The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, October 12, 1889, Image 1

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PVV.fjr-: .’ ■ ■ •" '■ ' ■ - sun. ; For the cure of Coughs,Cold*, Astama, Cronp, Hoarronere, Benefit Con- Is, and lor tbs i frgS&PgS SSP|pM5£& 5 m* -.....-w* GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, U S. A. , j —^ Griffin is the beet and moat promising little ity in the South. Its record lor the past half decade, its many new enterprises in oper¬ atic, building and contemplated, prove this o l# a Irasinees statement and not a hyper- most ^nt^a|SHiM>| smresrfhil operation a $100,000 put cotton into actary and- trittr this year started the wheels of a second of more than twice that capital. It has put bp a large iron and brass foundry, n fertiliser factory, an immense ice and bot¬ tling works, a sash and blind factory a broom finest granite quarry in the United States, and now has ourlaigsoil mills femora or less advanced stages orlonstraetfeb, Wftft an aggregate au¬ thorized capital of over bait a million dollars, ft is putting up the finest system of electric ghting that e#>» be procured, and has ap¬ plied for t» o: arters for street railways. It has secured another railroad ninety miles long, and while located ou the greatest system in tlie South, the Central, has secured connec¬ tion with its important rival, the East Ten¬ ues see, Virginia aud Georgia. It has obtafe- d U-tt imtepui-nit connection with Chat tauooga am* the West, d will break ground nafew days fora fonrthroad, connecting with a fpnrtlj independent system. With it.h^ceitf its five white and four colored chnrch es, eoniideteda #10,000 new Preeliyteriattehoreh. It has increased it« pop¬ ulation by nearly one fifth! It has attracted around its borders fruit growers from nearly every State In the Union, until it is now sur¬ rounded sn nearly every side by orchards and vineyards. It has put up the largest ruit evaporators in the State. It is the home of the grape andite wine making capacity has doubled every year. It has successfully in augurated a system of public schools, with a seven ywairecareicaiftm, second t o none. ' Of a half decade JF-.— ss of an already Oriffitt is tlte eauBty eea* ol Spalding conn- abo^teatowi. iSythe census ol 6 l890, 000 and it - will have at alow estimate between 7,000 people, and they are all of the right sort-wide-awake, up to the times, ready to welcome strangers and anxious to secure de¬ sirable matters, who will not be any less wel aomaif^hey bring money to help build up the mr There i* about only one thing we eed badly ibst now, and that is ft big hotel We have several small ones, but tbeir accom modations are entirely too limited for onr uaine s, pleasure' »Kl health seekig ngneste If yon ess anybody that wants a good loea- tian for a hotel in the South, just mention Griffin. News Griffin is the place where the Griffin s published—daily and weekiy-the best news¬ paper in the Empire State of Georgia. Please enclose stamps in sending for sample copies, and descriptive pamphlet of Griffin. o embrace new enterprises commenced and W* AfcTTEMPLE. HeiOadei Tie Sub (—AT—) L. BENSOFS. > Winter end Spring, wrought, ..... I Fashion has afg pOX i and face chaste, ____jfet, of Art, the fairest most fair, NEW CROP TURNIP SEED! 'TpTir u i rartetire, bought direct from tP UNTO and DIM at the low- THS nHUSHUAKE CO, r or m yobk. n* r # 128 , 000 . m R, Apt*. October Reports to the Depart- went of Agriculture, Tin Plants are Largfe but L*t*> Everywhere, Note ithsr.iiiOin ; the Fact That the Boll, are Actively Opening, the fibre In Good Coalition and tlie Weather Gen¬ erally Pine ior i’ ekdi*—Planter* I I Brea 1 o. no K iriv Fro,,. pertinent of agriou ta e, show large plant growtta active opening generally of- bolls, r fibre in good condition, and fine weather for picking. Yet the plant is everywhere reports 1 lata, and fears are expressed that frost' may seriously Bhorten the crop. » rted favorably that in appear. of excessive are . deceptive, moisture seasons the outcome falls below expectation, later than the ly <li-e muted large with a date will W™' average a crop has been drouth, injured though more by moisture than by some Boils ali i localities were too dry in Sep¬ tember. , Worms have wrought considerable in¬ > jury, notwiths' 1 ■ - "~i ~ -*■- -----»— LA of in-ectioides, bama, parid 1 Oompi madeJtt quarters. The green following are some presented; Virginia. state 58; percentages North Garta are tins, 72; South Carolina 81; Georgia, 87; Florida, 88; Alabama, 87; Missis¬ sippi, 7i); Louisiana. 83; Texas, 78; Ar¬ kansas, 83: Tennessee, 82. This makes her, compared with 78.9 per oent. last October. — ; Natural Ga* Explosion. Indianapolis, Oct. 11.—The mem¬ bers of the family of J. H. Baldwin, ol No. badly 383 frightened North Pennsylvania by natural street, were a gas ex¬ plosion Wednesday morning. Mr. Baldwin had had some artificial logs geared on his hearth gathered in the around rear parlor, the and the family grate while he turned on the gas. The plumbing had been carelessly done, and there was a leak beneath the floor in the pipe connecting the grate. The flame Wi>“ noticed the leak, to pass and down noise and like ignite the the gas at at tn a ex¬ plosion by « I a t ti remendou i i s- was done iu the dining room, no ol ____ threw down by 12 feet. Wes er I Uu . n it Good Shape. New Yobk, Oct. 11.—At the annual meeting of the Western Union Tele¬ graph company the old board of direc¬ tors was re-elected without opposition. The statement for the fiscal year end¬ ing June 30 shows gross earnings of $20,788,194; $14,505,152, and operating net earnings expenses ware $0,- were 218.081, an inmease of $1,147,470 year’s business of Jane $1,072,883, $8,011,401. making a total surplus on JO To Connect Luke Erie and the Ohio. Habbisdubo, Pa., Oct, 11.—Governor Beaver has appointed John A. Wood and Reuben Miller, of Pittsburg; ex- Congressman Rochester, W, S. ShaUenbeimar, Erie, of Pa.; Goodwin, Ebon Brewer, Sharpsville, of and John M. of Mercer county, a committee to deter¬ mine ship the canal feasibility to connect of constructing the water of a Lake Erie and the Ohio river, in pur¬ suance of a joint resolution of the last legislature, -he New York Kane Ball Club. j Aibani, N. Y,, Oct. ll.—The New York base ball club was incorporated ” Wednesday * *'■“ by John John B. B. Day, Day, Charles Charles P. Abbey, Frederick J. Davis, William C. Dubois and Frank M. Spencer. The club proposes t ' — of athletic b{ll spoi base lsHn and groun New York county On which to eiect suitable structures. Its capital stock is #7b.(y30 divided into seventy Shares. - _ Sir. I looa Snor ed- Mr. Fair. San Fkancisco, Oet. 13.—At a meet¬ ing of stockholders of the Nevada bank Wednesday James G. the Fair, resignation both of president ex-Sena- tor as and director, was anuounoed and other ac¬ cepted. Mr, Fair gave ave press press of of other business as tlie reason —---- tion. James L. Flood president of the bank. Parkinson in England used by the d< monthly allow¬ to get a ance of $ .00, but on aooount of his in¬ temperate habits the money was stopped. The letter received from an attorney in England inclosed $1,000 to pay his ex¬ penses home. Parkinson is a graduate of Rugby and an intellig ent f ellow. Poisoned the Priest. Oneida, N. Y., Oct, here 1L-A Wednesday bold At¬ tempt was made to poison Rev. James Kelly. In the cele¬ bration of mass he took a swallow of the wine and was taken severely ill Prompt measures saved his life, out he is still very sick. Ar#enio was the found al in t}M wine and s cattered oyer tar, MlnJMtppi^tfaU Carrier Bobbed. Chief Washington, Oct 11.— Post- office Inspector Rathbone is informed that the mail carrier was held up Wednesday by two men aud robbed on the route from Leaksville, Miss., to the state line. Two registered poaches were taken. The local authorities are in pursnit of the robborfc fit. Pwttti fciiti -Oaririra*. St. Paul, Oet ll GftlFfflff, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING , OCTOBER 12 AMERICAN SCHOONER SEIZED |^^isw’OndT^^ai. ft* AU*«e« Attempt t» 1 v Hie Duties. ,, San FfiAxertco, Oof, U.—Fire weeks Olsen. ___________m that only by Cajit M. It appears a pqfiion of the cargo appeared on the manifest and when she arrived at Altnta, Mex., Mexican a customs few days officials. ago was They seized assert- by dues and fixed, upon #4 im will place the oase in the hands of the nearest American oousnl Mean¬ while the Mexicans have possession of the sehpeSKT and J*e q#Wflscatmg her cargo. . ■ . - v It May B« CoL SUsle. Indianaboia Ind., Got. 11.—The in- regarding formation telegraphed the probability from Washington of ex-Uon- sioner Sa.S±n?I,SrooSK beheved here to be trustworthy. is The president is known to have «x. litical reasons it might be a mistake for him to select one of his fellow-towns. would Steele be lass for objection the to ex-Gongress- that he live# man. reason in the nort hern ^ rt efthe state, j ; ] Fr.uoh-Canadian* AV*»t Baalaafiar. Montbead. ^nvitg Oct. Oat U.-Gen. u.—Oen. his Bpulan. riouian, resi- ger is to be to takemp the resolution come to Wednesday of night thlmembers at a strictly of the private oldpolonvhere, meeting the Legion of Honor. A committee was named to draft a formal invitation to the “Brav General. ” wo*.i-» mod. Indian Aponte, Oct 11 .—Referring to the announcement that President Ward had notified President Day of the Brotherhood players’ determination to next year. I am of the opinion that this is all a big bluif ou the part of Ward and a few others who are endeav¬ oring to biing the League to their de¬ mands. I am not very confident of the Brotherhood’s ability * to make ^ the scheme a success. ” • . ^ Narrow K cupe of glmn. Wilkesbabbe, discovered Pa, Oot. in the 11.—A Franklin big squeeze was outride the city limits, mine; tost and Wednesday includes morning. the five-foot It is veiu wide-spread and the famous Kidney vein, ihe miners were just going to work when they heard the roof cracking and Begin to fall, made and sev¬ the eral workmen. narrow It escapes is said were tliat tons by Of roof cqal have fallen, many and that the and airways and interfered* pumping arrangements have been with, bnt the ex¬ tent of the damage cannot as yet be es¬ timated. ' ... .,. 9", * ' "'" Will Forgi™ Hu Erring Wife. Chicago, Oot; 11.— Mike McDonald, when hen shown Shown the dispatoh announcing his s wife’s wife’s return return from from Europe, Europe, & seemed 9* Rtf. hi.,, —, nothing jspt and dreii: that she had now, that he had enough for both: As to the ■livTAWAn n*nAAAi4tviira lwi oaifl ■ **T /l AD *4 thmm l . but be separated from her children, but you ian see I don't want relations. to speak pub! about our future No; ihan't be kept from her children.” A Texas Killing. , j reached GAiNKSvxnme, heih» Wednesday Tex., Oct of the 11.—News of George Taylor by Cql. Sugg, killing Lat¬ on ter’s ranch m the southwest part of the Chickasaw nation. The killing ocourrec( in tiie public The road, tluee miles north of Red nver. oiroumstanoes wldoh led to ft are unknown. It is said that is one of the best known cattlemen in Texas, in and Kansas his also City, a Denver, large St. acquaint¬ Louis ance •sSgSBSiEs Wednesday afternoon at Koble’s stone aass.a'ss hands, and his siriit completely de¬ stroyed Ifwreqoe eye Rahal Wly VM burned on the face, and his left eye de¬ stroyed Their injariee are n ot fatal Wife-Beater at the Whlppht* Po«t. Baijtimoke, Oct. 11,—John B welts witiktihe skin broken (how«t that land’s law of ’82. Bivalve Trust. io ; Cambbidge, Md, Oct. ll.-P rirfBKils skers met at Set kno down. the fact that they are constantly n" going ■ • f* l , Mill Bolter Explode*.' ' the building and killing the eng John Police, the only person c SanFbangisoo, Oat It* An Mifelwntifl cable from Ntoaragna says: The United States minister luw settled the canal gjftWSTWWS U --------- Y« low Purer mi Key \Ye*t, FX*. ceived Wakhuxgtox, at hospital Oet. 11.—Advices headquarters marine ^ wS 1 iCTJoJSS.L "w The Narrow, Crooked Cow-Patl. Streets of London -r '.rl i.i , - i. To Re Widened Arid Beautified by trie County Councils. etii ’ Wjig^ Vt«v y * > »*«• F« s yi.w Give* te the ftellght- •Writ M*n; «r 4i«i*v»«t«~»r*r«...- tu* Salteo* of Kuru|»« E-ur They Will but Whfclr Ortp eu Iho trade of 9u«ih America—Fore’«n S«n». London, Oet. 11. —The oounty conn- The Stiund te ID’be WUfitwd its entire H^yif^l street is to be itt- proved out at existence, and a new street will be opened from the Strand to Halborn at a cost of 4il,5OO,Od0. This, it is announced, is only the beginning of a vast scheme for London baautifyihg end im¬ proving the great thoroughfares to which tike oounoils already stand oommitteti . The old fogy ism which has stood in the way of progress in this direction for lightened centuries lias spirit now of given way to an and en¬ it is likely that the vigor improvement, and enterprise manifested iu many directions by the sonuty councils will in a lew years, make of the great highways of London lomething more than crooked, narrow and ugly oow- patb s . > |. TRADE WITH_S0UTH European Moreantile NuHoU* Featedl of a Diminution. London, Oct 11.—It is notsurpris- trade with the South American repub- lies. They comtiitnts their best, though, *f course, not their largest, market for Certain goodl. The African coast trade in its best days could alone be compared with it The newo has grown shy of exchanging lmm gold (foods, dust md ivory result for Kirin i ng ftllti ftfl ft these and corresponding articles from other Euroneau centers ef production are poured half Of \*y the the American cargo intb continent. the south¬ ern Clayed cottons and refuse iron were from England, from and France compounded wines and brandies -are bartered for native products at enormopp profits and under the most favorable circum¬ stances, it would be the work of years to introduce American goods to the easy going traders who are caught by the al¬ lurement of long credits. ________a generation tlie (iallic ex¬ porter will be able to send to his ous- tomers in North mid South America something besides flavored potato spir¬ its. thrown These into honest dealers of have virtuous lately indig¬ been accidentally spasms hearing nation by tbit the Haytian reprehensible merchants conduct have been of guilty shipping of their wines, taxable at 20 per cent., to Triest and thence into France as a Hun¬ garian and Dalmatian juice of the grape, which pays only 2 per cent The the Spaniards are not over-delighted by prompt manner in which the sublime potentate of Morocco yielded them the satisfaction demanded for the outrage thereis litSe upon douot Spanish that if seamen, another and in¬ cident will act of first the by kind occupying occupying should some some occur covet- covi they ed portion of the Coast of Morocoo and wards. resort to diplomatic measures after¬ i • . - Automatic Slot Dluti-Umlori of Stomp* London, , Oot. Get. 1L—The 11.—The postmaster general automatic has is »atic decided decided “nictol-in-the-slot” “niekfil-in-th to to give give a i trial to dis¬ the new tributor of !rt stamps, »3*W. and 400 00 are l to be at¬ tached at once to the street I letter boxes in different ffevent parts parts of of the the metropolis. The machines lines have have two two slot®, e which degl ueai out out the the penny penny and and half half penny pen being stamps sorted, upon upon while while necessary necessary the the machinery machinery com com is ad- m- so justed department ipartmeat. that that it it is is impossible impossible to to cheat the Beniamin Samuel Phillips Dead. don ^jtlun, died Thursday, aged 79 years Sir Benjamin, who was the second lord mayor of the- Jewifih frith, retired from the aldermaiuc oourt a year ago in favor of his son. He was elected lord mayor in 1865, and was knighted in 1866 in recognition of his efforts to relieve the cholera suffere rs in India . foam! All thv LeMMtfi Cititens Gambling- Madbid, Oot 11.-In the course of a Wednesday crusade against night entered gambling, the a Casino, judge one of tiie most aristocratic clubs in the city. He found the rooms full of sena¬ tors, deputies, judges and other distin¬ guished persons, all of whom made a vigorous protest against hie action. The result only four at meni their als protestations arrested. was that wer e Blot at BrUtel. London, Oet 1 1 .-There was » riot at Bristol Wednesday aftemoonjon tike ar¬ rival of a number of laborers to replaoe 600 gas stokers who are on strike. The new oomere were hooted and pelted with stones until they took to their heels and disappeared. _____ Aa Embtmllng Blubop. Vienna, valuable Oct. church 1L-Bishop property Strossmay- fit tike «'» Hungary, bishopric been sequestrated, of Diakovsr, the Mm having has diverted to his own use sever*! million florins. ; .*• 9 , % Boulanpir Will Bameta la latujr. ter. The report that he oontemplatoa a visit tq Paris is denied by ha friends. A* Firm utW i ' PNEUMAT C GUNS. - ' That* ol tbs C»«l*»r Ve«nvi«» ulUfhU; Tetinl. FbiXiADklpiiia, Oct. 11. The pnen- matic guns of the cruiser Venuyins wore officially tested on the Delaware river Wedi>< i day. 'life y«««l wa* in charge of. the the bor a! roiwi-.uiig appofiite l bv of the Gommandef secretary 0- of nav >. F. Goo Uioh, Lieut, .tscatton ochrooder and Lie tit. Bnulley L finite. Lieut Schroder, who will comniund tho boat of the filing at five shots from each of the three guns in ten minutes, and throwing u shell welgning 489 pounds a distance of one mile. At the first test tlie required number of shot* were firo .l w ith satisfactory re¬ sults, the shots striking the water ueor the end at tlie measured mile within aa apparent radius of n few yard*. Then came an intervals of silence which was broken shots, by the which discharge struck of the half water a dozen int more about the same spot m the others. The first missels thrown from the guns were dummy shells and the seoond were reg¬ ular dynamite cartridges that filled with sand It is understood the delay between the relays of shots was due to slight imperfections in the mechanism of the spozziu valves. It is learned that the tret was entire¬ the ly satisfactory. projectiles In the thrown distance from 100 firing to were ’fltA di/v i-flulii Ka-t UOJ rn UU vtjl d vllII vorirfirewl filluinm m• miln aV3, Jta ^1* — the test for rapidity of firing the con- tract requires that loading and working rfttt SSf at zzLrtiit'th. JSrpflS fired, and from the the moment that the loading of first gun was commenced until the last shot had been fired, seven mtes and a fraotion elapsed. The firing the reservoir contained enough air to fire eight more shots at one mils range Each of the fifteen shots was fired with a volume of air which haq sufficient to carry the service shells one mile. The pause between the first and second teste was due to the shifti ng of the Vesuvi us by the tide. TH|E CHICAGO FIRE. HfW fb* Wiutly City Celebrated Its "l#-aBk»teeatlt Anuivereary., ?0 CHfcAoo, Oot. 11.-This city ode- brated in a novel manner the eighteenth anniversary of tlie great Chicago fire The mayor issued a proclamation call¬ ing upon the large houses and factories to these give workingmen their employes oould a half have holiday, so an oppor¬ tunity to subscribe toward the fund for holding the world’s fair in this oity in 1892. The workingmen responded by subscribing over $300,000. The fire eighteen years ago was started by the upsetting of a small lamp id a barn in the southwestern part of the city. Beginning Sunday evening Oot 8, 1871, the fire burned all day and night Tuesday, Monday, nor Out. did it reach its The limit until total 10. area burned over was 2,100 acres, equal miles. to three Seventeen and one-third thousand square hundred building# four and fifty were destroyed, 93,50Q people were rendered homeless and about 200 killed. The loss on buildings was $.30,000,000; on per¬ sonalty Out of this and total merchandise of $190,000,000 $140,000,000. insur¬ ance was Fifty-seven paid to the insurance amount of $44,000,- 000. ruined. Seven million dollars companies were was contributed the from different sources for the relief of sufferers. TWO MURDiRS AND A SUICIDE Is the Becorti at Piqno, O., for Dess Than Oil Ferty-Eight Hears, PiQUA, Qct. 11, - Monday r night, after Brown,^ the Democratic So-colored mass m leetmg, Jack man, was is badly badly beaten died Tuesday by some night unknown The assailant. police have He arrested Ed. Harbaugh, Pat Donahue and Charley Rqrg for the murder of Jack Brown. Murder an 1 Suicide. ’This murder was followed Wednesday morning has created at 8 intense o’clock by another, which excitement here. Lawrence Hnter, a stonemason, mm shot bullet by Henry through Huffman, his who brain. then Huter fired a own cannot live. live. The The cause cause Sde assigned assigned for for the the second murder and suicide js ; that that both both men men loved loved the the same young lady, Mire Marie lady of Larger, Piqua, a highly respected young Saloon piwliiM at Lafayette, o, the Lima, neighboring 0., Oot ll.—Several weeks Lafayette ago town of passed the saloons a prohibition dreed- ordinance A few and days all were ago a saloonkeeper of this city went to Lafayette and opened a place. He was waited upon by a committee, who in¬ formed him that his business was not required there, but he continued and tjhe town officials got out an injunction favor to stop and him. h# The judge decoded business in with his resumed more openness than ever. Early Mon¬ day by several morning hundred his saloon woa bombarded The doors windows persona broken and and were the crowd rushed in. The bar was battered down, mirrors broken, the the heads of bar¬ rels knocked in and contents wast¬ ed. The place was almost torn down and everything ruined. Enforcing the Foreign Labor Law. New Orleans, Oet 11.— The Pica¬ yune Austin, Tex., have sneoial says: Eighteen complaints been lodged and against Hayes cotton planters for living importing in Caldwell oonnties cotton •pickers from Mexico, and they will be brougat to Austin * for trial. planters Heretofore, numbers crop year* of Mexicans liare into ____ _. ootton. The operation of the foreign labor law is working great hardship in and much ootton will be lost consequence. Literally Boosted Alive. East Liteffool, O., Oot ll.—While Mrs. lizzie McGill, of this d! city was r clothe* • she was VteTm 'shreds.' ) body for Mrs. burial Mc- i in Cleveland, where tat, tattily shot his wife, Thrown Open to the TMting Knights Tempter. The Grandest Reception Ever Held Within Its Walls. Thi- C.rowiwli U llll.mtl.r Dororateti ami Illuminated—«',i »i»».ul. Uithbf* tw < Ailmluion spurn! thu Evening at . Various Headquarter..'—The I'r#»ldont Dm,* tlie H>wl-ihA>ia« ..%!*•« 4pt. Ae«. WAsinxaTO.v, Oet. 11. reception that ever given seen the in the “ wa* taai evening. The orated and iJIniniaated- The cent uniforms of the kuights and toilets of the of enoampmeut. The line wa* . in fours, and moved iu perfect order. The thousauik of knighte wL not get in marched with their 1 call mauderies. at the headquarters Th;; of briib otta novel Tlie White sperm House was was of ranged blooming Masonic ptente symbols, and out fiowere Templar as formed of carnations A Kni| was < feature. The Marine 1 in the center of tlie g Mm Hairison wore grey faille, with Hr: trimmings. blue silk and Mrs. velvet, lies, including an’animated the prettyye_ “ ters, made group. frod wi tiontethe president, who shook Th* Uarbccu*. [operation. Mueio and dancingpre- crowd. - Another Pretty Story Exploded. Muir glacier Professor Klotz obtained a humbug, ;. * iu in HMtuy Many northern uut fine reflections at wild are “ waters scenery aud id i fantastic f iMn»dinTiH tit t/s I but j such such a a tl: thing as Jbe refleotion of^» oity „, thousands I of miles distant wo consider tnu atmosphere • as capable of producing general^ suchi cnon, which is the result of Mahon*'* Still Hunt. Richmond, Va, Oot. 11.—The recent visit of First Areistaut Postmaster Gen- oral Clarkson to Gen. Mahone is attract- mg considerable attention. It is gen¬ erally believed that Clarkson's visit was are soon to be made to placate some of other remote places. solitlers’.BIminment Cnveited. Joliet, HI., Oct. 11. —The unveiling of the soldiers’ monument, which hoe just made been completed the occasion at a cost of $10,000, was great celebration of old Thursday soldiers of and a sailors. Grand Army posts from sev¬ eral oonnties, together with the National a salvo in honor of states. The speak¬ ers included Judge Parka for the ooun- soldiers. ' v Colored folk* Run the r*lr. fairs the South has ever seen. It is un¬ der the auspices of the colored folks of Todd county, Kr„ and Montgomery, Tetwu Every officer and every stock¬ holder is a negro, but as a special descension white folks will be to compete for the promiuma in the races. They will not be to enter, however, in any of the event* on the program. Killed in Her I! rot tier*. Pr**enc«. Atlanta, Ga,, Oot 11- aTwena morning Miss Hattie Segi over lantie by road a train and on killed. the Western Mias ern and At- who 19 old, Segaw, at was i yeais years oid-wa was a aster his brakeman dinner, Segars, his train and being was ride-tracked. taking him his tanner, The Marietta accommodation train came up behind her and knocked her in the air as high as a box-ear. She fell on her back off the track, and had her arms and legs broken. She died in an hour. Her brother w as almost crazed at the sight Hi* Lost D iy 9.1. * Atlanta, Ga., Oot 1L Willie Will¬ iams, colored, will be hanged on the 8th «f Xovembor for the murder of Con¬ ductor Wbigham on the Savannah, Americas and Montgomery rood. The train was in motion at the time when Williams, who refused to pay his fare, shot the conductor dead. Mexico and A inert an# Ml*. Cm of Mexico, tditimal Oot 11.—The Her- aide, in its colnmns c< Wednes- imported • day, advocated * ' from - the Al the exclusion United j 63A. States. of a cattle Ti It says that it will be impossible for Mexi¬ can cattle raisers to compete with Amer¬ icana in this market niece Annie. ' rt xffi * wf.tewllwil W. SJlFwa has appointed master *t Detroit ^TypbotaWlsi W'- ' A runs' failed for.— . •A -■* • I* ,-^A " '' foot the entire i A brewery, a J bo 11 , j O G C" A Ostaeiin,<r The. ’ of « tinware. thrown from a W 0fiD£8lifty * ftttdi Jared. Tin hi l l ...... ml uf 11 1 I