The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, September 12, 1889, Image 1

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aft . ■ <{\ \ I ' I -• ‘ ,< i >'■• •,. j. ■ ! - % %"■ ; ;%£r ipifW ;«v . GRIFFIN, GEOBGIA, U Si A. (Iriffiu W the beat and most promising little , tv in the Boat),. It* record lor the past togititeMNkrati##* contemplated, this „tion, haildiuK »«*> prove „ >:* • business statement, and not a liypor- olkal description. During that time it has built and put into „oet sucivssiul operation a $100,000 cotton aetory and with this year started the wheels of a second of more than twice that capital. It has pot up a large iron and brass foundry, * fertiUsor factory, an immenseiiee and bot¬ tling works, a sash an 1 blind sfcctory, a broom factory, opened ap thpuwst granite quarry ip the United States, and now has our large oil mills in more or less advanced stages of construction, with an aggregate au¬ thorised capital oto* half a milium dollar*. plied for two charters lor street railways. It hsassenrsd another railroad ninety miles long, and while located on the greatest system in tSttmOSmiaBi Virginia and Georgia. It has obtain¬ Mpsee. withlWfek ed direct independent connection taunoga and the West, and will brent ground „* few days lor a fourth road, connecting with a fourth independentsvstem. With its five white and fourrolored chttreh- ^ ,t htts recently completed a f10,000 new Preshy terian'ehurch. It has increased its pop¬ ulation hy nearly one flfth. It lias attracted m Ah i HMWNM kire $$ »> H»i Hy» uvery Slate in the Onion, until it in now sur- «"<#«*# , and vineyards. It has put up the largest iruit evaporators in the State. It is the home of tlw grape and its wiaemakiugcapacity has doubled every year. It has successfully in¬ augurated a system at public schools, with a seven year* curriculum, second to none. ’ This is part of the record of a half decade o»d simply show* the progress of an already issAitSSsSSS'JSSX <4***m>*i of 1890, it welcome strangers and anxious to secure de¬ sirable settlers, who wiU not be any lees wel- if they bring money to help build up the ofi. There is about only one thing we need badly lust now, and that is a big hotel. W* have several small ones, but their accom modations are entirely too limited for our psine s, pleasure and health seeking guests, ff you see anybody that wants a good loca¬ tion for a hotel iu the South, just mention ^Orifflu i*Ue pllte where tbii (fk^s Watts M2 &mavn8tssss eoi,ie8 ’ j* - o*t* 'yit“ iirnf-i PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. HENKY C. PEEPLES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, m mViTnulil IjdIHM JOHN J. HU xT, ATTORNEY AT LAW-/. I1SIPFIN, OROMilA. Gffiw. 31 H»U Street, Up Stair*, over J. II. White's dothim* Store. mar22d&wly rnos. mills, AUfMR# SAi S A ■ Courts. Will practice Office in over the George State ft> rtjssi nov2tf ' comer. OH* « ffintWAW.' ROUT. T. DANILL. STMItaT A MMPI ATTOBNEYI^IJP^, LilW Mver George t Hartnett’s*Griffin, Ga. In m 'State and Kedera '-WUeip-mv'.ve .......V— - —..... etUrtLffilO ft GARLAND, DENTISTS, « , • : : : OBOSGIA. iroT*L“W JSf^lS JKIF«N,,<ffiufa*iAj ; a OSt-r; Under Hew Mniiageiufiit, I EAJff&jEfiw all tmlh«. ■ t ere meei *sMsaj«aBKi 0. if''ta& w - io pr to*efl -twaiams Rag " ***• ^e.fcffiaaa^iteW. *•$ Nomint. * —•1-^f-n.t a- , r aa*- and wa 1 we dal lines? that will pay Mg -wJa I I ' Com* Inland ft Se$HG of Wreck and Desolation. Part of the Island Covered by the Sea. The High Tides and Heavy Surf Playing Sad Havoc with the Remaining Portion. Several of : ,tl|# Great Seaside Hotels Being BmleVnllned—The Damage will Iteach Hundreds of Thousands* New York, Sept II.— Advices from Coney Island Tuesday morning were as IoIIom:, JE& Island is a soenfiof sopatt of wreck u and island, east of Nearly the iron iron oi^lSalf piers, piers of is the now submerged, and the high bigli tide tide and a heavy surf are playing sad havoc havoc with with the re¬ ^mwMLWWiurin maining portion. ^^i^tsnsi’raur Consternation reigned supreme every¬ where. There is even now not a strip of beaoh to be seen on the island. Water is pouring in volumes under¬ neath the Manhattan hotel. The great waves are dashiug against the music stand, aud it bids fair to go down before thft day is 6The coi- and breaker, carries &t&39 every tons upon tons of wat«f beneath the building. It looked to day as if it was doomed. The bulkhead has been torn up and rent asunder. The cellav of the hotel at 7 o'clock to-day was three feet deep with water, and it was still pouring in. The little strip of land between Brighton abdthe and Manhattan has been eat- fiuftway, ocean andSheepshead bay is connected by fully five feet of watert extending to ta*epsh#*di1f ;««« The Manhattan and Oriental hotels by themeelves on a little island that that is is fast fast being being eai eaten np. Wtoingiife The mam- Itoth betteUg pavilion to Manhattan Beach is being beaten down hy the thundering w%m, Ilf( j«H| 'it f The old marine railway structure was carried away early to-dsi- . and. was taken with an awful crash over the new marine railway, fully 300 feet iuland, carrying the latter away bodily and overturning kindling and smashing cars like wood. The old Brighton Beach bathing pa- vdllian followed with a deafening crash and the driftwood carried with lightning rapidity and Herculean force against the new bath house, tearing part of that away. The Brighton Beach hotel is sur¬ rounded by over two feet of water, which extends as far- os Sheopshead bay. Fully 100 feet of tho lawn in front of the hotel has been eaten away since last it night will and all be from ffotrebeftx'o indications early to-day night, j:; > *# i The Brighton Beach railroad is sub- mergod. No trains are running, f, ; The angry wavey dashed against Seidl's music stand, each waves tearing away great chunks of it at every bnrst All efforts to save the structure have been abandoned. The Little Children's society cottage, ----the music br^n^ttoslev stand, has given way. aS? Brighton 231 " MUF elevated for Beach is nearly all under water, and is separated from Kearu’s hotel, by five feet of water.» ?, t * | The Brighton race course is two feet deep with water, aud the jockeys and stablemen are panic stricken. Keara’s hotel is surrounded by water. The surf has reuebod Boiler's hotel, which was considered by the pro- tor as txjijjg too far back from the One of the little shelter houses be¬ longing to Prospect park, situated on the concourse, has been smashed to splinters and every tool belonging to .the workmen carried out to sea. The other two little houses are sunk ten feet tewsterand being dashed to pieces. The entire concourse is inundated and 'flteeonorete pavement torn np. The main road by the concourse is sub¬ merged, and nearly every street within 6*000 feet of the beach formerly is flooded. t The flooring of both the old iron pier .and Doyle's iron pier has been torn up bodily. There is consternation everywhere. RAJ wave made ite find appearance at precisely -'blowing 6 o'elock to-day. The wind was a hurricane off above. As the morning advanced the * * increased to a perfect cyclone, Following the first great tidal wave wa the gigantic swells came stringing and setting in rapid succes¬ sion. * Later from Kmfciviy Beoeh. Advices received later Tuesday were as follows. Rockaway Beach was strewn today from one end to the other with a of drift and a large amount by of < - tio& has been done there the ie severe storm this morning. morning. 'The The en exeaasive high tides stem Sunday hare floated away nearl y ewe ry destroying portable article on 1 nu stands, booths ___and and bath houses. The tide was very high this n and in many parts of the beach amafi beats wera caDed into use to got occu¬ pants of hotels and cottages to the main land, to enable them o reach Now York oityi The aart ran so high that shomts of spray were thrown against the hotel The waves 1 broke br over the roof of the pavilion at the end of the iron iter whan the waU was at the highest The proprietor* of the many reeorts. in dan- of deetraetion took dean mate •property, , and some toeing r-M T other resorts are under GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. THGR8DAF ORNING, ,, ■*»■ water. There is a washout on the tracks of the New York and Rockaway Beach railroad at Holland station and another between that place and the seaside. Sea Roth and tracks For between Rockaway Aiyeme-by-the earned are away. This morning a train from Rock¬ away and one from Arverae met near the break, the and places were from compelled which to they put book to started. It is feared that further and more se¬ rious damage will be done to-night when the tide is high. Tli« l»ma|e at New Turk Pity. New The York damage water by front the storm has been along tbd Along South street and West very great. street nearly all the cellars have been flooded and goods The destroyed few vessels in many that of the ware houses. have nut into weather the bay and for safely report along very heavy seas au the coast Many did of tlio .leave local and their coasting dock, steam¬ ers not .among them being the Bandy Hook and Mon¬ mouth, which ply to Bandy Hook. The pilots pilots of of these these two two boats, boats, say say they they have not not witnessed wil such high seas so near shore i in small, many boats years. adrift They also report many Sit i, reported reported that that the the wires all s are down at it Sandy Sandy Hook Hook and and that I telegraph communications rnications with with that that point point has been out off. The lauding stage at Cas¬ tle Garden is almost completely sub¬ merged, a state of affairs that was never known to have existed before. The lower end of Blackwell's Island is submerged, and the keepers wcTe en¬ gaged early this morning in removing build¬ the patients from the frame out ings The in that railroad portion of tracks the inland. at Arvoroe- new by-the-Sea are entirely Under water, and the bridge to St. Lawrence has been washed away. ^_ On th« Bay State Coast. Vinkvard ARD HAVEN, Haven, M Mass., prevailed Sept 11.—A Tues¬ heavy northeast storm day." the mainland The regular which steamers to mails and from and did carry carry No n disasters passengers not run. tn. were reported. NATURAL GAS TRUST lie lug Formed la Central Indiana to %m a ' trot the Output of the Stater IndianarojAs, Sept. II —A natural 'gas company, with ex-Congressman Doxy at its head, has been formed in central Indiana for the purpose of con¬ trolling the natural gas output of the state. It has a capital of $2,000,000 and proposes to Delaware, buy up all the Henry, gas lands Wayne, in Madison, Randolph, and will supply Fayette cities and and Union towns counties, both inside and outside the state. The com¬ pany expects the supreme court to up¬ hold the reoent decision of the circuit court in which the law prohibiting the piping of gas from the state, was de¬ clared unconstitutional, is and as soon as the Will matter be made definitely settled huger capital efforts to aecoro and supply some of the larger cities out¬ side of the state. In the meantime the company will lease all the land possible and quantity be ready d esired. td supply gas in any __ PRINCE ARTHUR COMING. It I* Hoped That His Visit Will Stimulate Loyalty iu Canada. Ottawa, Ont, Sept It.—The govern¬ ment here announces that it has ar¬ ranged that his royal highness, the Dnke of Connaught who is commander- in-chief of the Bombay division of the British army of India, will return to England in March next. He will travel home via China, Japan and Canada, passing making through Ottawa, and proba¬ bly a short stay iu Canada’s ?The object of Prince Arthur’s visit is to Canada promote and a the friendly mother feeling between Some it country. that the rime ago was announced Canadian government had extended an invitation to the Prince of Wales for the Regulating Railroad Travel in Georgia. Atlanta, Ga.. Sept. It.—Six negro preachers beaten while were riding <*set in upon East and Tennes¬ badly an see, station. Virginia They and had Georgia boarded train the at train Baxter at , Jesup, and had taken seats in the ladies’ coach. They were on the wa; church convention. The eo: :uctor made demands that they leave and go into the secoud-elass car. They refused, and when they reached Baxter a crowd of fifty men rushed in with sticks aud dnbs and beat the negroes until they were compelled other in fear of Two their lives them to run into the cars. of were badly used np and the others were considerab ly hurt. at the Bridal Altar. ' Birmingham, Ala., Sept 11.— James L. Barnhill, tho most prominent Ala., and oldest resident of Clay county, aged health, 70, but apparently Ashland, itiy in in the vigorous went to county seat and procured a license Thursday to marry The Mrs. Clayton, a buxom take widow place of 69 ceremony was to next day at 7 a m. Old man Barnhill and, and loor iu less than twenty inly minutes 1 was a corpse, The aged bride-elect fainted in the church and had to be taken hom e in a carriage. Five Governor* Meat. St. Louis, Sept 11.—The St Louis exposition managers entertained fire governors bee, Monday of Iowa, night—Governor accompanied Wm. Lara by Adjt. G«n.W. B. Hutchins and Col. F. P. Jackson, of his staff; Governor Francis, of Missouri; Governor Eagle of Hovey, Arkansas, of Indi¬ and ana; Governor Governor introduced Lowry, to of the Mississippi people from They the were Mario Hall stage, after which Governor Francis de livered an address. Retired Cincinnati Merchant Saieidc*. the Cincinnati, well known Sept retired II. —John candy Doesoher, manufac¬ turer, I living Monday, at St by Bernard, shooting suicided himself at in p. the m. temple. He expired instantly. He was about 69, and leaves a wife and four children. Deoeaaed was subject to absent-mindedness ami melancholy, and on several occasions wandered away from home, remaining away all night He made two previous attempt* on hi* Leaving the ] £ lt-1 from ] THE CRONIN CASE. Much Difficulty Encountered in Securing a Jury. Talesmen Either Excused for Cause or Challenged. A K*w Weak* Ordered AUeru.y K«rr*U, the Satpeete' U*wf , Forcibly Remove* Bloodstained Board* from the Cea-lto* Cottage — The Mite JhbtUnt Over Bomethius- ■ppw <r.\ 0 s.p r *<{, e?r j*j * men in Chicaoo, case, wen but mt SSJR&ttt&E ail ail wen were either excused far cause or peremptorily challenged. A new venire was ordered. Mond deft , accom- 00m; dro ve to U boards. Old man Ci drew a re- volver, but he was ^ disarmed. ■ ■ On several former occaskwaan attempt was made to secure the boards, but the Carlsons refused, and compelling the twurt them refused to issue an order to yield. What Have tb« I'.,ilea Struck? The police authorities wen more than usually Monday confident, night not- the to say jubilant, anent Evidently their efforts in some direc¬ tion had been greativ successful. What it was bat that it might pleased be teem they * would with not sav, g con* 1 ftdenee that they at a C 001 ney. the Fox, just hinted where him. It was even by one what position had to been give done, a that good ho guess looked as to in of the police was station. up an ont way JOHNSTOWN. New Bo*ine*< Directory 4u«t Issued. Cumbria Mall Carrier’s Report. Johnstown, Pa, Sept II.—A new business directory of Johnstown and surrounding borroughs contains the names of over 500 business and profes¬ sional men. It also shows that there A bria I Ante... . were 824 people drowned in the flood. This district was below the stone bridge and the full force of the water* did not catch ft. B is the only absolutely cor¬ rect list of any part of the flooded dis¬ trict yet published.____ Trad. With Mesloo. St. Louis, Sept. 11.—A dispatch from Economist, ibe City the best M0*v authority Tho of Mtjiioan Mexi¬ can finanoe and statistics, gives some facts of trade and between figures regarding Mexico and the the oondition United States which are regarded as rather startling, and which differ materially It from those that in given tho fiscal out at Washington. 1887-8 the says Tear value of the exports from the United States to Mexico was, in American coin, $19,204,673, or in Mexican money, $25,- 686,237, and that the value of exports from Mexico to the United States daring figures the same period regarded was $31,059,226. the most These are aa accu¬ rate that have over been obtained, and show that exports from the United States to Mexico axe several millions larger than heretofore stated by either Mexican o r United States aut horities. A Determined GlrL Fort Watnb, H. Nichols, Ind., Sept married It—Some time ago B. a man, and eloped photographer, with Miss of Graoe Richmond, Moore, Ind., of Youngstown, O. The oonple came here and were arrested at the Diamond hotel, where sumed they were The stopping girl under taken an home as¬ name. was by her father, and Nichols was allowed to go without being prosecuted. Mon¬ day through Moore here and las .daughter passed en route home. She had eaught again eloped at Winchester. with Nichols, Niohols and saved was his life by fleeing. Mr. Moore, who is a cial prominent • of *v Youngstown, ---' merchant declares and ex-aitv ’ he will offi- kill Nichols on sight while Grace sighs and says she cannot live without him. Cremated In Prison. Huntington, W. Va., Sept U. —Mon¬ day morning a deaf mute named Charles King, colored, was arrested at Procter- ville, O., for assaulting a lad on horse¬ back and jerking him off. The mute was arrested and taken to the village about look¬ up. When he had been there an hoar an alarm of fire was given. The ’ hose when company it arnved responded the building promptly, but in was flames,-and the prisoner could not be rescued. 'He was found afterward, burned to death. The supposition is that be set fire to the bed dom ing. U TIekted ’EM. Washington, Sept ll.— The decision against ap extra session of oongress brings happiness to the hearts of Demo¬ crats about employed 200 employes at the of capital the house There of are representatives, ana all of them are Democrats, Democratic at least were placed They in ofitoe have by been a drawing their house. salaries with their customary and will regularity continue during to do the antil sum¬ mer, so the Republican bouse is organized. Eleven White Cap* Indicted. Marion, returned Ind., Sept by the 11.-Upon grand jury, in- dictments arrested tiie sheriff eleven during the last Jhe two charge days h men on daughter were taken from their beda at midnight and whipped. Moat of the prisoners beads are influential me* and the of f amilies. * Hock Salt Bed ia North Dakota. Bismarck, N. D., Sept 1L—The (Re¬ covery made Monday of a bed of rock salt in this county has ooosskNMd an tit¬ tle excitement, aid paring f« an early i where the discovery is been mi * — - .-j» COM. MINE FLO ODED. XlMK law Tkvlr Mvu Sear CtoliUa, Cut-Sodfo wrt Raauvecwl. Denver, Col, Sept U......The follow¬ ing particulars of a disaster at the White Ash coal mine, near Golden, Col, were brought here from that place by special aeuriem. They say eleven Men were killed in all. The victims were at work in a drift from the bottom of the shaft at a depth of 730 feet and were 800 feet from the shaft Monday WMUing there this shaft. were some fifty feet of water in Tho water dually burst , through the shaft and flooded the drift in which the men were at work. .There is not the si The names of the victims are: r «!«- children. Joseph Allen, leavus a wifo and one children. Joseph Butler, leaves a wife and four William Bowden, married, DavidLloyd, John Morgan, single. single. Henrv Hnseman, loaves * wite and Richard Row. And another man whose name has not ^heSaw^chis mile from Golden, furnishes tooatedaboutona from fifty to one hundred tons of cool per day. ph&na of tlio victims mo gatbffirod around the month of the shaft, alter- THE NE W JSR8EY STYLE. A Bigamist Ridden ont of Town an a 1 .; Rail Br Mob. . • a Beverly, N. J., Sept ll —Because two women claimed John S. Reasner as husband, Beverly went wild Monday night, and after making Ressner a partly ano- oesefnl attempt to ride on a carried him outdf sight A well dressed and middle aged woman, with her face seamed with Baas of care, can morning and tie Adams lived. She was told that i Miss Miss Adams was married and that her name was Reasner, i'he and that slie lived on Third Third street street The woman deokrod that she was from Phil. told ______ her he alleged oould husband. The mayor not issue a warrant cm Sunday, spread and ail the woman the departed. Her story About o’clock over Reasner town. 8 oame ont of the house to take a walk. Along with him was the Adams Wm/ woman. The ;si: oonple The mayor oame ont and uiged with the laid mob, and said he didn’t want a finger on the man and woman. It came time for the train, and, as nei¬ ther the constable nor the marshal had putin a n a pp earance, the couple started street When that they oame to a portion of the w crowd made a Reasner. A mammoth rail and this they tried to slide tried between to steady his him legs, while it YIe two straggled others said on and it is drew a knife to defend himself, while the fonght woman coma bravely to his rescue and like a tigress. A constable came to the rescue of the man, whom he escorted to the station. When the train hod gone tho woman went quietly back to h er hons e. A Warning t» “ I’.ok-Taekora.” 1L—Run- on mis- their companions by putting OOMjpt “tick- a tack" on his window. Willie thought Ray was selected as the victim. He the boys loading were his burglar* shotgun, sure he enough, fired load and, of a buckshot into the crowd, Daniel Lowe reCMived a bullet in toe head. Ho will die. Tom Gardiner received lour wounds, one of through which was in the head, His and another the lungs. recovery Is doubtful. Edward Lucas received a painful wound in th e arm. Indian* Whit* Cap* Again at Work. Cobtdon, Ind., Sept. 11.— Joseph Rogge Caps was he flogged returning by a band from of White meet¬ as was a ing Maoskport of the Knights Saturday of night. Honor Ho lodge at was no- rased of mistreating ms Wife and was given a very severe lashing. Throo of his brother knights were with him when the White Gaps met him in.tlie road, and they were ordered to advenes a short distanoe, which they did. The flogging then offered proceeded resistanc and the three spectators no e. Locked ia • Burning Dwelling. Atchison, Kan., Sept 11. — John FrendeL a farmer living near here, be¬ He came looked insane his wife Saturday and three afternoon. children in the house and sot fire to it The woman and children window escaped the house by of mean* neighbor. of a back to a The destroyed. house and content* Frendel were placed complete¬ ia ly was Mr. Scott** Tma« Dvrllaod. Spring Vallb, Hi, Sept ll.—The miner* They positively passed refuse resolutions Mr. Scott's Mon¬ term*. day culling on the governor to makes personal inspection of their eraMo* and the justice of titer demands, mad ask him to use the state emergency fund Mm in call titer extra behalf. session They of toe *lao tegis- ate to an latnre. _ Omul, Sspt Taylor* about 60 shutdown. S3RU; t C-tecUw. Whitechapel District in a State of Excitement The Mutilated Body of an Un¬ known Woman Found la a Raltwwr Area—Nkc Hnivi »>«i LI*W»r UmlM MWd«*—A« Un.u tl There U Kc CUW—Tlw Fullo* DumCoti ud*4 — Or*at SaKwIag Among the Un.liw Striker** ramillM—Th« \V«,m*»’» NcrVe. London, Sept It.-At found 5 30 Tuesday morning a policeman toe body of an abandoned woman lying in a corner of a railway arch spanning liug Cable street, in Whitechapel. Examination of the body been showed off and that carried the head and legs and had the out away Stomach ripped open, leaving the bow¬ els lying upon the ground. The police authorities immediately placed a cordon of officers around the but no arrests were anode. A too’ place where .a was found eveiy fifteen minutes throughout the night and saw nothing to arouse his suspicions. Fhyaioians who examined the body believe that the murder ooenpied nearly an hour and it is surmised that toe murderer carried the head and legs mim asw .'/ (JMs'naasa The dissection of tits body showed whs evidently addicted to of spirituous liquors Her clothing waa shabby. SLMSi.srja As yet she lias not been idsmti- of agitated humanity surrounded the morgue whither toe tady was taken. !Eurto« examination reveals toe foot that there was no blood on the ground when the body Waa found nor was there any Indication of a struggle. This con¬ firms the general belief Exports and bloody chemise toe was lying Rear the it. are of opinion that tfte ’™ discovery of the 0 body, tssre, found sleep¬ * ing in tiie adjoining arch. They Were arrested, but oanvinaed the polioo that near them, and were disch arged. DeatUutiou Among the Striker*. in London, East Bept End of It.-Tho Loudon destitution the the among families of the staking dookore is some- without food and ajl the relief ‘ so great is Ms extent. During the____ days of the groat strike, the wives of the men managed to get an oumsiottl meal for themselves and their children by rho have anything else to jwwii. The shop men have long ago been forced to upon Notwithstanding charity for sustenance. their deplorable . r - wives con¬ dition the dockers' arc quite as determined as their husbands in fight¬ ing tho then- bitter light end, against aud it titer teeven employers said by <to those living among these people, that the strike would have Item over a week ago and the men would have gone to work at the masters' tonus but for the persistent obstinacy suffer the of tiie women, of who preferred rather than to iiermit their pangs husbands hunger to submit to defeat _ ELOPE RS RUN DOWN. n*Wlf*Ki«« lt*r lluil,,vnd and I’ro- ••nta H*r P«Mw*r. 8*. Louis, Sept 11. -A pair of Chi- oago elopers were run down Monday by William Louse, tho wronged husband, who at once, under the influence of the woman, Ids forgave lier William frailty sod Enbriusky, took h«r back to home who boarded with them, aud told Mrs. Louse that he loved her, two weeks ago indncod her to elope with him. They took of lionse'.i money and some pictures aud furniture. The hus¬ band traced found them hero, them appealed North to Ninth the police, and on vtreet Ills household goods were scat¬ tered wearing abont the upaitoieuts. of the husband Zabrinsky best - as one his » hats and a pair of slippers. The slippers had been presented by Mrs. Louse to her husband, and Imre the in¬ scription. "To my own darling." The husband entered with blood in tus eye. blneeoats Tito police along feared murder. Five went to protect the guilty pair. The wifo was first ou- eountered. uternd. After After expressing her joy "at the appearance a of Her buslmnd, she 1c i KNtri ied \ him. patted him on the back, ranged presented to return him to homo Zabrinsky, with him. and ar¬ It Neaped from J«l let. Jonnrr, lit. Sept. II. - Edward atone, for two year* from Wnnkegan. escaped from of $100 Jolietjjwison is offered test for night. tiie recapture A reward of the men and a largo force of prison offi¬ cials are out after them. The convicts, with two othe.s, were attending thrien¬ gine which run* the stone saw m charge of an officer and they a foreman. Under of ••over of darkness slipped oat hotiks toe engine attached room, managed ami with to ropes scale and toe escape fro m tbs prison in man y year* A natSrld t« Be H»n;«l. WHXXUSd “ W. S%fe FAC'NG ! Four U San potebiv Fa weeks ims counts of terril death among a j out food, from 1 as toe Biiow and i rirer."' The 1 Juneau 1 “ ' 0% Detroit, Scrims, stockholders of tlm e 1 in l ever pubiic | A ComiouMtloaf : o' Hi > ! -t, lak» Erie fla aa aperture In l At Kan Pa* bis formar wife Xbe Aurora Usbl. .. Loutovifie, rsiiread I* W. f.’Yiivhyfttot V*., I ■ ^ Han ‘ Elison Hatfield Imaged Dec. 3 for tbe I Coy, In Logan county, W. V A Iwilur on tho t a mile easts of t paring to give welcome on hia 1 It is < on the l tbe Toronto niaa 1 ,4CS2. erset, Ky., ma I r^crecuit mmj viU*. ICy make Ctjicflpi fairoeruou. ; , r ;, , M ,; bid., badly ditnmipowd. A haail WbsLte. illdicfitei BUli'dpf of Akron, O « Port Wayne, Ite,. gorilla ia 1 proiirifiWf, • and ail ^ U 8unday nfi ouo of tiie Mbby pri* oskMjxd through Tho reccptfon _ Milford; Irish Nooietie* of 1 ft,,,,. Thayer, of • - Nebraska, -A- - • ".iKJri'-. tore 1UBjwtt def«ntu i of < Patrick Eagan, 1 Ivan Hogan, 14 yaw* 0 Webster nmnty, K.y„ was I culcntal .Hsoharge of a bands of some children *— playfo*. ■ ■ ring, Hawn* persisted to xwaflo* der to re<luc« the which reuard tha« The Hooeier etl condition. The tew r panics to post bteck-b I to a*r’ ”* of tbe 1 disagree with her < Latest report* from udop tod cjtltflfifi wQ* liffi jp The com mi books of the I 1 tor of Warnm county, O., 1 two officer* Dr. Horaeh, t ^nVreA*Bratsfar,. . bte family. Is ia said