The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, August 04, 1889, Image 2

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CtX. ,8 00 1.00. . *“»’ ♦' 18 «® of Spotting Co. Advertising B«tee. rfflmf i~^ piT r tqmtt square rrf fortheSrst r r tT 2 rtS&T^ «n^hl«bwd ^fataasfsst emfoadnfortheDaih NH of the Macon r backwards, as fol- Sweet, sweeter, sweetest. Hs t when he sings. • State is "What has become of - mart of the commission on toe- } asylum appoint^ by the ieg- ’ Mto'years ago?’ . .« ■ ■ ..... ■ ; , »» .> I _ ? T has __________ three good banks te y from tot panK. » Hortieultliral Soctetjr tribute to the Southern ; .„_r in styling it “the old re¬ load unsurpassed agricultural ial.*’ It merits the highest enco- i physicians have come to 1 that kissing fa not so f agW The house bill making railroads pay county taxes the same as other property is eminently proper and should pass the Senate. Tills Is the law in other States and there fa no reason why railroads should not bear thoir full share of the agiiiag pubHc burdens. ■ • lt would hardly be fair to call the Horticultural Convention a failure Possibilities of Horticulture in Geor¬ gia.” Stiff, the affair was not quite the game perfect success that it would have otherwise been. MSm, * PImbH ■ ‘-V *--- History The attention of the Griffin Class, which has done valuable work in fostering and gratifying a taste for historical research, fa directed to the series of articles outlie French Revo¬ lution begun in this issue of the News and Sits. To the ladies of the class, these articles arerepectfnliy dedicated by the publisher as his contribution to tbrfr Here are some interesting fignree about the experiment stations of the United States department of agricul- ture; Oor experiment stations now employ over 870 experts in agricul- tufal science and practice, and are supported by a national appropria¬ tion of 1600,000 to which the state# add about |125,000. |725,000 a year may seem tike a large sum to expend annually for agricultural ex¬ periments, but it is less than 10 cents for each of the 7,500,000 farm worfc- em of the country; less than 2 1-2 cents for each of the 80,000,000 of our population directly dependent upon agriculture for their support, each o! and less than 11-4 cents for th* 60,000,000 of our people who consume the products of our farms. The farming lands, farm implements and live stock of the country are es¬ timated to be worth 112,000,000,- 000. The experiment stations cost us, therefore, about $6.25 a year for every million dollars invested m ag¬ riculture. Or, reckoning the annual value of the products of our farms at #2,200,000,000, we are now spending about 88 1-8 cents for every thousand dollars’ worth of products in an attempt to increase the value of these products In future years. Peculiar |pP| Deafer«a Can't be Cured one way to ewe deaftuw., ort^mnena nad that im byjoo- I condition “ “ lining itT«r. When this tube ' ' _ i when nmbUng Samtiftiy wound or H toai A bwariug, and if . hm in the result, anti unleaa the ihflama- i b» taken outiand this tuin* re*tom) ■ condition, hearing will be de- j; Mine case* out o< ten are t catarrh, which is nothing but an condition ol the wutwas surtama no Hundred Dollars for and f.ltt&Strr jS^SS^sLSS ...... «,,TOM*0, Ik £ k 4/ it of even ________to the world at large; the Fiwjch Rerolu- tion, which raged with unparaMled fierceness for six long years, when the ci’msrrts history has called forth ttoch varied and continued crlticfam as the differ- phases of this great uprleing of ! people, and the subject is by no ______,dearer one exhausted. insight Into _j# causes and events of the time be- fag daily gained as the storm of pas¬ sion and prejudice subsides into the background. For these reasons, and because articles py.,,..,jwwipww of such merit are al- way* acceptable to thecultured read- are of the N«ws asd Sun, the pttamt ^ de «® ed an opportune them occasion {first time for presenting _____ to for the a series series of of intensely interesting and historically accurate articles on the French Revolution by the cel¬ ebrated writer, Junius Henri Browne. The first of these appears today’and a perusal of it will show at once the high character of the series. The whole number of articles will be . . 1 _ .. .... __ win will appear ormoor every Sunday until until onm com- been been taken taken in in selecting selecting G -i the the p dS portraits portraits ®d they am -----—----7? believed to be S histori- our mta. win making a work of permanent value which can be obtained in no A+ 6 . * r Harrison led off his bid for the by by Appoint- appoint- w-m — - —--------- - he fa about to get rid of the gallant other chronic-office seeker from the State, Register of the Treasury, This applicant is “Senator” Bruce, who ones held the post and was rare¬ ly at hfa office. Harrisoiwgave an il- Uterate negro the postmaster-ship of Delmar, Arkansas. He can neither read nor write. A similar appoint¬ ment was made at Bay 8t. Louis, Miss., against the protestations of the whiteeitisens, Harrison bestow¬ ed on “General” Robert Smalls the coffedtorshlp of Beaufort, 8. C., al¬ though the black warrior and whilom Congressman and State Senator was convicted and sentenced to the South Carolina penitentiary for accepting » bribe. Yet it fa scarcely fair to sin¬ gle out these appointees of the Presi¬ dent for special adverse criticism. No matter what the school of phyeie, phthisic They eaeh can care an ache or At teaee ’ti* said they can; But ae Science turns wheel still faster, Ana quacks am! bigot* meet disaster, To us there comes a i of Dr. thorough, Pierce, though and gentle fail in to action, are never cure biliousness, diseased or torpid liver, and constipation. B. B. M. (Botanic Blood Balm.) H yon try this remedy yon will say as ethers have said, that, is the best blood fier and tonic. WrlteBlood BalmCo., ta, Qa,. for book of convincing testimony. J. P. Davis, Atlanta, Qa, (West writes; “I consider that B, B. B. has A. Stink, Atlanta, Qa., “One of B. B. B. completely cured my child of ..... » W. A. Pepper, Fredonia, Ala., writes: B. B. cured my mother o (ulcerated sore throat.’ Saved from Consumption. Several physicians Druggist, predicted of Mr. Asa B. Rowley, cago! would soon have caused by an aggravated case of tarrh. Customers finally of him to try Clarke’s Extract (Pnpillon) Catarrh Cure. He says “The result was unprecedented. the commenced to get well after application and am now, after a few weeks, entirely cured.” It will do same for you. Price #1,00. Try Clarke’s Flax Soap for the Skiu and you will use no other. 25 cents. All of Clarke’s Flax remedies are fyr by I)r. N. B. Drqwry, Druggist. Ruby's better J* A tetter from Mr. W. Raby, Union City, y, Ind., Ind., says: i: “I ------------- have used your Clarke’s Extract of Flax (Papil- lon) Cough Care and find it» eold.' ^»m- plete cure for deep seated It litis done more than two of onr most of your drenwl it to be So it fa. only #1.00. Clarke’s the Skin. It tefads them 25 cents. Cough Cure and Soap for by Dr. N. ft. . P Drewrry. coneideml from time to time by thelegfalnture* of theoountry, and aorne of, them have been foolish enough to put upon It the seal bill fa another. The Nashville American describee the bill accurately when it saye/ it fa, indeed, a measure which makes a di- rect and powerful appeal for popular support. All the fair and promising features it possesses are upon the surface, while H* vicisusness requires to be exposed. Those politicians who discounted the intelligence and patriotism of the people and support¬ ed this bill gained considerable, though ephemeral, popularity. Those who dared to oppose it appeared for for a time to huve sealed their doom. But fearless and critical discussion of it was death to the Blair bill, and its popularity has faded and diminished with every year it has stood Wore the public eye.” The grape crop this year promises EESasrsraqS; -ik^.saa XhjFh^h —ir — A- „ —v — there.# a.s^ _ -— U1prodoe#85,000,000 —.. _ .j.*-. - — eta ty..- gaUoM of wine B ut the people in K eneml are especially interested to fi hk z y are 8teudil improrin g. 0 ur people, »°°.^b«0-i C8 to»d„ P «ptka 0 d nervou8) an d getting better complex- pettoer - lor all - day. - It is a good way to take grape juice. -if “Ob, my back 1” >> is 5 a common ex- clamation, and expresses a world of misery . ana suffering. It is singular various _ arises from such causes. Kidney disease, liver colds rheu-. com- p aint, wasting affections, tratfam, dyspepsia, overwork ™.omnrL- «nH and nervous debility are chief causes. When thus ailing seek prompt relief. It can be found best in Brown’s Iron Bitters. It builds up from the foun¬ dation by making the blood rich and pure. Leading physicians and min¬ isters use and recommend it. It has cured many, and if you are a sufferer, try it. • Among Errors Ruinous to HeaUth. One of the most mlechi«Toua and most com¬ mon Is the indiscriminate and too Srequent use of __Ires. Such medicines, nedlcinee, if well ____ resorted chosen and seasonably to, select are cer¬ the tainly nostril, tt - but many persons - worst, Bitters. It is botanic in origin, and a snccedanum —---- for _ T these it objectionable ..mmm ,. d igs, calomel and bine pill; it does does not not grii gnpe or drench the bowels like the ordinary eracuents. reforms irregularity the disorder of and and the rat remedies which r stomach, Rh ndition. hen- tint and itters. Sec Wkat a Tonic Can Do. Lake City, Fla, June 24,1886. 0. H. Newman, of Lake City, Fla., says his wife has suffered for seven years with a complication of diseas¬ es, of which asthma was the most prevalent. She has not laid down in bed for seven yeare. He has expend¬ has ed all the money his business made him in that time for medicine, physicians, myeicians, etc., eve., to iaj obtain uuluiu relief inrc, for im ner, .;er, bi but without any success what¬ ever. He was advised finally by physicians did to try P. P. P. He so, expecting to derive no benefit, but after taking less than two bottles eruptions appeared all over, and sbe immediately began to improve, and now ber skin is perfectly clear. Sbe sleeps soundly every night general on health an or- dinary pillow, and , h her has not been better in years. Mr. Newman, who is a merchat m Lake City, is very enthusiastic over the cure, and thinks it thegrahdes blood purifier and tonic of the age. -VIA- BRUNSWICK, JESUP,MACON. ATLAN¬ TA, ROME and CHATTANOOGA. ONLY LINE Double Daily Sleeping Car Set vice Between Cincinnati and Jacksonville. Solid trains between Chattanooga and Jacksonville, Closely connecting with double trains with Pullman Sleeping from Cars to and Memphis, Nashville, Kansas Ci y and the West and Knoxville, Washington, New York nnd the East, THE SHORT LINE BETWEEN Atlanta and and Jacksonville, Savannah, Atlanta Atlanta and Brunswick, Atlanta and Macon, Atlanta and Rome. For rates, Tim* Cards and other information apply to agents of the East Tenn., Va and Georgia R. R. B, W. WRENN. Gen. Pass, db Ticket Agt., Knoxville. S. B. Hardwick, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt., Atlanta. B. A. FAHNESTOCK'S UGE. Mft* mm ArticleItselL ti Hood's 111.»«rit ferwpurllbt that wto,cud g* the bet that Hood’s Sarsaparil'* »* u * n > J“; r Z^n comohshes vhafi tat dalnied lor It, Is what to MeriTwhw £1°^^ Hood's cu m BettiuU , fett Ihsua «ad_«a Humoc. IW fa*. ■* ■*—*- *»’* ***-““*##, orercomes *■w an Appetite, ctmifith- m up the Whole System. _____ Is sold by til drug- gUto. tl:*tiIor|a. jftcp»redbyO.I.Hoo# AppUcatioii for Amend¬ ment of Charter. said eounty: The petition of the Farmers Co-operative Man¬ ufacturing Company. SotarC^“oTfee adjourned 80th of tern ct 1889, at the iUe February rvuruntj au^uisrow th ebat.r*fo ~ ^^?dSt^^r amended to w -- as CammlserSon business, that Warehonse and aeeount they may either on thtir own or OB the account ol others buyJsMp, receive,; st«p», sell aell or or barter barter cotton cotton and and other other farm farm produce produce fer¬ and all kinds of farm machinery, vehicles, used tilisers and other articles of merchandise i___ by m farmers _____ and their faMtliae families, non can mnlrn i---- an - r ances upon cotton and other farm produce to secure oh all debts by W^ mortgages, rt^ t hens erect, or deeds realtor per gn^ o warehouse and commission busi ness; *'• to ness, or securing ---- th — payment lease , snch and ndranceA; anceS; to to sell, rent, purchased or use real received and when personal to the proprrty interest so of the Company or to do so and to do so and to do any and all other acts which are proper and! legal in bnsi- car¬ rying on a warehouse and eommision BCM. Tour pel >e ;<mvt granted and allowing ^------- this amendment and _ making it a part ol the charter heretofore is¬ sued to this corporation investing it with the power asked lor in this amendment that ft may have the right to hnsinessin cany on connection said ware¬ house house and and commission commission tmsmessin the connection cinginnl with the business authorised by charter. Done this the 3rd day of July 1899. W. w. E. rj. H. o. painu*. SEARCY, MTg F Pres. STItWELL, Farmers Co-operative Sect’y. to. J. . 'office, Surpsrior Court paldingth,nnty.Jtiy3rf,^ Filed in ,u Clerk’s S gCierkk \VM. J. HOMA8, Uifirua I certify that the foregoing to a true Mid sg””' 1 - ■^TigiSsa .A?* Georgia Midland & Gull RR. Time Table, Taking Effect July 17, ’89 No. 50.—I’iSBBWGRR, South, Daii.t Except »v Sunday. Arrive. Leave. McDonough...... 5:00 5:00 a.m. Griffin............... .5:40 a. m. 5:45 “ Warm Springs.............. 7:09 “ Columbus................ 8:48 “ No. 51 .—Passengeb, Nobth. Daily. Columbus..................... 1:05 p. m. Warm Spring............... 2:34 Griffin.........................3:50 p. m. No. 52 .—Passenger, South. Daily. Griffin.............. 4!05p.m. 5:28 “ Warm Springs.............. Colnmbus......................7:00 p. in. No. 58 —Passenger, Nobth. Daily Except SlJNEAY. Columbus...................... 5;10 p. m Warm Springs.............. ■* 6:49 *• Griffin............*...........8:15 p. m. 8:20 “ McDonough....................9:00 “ No. 54 .—Passenger South, Sunday Only. McDonough...........7:30 Griffin...........................8:10 8:15 a. “ m. a.ra. Warm Springs.............. 9:35 “ Columbus......................11:10 “ No. 55 .—Passengeb North. Sunday Only Columbus...................... 7:40 a. Warm Springs.............. 9:14 “ Griffin...........................10:38 a. m. 11:00 “ McDonough.................11:40 “ No. 1 .—Freight North, Fridays. Mondays, Wednes¬ days and Columbus........—,.....,.... 9:00a. in. Warm Springs............... 11:42 “ McDonough.,,...............4:30 Griffin. .......................2:13p.m. “ No. 2 .—Freight South, Tuesdays, Trues days and Saturdays. f McDonough.. —............. ... 11:00 a. m. m. Griffin .................... ..12:05 p.m. 1:50 p. Warm Springs., 4:20 “ Columbus. ......... 6:50 LIPPMAN BROS., Wholesale !««e25diwly Agents. Sa rtinnah, Ga. t- r Ordinance, Be It ordained by the Mayor and Council ot Griffin, the and It is hereby ordained by anthori- tion ty of same that from and after the adop¬ ot this ordinance it shall be unlawful for any person to ride on a WeytSe or other im¬ plement or apparatus propelled by the rider, on any sidewalk in the city, under penalty of twenty dollars, or work on the streets for 30 day July for each offence. 1889. 33rd, mmr: ;pBmssBBk « 9 feaL_____ B issued from Drake, 8paM- MM Justice „ m ,r»M> -------- fa* or 10.00. ti W. E. Go.dsmnh a V.^erer L A 8 Brer Ordinary’* AdvertUemenli. / \HDINABY’S erSu orrp^BrxLMKO Ootg Keith ,* as W. J. Keith, tor of late the of tart said will county and ment of ceased, following frame dwelling house on corner ol Tentn ana Solomon streets, containing hall one acre tot more Sony or less. Also, one vacant acre on street, mon street bounded south bvBolomon north by an alley, east by E. F. i Ison and west by Keith children. IBB, wflfay UJ Bh ^ UO ‘ fw.^AMMOND, Ordinary tomr •W. H. Brewer, w. n. Hsuitner turn «j imu o. Brewer, Executors of L. B. Brewer, deceased, have made application to me for leave to sell sell Griffin, a a two two with acre acre dwelling tract tract of ui and land «*«« outhouses, in »x* the aw w, city_of bound¬ oonuu- ed north by Poplar street, west ,1 N.nth I- ni uunta wj * -jw* College street, ----- and east by street, south place by and Simms place; also, lot Stark a 39 by 90 feet on the northeast comer of Tay- poee ot pajrfng'debtijof amongst the heirs. deceased andfordis- tribution concerned show be¬ Let all persons cause fore the Court ol Ordinary, at my office in YARDINARY’S OFFICE—SpALprae CoW- V/ tt, Georgia, July 2nd, 1889.—John H. Keith applies Jo me for fetters ol Administra¬ tion on estate of Julia M. Keith, late of said county deceased, with the will annexed. Let all persbns concerned Bhow cause before the ___________________ Court of Ordinary, the”first at my my office, office, in August August by by ten ten nviru-b o’clock a. a. m., m on m the first Monday Monday in next, why such letters of administration 88 . 00 . Cow- —i . 0. Mc- i Ere. Janett Betlm Bethune, ____ Dismis¬ deceased, applies to me for fetters of sion on said estate. before o ncemed show cause f, at my office, in Octo by m., on the first Monday Dismission should next, why snch fetters of not be granted. E. W. HAMMOND, quinary 86.15 Brown, Ueceaoeil, sell i „ „e for leave to c. r-half interest fn one and on half acres of land, nd, more more or or less, less, bound bounded north by Broadway street, on the east by second street, south by Flemister and Arnold and West by other land ol said estate, lor the ag the heirs. concerned show cause be _____ Court _____ fore the of Ordinary, Monday atm. Griffin, on apiicatio^slmnld^ the first in August ^granted. next, wh^sueh cb application should not be ( hBDINABY’S OFFICE-Spalding Co® V/ty, Georgia, May 31,1889.—W. Dismission E. Alex ander applies to me for letters ol on the estate ol Wm. Woodward,late of said county, deceased Let all persons s concerned concerned sh showcanse befoi the Court of Ordinary, at my office, __ , by .. o’clock a. m., on the first Monday T in in f Septem- ber next, A, why WU such letters of dismissiou should iot he ; granted. 86.15. E. W. HA .MMOND, Ordinary. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. uuu „„ ________,.„.ties deceased holding ctoims against the estate ol said are notified to present them at once in legal form to A. L. ELLEDGE, Administrator, junellw6.-83.70. Colnmbus, Ga Special Election. mueiflfi quwfinm wuwvuor uuuus mianuri----- not be issued by said eounty for the purpose of paying in for, said improving and Said repairing bonds public be property cuunty. of sixteen thousand to of the aggregate amount dollars, to be known as coupon bonds of the denomination of five hundred dollars each, to bear interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum and payable semi-annually, on the 1st day of January and said the bonds 1st day be of July paid of eaeh year. Two of to — " ” ——‘•it, thereafter 1891, and nntil one all thonsanf of sat bonds are retiral. Said _________sh._____ election shall be held and conducted in accordance with an Act of... the Legislature, approved October 14th, 1879. There There shall shall be be printed printed or or writ written on the bal¬ lots ol those voting for issuing said bonds n,« wnmiq “For issuing bonds,” and on those opposed to to issuing issuing the the same i the words “Against issuing MARION bonds.” PATRICK, C. C. • T. J. BROOKS, C. C. july 13-1 m T. R. MILLS,C. C. Receiver’s Sale. cioge hardware iiittwnin. andiron, vuruiBil, Ac. Terms paint*,, , v « cash. Sa opposite the Brick Warehouse, Griffin, Ga, dtd80.50 H ENRY C. BURR, Receiver. PICTURES, MIRRORS v.y, Engravings, —- from u——, of ------ the largest u _.dnge and the one and best selected 1&31. stocks in Country. Established JAMES S. CARLS * SON#, PHILADELPHIA, PA, W Catalogue on receipt of stamp. MERCER UffiVEHSITY. MACXJN, GA. FULL FACULTIES. FIVE SCHOOLS^ 1. The Preparatory Department. 2. ____> The________________ Coitege of Liberal Arte. 8. 8. The The Sctetifc Scfetiflc 1 Department. 4. The Department of Theology TUITION F^Efo the Department ti Lib- era! Arte, .rts, Betonce Science and and Theology. Tbeo __LL FALLBPBII TFRM begffip begffi* on on the last Wed** dent, drees, or BRANTLY. nnall|!Td?p^- Bee. pro ten . _ Macon, Ga. inll7wedA*n6w ll> * :-V * : ,li f .rtth.rtTV. r •*•«*%»> B Jln^ * i daily and mm*. ■ (CONSOLIDATED MAY 26, 1889,) • OFFEliS - More Value IS To Advertiser ' In proportion to prices charged, titan any Other medium in the South. With the combined circulation of two old and well established papers, it charges the prices of only one. » is published in one of the agricultural, commercial, manufacturing and railroad W centers ot the most progressive intelligent State surroud* in the Jj South, with a large and population and extra facilities for di»r m ing tributlon. ----i*j— Being a first-class newspaper, f ally up to 1 all demands of the times and the require- meats of its constituency, it Is read not only by nearly every family in Spalding County, I but in the eight surrounding counties, with a good general circulation in the State and " other States. * -t«5- IT COVERS ITS WltflLE FIELD. and covers it completely. Prices low. Write for rates and sample copies of Daily and Weekly to DOUGLAS GLESSNER, Publisher. Griffin, Ga. (Prickly Alta, *«*e Boot u ■MAXIS rosmvx CUBES Or ALL fOBHS AND 8TAGBI OT ............ " . . Yh ymo to m em to nef.P.P. H».. run wm regain flesh sad rtNBffCh. did comblnrtkm, Md pr«cribe it Wute of energy sadJkUdiMMWinnlUllg greet MtOttMthm for foe ex- - from orertuing the system are rand by feMns and stage* of Primery, the nee ti P. P. P. end Tertiary Syphilis, Syphilitic Xlheu Ladies whose eyttemssnipoieooedead mtitom. Scrofulous Mows «nd Sores. whoseblood lain »n Impure condittondna GlsnduUr Swelling., Bheunuttsm. Kid¬ Irregutoritis* ere peotuisriy ney Complaints, old Chronic Ulcers Suit brnmated by the wonderful tort* art SCROFULA Mood cleansing properttea ot P. P.P. ■ < iirtnie whww fwwe *mtU Ash. Poke Hoot aad T et ti—• Oompisinte, Ksnoriti Poison. Tetter, M ■otidhaad, tto., tie. Sold by all Pruggtote, P. P, P. is * powerful (ant* sad n LIFTMAN 1 _________ H you tsu wm__ ftride, und fust budly try P. P. P„ sod lATANNAB. Sit M- 1^-5- WM l l l l U ,