The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, October 27, 1889, Image 4

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m 1 «W»*» ! f . You Are Thinking of Buying: a Met or Wrap of Any Description, BE 8URE TO VISIT SEELY COMPANY! >rs: of: Low : Prices! ■ BEFORE DOING SO, OR S £ «f Your will regret it the balance born days. WAVE OPENED IN THE LAST FEW DAYS OVER Garments !:- BOUGHT AT FORCED SALE, AT \fty Cents On The Dollar! And Will Be Sold the Same Way. See Our 1 mm LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S UNDERWEAR - - - , - AND SAVE 25 PER CENT, AT ELY COMPANY,24 Hill St. “■fH" CL WHITE, J R.. & CO. THE CLOTHIERS OF GRIFFIN! Ar<* receiving daily large addition* to tl.rir already Immense Stock at ,,JlS,lJSMlII Clothing. Hats and Furnishing Goods, We lei. We ex ten and in the future. welcome ■ to to all to call nee us J. H. WHITE, JR., «£ CO. 31 HILL STREET. ,..New T ' Raisins! — ggginHfr . iust Received 100 Boxes New Raisins. + Frwh Turnips Pork Daily. Sausage. All Apples, Fresh Lemons, and Coeoamits. Oranges c. w. CLARK & MP ;2NS I Ga., Wet. 27. _—■ __ .... Very few notes and mortgages re- ; sgtoin in our bunks against the far- . ners. The year has been a prosper- ing one for them; they have mnde money and paid their debts honest¬ ly. 'ffkany of the farmers paid their hank obligations this full before they became due. _*_ Hew Discovery . OMlriWidaand ftdaand neigh! neighbor ottflMyyonnwilllK.oni> ----------ial expert- of HMHJJ Wl S3!xx- I III. II f JUU you have imvu itsstiinuch ieh friends friends 5STS2 he bouse. place in t * should be ttf- 1 ‘rhr.,•?> 0)S(.|.l«ny «ecsfre bottle n «rt tllol. H>lUl«raute*.l ■ r- Cigars [eJ.F.L. A. A very tine grade of old Government Javn Coffee. Armour Boast Beef in cans. Sweet and Soar Pickles in bbls. Hew Mince Meat, New Currants, Apple Butter. mm: Fine Bananas, Oranges and Lems. FINE FISH AND OYSTERS EVERY DAY. Hay, Feed and Seed Oats, Bran, Corn. Bnm&C .tL'Y \ ',‘y / ? . v, MM. ’ROUND ABOUT. City Notes, und New* From This and Adjoining Counties. TUB 0 IFKKHWK. len ruin comes down on plonk 1 day. when n baseball game they’d play: Or when when the the circus circus day day has ha« come mint Ti* then the youngster's youn fucelooksglum _ ^ But when it rain* nns on Sabbath day. And hoys >ya are are kept kept kept from from church church away. urn And Sunday echool. by many wiles The youngster's lace is then ail am Kquire Btilwell spent yesterday in 1 ' Atlanta. ^ on J - ”• Hlmvart returned Sown ] Atlanta lust evening. Will Moore, of Atlanta, is (spend¬ ( intr the dnv in Griffin. 1 I). It. Gnrside, of Thontaslon, was in thocily yesterday. , The History (lass is requested tn meet hereafter at .‘1 o’clock. Mrs. C. G. Mills went to Macon yesterday afternoon to visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. H.G. Sullivan, who ’ have l»een attending the Atlanta ....... ex | position, returned home to Erin y<*s- 1 Success in life is Uic result, of push itud en ' ; ergy. If tlu> blood is impure and (doggish, both body und tnimi luck rigor. To cleanse ; ,„ l( | vituiiie the blood mid inipurt new life to the system. nothing else ho. « marvel- * oa« tin Ay**r * eiuvapiinlJn. Mrs. H. W. Logan will receive a number of her friends on Monday night to meet Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Logan, of New Orleans. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Williams, of Tbomaston, who were married week, in Atlanta, spent Friday night here and returned home ypster- day. Work to 111 h on GU the Lll»3 cirLUiL electric light bnild- was being got out, is expected tn to cat commence again this week. Mrs. A. A. Blakely and Mrs. B. K, Blakely returned yesterday evening from a several days visit to Atlanta, where they enjoyed the sights of the exposition. Having got the electric apparatus in the oil mill running iagood shape, K. B. Turner expects t o go to For¬ syth this week to put a 75 light ma¬ chine in the cotton factory there. The Savannah, Griffin and North Alabama railroad has been laid with heavy steel rail between and Sharpsburg. Tracklaying gan on the 19th and was completed on the 25th. A .Jersey hull and a mule pulled 1 (JOG pounds of seed cotton to Griffin from the northern part of the coun¬ ty yesterday. People will bring their cotton to Griffin if there is any pos¬ sible way o* getting it here. Do, cured great To <io Through tlreenv Ulc, If-- Vindicator. That I ni. Gunby Jordan is confi¬ dent of building a railroad from Warm Springs through Meriwether to Carrollton to connect with the Chattanooga, Home and Carrollton road. This propos'd road if built on an air line, will run a little west bf Greenville. Mr. Jordan in a recent conversation with Hon. H. W. Hill said that though it might be a little out of the way to come through Greenville yet if the town would sub- scribe a small sum—in proportion to its ability that the new road should run through our town. This is a lib¬ eral proposition which we trust will not BUI be UU lost 1UDV sight V»i of. Let the town authorities confer with CoL Jordan, find out What sum bethinks ought to be raised and then let us go to work to bU get ^VL up UJ./ the WlV money. a We • » v ask that special attention be given this mat¬ ter. Itaeklen’s Arnica Salve. and Toai«T*; craanaanwoD, or ROBBED OF $1700! THE TAX OQLLBCTOB OF PIKE KNOCKED DOWN B> l aluwira .UnUuU um) IWWjwJ eft Heavy !>•>’»< «I- Agul) —■ On Friday riiebt, about eigb* o'clock, E. to. Matthews, the deputy tax collector o( Bike County, was knocked down and robbed of $1740 which he had on hi» person belonging to the county. There were various report* of the affair yesterday, but the most au¬ thentic give* tb<- abowe asm as the amount taken. It seems that Mr. Matthews had been out collecting that day and had just returned home a little after dark with the moneys. He runs a store between Zebulon and MartiusdaJe» near New Hope church. Some say that he had got out of his buggy to go into the store, and others that he waa ‘allied from his house neat' by, by some one who pretended to want to buy some goods from the gtoie. Anyhow, as he entered the door and struck a match, he waa hit in the head with a rock And n the scuffle waa stabbed half a doz¬ en times. His assailants succeeded in getting what they were after and escaped without identification, al¬ though they are said to be a mulat¬ to and a white man. COMING TOURIST TRAVEL. The Northern People Preparing to Winter In the South. General Manager H. S. Haines, of the Savannah, and Florida and Western railway, has returned home from New York, where lie has been for the past month, and he reports that there is now no doubt of a very' large tourist travel southward this winter. Mr. Haines says that numerous in quiries were made with reference to the De Soto hotel, and tourists south Will not fail to stop over in Savan¬ nah this winter in greater numbers than ever before. The hotels here also have advices that there will be a heavy northern travel to Jeorgia and Florida this season. It is yet early in the season, but it appears that those who con¬ template wintering in the south have begun early to make inquiries. A se¬ vere winter is predicted, and, bliz¬ zards being unknown in this section, the eyes of the northern tourist are already turned southward. A first-class hotel in Griffin would have been filled by this time witlx people not yet ready to go to Flori¬ da, many of whom would remain most of the winter. As it is, we will have the pleasure of seeing them pass through. flft mm Sweet as Rom / I \ Fragrant!Lasting! The I-C'iuag Trice M Ct*. ■bjoaFUJiS. Sold at Droggiata. '.n@ Slssfrati druggists. Oil Fries cnij 25 Cts. Sold by all Will relievo Rheumatism, Neuralgia , Smiling s,Bruises,Lumbago,Spra? Bims. ns, Headache, Toothache, Cores, Cuts, Scalds, Ttar.kache, Wounds,&.C. TODAY 1 New Buckwheat Flour... New York Hams............ Yankee Beans.............. Celery............................ Best Vg/kAy —only.......... NorthTn Apples. Florida Oranges....................... LOe. -)o(- JUST ItECElVEl) Tripe, Pies Feet Sir toot —-EXPECT— SNAPPERS, ★ TROUT. ■ BLACKF1SH, Smnnli md Norfolk Oysters, Turkeys, Cranberries. J. M. Mills .- , They Don't Need And Puffing; They Only deed To Be Examined To Be Thoroughly Appreciated- I r Z’ Only call your attention to Seasonable Goods. Soni ^ b ° ^ h £Sd* t#D A r “ The World Is Coming to an End Soon, At Least it is so Pred'cted,;i Sehenerman & White know there is no end to the bargains they are offeri- Our Blankets and Com form: tomorrow but corns morning tn n« j 1 . » It is Sure to be a Very Cold Winter and you don’t know how soon it is to begin, But Our Cloaks and Wraps Will Make You Comfortable! The ‘-CONEMARA, ’ a new style long Wrap, is sure to be very popular ibis winter. It is a common sense Wrap. The ‘ ninrprmnr DlRECTOiRE JACKET” iapfctw is simply ri mn l., o a lovely Iax/aIw Qhnrf Short Wrap, Wran and and the the praise nraise aCHOrd accorded them “ by " every lady “ ' is: " taneou*. You need only to tee them to be charmed by their beautiful colors and perfect nt. Do You Want ■ a Carpet? Do You Want to Save Money on the purchase ? If so come to SCHEUERMAN & WHITE S. Examine the other stocks in the city, then come headquarters and we will convince vou, with prices and not by belittleing other merchants, that our stock of CAR. PETS and RUGS is the largest in the city that our patterns and colorings are the most attractive and, bestof all, our prices are decidedly the lowest *w ^ - ill EXAMLNE OlIB BRUSSELS WU H BORDERS TO MATCH ! SEE OUR PADDED CABPET PAPER! ■ ■ falls, Carpet _ in That keeps your Carpet from being moth-eaten, completely deadens the foot preserve* your every way and cost no more rhan the eld style corrugated brown paper. The pr ce is 5c. per yard. A Few Specialties: Onyx Black Hose (Warrantek fast black), Ladies’ and Misses’ Unbleached Ribbed Vests, Can-1 EM Gloves at Half Price, White and Bed Flannel, Bleached and ton Flannels. fftEM AND BOYS SUITS. Gentlemen’s Light and Heavy weight Overcoats. Rubber Clothing fust received, 3 For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children, at ;i SCHEUERMAN & WHITE, »» »»*“• This well known firm consisting of Mr. Roswell H. Drake and Mr. Jas. M. ; pKoAhV 1 Companies of this country and of tive E So4 companies o«, er strong.nd represented co.^rv.- by them are the Liverpool & Loudon world & Globe, a company known the over pud the only company which always cashes its losses promptly without any discount, the Atlanta Home Ins. Co., a company doing business on the mutual plans, and paying divi¬ dends to its Policy Holders, the AStna of Hartford, the Phoenix of Hartford, the Home of New Y'ork, the North British and Mercantile Ins. Co. of London, England. All compa¬ nies Indemnity is beyond fair question and ana which are proverbialy settlement just and prompt in their of lossy* When solicited for insurance or whpn you desire to place a risk ol any character it will he to your interest to see these gentlemen. The business is now managed by Mr. Drake and his office is on the second floor of the Drewry building. The rates charged by these leading compa nies are the same as charged bysnmll companies of questionable strength represented by some other agents, and it is well to have the bestalways, but especial¬ d&w ly so when it costs no more, THE Ml’TIAL IE HI 10, OF NEW YORK.; , 000 . I over 7*7,550. the world, aaa it the »n»inuiwiBra safest, cheapest id best. surer* make SONS. am 8. W MANGfUM H Agts. Ulv7d3fw5m4p. MEW CROP TURNIP SEED! U1 the be*t varieties, bought direct from P and OILS at the low- GLOTKINC HOUSE! 1 Harp an Unusually Handsome Stock of Fall Suits ^ and Overcoats „ Beautiful Styles and Fabrics. \0IiI5 Y HATS! WOOLEN And Just |ic) the Sweetest Line of Cravats. zsr Cal! for Charlie Wolcott, or Loui* Niles, who will give you tbelategt points on style* CEO. R. NILES. octlOd&w DO YOU WANT .—GO TO A THE— HAPPY H0U, ( NOVELTY CO. T*f- ' * AND BUY A CH ARTE R OAK B0 YOU M ANT TO SATE MONEY? Get GO es on Silverware. China, Crockery, Lamps, etc, before buying. J. W. SPARivS, Manager. D'i) All styksnw gooes..arriving onstanfly. ( 1 1 BOOTS, SHOES AND LEj -— J, 2 ,,- HASSETkllS’ SHOE Home-made Shoes and Leather m l ar- We warrant all work ami shall make it a point to misrepresent nothin. ,‘Ju*t receive* . a large shipment of Gents’ and Ladies’ and Misses’ fine goods, and school shoes for Childre* and Slippers of all kinds. HA88ELKU8- 5^** $-1 T>«*v cord paid for 200 cords of Tan-bark. H. W. Canned Tomntoes $1.50PerCase! | HOLMAN & STEWART.