The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, October 03, 1889, Image 4

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LjM ?T f? H J 1,11 ULiy ■’ I £ .......... ....... **"7 *!«' *ws >x HILL STREET, ?'•‘•’* ,*v w v,-^ ■ GRIFFIN, .v * S’ - GEORGIA. ’ Jf'..... *• IP ’ ■ Unless one right awfty, bat Invite every- l and inspect their p|fS^^ HK ; ; , Fall Stock of Clothing, e WHICH WILL SPEAK FOR TSELF. JUST RECEIVED) 99 CHICKENS ALL KINDS ★ AND STYLES. fy *%* IF. CfarA <fc Aon. IHS "■****AM P—— _!», pBses Os., Oct. t 8. 3 1 ........" - “ i t mum 10 lbs. Gran- b«g«r............... . .$ 1.00 11 - White “ ............... .,». 1.00 ysyrup.* .60 t Drips Syrup......... l .00 ffc per ,,.*.«««.v........ pk............ 15c. 15c. “ Irish “ “ .......... 85c, Onions, per pk........................... 8oc Tomatoes, 8 for.........................25c. FISH anU OYSTERS -{TODAY.}- — AND — Boneless Breakfast Bacon, JOSSA J. M. Mills. ROSWELL H. DRAKE 4 GO. This well known firm constating Jas. M. Mr. Boswell H. Drake and Mr. Brawneei* the representative at this ending Fire Insurance this country and of PwR% 1^*'*'. •r’ ■? Other strongand )onlj company which company doing business iutual plans, and Holders, paying ____» toite Hartford, Policy the Phcemx iBtna Of Hartford, the Home of New the North British and Mercantdelns. S,nS“,:, E and which are proverbialy fair and | 5 Wt and prompt in their settlement When solicited lor insurance risk of or When you desire it will to be place to a interest any character your business to me these gentlemen. The Drewrv building. The rates charged by these leading companies by small companies are same as charged strength represented of questionable “ “■ its, and it is well -------J ways, but especial- d&w v coste no more, A Fish Vafoed by • Lady- What fish tamost valued by n Indy ? lad news Cordial, T HT . * vl med 4 s?J HAS ARRIVED. ■■mi &£.k3 '■ - to tto J. t. L i far! BLAKELY 'ROITN^ABOUT. City Notea, and Newi.From Tkis and A (gaining Countie*. ■0« rr GOE* AT TB* 8ATN He aaid, Good-by, passed, my sad love, goodly; A minute then Jake Menko, of Macon, fa in the city. J. W. little went to Atlanta yes¬ terday. Bev. F. L. Adams went to Hamp ton yesterday. J. J. Johnson, of Hollonville, was In the city yesterday. Zebulon was made a money order office on the 1st inst. Si* carloads of heavy rails passed up the Carrollton road yesterday. Col. E. W. Hammond spent yes¬ terday in Zebnlon on legal business, Miss Mary Belle Lanier, of West Point, will arrive here today and will visit Miss Julia Word. Mies Ella Fowler, of Selma, Ala., arrived in this city last night and is vtaitipg Miss Julia Word. There are only about thirty cases docketed for trial at the aproacbing session oi Pike Superior court. Miss Mhmie and Daisy Catnp, who have been visiting at Monticello and Jackson, retured home yesterday. Mrs. W. H. Dfamuke and child, of Woodbury, arrived yesterday and are visiting relatives in tins this city. Mrs. A.T. Johnson left yesterday for a visit of several months to her sis¬ ter, Mrs. Chas. P. Beeks, in Atlanta. Mrs. F. H. Woodruff, of Vineyard, left yesterday for a short stay with relatives at Chattanooga and Kings ton. Dr. J. W. Bozeman, of Marietta, was here yesterday on his way to his plantation near Brooks Sta¬ tion. Capt. R. J. Andrews and O. K. Johnson went to Savannah Tuesday night and will be absent several days. Mrs. John Hammond, of Milledge- ville, is visiting her son, Col. J. P. Hammond, hear the city. She arriv¬ ed yesterday. J. J. Huff, who killed Green Cook at Hollonville on Saturday, has had his trial before a magistrate and was acquitted on a cl earcasedf self defense, Judge J. 8. Boynton went to At¬ lanta yesterday morning and return¬ ing continued his trip on to Forsyth where he spent the night and will re¬ turn today. Public schools were defeated at an election held In Fcrsyth last Friday and a number of business houses were very appropriately draped in mourning. Philosophers say that affairs should always be conducted with a view to the greatest good of the number. Dr. Bull’s Cough greatest GKIFfTN INSTITUTION — . Orillia WIU Receive All It* Pat. ronaxe—What CSLKeddlag Stunk ■;* .. - Col. B. J. Redding, director of the form, called to pay respects to the News a.vd fkw and in conversation in re¬ to the recent contracts for new at the farm made the fol¬ statement. “It is entirely an unfounded idea we wished to favor an Atlanta in preference to any On the contrary, we would have preferred to let the contract to a Griffin party, but among the five bids—one from a Griffin firm— we were obliged to select the only one that came within the appropria¬ tion of five thousand dollars, the others running way above that sum. We advertised in the Griffin paper as well as an Atlanta paper; perhaps it might have been better to have an extra set of drawings here, but they were to be had by simply dropping a postal card to Atlanta— and Messrs. Henderson and Thicker did get them that way. “Our three families add twenty souls to the population of the com¬ munity, and in every purchase that we make for ourselves or for the farm Griffin will be given the prefer¬ ence. I have made my home here and hope that, all things being satis¬ factory, It will be permanent. It ta my purpose to become identified with the community, and I shall cer¬ tainly try to benefit it in every way possible. “It has never been my habit to pay too much attention, to criticistams upon my official conduct, but you may publish os much of this conver¬ sation as you may think necessary to put the matter in a proper light to the citizens of Griffin.” Mr. Redding spoke very candi dly and sincerely, and left theimpression that he meant all that he said. We know from the past that he has al¬ ways been a friend of Griffin and he maybe depended upon as a true citi¬ zen of Spalding County. The baby has its preferences as well as anybody, and the taste of Dr. ble Bull’s Baby Syrup infant. renders Price it 25 accepta¬ to every cents a bottle. A Novel Parade. Sells Brothers and Barrett with their united shows will introduce more hovel features in their street parade this year than all other shows in America combined can produce. Each of these shows was fully equip¬ ped for th® tenting season, and in¬ tended to tour tjie country separate¬ ly, but, by has/ever a stroke of genius, more bold than before been at¬ tempted, they Sarranged to travel and exhibit in conjunction. It was a , difficult task to find room on their sixty long cars for the two shows, and in order to add a brand new fea¬ ture never before introduced in this country, ten new cars, eachjsixty-five feet in length, had to be built. The feature alluded to above is the Chil¬ dren’s Dream of Fairyland, exempli¬ fied with many golden chariots, rep¬ resenting the priusipal features of fairy lore—among which is Robinson Crusoe, Old Mother Goose, Cinderella, Blue Beard, Little Red Riding Hood, Santa Claus and the Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe. These golden chariots drawn by ponies, together with the miniatm-e Tally Ho coach with monkey footmen and attend¬ ants, will appear in the parade. Over fifty cages two droves of camels, two herds of elephants, many bands of music, and hundreds of other fea¬ tures will be worth going many miles to see, and is only a partial index of the wealth of wonder displayed under the huge canvasses. It requires fou r extra large locomotives to haul this immense show upon the levelest rail¬ roads. This grand parade will ap¬ pear at about 10 o’clock on the streets of Griffin Thursday, Oct 3d. To Our Friends. Griffin, accepted Ga„ Sept. position 14,1889. for We have a the coming year with the popular bouse of Sebeoerman & White, and would be pleased for all our friends to call upon ns and we will treat them right and appreciate their patron¬ age. Yours truly, J. S. Brown, B. B. Brown. d&wtm. « ; For Rent from September 1st, for one year, Store House No. 23 Hill street, now occupied by P. W. Shaffer. Best stand in the Call city for dry goods or clothing. on J.H. KEITH. tf HOTEL CURTIS GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, Under New Management. t, & DANIEL, Prap’r. I lero tram. Miss Rosa Cunningham returned yesterday from a visit to Concord and Woodbury. She waa accom¬ panied by Mrs. Dr. Hooten or the lat¬ ter place, who will spend several days with her. Miss Jessie Lawton spent the day yesterday with Misses Keil mid Ken- non at Sanny Side. Returning in the afternoon she was accompanied by Miss Kennon, who wifi spend a day or two with her. Ma|.J. Irby Bes, who has been ill for several weeks with typhoid fever died yesterday afternoon at ©'clock, and will be buried today at 3 o’clock p. m. from his late residence corner Sixth and Poplar streets. A bill has passed both houses to incorporate a savings bank in Griffin and only awaits the signature of the governor. Subscriptions will soon be started under its provisions and it ta hoped before long to have this beneficial organization under thor¬ ough headway. We shall have more to say of the plan in the near future. The car of cotton which was burn¬ ed on the track below the Central de¬ pot Tuesday night was loaded above here on the S. G. ft N. A. RR. for Sa¬ vannah and brought in by the even¬ ing frieght on that road and it is sup¬ posed to have taken fire from sparks of the engine which pulled the train. The end of the car was open. About 200 pounds of dingy yellow cotton was saved. The preliminary trial of W. S. Mc¬ Cord, charged with assault with in¬ tent to murder Ed Nichols, was tried before Justices Hartley and Redding at Zebulon, last Friday. Judge Pope represented McCord and Col. Cleve¬ land, of Griffin, conducted the prose¬ cution . After hearing Nichol’s state¬ ment the case was closed and McCord was required to give bond in the sum of $200 which he did immediately and was released. Today ta the time set for a meeting of the stockholders of Georgia Mid¬ land railroad at Columbus, although no notice has been given the stock¬ holders at this end of the line. A special train will leave McDonough at 7 a. in., Griffin 8:17 a. m., and ar¬ rive at Columbus at 11:20 a. m. Re¬ turning, same day, will leave Colum¬ bus at 5:10 p. m., arriving at Griffin at 8:10 p. m. and McDonough at 9:00 p. m. Col. George Skinner, superintendent of the Chattanooga, Rome and Co¬ lumbus railway, died Tuesday morn¬ ing at Rome, after an illness'of ten days. His death was casused by nervous prostration. He was ap' pointed superintendent of the Chat¬ tanooga, Rome and Columbus rail¬ road by President Williamson on Ang. 1. Col. Skinner was about 67 years old, and an experienced rail¬ road man, having served on a num¬ ber of Northern and Western rail¬ ways. The remains left Rome for his home in Auburn, N. Y., Tuesday af¬ ternoon in President Williamson’s private car, which will go to Cincin¬ nati. During his sickness Col. Skin¬ ner received every possible medical attention. All the depots along the line of the railroad are draped in black. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cnts- Bruisee, Sores, Ulcers, Balt Shewn, Fever i to give Price perfect 35 box , OT! Fi ornnfeby funded. cent* per . E. K. Anthony. Literary Note, The Natioal Magazine is the name of a new llteary venture of Chicago, which begins with the October num¬ ber. It is published under the auspic¬ es of the new “National University,’ which opens Oct, 1st, of which it tathe organ. The first number containing articles on literary, educational and scientific subjects and a prospectus of the University whfch ta said to be modelled after the London Universi¬ ty and has extensive non-resident courses, teaching many subjects by mail. Published at 1*2 Clark Btrrat. Salvation Oil, the greatest care on earth for pain, has made a most brilliant debut. Price. 25 cts. On Tuesday night between Patter, toa’s store and the Central freight depot a Lace Pin and with setting diamond. of three eats eyes one Valued as a keepsake. reward. Return fhfa office flBfl receive id - The - Dt| - Buds - lasiniss In Middle Georgia , hi STYLES kM PBIGBS I mlS It reanlres bat * casual inspection of our Immense stock to prove to any fair pereon that we carry the greatest QUANTITY, and flnestgUAIJTr of Dry STYLES Goods In Griffin. the newest. I he ladies We of are G^narelivlngwi^tn^ottheract not afraid to buy the very l atest novelties Uut onr are ladles always to store when seeking style# Introduced, consequently the come onr that are entirely new. .** ’ day _ in . the week . that , In regard to PRICES, we will prove to yon any onr prices are right. We offer bargains that yon can find nowhere else. ■ ACCORDION PLAITED | p..\ ROBES. LHri|r.. M BB ■ than Accordion • #f „ We would ask what Is there to any market newer Plaited Skirts? They will cost yon no more than any nice suit, yet they aro entirely They are made of Brillianteens, with enough ot the Plaited goods for the other that y express Dress Ilannels, Ladies Serges, .. in all the new shades and at prices that astonish compel ion. We are not boast¬ ing but it pleases us wonderfully to hear the ladies say “You ha^e the prettiest goods I have ever seen in Griffin.” OUR BLACK GOODS CAN NOT BE SURPASSED. 95 Doz. Pairs of Kid Gloves 4 t 95 Cents per Pair, These Gloves are slightly bargains damaged, before, or they would this beats be worth $1.50 per pair. We have given yon great but them all. Every kind of glove can be found in this lot and no lady can afford to miss this opportunity of buying one or more pairs at this price. that price. They can’t last always, as 100 doz¬ en could be easily sold in one week at . .> ■ ... 4. ' % ■ - ■ if!l But When You Speak of Carpets, We Beat Them All! Carpets of every style, Carpets themselves of every price, Carpet Carpets this for Winter every body. There is no need for any one denying a as the prices we are making put them in the reach of every one. No • xtra charges for making and laying. ^ Our Clothing Stock ^ Is more complete than ever, special care having* been given to it this season. We ask an inspection and if we do not save yon mon¬ ey don’t ask you to buy of us. SCHETJERMAN & WHITE Anctin Sale! OF ALL PERSONAL -PROPERTY. -OF- GRIFIN FEMALE COLLEGE. Consisting of Cabinets of Mineral, Chemical and Phitosophical Instru¬ ments, Globes. &c., several Libraries of valuable Books 2 Pianos, large lot of various kinds of School Desks Chairs &c. large lo) good Walnut Furniture, Beadsteads Marble Top Bureas, was ; Stands Wardrobes writing Desk extension Table. Dining Room Chairs, Cooking Stoves, Parlor House Stoves, Secretary &c. Set Mohair Chairs, Centre Table, Rocking Chairs, Carpets, Feather Pillows and Bolsters, Matresses, Bed Springs. Ail to be sold to the highest bidder on Friday, Oct. 4, at before College. inspec¬ House Op n d Wednesday Ladies for invited tion 2 to 5 p m. to attend. Sale positive Terms cash. This is very desirable property A bargain will be given. Qoipe one and all. Sale to commence at 10 o’clock. If not all sold on Friday, sale will be continued at auction rooms next day. G A. CUNNINGHAM. A G..0ANIEL, Auctioneer. November Sheriff’s Sales TXT ILL BE SOLD OS THE FIRST TUES ff (Jav-inNo'-einberaext, before the door of theOrortHoTwe.inthe city following of Griffin, Spald- iu* Coanty, Georgia, the described property, to-wit: Fart of the lot of land No. 36, containing forty acre*, Spalding in First County, District Georgia, of originally known Pike now in the plan of said district as No. 36 lot, cutting off fifty acres more or less in the northeast corn¬ er of said lot, adjoining the lands of Mt, Zion church ramp ground, bounded on the north, east and sooth by lands of E. B. Leach and vest by lands Of J. L^Darf*. Levied on as District, v. m , tn mror m «. r. me wiiuams & Hon T«. Mat. Letcfe, *nd one 8 la iwmnd a ! s^ Tenant q s in , a possession. 5 issrs ,r John j£: , W i" r notified. tiff: |6,00. DO YOU WANT A HAPPY HOME ? -GO TO THE- NOVELTY CO. AND BUY A CM ART BR CAM. DO YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY? Get pi i es on Silverware, China, Crockery, Lamps, etc, before buying. J. W. SPARKS, Manager. £scAII styles.w goeits striving constantly. $35.00 Will Buy an Organ. $65 will Buy a Piano. ■ SPEAK QUICK. 1NW Our secoud floor is full of fine Pianss and Organs, but oqiy twa at above prices. DE/riRTE «£ HUFF, GRIFFIN, GA. ■ ■ ■■ ■■ ——---- --- BOOTS, SHOES AND LEATHER AT JAr- HASSE' kUS’ SHOE STORE Home-made Shoes and Leather c Specialty I3F We warrant all work and shall make it a point to misrepresent nothin. Jnet received large shipment of Genta’ and Ladies’ and Misses’ fine goods, and school shoes for Childi*# ttd slippers of AH kinds. ' S*-$4 per cord paid for 200 cords of Tc.n.bark. H. W. HA8SELKFS. NEW GOODS BEING Opened livery Day -)AT(- rrm ^LOUVIAaS 1 & STEWART’S,