The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, August 21, 1889, Image 3

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gmsmmz £e y ittOce»». 1 oheerfuily testify to toe Efficacy d «^sSdriS,°L«~ M ”' P ' H ' Davld * u with out sssaastss f’S&HhlS the loss, after but a time I waited nature to would vain. WrTH Moair M«| fbf gg ‘ i iouldiuive desired. allover __ of hair out BSEPH"* Agrowto mob came Ayer’s Hair Vigor, fwaiud) ot Or, J. C. Ayer * Co., LoweH, Mee*. M> by DnwtoM «*d Perfumer*. gaSS^amtg*® Tutt’s Pills ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE. Sold Everywhere, Office, 44 Murray St., New York. • s» t.lyenuementj. /J Z* , Circulars of Clark’s Business Orrat College, mailed Erie, free. Pa. Special I and beautifies toe hair. Rtf** lfS°tDro^rat«. THE GLORY OF MAN STRENGi H. VITALITY 1 Haw Loots How Ragrainod, Fxh au sted Vitality Untold Miseries t tto victim Harried or £ . nder*. Possess < aaBas gaas Wi La DOUGLAS 83 SHOE o I HOI FOR LADIE8. L 8 I oe ’ SHOES. tesssf w te^^. r Mo°kvs£Si Examine IF VDongiae #3.00 Shoes tor FOR SALE BT SOHEUERMAN & WHITE, CRI FF1N. HOTEL CURTIS J*>* tMUfFlN, GEORGIA. Under Now Management V G. DANIEL, Prop’r. ■ r V l»r, n.eet »l) <rm? t tale Agents. 8* lunP2*dAwly - <■ . MraftoV.:' mm L iiw • ns r i r s '•* ■-!**_ *• ^j*4 ®ws* hwt I SMtedy it*, is .. WSWWK cullar Requirements. — The Last Testament of an Orange, N. J., Woman. Her Property to Os to Aa Almost Un¬ known Ornnd-Mlooo Providing tho Young Lady empties With Certain B»- dontrio Demand*—Otherwise the Wealth Sees to tho Rasua Cothotie Ohnroh. Boston, Aug. 17.—The Journal ha* this story from Newport: Mrs. Sarah Hovey Wilbour was ons of the wealthiest residents of Orange, N. J., and when she died a short time ago it was expected that all her wealth would go to the Roman Catholic ohnroh, of which she was a devout attendant But about a month ago Mrs. Wilbour learned that she had a grandniece living in Newport She had never seen the young existence lady, until and this did not know but of her die altered her will and summer, bequeathed this her immense estate to grananieoe, Miss Sarah Harvey, under the following con¬ ditions: "She Roman Sunday give 91,000 in every for month, the support and annually of the Catholic oonvent in her oity. If she marries she must prefix her maiden name to that of her husband. She must never beoome a member of a Protestant dmush." II, when she is S3 fulfill years all old, Miss Harvey is willing to the above that time (the fall of 1803) will aggro- female child, in ease one is bom to toff, female the stipulations ehild that shall to are i be named Sarah Harvey Wilbour, and shall be educated in a Roman Catholic oonven. If she shall refuse to comply with the requests in regard to the child, in case one is borne to her, the the $60,000 must be given to furnish library at St. PauTs university, Orange, N. J. Miss Harvey cannot receive one cent of the twenty-seoond principal birthday. or interest until her * ’ LYNC HERS FO ILED. Their Plans Overheard and tha Officers Prepare for Them. Fkankfort, Mich., Aug. 17.—Late Wednesday night a messenger arrived from Benzonia secretly giving instrno- plans, however, were overheard and the offioers at Benzonia notified by tele¬ graph. The officers at once once arrived the and jaiL deputized Shpitly Shortly a dozen after men midnf-’ to They would-be lynchers lynchei ordered drew to halt, near but kept were advancing, when the guards fired a volley and another info the round air. fired This stopped before them, as caus¬ ed their withdrawal No one was hart John G. Carlisle In Hoxlea. City of Mhxioo, Aug. 17.—The re¬ ception given in honor of John G. Car¬ lisle by the joint permanent committee of congress, at the chamber of deputies, lisle was escorted met through by the committee, the brilliantly and was illuminated ohamber of President Diaz, where be delivered an appropriate ad¬ dress. Mr. Anoyo Deana, president of the joint briefly permanent replied in committeeof Spanish con¬ Mr. gress, to amity Carlisle, and and good in will. reciprocal language of _ Duelists Safe from Prosecution. Bnumromuc, will Ala., Aug. requisitions 17.—Gov¬ ernor Seay issue for Calhoun and Williamson, the Georgia duelists. He can proceed osjy on a warrant Alabamian sworn out by some found citizen, and no has been who saw the duel, or can make affidavit. Only Georgians were there. It is not proba- able anything will be done until the Cherokee grand jury meets, and unless some Alabama witness turns up % that body will be powerless. Shot His Son-la-Taw. Rahway, Thursday N. J., Aug. shot 17.—J, W, Ackerman and proba¬ bly fatally wounded his son-in-law, J. H. Thorp. The shooting of was the result of a the family disposition quarrel of long $7,000. standing which over Ackerman of. Ackerman olaims Thorp looked defrauded to await him the result of Thorp's was injuries up s . Advance In Fig Iron. PrrrsBtfBo, Aug. 17.—The announce¬ ment has been made of an advance in pig iron from $15 50 and $16 per ton to $17 per ton. The advanoe was made in view and freight of a prospective rates. The advanoe trade is in looking ooke up, and is more encouraging tHasi for months. Store and Dwelling Burned. Scottdale, Pa, Aug. 17.—The large general store of H. xounkin and the dwelling of L. L. Dull, at PinnsviUe, were, with contents, totally destroyed bv The fire at 2 o'clock Thursday morning. fire partly was of insured. unknown origin. Loss, $16,060; Florida Wife Murderer Executed. Jacksonville, Fla., Aug. 17.— Bill Westmoreland, the negro murderer, was hanged here Wednesday. His neok was broken by the fall of the drop. There were but few spectators. Westmoreland’s mime was the murder of his wife. He was 35 ye ars old. » _ Sank an the MDtiuippl. Caibo, HI. Aug. 17.—The Si Louis and New Orleans Transportation com¬ pany’s iteming steamer 450 New tons York of oats sunk at a Goose barge con 1 islam twenty- •five miles above hern total at noon i Thursda; I_ ,y. The cargo is a loss. Syndicate Get* the Pltteharg ftreweriee. PrrrsBTJBo, Pa, Aug. 17.—It has just been reported that the agent of the nwiich Si syndicate has secured ooutrol of the l arge breweries in th is city. The Burdens of Womanhood. Thousands of women are simply silently suffnring untold misery, be¬ cause they shrink from consulting a physician in those numerous com¬ plain tearing from functional irreg¬ ularities and disorders. Many a mod¬ est girl and woman prefers silence to rather bear her heavy burden in than to go the family from physfcfan Ons class for advice. All sufferers however,find; of disorder* can, g*. an dwrarriiefte hL brihtS &&ssbs Ths RAWS at leathered Over Gm - ■ ZZ 1 Gus O’Netd. of Grven county, hns lost ten horses and a cow by death this year. M W,orth [ Prospectors visiting fbr farm different locations sections in are of the county. There is a negro in Lexington who almost goes into spasms at the sight of a snake. Patrolman H. F. Smith, of Atlan ta, owns the land upon , which Pat Calhoun and Capt. J. D. Williamson faced each other on ths field of hon¬ or. The telegraph line from Chokes to DeSoto was completed and pat in operation Friday. It is owned and operated by A. II. Simmons, Who owns and operates the city of Chokee and surrounding country. A negro woman, whose name is Frazier, and who lives near Craw- fordville, on C. Bergstrom's planta¬ tion, gave birth last week to triplets, two of which had teeth at the time of their birth. Two of the fitter have died, and the third stfll ttVee. , It is thought by many fruitmen that the over-bearing peach tress In Greene county wiU finally die without ever bearing another crop that mens, crop this year. The call of the veterans of Greene connty Aug. to meet tiie at Enon on Friday, 23, for purpose of organiz¬ ing a unanimous veteran’s association, has met with approval and there :Ko;s t a , f^. th " ,ld,oMte * Don’t Be Humbugged with the foolish idea that Catarrh cannot be cured 1 The world mores, and medical science is progressive. Remedy The proprietors will of f500 Dr. Sage’s reward Catarrh for Nasal Catarrh, pay how a case of no matter bad or of how long standing, which they cannot cure. Remedy sold by druggists, at only 50 cents. ■ _ ____ 'Hack In tVauhlngton. Harrison, Washington, accompanied Aug. by 17.— Private Bee- train over the Pennsylvania road, which arrived at 1:45 p in. The president's carriage was waiting for him at the depot and he at once'drove to the utive mansion. <3 0 ** ! A Jut SoDtiaM, Saleh, III, Aug. 17.—Craven Garrett, ing who was arrested girls at from Chicago this for county dew¬ to lewd yonng houses in Chicago, convicted was here Thursday and sentenced to five years in prison. ^ ^ ^ • A B -.l»kIn KMb ., tion that about half of the IndlwA are in ohber favor half of threaten signing the treaty, with wMie death the who does ign. anyone s _____ An Anarch lit Newapaper Goes Under. Sr. Louis, Aug. 17.—Die Pattde, a local Anarchist organ, after an eventful career of three years, was seized by creditors Thursday, Some Running Down. H t If a clock “runs down,” we wind it Jong p, and in a few a in its steady ing—using system up runs-down timi in man we are great trouble, days, weeks, in vjnat- mouths and even year? are spent tempts to set it right. P. About this time an appeal to P. P. the great the vegetables sensible blood corrector would it be is course to pursue, as ’the only really sure restorer of lost vitality. For Rheumatism, all Gout, diseases, Scrofula, P. Syphilis P. P. is and incomparable. Ulcerous It is a first-class tunic and never fails cure. All druggists sell it. The in- grants, and Potassium, Prickly Ash, guarantee Poke Root of are a its natural medicinal paoperties. .. ji: . ■ Dropping Around aJBroadway Metel, borhood “Now.” is continued hurt foil of a lack reporter of late. “thU Not neigh¬ long since a restaurant keeper around in Bleecker lowek oth^ lucky rapidly. strikes On top in the of this same comes eoneera the fol- an¬ nouncement that E. Amsden, the well-known '' 3 Wess Third St., drew #8.500 at the last fied that the the lottery lottery company is a strictlp principles.—[New legitimate t business York Daily on sound News, July ness Self-defense Against a Dangerous Foe Forewarned Is not forearmed In the ease of ack fr idedv aided, a means sustained aT defense. and reinforced But If thoss with in the peril fortifying safeguard. Hostetter’g Stomach Bitters, miasma, prolifle breeder of evils ifested in the shape of bilious remittent and chiliss and fever, ague cake, dumb agns, End the ealeatnra of the Isthmus and American coost, is nullified and harmless. Onr western pioneer settlers and miners, dwellers in tropic lowlands, and tants of and dwellers in malarious in this country and many quarters of globe, toe fact have and for years constantly been acqroihted provided are this unparalleled defensive medicine and edy. bawds, All rheumatic disorder andkidUey of the stomaeh, complaints Hver rheumatism are conqwwd by it. A Fish Valued by a Lady. What fish lam oat valued by iSbi Her-ring Tm _________________ aoying colic, and her relieving child trom if A teething. case of ADVICE TOMUftiKKa. Mbs. Winslow’s Soothing or children teething, is tiie witb never-failing sua of mothers for tiieir children. ing the process of teething its in the bowels, By giving hwnltii to child it reats a bottle. 8T, W. __^ n , OT __ of tMspimti great gift to suffering humanity, the Bo Unic UloodBaha. Sufforari should write to the Blood Balm Co., of Atlanta, Ga., for their Tllustratsd "Book of Wonders,” filled with additional tlfiM testimony of wonderful cures. At their office in Atlan¬ ta, the Blood Balm Co. will be happy to show seekers after truth thousands of let¬ ters in the original manuscript, received from happy persons made well by using B.B.B. B. 8. B. B. 8. B. B. B. B. \f\ I j P. writes: SHELL, “My Warrenton, N. great C., eyes gave me 1 trouble and when nibbed would Inflame and become swollen. Two bottles of Botanic Blood Palm made a firm cure.” B.B.B. 8. n.> B. B. B. Y [yl r RS. BETTfE GRAVES, Saa Saba Texas, writes: “Our little daughter -^’’-‘-was afflicted with white scabs and dandruff and small sores on the front of her head. Botanic Blood Balm healed the fores, improved her general health, and she is now getting aa fat as a pig.” B. B. B. B. B, B* B. B. B. Y \J\J T T H. HENDERSON, Macon,Ga, writes: “I suffered six yews * " 1 from blood pbison. Four bot- tles B. B. B. did me more good than all Other medicines 1 have ever taken." B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. D R., 1 A. R. JAYNES & SON, Lutes- ville, Mo, writes: “We sell twelve ■iZh bottles of B. B. B. tq one of another blood purifier ten times as widely adver- B. B.B. B. B. B. B. B. B. T~\ S. ELSON, Clover Bottom, Tenn., ; r\ Writes: “I had an ugly running ; * ' sore on my leg. My daughter had asimilar sore below her knee. B. B. B. Oared us both. It istheonly remedythat ever did her or me any good.” B. B.B. B. B. B. B. B. B. H. L. CASSIDY, Kennesaw, Ga, writes: “My wife wm ^Three a-great sufferer from scrofula. la. Three bot- ties of B. B. B. has made her a perfi fectly healthy woman." ^ A. H.FARKER, Willow City, Texas, writes: “I have taken B. B. B for paralysis, and received great Uwffi.” B. B. B. JB. B. B. B. B. B. AM M. LEEMAN, Ridgeway, Tex, writes; “I was afflicted with sorea and boils all over my body; heard of 1 Botanic Blood Balm, and gave it trial tfhdef iti Use the disease enSrely disap- * ’ B. B. B. B.B. B. B . B. B» J.’ R. WILSON, Glen Alpine, N. C. writes: “My leg was amputatecl below the knee on account of blood poison and bone affection. A?*big running tore, four inches across, came on me after ft was cut oft. I was given up by the doc tors but have got well by using Botanic wtighi?’ ' B B.B.B. B. B.B. B. B. B. M RS. writes: East B Main O. “I SHEPHERD, received Street, Norfolk, so much NO. ben¬ Va, 802, efit from a use of B. B. B. It is a great medicine.” 'j, ft T B. T B.B. SOUTHERLAND, B.B.B. B, Bardafou, H.B. I \1\J tl anyihii^g Ky, writes: to do “I never found much < me so ’ good as Botanic Blood Balm.” S.B.8. B. B. B. B.B. B. W. ALEXANDER, Madison vflle, Ky, writes: “One bottle B. B. B. cured me of severe * .!,* a rheumatism.” *■ > $.»•». f »,»>*,!, ,<?, H. OTLAW, Mt Olive, N. C, writes: “One'bottle of B. B. B,. XJ ( entirely cured me of rheumatism." ; B. B. B. ’ J jT I,. ‘Miss, EW JOHNSON, writes; “My Belmont body, Station, neck, f I | face and ears and scalp, were a}l covered with sores, and my hair Icame out. f lost ihy appetite and was vefy feeble. I am using B. B. B. and the •ores are ail healing and going away." * B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. TOHN MATTINGLY, Louisville, Ky, writes: fl suffered froni pains in Tj back aqd. severe kidney disease. All the medicine I had taken did me no b. b. n. B. B.B. E. ROBERTS; Bloomihgdale, B. B. healed Ala., writes: “d. the good S^«SnE»g it it has done me.” 3. B. B. B. B. B. - me for yCfirs, edits did no good.” B.B.B. B. B.B. WANTED; Agent* w every Town and [County to sell our Good*. Send u* ora dollar, and we dot per Addret* THE RICHMOND prBUBfflWG CO An Ordinance. Griffin, Be it ordained hereby by the Mayor ordained and by Council authori¬ ot and It le ty of toe same that from and after the adop¬ tion of this ordinance it shall to unlawful for any person to rid* on a sspftsss bicycle or other im- £rs?xx twenty dollar*, rs. work the attests for 80 or on day July for each offence. 83r d, WOT. - ms WHELESS STAMP jLorrw 1 Wanted 1 < ■ !S S * STAMPS, SEALS. ___________ Rubbw Vi --{ MANUFACTURERS OF j-- . 1 ' Sash, V .":. Blinds, * : ■ ' Doors. r We are here, and here to stay and have on hand a large stock of DOORS, SASH AND RLINDS! iwhich we defy competition on. We have a large stock of “bone dry lum ber,’ of the finest vuality nnrl t un guntuiftce ihe very very beat beat goods. goods. In 11 the price way of Mouldings, get anywhere Mantles, L I in iia«t *r,<, etc., Window it.-,, we and call Door jast Frames heat the best is you can .Vip? us i<»r ours the place to come. Ours, is <1 “hi.i:.,- -i.t. i j-. ,.i,d we ait* liome folks; bora and raised in Georgia, ariti :..*•* e entire lime and nttentioo to working wood for the pm-t w. i.i;. ,-..-i.t-s. und ebrim to know how to work to tne best advantage. \Ve hi’ iey good workmen, who under¬ stand how to do the work. For these,'and many otiier reasons We might name, We heartily we claim thank a right the to public pal ronage nerajljp id 1 he j« .q'le. liberal nnd gt for very patronage, solieit a eontinance of the same. DON’T FORGET THAT WE WILL HAVE. by *Jor the home present labor. Fruit Keep Crop, the 20 to 80 thousand here instead CRATES, of going made ra abroad, right here and our ' money help boom *ur twon and country. Don't forget the place. Office— Planters’ Waeehouse. Factory, 18th Street, Griffin, Ga. HT-T3 WHAT OOMMI88ION1B KOLB SAYS. Omen CoxxiMioxxa o* AaKaotw**, Aortas, Atx. i>. rUsusox,BncantxavCtaWTAVo*PcuLinaraoCo. 1 ton fanner* Siri—I can oad do mo»t hoartlly recommend Tim Boovbww Cwi-tivato* to ft Alabama »ra farmjournal of van anperior mnrlu. It Aonld to la th» homa «r *t«t »r«- joratalte agrienUarlit. . Vary truly year*, *' *• to"*"* 800,000 Readers! Establisbed 1843. Leading in 18801 11 SOUTH 111 A! m FASMBR, AT T-.A^T TA, Q-EORQIA, Sxx ite S'ortsr-eevezxtM. TTemr of ^va.'tellea.tloa.. The recotniaad or*an of toutborn o*rleulturo aim id the induitrial precMM of too South, with a tuoranUed elnalation in av*ry Southorn and •item State. j A BRILLIANT CORPS OP WRITERS. Tto adltorlal oore* of writer* and •ontrlbnton ti unnrpMWd, if oqnaUod. by^ttot of liar publication in «UUm and Union. a pr«----»«_« ^ HON. W. J. NORTH ♦ “® W!. ^^noof Ae^«id«tol tbe Q*orf la^tM* . ^ tto ablc.t and maatlaorn- ra» for feur y*»r» virtvally Commi»iion%r at Wa«Uin*ton, St C.« and Inter, Profeiior of Aericulturo at th» G.orria state fTnir.riity. COL. ». J. REDDING i. tto abla and th.rourhiy W uiM>*d AMlitant CommU.ten« of Axnealture of tto State of Qaorfla, a* well n* nn *ixp»rl*n«od writer. Pnor. J. S. NEWMAN 1* in dim of tto Alabama State Experiment Station, tod ftabd* in the front rank of a*rioulturnl edueateri ana writer* la tjto South. With th*»« *mia*nt writer*are oMoolated a wore or morn of mate and fa- ton tha moiteompltte, attract! r* and valuable afrlealtural Journal in the Booth, noeh i»*un to In* worth more than a whole year’* *ub*«riptiou to nny farmer who read* and think* in «*»- Motion with hit work. everflewin* _ . with mat¬ IUfUuitrntteB* are inperb, and every department will be found full to ter to lnitruct, enliebteu and entertain. Eato number 1* worth the *uin oher*ed for the yee* s ‘ a NoT.mUy'«on afford to to without THE SOUTHERN CCLTITATOH. twelve number* Now 1* .onetitutiuf <*#«<« to, a bend in your tubaeriptlon*. Only One Dollar per Unnum, the volume ot extenrive information weful to all elotee*. Endontd by Free* aad PnpLu t, jonrnal forearm, firwide and oountint-room. SubiotipUon, tl " per year, for advorttiinc teten, THE CULTIVATOR PUBLISHING CO., Gxo. W. Harrison, Drawer 8, Atlanta* Ga* Manager. Send for temple copy- f. 11 Till T1SM M. S, In effect Juno 23rd, 1880. No. 15 —Daily, Except Btmiuv. LeaveGriffln...............:........5:45 Atlanta...........* a.m. Arrive .......8:00 “ , No. 16 —Daily, Except Sunday. No. 17 —Bckdjly Okly, SUave Arrive Griffin...................... Atlanta................................3:35 ..........,7:40 a. m. •* No. 18—8imBAV Okly. Leabe Atlanta.............. :.............3:00 p. m. Arrive Griffin.................................5:00 “ No. 3 —Daily, Leave Macon...................................8:80a.m. Arrive Griffin...................5:25 « At hint a 'No. ................................7:00 11 -Daily. Leave Macon................... 1 .....'......... 8125 a.m. Arrive Griffin.....— ..................--....16648 t‘ ]' “ Atlanta..............................12:30 p.m. No. 1 —Daily. Leave Macon...... Griffin....,,................„...i.....3:53 i.i.,..l..;,;..............tl40p. m. Arrive I “ Leave “ .... ....... ...............>...4:00 “ ArriveAtlanta........^....„.,...,...........5:45 No. 13— Daily. Leave Macon OliOp.m. Arrive Griffin, 8 ' Atlanta........ ................ ...10:40. No. 2 -j-Daily. Leave Atlanta... ... 6:50 a. m. ... 8:17 “ Macon........................... ...10:80 No. 13— Daily, L«ire Atlanta... .....2:15 p. m. Arrivi ive Griffin.. ......4:00 “ Macon.......ep... ......6:15 « No. 4—Daily. Leave Atlanta.. 7:05 p.m. Arrive Griffin..., ” Macon ...11:00 *• No. 14 —Daily. ... 9:05 a. m. Arrive Griffin....................-........„. 10:43 “ “ Macon............................... 1:00 p. m. No. 87 —Daily. Leave Griffin................................ 8:30 a. m. “ Newnan....................10:20 “ Arrive Carrollton.........................11:35 “ No. 28 —Daily. Leave CarroRton—4:20 p. m !l Newnan.................. ..,.,....5:25 *• A’rrltfe Griffin...................................7:30 No. 29 -Daily, zietopr Scwdat. Leave Griffin,,......... ...1:30 p. in. Arrive Newnan............ ...4:30 “ Leave 5:35 “ Arrive Carrollton................ —7:10 “ No. 80 -Daily, Exczpt SniiDAY. Leave Carrollton......................5:45 ZZZZ'Z"lm a.m « Arrive Newnan... ■ , , 7 -jib Leave Newnan... ................10:85 Arrive Griffin..... I#*For fnrther,information relative to tick- E. T. CHARLTON* G. P A« Griffin, Gs. Sarannab. Ga. S S S the d gigatfA’A re*uft ot thejmBv* of fta calf e coi BY FAB WApsitPwgsrMt -TO- NEW YORK OR BOSTON isiif SAVANNAH ' -AND TH*-- Ocean .- steamship : line Central ikilroad of Georgia. SUMMER EXCURSION JICKETS Now on sale at reduced rates. Good to re¬ turn until OctotorSlet, 1883. Go East by Set anfi You'lhiot Regret It Pmweogeiie, tolore pmrehaeina tickete vta fhe ther Agent information may tion be had by applying t* at your eta or to M. S. BELKNAP, W. F. 8HELLMAN, General Manager. Traffic Manager. E Savannah Ga Pntaii rntim IT uwiimuia m. MIHP fifitau «S!S5,3BM3K i’st, POIl SALE BY ALL DHTOGISTS. I hK uni • • - - place on < lor lr Pp Afct« 0 te<i m t ** Vi (3 da howhv M “ “ Comp the name arec..... in good laith 1 the Comp _ facsimile* of onr i „ advertieemenU.” ■ w. too zvczzzr onreonntere: m m Grand ! • At the j Tuenday I CapitfriFrtoe,) ■I.' 100,000 Tieketo }gL_' ‘•j 1 Prim or 50,0 1 Pehmov 300 pRHKnor 500 Pntnop aoo * lfnoinur i'r'aE s 890 j.. THE do - 100 ‘ 8,134 _ not eutiUedto’l A0 E5T8 W. clearly’t County,! turninajl an Envelope deliw be IMPOi Address] ' ." 'A or M. A. DAUPHIN. “nrf By ordinary * “ Address Re nw oi ONE do: toil ,'4 cert Sffi.’ five menths here been * from tha eflecteef 8wift’» 8] J«n.4M»,, n fV Books on Blood and f |:,v/. —8wxrr tonne * a - ■ Jau36dly -——.