The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, November 06, 1889, Image 2

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„ 41 PrepV *5 1-0 . IM. » for the fin* ► vomited M * ■BV.HIUHW ..............linrham I forte issxt advance trftrlMBv life bora telegraphed all • an *m22 event of ____occurred lit tbe Cincinnati wtavety fi,bot ebe feattgty Mr H8MT Cltiew a 1UMJ itUtt* rei Kiniur raffia I to open Its eye* , „jd of a town it wp * -w a In, ft dosed then, ■ willingly and without who is Preri- and glorious surrounded by b as Gen. No- Gen. Rusk, Gen. Gen. Bussey. It is a Wana- everytime tbe military contin- is comforted by having serv- by making breeches « A«b- fro* «d the Paris Exposi- k ftn Europe, who have je, whatever of their f beyond the city or the e in, and wheu ques¬ tioned abroad by persons who know mom about America than thsy do, the result is they make very fine donkeys of themselves. Tbe Gotham idea is that there is very little to see outside of New York and that noth¬ ing is really great except New York men. A short time ago Postmaster-Gen¬ eral Wanamaker appointed 8. B. Ginn, of Glen Allen, Va„ a postmas¬ ter with a salary of $900 per an¬ num; but lie declined to accept on the ground that he could not afford to give tea per cent, of his salary for ^:zT PWBWRBP P e : t r',!:z<:z j wouM distasteful. This is the _ prove first rase on record where a Republi¬ can was ever known to refuse an of¬ fice, and the tact should be written down in very red Ink. It appears that tbe election of a negro to be orator of a Harvard class wasdoe not so much to the in- teHsctual ability of the negro, but to the fact that the white students in¬ stead of devoting proper attention to their books spend most of their time in playing base ball and in a nocturnal beerrush which results in oil hands getting drank, fighting the police and getting m jail, Cornell University, imagining that Harvard had done a very popular thing, also elected a negro to be the orator of his class, but the negro had the good setfoTbo refuse the honor ou thegroumkbat it would give him too mocb notoriety. There is good rea¬ son to believe that the Republican universities of the North imagine that the negro orator business is placing a thorn in the side af the South, bat it is a great mistake. It is the wish of the Booth that they should have and pet and make much of all the negroes, orators or no orators. •'». offer One How's Hundred This Dollar* I Brfiard lor any cam 0l Catarrh tluit cab not he mwl by ?S: r «TS,?r%. ToMn 0. We, the mhrrigMd, have knows F. f Cheney ter the tart 15 yearw, and belDve him perfectly honorable financially in able all barinem tnmene- tioB*, ami to carry out any oUfiyatiort made by forirfirm^ E.^H^Vsn Hoeers,’ Cashier Toledo National Hail’* Catarrh Clue hi taken Internally. Very l abecumu.*. Lovely fote in tbe wrung JfTU, plaee are reft rt —------jot t tbe pi!»e’’-u unbecoming fig-tailed I Math astray,and the rite the inference and ehont- . ation, dyvpepaia, ■oppWment birred aasv, thi» nin&iBbfe .perific H tot without .. Me amotion of “* . tm w lyi»« the trifling dteturbance. whieh now and then break out in certain portion* of the South, and which are common to every part of tbeeoaotry, that they can mate a pretenae lor era! interlerraw with the affaire of the Bontbere State*. Thforayatbe Enquirer-Son, « unfortunate, and we do not believe that each despica¬ ble efforts would h*Te great weight with the majority of the intelligent people of the North if they had prop¬ er knowledge and appreciation of the Southern people and of tbe manage¬ ment of affaira ia thi* *eetfon. That thin purpose on the part of the Be- P<« j ------ and exist, there can he no question, hence we may as well recognise it. We of the South know bow unjust and unfounded are these malicious statements, but by bring true to our¬ selves they can work us no material injury. Tbe matter is very forcibly and intriligvuUy presented by the Port Worth Ctesette in an article from which we make an extract, which represents genuine Southern sentiment- and is humane and cour¬ ageous iu spirit. It teach** an im¬ portant lesson to our people, and we cordially commend tbe expression. The Gasette says: Southern white people should sot permit lerrnit tbemselvee themselves to to „ be „---- goaded into unkind news of feeling or action by the northern press. It misjudged, is very provoking but the to have every act white matt te the superior, and it is in comparison and justice that supe¬ riority » most truly exemplified. the white Be just to the negro as to man and more «>m passion ate of his short¬ comings; and point help the him negro, to the only encourage road him selfhood, be whereon, through elevation and happiness. may march to of Tbe man who is conscious h® own the weakness inherent in conscious inferiority. Southern whites have always been more personally kindly disposed than toward the negro have Northern whites, and no mra- representation of Northern newspa¬ pers and politicians should ould be be per- *“•*- initted to convert this "—— compassion- :te good will into enmity ty and I rancor. TheLnrden on the South is white heavy- it must preserve its own su¬ premacy and yet be ever kind and just to the negro—but the burden should be borne as brave men and true. When President Harrison was elected, and before he took his seat, tbe civil Republicans laughed the service was mentioned in tbe gayest sort of way, os if it was nothing more or less than a huge joke which had been perpetrated on Grover Cleveland. It appears, however, that a very large of w the™ straight-laced ----------— members of party whose voles arevery are now insisting that the law shall ____ __ be carried out to the letfor, and m* ....... « rank nn |r and linri fillf* file nf of flip the DTATic) grand o!<3 old party has suddenly simmered down to a mournful wail. Even President Harrison is forced to brush away tear when the moans of thousands of the faithful are wafted to his cars. Never since tbe passaged the law has civil service been so heartily dammed ns it is now. Doctors are to guard human life and bring relief to the sick. Sc* does Y\s. Dr. Ritll’ii Bull’s Baby flnhv StrnTv Syrup; it it contains contains nothing no injurious and is always re- liable. Philadelphia Record: The Atlanta Journal, whieh is a true-bloe Demo¬ cratic newspaper all tbe year round, says: “The sentiment of the Demo¬ cratic party in Georgia is overwhelm¬ ingly in favor of Cleveland at the present time and under present cir¬ cumstances." This is probably the sentiment of Democrats at the pres¬ ent time in every state in the Union, and it is not likely that any change will be developed before 1892. Mr. Cleveland’s popularity is and has been from tbe start among the peo¬ ple, and not among tbe politicians. Poor .Widow Bedot! She tried to write love poetry to the deacon, and could frame only— “AMkrtion »ore Longtime I bore ” Had the lone creature nsed Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription—the weaknesses and sore remedy for the her sex—she peculiar ailments of might have secured the deacon’s fav¬ or by the cheerful character of her verSea. How’t Your Wife ? Does she feel poorly all the time, suffer from lack of energy and a gen¬ eral •no-acronnt’ listless enervation? She needs a tonic. Something Run the is wrong with her blood. for doctor? Not at all my dear sir. One pbysicion’s fee will provide her with wire and pleasant relfcff for ail U— Getbera bottle ofP. P. P. (prickly tbe asb, poke root and potasium), very--... best Woman’s - _____ Reguh ilator and tonic extant. It ----------- reaches the -- source of trouble quietly and quickly. and will bias* the kind fate that brought P. r. p. to her notice and relief. Our best physicians endorse and-------- J appreciated,should - L Hum* Ih* ttlite-i ..J5* blown *>:. Au i n -« «** debris fljls _ au the w«v tag ik lory, era a'-ug t ug .oa4«s;ib^;. in mmi burring A* Stfi'.ISrTru-stiai; l ia a i, ft\j» *# of lh«« buried a** dea.1 ■BRBxantsrt.., The ttuttrA Iwp.wnaetjdiacByate crjU fact -fy. The majority or them made their way oat *sfriy. bat many bad term tatagM*. Tbe bail ling 900 feet loug. There is a rumor correal (bat tbe feuuJatiou of tb-‘ new budding Was laid over * dwaae.1 e nd pit- Samrom of the ac-Jeut rotate ibst a sold a extinxaiabing of tight* was tbe only wanting. All out tea ru-b for tbs •lit wbidi quickly became jammed. T-ere most of tha bo lie* wore found during the search. The treaior resulting hom the fall of the baildiog ms fait for a great distance Many pathetic __»sceaos were Witnessed among the pare parents and other netatiTM of the rietims.' Tbe latest esttma e of tbe loss of life is that fully flftv persoaa bare born killel The loss of property aggregates * 15 , 000 . _ of having arwnedy at ------..... urtmm.MMethrort.and aoddrn <*,5d», i» rerx coBaobag to a parent With nbottfeo# Ajwr’nCbewy PactomI in tha boaaa.oaatwtem dWrity nothing etea NAVASSA RIOTERS i« COURT. TUrt^eu U«Ut«J aaJ Pi*e*d L'adcr Arml Bo for.- Ls«:a; tJ»« V »«,!. Baittimu:'.- So*. Alw it l o clock ‘ the L*ni el States ImSsTi revenue antler -**1 E«in: ia tbs bsrbor conve r m jng e the iaig .-.lice, >-^-*- which snivel in tW capes . hu t,l»y with port of the Estate* liotc.s. ‘The Romance, lrit with the the i«-. tuning eh;i rioters, of the was down Lot hay AL in ge ill The revenue prison¬ cutter A or lodged in the city ers on the Alice were ^‘Between the hoars of s and to Thurs- i>i4rict Attorney Thomas ——— Marshal G. Hayes, Dep dole’and tv United States Legrand t nited States Com¬ Mr. missioner G. Morris Bond, tn HMteteMk’iMtetei Hayes' pocket were l : * warren s cliarg- with mg a like no ml er of pereon* a Varied assortment of crimes, ranging from murder to riot and mutiny on about tne Guano islands of Navassa on or the 14th day of September last Thirty-one warrants were ««r.-ed on persons Ibe identified by >fc. Bobv, one sarn .iron of - the Navasaa company, charging murder and rioting. The re¬ maining passengers of the Alice were held as witnesses. Don’t hawk, hawk, blow, spit and disgust everybody with your offen¬ sive breath, but us Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy and end it. 50 cents, by druggists; I.Ipman’s Pj-mfuge Is the best chill and feaer cure in world. It- hasstood the severest bv physicians and declared vegetable * and - truly - efficatious - - etan good. The Universal Verdict of tbe Who have used Clarke’s Extract Flax (Papillon) Skin Cure award the first and highest place of Skin as a dial agent in all cases Ery tions,‘Boils, Bigritlv blotches, Carbuncles, numinaung Tetter, eruj; etc all all vield vieid to to this this wonderful wonderful prepara prepa tion at once Price #1.00 for a lai Knlkin bottle at of Dr. ll« N. B. Drewry’s is store. Clarke’s Flax Soap 25c. for the Skin. Try it. Price Neuspaper* NuYfli- X-ie. e. 1’iTTSBCHo, Nov. 4. - Police John McCaleese announced---- Gist he bad a list of 100 booses sesin in city in which Uqnor is illegally soli There are only city. niao.v-three licensed bouses in tbe ilitt Police believe Judge tbe deriared he t news¬ paper rtoriei of tbe number of iiiegd whisky sellers in the city, and is astonished. Ringing Noises In the »ar», sometimes a roaring round are caused by catarrh. and, that ceedingly disaereeable and very cowman sease. Loss of smell or hearing also from catarrh. mrifier, Hood's Sarsaparilla ' Be Sure If you iav* made up y am mini to bay Hood’s SamparOlado not be induced to take any other. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is a peculiar medicine, possessing, by virtue of Its peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation, curative power superior to any other article. A Boston lady who knew what she wanted, tad whose example is worthy imitation, tens her experience below: To Get “In one store where I went to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla the clerk tried to Induce me buy their own instead of Hood’s; be told me tbeir’s would hut longer; that I might take it on ten days’ trial; that If I did not like tt I seed sot pay anything, etc. But he could not prevail oa me to change. I told him I knew What Hood's Sarsaparilla was. I had taken if, was satisfied with It, aad did not want any other. Hood’s When I began taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla I was feeling real miserable, suffering a great deal with dysp e p s ia, and so weak that at time* I could hardly stand. I looked, and bad for socm time, Uke a person in «*- sumption. Hood’s tenaparffla «Bd me so much goodthail wonder at myself sonsetimes, and my tricads frequently speak of IL” Mss. Ella A. Gore, a Terrace Street, Boston. ■HHRHMMHttRYiRRHHMMMMMfi Sarsaparilla Boidby all draafet*. gl; six for fit. Prepared eaiy by C. L HOOD * 00, Afotbeearies. LowsO, Xua IOO Doses One Dollar 5 » p y « ' I SH Ml mk HbS abort orer of tte 'ssSSSb^szsSL tew diiu&wa bon I got e 0*-!. aadtheboBs (which Thtl msMny my ¥*"ternTwriTLmtit' Wwtena'wei «| a every miwet. eml a not» "“-raISB3— wsw «* Drtxita, Dodge Co- Ga. •kin Disease 17 Years ■“-■a titasa 3S£®S? la*«ea* ae a Another Marvellous Cure The CcmwuA, CSmcvrt Rwoltkv —a Cvtk i b.» Soar taw brought ^hawTttW abort a tittle son rigbtjwuv el meet an nsaediw also the most reunent doc- Cutioura Resolvent The new foood Purifier aattyan wnd parrnt and beat the ofBnmor curea, ipter d Cmrvs*. gnat ^dteKrinBfoutifier, Skin Can*, and Cctrnu Soap, an ex- i^l«allS8Spg externally, instantly aSSS.’^aews 4M Crncrsi, Pi^’bythe SOe. to.; liESOLV Pottkk J>mm AND ( hemical Corporation, R rarfriS. HP* Send for “How tofare SIIh Diseaaee,” *4 pages, 50 Ulnsrrations, and 100 teetimo rl”ped niSlPLES. blsekbeade, red. rough, chap and oily skin prevented by Oirwu ■a Soap. How My Back Aches. B&ek Ache. Soreneee, Kidney Pains Lamenees, and I Weakness. vqp Strains and Pain relieved in one minute by the Cstlcwa Anti-Pain Pias¬ ter. Tbe first and only enatantaneoos pain¬ killing planter. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. HENRY C. PEEBLES, ATTORN KY A T LAW, HAAIPTOS, GEOHul.b. Praetav* in all the Stale aud Federal ourts. oetSd&wly JOHN J. HUNT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, GB1FF1S, GEORGIA. OfBee. 81 Hill Street, Dp Stain*, over J. H. White's (liothim- St ore. mnr22<14wl y IHOS. R.- MILLS, attorney at law Will practice in tbe State and Federal Courts. Office over tieorge & Hartnett’s aovitf OH* P STEWABV . I I i 1. 1. 11 MJ 1- STEWART & DANIEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW Over George & Hartnett's, Griffin, Ga. Will practice in ih e State and Federal lie. julvlMti C-EVfcLANO & GAKLAKD, Df^TIST®, GBIFFIN, : : : GEORGIA, Fire lines 1 -H»(~ C.H.JOHilSO^m SI ill rep;'it! !s Sonthera Mutual Insurance C: of Athens fit. the Lhe«pes; in Geor- gid and ss go tf ss in the world; THE : GEORGIA : HOME and ethers as good as can be foe d. as he would nof represent o h r ' .nn goo l of c*. and earf>isff| soSinis liv? patronage of .be co.Timii' ity He aiso rvprt;enfs the old Washington Life Ins. Co. ®f New Yot k. hi* choice ot all lha Lite Compafii 1 s. because It embodies all ts premises in the policy. The Na¬ tional Accident Society and the South¬ ern Mutual Building and Loan Associ¬ ation, the best Savings Bank for Small investments extant. Call «t his office N^. 16 Hi l Si.-tet a-fo invsi g te 0 H JOHNSON, SR. ‘.'Cu -lu* Nefciiants and Planteis BANE, .Ol illiu, Capita], : : : : $100,000 . Organized July 1 , WW. < Prompt attention to all buatnres Intrusted to us. Accounts solicited from honks, firms individuals. Went—J. President—S. D. BOTD._ GRANTL.tSU asssifTioora. i “ iwuuafl. * “ ‘.tt : Kt4tartir , A LOIfiB FELT £ , have In tile South Ims been a Hrst-clasa Furniture lionse where solid goods aifonot RM h,nmr,e Jl^^sxSlliXrtSiS IHwhvic from #30 to #500 a suit, with a full and complete hoe in 1 nrlor, fog***™ ,»«» r«~*«- CARPETS, RUGS, OIL CLOTHS, DRAPERIES, ETC.,*- Department never so writ stocked amd prices made to sell. SILKS, WOOLENS, TABLE LINENS, HOSIBKSLnETO, RWL , French Novritim in DRESS GOODS are marvelously beautiful and superbly grand m desiglt an* " LADO^^EW^^H^SES’, AKING—All HOYS’ and work CHILDREN’S done to ordw, SHOES.—Stock full and complete. MILLINERY and DRESS M his frauds , tall Mr. 3. T. Stephenson is with us and would be glad to have or t CHAMBERLIN, JOH 66 ami 68 Whitehall ami I. 3, 6. 7. S. II and CURES PILES, SALT RHEUM. Tetter, burns SCALDS, SORES. i WOUNDS. IN¬ ^v/ 4 3j SORE And FANT'S CHAF1NC, NIPPLES, SORES f AN INVALU¬ ABLE REMEDY ^ASf^S OB CATARRH 25 ?? „JrRSJTttSiss Fo r Sate by S. B. Prewiy. Farm for Saler One of the finest faunas in Middle Georgia for such sale. that The be wishes proprietor’s ta re¬ health is fatigue of business tire from the This farm is about three-fourths of SSsiS a mile east from the centre of the 25 acres in an enclosed permanent pasture with large branch running through centre of pasture. On this branch is a splendid place for a null or gin: plenty of water and water fall Balance of land is m the high¬ est state of cultivation of any farm in the state, having had thousands of dollars worth of cotton seed and stable manure and composts of all kinds put on it in the last few years. It is also ah one of the heat terraced and ditched places in Georgia. Ditches all scientifically run the so fields, as to prevent any washing of ditching ottbe place cost $500. Toe owner has made the improvement of the place a specialty ever since *“ bargain, shch as scarcely ever is of fered. fine Also on the place of is different a young kinds, orchard of fruits nice convenient dwelling, bam and all necessary oat buildings. This place is only to be seen to lie ad mired. CLARK. ___ __ G. W. Sept29d&w3m. Hovers, Mprs id Gins Feeders aad Condenser s. H E BEST ENGINES and BOILERS One 5 fioree 2nd hand Engine and 50 Saw Gin with Brook* Press, for Mower.<> sate cheap. Osborn's First-class Grass “ l ‘~ “ Jteapers.. Beapcr#........ .. !mp r oved Milburn Gin. ‘ Centennial Gin Hal’ s Set Feefier^D. Prices as low a* same grade aaywbere G. A. CUNNINGHAM, uglBdkwlm 10 Hill»t. GUIf FIX..0A S r- ate.' -- i ',1,3 -■ .,*.&< ____ — ™®l| 'Ofoemit zjb/erI [chills f DUMB 4$UC l\HD ! it SALS BY ALL ttBrOGS - Tts. ■',* I'KOS., Wholes®Is r rer.'htt*. i: Eioci, Utr*»£n~, Sa-, SB pace book o< psruswlses free. FOR MIN ONLY maar | W. D. DA Hardware And! Farming PISTOlX ISTOLSn .t--- -'1 WtotSk it * PISTOLS! PISTOLS!! * * tap- Come and see roc. ; --- ; -.>)***■ f N O VEL : T~JE^' IN PLUSH GOODS. PASTELS.- PLAQUES AND * PICTURE FRAMES KS- at the book store, -sa —( 0 )- SECOND FLOOR FULL OF PIANOS AND ORGANS. DXS21NJES iBLUFP ____ % (Prickly Ask, Poke «*tat aatt -MAgES P03EHVE CUBES OF ALL FORMS AMD BIrtHB <g- Fbj-zidansendorse P. P. V. u * eplea-i yon Win regain fiaak and atrengte. did combination, and prescribe it with! Waateof energy and an dlumiarswWhi* great »ti*f action for toe cures of znl tirtM and ritam rt Prireare. ScMmdarjJ |PPP the Ladicasrbcre one of P. P. P. aystanmi 11 uliMllMfi and TWtiary SyphUta. Sypiulitic Sheu i Glandular Btaftam, fleroftdoon SwnUlnga. TBeere Kbcamatbra, and Bores.» Ki4-j & natrual irregntariDat ampaeadtariy nay Compiainta, old Chronic deers that & benefited by the wondaatel tonle and SYPHILIS SCROFULA bnereriated »atwwto«it. Catarrh, EWn s i Diseases, Zarema, Chronic Faanele ttUm AtatePutoBoet anfiPilaml— Compiainta, Mercurial Detach, IWtaB Hold by all Di iiggteW Scaidhead, etc-, etc. UQpfiVAyi wfirttts, ttreg*fi*i*ff% V. P. P. is a powerful tonic and on excellent appitizer, bonding up tea WHOU6ALI MU0SWTS. ayatam rapidly. B you are weak and -■ — Black. tUTirttl* OX. fachie. and feel badly try P. P. P, and RHEUMATISM am* DU MOISTT, M. D. THE ERRORSofYOUTHaniMANHDQI “» fiAip, *<eom» »wo .dew Advertisements. $30 FORT CRAY RAiTS FREE White introducing oOr flue work, if you tend * tujuu x vi ci an. jcnr that only consideration it imposed upon \ you exhibit to your friends GKATEFUL-COMFORTING. MSI** 0 * “By a thorot laws whieh gov and nutrition, of the fine pro) Mr. Epps has j with a «Wieatel Hommopat IT WILL MY flMl If you propose going WsWt ^to write to me. ^represent " octfbiAwfim. , — . ■ - .....Uf.r t a