The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, October 01, 1889, Image 3

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■NMMMBi STOCK 1 Ml HAS BEEN ery+Much ill® * Depleted BY THE SHOP TRADE * *'•* f V v - THE PAST TEN DAYS, HOWEVER We Have Plenty Left * -and- Nw Goods Arriving Every Day. MY ASSORTMENT OF " ‘ygfrffiilf t TV* • \ ' ' Dress tt, Gibus, Fits, DOMESTICS, FLANNELS, &C. Wiill be fou d Desirable and Cheap. Splen¬ did Line ol HOSIERY Z CHILDREN’S SCHOOL HOSE A SPECIALTY. GOOD COTTON.CHECKS 43-4 els. PER YARD Stylish Mats, In Soft and Derbys, But no Fancy Price on Them. SEE MY LINE OF I) MED DIMM, - JN COTTON AND WOOL. SKI SHOES 11 y ' \* i -f * While I have not as much space as formerly to display my Shoe Stock, can say that I have more Shoes: and: Boots than you will find In any store in Griffin, bought direct from the manufacturer. Best Brogan $L25. Ladies’ Kid Button Shoes Hare a fall line of the celebr ated EAGLE SHOES FOR WOMEN. Low Price B on flood Quality School Shoes. Splendid Sleek nothing aid Jeans Pants. Velvets, Plushes and Silks See my line Samples from Jacob* Sens, Philadelphia, ^ for Suite and J" Trousers to wmKm ■a-.—. A— i .4 § h * Mi. H! J. t J* hittpa/ttq J-iiiiMlb h l i Jiitt. ii ' o f "T“ teaeu. tmpnftriorad fellow, And «U to w.U, oh! {fitSafe; Bot if we took Another took. We’d tee - Another fellow t Charlie Davie expects to upend about twenty thousand dollars in rebuilding the Warn Springs hotel. Rev. McKay preached at the Metho¬ dist church on Sunday night. He stated his belief that modern spiritual¬ ism is simply another form of ancient witchcraft as spoken of in the Bible, and that amid all the mass of hum- buggery spirits sometimes are actual¬ ly called from the vasty deep. Indian Springs will be made more attractive than ever for the next summer. Dirt has already been broken for a dummy railroad from Flo villa to the Springs, and by, next summer there will be a fine hotel at Florida and at the Springs, built by a wealthy syndicate which is prepar¬ ing to boom the Springs. « W. J. Lisle, who lives near Zebulon, received a bod hurt from a negro Saturday afternoon. Mr. Lisle was engaged in making syrup at his home. He bad a little difficulty and some sharp words with the negro, who picked up an ax, and setting an opportunity while Mr. Lisle was stooping to push some fuel under his furnace, struck^him a hard blow on face. He was knocked senseless, bis nose and one cheek being badly crushed. Dr. Beckham was instant¬ ly summoned and dressed the wounds. Henry County Times: “A casual glance at a newspaper will show a list of the men who help build up a town. If you see a good sized, live advertisement in tbe paper by each of the principal merchants and a card from the smaller ones you need not enquire as to the business pros¬ perity of the town; its solid. But if you find the most extensive mer¬ chants fail to advertise their busi¬ ness thro you may set it down as a fact that those who do try to push their business and the town with it have a hard time and an uphill jour¬ ney aUthe year round.” “Regularity,” “Yes,” said the Professor, “when I regulate best authority my timepiece, to town-~the I consult the watch¬ maker’s chronometer. In the same way, when I need a digestive pill, I invariably Pellets, because Inks they Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant are so acurate- late graduated, so gentle in their el- left invigorated, the natural are resumed, my brain is clear for Svmuy me Scintillation*, Sonny Side, Ga., Sept. 30.—We have had some frost since our last writing. Cotton crops are good and corn was never better. Chas. Fisher, of the Gate City Oil Co,, was to town tost week, J. Y. Patterson, formerly of this place, but now represent itingtheDixie Brown works in Atlanta, ;a , was was in in town Sunday. Tom Hunt, of Macon, is stopping in Sunny Side a few days, as the guest of his brother, E. P. Hunt. G. H. Speaker, of Atlanta, was here Thursday. Lee Smith and Charles Patterson attended rn all day singing near Fayetteville Sunday, Miss Annie Tomlinson, one of our best young ladies, who has been spending several weeks With relatives to Atlanta, to the gratification of her many friends has retnyne<J. Mrs. John H. Hand, of Blakely, Ga., is visiting her father’s family at t his place, Miss Ida Gray after spending some time with her sister near Locust Grove, returned Sunday, The POtton seed business is very lively here this fall as vre have three buyers Competition is what we need. Some of our young folks were badly disappointed Sunday as it 'was- un¬ derstood by them that there was to be a singing at 0. Hill, so they pre¬ pared »od went down Saturday after¬ noon , but to there regret there wasno singing. What a set of blues they did have Sundayjafternoon. You have our sympathy. Some of the boys say that E. P. Hunt is going to the State Fair to exhibit one of Spalding's boys, Ws think the boy is perfectly willing to it. We now think there is some chance for M. F. Gibson to get married as he has traded that “old gray” of his. jMtpafre TkAsSSt* perfect 6 < * sattooetion, rt m b or ¥nT boimt **** re ‘ ° l * *.sSe were that tbe other of a woman the 3 picked .p toyw by j* hom a pile refuse oy diggers in i Two .....I Ltk. rife MMMn | Lost. were anchored >reu north norwi of oi Bow now Blsna mane Island and got the entire sweep of the storm. One j of the vessels was driven and literally . broken into kind- ashore ling wood. The literally other u capsized other anchors of and traders’ sank. supplies, They had etc., light all car¬ of goes which lost Both were crews were *»ved. .....~ 2 .__ .—— l.ynahed for Auoalt. Memphis. Tenn., Sept clock, 20.—Wednes¬ day morning at 1:10 O at Winona, Miss., a mob of 200 'taen entered the jail and took Sol Purnell, a negro, and hanged him to Die Illinois Central rail¬ road ties le. Purnell -year-ofd was accused of assaulting the 15 that daughter place. of a prominent citizen of He confessed attempting the assa ult She Loved Excitement. Pabxkbshubo, W. Vft., Sent 86.— trial Etta here Robinson, for horse a pretty stealing. girl of ljh Her is on ex¬ ploits were made in male disguise, and were excitement prompted Owing merely from her beauty a love and at to extreme iuuooenoo, many of the best citizens are interesting themselves to secure he r inunanity from pu nishment „ T«m War. for Arnault. West Chester, Pa, Sept. 86.—John Postley, colored, Tuesday of sentenced Freayffrin town- ship, was to ten assault upon Clara Wetter, a white woman, last winter. - Style. The most fashionable color, at pre¬ sent, is the hue of health, and it will never go onto! style. Iteshades and tints are various, but all of them are exceedingly ly astonishing becoming. It is perfect¬ what ft change is be¬ ing Favorite daily Prescription wrought by Dr. Pierce’s sickly in the looks of of “female women. Sufferers from any sort weakness” or irregularity, backache or or nervous! nervi prostration should give it trial. All druggists. The Sartan Virtue of Fortitude. Hast be possessed In no ordinary degree by those who bear the pangs of rheumatism with- an °®t individual. -Jf® But have why not, never heard the life-long ol such martyrdom begins, ere thto atrocious malady extingutob the germ r ol Jfh with Hostetter s Stom- iive Bitters, at disease, the efficacy of which as a preven- the as well as a means of re- tested, daring the last thirty-five years, over the pain and inflammation characteristic of this complaint, which, it should be recollect¬ ed, is always liable to terminate life suddenly when it attacks a vital part. The Bittern •too expelsthe virus of malaria from the sys- A Remarkable Cure In Milton, Fla. This Milton, Fla., Jan. HO, 1886. is to certify that I have been afflicted with Scrofula, a Blood Pois¬ on for a number of years. The best ^ physicians said nothing of could Mobile be and this di con M done for me, * found also tookfttorge relief quantity of——, __ ,___ but no in anything th at I took My limbs I were a mass of ulcers, and when was sent to a physician in Mobile my entire body was a mass of sores. I had given up all hope, and as a last resort tried P, P. P. (Prick¬ ly 4ab; after Poke using Boot four and Potassium), and bottles (small size) the sores have entirely disap¬ peared, better and my than general health was never at the present time, and people that know me think it a wonderful cam Respectfully, ELIZA TODD. Fifteen Years a Sufferer From Rheu¬ matism , What Hon, W, H, Wilder, Mayor of Albany, Ga., says: I suffered fifteen years with Rheu¬ matism, and daring that time tried albthe so-called specifics that I could hear of. One of them I paid $3.00 per bottle for and took nine bottles and received no benefit from any of them. My grandson, who runs on the B. & W. Railroad, finally got a bottle of P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium), while in Way- cross, and induced me to take it. The first bottle showed its wonderful effects, of for and short after continuing the use it a time the rheumatism disappeared, I take and I feel like a new man. mending it to great sufferers pleasure from in rheuma¬ recom¬ tism. W. H. WILDER, Albany, Ga,, June 12,1886. **sr- ~»»ra Farm for Sale. One of the finest farms in Middle Georgia for sale. Tbe proprietor’s health is such that he wishes te re¬ tire This farm from fo'about the fatigue three-fourths of business. of a mile east from the centre of the city of Griffin, Ga., containing adjoining the sub¬ urbs of the city, 200 acres, 25 acres in an enclosed permanent pasture with with large large branch branch running ru through centre of pasture. On this branch is a splendid place for a mill or fall. gin; Balance plenty of of land water is in and the water est state of cultivation of high¬ farm to tbe state, having had thousands any of dollars worth of cotton seed and stable manure and composts of all kinds pat on it in the last few years. It is also one of the beet terraced and ditebed places in Georgia. Ditches all scientifically run so as to ditching prevent of any washing place of tbe fields, the cost $500. Tbe owner has made the improvement of the place a specialty ever since he owned it, not thinking that he would aver sell it; consequently it is a rare such as scarcely ever is of- ^teoonthe^lace^ fin e young nice all convenient out dwelling, buildings. bam This and place Decenary is only be to seen to be ad T* Sept39dAw3m. G. W, CLARK. CSLT r .vary victim < aaaa would twad only three word* of mine, I could bankth Gout (tom the land. These words would be—‘Try Ayer’s rills.'” cured “By myself the tue of Ayer's HU. rheuma¬ alone, X tism which had permanently troubled of several me months. Th—e Mile are at once harmlem and effectual, and, all I believe, would prove a specific in ewee of incipient Rheumatism. Ho medicine could have aerved me la better Bock, Corner, l think they ore the heat Fill* ho£aW P * b0 ‘ 0ltI wot lick heada “I have derived great benefit from Ayer taken a Pill*. ill with Five rheumatism years ago that I I was ao was unable to do any work. I took three boxes of Ayer's Fills and was entirely • ‘ “ »e I am never RVMSNpL without Christensen, a box - . » WtoT nills.’'—niar Sherwood, Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, n»iUB BT Dr. J. O. Ayer It Co., Lowed, Mat*. Sold tor aU Dealers la Medicine. THE FARMERS’ CO-OPERATIVE GINNERY, Qwaed and Run Ties by More Than 500 farmer*! Plenty of Cotton Bagging and Always on Hand and FURNISHED AT COST! themselves, ciua Johnson, Superintendent of the Ginnery, was elected by the farmers and will see that every man gets full satisfaction. without All Cotton Seed can be Disposed of, if TDesired, town farmers moving them. Wagons unloaded by elevators. We appeal to onr os well as formers from the country, both white and colored, to bnng their cotton to the Farmers’ Ginnery. ^ B. N. BARROW, ^ H ' 8EARCY ’ PreeW * nt ' General Manager. N. B.—Stock in the Ginnery and OR Mill is readyfor delivery. Notes due should be by Oct. , met 1st, as promised. Stock canstill be bought; but will soon be worth a premium. Be wise ftnd act quickly. REMEMBER. THE OLD AND RELIABLE FIRM, W. M. Holman Co. KEEP THE BEST OF ALL KINDS OF STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. Our Sweet Water Pat. and Telico Flours cannot be beat. Best brands of Hams, Shoulders ond Breskfact Bacon. All kinds of Canned Goods ch, as any one Fresh lot Mackerel and White Fish. The best Cigars and .... ka» FRESH FISH EVERY SATURDAY. PURE DRUGS AND DRUG SUNDRIES At prices below anything oversold In Griffin, Id i, ai all Ms GaaraiW as RemM Special attention given to customers who detire to peytheir bills - _ “nb.drewry. Griffin, September 18th, 1889. F. STRICKLAND Offers to the trade the best stock of DRY GOODS, JEANS, NOTIONS. &C., ever offered in this market. Good line of Henrietta and Worsted Dress Goods, with Trimmings in Silk and Trivet to match, sold at the low price SHOE81! SHOES!! SHOES!!! We keep a large .took of Men’ll, Women’, and Children’s Shoe., Men’. Hand Sewed, Wnranted, in Lace and Congress, for $3.23 per pair. Ladies’ Bfltta Sta from $1,25 to $2.50. Children’s Shoes, oil grades, from 35c. to $1.00 per pair, Examine our goods and we will save you money. R. F. STRICKLAND, No. 55 HILL STREET. _ TO THE FRONT! —THE*. HAVE MOVED THEIR STOCK OF SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS To No. 16 HU1 St. (C. H. Johnson's old Stood) Where All Sizes Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantles, Ac.. will be on sale at lowest market prices, We will also add to our business a complete line of Builders’ , H and will have goods to suit all classes of buildings from the cheapest to the finest at prices to suit the times. Call or write for what you want. Respectfully,' AYCOUK MANUFACTURING CO. A. LOWER, Fwu Jmlir ini Mir in Diiuiii, nuii JEWELRY, Special attention given to Repairing. 3 i 83 SHOE *3 8HOS FOR I !• ssasr SI- — fi fjtt Examine W. I,. Doagioe 02.00 Shota lor rntleinen and ladies. K .3 SU.K HV St’IIEUKKMAN A WHITE, cmrriri. URE A writ:<•» «u ir.n.'.v to Aia ti.t'viav <Vus. ih« No totMtfsh li-iultojt fr.''« .‘i-i t-.«. Rutlonwtl by Wrftefttr oircnlerv. jAyeiatoti* of th" ftteta C. K. Mu’AN* , 1,18ft A Manta. Ca. OlH.v a V4 Unritata St.. Corner ilrood. WyTBD'Uivj. evrrj’ Town sad «li our Goods. "l i —si you semi *t tnat sells tor three isrs, «,« ai d s ort j ovi in » buslutw that will pay you from $100 to |3, 0 per month Address Tm 38ft. Poplar street. . nl«»ve proper G. A. CUI ■ . _ Nei *- - fc .;, H you have u *“ffsL one and s TIIEl J , i • HE BEST __ PricMi iut low a G. A. ( «gl«d*wlm 4 LIPPMAN 0a BB08.,' vannah ‘--- jaD2Si«