The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, September 01, 1889, Image 3

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it to be the Caraway, N. O. ejtfy Wife bsd a distressing cough, h^Any^d with pAins in the^slde^nd i I*got >, brsnst. bottled We Cb^rW nntU A : j^ysr's FtfetorAl which Has cured man Headlight, Morrill ton, Ark. M ens es . i * . a * » - * t Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, Or. 4. 6. Aysr ft Co., Lowoll, Mast. goWbysllDruffist.. Prise$1; six bottles,**. bb^sep^ •few Advertisements. fhN and til.75 HOVS* SC HOOT, SHOES. Examine W. L. Bougias #2.00 Slip<4 lor eniteraen at«l ladies, FOR SALE BY SfJHEtJERMAN & WHITE, CRIFFIH. LipPMAN BROS., Wholesale Aj cure, whether r or an aleoholio /v SUf\ECUf\E ^ CHILLS &FEVfcR| DUMB f\GUC f\ND VifiX BY ALh BHtOGS^S. 0 i£ Xil. BSSnNBWWSSEfS. fo sxgffi.’S'M: those who want their advertising to pay j geo“p: bDwell a CO., 1 V • SIJ YS J* rl Bloody Sacrifice. li-iA OP TH K UPKIiftNG-I708 l “ , “ 1,1 '“■“••I AgSJnM the Mouarcli. That NiuliiUlU Krouzjr and Its IrrealiUble * wfl * 1 11 tho Civil Strife. ! . jWt a. ‘ " "tw i [Copy i+,;lu USD. i,y American Press Association.], It seems hardly (wsslblo that Any intelligent Frenchman could have donbted at the time of Loots XVi's arraignment foe trial stoat would im< its result All Paris was inflamed of the emigrants amTof ttie heads of thelfmT eign ct.tili; :,>;i nguhikt tho country—the great lu^ftutpl f* the ap*f diapf it j^vssszsjsi&i uiiA. aphiious, fusel men. It the •forint of she is to alt dftliom like an ideal, worshipftd ar^Tasaar^sy? government, whatever this may ba, tUe power and charm of France remain, unal ri : tin i t-fMIji jmLn • r'/' f: 1 HMft* 11 I FI | * 5 ;; iij >■ 1 s-- '7-Nla ?P’Ha? ; s'AM^Tv^r *.vV5‘Vidw M&'t ft '• EXECUTION OS CH AtlLOTTB COBDAT. tered people,Whether and unalterable. Franco Is, indeed, her high or tow, rich or pc A word of magic aiguilleanca. Louis i relentless. Bv-eu the flerceet fatties of free¬ dom belioved, when they were clamoring, like Marat, for more heads, positively Insatiable# blood, that they were purifying and strength ', ening Franco. patriotic, No nation Is or eon be more when the French are tigarishjy fastenil^ W Tho French often atmebr tdmo« <R»qae. DBMS'S' Franks Gtauls, with the we are still the same gustus, elector of Saxony and king of Poland. He was really foreign to his native land and always remained so. Essentially a burgher in disposition, ha became nothing Having married Marie Antoinette at 18, to whom be was no mom adapted than she was to him-r-ehe was only 15 at the time—his prin- I,m3. ..JktmAMl !■■■ pjetAiire I.VXUKKXCI®)# IS PARIS, cipaf falling Was in tainting and eating, often asleep at table, while his young and rather frivolous wife went in pursuit of livelier company. The match was mado,"tn the face of Its unfitness, in the interest of the bouse of Austria. He was separated from the commons by his weakness, mental, not moral, and from the nobility by his virtues. He was placed In conditions which far abler men could not have managed, and his ex¬ periences were so painful and pitiful that he «t«t™ oar compassion, tt itbt oW respect There seems to Luive boon a sort of fate in his Career,of which lie had a certain forwhadow- ^At tb* close of the celebration of hi* nup¬ tials insty persons in the vast crowd were crashed to death in the Place Louts XV by the narrowness of toe mode of exit the ac¬ cident greatly depressed toe «ng. Fold on which he sulfc r^n,‘33K£HafflS be had been gnllty. Under not his circum- cffliiimifHtlh stance* guilt m*ku wan triohiallv virtually u seif l# -«-*—:—*«' defense. ~ If Be a wutliavo known for three year* and * halt atlcaet that hi* life wav Inconstant dong** in l*iu k Ho turned naturally to bis distant friomL, to ituwn who alone would and could belli libu, for protection. Hfcfriqnds, e*th# oeustitutieu construed i^iBhiki it, were yW)|o necessarily the enemies of tlie cell a wore of the hazard b#rU»; Unt they the teial in avnitlii iug the guiUoUneoSroad being compelled to remain hidden during Reign jpf Terror. .Maiesherbes was remwn court of ftkfe, hs was a guiet though resolute opponent ■■ Olid labored strenu- L> the poopM He was, at C0, ap- ,|tptate|l censor of to® don press, which a he post- did troschkt. :j „ highly appreciated by authors, albeit the Rotbonue protested violently against to* ;^bSmr CydOPO<li ^ pi Some years after, his hostility to the levy SSSLSS# —to he Was’ tanuM by tie cc was carried; Jan. 90, 1798, to passible Against a* *9 OOOannsdi ; : * . : uiWHjauss, ii Migeworth, and his last oonfesaor Rssfa the assistants of the axwMttoosr who laid hands on him, .Sw*ba#ft self from thMr gra.^ and exclaimed exe lyt “I die Innoceut of Anycrime; I pray God may not visit my blood upon Prana The revolutionists revolutionists were were determined aeterminea ne blood spurted) the. roy i Sh»SU3SS . > A ? FURY OF THE fflVfk STRIFE. slain tho chief of ton reaim, the rab¬ ble and their leaders were more sangu more demoniac than ever. The wtn masmere, under tbs name <g law and have ruined it had they not been overthrown and extirpated. Chaos prevails in Franoe after the royal and joins the coalition with Naples, distracted Spain, H d bmd , Germany againrt the land. Revolts occur In every department; ibc Vendde is in a blare. The Insurrection is half religious, tmginn ia g wtto. ton pwmntry , deeass are royalists to toe core; their tional ardor extends over Lower Poitou, aiszsfrarrkir peddler, he is, at 29, poor; with a name family. IBs piety is to rampant that ! called the saint of Anjou. The attempt of the revofettionieta a, * I • ' l , ntenyhfws i U» as high as wedo.-«Algt»e%ths m dite, through whieb t^r ««». the 1 gives an especial beabty to their corn te- naneea. Prince Haru has t!hs ex<,uisii aly smooth, fine yellow skin that is one of the points of greatest ~mto the Japanese oiAiy, uniform and his cap ......... toe time, his efetoes being dark Bhte cloth In winter and white duck in summer Bale fond of riding, and, when mounted, the miniature colonel tfett and returning the sting martinet. “ -St. “ °®!P NtcholAa r . <r ^ ----------•* - A penee® cpmpiexion, iplexton, free iree from rrom tfmpUm lumpies o\ or blemish, is very rarely seen, because few peo¬ ple have perfectly pure blood. And yet, all disfiguring eruptions are easily removed by the nee of Ayer’s aareftparilla. Cry it, and . nstimwltui tori l A f w i aila wifb fko wumlf John tT. Davis, an Alabama w has applied for protection at to*) tor a watch with three distinct ing two men and burning up a of <dl and other vahiabie cause wee that an'Astra eo spring ofthe watch ofooe of became entangled with toe I tag the crippled timepiece t faster than usual fhcteareri as to (air Utes in ane hour, BaEXiSSASAS together, so that if one should enddtoly be¬ come disordered toe other two would almost infallibly point out toe error.-Taxa. Sift- fag"- ‘ ■ : An Oflfcasive Bremtis is most dissressing, not only to the contact. It is a d^icate matter to speak of, tot it has parted not only friends but lovers. Bad breath and Catarrh Remedy care* the cases a# thousands can testily. A Fish Volued lty a.Zmdy. What What fish fish is is most most y^laedi valued * by a 1 Ol I/Te lluUkicUCn j vOl soying her child trom a case of ci cone, ___, tab and d Tdieving relieving it it teething. teethin gr. ADVICE TO iHOXaxKBDi Mrs. Winslow’s SooTtftNo SYevp, physicians in the United States, its value itbe child and diar- weis, and 'll''' t yttf i-h ' :' - »*• 'VH We are here, and here to stay and have on hand “a large stock of DOORS, defy SASH AND DUNOS ! which w« competition on. Wc haven Inrge stock of “bone dry lam ber,’of of Mouldings, the finest vAutHty M dad can gnuraiitco the eery beat goods, la the way ant lee, Uailaeteia, etc., «*•-., we can jnst beat the beet prk# you can get ««ywhcipl And ub for Window and Door Frames oars is the pluce to conic. Ours is .a “tom? are home folks* born ahd raised In (ieomia, mid have devoted our entire time a ml attention to Whrktng wood for the past twenty >*earH, mid claim to know how to work to tlie beet advantage. We a Iso employ |?Offid workmen, w»m under¬ stand how to do the work. For these and many other reasons we might frisig CRATES, made right Item ad of going abroad, and St^t, Griffin, Oft, i* 5 sa yaa saga umUHIMe.MlMNa, : WMftUMAU DMMISTt. UnswHMk, SATAJWJJL«A. ■'HE ERRORS o f YOUTH«fio MANHOOD i EXPERT HOME TREATMENT i CURE I. B. B, TIB TABLE LB. 1 , In e#ect September let, 1889. No. 13 —Daily. Arrive Griffin...:..::;: zMt* No.. Leave Macon......:b.. ....8:80i ....5:25 ....7:00 No. 11 —Daily. ;;i , frr . “ Atlanta......................... ..19:80 p.m. No. 1 —Daily. Leave Macon.......................... .,i:40 P .m. Arrive Griffin........................... -bS Arrive Atlanta.....'.................... ‘ No. 18 —Daily. Leave Macost..*., 0-40 d m Arrive Griffin........................... Atlanta, .10:40 Leave Atlanta. UlLY. Leave Atlanta.. Arrive Griffin- ....4:00 .....8:15 Leave Attaata.. Arrive Gnffln... *• Macon... .... 9:05 am. ....10:48 “ Leave Griffin......... “ Newnan...... Arrive Carrollton.. Leave Carrollton “ Newnan..... Arrive Griffin— 4 Leave S*Jpj£=ia 22 =d® ......5,88 Arrive Carrollton—,... ........—7:00 No. 80 —Dajlt, Snsn Husbat. Arrive Lem ^snoBton............—----- tareman—... -—7A5 — LflflY® Newnan....«.................... Arrive ......... Wutik^PuogpMt SEBT YORK OR BOSTON ——18 VI A.......... SAVANNAH OCEAN : STEAMSHIP: LINE —ortn— Central Railroad of Georgia. SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS Now «*le at reduced ratee. Good to M- 8a« Bootes. If you ore rick the trip will in¬ vigorate and lmild you up. Go East by Sea and You'll not Regret tt other Passengen, o----before would b&So i» purchasing pu ticket* via toe rontos, do * merit* ol toe Route ther information may be had I the Agent at ydur station or b M S. General BELKNAP, W. F. SB K. T.CHARLTOSC Manager. CLYDE Ti - Gen’l Pens. Agent. Tra' Savannah Ga Mowers, Bumrs mil Bus. - Feeders and Condensers. THE BEST ENGINES sad BOILERS. One 5 hone 2nd hand Engine and 50 Saw Gin with Brooks Press, for sale cheap. Osborn’s First-class Groes Mower......# 80.00 “ * “ “ Reapers........... 100.00 We tb. j til p#y tJl f Ad4re»s Ri ------ For Sale by N. B.