Newspaper Page Text
I J I i ;
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My&m fa
'M jJ * | ' / f
^ „p
band moat promising
, t yi,,th-
hatf <• ir
i lma built and put into
-zsxssxMsrzzs thau twice that capital.
• twcund of more
HS“ SjtftjsrflKMt:
• ' iu more or les* advanced
-tom, with an aggregate au-
>1 of over haH a million dollars.
t gystem of electric
ik Ttt
, n d while located on the greatest system in
the South, the Central, ha* secured connec¬
tion with it. important rival, the Emit Ten-
.d direct indigent cdnnActloh lith Chat-
tanooga and the West, and will break ground
Ifczzzsx increased :“t its
Preehyterian church. It has pop-
ulatioa' by nearly one fifth. It ha* attracted
•round ite border* fruit grower*! from nearly
erery State in the Onion, uutil it i* now sur-
attaertauwofi ssatssstSoes
doubled erery year. It has successfully in¬
augurated a system of public school*, with a
seven years curriculum, second to none.
This is part of the record of a hall decade
and simply «J»ow* the progress of an already
B*\«uvabiedty. with tits natural advantages
of haring the finest climate, summer and
P"' winter, in the world.
3 SS 3 M VT#
I ±a5sfc?tta»afia
W* hare sereral small ones, but their accom¬
modations are entirely too limited for our
urine «, pleasure and health seeking guest*.
If yon see anybody that wants a good loca-
Uonfera hotel in the South, Met mention
Clriifln ia the place where the Bawna Nitws
h published—daily and weekly—the beet news¬
paper in the Empire State of Georgia. Please
=«5Ew:x=r-~ insrsessMaa
«fPwtfWJ n.k.m ■ me wing ontopnMaoo f>AlllinM)N>d And i,
mmlkm Praeticss in all the.State and .Federal
■M; W* mm mmmQmwm Mm - : W.W
attorney at law,
nstrviN, oKonotA. . / } t J
Offlce, 81 Hill Street, Up Stairs, over J. H.
White’s Clot* in*- Store. marSadAwly
Courts. WiiStee Office W'tW fl Stfite f ana w ^Federal
h over
jouk n its trial. ’ ' ROUT. T. DAJOEL.
Wilt practice ia the State and Federal
*»»>*« irWiyiMftitiiir- nr i -r ■ - m
—■ ' 4 2 . ___"» a ; . ■ ***■ .
r$* :
■ ■i'v,
K»rea d^rte. to all burin
U and
ar Wanted for t
w * Bri “^ Vessel in
May Bring Things to an Efarty
The Expectation That the Quo 1 1 on Would
Sot Be Raised This Season Has Mot
Been Realised—OSSce Seekers Warned
to Keep Array from Deer Park—Prog¬
ress of Mary Building.
Washington, July 81.—The dispatch
from British Columbia announcing
revenue cutter
sealing vessel.
■ ' seals in
given last season to
the captain of our revenue outter have
not been revoked, or have been repeated.
This between seizure the may United bring States a speedy Great issue
Britain as to this subject
The frill instructions which ware
given to last the commander have of our revenue pub¬
cutter season not been
lished; but the understanding, from
what was testified to before the house
committee which investigated the sub¬
ject, was that the UnitedStates claimed
the right to all seals captured in the
Behring sea The dispatch announcing bS
” ’ —m ----------- it was made
were from Beh-
the issue that was
* by the Canadian gov-
eminent Great Britain denies that the
Behnng U^ted, States sea The iu-
revenue it outter will, un¬
present doubtedly, administration make necessary proceed for with the
this discussion from the point where the
last administration laid the subject
The expectation, both in Canada and
in this ooaatry, that the question has would
not be raised this season, not been
realized., the There is reason had hoped to believe that
state disposition department of this question, to make at
gome or
least topUt it in the way of adjustment,
without toe intervention of congress.
artment. Bat, unless Sir
said few fote days writ' before misunderstood, he sailed
be here, a
for England, that owing to the preoccu¬
pation of the secretary of state with
ageed other matters no protocol fisheries, had been
upon as to toe or any
other pending matter between the
United States and Great Britain.
Maitber Yeu Mar Your Petitions Are
Wanted at Dsrr Park.
Washington, July 31. —Office seekers
are not weloome at Peer Park. The
president has given them to understand
he does not care to carry
the shop she with ““ him. And And the t claimants
done* lot fere toei#P&ng any better - by i -jn&hg I their
„ petitions itions their that, chances in toe
oool au of tew mountains,
“ ““
stenographers and type-writers
be sent for, but upon upon fetters reflection reflection
decided ^ that the letters were were no m more
acceptable than the persons who wrote
them, and large bundles of letters are
received at the White House now. in
every mail, with bapaidtott instructions
, „ . A Very Pair Baginning.
Washington, July 81.— A list of new
will have an increase of twenty-three
vessels. This is encouraging, but not
very great in comparison with England’s
determination to build fifty-two new
ships. The keels for the first of thenewves-
Yorktown, are in commission. Since
then thirteen additional vessels, includ¬
ing seagoing the Vesuvius torpedo boat, and have the Herareohoff been
menced and we in various stages of
completion. To these might be added
f&6 it - f__1- DBTMW® aj a DftvlwSnip m —. i » JC^uTl wn .....u uul mi -A A«ari-- lOur
double tnrreted monitors which, when
“ M&
one7,600-ton armored ■■■
bor defense ram, two 800 to l,iW0-ton
gunboats, o n e a ddi ti on a l dyn a mi te aruis-
one cadet] 3Sh^d V S"wiu tog
rftoe new i»vy up to
This is a very fan-
body of
wn oiti-
me he party
3+*** f \ ’
Two Workmen Meet a lingering Death
Near Birmingham. Ala.
BnoHNGHAM, Ala., July 81.— A fire
which started Sunday night in shaft No.
8 of toe Scott coal mines, six miles from
still burning. It is sup-
a vain of coal is binning and
to be no way and of thirty putting mules the
wo men
were in the mines when the fire broke
out- and must have suffered horrible
deaths, as they were out off toe from air
and the burning shaft was only
means of escape.
Russia’s Wheat Crop the Wont in Yean.
PtooOs Sweep Away the (hope in Hun¬
gary and Benmania—Crops Elsewhere.
New York, July 81.—Aoable dispatch
to The Times from London says: The
harvest news with which the week opens
shows that the situation of the world’s
breadstuff supply is much more serious
thau was expected a fortnight ago, when
toe rise in prices began here. Russian
official reports now admit that toe wheat
crop is toe worst in many years, but they
strive to take toe edge off toe announoe-
ment by the declaration that ;ha,t the the gov- £
eminent in consequence will will jf) reduce
railway rates on panic panic gram inside inside freights, toe the so i empire. as to
K prevent a PK food food
Telegrams from Vienna enna report! ' toe rav¬
_ of something . like cyolone in Httn-
ages and northern Rouriiania, a whioh not
gary and northern Boumama w
only desteoyed ‘ the grain grain still still (till standing, si
but Szegridin, swept away Mobacs, so many and ■ other granaries centers at
the ..........
that toe bulk of grain harvested a
few The weeks ago was ministry {Are destroyed. of agriculture
officially storm that announced the grain toe day before of Galicia this
and Silesia total crops failure, and
were a
those of Bohemia and Moravia very bad.
In India, too, toe toe reports from Bombay
are worse as season advances.
Official estimates of averages show a
shortage of fully 15,000,000 bushels, but
these not tidings the worst from feature exporting of toe countries present
situation. Two weeks ago it was as¬
sumed that both England and France
weather has caused considerable loss,
and occasions serious anxieties to toe
farmers of England. Unless there are
now six weeks of unbroken sunshine the
favorable prospects tor the year will not
be at all realized.
The same: wretched climatic condi¬
tions worked havoo with the Frenah
crop, which is now estimated at a fifth
less freightefrom than a the fortnight Baltic ago. and Black Shipping
pores have within a week advanced from
one and a France half penoe and England to one shilling in six
pence to oonse-
quence. All this has bad marked effect
a on
ain markets ‘ —
» of independen prices, and
fall more upon the condition of the sur¬
rounding district than on the general
In Hungary prices have taken an up¬
ward leap, and this is true in France,
Germany and Belgium in somewhat
varying degree.
Here in England toe nine chid! pro¬
vincial markets covering the principal
producing com area show a uniform ad¬
vance of from sixpenoe to one-shilling
per quarter, will send and this yesterday’s still higher. and to-day’s Wheat
cutting begins in Essex this week, and
will soon be general, which makes the
continuance of cold rains fatal not only
to Unless quantity, all but signs to quality. fail, the estimate of
H „ that of last This »y is
worse than year.
probably toe best possible Me explanation
of the sudden dying away of war
Poisoned Their Two Son*.
OFIUNV Springfield, Mo., July 81.—J. B
Fauncei and his wife were arrested Mou-
day, on the Luther charge and of poisoning William. their The
two sons. son:
boy Luther died a few weeks ago, but
the other lad recovered. Faunce, when
arrested confessed that he had pur¬
chased toe poison, but said he did so at
toe request of his wife, who said she
■wanted ly it told to poison him a that dog. she Subsequent¬ wanted
she to
poison the boys, because She they adminis¬ caused
her too much trouble.
tered the poison in coffee and the
youngest sou, Luther, died in a few
National Wool Growers.
Columbus, O., July 81.—The meet¬
ing of the National Wool Growers’ as¬
sociation toe action passed of the resolutions treasury department approving
in relation to broken tops and waste.
The growers also asked that the de¬
cisions be applied to ring; waste and
soiled violation laps now of being the tariff largely laws. imported They
ask the president to revise call a toe special tariff meet¬ laws,
ing of the congress association to also declares the
wool indu stry in an improved condition.
Nobth Wilbbaham, Masa, July 31.—
A cyolone^quickly followed by a terrific
cyclone Connecticut came valley from toe and direction ceased its < work
of destruction here after striking toe
Chicopee river,, where it threw water
fifty badly feet high. washed Public in thoroughfares sections of
were Massachusetts, many and rivers and
streams ar e rapidly rising.
Woman’s Bad tonjttf,
Sidney, O., July 31.—William Run-
yap hvra on one side of a
fS&i that the woman 8 2r3c%%» swears at hit
and the neighbors, and with hex nrofan-
the trial before a justice Monday morn¬
ing Mrs. Baker waa bound over to oourt
July 81.-Rev.
miL wm ,
Seismic in the Island
of Khwhiu.
An Entire Town Said to Have
Been Destroyed.
to Prop-
Victoria Con¬
tamplatos no or is Rumored.
Bad BJood Prince Bismarck
and Count W« ortdgu,
Yokahama, <—A dispatch
received from soys that a
dreadful earthquake occurred in toe
western part of the Island of Kiushiu,
and that the town of Kumamoa was to¬
tally destroyed. A large number of
people have perished, but no approxi¬
mate estimate of the number can yet be
made. The amount of property destroy¬
ed ia reported to be enonpous.
- ............. -
Bismarck and Waldersee.
Berlin Lonposr, July 31 . It is reported from
that a conflict has token place
between Prince Bismarck and Count
Waldarsee, which has ended, a s^ual,
in the oomplete i
lor, who has resolutely d< lined to
do his best to preserv||M| ,-|M»oe. Count
. ________
Waldereee Prince Bismarck has to been formally compelled and pub- by
by the his report was favorite first revealed to Europe Prince
Bismarck own became alarmed, newspaper. not without
reason, at toe ominous manner in which
this straw was moving. The emperor
had the choice of either supporting the
chancellor’s peace polioy or accepting
his resignation.__
Only a Bumur.
New York, July 81.— The Tribune’s
London special says: The stoiy that
the the queen queen meditates a sea , which voyage voyage is is
merely one of those from
time to time find credence in society.
■ ■ ill go tepKBHPVI
where the Empress Frederick will join
her later. She is very much better for
the change to the Isle of Wight has got
rid of her rheumatism and sciatica.
She will stay at Balmoral all the time
she is in Sootiand. Should her rheuma-
that she try the t baths is not at improbable Strathpif-
in Rosshire.__ may
OnnRifln ream Banqueted.
London, July 81.—Maj. Jones of the
honorable artillery presided at a ban¬
quet Massachusetts Monday rifle evening team. given Mr. Lincoln, to the
the American minister was among the
guests and responded to toe toast,
‘ThePresident of the United States."
He alluded in his speech to the absence
of the military element in the daily life
of the traveling people in in America, United and said States that
care the
would be more soldier surprised tliaii by the sifR
ance of a at the
that remarkable bird, called the ad-
Mo Limit to the Royal Family.
srrvSskKMtrt: London, July 81.-In the house of
grants amend
shall quires be a asked. promise for that no further members grants of
royal family. younger Chamberlain
the Mr. La- op¬
posed the amendment, and Mr.
bouchere advocated it. The amend¬
ment was rejected, 355 to 134. Mr.
Gladstone, the Parnellites, and most of
toe Liberals, voted with the majority.
Soured on Gambling.
London, July 31.—About six weeks
ago a stranger in Vienna won $1,200,000
of the government's in money “policy.” by a game This
known America as
circumstance has opened the eyes of the
Austrian legislators to the wickedness of
lotteries. Roser, member of the
Austrian reiclisratli, has just introduced
a bill for the abolition of all toe state
lotteries, of its and passing. there are flattering pros¬
Foreign Motes.
The Massachusetts rifle team was received
Monday by the lord mayor of London.
The tbab is about to depsrt from England.
He bade farewell to the queen at Osborne,
The anthoritiee at Vienna have received
information that the striking miners tit tbs
Ora* district are conspiring to blow up pub¬
lic buildings and residences of mine owners
and managers. The government is taking
precautions accordingly.
Changes in the Italian consular service
have been announced. Signor IBruni bas
been transferee! from Saloaioa to Denver,
Coi| Signor Kaybondl from Laraaea to
Philadelphia, Signor Derevel from Boston to
Parras, Max., and Signor Test* from Bona
‘ to Breton.
ant by the
lieutenant when arrested waa soaking
sketches of the forts and defeases of the
harbor. The arrest is likely to be. made the
subject of d iplomatic corresponde nce.
Feirest tfiree to Colorado.
spread and ooters and area of over ten
square mites. The intense «r in toe
The Indian Girls Mo* Unwilling Victim* of
Mti S Caucasian BraUstinesh
Omaha, Neb., July 81.—The corre¬
spondent of The Bee at Junean, Alaska,
sends the following under date of July
The Albatross, with toe Semite com¬
mittee on Indian affairs, arrived here ou
Sunday afternoon. Port They ore on their
return to Townsend.
At Sitka the committee visited the
habitations of the Indians, and learned
at the different point* ^
they have failed to learn of a single
where an Indian woman or girl has been
forcibly made to submit taken from to toe her vile parents passion and of
companionship They have, however, and virtue learned of the that the
is a matter ot dollar and oents, and not
difficult to negotiate for. .On the night
of the arrival of the Albatress a portion
of the committee was brought ashore
under late hour, the guidance and in the of rudely Col. Conaday at
a oonstruot-
ed dance houses saw the dusky maidens
partners. dancing and drinking with their white
Inquiries into the titles of real rotate
disclosed the fact that in this town of
1,000 inhabitants not a foot of land is
owned in fee simple, but that buildings
and other improvements by simply pass mil of from sale, one and to this an¬
practice is universally regarded as in
every respect a oomplete and perfect
Said to Have Pnreluuod the British Ship¬
yard on Vancouver bland.
San Francisco, July 81.—It is said
that a ship-building syndicate is being
formed with the Cramps at its head
for the purpose of pooling the interests
of all of the prominent ship-building in¬
terests of the country, and that the pur¬
chase of the British shipyard on Van¬
couver island is contemplated.
It is understood that the British gov¬
ernment is willing to sell this yard for
qpi|iruV|Uvr $1,500,000. u t The titspiias* capital v* of the W 4 B OJ syndicate MUlUlsvw
is about $4,000,000. The principal mem¬
bers a» Cramp k Sons, o! Philadelphia;
Neafle & Levy and Harlem & Hollings¬
worth, of Delaware; Wilmington, Del: Union Posey A
Jones, ■IK of ‘ Francisco. and the Theodore Iron
works, of ~
Cram - ~ ’
Texas Fever Havoc.
Chicago, July 81 .—A special dispatch
from Winfield, Kan., says: Cattlemen
from the Indian territory report that
Texas fever is playing havoo among toe
oattie in toe territory. Over forty herd
were seen dead in one pasture alone.
Sad' i
that hundreds
Oklahoma and predicted
would not be a living head of the cattle
imported states of Kansas into that and country Nebraska from in two the
months. Oklahoma '1 is he fatality among much oattie from in
not caused so
Texas fever as frCm the effect the more
southern climate has on them. Reports
from Guthrie, Oklahoma City, and other
points in the territory verify this state¬
Hounded By Speculators.
Boise Cm, Idaho, July 81.—The
government has commenced snryeya for
Mah° storage reservoirs, with a com-
ttWM? had the engineers started out than they
were followed by surveyors in the em¬
ploy of speculators, who file on lauds
and water rights along streams and
gulches. tors promises Such defeat monopoly to toe plans by specula¬ of the
government One corporation outside
of Idaho is attempting to own and con¬
trol Bear lake for storage, and Bear
river for a distance of 140 miles in Idaho,
that they may sell water to lands and
towns in Utah. Governor Shoup has tele¬
graphed Betting forth the the secretary foot*, of and toe that interior. steps
be Idaho. taken to prevent this great injury to
•Twist Wheel and Rail.
Lodisville, o’clock Ky., July 81,—Monday
night »t 6 os William Becker Scheok, a
saloon keeper, Mrs. Hannah and
Henry Pfistner, were crossing the track
of tiie Daisy Suburban railroad in a
dashed into them, kill-
and injuring the
kc-» Extradition.
Winnipeg, Man., July 81 .—Burke’s
application for a writ of habeas oorpus
was dismissed by the unanimous decis¬
ion of the full court, and toe prisoner
again remanded for extradition.
This settles the case here and Burke
will formalities be token b«k with to the Chicago Federal a$ authori¬ soon as
ties at about Ottawa eight are completed, ten days which will
take or
Will Knew Better If Ha Live*.
Atlanta, Ga., July 31.— When Hen¬
ry Beavers, who lives near Rutledge,
left home Monday night he gavehia
wife a loaded shotgun, and told her He to
returned shoot anybody at 10 o’clock; who bothered and thinking her. to
have some fun refused to tell Mis. Beav¬
ers who he was. She shot him in the
neck. He will probably die.
Poison ad by Ion Scream.
Laconia, N. H,, July 81.—John
Boardman, wife and child, and Mrs.
Boardman’s mother, Mrs. Blair, and
sister, -Mrs. Bushman, vanilla were ice poisoned of
Friday by manSura eating Physicians cream had
their own saving'their lives.
great Blair difficulty is not in expected to
Mrs. n oon
Pocket-Boole Faetory Banted.
Greenfield, Mess., July 81.—The
entire plant of
and stock of the _
A 3
Pennsylvania Coke Furnaces
Be Deserted.
The Movement Strongly Advo¬
cated by Non-Union Men.
Twanty-riv* Thousand Non will Be At-
bated by It —They Have Bern Prepar¬
ing far Wont ha for it, and Bare Cboeen
a Time When They Can Get Work
s ‘.rvrs^rta.* ss
Ik. op».S,» ri.14 u rtl b. oi
long duration. The 25,000 men have
been preparing for months for it They
have chosen a time when they can
employment among farmers,
money in the treasuries of their
rations will be used as a subsistence
fund for those who will be plaoed on
guard around the mines and ovens.
Oenferenes* Askod far and Refused.
£«*Ss*a® strike. This strike was not brought
about by the organized miners and
ookers. The non-union miner* and
Biswmu xss-ofr'se'e
tors three tomes and have been ignored
eftch time.”
Xbm Social Condition Tory Bad.
The price of coke is low, but toe prioe
has been purposely brought down by
those operators who have interests in
furnaces and ifgaflwg£jn£ iron manufa*
doing tives »“* engaged so they 3 have in the reduced ooke
sooiM the history condition of that is unpwtSeled The in
stores and any country. houses oompany another
of hards oompany hip and dis satisfaction. are
Strike for Nine Hoar* Victorious.
Boston, July 3i.— Monday two of toe
these sXBdejasht&'s bosses’
contractors toe association
trill disband, and the East Boston ship
carpenters believe that they have vir¬
tually won thei r strike for nine hours.
'-L: • . Quiet at Stroator. .
Strbatob. m, July 81,-Everything
fey. wife Ufi CoTnjmny
win IT„ moimay
r* deep feeltog of________ _
wards the militia, but no demonstration
has been made since their departure and
none is expeoted.
The Robert;^. Loo Monumsnt
monument Richmond, is Va., July 81,—The Lee
pletion. Governor Governor now rapidly Lee nearing that com¬
that the h says
. hbrotE. J be delivered
ruby veiling toe of middle the of November. will take The
ice between the middle of November
d first of Dec December. Col. Archer
Anderson, of this city, will deliver toe
oration on this occasion and Bishop wifi
Whittle, offer of the Episcopal church,
a prayer._
"The Gospel of the Grape.’’
San Francisco, July 81 —Kate Field
has withdrawn her resignation as lectur¬
er California on “The Gospel viticultural of toe Grape” for the
She writes from Richfield Springs, N,
Y.. and rays she takes this action be-
cause of the sympathy and support
given her by toe commission ana toe
California press, and also because the
Prohibitionists have boasted that they
forced her to abandon her opposition to
their oonse._
Protective Tariff Club* ia tba South.
Birmingham. Ala., July 81.—Secre¬
tary Barber, of the White Protective
Tariff league, reports that thirty-six
olttb# have been chartered and many
other ing action applications by the executive for charters committee. sue await¬
A Birmingham meeting of about the leagne the middle is to of be August, held in
at which efforts will be made to intro-
duoe the organization Into every south-
era state.
sixtr Cigar Makers Strike.
Philadelphia, July 81.— About sixty
hard workmen at Gray, Morales k
Company’s strike against oigar what they factory claim are to cm be a
reduction of wages from #10 to #9 per
1.000 on panateis and ifrom from #1* tlz to to #11 #11
per 1,000 on conchas, The firm say too
trouble is due to a .
and Thursday that they for toe will not to wait return. longer than
The Stern* King’s Ravage*.
Little Rock, Ark., July 81.—Mon¬
day evening this city and surrounding
conn try was visited by one of the many
rain and wind storms that have lately
been ravaging the country. Great dam¬
age was done to crops, and in some
places houses and barns were swept
array. eway. As As yet ; no lives-hove been le¬
ported lost
Riot Amoag Italian Laborer*.
Pittsburg, July 81.—A serious riot
occurred Monday among the Italian
laborers engaged in laying the new pipe
from the Belte Vernon gas field. Knives
mid pistols were drawn, Mid in the melee
Italian “ ‘ ‘ ‘
tally woun ded.
Bound Over for Killing Her Ho* baud.
Rock Island, III, July 31.—L D.
Monday morning, her husbe* t
going on her bond for #6,000.
Inflicted at the Whippd.
Balmmor*, off July 81.-A '
tolls ■
George Portray i
w mill near Mari . .
’*• ?
iftsaar '
lUndoilBIssr - -
vllle, by John I
-ss ”
SSL undur
has wbowra,„ been
found t
William H I
--saSj Roe Sutton «
Wi* ., say toe
John Kn WftM rand
Peoria. DL went hnrafc **&
Jtuil twroStHvw .JJ -
b«, n swept* way. '
RMbtnd^for I
and corn fields s
a lumber yard a
went, but first i
Tt ---11
cars, both tegs t
an electric wire »
from toe gear «rft
The grand jury i
a report I:
eruratou, ^on«ratiug the
t^CWunS^to' geT
Charles Haner who
sorted her,
The White t
Ind., is to as
U^urto* ** eW
pl^edWffir, 1
fouodry , fsll from o
Mrs. Q. Foirbor
of Defiance, O., i
Sria RobnVc&cter, s
asks them to do jo or pa
^&diAnftpoUfi soldiers' out’
sion has been redicoied
inscription prepared for \
will leave the eckuowle.
and donations for a more ac
•**eaw m IlfvIlJtvJ WlliLfl OSS M
soimsl {g 8 uppos 0 (i U3 i
That harrowing
about toe body of toe
being found oncasod in
is true, wMh a few minor t
Forest fire* are destroj
belts of timber in Utha
dry toat the fire* are!
extent of country.
driven out of town by i.
cause of hi* Worai
Gray. The latter, who
eleven years, has also lo
Young Osror Rnnefi, ra l of «
Walton, Ky., farmer, while i
tried to pulverise toe
Mrs. McGlasson, Mrs. Id
whUo the husband sicked \
An nnkitrtfrn man rev
Chicago White rowing i
government pier end 1
Harrison street A toot I
body was seen to top;
lake. His hat, » s
one, purchased fro
O., and a revolver
' Field fires tore
Mis lack of Santa
The loss will i
the neighborhood of C
^orad an immense i