The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, October 10, 1889, Image 4

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SIRL. vSFfo&i ?««**» 31 >m»m ■ m Pf BIFFIN, GEORGIA. i .... ■ Unless but invite evsry- ; *S 3# Pall Stock of Clothing, WHICH WILL SPEAK FOR TSELF. ~m * f * : ‘iwW; FRE8H TUBN1PS PT* Every Homing at our Store, G. W. CLARK & SON. % in* Ga., Oct. 10, 10 It*. Gran. Bugar......... .fl.00 IS “ Rice.......................— . 1.00 H*®*.............................. M Ham*............... .... 18«c. 8wMA4ttfApHb>«* ..... m* S£2? pw* “..........;..... ......... 66c. 75c. | FWta FfaMe* | ... 50c. 60 lb*, PosteH’s Elegant Floor 1.65 New Raisins and Prunes Just Deceived. mu SfTIf $1.10 Gallos ONLY TODAY. Fish. Oysters. Celery. —)o(—- J. M. Mills. ROSWELL B. DRAKE GO. tog Roswell we “ k H. ® 0 Drake ?2L and Mr. Jan.M. , t, is the representative at this ! the leading Fire Insurance i of this oountry and of -I img other etrongand conserva- verpool® sisk London A fc Globe, - b?m Aoompany y known the world over and the only company which always cashes its losses promptly without any discount, the.' '* »Atlanta Home Ins. OTS divi- the jrtford, the Phoenix of Home of New York, 9 So^ Brt tMiMd ’ Mermntile t!on Ins “ - ■ • * ues , Mrir and s in their settlement i solicited tor insurance or idesiretoplaoe a risk of any rit will be to your ^interest by Mr. Drake and ic second floor of the companies rates charged by these 1 wuw oa «wwi by small companies of questionable strength and represented it is well by have some the other hest agents, always, but especial to ly so when it costs no more. d£w : - - -■ -------- — Valued by a Gariy h “SXtt" is most valued by a lady l Itrom a case of cramp Md raUevtag it teething. This Tuesday Horning Norfolk and Savannah Oysters yap I Pork Tennessee Sausage. Celery, All Kinds Fresh Fish. BLAKELY. ,V<< 'R0UXD_ABOUT. C*tj Notes, aad Xm lms TWs *M Chas. N. Davie, of La Grange, is in thsehy. 1 ' ' j * v - . Cary B. Townsend, ofThomasville, is in the city. Capt. W. H. Hartnett left for Flat Shoals yesterday. (John F. Dickerson took ia the ex¬ position yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. A. English, of High Falls, were in the city yesterday. Mrs. R. H. Taylor and Miss Susie Stewart spent yesterday in Atlanta. Call on S. H. Deane fra- a J. F. L. A. cigar—the finest cigar in the mar- Mrs.P. H. McDonald left yesterday for BarnesivUe, where she will visit relatives. F. G. Bailey is learning the bank¬ ing business in the Merchants’ and Planters’ bank. Miss Emma Sutton, of Forsyth, arrived yesterday, and Is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. M.Drewry. Miss Annie Bates went to Atlanta yesterday to visit Misses Lizzie Win- ship and Bailie Hunnieutt. Mrs. A. G. Daniel Is attending the Christian convention and the Pied¬ mont exposition fn Atlanta. Dr. C. M. Owens, J. W. and A. J. Ganlding and T. J. Brown, of Hol- lonville, were in the city yesterday Logan Williams, colored, in for larceny, was paid out of ]ail yester¬ day to work on Judge John Stilwell’s plantation. Geo. L. Cope, Sr., took his depar¬ ture yesterday for his home in 8avan nah after a visit ol several weeks to relatives ia this city. E. P. Turner is putting in the elec¬ tric light plant for the oil mills. The dynamo for fifty incandescent lights is already on the ground. John Woods, from the southwest corner of Pike, and one of Griffis's old time customers, is spending eonpie of days in the city. The Griffin oil mill was shut down yesterday for lack of sufficient water to fill the large boilers. Another well k being dog on the north end of the lot. Pike county superior court is peg¬ ging along. The criminal docket was started yesterday morning. It is thought court will be able to adjourn on Saturday. A young lady of Columbus has made a crazy guilt of Louisiana State lottery numbers that failed to ‘ con¬ nect” with the prize wheel. The num¬ bers are worked in silk of beautlftl colors. The numbers in Griffin that never drew would make a canopy for the whole town. Bueklen’a Arnica Salve. The Best Salve 8« in the world for Cuts- Bruises, Bore#, Ulcere, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and aU 8 kin Eruptions, and I positive, ly caws Piles, or no pay frequired. tie guar teed to give perfect eatleaction, or money safe re¬ funded. Price 35 cents per box. t or by E R. Anthonv. Attention is catted to the adver¬ tisement of Geo. R. Niles’ clothing boose. Hfe large room is full of new goods, in which no one can fail to find a At and a bargain, 6 Mayor Stewart beki a little seance yesterday morning and fined two dusky damsels $5 each for fighting. They were from Atlanta, which ac{ counts for it. They wanted to settle their difficulty by writing cards for the papers, but the mayor told them that wasn’t the Griffin way. Sou. C. V. Grew, a progressive lumber matt of Atlanta, passed through here yesterday morning on his way to Eatonton, where he ex. pects to induce the Putnam County Fair Association to send their fine exhibits and their crowds now in at¬ tendance on to the Piedmont Ex¬ position. - - - : r i-it : There was a tilling scrape m Milner last Friday. A negro by the name of Anderson Nash attempted to enter the house ol Chas. Porch, (another negro) “by the straight gate,” but the “gate” was locked rad be was attempting to force it open, When Porch came upon him with a shot gun and emptied the contents into his groin, from the effects of which death ensued. John W, Wakott and Miss Ella Barnes will be married this morning at the residence of the bride’s father at9:30 o’clock, and will leave at 10:45 few Edge wood, where a dining will be given the young couple by Mrs. T. J. Hightower, the aunt of the bride. They will return to thte city on Fri¬ day and a reception will be given them by the parents of the bride on the same evening. A number of their friends will accompany them to At¬ lanta. A school girl frolic was given in honor of Mrs. Cleveland by her coL lege mates during her recent trip to Buffalo. The ' refreshments woe crackers, passed around in paper bags, and the pickles were out in force, while sardines were eaten with fingers instead oi forks, as in the old days of dormitories and early rising The occasion was enlivened by remi¬ niscences of school-day escapades, when oysters were fried over a gas jet, and cheese toasted on hairpins. Bnt we will bet a keg of pickles that the bill of fare was not relished ns in the days when they were girls. Dr. Popular opulai Bull’s discrimination in favor of Cough Syrup has given it a of larger its class. wale than any other remedy Price 25 cents. Hymeneal. ' Elegantly engraved cards from Tif¬ fany were reoeived yesterday by the many friends of the fa mily of Capt. W. J, Kincaid, with the following in¬ scription : ? -V..................................................... : Mr. and Mrs. William Joseph Kincaid the request your presence at Miss marriage Hattie of Blackwell, their danghter, to Mr. William Beauregard Young, Weouesday ty-third, evening, October twi at six o’clock. Methodist Church. Griffin, Georgia. Enclosed with those of the favored guests was also the following card: • Mr. and Mrs. William Joseph Kincaid : Wednesday At Home, • on evening, October twen- : j from six until half past eight o’clock. j A Scrap of Paper Saved Her Life It was just an ordinary scrap of wrapping paper, fast but it saved her life. She was in th# that st stages she of consumption, incurable told by physicians was and conld lire only a short time: she weighed less than seven pounds.- On a piece of wrapping paper a read of Dr. King’s New Discovery, and got a ocoer ana grew oeirer iasr, continued ns use and is now strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weighing 140 pounds. For farther parties lore send stamp to W, H. Cote, wonderful Druggist. Fort Smith, Trial bottles ot this Discovery Free at. E, R. Anthony’s Drugstore At Albany, Saturday, Ned Vickers, charged with the murder of Smith Henry, in East Dougherty, at hte commitment trial before Justice Robert, was discharged lor lack of sufficient evidence to convict. The brutal assassination ______ ol Smith _ Henry remains unavenged and wrapped in mystery. Professor Gunther, of Paris, states that certain vital processes of the body develop putrefying substances in the tioraea, which, if not speedily eliminated, produce dietase. Ayer's Sarsaparilla effects the removal of m, substance#, and thereby p r ese rv es health day v ton each day was not print- Cd the next morning in the pap^.a* _ . , it would be a moat interesting item. The fact is that it is impossible to givethe receipts each day, lor several One is, to tell the troth with mi ex¬ aggeration not so great as it may seem, that the cotton is coming ia this re aso n too tot to be counted. If you get one warehouseman's fig¬ ures before he cloeee, you most harry to the others before they dose, and in the meantime the first one has re¬ ceived several more nabs. Then, there fife ft great deal of cottoa come* pi on the Georgia Midland and some on the Central that k weighed before it gets here, sod these receipts can not be kept up with every day. So that it is true that the cotton incom¬ ing in faster than it can be counted accurately. Besides this, warehousemen do not always like to give exact figures every day. Boms days one ware weighs very little and another a great deal, while the nAt day this may be reversed. Those which re¬ ceive small amounts do not like to give a chance for comparison with their more fortunate competitors. Bat the cottoa k coming in all the same, as our monthly and mid-month¬ ly statements show. Since the begin¬ ning of the season there has been no diminution hi the rash, there was all oi 500 bake received yesterday, and this may be considered about the average at present. One hundred and twenty-five bales of yesterday’s receipts came on the Georgia Mid, land, and this road is proving agreat benefit to Griffin. Cotton comes here from ten miles this side of Co¬ lumbus. It corns a planter a dollar and a half a bale in commissions to sett his cotton in Columbus, while here it costs him nothing. Griffin’s figures are set for 30,000 bales this season. She may arise It, but she is humping for it just now. Watch for our next statement. The beat recommendationEvery¬ body good uses Laxador when everywhere. in need of a cathartic. Sold Price Only oi I 25 - cents. HALF A MILLION IN FLAMES. Two Compresses, Five Warehouses and 4,500 Hales of Cotton Burned. Savannah, Ga., Oet. 9.—[Special.] —The Lower Hydraulic cotton press, the Tyler press and jive cotton sheds at the foot of Bay street burned be¬ tween 2 and 3 o’clock thk morning Four thousand five hundred bales of cotton stored in the warehouses were also burned. The total loss by the fire will approximate $400,000. The fire started in one corner of the No, 2 warehouse, back of the Lower press, and flashed into a blaze, which spread over the entire yard before any effort could be made to cheek it. A stiff breeze was blowing and fanned the flames beyond the control of the fire department, which was almost totally powerless. A lack of water in tiie main leading to the yards gave the fire full sweep. •‘Woman! be tan ur, we must adore thee; Smile, and a worl -orld is weak before thee!” But bow can a woman smile when she complaints is suffering from untold misery from which we men are exempt? The answer is easy. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is an infallible remedy in all cases of “fe¬ male weakness,” morning sickness, disorders of the stomach, nervous prostration, and similar maladies. As a powerful strength ' invigorating Hiswfctf* the whole tonic it imparts and the womb to and it appendages system, to strengthening in particular. nervine As a soothing sabdueB and it nervous excitability, irritability, hysteria, ex¬ haustion, prostration, spasms, and other distressing, nerv¬ ous symptoms commonly attendant upon functional and otganic disease of the the womb. womb. It It induces induces refreshing ref res' ‘ sleep and relives mental anxiety ’ txiety and der despondency.JSold positive by druggists, from the un- a guarantee, mane ufacturere, to give satisfaction Lafayette Messenger: Joe Shipp, who lives on the Ringgold road, just beyond Dock Weaver’s tan yard, will be the observed of all observers on October 20. He will ride to the reunion at Crawfish the same male that he rope in the battle of Chicka- magua twenty-six years ago. The old four-legged mi1$9M veteran ought to have double supply * of “ badges. a This is wbat you ought order to fully hare, enjoy in fact, life. you must hare it in to Thousands are searching for it daily, Thous¬ and ands mourning because thousands they of find dollars It not. upon the are that spent an¬ nually by our people hi And hope yet it they may attain this boon. may be bad by ail. We guarantee that Electric Bit¬ ters, if need according to directions and the nse persisted ia, will bring yon Ooon Diges¬ Instead tion oust the demon We Dyspepsia recommend and Electric install Bfttcrs for Eupepsy. Dpipepsia and all diseases of Liv¬ er, Stomach and Kidneys. Bold at 60c. and *1.00 per bottle byK. R, Anthony, DmSgist The democrats of Madison county will meet at Daniekville on the first Tuesday in Npvemberforthepurpose of electing a chairman, and to ejeet* democratic executive committee for the county. Whan yon need a good, Mis laxative, ask your druggist for * bo* (A Ayer’s Pills, and you will find that they gire perfect satis¬ faction For iadigratioB. torpid liver, and Lending phyefeians recommend them. r» ■aw JuS & o ntrt WtiiifiSi mw iJ-'Ai. : We offer t!ie “Onyx” Black lit»sc for Ladies Misses to onr customers, as the best artic! * forj, ty of dye, and wearing qualities ever stain offered ’ the public. We guarantee them not to the kents, ’peated and to withstand the ' washing ntlJ as ly well* “««r°m WC coufln< < ‘ rec- w 1tp"falnpiik. MISSES’ AND BOYS’ ti*«i Imt - Sclool - teat In Every Quality, 10c.. 15c.. 25c., 35c., 40c. and 45c. Ladies Fast Black Hose 25c., 35c., 40c., 45c. and 60c. 1 Onr stock of Hosiery is absolutely the most complete ever offered in Griffin. There is nothing you can ask torfrom a pair of hose at 10c. toa Silk hose at $1,25. Ladies y Regular Made Ribbed Vests! l*e great trouble heretofore with ladies Ribbed Vests has been, the sizes smssszamm EL P. Reed‘s Ladies Fine Shoe s Lead All Other flakes. THE WEAR OF The Fit of Every Snrr Fair Msd Pair mmw Perfect Heeds’ “Waukenphast” Ccfmmoii-Senso Extern sion Sole, and ramp- Sol Shoes for ladies, give the most general satisfaction, both for wear and comfort, of any make offerd the trade. We carry the largest stock of MEN’S FiNE SHOES, and Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Cheap and Medium price SHOES in Middle Georgia. GREAT SUCCESS IN OUR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT We have bought more Clothing this season and have sold more than during any previous season. W* have Prince Albert Suits in all the new fabrics and cuts. Business Suits of every style and quality 4 foU line of Boys Suits, with long and short Pants. We will save you 25 per cent, on old prices SCHEUERMAN & WHITE The Alliance Barbecue. Reports continue to come in of the nice time that was had at the Alliance barbecue at Tirzah last Thursday, heightening our regrets that we could not accept the cordial invitation of the president to be there. Cotton bagging was used for a table cloth- and besides all the good things for which Spalding County’s housewives are famous the barbecued meats are said to have been the finest ever bar¬ becued in the county. Henry Base was there and did full justice to it all; in fact, he was still full of it yester¬ day, and said that the fair women present were even better than the edibles. There must have been some mighty good looking ladies there for Henry to say that. To Our Friends. Gbiffin, Ga., Sepfc. 14,1889. We have accepted a position for the coming of Bcheuerman year with & the White, popular house and would be pleased for ail our friends to call upon us and we will treat them right and appreciate their patron¬ age. ........Youre truly; ; 1 J. S. Brown, B. B. Brown. dawlm. Shooting Gallery. have opened up a first-class shooting opposite ; gallery gallery the over o 1 Brick tr Kinivrd Warehouse. & Bros. Store, order wiilhe kept The best of and my rifles are of the beet make. I would like all lovers Bespectfoll^ of sport to visit my oct5w2. gallery. rEAVEH. HOTEL vCURTIS 3 BIFFIN, GEORGIA. Under New Management. i 8. 9AMEL, Prtff’r. . Piter* meet *11 traiar. • ...... ..... * ""!V....... * ------------ masmsm ■RSSMT- GRIFFN CLOTHING HOUSE! FHave an Unusually Handsome Stock of Fall Suits and Beautiftil Styles and Fabrics. NOBBY HATS! WOOLEN UNDERWEAR! And Just the sweetest Line of Cravats Call for Charlie Wolcott, or Louis Niles, who will give you the latest points on styles. CEO. R. NILES. 1 DO YOU WANT A HAPPY H0M£ ? -GO TO THE- NOVELTY CO. AND BUY R CHARTER 9 AH. BO TOD H AST TO SAVE MONEY ? et p’ices on Silverware, China, Crockery, Lamps, etc, before buying. J. W. SPARkS, Manager. Ail styksnw gtods arriving (unstanfly. HSSBB! BOOTS, SHOES AND LEATHER AT -JAr- HASSETS’ SHOE STORE JA.- Home-made Shoes and Leather a Specialty 4 We warrant all work and ahull make it a point to misrepresent nothin. Just received * Tlfr ^perconj R k*l? I1 ton t ofttoit*’ ^id *ud Ladies’ nmi Misses’ fine goods, and school shoes for Children jar for 200 of Tnn-l.ark. H. W. HASSKI.KUS. Rece’d The Past Week Seventy-Five ^ Boxes ............of......^ JfeaKeal 'AN & STEWART.