The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, October 29, 1889, Image 3

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*! ......fl H Large Slo e Room is now Filled with a m alii II 1 11 Nunn 11 Hi M I m Goods, Clothing, % Shoes and Hats. I t - ■ > Wcol Cashmeres Henriettas, 27 Inches Wide .. 36 38..... These are the Most Desirable Cheap IDress Goods IN THIS MARKET. —u- * Just received a lot of 40 ine U All Wool Plaids at 45e.; worth 60c. Also, assortment of Fine French Plaids at 90c.; worth $1.25 New Side Band Suits. Arriving Every Week. o Splendid Stock Children’s School Hose at 8c., 10c. and 12c. per pair. Our Ladies’ Fast Black Hose at 20c., 25c. and 35c. can’t be matched at the prices. Secure a doz. pair of Macon knit Half Hoes at 75c. per doz. be¬ fore they are all sold. -toi- ELEGANT LINE fas’ anti Children’s Underwear 5 in s botii Wool and Cotton. Our 50c. Ladies’ Bibbed Undervests is a bargain. Will save you 20 to 25 per cent, on your Ribbon purchases. Handsome stock of Newmarkets, Mojes- kas and Ladies’ Jackets just opened up. See my $3.50 Ladies Light Weight Coats. I* -tot- SHOES ! * SHOES ffi.if.-J - Don’t fail to see my Shoe stock before mak¬ ing your selections instills line. Eg* ; Big : ’ Stock Solid Shoes AT LOWEST PRICES. --- tot --- Bargains in Children’s Suits, from 5 to 13 years, ought at Cut Prices. Can have you a Suit, Pants or Overcoat made to order at Jacob Read Sons. Philadelphia. Penn., at reasonable prices with fit and workmanship guaranteed. : E. J. Flemister’s. ■EO^ABOBT. City Motes, and Mews From TUa and Adjoining Counties. J. J. Walker attended the State Fair yesterday. C. S. Shatfcuc'und A. Randall at¬ tended the State Fair yesterday. Dr. Be Vo tie left yesterday on a visit of a few days to Arlington, Ga. “Look-out for an early and cold winter" is the prediction of old set¬ ters. The Presbyterian Synod of Geor¬ gia will meet in Griffin on Novem¬ ber 6 th. The recent frost has caused tire forest leaves to take on their autum¬ nal color. Mrs. It. J. Edwards and children left yesterday to spend several days at, the exposition. The cotton seed oil mill at Lor list Grove will be put in operation about the first of December, we are inform¬ ed. Lovers of the golden fruit will be delighted to hear that a lowestimute places the orange crop of Florida this season at 2,000,000 boxes. The lightning on Saturday night played havoc with Dr. J. L. Moore’s telephone wires, burning them out on the inside of the house and slightly shocking several members of the family, his daughter being the one most affected. Overseer Bridges is leveling up Broadway between the Georgia hotel and the Hotel Curtis, and trying to fix it so the water will run off with¬ out allgoing down to stand around the Central passsenger depot. He had eight hands at work yesterday morning. The oysters at Dock Ison's this year are unusually tine. They are now in the prime of the season and every lover of good eating shuuld not fail to enjoy a plateful during this and the coming month as often as possible. One almost sighs, as he looks upon the beautiful roses that brighten the flower gardens of the city, when he realizes how soon they are to be blighted by the ruthless tread of winter. But it is the way of all the earth; beauty fades and the flowers we most love are soon to pass away. It is the attributes of the mind and soul that are the immortelles that change, tne irresistable law of na¬ ture, lias no power to effect. Brother farmer, let us give you a little advice, wouldn’t it be better to bring all the farming implements and put them under shelter? Would it not be better to bring that culti¬ vator in out of the weather? And that cotton seed distributor? Also that reaper? Likewise the plow- stock? Ditto that wagon and buggy? We know the the manufacturers are anxious to sell you more implements, but you should look out for your own interest as well as theirs, and no farmer can afford to house his tools under a tree. Merit Wins. We desire to Rav say to to your your citizens, as. that that fo f years we have been been selling selling Ur. King'H Mug Ni Disco «:overy very for for Consumption, Consumption, oust Dr. Dr. ur. Kings King' King s New Life Life Pills, Pills, Bueklen’s Bu den’i Arnica ca Salve St and Eleo- trie Bitters, , and i dha have have never never handled handled remedies reme that sell as well, , or or that that have have given given such such uni- u versal satisfaction. natisfactio: We do not hesitate guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satis¬ factory results do not follow their use, These nedies have won their great great popularity popularity purely on their merits. K. R. Anthony Dr druggist. ' ' In Due Korin. A man was arraigned in Esquire Jim Smith's court, in Union District, a few years ago, for stealing a young pig out of liis neighbor's pen, said pig, or shoat, being alleged to be worth a dollar and a half. The evidence was conclusive, and the jury, after a brief retirement, brought in the verdict, “Guilty of hog stealing in the first degree.” The judge remarked that the find¬ ing was proper enough, except that it failed to assess the value of the pig, and further that there were' no de¬ grees in hog stealing. He must ask the jury to retire again, and bring in a verdict in due form. The jury went out, and with pen, ink and paper, but were badly non¬ plussed over that word “form." Fin¬ ally one of them, who had formerly been a justice of the peace, drew up a document to which the other elven assented, and with which all hands returned to the court, room. This was the verdict: “We, the jeurey, pusilanimously find the defendant gilty in the sum of 1 dollar and a i-2 in favor of the hog.” ■ _ Some of our most prominent citi¬ zens have been cured of chronic rheu¬ matism by that wonderful pain-ban- isher, Salvation Oil. Price 25 cents. Proof Positive. The best test of a medicine is what is (Prickly thought of Poke it at Root home. P. P. P. Ash, and Potas¬ sium ) is on sale at every drug store in Savannah, all of whom would as soon think of doing without eastor oil in their stores as without the P. P. P., the prince and king of all blood medicines. For syphilitic eruptions, old sores, scrofula., skin eruptions, blood poison and rheumatism, take only P. P. P. It cures quickly and makes a permanent cure. It gives .new life, new strength and new appe- For Females—Physicians declare ft is the best regulator for the various fefnafe complaints. GBADUAL REMOVAL. ’ The Optra.! * Offices Coming Gl rtxiunlly to Griffin. < The ban made one more change. ? ‘ , . This time it is in the nature of a re¬ moval of offices, which will greatly facilitate the handling of business, and which will no doubt prove to be of lasting benefit to the road. Nearly a week- ago Superintend¬ ent Levi liege of the main stein, who has heretofore been stationed at Sa¬ vannah, received orders from Gener¬ al Manager Gabbett to remove the offices of superintendent, as well as the offices of the master of trains of the main division from Savannah to Macon. The work has mm going on for several days, and on the first of No¬ vember the change will he mode. By it Macon will secure the location, of the main offices of the Central road, which, united withthoseof the South' western road in the same building, the union depot, form a strong com¬ bination. Master of Trains J. M. Norman will bring with him twoor three train dis¬ patchers, while wflslr“Superintendent Hege there will be a number of clerks, as the bushiess of the office is quite large, the main line reaching from Sa¬ vannah to Atlanta, Macon being nearest to the center. • It is also reported in an unofficial way, that the general offices of the road, including that of ManagerGab- bett, will be removed early next year to Macon. Whether this will prove true or not remains to be seen. This is one step, and a very long one, toward the final removal of all the Central offices to Griffin, as the rail¬ road centre of the State. At Savan¬ nah they were 250 miles away, while at Macon they arc only 60 miles dis¬ tant, and it will be very easy to move them that distance just as soon as the Macon and Covington Branch, the Birmingham Airline and the Georgia and Tennessee roads n completed. At Griffin the great advantage will be seen of managing the Savannah, Griffin North Alabama road through its must important term¬ inus. v Keep your eye on Griffin ! A Little Girl’s Mistake. Little Lizzie may not have made such a mistake after all, when she told her playmate that mamma was ever so much better since she began taking “Golden Medal Discovery.” Lizzie meant Dr. Pierce’s Golden Med¬ ical Discovery, but many a restored sufferer has felt that the discoverer was worth of a golden medal. Better than all the medals,-IS the conscious¬ ness that thousands of cases of Con¬ sumption, “Liver Complaint,” Kid¬ ney Diseases, and diseases of the blood, have been cured by it. Lizzie’s mamma was one of a countless army who have learned by experience the virtues of the “Discovery” for diseas¬ ed livers and consequent impure blood. It cures all Skin, Scalp and Scrofulous Affections. Salt-rheum, Tetter, Erysipelas, Boils and kindred ailments. It is the only medicine of its class, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee that it will bene¬ fit or cure in all cases of disease for which it is recommended, or money paid for it will be refunded. Letter List. List of letters remaining in the post office at Griffin, G a., for the week end¬ ing Oct. 29th. Parties calling for these letters will please say "adver¬ tised” and give date. One cent must be collected on each advertised letter when delivered : Lee Baker. Felix Bell. Stephen Blalock. Mrs. R. C. Blissett, care W. A. Blis. soft. Jossippnene Broecit. Miss Hannah Freeman. George Fulton. Miss Ceolor Holday. S. G. Huckaby. Miss Mary E. Lizzie Miller. Millrnan Brown, care John C. Mid- dlebrook. Miss Exali Parkman. Willie Iledden, col. Andrew Read. H. P. Russell, agt Allen’s Minstrels Mrs. Ida Sims. Mack Snear. Mandy Woodward. M. O. Bowdoix, P. M. Hood's Sarsaparilla is a purely vegetable preparation, being free from injurious ingre¬ dients. It is peculiar in its curative power. ‘J Dyspepsia and Indigestion in its worst form are cured by the use of P. R. P. If you are debilitated and run down, or if you need a tonic to regain flesh and lost nppetitite, strength and vigor, take P. P. P., and you will be strong and healthy. For shattered consti¬ tutions and lost manhood P. I*. P. (Friekly Ash. Poke Root and Po- tassium jis the king of all medicines. P. P. P. is the greatest blood puri¬ fier in in the world. For sale by all druggists. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Mrs. Wixslow’s Soothing Syrup, or children teething, is the prescrip¬ tion of one of the best female nurses and physicians in the United States, and has been used for forty years with never-failing success by millions qijnothers for their children. Dur¬ is ing incalculable. the process of It teething relieves its value the child from pain, cures dysentery and diar¬ rhoea, griping in the bowels, and wind-colic. By giving health to the hild it rests the mother. Price 25c. bottle. angQeodAwly Pnmmnn uuiiiiiiuii ooiioo In the treatment of alight ailments would save a vast amount of aldmeas and misery. One of Ayer’s Pills, taken after dinner, will assist Digestion; takes at night, will relievo Constipation; taken at any time, will correct irregu¬ larities of the Stomach and Bowels, stimulate the Liver, and cure Sick Headache. Ayer’s Pills, as all know who use them, are a mild cathartic, pleasant to take, and always prompt and satisfactory in their results. “ I can recommend Ayer's Pills above all others, having long proved their value as a Cathartic for myself and family.’’ —J. T. Hess, Leithsville, Pa. “ Ayer’s Pills have been in use in my family have completely upwards of verified twenty all years, that and is claimed for them.”—Thomas F. Adams, San Diego, Texas. “ I have used Ayer’s Pills in in my my fami- ly I ’ have for for seven seven attack or or eight eight of headache, years. Whenever to which I an am Pills very and subject, always I take promptly a dose of relieved Ayer’s ed. am I find them equally beneficial in n colds colds; and, bilious in complaints my family, they other are used disturb- for and vith such good Voullicmu, uun toga Springs, N. Y. Ayer’s Pills, rREPAEKD BY Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co., Lowell, Mat*. Sold by ail Dealers In MedieCk Tutfs Pills The dyspeptic, the debilitated, wtieth. body,'drink or exposure In Malarial Regions, will find Tutt’s Pills the most genial restorative ever offered the suffering invalid. Try Them Fairly. A vigorous body, pure blootf, strong nerves and a cheerful mind will result* SOLD EVERYWHERE. _ Merchants and Planters MAHTH, JGriilin, Georgia, Capital, : $100,000 OrguuiziMi July 1, 1881). Prompt attention to all business 3»s intrusted intrust tons. Accounts solicited from banks, firi and individuals. President—J. D. BOYD. Vice President—8. GRANTLAND. Cashier—D, D. PEDBN. Ass’t Cashier—J C. BROOKS. Directoks—J. D. Boyd, W. .1 Kincaid, 8; Grantland, D. H. Peden, N, B, Drewry, H. ~ Bass. I!. F. Strickland. oetfid&wSm -)o(- C.H. JOHNSON, SR. Slid represents the old Southern Mutual Insurance Ga. of Athens, C i, the cheapest in Geor¬ gia and as good as in the world; THE : (GEORGIA : HOME and ethers as good as can be found, as he would not represent other than good one?, and earnestly solicits the patronage of he community. He also represents the old Washington Life Ins. Co. of New Yoik, his choice of all the Life Companies, because it embodies ail 4s promises in the poiicy. Tire Na¬ tional Accident Society and the South¬ ern Mutual Building and Loan Associ¬ ation, the best Savings Bank for Small investments extant. Cal! at his office No. 16 Hill Street and investigate. C H. JOHNSON, 8R. <>ctH>JA:w4m PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. HENKY C. PEEPLES, ATTORNEY AT LAW HAMPTON, HKOKIjIa. P ravtirps • fL all t ho State and Federal ourttf. oct9d&wly JOHN J. HUNT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, UR1FKJN, flF.OIKilA. Office. 31 Hill Street. Dp Stain*, over .1. H. White r (’lothini'Store. raar22d&wi.t TrlOS. R. MILLS, ATTORNEY AT LAW Will pm tit**? in 1 1 1 m State ami Federal Comic. Office (Jeorjre & Hartnett’s novZtf OH .N I>. tons AI.1 . STEWART & DANIEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW Over (Jporgp & Hartnett's, Griffin, On. Will ]i{Mti«p in 1 ho Statu and Federal its . iulvlOdtf CLEVELAND & GARLAND- DENTISTS, GRIFFIN, c- : GEO Iff! I A. Stockhok er’s Meeting. Office of Savannah, Griffin and North | j A la uajia Railroad Co. j Griffin, Ga., Oct,/8th, 1889. The Annua! Meeting will beheld of the the Stockholders Court House, o this Company at Griffin, Ga.. on Thursday, November 7th, at 10:30 a. m. The polls w ill be opened at 11 o’clock. Stockholders, their wives and nn married daughters and sons under age, on pr e sen tation of their stock certificates to Company’s agents, will be furnished wit transpbri'on to and from Griffin on the da of meeting. ' ED. WORKMAN, dtd Secret.,rv. ' ■ REMEMBER. THE OLD AND R J] l ' ' ■ ’ • " - ■ W WMBWH— ■ . THE , BEST OF KINDS KEEP ALL OF STAPLE AND FANCY GflOCEItll L Our Sweet Water Put. and Telico Flours cannot be beat. Rest bmfcffe of s Hums, Shouldere ond Breakfact Racon. All kinds of Canned Goods cheap ml as any one. Fresh lot Mackerel and White Fish. The beet Cigars am} grades Fruits, Sullivan’s Fancy and Tobacco. Stick Candy. Water Ground Meal ft Specialty. VtifgrthlM FRESH FISH EVERY SAT Griffis, September! R. ^TftlOKJ (fliers tot he trade the l>est stock of D«Y GiLDo, ■ilia, •r* JEANS, NOT) ever offered in tfiis market. Good line of Henrietta and’Wf Goods, with Trimmings in Silk and Velvet, to match, sold at the of 10c. io R0c. per yard. Jeans all grades 15c. to 40c. per yard. Mixed and Black Uiheil Hose at lOc. SHOES ! SHOES!! SHOES!!! We keep « large stock of Men’s, Womeu's and Child Hand Sewed, Wa runted, in Lace and Congress, for$3.25ptir Button Button Shoes Shoes fro from $1.25 $1.25 to to $2.50. $2.50 Children’s Shoes, all from 31*. to $1.00 per pair. Examine our goods and we willsnve: Awe d JT r» w QTOfj JL IvJU • Na.55 HILL, ss .... ' v TH E FARMERS’ CO-OPEflAT IVE GINNERY, Owned and Run by More Than 500 Farmer*! Plenty of Cotton Bagging bauumu and ana Ties Always on Hand and FURNI5HE0 AT COST! Capacity of Ginnery 70 bales per dny. Cotton deliv-mlfree to any ware¬ house in the city. Farmers who pick us much as a bale of cotton per day should drive immediately to the Ginnery, and save time and labor. ■, T Ln- “ cius Johnson, Superintendent of the Ginnery, was elected by the themselves, and will see that every man gets full satisfaction. ifjl All Cotton Seed can be Disposed of, without moving them. Wagons .unloaded by elevators. We a] town farmers as well as farmers froift the country, both white a.*« bring their the Farmers’ Gifinety. * to cotton to '• ABO? ■ B. N. BARROW, General Manager. - N. B.—Stock in the Ginnery and Oil Mill is ready for delivery, should be met by Oct. 1st, as premised. Stock can still be bought; 1 soon be worth a premium. Be wise and act quickly. fwmmd WThITrST ------★ T H E ★- HAVE MOVED THEIR STOCK OF SASH, DOORS AND ! To No. 16 Hill St. (C. JL Johnson’s old F ^^ ere Wl Sizes Sash, s Doors, Blinds, Mantles, &c., will be on sale at lowest market prices, We will also add to our 1 complete line of Builders’ Ha , and will have goods to suit all classes of buildings from the cheapest to the finest at prices to suit the times. Call or write for what you want. Respectfully. AYC0CK MANUFA< PURE DRUGS AND DRUG SUI At prices below anything ever sold in Griffin, ii Bills, ai all Goods Guaranteed AtaPSpecia! attention given to customers who desire to pay their I Respectfully. AB.DREW _ _ loweM A. Jeweler aid Dealer* h ! . r , JEWELRY, CLOCKS, &C Special attention given to Repairing. 20 Hill Street For Sale or Font. THE CHARLTON PROPERTY. on South Hill street. 4 acres land, 6 room houHO—lurge itiful airy view rooms. of surrounding High, elevated and view i different different country variet A No. 1 water fruits i of of vari* on place. THE TAYLOR MORRIS PLACE, on 14th at ruet. J ncre« land. 5 room house, Branch ru tinii ng through the lot. THE OLD NALL HOUSE, 7 rooms, double kitchen, acre land. 1 block from centre Hill street. JOSSEY HOUSE AND LOT. 7 rooms, double kitchen, Vi acre, stable. &c Half block from Hi,! street. Centrally loeat ed or boarding house. Vi acre and 2 room house off Shelton lot on Poplar street. A bargain given to all of above property. Other houses and lots and lands for sale and to rent. (J. A. CUNNINGHAM, Real Estate Agent. Yaw \i1vurtisemems. TO ADVERTISERS A list of 1000 J newspapers into STATES AND 8i ECTIONS wil on ap- pCcation—FREE, To those whowanttheir advertising to better medium thorough pay we can offer no for saseffiTCTsT Newspaper Advertising Bureau, - 10 Spruce street, New nrk a taa - 1 I Examine W. L. Douglas * #2,00 Shoes tor entlemen and ladies. FOR SALE BY SCHEUEBMAN & WillTE. Mili-rrsS GRIFFIN. iftj RUPTURE the No A detention leading written physicians guarani from s-st of I f gw i ■ Hama, Ga. ;- WANK Agsnisir e ~ m * will w send you sample that Address to #300 per month THE RICHMOND prBLISffiJG