The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, October 20, 1889, Image 3

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" ire Room is now Filh j. \1—-—OP- * * tO^-fat* 1 •* I d Berts. ___tat___.— w? I ll p Ivin 27 Inches Wide 121 36 J 20c. I 25c, These are the Most Desirable ■ Cheap XDress Gr< 3 ods IN THIS MARKET. Just reeel ved a lot of 40 inch Ail Wool Maids at 45c. 5 worth 60c. Also, assortment of Fine French Plaids at 90c.; worth $1.25 New Side Band Salts. if Giitas, Prims ui Sate - ~ - ■ ■ Arriving Every Week. ’ \’i> ft ■ ■«■■■■ ■»>« mA Si. 11 ^ 0^ ■ ■■ Splendid Stock Children's School Hose at 8c., 10c. and 12c, per pair. Oar Ladies’ Fast Black Hose at 20c., 25c. and 35c. can’t be matched at the prices. Secure a doz. pair of Macon knit it Half Half Hoes H< at 75c. per doz. be- fore they are all soldT. ELEGANT LINE m; fa’ ill ilira’s j§ %. •? < A -5 % m ' % in,both: Wool and Cotton. Our 50c. Bibbed Undervests is abargain. Will save yon 20 to 25 per cent, on Ribbon purchases. )me stuck of Newmarkets, Jackets j ust opened up. i Light Weight Coats. -«* St SOOES ! A •' , - ■ ■ ‘i Don’t fail to see my Shoe stock before ing your selections injthls line. Big Stock Solid AT -:M£km LOWEST PRICES. s in Children s Suits, from 5 to 13 t at Cut Prices. Can have you a coat made to order at Jacob Iphia, Penn., at reasohOMt) prices with Jit and workmanship guaranteed. Sfraill E. J. PL ► it x3 again; • The i the result of the Atlanta.drill. Some g rocerymen think that buck- *^^rr«r; r dozen. Mitchell & Co’s. Art Gallery Qoe of the latest bon-bon boxes Imitates a tomato lying in a colored crystal. A collar button that baa the virtue Of nonlocking tbeAdam’s wpple has come out. Genuine oil paintings in gold frames Jfi&Sili’X. “■ ” Your new hat is no longer “sty¬ lish.” It's “swagger/ ghat’s the ** itched ^sArt'Gaflery. Miss Sara Tibbie Kell, of Sonny Side, ‘Afield attended the perfo ________ rmanceof by the Enemy,” at a* 'tfr&opera ^hotisein Atlanta on FrMayUfglht. M. B Mitchell A Co. sold If a 5 number Mines last week, '— of handsome stock of Mouldings is complete. Send your pictures up and have them framed. Henry County Weekly: “The Pied- 3SS5S: squander their money on such un¬ worthy enterprises.” The Ohio excursionists—farmers and editors—are expected v in Ma¬ con on the 25th inst., and Griffin should take some action in reference to inviting the delegation to com« Greenville Vindicator: “Mr. John M. Williams sentup to Greenville last Monday a request to hire forty or fifty hands, if possible, to pick cot¬ ton, as hS had about forty bales open iu his fields near Woodbury.” Greenville Vindicator: “The sad announcement was made in Green, ville last Tuesday that Mr. J. W. Y. Brown, of the Cove, bad received such injuries in a gin that his right arm had to be amputated. This accidentia especially unfortunate as Mr. Brown is one of Meriwether’s most energet¬ ic, industrious and useful citizens. A t tew years ago Mr. Brown had a son who had his arm badly torn to pieces in the same gin.” ^ “Leaf by leaf the roses fall.” On Thursday W. T. Christopher, the handswme bachelor editor of the Montezuma Record, was married. Christopher was a bright man intel¬ lectually and an able editor; a pleas¬ ant, genial companion and had al¬ ways seemed to be honest, upright and prudent. It is therefore with great misgiving and sorrow that we see him throwing bis life away in the attempt to solve the unanswerable riddle “Is marriage a failure?” He ought to have known better. TvP many turotiffu n^ftny every newspaper in the land, the pro¬ prietors of Ur . Sage’s Catarrh Reme¬ financially, dy, who are thoroughly responsible, easily as any one can as¬ certain by properenquiry, have otfer- ered,ingood faith, a standing reward of $500 for a case of nasal catarrh, no matter how bad, or of how long standing, which they cannot cure. A USEFUL SNAKE. Man’s First and Oldest Enemy be¬ comes His Valuable Ally. We sauntered into Judge Ham¬ mond’s office on thanksgiving morn¬ ing to wait for our mail and to take our morning smoke, and found the Judge in a happy mood and very thafciiul for the many blessings which the country now enjoys, though somewhat inclined to be dis¬ satisfied With the result of his last venture in the Louisiana Lottery. Be consoled himself, however, with the idea that we cannot always have everthing just exactly like we wish it to be, and that he could do good in othgr ways, besides drawing the cap¬ ital prize in the Lottery, and be pro¬ ceeded to give us the following les¬ son: “ Young man, if at first, you don’t succeed try, try, again. Your small creators nave wtutea inw long; jusu turn your house shoes the other way, to change your luck, and let them wait again. It will teach them the excellent lesson of Patience, if they will only wait till you draw the prize. “But let me say that white I did not get the capital prize, yet I fed thank¬ ful all the same. 1 have always been fond of rawing fine chickens, and my success has always been enjoyed by Some of my unknown admirers, who KWRlvsys considerate enough not to disturb me, but would come at night after I had retired and make their own selections. Weil, some 5SSSSES5 eggs^it ninetWSvs, shout • yii'Wiifcswr discover a <....... i the ben’s nest mother, and but ran she! tot a contempt for alii ikes that wjHw . BBB. wt CM course that meant for me to come Iffot quick, and I went quick. But when got there my < and bo were my q__ snake. The snake bad swallowed the whole sitting of eggs just on the eve of hatching, but the old hen with that determination which reflects credit on her patience and her faith, still continued to sit, and wait for the chirp of the little ones which she bad warmed into life. Bnt the chirp ‘Which she longed lb* never came.’ “A few days after this I was down in the field and was surprised to hear me little chickens crying and be- in to look tor them, and was soon the weeds and on looking down saw the little chickens running toward >ifee noise and’then discovered the old snake with her month widb open and &P ran chickens in and running the snake into it closed until her all mdnth an^ shut them in. Byaregn Ibr process of nature the eggs had Batched in the stomach of the snake. Of course I made no effort then to kill the snake, but rather to cult! ■=■£«-.=»= snake that I would not barm her, And that probably we were necessary to each other, which of course was e betoa friends ever since. I pro- sHteMafce and the snake protects fey chickens. That miserable gang Which prowls about at night and Steels all the choicest fowls, have learned that I raise my fowls by the ai^ of snakes and they let me alone. It is certainly a happy sight to see tho old snake elimb up in the high weeds and take hold of one with her mouth, and wrap her tail around Another, and then the little -chickens get on her back, white the old snake swings back and forth and whistles ktele she swings that old familiar tune “Rock abye baby in the tree tojr*” which riie whistles in perfect time, and a clear soft note. M f neighbors frequently come in to see the old snake swing her brood upon her back while she sings that sweet old lullaby^wblch carries Us back to our mother’s knee when she sang us to sleep with the same old song. “Next year, of course, I will en¬ deavor to profit by this accidental discovery. I shaU raise chicken snakes, and when I set myhens.Iwil! turn my snakes into the nests at the end of the nineteenth day and tet the snakes swallow the eggs, and the process of incubation will be complet¬ ed in the stomach of the snake, while the old hen can be put to laying more eggs, and not lose ber time in raising the chickens, and the snakes will nurse the yovmg broods with tender motherly care, and no prowl, ing chicken thief will molest or make them afraid.” Love ia a Cottage. “I ‘Cholly/’ notice that said Amarantba recently Jane, to be bubbling your spirits with happi¬ seem over ness. I am glad to see it, but do tell me dear, what has caused it?” “I will,” said Charley, as he encircled her waist and imprinted a kiss on her while inviting I mdancholly,blue lips. “You know for indi- a was as o i ur. jrierce a ery has brought button.’ me out I and fed like I am ‘bright as a Jane, the day a new man now. name soon; there is more of this medicine at the drug store.” m Preaching by the pastor morning and night. Subject for morning dis¬ course “The nature and character 0! Christ.” Subject at night “The Tongue.” Night service Will begin at 7 o’clock. Free seats and a cor¬ dial invitation to all. Is Consumption Incurable, Keod tb» fottowinjrr Mr. C. H. Morrison- Newark, ewars, —rit., —nt., says: saj “Was down with Ab scess oi Lungs, ai and friends and physicians C^lr an 8 Incurable Containptlve, King's New Dtocovsry third bottle, )or Consumption, and able am now the on work my farm. to oversee o» my It Jesse is the finest Middle medicine wart, Decatar, medMne-eyer FMo, made,” “Bad been for Dr. King'sNew Discov¬ says: it not would have died ery for Consumption I of Lung Troubles. Was health-,” given up by doctors. Sample Am now in best of Drugstore. Try it, bottle free at E. B. Anthony Very Unbecoming. Lovely tints in the wrong colored place eoratmiance mwrtft of jeir charm. A lemon sac der blades, ^iSsss^S constipation, dyspepWa, furred audits muttifarknis symptouraMt ^ . ' H- mmm ***** 1 A1 oiwMblrd oJ s r Pectoral ta my ; i. I ft! . Druggist, Ayer's .CbereyPte- promptly le troubled with Itw dlwiieTwe* W""* a “for children afflicted with colds, more speed; relief than Ayer’s Cherry K iavaiuauiu mm a wumj M. Bryant, Chicopee Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, - rmtrAKKo av Or. 4. C. Ayer k Op., Lowell, Mast. a»Mto»unorite*. pn»*n;«ubotuet,$». — IN PRECEDENTS) A1TRACTI0M! I I niafi . Over a Million Distributed i vc ziana State Lottery tampan ■T'VmiUOTB DSIWLNUB M. sac's Famed for twenty years, I» lor Integrit •ity of m of Hs its Drawings- Draw mmA and Payment ' of ‘ Prltos, P A arrangements for sdl tha Monthly and Bemi- Annuut Drawings of The Louisiana State Lot¬ tery control Company, the Drawings and in themselves, person manage and that and the same are condoled with honesty, fairness _ __ _ -_„ toward an r ---- W * authorise the Company to use this certificate with fac-shnilcs of our signatures attached in it advertisements.” We the undersigned Banks and Bankers will pay Lotteries all Prises drawn in The Louisiana State which tea may be presented onr countem; f Grand : Monthly : Drawing Capital Pri*c, 8800,000 100,000 Tickets at $5; Twenty Dollars Twen- each. Halves $10; Quarters Tenths 2; lut or PBtZM. I iKS” Pmra op $300,000 «= is............#300.000 1 Prize Prizes or 25,000 Is......;..... 2 20,000 5,000 2 Prizes op 10,000 are.......... 25,000 5 op 6,000 are.......... 25,000 25 Prizes op 1,000 are......... 100 Prizes Prizes of 500 are.......... 60,000 50,000 200 op 800 are.......... 500 Prizes op 200 are..,....... 100,000 X PPROXIMATIOX PRIZES 100 Prizes of $500 are............... $50,000 30,000 100 do. 300 are............... 100 do. 200 are............... 20,000 TEBMJKAL PHIZES. 999 do. 100 are............... 99,900 99,000 999 do. 100 are................. 8,134 MMi..... ..... $1,054,800 Note— Tickets drawing Capita Frizes arc got entitled to terminal Prizes. AOEJVT8 ft ANTED. For Cinb Betas, or any further information desired, writ* legibly to the undersigned dearly stating vtmr residence, with State- County, Street and Number. More rapid re* tarn mail delivery will be assured by enclosing an Envelope bearing your full address. IMPORTANT. Address M. New A. DAUPHIN, La. Orleans, Addrezs Registered Utters Contain¬ ing Currency tc ■wvr nnilAII XSTORAL SAIB New Orleans, L . by the President of an Institution bartered rights are recognised in the Courts; therefore beware of sdl talfefee tions or anonymous FOB MU BY ALL MVWtm. isssff.Bai.’asnhfEE'SL I BgO hssftveu uaJvtm fscKea a Ore I Gleet. J prescribe It aad feeiwfelarecosuassd- Inc it to sll sufferers. ■eu to ingiiis JMMdt. ‘ rs* * ............... - - . iV- F. STRK 1 DH¥ GOODS------- ♦*v. r offered ti. Trimi«&8 this market. Good line of V Goia)»., wifli in 8iHt and Velvet of 1 IV, u> fitv. j* »■ yard. .leone all gradea 1 MiXtal mnl Black ltils*tf Mime at 10c. vilOES! SHOES!! f We beep n largi* stock of Men’*, Wo Hand Hewed, Wurunted, in Lace and C Button Shot» from #1.25 to T“ to #1,00 pi<r pair. Examine THE FARMERS’ I Owned and Run, by Mere Than 500 I Tie* Always on Hand $ house Capacity in the of city. Ginnery Farmers 70 bale* who per pick da; i should drive immediateiy to the uinne dus Johnson, Superintendent of the L-_, themselves, and will see that every man < All Cotton Seed i without moving then), 1 town farmers as well as f to bring their cotton to the 1 iHSSr. be worth premium. ~ ' .fore soon a PURE DRUGS AND DRI At prices below anything oversold in < In IMS, hi all Goods GoaraiM ‘ Special attention given to customers who detire to f . RE' TO THE Apt liifactoi : - •, . • * HATE MOVED THEIR STOCK OP SASH, DOORS AND To No. 16 Hill St. (C. H. Johnson’s old t Where All Sizes Sash. Doors. Blinds, . will be on sale at lowest market prices. We will oteo add to onr 1 complete line of isre* Builders’ Hardu and will have goods to suit all classes of buildings from the < finest at prices to suit the times. Call or write for what yon want. Respectfully, AYCOCK MA5UFA( A. LOWE Practical jiir ill DHkr ii__________ -JEWELRY, CLOCKS, &C. Special attention given to Repairing. For»jr Beit. THE CHARLTON PROPERTY. on South Hill street. 4 sere* High, laud, elevated 6 room asd house—large beautiful airy of rooms. surrounding country view A No. 1 water and fruits ol different variet on place. THE TAYLOR MORRIS PLACE. on 14th street, 4 acres luad, 5 room house. Branch running through Hie lot. THE OLD NALL HOUSE, -*• 1 JOSSEY HOUSE AND LOT. 7 rooms, double kitchen, H acre, stable. Ac Half block boarding irom HU street. Centrally loeat ed or house. Poplar Vi uere street. and 2 room A bargain house off given %dtou to lot alt on Of above property. and , sale Other bosses lots and lauds tor Audio rent. IT. A. CUNNINGHAM, Beal Estate Agent. '*>. kaverhiemenlt. TO ADVERTISERS A lUt of 1000 divided into be sent on ap- and i effective effective work work than the y l