The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, August 17, 1889, Image 2

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itiffp"' = ‘ Spalding Co. Oicm Piper of JkdrettMm* UsU». ss^esss LIKJTK3BB—1« 1*0. Ooisaarti—widarthtotaMl -rtft pm tojfaj literal rate* adverts tUMtr T~8uh rate* M lor tte Pally Tilt following, from the Atlanta ' re—MjaMteMtaffitt—fe /— tarot: wi “Tber* rr ia 1 *omc * ni *r*£*“£ talk of calling a constitotiooftl contention. It ha* M*o the custom to hold mich a eon- Tentlon once every ten or twdv* ymn. Tbo last on* wasfatidIn 1877 and tbe outcome of it «u the pro¬ mt State constitution. which in pro- novnwd by a grot many to b» far wmm wm ti* constitution framed interior to ro iu Jon of 1889. A prom¬ inent, State official hae said to a Joarasl wpmrtar: ‘Eroy time tbe .. General Assembly meet* in enmmer —Ion It i» a riolation of tbe epirit, if not tbe letter, of tbe constitution, and tbe constitution should be so revised as to permit of s yearly w. •ion. as Georgia is growing large enough to demand It. There are numerous other matters which could be benefltted by a revision of tbecon- statation, and a convention sbonld be called.'” /,» - ... TBI BAGGING IWMJ*. The bagging question promises to somewhat this season. It is estimat¬ ed that abont 2,000,000 balm win be covered with cotton bagging. Pret¬ ty nearly tbe whole crop would be covered with that kind of bagging if It could be obtained. The cotton growers have made up their minds that ttheywlll the, not be the victims of the jnte trust. They revolted against the extortion practiced by the trust last asaaon, and they are ready to make sacrifices to get entirely out of ite power. Cotton bogging is of course in its and tfa. foreign exchangee am not disposed to to re¬ gard it with favor. The Liverpool exchange objects to it, and thus far has refused to make such changes in the tore allowances as would place cotton covered with cotton bagging on an equality with that covered with jute bagging. The cotton growers, however, have taken their stand, and the Liverpool exebangeand other foreign exchanges will have to recognize the fact that a new wrapping for cotton has been in¬ troduced. The president of the 8a- vannah Cotton Exchange wrote to the Liverpool exchange that it was for that exchange to recognize the tact nod to take such steps as were neeeeary to enable the exporters to handle cotton covered with cotton bftgging an advantageously as that covered with jnte bagging. The prospect is that cotton bag¬ ging will be used within a few years for wrapping cotton as generally as jute tagging has been. Of conree there will be some resistance to it, be- causetta use will require some changes In the handling of cotton. But to every change that Is proposed in any¬ thing there!* more or less and the opposition to cotton ging does not justify the conclusion that it will not eventually answer watt as jute bagging- There was a thus when cotton was tied with rope, and the Introduction of ties was stoutly resisted. Strong gumentis were advanced to show iron ties would never do for cotton bales. It would be ble now to get anybody to the substitution of rope for ties. The cotton growers have the to cover their cotton with what they please, so long as they act together. The world wants the cotton, and must have it, whatever the covering may be In which it is wrapped. The lectors, exporters, foreign dealers and the exchanges mast adjust themselves to tbe new condition of things r aeombitation, proportion and Jar to itself,Hood’* unknown. Sarsaparilla (11) i eurre hitherto State or Om», Cm or Toledo Ldca*Cod<ity, - t, s. b. 8. b. FbamkJ. Cbbhxt make* oath that he 1* tbs ua senior senior partner partner o! oft f the the fin firm ot F. J. Cbekei SrS®1S~-a-t»T!inJ&s A Co., doing bmrinere in the dtjr Of Toledo, atoreMid, and that ONE BE l and every caee ot C €*- mu that cannot t b* b* cured < by the uee m i ol Hall* Cataeb* Pram FBANK J. CHENEY. Notary Public MB. BOBO HAT MPtM ■~UiiiSS32 F. A. CHENEY A Co Toledo, O. 75c. r » fiL Baltimore AarericaaGtop.) „ . SSSStRfiCB - aenwtt eouthern dneb are almost other real mean names. 35 Nitrite Aa**ri*oa (!*■-) Tbs colored Messiah is bobbins: all nn with remarkable saidthateonth- frequency ■oquency over tbs south. It it era cotton alarmed plant*®* account are antof of . thS SS^SSSr eerionaly klamiiur nrevalence on to tff^ecnli- ntak. — of SO Oneof aritiee of tbe sable Meesiahiee marie sd aversion to manual labor. gtm Sews Travala Slowly Sew York Star (Dm.) News from Kentucky travels elo ly to republican newspaper*. We And the „„ Ohio „— State Journal w --- nading about Mabone’a forces sweep¬ ing tbe field in Virginia, just as if the irresistible current was that not so sensible plain¬ ly set the other way no person can fail to notictiit.Kentoekj’* of Har- vote means a condemnation risonism by every clou# state where the industrial vote determines re¬ mits. It is notabte that the demo¬ cratic gain in Kentucky wasgrotest among tbe workmen. Will It Sees Be Forgot**" T Baltimore Herald (Rep.) When it is remembered that hash¬ eesh, alcohol, cocaine and absinthe have in reality added to the sum total of human misery, one ia not inclined to be over-eDthnsiaatk abont the advent of another drug credited with miraculous power. Of coarse, n tbe age of discovery in which we live marvelous things are possible In medicine as elsewhere, and it would not be strange if a mixture were time invented to physical partially ft counteract e * VJ c* 1UUKOI qnite liMy . ... —---- _ that results have been greatly exag¬ and gerated in the present instance, will that the Brown-Seouard elixir follow a number of its predecessors to speedy oblivion. Strength to vigorously for push profes¬ a busi¬ ness, strength strength to study regulate a house¬ sion, strength to do day’s a labor hold, without physical to pain. a Do desire broken yon down, strength? If yon are have no energy, feel as if lite was rorth living, you can be re* cure cure for dyspepsia, malaria weakness and all diseases requiring the a true, reliable tonic. It acts on blood, nerves and muscles and regu- ates every part of the system. The Johnston Fund Charges. Pittsburg Post. There is politics mixed with benev¬ olence in tbe distribution of relief by the local committee at Johnstown, according to an evening paper of Re¬ publican proclivities, and they don’t accord. There are two Republican eanidatea for important county of¬ fices on the committee, and it is al¬ leged they are working relief in way that will promote their election in the Democratic county of Cambria. To the ordinary mortal this would seem to be too atrocious to be true, but the resources of politicians who take lessons from Quay are unfath¬ omable. We have heard statements of this kind for several weeks, and placed no credit iu them, but the charges are becoming specific and apparently well founded. It will be remembered some weeks ago there wae an angry altercation between Republican factions on this same question, tbe Magee faction alleging contracts were made to fnrther the interests of Boss Quay. What a temptation that great relief fund is to the Republican grabbers, to be sure. Their virtue w ill never with stand if the temptation is offered “to get their hooks in.” Worked by Wire. Boston Herald. The Federal guillotine works just as smoothly at Bar Harbor as at Washington. B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm.) If you try this remedy you will say a* many •there here sold, that ia the be*t Wood ftor and tonic. Writ# Blood Balm Co., ta, Go., for book of convincing testimony. J. P. Doris, Atlanta, G*. (Weet End), write*'. “I consider that B. B. B. hae perma- r treating.... atment. writes:“My E. G. Tinsley,Columbiana, Ala., throat mother and swtir hod ulcerated sore and scrofula. B. B. B. cured them.” Jacob F. Sponoler, Newnan, Ga., writes: “B. B. B. entirely cured me of rheumatism in my houlders. I used six bottles.” ('has. Reinhardt, No, 2026 Fountain Stieet, Baltimore, Md., writes: “I suffered with bleed¬ ing piles for two of years, and cured am glad me.” to soy that one bottle B. B. B. J. J, Hardy, Toccoa, Ga., write*; “B, B. B, is a quick cure for catarrh. Three bottles cured me I had been troubled several years.” bottle A. Hpink. Atlanta, Go.,^ays; “One . B. completely cured my < W. A. Pepper, FredonSa, Ala., writes: B. B. . cured my mother ofuleerated*orethroat. Some Running Down. If a clock “runs down,” we wind it up, and in a few seconds it is going afoi along in ‘ its steady ‘ rut, ticking—tick¬ ing— using np time. But if the hu- man system runs down we are in great trouble, days, weeks, month* and even years are spent in vain at¬ tempt* to set it right. About,tibia time an appeal to P. P. P. the grot vegetables blood corrector would be the sensible conree to purene, a* it is the only really sure restorer of lost vitality. vitality. For Rheumatism^ jlcerous Gout, 8crofula, Syphilis and------ nd all Ui‘ disease*, P. JP. P. is incomparable. fail* It is a first-clam tonie and never to ■til it. The in,- and Potassium, are a jpiaruntee of ite natiirn) medteinal paoperfte*, fcrtti republican nomination for governor of New Jersey. Make your own puna. '• Georgia Freeman and wile, of La t horp, Mo., have been married thirty thro yearn and are the parents twenty-seven children. Mrs. Coppinger, daughter of Jaroea G, Blaine, ia viaiting Mr*, tioold of Troy, N. Y. Mm. Coppinger says her father is in excellent health. W. J. Arkell nays that in London Russell Harrison has run across a new process that will revolutionizs the present system of photoengrav¬ ing. Judge Patton, of Hicksvffle, 0., is one of the few men living who held office under President Jackson. “Old Hickory" appointed him a United States court judge in Pennsylvania many years ago. Explorer Stanley was once the Omaha correspondent of several eastern papers, and a man who was a chum of his at that time says Henry M. was the readiest and most accomplished liar he ever knew. Marat Halstead’s avowed senator¬ ial candidacy has considerably stir¬ red up tbe brethren in Ohio on both sides of tbe political fence. The Day- ton Journal says it “dangerously embarrasses tbe campaign,” and the Columbus Journal pronounces it “bad politics. Stubborn and Weak. . Pittsburg Pout. President Harrison has to take a good deal of snubbing from the wrangling Republican factions at the South he is endeavoring to patch In¬ to a state of political harmony by the adhesive piasters of Federal pa¬ tronage. He is simply recognized down there as the dispenser of fat offices for value received, and gets laudation or corses jost as he hits or miases the mark, and he generally misses it. The worst of it is, the course of Harrison justifies these im pudent demands. He is reputed stubborn, but on the pinch is weaker than Hayes. Tbe Railroad Accidents Which oct-nr every day with such wonderful loss to human life are suf¬ ficient cause for a man to stop and reflect on the fate of score of his fel¬ low-men, but a greater cause for his reflection is any danger to malarial his own health. If he suffers from poison he may stop and reflect on the cure. Westmoreland’s Calisaya Tonic is warranted to uproot the malaial poison, and when the blood has been purified it will leave the sys¬ tem strengthened which to repulse later. the The at¬ tacks may come wise investment of a dollar in a bot¬ tle of this valuable medicine may save a large doctor’s bill. Sold by all For druggists. dale by E. R. Anthony. What’s the Matter with Oshkosh?M Cincinnati Enquirer, Why not hold the \\ orld’s Fair in Cincinnati? Clarke’s Extract of Fla* Cough Cura, It is a sure cure for Whooping Cough. It stops the whoop, and per¬ mits the child to catch its breath. It is entirely harmless. Good for any cough of childhood or old age. It heals the bronchi and lungs, and stops the cough. For Winter or Bronchial Cough this syrup is best ever discovered. Only one size, large bottle. Price $1.00, at Dr. N. N’. Drewrv’s drugstore. Clarke’s Flax Soap makes the Skin smooth, soft and white. Price 25 cents. Extraordinary Bone Scratching. Herbert Sperry, Tremont, 111., Erysipelas in both lags. Confined the ________ house six weeks. Hesa; iys; I was able to get on my legs, I an itching sensation that nearly me crazy. I scratched them raw the bones. Tried everything out relief. I was tormented in way for two years. I then Clake’s Extract of Flax Skin Cure at the drug Store, used and it has cured me sound and Clurke’s Flax Soap lias no equnl Bath and Toilet. Skin Cure f Soap 25 cents. For sale at Dr. N. Drewry’s drugstore. To The Ladies. There are thousads of throughout the country whose tems are poisoned and whose blood in an impure conditiod from the sorption of imqure matter, due menstrual irregularities. This are peculiarly benefltted by the derful tonic and blood-cleansing erties of Prickly Ash, Poke Root Potassium—P. P. P. Roses and bounding health the place of the sickly look, the color and the general wreck of system by the .use of Prickly Poke Boot and Potassium, as of females will inpossionof testify, and the many Compa- tificates are Have ny which they all have promised P. P. P. not publish, ^ and prove a woman fej n d,. LIPPMAN BB08., Wholesale Agents, Si runoah Ga. lttne2»dAwly £ V' w O VCfo : A Ttoe dJIrtad ■ «■*— tor Ite pea* mm mm Hood** Sarsaparilla to ftamd la tbe article tue it It is merit that wtaa, aad the tmt ©oropUsbe* that Hood’s what is S«*«*rUto claimed for JTS'JZ ft. Is whs* kaa given to this mediclo* » popotortty and sale greater than tint of any < Merit Wins Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula, Balt ■tarns and an Homan, Dr*P«Psto, Stok That jsn xoeimg, create* •u the Nerves, build* up tbe Whole System. BmP* Auwapwrillm U *oid by all dru»- Itota. tl; six for I*. Prepared bjC. I Boo* ■Os^ Ap ittaei ftoa teNMtw Application for Amend¬ ment of Charter. State TATE OF of Geobgu, Geobgu, • SpAUMBG, Spai.di.vo, ”• “-----Court Co Cotmrr: of — T o tbe — Honorable, ■ the Superb xid county: The potitionol the Farmers Cooperative Man¬ ufacturing Company. of _______ said count ity, a corporation and incorporated orgauixed un- by der the Jaws of Georgia the 30th of April, this Honorable Court on of 19, ut U1C e February ixuiuoi j adjourned that the term said — said court, respectfully have shows, their charter company clesiresto so amended as they the accounted may e------- others ineir buy fehip, own account receive, or store, on i sell or barter cotton t and and other other form farm produce produce fer- and all kindsoHann machinery, merchandise vehicles, used tilixere and other articles ol by farmer* and their families, can make ad ranees upon ipon cotton cotton and ai other farm produce to secure sail debts by mortgages, liens or deeds on real or personal . suitable property, buildings to to fc for erect, « buy, rent or tease <e a warehouse and 1 commission business; to transacting the 1---------— of ite debts , or securing sell, payment lease such and advances; to rent, or use reol and received to do so *,«,... ~—j ---- other acts which are proper and legal in busi- car¬ rying on a warehouse and coumusion ness. order Your petitioners pray that an may be granted and issued by this Honorable Court and allowing this amendment anr making it a part ol the charter heretofore th< is sued to this corporation investing it with power asked ior in tins amendment tha) ft may have the right to carry on eonneetioi said ware house and commission business in i with the business charter. Doneth Pres. Farmers Co-operative M’i’g Co. 3. F.. STILWELL, office, Sect’y. Bnrpsrii ior Court Filed in Cterfe’e Clebe’s Geobgu, Offke Sci-ebiob Spapdiko Co' Cockty.} and I certify that the foregoing iregoing is is a a true true cor irreetcopy as appea of record I in in this th offi< Wn u. M. Thomas i, Clerk MERCER UNIVERSITY. MACON, GA. FULL FACULTIES. FIVE SCHOOLS. 1. The Preparatory Liberal Department. Arte. 2. The College Scietiftc of Department. 3. The 4. The Department of Theology. 5. TDITlON The Law School, Lib- FREE in the Department oi eral •al Arte, Arte Science and Theology. Theology. FALL the last Wednes- NuatiAxitaX, BRANTLY, V. U-, i tem res den Sec. pro Mm aeon. Ga. jull7wedftsn6w Georgia Midland & Golf RR. Time Table, Taking Effect Aug 11/89 NO. 50.—PXBSBHGER, SOI Til, DaII.T EXCEPT S Arriv*. Leave. McDonough.................. 5:00 a. it Griffin...........................5:40 a. m. 5:48 “ Warm Spring*.............. 7:09 “ Colnmbu*......................8:48 “ No. 51 .—Passenger, North. Dxilv Columbus..................... 1:05 p. m. Warm Spring................ I 2:34 “ Griffin.. ..........................3:50 p. m. No. 52 .—Pabsenoer, South. . Daily. Griffin........-................. 4105 p. n Warm Springs.............. 5:28 “ Columbus—.................7:00 p. m. No. 53 —Passenger, North. Daily Except S lTNKAY. Columbus...:..,.*.......&... 5:10 10 p. i Griffin.........................8:15 Warm Springe.......:..... 0:4 49 ” McDonough.................9:00 p. m. “ No. 54 .—Passenger South. Sundat Onlt MeDonough.................. 7:30 a. v m. Griffin................. 8:10a.m. 8:15 Warm Springs..™..,,;.... 9:85 Columbus......................11:10 “ No. 55 — Passebobb Nobtu. Schday Only. Columbus.................... 7:40 a. m Warm Springs.............. 9:14 “ Griffin...........................10:88 a. m. 11:00 ” McDonough......_____,...11:40 “ ■No. 1 .—Freight North. Daily Except Sunday. Columbus...................... 6:45 a. m. Warm Springs........—.... 0:45 “ Griffin...........................12:29 p.m. 2:00 p. m. McDonough..................8:00 “ No. 2 .—Freight South. Daily Except Sunday. McDonough.................. 7:00 a. fa. Griffin...........................8:05a.m. 9:15 a.m. Warm Springs.............. 12:02 p.m. Cohimbns......................R.50 p. m. ££§|J| .ZZSLmSS; m—waw wi September Sheriffs Sale OK THB FTR8TT0E8 m Pike a north, lug propertyefUW*,* 101 ft acre* «*»**► ■aed Stsgisgs? from Ordinary’s Advertisements. fVBDINABrS OFPIC3 E—Spaumso Cora- d, applbeto me lor torttore ol Dtuoto- „ •ion ob said estate. beCore Let all person* concerned diowcauae theConrt of Ordinary, at my office, October by ten o’clock a. m., so’cb on the first Monday in next, wby letters of Diamtoeion sbonld B< teJL6f rWlt Ordinary R W. HAMMOND, ( Urr, \HD1NARY’8 OFFICE-Spaunwo Ctam Gcoaou.May 81.1882.-W. E. Alex antler applies to me for letters of Diemiseion on the estate of Vn. Woodwnard,late of said county, deceased Let all person* concerned show cause before tbeCoartof “ o’clock a. m. ber next, wh. ■Sf“ ’•fS' IW MS*. Executors’ Sale. before before the tbe Court Court House House door, door, on on the me nrsv first Tuesday of September next, daring the L. leg^il B. hours of sale, all the real estate of house thereon; one lot comer 2»feekon of Eighth Taylor and Taylor streets, fronting feet alley. The first running back 90 to an lot will be divided into three parcels less, to-wit: one lot fronting 105 feet, more or on Poplar street running back 420 feet, more or leas, to College street. One lot with dwelling Poplar fronting 105 feet, more or lees, on street and running bark 210 feet, more or less. One lot 105 fret, more or less, fronting College street and running - back back ilO 410 leet, feet, more _ or less. Sold ior the purpose of distri- but on and payment of debts. Terms of saw cash. W. R. HANLEITER, W. H. BREWER, BREWER, 3. C. Executors ol t L. L. R. R. Bn Brewer. Administrator’s Sale. By virtue of an order order granted g by Georgia, the court I of .Ordinary of Spalding County the the Court wiH wiH sell sell to to the the highest highest bid bidder before e House door in Griffin, Ga.. daring the legal the following lands belonging to-wit: to¬ One and ll'. S. Brown, deceased, less, in the city one- of hall acres ol land more or north by Griffin, bounded as follows: on the Broadway street, south by Flemister and Arnold, east by second street and west by the Brown plaee. Sold for the purpose of pay¬ ing the debts of deceased and for distribution among his heirs. Terms ornate ^ $6. Adm’r W. S. Brown. Notice. Notice is h herebo give iven thot application wtil be mode to the legislature i >w in session to pass an act ; requiring req the reco ording in the office of Treasurer and County Commission- mmissi era of all fine and forfeiture orders in Spald- ingCounty _____„___to and to have hi mve Pa: Payment* it* OB on *am made only by fine an nd forfeiture order iroi ______ fine and forfeiture Commissioners Commir- : —™ on a - bY Treasurer and ac¬ count to be specially kept for kindred purposes. NOW! Money Wanted for the Stark Plantation. 7ft7 acres land, well wanted and timbered, 4% ■ ’ miles ” from from Griffin, Griffi on Ga. Midland RR. Good Stark neighborhood. 8 2 story 1 . house, rooms, for boarding, acre, foi trally located. Good houuse rent after the 1st of Sept., if not not sold. sold. Other houses and lots, ju>, and lands insuti city before and and near near limits. limits. Now is the time certainlj to bny it advances any higher as it will will. Property is lower now than it ev« be strain limits, wood 55 ACRES near city Ac. Fruit part of al land openings, branches, dwelling and and out kind. Large, Large, beautiful beautiful dwelling good dwel¬ out¬ houses, Ac. Also 1250 acres, ling, out-houses, mules, mu—, corn, ----,---- fodder, , Ac. mill and present growing G. A. CUNNINGHAM, Real Estate Agent. New Advertisements TO ADVERTISERS A list of 1000 newspapers dfvided into STATES AND SECTIONS will be sent on ap¬ plication—FREE, those who want their advertising to To pay we _____________Iter---------------- can offer no better medium for thorough aud effective work than the variou sestionsof our Select Local List. GEO. P. ROWELL A CO., Newspaper Advertising New Bureau, Yoi 10 Spruce street, wvm -VIA- BRUNSWiCK, JESUP,MACON, ATLAN¬ TA, ROME and CHATTANOOGA. ONLY LINE Double Daily Sleeping Car Service Between Cincinnati and Jacksonville. Solid trains between Chattanooga and Jacksonville, Closely connecting with double trains with Pullman and Sleeping from Cars to Memphis, Nashville, Kansas Ci y and the West and Knoxville, Washington, New York «s.;* and the East. f£ r THE SHORT LINE BETWEEN si! : Atlanta and Jacksonville, Atlanta Atlanta and and Savannah, Brunswick, Atlanta and Maeon, Atlanta and Rome. For rates, Time Cards and other information apply to agents of the East Tenn., Vs. and Georgia R, R. B. W. WRENN, 0f!n rass ' * ^ h^a^, 0 ^ Am. Gtia. Pass. A*t., Atlanta, iBBaKWBflB TS THE SUN, 1871. ESTABLISHED 18?7 . ft vll ; $§8 ■■'•v. ift - T H E — ■* ' ■. . . Griffin News and Sun DAILY AND WEEKLY, (CONSOLIDATED MAY 26, 1889,) OFFERS More Value ■ 4 To Advertisers In proportion to prices charged, than any other medium in the South. --tot With the combined circulation of two old and well established papers, it charges the prices of only one. It is published in one of the agricultural, commercial, manufacturing and railroad centers of the most progressive State in the South, with a large and intelligent surroud- ing population and extra facilities for dis¬ tribution. ■# Being a first-class newspaper, fully up to all demands of the times and the require¬ ments of its constituency, it is read not only by nearly every family in Spalding County, but in the eight surrounding counties, with 1 a good general circulation in the State and other States. IT COVERS ITS WHOLE FIELD. \ ' 4 :)• v^'V-vV'' V- and covers it completely. Prices low. Write for rates and sample copies of Daily and Weekly to DOUGLAS GLESSNER, Publisher, Griffin, Ga. mmmrn (Prickly Ait, Poke Root *n4 -MAXES POSITIVE CURES OP ALL POEMS UR) Jar’^ P. P. Ns ■ win fiaili and atnogA, FhytlcUn* audora* P. u * tplon- you regain fild eombtnation, *Dfi pm crib* it with Waste of enargy and andtoaa*a*M*tUinc gre*t MtaftMttoB tor th* eons of *u ftom orertnfng thosyttaa are eared tf (oxbib and *t*ga* of Primary, Secondary th* ns* ot P. P. P. «d TwtUrj Sypkin.. syphiua. a..*- India whoa* fimuMarepeO MMi »* ■ mattom, Scrofulou* a<wn«ad Son*, whoMblood tela an Impureoondltiaada* my Complaint*, old Otoonto Bloer* that . » X IROFULA Pamato hiood i ■atog pmparito* ofP.P.P. _______. Chronic Prickly Ash,] uPokaBcot oad Complaint*, htorcurtol PoUon, Tetter, Sold by aU] Scald hex), etc., eto. P. P. P. to a powerful touts and *a umum •xceltont « pp t t l— r, bonding np th* WHOLCMU pom —i t*. system rapidly. If pm aw w**k »fat gATjjnua, ai. ftetd*. and fa*t badly try P. P. P. and —— RHEUMATISM • Wmi ■ iEafciV ' - FOR AP0S1TWESS2K5I MEM ” ONLY) CUBEJJST^,