The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, November 08, 1889, Image 2

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. S, I«W. - . bw mm* taStto«forto. ^ ------- ■ a. for the Daily Asmwsm tfe ’ ' I ■ ? tm “ i results of Tuesday's t as outlined in atches of lly that the » greater and t could then three great _ Virginia, Ohio it is hard to tell tr, though the ’ be awarded to ____the first mis elected since 1854, * ority of 10,000. very likely , retiring that _____md, Senator Allison. crushed Foraker under ty. np n majority .Mabone, and Democratic majority WtorrSttLsased its last tbs legislature than arein the OM New Jersey gives 10,000 cratic majority and elects a cratic legislature. Maryland elects a Democratic lature. Mississippi elects the State ticket. Maasachueseto reduces the iican majority on Governor from 000 to 4,000, and show a gain of to 18 Democrats In tlie legislature. Pennsylvania gives 62,000 lican majority this year against 79 000 last year. Nebraska goes Republican by unknown majority—of so little count in this Democratic year It is almost forgotten by the gatherers. -W - " ' Coughing Clarissa Clara.—Comely, Clendenning, ng atching chills cold, creeping coughed cough, that continually; would have y * she Dr. Bull’s {SKr not used 25c. mr CMfHM. forgery. . J., Nov. 5.—A the arrest of t of the board of educa- Pf&arge L Suspicion of forgery having and «n- tits unusual amount of ■w fuel, an investigation was or- in the midst of which Ratio 1 to ordered, having made out bill* forged for ‘ to which he sement of members of the school after which he collected the la and pocketed them. The _ pec ted (list other cases will be ” Koyic has been secretary of since 1881 and is the head of highly respected family. t ~ - A tt s tot h Withdrawn bv Pbuupsbuko, N. J-, Nov. 5.-A ghastly factor waa intruded into the campaign in Warren - county ------- by the un- •at Democratic candi- me. The lllti fight U^ftk now uuw nar- utu- O’Neill, '■ C. Perdoe, regular Republican, W—,— and William Neill, regular Democrat, 5iSSSl.’!rbX2Sffi , “2 had been the town treasurer here for I years, public was schools one of in the this originators place and I fl in toe board until recently, and excitement over the .to l>e the cause of How's „ yT -,____ This! Hundred Doliara Reward tarrhtoat can mat be eurad H-gi.,,— have Toledo, 0. known F. J, .................. I and bell »ve him Mi fcstewms transac- ww w> carry ant ftny r their firm Druggist, T<tiedo,0. dn, Wholeeafe - Tolwio National isnd jktffi _ t»ar#i fort a»soft as a woman'* an' a* as a stream a-ripplin’.” That rnm iloopfeta tb cupboard tor either Don Cameron Senator Edmonds. Before the tion both of thorn gentlemen a long load laugh at the idea of jamin Harrison being elected dent, and that laugh is still in Mr. Harrison’s ears, and he gently whenever the name of ron or Edmonds is mentioned in presence. Hie other Albany people stealing its ing of No In “cutting news up” Items. use brothers. The scissors do a great deal of editorial work for the Geor; gia weeklies.—[Jackson Argos. Didn’t you ewer notice that it is those papers which have the least news that make the biggest fuss when a casual item is clipped* out credit? And now the Democrats of Iowa ore mad because they did not get the legislature as well as the governor, probably missing the former people by members. Well, well, some new# satisfied. ---w-------• The election returns shook up editorial writers of badly that in yesterday’s paper they cooidn’t tell whether they were ing about Ohio or Iowa. The Democrats are still engaged the pleasant occupation of up their majorities in the States. The Republicans hare counting. It is easier for Foraker to through the eye of a needle than swallow a Campbell. _ Cleveland and Campbell sound very well. It’s nothing to John Sherman. Ah, there, Ohio! Stay there! „ shoulder*, knees, ankles, hips, found and Thousands of people have in Sarsaparilla Thismedicine, a positive by its trahsers of ] the aridity the Wood, and builds up and strengthens the whoie body, “Lord 1 ’ McKouile at HU Old Tricks New Brunswick. N. J., Nov. 6.- “Lord” Edward Hugh McKenzie, two years ago imposed on farmer iam Johnson, of Franklin Park, N. and married his daughter, was from jail here last week, because which he a disagreed on the case in charged with trying to knock out wife’s brains with their baby’s gum He tle. He is at his old tricks. gaged board at William Humbers’ on Burnett street, saying he had in the hands of Secretary Hinee, of Young Men’s Christian association. only succeeded in getting three when he was caught in the lie. He suddenly. He also represented work to Humberts that he The was Fredonian. going to assistant editor of Kenzie was heard of at the Elm ton , near Bound Brook, where he bofird while “uwai in ; remittances England.” His wife has repudiated their altogether and is supporting by working in a farm.’.'’a kitchen. Favorite. F ante is a word ambition loves, A mi art has ne’er its portrait painted. V irtue the heart of avarice moves, 0 bib-ions to the “shekels” sainted; R arer than even these, by far, 1 s health, defying poet’s diction. T ben with a trifle not, pleasures nor mar— E od ills that female bar by taking* Dr. Pierce’s Favorite scription—a remedy so for those weaknesses and diseases culiar to women, that they need longer suffer from them if they but use this world-famed remedy. InuicinaFy W»rf»r *n W«i^ Tlr*l»i«. pARKEBSbURO. W. Va., Nov, reliable citizen, just arrived from neighborhood at IJncoln county, the alleged warfare crista, rays most of the reports sent out from ington and other points near there and that McCoy killed and at Haley time are since the two persona any trouble began. The corsriousnea* of having a remedy band for croup, pneumonia, sore throat, sudden cold*, is very consoling to a With a bottle of Ayer’sCherry Pectoral in herase, one feels, in such coses, a sense of cs rity nothing else can give. Row’s Your Wife? Does she feel poorly all the bhe ueeiis a tome. Something wrong tUUi’g with WIVU UCI her blood. UIUUU, Run avuh for 1DI doctor? Not at nil my dear sir. nhvsician’a physician's fee fee Will will nrovide provide her her safe and pleasant relief for all Get her a bottle of JP. P. P. ash, poke best root Woman’s ami potnsiuin), Regulator very It reaches tonic extant. the of before trouble know qnietly it, and quickly, wife Mass the you kind that your brought fate p. p. to her notice and relief. Our it, physicians and well endorse conduated and no where pure blood and its be tant without happiness it. is For sale medicine dealers everywhere. by Lipman’s Pyrnfuge Is the best chill and fe.ver enre in world. It has stood the severest by phvsicians and declared good. vegetable and truly efflentions rx * «< .’*»* SJ WWflH of their Dtvfae Phrrf- _--- Hhawhoi tatattUr **» , I »«* .Ml I* tte author of Ibetr . . he- hmnrasua ttett to i viva hearts «w the pant .year and Mas* God for 1 Im t III tiuliii J °— fn»;a po.ti.Uaea an 1 C ...... Hi , | to oar mra. abumkurf tarre,.,. ami 'to a recompense » of of tfcrir *h toil it^rSTbeis* t w Hy s ig hth toy of -„..BL.^ this present .-,..||. month of lfoyaB«hW,to™ — s ‘ - apsrt T asn i day of National . .. thanksgiving and prayer, prayer, and and that that the 1 people _ _ _ to* and at at oar our country, oonBtry, eeasiasc rauU - from from the cares labor* at their work.a; day, shall ammaM* in their respective place. at worship and give thanks to God, who to* prospered u* on our why and made oor paisa the paths of peace, beseeching Him to bio*,- tbe toy to our pres¬ ent and future good, making it truly one of thanksgiving for each reunited home circle as for the nation at Serge. In witness whereof i tore hereunto set my hand, and eanasd the seal of the United State# to tie Done at the city of Washington, this first day of November, in the year at our Lord, and of the i s of the United I theooei tee too by a lady w uu* county, timed its cratches upon her and for she withstood its severest# and teat*, bat be vital organ* wer undermined death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incessantly and could King not steep. New Dis¬ She bought of ns a bottle ol Dr. * covery for Consumption and was eo much re Here on taking Erst dose that she slept oU night and with one bottle has been miracu¬ lously cored. Her name isMrs. Luther Euti.” Thu* write W. C. Hamrick t Co„ of 8b ell by, N. G. Get a free trial bottle at E. B. Antho¬ ny’s Dreg S tore. _ INDIA NS DE5flT b r rE. Shocking Stories of Starvation tn the Wind Hirer Valley, 'Wp T. CsaxKssE. Wy, T., Nov. 4-The 2,000 Indians occupying the Wind River reservation, just south of the Yellow¬ stone National park, in this territory, are actually in want, and many will die of starvation before spring. Their beef ration ia but three-fourths pound of a pound and half per capita issued as against each Sioux. a Then there a to Indians receive their meat on the hoof in the fall, subject to shrinkage, which is often 60 per cent. —*4 Again, the tribes on the reservation a year ago agreed to waive sugar and coffee rations if the issue of 1-oef and flour was increased, consummated bat the only por¬ the tion of the deal was withdrawal of sugar and coffee. Their allotment of flour is insufficient, and the contractors delay its delivery. At the Wind River agency are the rem¬ nants of the great Indian tribes—the Shoshones and Arapahoes. They have agricultural implements and horses, and many would farm, but they cannot run irrigating ditches, and have no money to buy seeds This year a num¬ ber cultivated small tracts, bat defect¬ ive ditches and an early frost caused the loss of their crop Even now the Indians are reduced to desperate straits. The game hoe left the country, and they eat diseased car¬ casses of domestic animals. But for Chief Washackle, of the Shosones, raids Governor anon range cattle would be frequent, the facts Warren has verified by a visit to the agon and will place them before the interior department in a supplemental report. “Timely Wise”! For Sharp Eyes ! ____________________—„ . re; With ill-health all taste of pleasure flies.” and who denies? „ _____________ith the skies. ___for him who early dies Because he is not timely wis Alas! -JH____ for him lira who who will * endu The Night-sweats, ills he might „ t so BO eongh. qniehly and cure; hard-caught and breath, heralds, of death. Consumption’s To cured, take signs Dr. Pierce’s Got be den Medical Discovery. Thousands have been cured by it who, otherwise, would now be filling and untimely diseases, graves. For all liver, blood lung itjis specific. The '‘Discovery” is guar¬ anteed to cure in all cases oi diseases for which it is recommended, or mon¬ ey paid for it will be refunded. Very Unbecoming. Lovely tints in the wrong place are reft of heir charm. A lemon colored countenance -the peculiar endowment of our pig-tailed brethren who “hit the pipe”—is unbecoming It suggest bilegoing astray,and the inference is correct. correct. Pain tieneath the ribs and shoul¬ der ■ blades, blades, constipation, headaches dyspepsia, supplement furred this tongue jgue and and sick indication ____!Station of c, the — bilions. ---------------- For liver complaint and its multifarious iltlfaritms symptoms. symptoms, Hostetters Hr—-—— Stomach Bitters litters ia is an an infallible i specific. It relaxes the ! UowelB UowelB suffii sufficiently, but without griping or violence. To tne secretion of bile it gives a due impulse, but banishes an ex¬ cess of that saffron colored principle of from the the blood. Sick headaches, sourness br -at b and fur upon the tongue dii li^appenr rhen it is used. It renews digs i, fortjfiet* i n i of dneys. Administratrix’s Sale _________ _ fore toe Court House _ _ _ _ county, in Griffin on the first Tuesday in De¬ cember next, daring the legal hours of sale, one hundred acres of land more or lews belong¬ ing to the estate Prossly Burdette, late ol said conn* y,d< ceased, adjoining lands of B. 8, Connell, Thos. E, Nutt, Jim Colwell and Mrs. Parham, about two and one-half miles from Doable Cabins in said county,same being the residence ol Pressley Bnrdett, late of said county, only, deceased, at the time of his death. heirs heirs ... Sold for distribution amonsst mongst the the at at law. Said land is in a good go. churches, neighborhood convenient to schools iooIs and ano gi water, good land and nd desirable desirable place. place. Tei Tei cash. MART A. BURDETT. $6.00 Adm’rx of Pressley Bnrdett. Executrix’s Sale. GEORGIA— Spalpiso Cocsty. of Or¬ By virttw ol an order of the Court sold before dinary of Spalding Count} will be ignil here, n the _____ pppm____put Waldroup, deceased, ol the for estate of Aaron benefit of heirs and creditors. Termscash- amanda waldroup, Nov. 1 1889.-f6.C0. Executrix. PALE Sum HHLVE CMIMI B of pnrifytB* the blood esa- mtod, for without pure Wood nearly every ore needs a wsniwsw*? Peculiar ribtoli*eraSms«»eaja. The peculiar KSTKSrS aweort To «*ww|toif«l Itself other medicine has aaeh cartel. H joe have made «P jw mind I# ».nr BixdtsSsWsimfltodonmtoiiidaeeato » DeeUBar tic any other instead. fa s Mw’-tfee, and Is worthy jow eoteMmee. H,xh,$ Sarsaparilla Is sold by all drnggtet*- bjr C, L Hood*Co.,Lowell,Mass. tOO Doses One Dollar December Sh eriff’s Sales ITT Vv ILL BE SOLD OX THE FIRST TCE8- day in Deeemker next, before the door property, P to-wit: thud A tract panel o{ ........ land lying in to* or Spalding district of originally Henry now of Gosnty. _ and containing bring sixty ol the acre* west land more or part north by had oflot No 68. bounded on the lands of T.C. Andrews, on the west i tar by loads of Mrs. Sarah Andrews, on the sooth by lands of W. L, Jackson, on toe east by lands of Proflt Miller. Levied on and sold by virtue of a 11 fa issued from Spalding Superior Court in favor of 6. W. Wood vs. Ben Dorsey. legally Ben Dorsey, tenant in possession, Also, at the same time and place, will be ■old ose strip of land in the city of Griffin on Poplar street, bounded on the north by Pop¬ lar street, east by W. E. Powell, south by 4d feet on Poplar street and running back south 210 feet. Levied on red sold as the fiiaissued from tne justice coon in oi favor rue 1001st toe Georgia District of Midland Spalding A Gulf County Railroad of Georg* vs, D. Mrs- E. E Crocker. and turned Levymade by Ten¬ Johnston, L.C., legally notified. over to me, $6.00. ant in possession Also, Also, at at toe the same time — and —.. place, r .~ ....., will ..— be — sold sold one one house house and and lot lot in in Orr’sdii Orr’s district, one-ionrth Spald¬ ing mg County, County, Georgia, less; eoi ontaining bounded the north of of an e acre more or on by by other lands of Jack Stark, on the east a street, on the south by Miss Sallie Duncan, and on the West by Dr. Cleveland. Levied on and sold by virtue of a ft fa issued from the Justice Court ol the 1065th District, Martha 6. M., of Spalding County, in favor of McDowell Dowell vs. vs. Jack Stark. and Levy turned made by Geo. D. John inston, L. C., over me. square,------ Union Disti______ in bound¬ ally Henry now Spalding County, Ga., ed south and east by land of II, T. son, vest by land of Mrs, Martha Bell and north by other lands of B. P. Gray, twenty acres, in a square, in the corner ol lot No. 55 in said district and ty. bounded north and the east above by other of B. P. Gray, south by twenty acres acres and and west west by by lands lands of of The Thorns Hand. containing in all forty acres of ___ sold by more or less. Levied on and of a fl ia issued from Spalding Superior B. in favor of George W. Wood vs. P. sold, pne lot or parcel of land in Line district of Spalding County, containing acres more or less out of the northeast er oflsnds of 8. R. Dou rough, bounded the oertb by the branch that separates lands, tlb from the Goodwin place, on road road the by by tin! Fayetteville Fayetteville and and Zebulon Zebulon ning the from rom f Conntyiine church by lands to of 8, R. on 3SOUt-„_ south and west ongh. • Levied * - - on and ■ s of S. Jl. Dorongh to e a Distric issuei from the Justice Court ... — -------- t G. M., in favor of Andrew Coe. vs. vs. 8. 8. B Dorongh. Tenant in possession legally -allr $ A, i.00. no n< 6 , 00 . E. 8. CONNELL, Sheriff S. C. UrCinary’s /.(i.criisemeois. j illbiNAKY’S 1 OFFICE—8 i-ai,d!ng Cor.v vy rv. (iEoiHiiA. November 2ii, 1880.— Johnson, administrator of Mary a. B. son. uakes application for leave to seil a lot wihi land situated in Dooly County, at pvblic or private concerned sale. Let all persons show cause fore the Court of Ordinary, at my office Griffin, on the first Monday in December by ten o’clock a. m.. why such should not be granted. $3.00. E. W HAMMOND. Ordinary; / i RDiNARY’S OFFICE—Spawhkg U/ / tv, tv, Gboboia, Gboboia, November Novel_____, 2d, — ... irr, executor of Rhoda H. Doe, represents represent; t he Conrt in his petition, he duly fully filed admini iled admini and and en tered red on record, that has rtei * ed Rhoda H Doe’s estate. This is therefore to rite a ins ed, kindred and creditors, to show canse, any they can, why said executor _—^ should not he discharged from his administration, dismission on the first , Ordinary, A. ffries, late of duty said county, made deceased, their have perlolmed their and report. Let all persons concerned show cause before the o’doik Conrt ol Ordinary, the first at Monday my office, by ten a. m., on in Decem¬ ber lext, why sneb report should not be con finned. E. W HAMMOND, Ordinary. VJ / v E0 RGIA—.Spalding Cot Ruins A, Thrower, hrower'fi ‘ estate. Thi* it therefore to cite flit persons concern- ed, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why sftid administrator should not —’--• be discharged from his administration, and - reran fetters of dismission -»—j—: ---- ont -he first Monday $6.15 i January. w: Hammond, 1890, orainury, e. gs^-esssi “aassrs OwIbnC tbe Joeeplme Fadgett, nmwnta represents to tn Conrt in his petition, duly filed and entered on rec¬ ord, tint he has Inlly administered Josephine Padgrtt’s This estate. cite all is therefore to persons concern¬ ed, kindled and creditorajo show cauae^if not be Sischary M J E.T y HAMMOND. Ordinary $8J5 { V BORG 1 A-Hratwxo Con stt.—W bereas VX f. R. Ellis, tie administrator his of patitiOn, .las. Thrash, duly repremnts ui Conrt in toS te hra m admuisterel Th* J»s, Thrash’s all ostote. , is therefore lo rite persons cor not ie discharged from hi* administration, —- tettaiS iri 4te*>terion on the tost >, Ordinary, ’ : t s m W W ■ : HD 01 H GOODS, Cl A LOMC FELT WANT Ss .....--a CARPETS, RUGS, OIL CLOTHS, DRAPERIES, ETC., ETC. Department never so well stocked amd prices made to sell. gn gg WOOLENS, TABLE LINENS, HOSIERY, ETC., ETC. in DRESS GOODS marvelously beautiful and superbly grand in design and coloring. French Novelties are ri te^ U GEim^mte’, BOYS’ and CHILDREN’S SHOES.-StoCk full anil complete. CHAMBERLIN, JOHNSON & CO.. 66 . ml 68 Whitehall anil 1.3, 5. 7 9, l l ^niH3 HunUr SU.. ITUItl, B», QURES PILES. SALT RHEUM, TCTTin. BURNS ^SCALDS, SORES. WOUNDS. IN¬ FANT'S SORES AMD CHAFING, SORE NIPPLES, f AN INVALU- r ABLE REMEDY FOR CATARRH. 25"?? Rcuabli Positivc iswsttn GutannirriK. scu. a For Sale by N. B. Drewry Farm for Sale. One of the finest farms proprietor’s in Middle, Georgia for sale. The health is such that he wishes te re¬ tire from the fatigue of business. This farm is about three-fourths of a a mile mile east east from from the the centre centre ol or the tne 25 acres in an enclosed permanen pasture with large branch running through centre ol pasture. On this branch is a splendid place for a mill or gin; plenty of water and water fall. Balance of land is in the high¬ est state of cultivation of any farm in the state, having had thousands of dollars worth of cotton seed and stable manure and composts of all kinds put on it in the last few years. It is also one of the best terraced and ditched places in Georgia. Ditches ail scientifically oi run the so^ fields, as to prevent any washing $500. The ditching of the place cost owner has made the improvement of the place a specialty ever since he owned it, not thinking that he would ever sell It; consequently scarcely it is a is rare of bargain, such as ever Also on the place is a fine young orchard of fruits of different kinds, nice convenient dwelling, barn and all necessary out buildings. This place is only to be seen to lie ad¬ mired. G.W. CLARK. 8ept29d&w3m. lovers, Headers ai Dias Feeders and Goaiauj HE BEST ENGINES and BOILERS. One 5 horse 2nd hand Engine and 5Q Saw Gin with Brooke Press, for Mower......$ sale cheap. 60.0” Osborn’s First-class Grass “ “ ,« Reapers.......... 1W.00 Improved Mtiburn Gin. Cenitnniai'Gin, ” Hall s Self Feeder Gir, Prices as low as same grade anywhere fl. A. CUNNINGHAM, wlm 40 Hill St.. OltlEFiN', SA L IPPMAN BRCF'.. : tkhol.Ffl!r Affuts annah Ga. Sni»25d$w FOB •WSSSI MEN ONLV: -jg^ aStaBBies^ Executor’s Sale. By virtue of an order granted by the Cou rt ol Ordinary of Spalding county, I will sell during the legal hours ol safe, on the first Tuesday in December, 1889, before the ceurt boase iToo ' . ed by J. B Elder, derea«pd, a» hi» bonie place at the time of his death , except forty land or forty-five acres more or less of said heretofore sold at executor's sate, by tbe ex- ecutorg of deceased. Said property js a val- nable and desirable place, in good neighbor¬ Hold Sole hood hood and and weU well surrounded and located. „ x. for distribution nongst the heirs Terms of safe oue-balf ih and remrinder twelve •sst*- ElCCUtOr OfJ. ■*....«««.. B. Killer d(K'(>HFC<i Administrator^ Sale. By virtue of an order granted county, by win the be Court of Ordinary of Spalding sold a^mTiurthWrt b riit a d o f .rhood.having gqqd p nre^watw , dFCPfUWMj , itfon and $ 0.00 aua W. D. LA t m Hardware, Audi Farming Implements. is --|oj-- i. Have just received a nice line of ( EDAR BLCKLTS, i’Ol - WARE and PISTOLS. -SIP it ★ PISTOLS ! PISTOLS J ! ★ * |QP Come and see me. “&t NOVEL TIES IN PLUSH GOODS. PASTELS. PLAQUES AND + PICTURE FRAMES :* *,#%?★ rs- AT THE BOOKSTORE. —( 0 )— SECOND FLOOB FULL OF PIANOS ANO ORGANS. DEL, N£ <£ MIJFF, (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potass -k3.AE.ES POSITIVE CUBES OP ALL FORMS AND 4 Rxyriciaa»endorseP, P. 3P. aa&£plcn-f| | |yo« r&gfi&a Utah and slMngtta. .........I did combine, and prescribe .... It w«b | | sp-ra; great satisfaction for the cures of eis forms and stages of Primary, Seccnda-r A j I tto of P. P. P. and Tertiary Syphilis, Syphilitic S4*c-- r 3 1 Ixidicawhose systamssrepriaonadsad n®y Complaints, old Oiroiiic Cleeis tha* g "Sfc ^ ^ by it© wonderful tonic and SYPHiU ROFULA have resisted all treatment, Chronic Catarria. Female! Skin | Wood cleansing Poke properties Boot and of Potassium. P. P. P- Diseases, Eczema, Prickly Ash. Complaints, Mercurial Poison, Tetter, j Bold by all Druggist*. SealdUc-ad, etc., etc, i j, UPPRAN BROS;, Proprietora, P. P. P. is a powerful tonic and tta excellent rapidly. appttasr, If you bulldin* are weak up and tlioj j Wholcsalc Dboocists. system badly P. P- P- »nd| lippman Block, SAVANNAH, GA. feeble, and feel toy RHEUMATISM ELEGTRIClTyVITAL FORCE By HENRY X>XJ MONT, SC. X>. THE ERRORS ofYOUTHand MANHOOD. 1 ' L x f,™iI r ^™^,POSITlV CURE I Uy ,UV«OM vOmUBVBB • , DvBtUll, JladS • “I HEARD A VOICES IT SAID, ‘fCOIflE ADD •«*.**» riew fldverlisemcnts. PARKER'S >tcs ft luxuriant growth. $30, ^ ra t. Ffitt UO fl [Iliuiugiojmol yoo.wu \f* uuu w*Y“*” onlv consideration imposed upon yoti wdi be that ......... pie of your our that" that the work will address show to advantage. Write full name and on beck of photo to secure its safety. We guarantee its return. Our offe. is portrait good for is a few davs only, and the sample be made,. Ad- worth $80, being a* fine as can | H^a*,S andO R.-.-Tf-WSW*. . GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. EPPS’S COCOA BREAKFAST. doctor’s bilis. It is uy meh articles of diet that he gradually bttift np i to resist every tendency eds of subtle maladies are fioati ing r artmnd arbund us us ready ready to to attack wherever there eisa is a wea k point. We may escape many forti¬ „.„.al a fatal shaft shaft by keeping ourselves well ! fled fied with with p pure blood and a properly nourish cd frame.—[Civil Service Gasette. Made aim ply with boiling boiling water »ttl« w or milk. AU1I*. uv.w Sold «MV only in lT WILL PAY YOU octM&wCm u 'r ac - 10 WEAK MEN ct,r6 > mrawheuw