The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, September 08, 1889, Image 2

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i % tf&k umvwmM mnhnhh ttpsmm ’"’fH ttoSre* &Sirsftto3 SB r** 8Wk «•* ? m r four BtoU* to fad meeivee « “The «<M to I o(low i, bat "»"*/ they areetifl wtarnd ”■ ’7-— ■Bcf* awsssss J^Lw’.ro'S ^b^foSi industry which the ’“LTSSS^ of thousands to the material ' * the state. The growth »»d ^ b»y. The Ex- (Jeorgia bay alone had and will time ,_J|market for that cal- which will encourage it* ^ ,fr• *i b i n- ., . . . i 1 r eraak hae a novel scheme poeal of the bodies of the am Dwpbabtofreesethe dead body ia v»ff t take haa toe bam block troam of be b which the body tzszxzvzrz Heaayathat be has already program, and cate ie eo eonsid- __ - r - r - ------j of an inter- national cemetery on the ehowe of BaWn’e Bay, where he says that ft»- tora generation* may go to find the bees of their ancestor* of the nine¬ teenth eentnry ae natural as life The Atbata ikmetitution aaya: “The canvas, ia the fifth district has been enlivened by the suggestion of a new name, that ol Hon. OeorgeHOb yer. The aaggertion eome^ bom the Rockdale Banner. Judge Hffl- yerttveab Atlanta; has social and peracmal retationehipe hi DeKalb county, was born ia Walton county, and hae flebed in almost every coun¬ ty ia the district. Who knows?” Judge Hillyer would not tod it a fleh- ing excursion to run againet Judge Mtewart. But we hope that this par¬ agraph does not mean tout Henry tirady b out of the race. The platform adopted by the Penn¬ sylvania Democrats is, in most re¬ spects, wise and abb. Trust* are condemned and attributed to the tariff laws; the Republicans are ar raigned for the notorious misman¬ agement of tlie State funds, and the members of the legislature are urged to take koch constitutional action as substantial relief to the suf the recent floods In tot toe authorities are taken __their gross mismanag*- the money already contribu- , The platform ends with a slop ““ a* method*that have char- toe Pension Bureau since Tanner assumed »has entered the system r to drive it out is to pur- „_jcb the blood. To this ■ acknowledged by aBniedi- nothing The fault fa better hitherto adapted haa a. ‘ on could not be so pre- ’ This difficulty has been l the Brown Chemical who laaa ■ a wflfwthi«^W« MVNNMf HW legtiWrty-flv* The pew* per arc wS be fl 10 per year, -fie phMrtwfli be In tint I«m W»*l to emiAmtern tampmmjr mmdtkm W thatcotepftBj. wtthit* contract for » Iok*. |»t i»*«« Im^doptoilfirtrielltovIM vast theet«*ta •veto to lighted! IcepapMUM, WM'I ftr-Md it mum to k»« It ta» wieedtj that profit* by the rumple of itendcblxwe. The pro- pie of Griffis are »ot to«de, E they do oee**foa*-1/ awtoarietokeein «**" luncsaDPKKan. To know how to do a thing ie wrfi, to do it ie better. Knowledge aeed # useless T§9§* as the tales* ■ n . For90yeare8 owtheet i ewttira- the ratoe of epphed at fair* to •eideaad erop*. Cotton ««*, to¬ bacco and graeeee have toeu im¬ proved ia quality end jammed ia Hortkattnre hut edmtiets have not • . enqr year new . valuable The time time hae a (air abate of toefrattantioatotlnir to their eale. , now near- iagiterad, hae been localities, ———, hare been made in eome and might bare been he many more had the owners of orchards been alive to tfaeirofiportuaitjr. But each b of rare oc en mar e- . “ only ones or twice in a a fib-time.” mww- How •«" skstssssk do. Caa Caa this tide be be done? dooe? There There •» eapbaHato in Connecticut who think it caa, and they have been spending money on the strength of that faith. Theynppiy edenee to peaches. On one piece of ground they put out " in “ 1884. L Tbery roW- 16,000 tme the rated the land. They p re se r v ed trees. This year they bare their fleet crop, from which they will get over |40,000 cash. How? Why, three time# this season they have thinned toe wop by plucking eom# of toe fruit. The strength of the teem has gone into the remainder. The peachee are of umernal rise and beauty. Every bushel will se& lor aa much as three buebeb would have brought had aB the setting matured on the. teem. Thom Yankees ea rn much labor, save crates or baskets, ear* cartage and railroad trmwpora- tioo, and still gft fully ae much for toe smaller crop ae they would have received for the greater. The Sooth must market most of its peach crop many hundred mile* from the orchards. If It can follow the Connecticut plan and make oae package that will sell for the price three, it will save the cost of trr porting two from the orchard to consumer, which to itaeH bah profit. Suppose our peach and pi growers try applied science ne»t season. Be think the experiment wiUpby. ho wortal jrrthss »«r out ur. nsne ■ frawu" of forever settled the until question that moment a com¬ fortable existence from biliousness, headache, kindred indiges¬ ail- tion, constipation, and aw Olio, Cjtt Cirv or o Toledo,! L wafOwivrv, 1. Cemsv rTtatom «u_ oath U»«th» i* ----tU w rtltb# tom I oi F l. C«t** th» senior partner flm mtl pv ths turn at ONE HUNDRED sod «er*m o< rim tto eMsot bc cored by the oee Hsu.'* Catasm Cum. C» Sworn to before w e J Notary PobHc. Hail'* Cstarrb tbeoloodeod Core is taken IntarosRy of set* directly on AtoTl'lMiSo, ■** Sold by Dmcsiete, 78c. p p p PRICKLY A8H, ROOT and POTASSIUM, ie also toe beet possible tonic. never bib to bring your system back to a healthy condition when ran * “ overwork. During II *„ win mi build build yo« you up, give enable you ---------- an petite and digestion, and system to stand our long and vating summers. Nothing like it aid digestion— a e Dyspepsia. v e e f all ing to the worse cases of Skin Eruptions, peculiar to the ern climate, immediately dried up ttauae. A n*k Valued tor aAadr. soring «»flc, berdtBdteoi and relieving Jwtiee 1 ha he aB ' are lew among" f to deny ..that e arh s h a ms ' : of bar and .bench «- ■ that eo hmak aa eatpoamw of these erBe haa of the profe ssi witUathe that “ fiji given by ^ on as David DndJey FieM, the retiring p«* dented the Aametoea Bar Associa¬ tion, fat Chicago hmt •«&. He said: •‘be respects tooor dntiee to the state, I Met that wo are far behind ia the pM ' t o ri n aarr ed them. We are a boastful people; we make no end of eayM what great thiaga we have doneaad am doing, andyet behind these bnilinnt above there stands a •ptcier of baltin* jostice, each «•» to be seea he ao other part of cM ie bo other country calling itself tTgri! a final Traly deetetou 1 .that and man. we raay *Md m every year than are executed in the gePsS&gffS the country. France, withanopo- 45,000,000, has ia the same cate- 7,000. Thu* the proportion of bin France, 1 to wonder that a eymkshonideay cynic ehoof " _ and ' more ■______I number of r . Here is food enough for thought far lawyers, layman and bgbfator. What the country seems to need i* lees law and better law; fewer lawyers, whose learning shall be pat to the severest test before their admission, whose character shall be closely scrutinized and who shall practice under a system which insures instant debarment a# the penalty of dishon¬ orable dealing. Sueh men would prevent litigation where shysters create it. Then we need judges ol banting, dignity and atom moral fl- ber—divorced from politics, knowing where judicial duty b concerned, and who will crush the lawyer who at* tempts pettifogging or charlatanry Above alt. we need Legislature* which win not attempt to deal with matters they do not understand, will not pass laws for political effect, and will be bonest, consistent and intelli¬ gent. 4 ; , ... things, When we secure all these we shall have prompt justice—and the millennium.. THE DUEL CRAZE. The success of Messrs. Williamson and Calhoun in firing five shots each without hitting anybody tuts had a demoralizing effect upon the State at large and made bold many who are willing to incur a moiety of danger for a great deal of notoriety. The difficulty between Messrs. Huff and Patterson, two of Bibb county’s representatives who di0ered,ae to the veracity of certain statatemente made by the former, is said to be not yet ended, and the latest report was that they were expected to meet near Opelika yesterday and mutilate the neighboring timber with bullets against which the honest lumberman might dull his saw. But still another new light in the field of dud latte fiasco has sprang into existence, this time in the pro¬ gressive city of Columbus. A special from that place yesterday says that Mr. Charlie Palmer had sent a note to Mr. H.C. Hanson demanding apol¬ ogies for certain articles which ap¬ peared in the City Item, a Sunday morning paper issued by Master Vic¬ tor Hanson, Mr. Hanson's son, or if the apologies were not made a choice of weapons was offered. A corres¬ pondent called upon Choffle, and the latter not having had sufficient noto¬ riety through the juvenile paper un¬ bosomed 'himadf fredy for publica¬ tion, contrary to the code in such cases made and provided. What Chollie need* is to be rocked by Mas¬ ter Vietor some dark night on hie way hs*ne and be would soon enough. An ounce of blood would be a good preventative for agreat many pounds of dads that are now going on. ADVICE TO MOfnERS. Mas. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, apSgSH? from _________■ pain, dy sente r y and diar- i at I *rmn£ W _ Lonfc i to Franca. *- "*w**n ► Be Otoe, probably with him __Bill- a. UMMtma. «uw kradkingat the gates of with I3.«te rarttora It i* jo*t about a year ago that Gea- i* ass— » hi ij . am, it is said. G«l , with <ot heard tarry anything long us. about while in France place there country, *' —ist man’s ’ a c aot. l he on hand to re¬ el “It will be my --to receive him,’’ he _ . _ as I did Mn 'sin this city, aa that ss a French that tins is the last you will hear __. from from this part of the me writes an officer officer on the flagship yard, ge to aa at toe navy came by the steamer Qzama Mmj. The officer did not eontem- |wk soicule, but be anticipated the ar¬ rival of the Galena at Porhau-Pruice, when theKeamarge will proboblv ooste heme. The letter was dated Aug 23, and noted the demrtare of Legitime on the French gunboat Kerguelen and the entry into the city of the provisional preehlent Hippdyte. ‘ The officer wrote: « • “Hippolyte “Hipp<dyte * advance nhSt mo* the «ty the of the 21*t — the forts to the oi Port-au-Priruje aaa^^JSrASS^ the broken firing of the musketry. The firing oeased on known the following that Gen. morning, Mon- and it was then and followed ptaisir had evacuated Lseoupe been by the northern troops. A oonucil of war was held and launch Legitime to sent» flag of truce Mare. by steam Hippolyte at St •To-day Gen. and Hippolyte will occupied remain for th„ palace here, peace and a time—perhaps longer, if the arms other war munitions with which every town is tilled, and which stand as a con¬ stant menace to peace, can be got rid of. This is tiie height of the coffee season, and tins will plantation encourage an* everybody *op fighting to re- turn to toe for a time. Too Much Duty. WxsKaaros, Sept 5.—The treasury department is in receipt of a letter from the collector of customs of at Miss Chicago, AL transmitting the appeal Field* Company from an assessment of 20 per cent ad valorem on certain certain sable tails imported and claimed to be exempt from duty under the pro¬ visions tor “fnr skin* of all kinds, not dressed in any manner.” The ap¬ praiser reports that an inspection of the skins show that the pelt portion of the tails had been scraped dressed so as to tail improve has to its appearance, but a undergo a number of different pro¬ cesses. The department is of the opin¬ ion that the tails are in the condition in which they were removed from the ani¬ mal, and has directed the collector to refund the duty levied. 3fjr*N > rion<t Mt*r«l«*r at Wichita. Wichita, Clawson, Kan., Sept 5.—The dealer body of of L. I* real estate this city, was found at “ o’clock Tues¬ day night ia Biverside park, at the Ninth street bridge There were four toilet holes in the body, fired from a 32-calibre revolver found by his side. From the fact that there were four bul¬ let boles, two through the head and two in the stomach, any one of which would have proved fatal, foul play is I 01•MUSS' suspect¬ ed. Clawson _____________ was a native of Peansyl- Pennsyl¬ he vania, a About eighteen months ago came s to Wichita from Ohio. Indian-,' Klgtata. Washington, Sept 5.—The acting secretary of the interior has called the attention of the the attorney settlers general to the fact that the white on Athamum creek, Washington territory, of are by irrigation diverting the water* the creek in such a way mi to deprive the Indians on the Yakima Indian reserva¬ tion of toe use of any water from the creek The attorney general is re. quested to tae that the Indian* are pro¬ tested in their rights. unplaced *2,000 Tun. of Bock. Bethlehem, Monday evening, the largest displacement of rook at one blast ever in this thousand country was accomplished. of rock Twenty-two tons came crashing down. The force used was one ion of dynamite placed in several holes, driven to the depth of thirty feet in the soli d rook. _ No Clew W r«* KoOberrf, Ckicauo, Sept .V-Inspector Stewart has received a dispatch from Moline, I1L, statin;? that the postoffleeat tha place had been robbed Monday night and of 4300 in cash, *1.300 in The stamp* postmaster eight registered has clew letters. to who thHobber or ■evs he urn no e robbers Blair Say* W’* Att Right. Mr. 8. 0. Blair, Chicago,says: “We could not keep house without your Clarke * Extract of Flax Skin Cure and Cough Cura. Wehave need both for numerous trouble, especially for our child. We recommend the ebfWrejL Coogfa Cure to every family Whooping having Cough with We used it for remorkbly quick aodetitisfactory re¬ sults, and use it for way a^d every Clarke’s Flax Dr. N. B. Drevrrv, preparations. Ibwl 5 S wmmwtt*at Atarw, irUta Usorte, tal, denegmfle W* *< t^ ta UmmaOtoimmw O. mtrnm hmad d».J .ia h*t eaB. Mb* Lata Harter,* ««® M IM •fCtetoiMO, *mm beeoous taa lutes sbai* CtecSst. —M*__W*— . _ the teheso t team their 1 the mandos Hew Era' - was fonnaBj ph, Me. BmD * taarnfeflHS- Tba laborers on the Dnlalh eflgr contract* been made happy, for they bare at last and eooesded what Mood w*» toed for, what long strike* failed to get for team— fl. 7S for a day’s work. It come a* an entire bs for toe laat six to have been aw- ttanidei wtafcfa by the heavy rain and snow feU Monday night In toe vicinity rf and tbn Kite, enow to toe depth Of FATA L IQAfiO OUSL. Both Principal. BccIvoA Death Wwoh, Lam tfco Caare. S am Lakx ^ Go*, Utah, Sept A Malad City, just over toe Idaho border, has been m thrown ™u. B into excitement by a fatal duel between two young---- Abraham Likes and Jude Swing, of Clark’* Flat They came here Ust and went fell in into love partnership with the Both Unable ____ , uu *a, Jemima Trents. to reach an amicable urr&ngement theT resorted to the brookside with six shoot¬ er* and there settled the matter They byte- tally wounding each other. were boned wlicre tbev fell, ride by wde. What has become of the girl does not appear. Britl.h Sailor* Bmrt Sax Francisco, Jfept-, 5. —Five wflefs belonging to the -Mon- seizedTthe ship’s to cutter shore. Sev- ___________ hsvhta taken night gace, the ship _ r pat ,_____ to sea Tuesda toy farther escapes claim on the part w u> o.o— The men 1 received h arsh treatment Wage* Adnnnd W I*«r Cent. pray were raised 10 per cent Tuesday. wages of the 3,000 Shenango valley fur¬ nace men. ■ __ Two Children Burned to Death. Omaha, Neb., Sept A— Two A speeiri small from Blue of David Springs Gay says: burned to children in the barn were of the Bev. death Tuesday They rappoeed to have Andrews. are while playing with *et the ham on fire matches. * _ Strike at BeHaire. prv.T.*THii, o., Sept 5,— boys Thirty-five out carrying-in Mid 8napp^*-up Me work*. on a stoke at the Bellaire bottle The cause assigned is a redaction of wages. One hundred rad fifty employes are out oi work. Hail So Ticket—Fatally Shot. Kkyskb. W. Vi, Sept. 5.—A serious shooting affray the' occurred here Tuesday A night on Cincinnati express. young man named John Carr was on the train without a ticket. He got on at Grafton. The conductor pat him off three or four times. Finally the train hands had a rough and tumble tussle* with Carr, and somebody shot Carr twice in the forehead. He will die. It has not vet developed which of the hanils fired the shot The Third Iu*ui .ianrt. Nkw Orlkass, Sent. ■">. - Price, Dem¬ ocrat, carried the Third congressional district Tuesday over .Minor, at an esti¬ mated majority of <•. 0,:i). The negroes took little }>art in the election. The Be- publicans denounce the election, and threaten to contest it. i. V* Ge if)U<* Ca< * Tiffin, O., Sc Coons, of Little --------- fifteen miles south of here. cholera excited,’ T.o-sday. i he people there leaving are greatly and many are the village. l a io xml « ^»n Tru*t Ns w fujii:. Sept •% — It is ski ted that the leading and organ manufao- turei-s of the country said are be forming favored » trust The project ^ to by Steinway, Chictering. Hazelton, Haines, Weber, Sa.’mier, Burdctt and others. For Haaillins -pariou* O F—' 4 Ahdbrson, Anderson, Ini.. in t . Sept .^epu 5. a.-om — Carroll Bronueberg, a wealthy young fanner. fanr wo* arrested here MV- counterfeit fne*tay •feit night _ „ on the charge to.lndianapolia of n<H<iiig money, mou and taken A Very targe Percentage Of with the a’moet American annoying, people are troublesome troubled and disagreeable complaint called to be ‘‘Catarrh.” It is not necessary troubled. It is demonstrated beyond question that Clarke’s Fxtract of Flax (Papillon) Catarrh Cure imme¬ diately nOevtm and permauently cures Catarrh, A thorough Dee and fair trial will convince you. Chtoke’s Flax Soap for the Skin. Catarrh Cure. *1.00. Soap 26 cents. At Dr. B Drewry ’s Drugstore. - - • A- 1 ............ .... ........ . . . .... ___________ *•» iHonH Liver PHI*. fc&t silver <Wbw. A iei»e o; ojimterteu money sjhI ma¬ ws UmuL Clark b * t«cimaa tte KealUicky Central isiteea, tmA sal Otari utsdette r.. too tatter s bote* wrteta* ta «a ohl-fteM Be prse a list beet on the CAio nver taat ^ In*L. sad eighty-oi • idler dollar* * were were found found on tb Williams did hove leave and and until - e-lew _ ^ Lately be located at dark’* t sufficient evidence additional evidem he arrested them. .. excellent counterfeit. would as much as *1,000 before he of it, aa«l then to dealers only. A JEALO US LOVER 'S RAGE i« a poofclr Tr»jr.!y la D«i«r. Mard.r ami -tffiif. ItenrEB, Sept 5 .—Billy Johns* _ 23, an employe of toe Denver Fuel became jealous of his sweet¬ Jennie Schrock, because of 1 to Charles Wood. Johns the girl met in the yard Twentieth m the n tor father’s house, a streets, Tuesday her of night, unfsith- f to accusing Hie girl ordered him away from the saying she wanted no more to do him. Johnson pulled his revolver, as the girl ran toward the house, fired. The ball entered tor bade passed through her heart, eo of the left breast The murderer then ran to hi* room fired a ball through his heart and through his head. The Sehroefc recently came from Aztec. N. where Johnson lived with them. COLONEL LAMONT to Be elected of • Coal. Iron and Kailroad Compaay. Bibhissham, Ala-, Sept 5.—Daniel will probaMy be elected presi¬ rad of the Tennessee Goal, Don company, the largest indus¬ corporation in the south. CoL second vice president of the returned Tuesday from New He savs the Now York sioek- hol.U-i-s want Lamout elected, and all toe stockholder* in this city will vote for him. A meeting of the directors will be held in about #J,0U0,00n ten days. of The company owns over this city. The prop¬ offioa erty in and around of the president pays a salary oi *10,000. tinctort lJ uUtfuitodvil. Cocxrun Blows. Iowa, H Frank Tne«l»y Havens, evening. aged 38 years, A pf»t dead disclosed abnormal examination an The ar¬ rangement of the vital organs. heart was on the the second light side, rib. the A large apex cbagula. lying against amounting to about two quarts of mood, surronnuetl the heart The liver was on the left side of the abdo¬ men and the stomach on the right The lungs were only one-third the normal ’ pressed upward. How size and were the man could have Hved ray lenj time after birth seems a mystery „ __ surgeons. The coroner s jury returned a verdict that death resulted from tore of the heart Effect* of Climate. We hear a great deal said about the beneficial effect upon invalids of the climate of Colorado and other western localities, but when a man changes his place of residence in the hope of improving his health without first try Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, he makes agreat L mistake. In nine cases out of ten n he might ______ save - his time and money. This great remedy owes its power over all affec¬ tions of the throat catarrh and lungs, and bron¬ chitis, asthama, is even congnmption, which lung scrofula, to th« simple blood fact that and it purifies invigorates and enriches the the debilitated in system. Itisguaran of diseases teed to cure all cases for which it is recommended, or mon¬ ey paid for it will be refunded. A Jail Delivery. Considerable excitement prevailed on the streets circulated yesterday through that a widely of the desperate report prisoners in three the most jail had broken out. Careful investi¬ gation discovered that, absurdly enough, the rumor had some founda¬ tion, but not exactly in accordance with the facts. Three prisoners had broken out with Scrofulous era ptions on the face, neck and limbs—but the physician called in prescribed P. P.P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Boot and Potas¬ sium) tlieretnowned vegetable blood purifier and there is no doubt what¬ ever that the patients will soon re¬ cover. Rheumatism, Gout, Syphilis, Scrofula, Malarial poison Wood and all symptoms of impure are quick- ly removed by P. P. P., and as a ready and simple daily. restorative Every drug¬ it ie gaining ground gist sells it. Abbott’s East Indian Cora Paint remo ves all Corns, Bunions and speedily without pain. For sale by Jrett»1.7<Swlv all Druggists. on pie**. THE TAYLOR MMBtS PUCE, t&s & as x ssr** L ***** • J0SSEY KRUSE AW LOT. Half block L— ed for boarding I ttuneradfir Poplar i Other l--- and to real. f’TINYIWfIM lljduutlAA, AH Bm] Estate Afiat. BIDS RECEIVED. To AH Electric Light fiw p twiw : Bid* will be received (SO) until September firfrt lrtk, tte ISU». lor thirty are Brfrte to t S££2* -...»—* omi iKgu ia 18*® aad areef* . 1 .. » j Coanrii rreerve* the power to acre j jert any and all hide -—GAS.- Bide wifi be received until --- 188». for one hundred! 100)®*e Jewt the rity «rf Griffin. Jet* must he rtl candle power. Council reserve the power to weept ur w- ... ...........— --a--—---— $75 IoS250 JOB.H80N T * COT. iOMl ; sjilwra* •ply. lours, Beanes ait (ins Feeders ud CHdmtn. THE BIST ENGINES and BOfUl One 5 bore*tad brad B*gtorad» *• Gin Osborn’* with Brook* Firet-riareGrereMower.....* Pwre, lorjSbetaap- •*•«? Improved Methane Gin. Bw h mhi GM Hal’ s Self Feeds/Gi- Price* mm tova* raraurafl* •eyVtare 6. A. CDHS1K6HA*. augllklftwlia 48 Hill fit., GilFFM,« “ras&asi* Deuhle Duty SI**plo» Cm S*#* Between Jacksonriue- Cincinnati and SoBdtrafaa between Jackaona^ffle,. Chattanooga and Menphii, N«iSuU. (>»“ B ' and the West and Knoxville, WstWnglwi, *** THE SHORT W BElWLM ‘ ■* nvu», Atlanta and Mseon, Atlanta and Rome- n»o.Pos«.tT