The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, September 25, 1889, Image 3

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Ml BIG STOCK PAS BEENfj)*} Cry 4r Much ^ y ■■■&* , '•« T% w iiy the 'A :lgf:. ,usp OP TRADE •“ ' <-- <RW *«** TEN »A¥S, pppfWER jg We Have Plenty Left l • A NTD- BMP * • V -M- MY ASSORTMENT OF Dress Mi, Gimbaias. - DOMESTICS, FLANNELS, *p. a Wiii! be foil,;d Desirable and Cheap. - Splen¬ did Lin 3 of HOSIERY i •••••*; • ' ’ ' ' - *' ' CHILDREN’S SCHOOL HOSE A SPECIALTY. ...... =W= GOOD COTTON CHECKS 4 3-4 cts. PER YARD. Wife Hats, In Soft and Derbys, Rut no Fancy Price on Thj^g. ? . s SEE MY LINE OF H tali-pill . IN CO l i OX AND WOOL. SHOES! SHOES!! While I have not as much space as formerly ,*!! (s disptay my Shoe Stock, can say .... . that I have more Shoes : and : Boots • than you will find fa any store In Griffin, bought; direct from the manufacturer, Best Brogan $£25. Lngy&s* Bid Button Shoes $1.25. Have a full line of the celebrated EAGLE SHOES FOR WOMEN. Bow Price ion Good Quality School Shwiip ip|ji^|t 4 (Hoihing and Jeans Pams. 5 Velvets, Plushes and Silks received. t #*** Beed,a Jons, Philadelphia, for Saits and Trousers to ler. J. FLEMISTER. rum Timl i ami hid wife, warn n night Were dhriukfa’ a’ avthee av the crayture, ‘ orted fight, right op an’ a tiglit. : Recording to their r nature. natu O’Grady and meaeU stood near, Says Eipocting he bloody “Let's mnrther. intherfere.” to me: But I, pretending not to hear, Moved oil a little farther. Jr »tiro iv th Were walloping O’Gtady. That night whin I was home, in bed, B SSHSt^iu Was the one that wasn’t spoken.. Tbe sidewalks on Booth Hill street ha vs been nicely dressed up. ffm. Ingram, of Turin, came down yesterday to get some change. G. J. Coppedge, of Brooks Station, is spending a couple of days in town. The paying stones were placed in the crossings yesterday morning. It is well. W. C. Aycock is receiving and UP * "** ^ °‘ buUd ^ hardware repressible C. H. Williams, Atlonta the traveler, only W 1 really U dH, ir- in was the city yesterday. Robinson isexpect- start some prelim- contract for light¬ ing the city. The mm aqd wind (knocked down some late corn on Monday, but did notdamage cotton much if it ustletup. There was a slight washout on the S. G. & N. A. RR. on Monday night, pear day Newpan, , which delayed yester¬ morning's train about an hour before it could be repaired. Dr, Albert Arrington, of Warm Springs, committed suicide at Thomaston on Sunday night by tak¬ ing a quantity of morphine. He was a promising young man, and though he wrote a letter stating what he would do, assigned no reason for the rash act. I r • & ’ ■ >i-i t i 4 Frank Lindsay, one of the most prominent merchants and eotton buyers of Brooks Station, died yes¬ terday morning of typhoid fever, after an illness of only ten days. He was about thirty-five years old, and leaves a wife and five or six children, and an estate of probably $20,000. Covington Star: “An ex-governor of Georgia is now upon the bench holding our superior court, and the next governor of the state is serving pur local bar is composed ‘”7;,?“! of a “ whole fewest of congressional timber that is ready for the lightning to strike at any moment.” Vigor and Vitality are quickly given to every part of the body by Hood’s Sarsaparilla, That tired feeling enriched, is entirely and overcome. vitalized, The and blood carries is health purified, in¬ stead of disease to every organ. The stom- abh is toned and strenghened, the appetite re¬ stored, The kidneys and liver are roused and nvigorated. The brain ready is refreshed, Try the mind made clear and for work. An Ihninent Doctor’s Prescription. Dr. C P. Henry, Chicago, III, who has practiced medicine many years says: Last Spring he used and pre¬ scribed Clarke’s Extract of Flax (Pa- pillon) Skin Cure in 4Q or 50 coses, and never knew a case where it failed to qure. “I implicitly.” know of no remedy Positive I can rely all on so the Skin. Applied cure for exterally. diseases Clarke's of Flax Soap is the best for babies. Skin Cure $1.00. Soap 25 cents. At Dr. N. B, Drewry’s drugstore, * Will be Here Tomorrow. The following letter was received yesterday; Cave Springs, Ga., Sept Esq., 23,1889. Griffin, Douglas Glesbner, The Ga. Dear Sib— committee of the Exchange (on location) will, be in your city on Thursday, the 26th, and would be pleased to meet your committee of citizens at that time. Truly Felix Yours, Cobput, Pres’t Exchange. $500, or a Cure. For many years the manufacturers of Dr. thoroughly Sage’s Catarrh responsible Remedy, financial¬ who are enquiry, ly, as anyone have can offered, easily through ascertain by near¬ ly every newspaper in the land, a standing reward of $500 for a case of chronic nasal catarrh, no matter how which bad, or of htfw long The standing, Reme¬ dy is mild, they soothing, cannot cure. cleansing, anti¬ septic and healing. Sold by all drug¬ gists, at 50 cents. Mercurial Poison. Merr.nry m frequently injndiciotuly used by quack doctors in cases of malaria and Hood poison. Its aftereffect is worse than tbe or- igial disease. $. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) contains so mercury, but will eliminate mer¬ curial pouriop from the system. Write to Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga., for book of convincing proof of its curative virtue. ^ A. F. Britton, Ji 3 .^ at fast broke, my system with pofaowi snd Iks* sores in my mouth and knots on my tongue. I got two bottles B. B. B., which healed my tongue and ‘w3? “ - poctqrs dreadful (failed itsypl . Her eyes were fa condi¬ tion. Her appetite failed. She had pain fa her joints and bones. Her kidneys were de¬ ranged also, and no one thought shecoold be Tas tronbl Georgia cvk ).\si ij ■ ■ i v u Caterpillars k if In the coL ^ ' ton fields of YhMKer.fgM - E. A. Copeland is building a bank building on Main street, Greensboro. Jeff Peacock, of Seville, was found dead in his room at the Joiner house at Hawkinsville Friday. At Atlanta, Friday, the resolution providing for the purchase by the state of 400 of Judge Van Epp’g in¬ dexed reports passed the House. - Can You Guessft? Two E’s and an I, an B and a f, The ftSSKSMi!" Fierce, of letters spell course— Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo. G.M.D. means “Golden Medical Discovery for ” Dr. Pierce’s guaranteed cure Com sumption, if taken in time, and for all bilious derangements, skin, Have r— and scrofulous diseases. ahackingcougb, lassitude,low ■ and other kindred symptoms. this remedy now. before fete too late, It is guaranteed to benefit returned. or cure, or money paid for it will be Letter LUt. List of letters remaining in the post office at Griffin, G»., forthe cafting wjek end- ing ingSept. Sept. 24th. 24th. Parties Parties for „ ... d^eae letters will please say»“ad ver- tissd” and give date. One^ntmust be. collected on each advertised tetter when delivered: Master Bos D. Benson. Miss S. E. Colwell. Sam Danas. Miss Annie Hunter. Mack Fryer, (eol.) Mrs. Emmaline Jonrs. Basil M. Lemean. Gid Ledsingen. Mrs, Laura King. James A. McCoy. G. H. Pollard. Ben. N’ J. Tumlin. Mrs. MoUie Pye. Millie Redden. EdWard E. Farmer. Miss Della Simmons. Rev. D. T. Whigham, care Mrs, N. Milner. Miss Cora White. , f . M. 0. Bowdoik, P. M. Dr. PierCe’s Pellets cure constipa tion, headache, biliousness, sick all headache, bil¬ ious and derangements of the stomach, liver and bowels. One a dose, A Remarkable Cure In MUton, Fla. Milton, Fla., Jan. 510,1886. This is to certify that I have been afflicted with Scrofula, a Blood Pois¬ on for a number of years. The best physicians of Mobile and thfs city said nothing could be done for me. I also took a large quantity of——, but found found no no relief relief in manjtbingtbatltook anyth! Mobile my entire body was a mass of sores as a 1 ly Ash, Poke and after using four bottles (si size) the sores have entirely disap¬ peared, better and my than general the health time, was never at present and people that know me think it a wonderful cure. . 'Respectfully, ELIZA TODD. How He Squared Himself. New York World, Mr Stayathome (handing his wife the paper)—There, my love, read that account of the terrible destruc¬ tion along the coast and you will understand why I did not take yon to the seashore this summer, Mrs, Stayathome—And you knew all the time this tidal wave was com¬ ing, George? Mr. S.—Yes, my dear. I had made astronomical calculations to that effect, but for fear I might be mis¬ taken I said nothing about it. Still, so positive was I that I was right that I could not trust my little lovsy within roach of the cruel waves. Mrs. S.—Oh, George, can you ever forgiverae for reproaching you? Mr. (with great condescension) Certainly, dear, certainly. Think no more about it. And George lit a cigar and walked out on the lawn with the air of a man who had forgotten more than Solomon ever knew, and Mm- S. be- ieveji he actually had. Fifteen Year* a Suffer^ Frokn What Hon. W. H. Wilder, Mayor of Albany, suffered Ga,, fifteen says: with Rheu¬ I years matism, and during that time tried all the so-called specifics that I could hear bottle of. One for of and them took I paid bottles $3,00 per nme and received no benefit from any of them. My grandson, who runs on the B. & W. Railroad, finally got a bottle of P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium), white in Winr- croas, Thqjfiret and bottle induced showed me its to wonderful take it. effects, and after continuing the use of it for a short time tbe rheumatism disappeared, and I feel like a new man. mending I take it great sufferers pleasure from in rbeuma- recom¬ to tism. W. H. WILDER. Albany, Ga., June 12,1886. advic* to mrrtCew. :iiuuren veevnmg, is cue pr of one of tbe beet female t never-fading success children. by millions others for tbeir Dur¬ ing the process of teething its value is incalculable. It relieves ig§ tbe child from pain, cures dysentery it rests Se^SShcr. Price 25c. aue2eodftwIy i: dHeaaoz are du«, not too >ut to impurity, of tho Blood ; and It fa equally well attezted that so Mood inedlelne fa ao efllcsoiona aa Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. '* On® of my chi break out on tbe worse. told Weaought that iu«<lical alterative advice, and wora an medicine waa b#ing necessary. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla Recommended above alt others, w% used It with mar ♦ SgftSg? D* ssn Druggist, asa^^*w£ Augusta, Ohio. gggf^eSrss ** Ayer's modjctnes continue to be tho Ayer’s f Sarsaparilla, , rscrAJUto nr Or. 4. 0* Ayer A Co., LowoH, Mass. * ’ onumi-.*. ______-___ . 4 -- d - REMEMBER. THE OLD MD RELIABLE FIRM. W. M.Holman & Co., KEEP THE BE8T OF ALL KINDS OP STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. • Sweet Water Pat. and Telico Flours cannot kinds^fSne^dTchLp be heat. Shoulders ond Breakfact Bacon. AH —t. Jot Mackerel and White Fish. The best Cigars and aft ater Ground Meal a Specialty. Vegetables, m I3f» FRESH FISH EVERY SATURDAY. sots W. D. DAVIS, Hardware, Stoves. And Farming Implements. -|o|——— pHavejust received a nice line of CEDAR BUCKETS, POT-WARE and ★ ★ * PISTOLS ! {PISTOLS! ! * * I tP Come and see me. “®» PURE In ill, mi ill H faniM iimiH. MTSpecial attention given to cust:mers who deaire to pay their bills -Wi ' "TJr.-'B.DREWRY Griffin, September 18th, 1889. R. F. STRICKLAND Offers to the trade the best stock of CRY GOODS, JEANS, NOTIONS. &C ever Goods, offered with in Trimmings this market. in Silk Good and line Velvet of Henrietta and Worsted HU of 10c. to 30c. yard Jeans all grades to match, sold at the km Mi per 15c. to 40c. per yard. Children’s Mixed and Black Ribed Hose at 10c. SHOES! SHOES!! SHOES!!! We keep a large stock of Men’s, Women’s and Children's Shoes. Men’s Hand Sewed, Warnnted, in Lace and Congress; for $8.25 per pafr. Ladies’ Button Shoes from $1.25 to $2.50. Children’s Shoes, aligrades, from 85c. to $1.00 per pair. Lxamine our goods and we will save you money. B. F. STRICKLAND, No. 55 HILL STREET. TO THE FRONT f ---* THE★-- Apct Maifactirin Crapy, HAVE MOVED THEIR STOCK OF SASH, DOORS AND DLlfiOS To No. 16 HUl 8L (C. H. J.hnaon’s old Stand) Whore All Sizes Sash. Doors. Blinds, Mantles, 1c., will be an sale at lowest market prices. We will also add to our husiaees a complete line of t Builders Th *7 J J Hardware, TT 7 and will have prices goods suit to suit times. all classes Cali of buddi&AB write for from what the ehsapest to the finest at to the or you want. Respectfully, . AYCOCK MANUFACTURING 00. A. LOWER, MM Mrayittfe CLOCKS, HMs, &C. Spwal i. .(pairing. FOR SALE BY SdlEUKRMAN & WHITE, GRIFFIN. ^ RUPTURE A »or^ No t Wr he I oieelmi Mari»tta8t~"( WASTED: 'Send ua on »olui, Ufa, and we . RICHMOND 'Tsass FAMtOI ,ir n i . Grand s i I Capital! Tfeksta at 1 urr or J 1 Pure or C . \BV 1 M*r » I mmrn m m AGENTS OMufe.Strerta ONE D°I sssr - v-’ : ■■■ '-j- 25?T reaia, For Sate by N. B. Drewiy. mn ...............r, ' .* - , 00 I0VIR, Feeders and HE BEST ENGINES mM OmBI —_ |V_