The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, October 08, 1889, Image 4

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m %r ■wmm liIf 31 M TTTf mi«i< T cri tfPUtf m j kiv WP *, -,v'V GRIFFIN, GEORGIA * I w£&;: _j and h»p«* their Ill e Fall Stock of Clothing. tar WHICH WILL SPEAK FOR TSELF. *»■ , FRESH h and Oysters •K RECEIVED DAILY. . Wm Clark & . **’Vl va wz Pf « . °-r 10 lb*, (irao. Sugar........... 15 H Rice..........•»••*••'••••■ I ::::: . i PieUcw, per gal........ Rigid Fickle* - “... 50c. liO ft*. Poetdl’s Elegant Floor 165 New Raisins and Prunes mi Received. Maple syroj $1.10 Gall * j ONLY TODAY. 1 * Fishi Oysters. Celery. •Btkv' K —W- J. M. Mills. fl. DUKE A CO. v«U known firm conslsting of wwell H,Drake and Mr. Jas. M. the representative at this » leading Fire Insurance of this country and of other strong and Conner va- nown company which always cashes discount, its losses the Atlanta promptly Home without Ins. Co., nay doing business a company on lord, the Phoenix of Home ol New York, North British and Mercantile Ins. of London, England. All coinpa- nies “ Indemnity *' is beyond question and which are prov verbiafy settlement fair and just and prompt in their ^wEn"solicited for insurance or when you desire to place a risk of any character it will be to your interest .to see these gentlemen. The business is now managed by Mr. Drake nnd his office is on the second floor of the Drewry building. The rates charged by these leading companies are the same questionable as charged strength by small represented companies of a by some other agents, and it is well to have the bestaiways, but especial- ly so when it costs no more. dAw A MA Valued by a I<ady, What fish temost is most valued valued by by ah alady f tier-ring. Let her ring the glad lad : of saying Dr. Diggers’ her child Hncktebep-y of Cordial, Cor trom a case cramp eolic, and relieving it teething. This Tuesday Morning Norfolk and Savannah Oysters Ul Pork Tennessee Sausage. Celery. JUI Kinds Fresh Fish. BLAKELY ’BOUHD ABOUT. City Notes, aad Im Vim TUB wad J. C. Glenn, of Atlanta, is In the city. Dr. H. J. Garland is spending this week at Senoia. Major U. B. Wilkinson, of Newnan, is visiting relatives in Griffin. Miss Hattie Kincaid has returned from a short trip to Atlanta. Will Moore, of Atlanta, spent Sun¬ day with his family in this city Mrs. W. A. Dismnke returned to her home at Woodbury yesterday. Aboqt twelve couples had a dance at the old Grey’s armory last night. Mrs. W. L. Ison has returned home from a visit to her parents at Wood¬ bury. Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Williams, of Hollonville, were in the city yester¬ day. D. W’. Patterson made a flying trip down the Central railroad yes¬ terday. Mrs: M. C. Prickett, of Carrollton, who has been visiting Mrs. W. C. Wicker, returned home yesterday. Mrs. T. E. Atkinson returned to Newnan yesterday, after a short visit to Mrs. Geo. B. White in this city. Miss Mattie Briscoe, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Flemister in this city, returned to her home at Milledgeville yesterday. Several Griffin lawyers are attend¬ ing Pike county superior court, which convened at Zebulon yesterday with Judge Boynton on the bench. Some excitement was caused on the streets yesterday by several pis¬ tol shots which were fired at a dog which was supposed to be mad. Mrs. Geo. L. Cope, Sr., and daugh¬ ter,Mrs. James H. Hunter, of Savan- nak, who have been visitfngrelatives in this city, left yesterday morning for New York. The maximum temperature yester¬ day was 04° and minimum 38°. Predic tions for today, fair and a maximum of warmer, though mnimum will record about the same. The stockholders of the 8. G. & N. A. RR. will hold their annual meeting at this place on the 7th of next month. A notice will be found in another colu inn. Cols. J. J. Hunt and W. E. H.Sear¬ cy went to Atlanta yesterday to put in a bid for the Alliance Exchange, but the time for opening bids was postponed until the 12th inst. In a short while the people of our city will be treated to a rare enter¬ tainment, introducing features both novel and interesting, and in which the best amateur talent will be en- gaged. Many diseases date their origin to functional disturbance of the stom¬ ach and liver. Laxador corrects these abnormal conditions meat surely; hence the increasing sale. Price 25c. ,__ tendent of _ X* mammoth j§§§ a school aad poses as an « Christian gentleman, but he bus just given an exhibition ol pgtty nes^and spite which proves him to be a very, very small man, to vm the mildest term. This act was the issuing of an order abolishing the postoffice at Luverae, a thriving to#fa in Ala¬ bama of 500 people, the great ma¬ jority of whom are white, in fact, It is almost a white settlement. To this place the poatmaater-general ap¬ pointed a negro who was objection¬ able to the people, •« the successor of a respectable and efficient white man. They declined to have any business with the postoffice, and in¬ convenienced themselves by getting their mail elsewhere. The negro, who appears to be a tolerably sensi¬ ble individual, perceiving this state of affairs benefltted him not,, de¬ termined to resign, but was per¬ suaded by some sneaking; rascals of the carpetbag stripe to hold on and stand the boycott. And now the postmaster-general, to gratify Ms spleen at the refusal of the white peo¬ ple to accept this negro ^postmaster* has abolished the office. Sneh a pro¬ ceeding as this ia> disgrace to the administration, and illustrates yery forcibly of what small calibre this pious Wanamaker is made. He may have authority to discontinue small postoffices because the people are properly indignant that an objec¬ tionable official should be foisted up¬ on them, but be cannot force a Southern community to acquiesce in his content ptible actions. Luverne postoffice may go out of existence and an entire community may be an¬ noyed and inconvenienced, but tbs people will stand it rather than yield to the arbitrary and offensive edict of John Waaamaker. Buckles’* Arnica Salve. The Beet Solve ia the world tor Csts- Bruiees, Sore*, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Iv euree Pile*, or copay satisaction, trequired teed to give Price perfect 25 cents box. or For monfyre¬ sale l funded. per E R. Anthony. Col. E. W. Coleman of Ellijay has filed a suit for 515,000 for the widow Sarah Worley, for the killing of her husband while serving a term in the penitentiary. He has investigated the matter thoroughly and is confi dent of a recovery. William Nichols of West Vernon district, Troup county, who is now 85 years of age, shot a squirrel some time since that had a silver five cent piece tied around its neck. It was probably somebody’s pet that had escaped. A Scrap of Paper Saved Her Life. last SSSSS’KfSSTX-artS stages ol consumption, told by physicians that she was incurable ■urable and a conld lire only a abort time; she weighed wrapping lees than seventy she pounds. On On a piece of paper read of Dr. King’s Sew Discovery, and got sample bottle; it helped her, she bought large bottle, it helped her more, bought ai an- other other and and grew grew better fast, fast., continuedits continued its ui use and is now stroi mg, healthy, For further rosy, particu plump, weighing g 140 140 pounds. larssend stamp Trial to W. H. Cole, wonderful Druggist, Fort Smith. bottles of this Discovery Free at E. R. Anthony’s Drugstore An earthquake was felt at Ellijay last Saturday night. The earth shook for about half a minute, rock¬ ing houses and rattling window panes, then n distant rumbling was heard which lasted two or three min¬ utes. Gout has various names according to the parts affected, chiragra, as podagra, when when in the feet; the hands, &c.; but whether the at¬ tack is first felt in the feet or the hands, rnb with Salvation Oil at once, It annihilates pain. Price 25c. Delegates from eleven churches in the Baptist Association, and seven from the Western, will meet at Ham¬ ilton Wednesday to form a new as¬ sociation. The body will be in see. sion probably two days. Agents Wanted. Big pay to the .right party, work ing at home for the National Gar¬ ment Cutter. Lqdies or home. gentlemen See can make good pay at me in Griffin today, or address J. H. Davis, Newnan, Ga. Griffin Female CoUege \ Lots for Sale or to Rei Auction Sale of Furniture and Min¬ Globes, eral and Black Philosophical Boards, Desks, Cabinets. Pianos nnd 8 Libraries of Books of all kinds and various Tuesday other things Oct. will 8th, be closed out on next, 1880. G. A. Real CrwwiNOHAM, Estate A. G. Daniel, Agt. Auctioneer. To Onr Friends. Griffin, accepted Ga., Sept. position 14,1889. We have a for the coming year with the popular | house of Seaenerman * White, ami would be pleased for all our friends to call npon us and w# will treat them right aad appreciate their patron¬ age. Yours truly, J • o. dBOWIj Bun’ B.B.B'.’n,. BB <Uwlm. Learie Morris, who was injured by the train Satoday night, wae remov- ed yesterday to his sister’s home. Several ribs are torn from his spine, his internal cavities are caved in and altogether be is in a bad way,though he haw reacted well from the shock. Rev. J. A. Perdue, who has been here for several weeks, returned to Atlanta yesterday. Rev. Mr. Her¬ rington and Rev. F. L. Adams also went up, to attend the State Conven¬ tion of the Christian Church, which AN AWFUL WARNING! lesrtjr ia the Lunatic Asylum for Drinking This year’s peach brandy is not ripe yet. * And not only does it bite like In adder in the stomach, but it sting- eth like a bumble bee in the brdin and cometh nigh unto driving aman into the asylum lor the insane. Moreover, it maketh one’s own family to turn against him because of his nnseeminly conduct and his awful breath, the smell whereof is worse than the fumes of the bottomless pit. Thus, at least, saith E'bert Ogle- tree, colored, who swears that hence¬ forth he will drink nothing but water, albeit flavored mayhap with liquor that is red. Elbert hails variously from Butts, Monroe and Pike, but more recently from the last county. Yet the good people of Forsyth sent him up here yesterday with Marshal King to be numbered with Spalding’s contin¬ gent at the ancient capital of the State, after coming very near elect¬ ing him from Monroe. To this Judge Hammond demurred and after an expnrte examination by the Ordi¬ nary, the County Judge, the Sheriff and the Court Reporter, Elbert was dismissed on his own recognizance and told to go nnd drink no more peach brandy. For it was the excessive use of peach without honey that made El¬ bert’s own father turn against him and came near sending him to the lunatic asylum from two counties in one day. According to his own testi¬ mony, one of his employers had told him if he ever gob a chance at a bar¬ rel of liquor he would drink himself to death. It would seem that he had access to a hogshead of peach brandy, which now runs in streams in Monroe county; and he drank and he cursed and he ripped around and was altogether a frightful example, like unto one insane. Bat yesterday afternoon he had only a headache and a pair of handcuffs to show that he was not himself. Look not upon the peach moveth brandy itself when it is new and with prussic acid, but rather let itget age and mix it aright with honey. Court of Ordinary. The following proceedings were had at the ordinary’s Court yesterday. The will of James H. Logan, Sr., was admitted to record and Gilbert Moulder appointed executor. A. M. Elledge, administrator of J. D.|George, was granted leave to sell lands and wild lands of said estate. W. E. George was appointed guar¬ dian of his children. John H. Keith was granted to sell perishable property of the es¬ tate of W. J, Keith. Mrs. Fannie Brown was appointed guardian of her children. R. A. Thrower, administrator Thqmas Thrower, made his final turn and applied for dismission. T. C. McLaurin, executor of Mrs. Jeannette Bethune, was granted ters of dismission. John F. Stilwell, guardian of ma Stilwell, was granted leave to encroach. Mrs. M. A. Benson, guardian of Geo. E. C. Lindsay, was granted leave to encroach. The case of H. C. Bqrr, executor of Rhoda H. Doe, versus heirs, was con¬ tinued. The case of-Whitaker vs. W. B. Hudson, executor of T. P. Smith ( was appealed by consent. J. G. Matthews, administrator of Josephine Padgett, filed application Or dismi ssion _ Many young children become positively re potato with sore eyes, sore ear*, and scald bead. 8u*h aflirtioas mat be speedily re moved by use o< Ayer’s Young and oh b) benefit* ol tide msdMne. eek ii 1)1 .dROVh We offer the “Onyx’* Black the Hose best article for Ladies for uM \ *40* O Misses to our customers, as qualities offered purl. ty of dye, and wearing them not to ever stain the to the s public. pub! We JjI, guarantee to withstand - the 1 , , i - 1 feet 1 1 or garments, and wellj effects ©t repeated eontlndentl.v washing as as perspiration. We rec- ommend our new iip’ltaitgriiilk MISSES’ AND BOYS’ /y VCRAt^* Mil - lose ®§f In Every Quality, I Oc., 15c., 25c., 35c„ 40c. and 45c. Ladies Fast Black Hose 25c., 35c., 40c., 45c. _ and 60c. Oar stock of Hosier, is absolutely the most complete ever offered In Griffln. There is nothing yon can ask for from a pair ofhose at 10c. toa Silk hose at $1,25. | - Ladies' Regular Made Ribbed Vests The great tronble heretofore with ladies Bibbed Tests has been, the sizes J 1 conld ble, not he relied buy npon. size Bnt of at last FRENCH we have REGULAR succeed in MADE ov^rcmiiing VE8TS, this andfcel tron. as yon can any onr full line of ladies sureof getting the proper size. We are also showing a Rib¬ bed Tests in the cheaper grades, that are marvels of comfort and cheapness*. in E. P. Reed‘s Ladies Fine Alices Lead All Other Makes 1 . THE WEAK OF The Fit of Ever} 7 ETB 17 -Pair GnniM! r AtaieiT Perfect ^ -mm Reeds’ “Wankenphast” Common-Sense Exteu- a 1 sion give Sole, the most and general Pump- satisfaction, Sol^ Shoes for both ladles, for wear and comfort, of any make offerd the trade. We carry the largest stock of MEN’S FiNI SHOES, and Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Cheap and Medium price SHOES in Middle Georgia. GREAT SUCCESS IN OUR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. 1 We have Albert bough! more in Clothing this fabrics season and have Business add more Suds than of during any previous season. We have Prince Suits all the new and cuts. every style and quality. A full line of Boys Suits, with long and short Pants. We will save you 25 per cent, on old prices. SCHEUERMAN & WHITE. Shooting Gallery. I have opened up a first-class shooting gallery over Kinard & Bros, store, opposite the Brick Warehouse. The best of order will be kept and my rifles are of the best make. I would like all lovers ol sport to visit ray gallery. Respectfully, F. H. oct5w2. Weaver. FT EORGIA — Spalding Count*.— Whereas VX Bufus Thrower, A. Thrower, administrator of Thomas represents to the Court in his petition, he has duly rally filed administered and entered on Thomas record, that Thrower’s estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concern¬ ed, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they discharged can, why said administrator his administration, shonid not be from and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in January. E. W. HAMMOND, 1890. f«.15 Ordinary, /"T EORGIA— Spalding County.— Whereas, VJ Jas. G. Matthews, administrator of Josephine iPadgett, represents to the Court in his petition, duly filed and entered on rec¬ ord, Padgett’s that he has fully administered Josephine estate. This is therefore tofciteall persons concern¬ ed, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration, and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in January 1890. #6.15. E. W. HAMMOND, Ordinary sKS?zs!,ir£S By virtu, of an order granted by the Coart 5 County, Georgia, on the the first Tuesday in No¬ vember the higest next, bidder during tor legal the hours following of sale, to cash, property of John D. George, deceased, latejnf said county, for the purpose ol distribution and payment of debts, to-wit: One undivided one-fourth interest in the store house of and Grifln, lotfronting andknown on Taylor street, in the city as the “Laet Chance” bar room, fronting on Taylor street thirty tost more or less and running back one hsndiwd feet more or less, bonded on the east by the store of 8. H. Deane aad on the west by J. It. Bishop’s butcher shop, lot Also, one half interest ia one house and mthe’eity of Grifln, known as the [ Springer Hl_ place, hound- sdoaths ^ ^ the John D. George reside!** place, “ ‘ ion street and west by vacant lot. a on e h a lf interest in one vacant lot, feet, on Solomon street. In ’ the north by ___ * DO YOU WANT A HAPPY HOME? -GO TO THE- NOVELTY CO. AND BUY A CHARTER OAK,* 1)0 YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY? Gst prices on Silverware, China, Crockery, Lamps, etc, before buying. 1 J. W. SPARKS, Manager. 1 £&~AII stylesnw goods arriving constantly. --—--—-------—- L1JJ -^........ SOOTS, SHOES AND LEATHER AT 1 J,?.,- HASSELkUS’ SHOE STORE J?A.- Home-made Shoes and Leather a Specialty. f We warrant all work and shall make it a point to misrepresent nothin. Just received I a large shipment of Gents’ and Ladies’ and Misses’ fine goods, and school shoes for Children and ew&per Slippers of all kinds. fj cord paid for 200 cords of Tan-bark. H. W. HASSELKU8. S I $ 35.00 Will Buy an Organ. $65 will Buy a Piano PW Ji• juiiltoif i > full of fine Pianss and Organs, but only two at bo/e p*i’33. DEA1E <£ HUFF, GRIFFIN, 0*. Rece’d The Past Week Seventy-Five ± Boxes a Crackers! 1 «*, HOLMAN & STEWAR _ T.