWELL, Sect’y. 8urpsrior Court Filed in Clark’s office, Cleke’s OrricE Sopebiok Cocbt. 1 Geosoia, Spalmno is Cockty./ and X certify that tte loregoing a true Thomas, ( Georgia Midland & Gall SB. Tim. Table, Taking Heel Inly 17, -89 No, 50 .—Passemoe», South, Daily Except Bpsdav. Arrive, Leave. McDonough..... , 5:00a.m. Griffin.............. 5:40 a. m. 5:45 “ ! , Warm Springs. 7:09 Columbus,....................8:48 No. 51 .—Passkhoeb, Nobtr. Daily. Columbus..................... 1:05 p. m. Warm Spring............. 2:34 “ Griffin......I-....................3:50 p. m. No. 52.—I* ASS ESHER, SOUTH. DAILY. Griffin.......................... 4:05 p. m. Warm Springs.............. 5:28 “ CcHUmbnS..............7:00 p. m. No. 58 —Passekoeb, Nobth. Daily T ' ' -t ■ * 4 gpi ■ Columbus...... Ssk® 1 :™* .....8-15 p. m. 8:20 McDonough... ......9:00 “ 3#o. 54 —I’asseiiueh Soi-tr. Sunday Orly McDonough Qniaii..,,,,. a 8:1 u a. m. li?r o.lo Warm Springs 9:35 Columbus,.....................11:10 “ No. 55 .—PasskhuEB Nobth. Sukday Ohly C Wsrnn piumbus................... Springs.. Mc^nough.' .............10.-38 a, in. 11:00 ‘ .....11:40 “ No. 1 .—Fseioht Nobth, Mondath, Wedees- t “ ** days a^d Fridays. McDonough..................4:30 “ No. 2 .—Fkeiobt Booth, Tuesdays, Thubs days ahd Saturdays. Griffin........................12:05 McDonough.................. 11:00 1:50 p.m. iao p. m. " Heist itVsste#tesr si took, without I ten effect taking It; it is sbw ami f harmless ' - and whether will a permanent ia rare, slept ■ the pan eat a moderate t ror u u IAW Ml every Town sod " ML ■ RlLHMiND aad'otie dtetrees ,sa|| with -re. Scherer * Bremen. RS-fONNELL. Sheri*- ? ..........i- ■ i 1 ' ! Ordinary's Adv^rtitsfncRis- mrat ol W. J. E«th. late otseid county te- iSiaSSJsss3Ss>, ntaiuingon* moreOr Solomon streets, c. acre Let a* pereoneeoimwimdtoke — sz ASS' bound¬ Griffin, with dwelling and outhouMe, Ninth ed north by Poplar street, went andetet by by street, sooth by and Co llege Simms street, Mane; also, afot 8t*rk 29 by 90 90 place feet feet ttekortteaetcotwer ttenorthmetcotwer ?A «* on on dWMMMtk lor S?jgiS and Eighth fast raylor. - - — oa — Eighth-at s SSS! Of Jnlm M. Kelt*, late of stud Hon on estate eonnty deceased, with the wiB annexed a’&^* srU’.-j.r K? 5°°JiSiimK - # 8 . 00 . W. HAMMOND, Ordinary. Laumn, Executor Of Mrs. Janett Bethune. Let aRpersons concerned show eause before n«i, why-^h iettere oi Dismferam shonki " HAMMOND. Grdinary KJ /~VBDfNABT’8 OFFICE-Bpalmko Cousty, Geokuia. July 2d, 1889.-J. H. Keith, Administrator oi W. 8. Brown, deceased, serf has made undivided application one-half to interest me lor fn leave to and one one one- half acres of land, more or less, bounded north by Broadway street, on the east by second street, south by Flemister and Arnold sasajaSfS and west by otter land rash ol said estate, for tbo *"* te I^rt all persons concerned show cause be lore the Court of Ordinary, at my office in Griffin, W’^afsssc'' cm the first Monday in August next, ST’S OFFICE—St-ALomo Cbuu on the estate of county, deceased Let all persons concerned sho s before the-Court of Ordinal o’rtock «. m.,on the ber next, why why such end letters of diemtssiou should not be granted HAMMOND, Ordinary. ##.15. E/W. V. Hi Notice to Debtors and Creditors. Notice is hereby given to all who are indebt¬ ed totbe estate ofJohnD. George, deceased, to can and settle at pups, All parties holding claims against the estate id said deceased ass notated to preeent ELLEDGE, ttem nt once Administrator, la legal fpra to A. L, jnnel 1 w8.-#3.7 0. Columbus, Ga Special Election. Notice is hereby given that there will bt held teld on on Tuesday, Tuesday, Spaldingcounty, the the 13th 13th day day oi oi August, Ai 1880,in 1880,in Spaldingcounty, whether an an election election to to deter- u<™»- mine the question bonds shall or shall not be issued by said county for the purpose of paying for, improving and repairing public denomination of five! dollars t Said election shall be bald apd conducted witiianA ' ffire shall baprinted or written on the bal¬ lot* of those voting tor bonds,’"and issuing said bonds the word* “For issuing on those opposed to issuing issuing tte same tte words “Against MARION bonds.” PATRICK, C. C. mms Receiver’s Sale. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in August, to tte highest bidder, unless sooner sold by nage material, varnish, paint*, carriage dtdffi.50 IJBNRT C, BURR, Receiver. he w Aavurtise/iiefGt PICTURES, BEST Picture MIRRORS Frames o* al kinda. Cabinet All sites the re tofU-awe*, *“ “Rogers’ “Rogers’ witptoe rtronjw,” Group*,’’ Card Card and and and Etchings JAMES. 1-. EARLE'A SONS, PHILABELPHiA, J ' PA. ISf Catalogue on receipt of stamp. MERCER UNIVERSITY. MACON, OA. FULL FACULTIES. FIVE SCHOOLS. 1: 3. The Scietifie Department. 4. The Department of Theology. 5. The Law Scaool TUITION FREE in tte Bepertutent of Ub- ■ ^ „ 1 ;• • • ’■ ' j DAILY AND m - ; if i . . ■ ■ •• . (CONSOLIDATED MAY 1889,) OFFERS q’dr . Mere Value ‘j«l r» ,» '-■■-J*; To Advertisers In proportion to prices charged, than any other medium in the South. With thecomblned circulation of two old apd well established charges the prices of only one. ■ ..f— It Is puhliBhed in Q^e of the agricmtaraU commercial, manufacturing and railroad centers of the most progressive State in the South, with a large and intelligent surroud- ing population and extra facllltleB for dht* - tribution. - --- * ■ - - ■ ; . Being: a first-class newspaper, fully up to all demands of the times and the require¬ ments of its constituepcy, it is read not only f by nearly every family in Spalding County, but in ttie eight surrounding counties, with a good general circulation in the State j other States. IT CfiViftSJ^WKflLE FIELD, and covers it completely. -tot- low. Wyite |or rates anfi sample copies of pally anil Weekly to PQU6LA3 GLB88NBR, PnbHtiwr, Griffin, Oa. , .1 t ■teiilM^aras .jjtassc&A u eiif w^ —Mu W*M» AND STAGXS9 ffre. < to M zzzssxssss; snreofP.P.P. benefited by the Ss3 rete ' n blood nlwitong yrepml Ma e t P. t.K Bsresrtti Poison. Tetter. ’ss^sssst-^n- fi%k» towsrftu tote md 1 H^iMkrte’1.. urtreAtotok n utoM w I,. wmmm am ' !SS5S iSikw - — m*