The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, October 06, 1889, Image 2

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“s IT YOUR PAPER. hwartid* Iron * source as tbe Baltimore rs Record is worthy of radlsdittaiifeB of ojlGiitlbi today. As to id in both tfee News and the tay of our ctiimna can tea- mail they have received. [ argues ao well lor tbe the established l^mh *** pn- thing more is left to be tain theirlocal newspaper*, provided they nw anch hi fact, and not la .Mm dp w. too. .*1 tiwctHurtry hm*b are pubhahiagwhat are called by eoor- «e*y oewapapem, that am ao more tike tbe genuine article than a toad- atoot te to a mushroom. And a* tbe on* ia unpleasant and poisonous, ObSe the other te palatable and nu- MtN*. eo the no-account paper ia an Injury to any locality, while a Hve > enterprising journal, however email, in a power lor good. i > . 1 • , . 8 e ‘ 1 } j ** e if e past three years, been surprised by receiving circulars, price-lists and tetters from numerous manufacturers and merchants, giving them the special information they wanted about machinery, tools and other things they needed, and have won¬ dered how their senders beard them. It was either beenuse their home newspaper or one of our cor¬ respondents gave the item their enterprise that put the Manu¬ facturers’ Record on their track, and enabled it to tell tbe world their postoffice address and what they proposed to do. Many of these men have saved hundreds of dollars be¬ cause of information thus received, and ought- to show their gratitude to their local newspaper, whose little item may have been the primary cause of tbe saving effected. Sup¬ port your home newspapers for the good they have done, are* doing, and will continue to be to you. To equalite the circulation of the blood, subdue nervousness and cleanse the system, use Laxador, the grant regulator. Price only 25 cents. Recrwrj as frequently tniadieiosaly osed by ifuack doctors te cases of materia aad blood paimm. ItesftsreBeetis worse than the or- igteldireare. B. B. B.iBotaaic Blood Bates) contains no mercury, but wiU ciiatfnate mer- cwrtel poireon from the system. VSTrite to Blood Balm Co., Attests, Ga., for hook of It is strange, isn’t it? Perhaps if the other republics eonld bny American goods as cheaply as British and eonld pay for them in trade, there might be a Httle more Mexican and South American trade with the Unit¬ ed States." It would take a protect¬ ionist paper a column of writing to disprove that view of the case—and it wouldn’t be disproved even then. It is apparent that those #50,000,- 000 London syndicates, that have bought np a job lot of mate, eleva ton and breweries in sundry more or less prosperous Idealities scattered throughout the United States will have plenty of experience for their money—perhaps not |50,000,000 worth, but still enough to prevent life from being monotonous. As to the promoters, who have pocketed their commissions, things are difler- ent. They can enter upon a life of leisurely enjoyment without delay, tearing the foreign investors to do the walking by and by. ---— -- distributed -I,” A circular is being throughout Texas, signed “John Wanamaker,” which promises a post office with every suit of clothes bought of Cheap John’s agent in that State. The circular has a genu- ine appearance, and while if genuine, it is probably the work of some sub- ordinate, it is perfectly in keeping with John JekyU Hyde’s way of doj ing business. It is by no means sore, indeed, that it is not the sole work of his brilliant mind. Post- offices would be cheaper premiums for him than Waterbury watches. The gunning season opens this month. In no part of the State are birds plentiful, as they have been hunted too closely during the past ten years. It is well to remember that they can be protected largely by the general observance of true sportsmanship. Never shoot a bird except when a-wing, and under no circustances, indulge in night shoot¬ ing, which te nothing more nor less than slaughter, and which te too much like assassination to be follow¬ ed by any self respecting person. Henry Irving has revived “The Dead Heart.’’ The dead head needs no revival. He te always yoang and there. One of Chicago’s arguments in fa¬ vor of having the World's Fair te that 3,732,344 hogs were slaughter¬ ed in that city in 1888. A condition of weakness of body and mind which results from many disorders of the system finds its best and surest relief in Brown’s Iron Bit¬ ters. As it enriches and strengthens liver tbe blood so the stomack, and kidneys receive power to perform their duties, and tbe depressing in¬ fluences from a diseased and disturb¬ ed condition of these organs are re¬ moved. i that said HFXDRED are of Ca- tkr nre of emaee, f—to tow »tn uav oi wwawr, a. b. no. {wulJ 4, W. GLEASON. Notary Public. Hall s Catarrh Cure is takes iotera&By and acts directly oa the blood and moons surfaces ol the system. J. CHKNET Bend k»r testimonials, A Co.. Toledo, free. O. F. ■r* Hold by Druggist*. 75c. Good Advice, Showing Result. Edward silver, Chicago, gi ves testi¬ mony: “My wife had Catarrh twen¬ ty-five years, suffered severely for youf nx years remedy. before Unable she began breathe to use to ex¬ cept- through the mouth; in a most critical condition. Tried everything without relief, when Dr. Streeter ad¬ vised her to boy Clarke’s Extract of lief Flad loftowed (Papillion) immediately. Catarrh Cure. She Re¬ con¬ tinued to use it until she is now en¬ tirely cored. Her health has not been so good Wash in tbe many Baby ysars.’’ with Clarke’s Price f Ksk l.OO, Snap. 23 cents. Dr. S. B, Drewnr Drnggiat. now has the Fbw acrofala, bronchitis, the and dropsgr, make tiirir appearance, system » It* marvelous effects haw been test¬ ed and proven is the cure of tens of thousands of cases. It purifies and JK 55Wt3-£ maladies that the wed* at the worst Bocklen’s Arnica Salve. The Bre* Salve is the world for Cat*- sr-sssrsis; ah Skin Eruptions, and positive, Corns, and Itis fjr cures Pike, or no pay {required. guar- teed to give perfect satiaaction, or mousy re tended. Price 25 cents per bo*. For sale by £ R, Antho tv - Ororo O it tii ■ r* >arr. Ottawa, Out, Oct. 5 -The execu¬ tioner brought usuiifd from X&oi, France tli® to guillotine tslftfidi of ft nwidflre? on fled from the St Pierre, Migueloa, death has at the hands of island to escape the execution several the citizen'. Sin* his attempts have bsea mab upon life with poison. Indignation was so thor¬ oughly aroused agaiuu: the executioner that he was oblige; 1 , to seek refuge on board a Freud* man-of-war, returning in her to France. Merohanfa to whom he was indebted sent iitm payment receipted with ac¬ counts, thev refusing called to ‘blood ace pt money.” Ha what ntest have been killed would assaradly longer. had he remained ft day Cxhcsxkati. 0*5i- 3. Mrs. Abel, of 134 Chapel street, Walnut Hills, wife of a laborer, disappeared /^terday about two weeks ago, and blood-stained women’s clothing was found in a vault on the rear of tire premiss*. Murder is suspected. Sirs. Abel did not live hap- pilvwith her hasb.i«L as he charged her with talkie .it j and often beat her. The neighbor* a v* i-cliied to balieve that she disappear -; with o»e Wilson. The The poiioe poiioe test test uigh* uigh* thoroughly thoroughly ex- ex¬ of plored tiie vault, bat found no trace a tody. Ase vo- str.trehed. iu the neighborhood ha* not yet been To enjoy good health, aim to always have abundant sleep; this can gener¬ ally be secured by management, which un¬ less yon have a crying baby,in case Dr. Bull’s Ba by Svrnp will great¬ ly assist. what tempestaoss •- ages three Ameri¬ can ships, the Benia -in F. Packard, James Drufrunoii.i au \ 'acob New B. Ridge¬ York. way have arme i Com Emil Sehwabe, a sailor on the Ridge¬ way, was wa-ke i overboard The Packard during a storm and drowned. was oat 173 days. __________ gecoBii o. a ,*.r-I ritykf. Owi5fnsvn.DK, Ky.. iJet 5.—In Cross Roads, in Rowan county, Wednesday seriously wounded night Nelson Malt Myers Li’ghttoot. .shot The and two men Tkt Chief l«M l« Use *re»* «« eeu of Hood’s SusajariUa Is found la the article itself- II U merit tbit wins, and ths bet Out Hood’s Sarsaparilla setoaUr *e- eoopUsbes what i* claimed for R, is wtal has gtren to this wedletoe » popntaritjr a ad mt» greater thaa that o< anjr other sarsapa- Merit Wins BesTa Sarsaparilla cores Scrofula, Salt Rheum and aB Hamers. DjrspepcU, ffieh A LONC FELT WANT 9 jSa CARPETS, RUGS, OIL CLOTHS, DRAPERIES, ETC., ETC. Department never ao well stocked am«J prices made to sell. ^ ETC. ^ sn.ES, WOOLENS, TABLE LINENS, HOSIERY, ETC., French Novelties in DRESS GOODS are marvdoualy beautiful and anperNy grand m design and eotonife. It | w i | 1 BOYS’ and CHILDREN’S SHOES.—Stock foil and complete. MILLINERY and DRESS MAKING—All work done to order. #? Mr. J. T. Stephenson is with na and would be glad to have bis friends call or write. . CHAMBERLIN, JOHNSON & C ».. 66 and 68 Whitehall and 1. 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13 Hunter St*., ATLANTA, 6A. THE CHARLTON PROPERTY. on BcraU) HUI street. 4 acre* High, land, elevated 6 room house—large airy room*. of sorroundin* country and hematite! view A So. 1 water and fruit* of different r ariet on plane.. THE TAYLOR MORRIS PLACE, on 14th stnet, 4 new* land, 5 room boose. Branch running through the lot. THE OLD NALL HOUSE, 7 rooms, double kitchen. 1 acre land. I block from centre Hill street,..... J0SSEY HOUSE AND LOT. 7 room*, doable kitchen, % acre, stable, Ae Hall block from Hi.l street. Centrally local ed or boarding house. 44 acre and 2 room house off Shelton loton Poplar street. A bargain given to aB of above prdperty. sale Other houses and lots and lands for and to rent. G. A. CUNNINGHAM, Real Estate Agent. Mowers, Reapers ai Gins Feeders and Condensers. H E BEST ENGINES and BOILERS. One 5 horee 2nd hand Engine and 50 Saw Gin with Brooks Press, for sale cheap. $ 60.00 Osborn** First-ciae* Grass Mower...... •• “ “ Beapere.......... 100.00 improved Milburn Gin. Centennial Gin. ’* . Hall s Self Feeder Gir. Frit*** as low as same grads anywhere G. A. CUNNINGHAM, uglOdkwlm 40 HiU Bt.. GRIFFIN, GA PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOBT. HENHY C. PEEPLES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BiAH-TOX, CrEOBGlA. Practices >a id! the State and Federal ourls. octSdkwly JOHN 1. HUNT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, GBiFFES, GEORGIA. Office. 31 Hill Street, Up Stairs, over 3. H. White's Oothine Store. mar22d4wly THOS. R. MILLS, ATTORNEY AT LA W Will praotire in tbe State Courts. Offiee over Georgs Hartnett's corner. nov2tf OSS O. STEWART. ROUT. T. T AJOIl . STEWART & DANIEL ATTORNEYS. AT LAW, - Over George & Hartnett s, Griffin, Ga. Will practice in tbe State and Federal rts . iulylDdtf CLEVELAND & GARLAND, DENTISTS, GHIFFIN, • : : : GEORGIA. - r for Sale. Onexpf the finest farms in Middle Georgia-for sale. The proprietor’s health te such that be wishes te re¬ tire from the fatigue of business. This farm fe about three-fourths of a mile east from the centre of the city urbs of of Griffin, the city, Ga.,adjoinin2;the containing 2G0 acres, sub¬ 25 acres in an enclosed permanent pasture with large branch running On this branch through centre splendid of pasture. place for mill te a a or gin: plenty of water and water fall. Balaneeof Sand te in the high¬ est state of cultivation of any farm in the state, having bad thousands of dollars worth of cotton seed and stable manure and composts of all kinds put on it in the last few years. It te also one of the best terraced and ditched places in Georgia. Ditches all scientifically run so as to prevent any washing of tbe fields, ditching of the place cost $500. The owner has made the improvement sine* of the place a specialty thinking ever that he would he owned it, ft; not consequently it tea ever aril rare W. D. DAVIS, Hardware, Stoves, And. Farmin g Impl ements.» --I 1 ingt n.i’i i ni a ale of CEDAB BUCKETS, POT-WARE aB pistols. / ' , . ★ ★ * PISTOLS! (PISTOLS!! * * ■ -W . m MT Come and see me. * . SYPHILIS mam* MlBMMSfr n Y./* A BUSINESS EDUCATION AT HOME. For Circulars, ad- CtT\RK'S COLLEGE, Erie, Fa. HINOEHCORW8. wumst WAITED AT O^C£“ EVERYWHERE A wo a v.Pf'ofi tab I e Business LIBERAL PAY. ere U until December 25th. Give refereneeg R. II. WOODWARD & CO., Baltimore, Md. pRHBOtet "tSTc^v*^^^ a htxurisnt growth. Prerrato Dsodraff snd fair tsmag ga- tatc woftnirtn GhATEFUL- COMFORTING. EPPS’S COCOA Organ and Fiano Co. BOSTON. NKW YORK. t'HICAOO. NEW Contain*afire octave. Nine Stop Action, furnished te a MODEL large and handsome care of solid black watent. Price fee ORtiA.V, cash; also eoW on the i.37 Easy Hire System at f 1 per STYLE qnarter, for ten quarters, when organ be-om*s proper- 2244.1 ty of person hiring. Tbe M»son A — Hamlin MASON Stringer," invented and pat, Hsmlte marksWe ptesoeeaeteriTriy. reSnemsnt ol tone Re HAMLIN and stand phenomenal characterise capacity to PIANOS. te tun* thp»p inst "Uinent*. 1‘OI’l l.AKJSTYLES ORGANS at $22 *32.flO, 8GO, *18, 9»e AND CP. ExhaustedVitalitt ►--Untold Miseries work. It fading,« -tai.YHA.--i***'- '* s '' ' ■ ONLY U*t U Double Duty Sleeping Car Swvice Cincinnati and Jacksonville. Solid trams between Chattanooga and Jacksonville, * ■ — • .