Newspaper Page Text
Mvauuowwn. W.tfwf'r
"::.^#^li(^5S2Sal^ ^■■*■ y- ',. "~j #6.00
OMM,(toAd«»»)Bw *»*...
****•*• °~ W ......* •»*•**-* **w*-
■nm ajjgaaBB .•qaore tor Mtdi tor witowjwot tfce to*
-rSfrrttfc p ert** wish-
.9fiHSi teg to (gdimtUr adwrtfaeoreot* longer
f-«am* rotre m forth* ItoBr
Poor Fomker to tryiag to account
for hto defeat. H» tuak« a feeble at-
zsgasstssss SSEE&cas
Pret^gw^uor^at, Governor!
A sketch of tlie wife of Governor-
efectCampW!, of Ohio, published ia
a Sew York Journal on Bondar, a.v
Bounced that Mr*. Campbell was the
- * r of Andrew Owwur 1 “-
K Mrs. Uampbe
ume of Job E
and be was at one th» « wealthy
manolaetorer in Hamilton, Ohio-
Jim-Campbell to not only a band-
aome woman bat she to exceedingly
bright mad vivacious, and to everj-
wtone known lor her generosity. She
to the mother of four children. She
e of Vaasar College.
r carrying newspaper
jO private affairs with a
r ------ to
enne* hw a New York paper
- —-----‘itive to interview C.
, upon his arrival from
b reference to the
of his adopted daughter
_ Bnt'the
Prince Hatrfrfdt.
magnate appears to have
the impertinence graciously,
frankly admitted that be
bave preferred to have had hto
ter marry an American. But as
became satisfied that the prince
not nucha bad fellow after all,
that the two were too deeply
ment, the sum which the princess
ceives a« her dower to no more
no lees than what she would
taken if she had rftrried a
cut fanner. So it seems that
Connecticut farmer, whoever
m%ht have been, to the only one
has lost anything by the famous
Govftrnor-rieet Boies, of Iowa,
exploiting the happy termination
the campaign in hto State,
with Colonel Lamont that the
ers have got tired of trying to
rich by paying inordinate taxes.
new Governor thinks that now
a majority of the voters have
en the ice and elected a
ticket, they are likely to abide in
faith they have embraced. As to
assertion that it was the large
that produced the wonderful
tion of nearly 50,000 votes,be
that there was for the Democracy
steady arid uniform gain all over
State, which was about the same
esntagsia every county and kept
the same ratio from start to
Tkti isaot a local, but a general
olution, and to clearly due to
that operate not only
Iowa, but in all parts of the
How’s This I
We oSerOas gnadred Dollar* Reward
° 0t ** CTrW>
W6,i6l IMtlwfuM, ’te nfiYf k™°p° known it, i
Chmn*y lew the la«t 15 yearn, and MUrt
pwrieetly Ikhwi in ^ aH t roimoc
* n -
R ^k ( Tuukr:o.
H«H'« < *t«rrh CUM ia takes infernally,
acting aarfoess directly at the wpoa the Print. Mood 75*. and m bottle. neons
SOU *11 system, per
hg Druggists.
CoBtagtoas Blood Diseases.
Cleers,sores, pimples, itch,salt rheum, etc.,
are evidences oj contagoins blood disease, it
is manifestly a doty to eradicate blood pois
Okfepatfitotyriem by a use of B. B B. (Bo
..I l ufa s ,) thus enabling the sore
ptoses to heal, and thereby removing all poe-
WHS •* a -- ember* of the family beooro-
tsd. Send to Blood Balm
, for book that win eonvinoe
-------- _i- Otive, N C„ writes: “I hod
running sores on my shoulders and arms.
Owe bottle B. B. B. eared me stirely.”
bknson. Belmont Station, Miss, writes:
B. has worked on me like a charm. Mv
Mil INK body was covered with sore*, anil
oat, bnt B. B. B. healed me
NS, Hatches, Texas, writes: B B
1 my wife of a large nicer on her leg
maud all other medicine rnnld not
n,a prominent 1 - know kt -----mot of
_______X., writes: gi-ZSfX. of several
STvoKJ sa.T
Bseted ___ wowderrorm that
obeof most
etoflsr kuswledge” norOmt
_ ____to the
City of Quakers A reception
given the delegates and their wives
by the Union League dab. If ac¬
counts are correct it was nn enter¬
tainment on a new model. The ladies
of the delegation were kept in the
basement of the dob house until the
invited Philadelphians had filled
most of the upper rooms. Therf the
delegates and their wives were placed
on exhibition ia a huge room up
stairs. They were ranged in two
lines, one on each ride of the room,
and the Philadelphians marched
through in columns inspecting the
foreigners. The latter were in prop¬
er evening attire, but the local ladies
wore bonnets, and the Philadel¬
phians were apparently surprised
that the Central and South Ameri¬
cans were not arrayed in blankets
and war paint. Moving past tour
0 breast they stared at them, it to
said, with uncivil curiosity and made
remarks not likely to dispose our
visitors to trade with Philadelphia.
“Why, these,” said a Philadelphia
tody, “seem to be very ordinary
looking people." There were few, if
any introductions. The guests were,
erf course, indignant at being made a
show of, bnt the offense continued
until Mr. Curtis threatened to take
them to their hotel if the thing was
not at once stopped. The result was
that the visitors soon after got their
supper without making any acqoinfc-
anees, and went away in on unamia-
ble mood.
The recent “journalistic achieve¬
ment” of our Atlanta contemporary
appears to be exciting considerable
comment. The Birmingham Age-
Herald has not withdrawn its charge
that the interview was bogus, and
the Nashville American stands to its
assertion that the enterprising cor¬
respondent was in Atlanta when he
was reported to be missing. The
Charleston News has this:
Barrett’s story of bis hair-breadth
meeting with Babe Burrows to rather
thrilling by snatches, bnt the
Herald’s account of the cruel
tion that the boys of Vernon
ticed upon r ____ the brilliant correspoi
dent " who won bto ^ spurs in Wash¬
ington” is equally clever. We
that the Birmingham and
papers are in error. If Barrett
not interview the real Rube
and if It be true that he was in
lanta whtn the dispatch that was he
out by the Constitution
“missing,” and will bad have probably to win
“murdered,” be
viiulemporUry other Jiair of so vnti ar s- kh,» and our
caneverhopetogainby such
nalistic enterprise.
One Fact
Is worth • column of rhetorie.miid ankmer
can statesman. It is a fact, established
the testimony ol thousands ol people,
Hood’s Sarsaparilla does enre serolola,
j heum, and other diseases or affections
ing from impure state or la 1
blood, it also overcomes f
creates a good appetite, the a:
to eve.-y part of system.
Has hestBed No Less in.
Rochester Herald ( Apologetic
—The New York Press said
weeks ago that the defeat of
would mean free wool in Ohio.
Press probably did not exactly
that, and it to not likely that it
now insist that it did. When
gress meets the Press will be found as
earnest in advocating tariff for pro¬
tection, on wool as well as on iron,
as it ever was, regardless of the re¬
sults in Ohio.
, “Painting the Town Red.”
You may call this a vulgar vufga., expre
sion and as modern as it to
but in the’Tnfernoof Dante” we read
the lines :
“Who. visiting, greet through th* purple air.
I s who have stained the incarnadine.”
Incarnadine or red may be the
wrong color for a town, but it to the
natural color of the blood. If your
liver to out of order, your blood will
soon lose its ruddy glow and become
impure. This means kidney disorders,
lung disease, and, in course ol time,
death. To pot the liver right and so
stop such a train of evils, take Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery—
a sure remedy. It is a guaranteed to
benenefit or cure all diseases arising
from a disordered liver or stomach, impure
blood, as indigestion, all skin, scalp,and sour scrofu¬
lous dyspepsia, affections, salt-rheum, tetter,
erysipelas, and kindred ailments, or
money pajd for it will, in every ease,
be promptly refui ded.
The Universal Verdict of the People
Who have used Clarke's Extract of
Flax (I’apillon) Skin Cure award it
the firfefrwnd highest a)T place as a Diseas- reme¬
dial agent in cases of Skin
es. Erysipelas. Ecseroa, humiliating Pimples, un¬
sightly *“ blotches, erup-
” "arbundes, Tetter, etc.
s wonderful prepara
tion at once. Price Price* 11.00 1.00 for for a a Drug¬ largi large
bottle at Dr. N. B. Drewry’s good
store. Clarke’s Flux Soap to
or the Skin. Try ft. Price 25c.
The Great Social Requisite.
"Blue blood” is still an essential
part of the Brent cmcinl question, hut
after all pure btood to the key of life,
and P. P. P. has' achitred phenome¬
nal success all ns ailments a purificant and cor¬
rector of arising from
bad bk»od and itsconttoeot unhappy
effects. Foo sale by all druggists.
PAINT removes oJl Torns, Bunions
and Warts. ,.
viewed L, ,
jiladeiphto Times:—The adverse
r _ oftra chill ad¬
wteds that so anew
ministration* have Mown this year
with unexpected violence. Pennsyl¬
vania to abont the only Republican
State that stands unmoved, and even
here it to to Democratic failure In
Philadelphia more than to the votes
or the counties that the RepdWfoan
majority is mainly doe. The record
to not flattering to the administra¬
tion. Bnt fortunately the warning
has come early and there to time to
profit by it.
Chicago Inter Ocean :-Al! this to
exasperation, but it to tor from dis¬
couraging. It cannot he considered
ns showing any permanent decline of
Republicanism. The average voter
to tired and sick of politics. He bad
been asked so many times within a
year or so to the polls that he wanted
to be given a rest. Tnere to nothing
so hard to contend against as this
sort of apathy. It to a creeping pa¬
ralysis that yields to no known treat¬
ment, except as the time comes, as it
to bound to sooner or later, when the
involved arouse and enlist gen¬
eral attention. „
Cleveland LeaderGovernor For-
aker has been defeated in a good
There were certain minor
{actors ol opposition that contrib¬
uted somewhat to the magnitude erf
hto defeat, but these were of slight
moment compared with the assaults
of the liquor traffic-against him. Be¬
cause of hto brave utterances in be¬
half of Sunday observance, and be¬
cause he appointed a police board in
Cincinnati that resolutely undertook
to enforce the law that a conspira¬
cy of saloon keepers endeavored
over-ride the liquor interest not only
of the State, but of the Nation, com¬
bined to overthrow him.
Dyspepsia people miserable,
Make* the lives of many
and often leads to self-destruction. Distress
after eating, sour stomach, sick headache,
heartburn, toss of appetite, a faint, “all gone”
feeling, bad taste, Mated tongue, and irrega-
Distress _ f larity ol the bowels, are
__ of the
some more
After symptoms. Dyspei
not get weU of itself. It
ESting requires careful, persisl
attention, and a remedy like Hood’s 8a
uarilla, which acts gently, yet surety *»d
efficiently. It tones the stomach and other
organs, regulates the digestion, creates a
good appetite, and by thus #lok
overcoming the local symp- L| a ariai«h«
toms removes the sympa- Noauamre
tbetic effects of the disease, banishes the
headache, and refreshes the tired mind.
“ 1 have been troubled with, dyspepsia.
Mean "distressed me, or did me
uuie good. In an hour
bum after eating I would expe¬
rience a faintness, or tired, all-gone feeling,
as though I had not eaten anything. My trou¬
ble, I think, was aggravated by my business,
which Is that of a painter, and from being
more or less shut np in a 6oUr
room with fresh paint. Last e ... nf ,h
Hood’s Sarsa- OtOmttLH 1Li
spring I took
rffla—took three bottles. It did me at
immense amount of good. It gave me an
appetite, and my food relished and satisfied
the craving I had previously experienced.”
George A. Page, Watertown, Mass.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla Preparedou!?
Sow by druggist*. %h six for ft.
by C. L HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.
IOO Doses One Dollar
Ortiinary’s Advertisements.
^jKDlN.VRY'S _____iABTS OFFICE—Svxi.n-.sG OFFICE— 8val Cocx
-iv. Geosoja. November 2d, 18*19.— B.
_ Mary B. John¬
Johnson, administrator of .
son. makes application for leave to sell a 1 1 At jt of of
wild land situated in Lot No 191, in the 13 th
distrirt of Dooly County, Georgia, at public
or Let private all sale. concerned show be¬
persons cause
fore the Court of Ordinary, at my office in
Griffin, on the first Monday in December next,
by ten o’clock a. m.. why such epplieation
should not be granted.
$3.00. E. W HAMMOND. Ordinary.
/ \ UD1NARV 8 OFFICE—Spawiivg Corx-
V/ tv. Georgia, November 2d, 1889.- ■H. ('.
Burr, executor of Rhoda H. Doe, represent s
to the Court in his petition, duly filed and en¬
tered on record, that he has fully administer¬
ed Rhoda H Doe’s estate.
any they eau, why u— his —,-------- administration,
not be discbargerl of from dismission the first
and receive letter* on
Monday in February. 1890.
$6.15 E. w. Hammond, Ordinary.
/"VR!) IN ART'S OFFICE-Spalc ■wxo Cons
V r tv. Gkobgia. November 2d, 1 89.—The
A. ifttff Ol Mhu cGHfliy t IWCffftMu, QffTff
performed their doty and made their report.
Let all persons concerned showcanse before
the .. Court o! »f Ordinary, n. Reoof at my mr aMab office, Kw by ton ten
o’clock dciock a. a. to., m..on on the the L.». first Monday ——™.. in — Decem¬ -—
ber oer next. next, why such report should not be
confirmed. HAMMOND,
E. W. Ordinary.
{ V EOBGIA—8pai.oi.vo O ’OCatv.—W hereas,
Uj w M ItUlUe Kafns A. is. Thrower, 1 luvwrif administrator to the a>v> Court of it
Thomas Thrower, represent* record,
his pet ition, duly filed and entered on
that be has fully administered Thomas
Thrower’s estate.
This is therefore to ate all persons concern¬
ed, kindred KilHIiral and Hftiu creditors, invlUDIo. to »D OHU* show » eause^ • if »
, * said “ administrator should
t ‘ hey why
an iy 'discharged can.
it be letters from hi* administration,
and -id receive receive letters of ol dismiflsion*Bn the first
Monday m January. 1890.
$6.15 H. W. H.aMMOND, Ordinary.
\jr ( V EOROIA— 8PALD1XU CotmTT.—Whereas,
J«# G. Matthews, administrator of
Josephine Padgett, represents to th eCourt
in his netitioo, duly filed and entered on rec¬
ord. that he has teUy administered Josephine
l> tb^Sorr all
Tbi»te to cite person* concern¬
ed, kindred and creditors, to show cause, d
any they ran, why «dd *d|n,nmti»t^ shtmld
not be discharged from hm admxnmtomtion.
and receive letters of dismtosioa on the first
^ ^^HAMROND. Oidisary
Vx £ v EORG1A—SrAt-wse crALwn Conmr.- ,.—-Whereas
J 8 1“ —--**-
filed aad entered o* record, that he hae fafiy
administered Ja*. ' Thrash’s pt —“*■*“ est
This in therefore t t o cite all .------
rented, -----id kindred aad rtmBteffcto show
---- .
•nd receivefettomof let tern oi dlsmfe dismit ri o n oath* firet
,n F ^ r wflfAfiWOW.
bytbeC irfi . .
i almost crippled with
my knee down to WO
aakW ®a^4SL the *kia’w** entirely *WW “J'ri phjw-
|,hed Mreow *abtmt mom of <H»«we. th a 5sl kim¬
lira Kiel epnadfag reBrf
ono* d«d* of t»i don*™, aoiwn, from room which * >. I got no
whatever. I wf persuaded ttere*ultw*»«*»o»om*: to try i«mrCvoe
C€*x B*M*Misa.aad “— £ cbaMM
ala.__.k^d.__S . .. m
1 •a.eonpMdy and the bone «u»*d. (which My bad fash bora exposed pad;
fled, aoond. The fired. began
lew over a year) cot nearly
SiwiW-'SiSr* to »o grow, grow, ana and today, toaay, and for two year*
to be seen.
CO. - Itt.
•kin Disease f 7 Years
d hav. beeo tronbU-l with askfaaadM# BrketletfiSW
■ for seventeen rear*.
----* manWaorv. aod my body was «M cov¬ cov 1
eredwith them os Jatge a*.» h *» M
tried a Srf treat timc5rrrt man. remedies witboat effect
1 ka Remedies, Rejieoie*. andr- and am
thankful to state l« that after tier two two month* month* of
their me f am entire! v cared. cared. I 1 feci it »f
doty to yon audtVpaidie to state the above
caw. L. H. UcDOWELL, Jamroburg,N. J-
Another Marvellous Cur®
Th* Ccnemu, Cttici ba R*»om*xt and
Cmtu Soap have brought about a m«r-
Teion* care in th» caw of a ehja diwawot ®J
fittteson eight year* old. I have tnad al-
mo*t sss.’SSS' aU remedies also the most emiamt doc-
Tans. 16th ^“sijsr at., Omaha, >eb.
Cuticura Resolvent
The sew Blood Pander mod poreat and beet
c* Humor tore*, internally and CcrwcKk, Hie
great Skin Care, and Ctrwccai Soup, an ex-
qOMte Skin Beautilter, externaBy. instantly
relieve and speedily and peraonently banung. bleed¬ cure
the most a*oniiifig, itching, disease* and
ing, scaly, crusted and pimply
hamoraof the skin, scalp, and blood, with
lorn of hair, from f*K pimple to scrofula. m
Sold everywhere. Price. Cvncnx, 50e.
Soar, 25.; Kesoltest, #1. Prepared by th*
Pott** Dana *.\d Cbemkai. Owpobatiox,
Boston. Hovr toCnre Skin Diseases,”
KB* Send !or
frl pa f50 illustration*, and 100 teetimo
PIIIPI/EH. liflped tii'-j’kheadn, red. roogh, chap;
l and oily skin prevented by Ct’TS’C-
MX 8oxr.
t Back Ache, Kidney Pains and
Weakness. Soreness, relieved I-ameness.
. Strains and Pain in one
wuimc by th* Cuticura Anti-Pain Plas¬
ter. The first and only instantaneous pais-
kiliing plaster.
~ December , a, Sheriff s „ Sales ,
of theCourt Hons*, in theeityof GrifflD, described Spald¬
ing CountjMifoiTrin, the following
A tract or parcel of land lying in the third
district ol originally Henry now Spalding of
County, Georgia, containing eon - ■ „ sixty the acres
land more or less and being part of west
half of lot No m. bounded on the north by
lands olT.C. Andrews, on the west by lands
of Mrs. Sarah Andrews, on the south by lands
of W. L, Jackson, on the east by lands
of Profit Miller. levied on and sold by virtue
of a fi fa issued from Spalding Superior Court
in favor or xu of G. u. W. it, Wood vs, Ben
Ben Horsey, jrsey, 'C^T t«*fh» nffhnt I in possession,
notified. i. the^Ame the>An»e , and place, wdl be
Also, at at time
„„e strip of lam----—, in the city of Griffin on
Poplar street, bounded on the north by Pop¬
lar street, east by W. K. Powell, south by
ling the
________ „ _jvied ©n and soli ilda as
property of Mrs. E, E. Croeker by virtue of a
fi fa issued from the Justice Court of the
1001st District of Spalding County in favor
of the Georgia ’Midland A Gulf Railroad vs,
Mrs. E. E Crocker. Levy made by George D.
Johnston, L.C;, and turned over fo me. Ten-
ant in possession legally ally notified, $6.00. $ 6 . 00 .
Also, at the same time timi and place, will be
sold one house and lotin Orr's — ------- district, one-fonrth
mg County, Georgia, containing bounded bounded the th north
Of of an an acre acre more more or or less: less: on on
by other lands of Jack Stark, on the east by
a street, on the south by Miss Sallie Dnncan,
and on the west by Lr. Cleveland. Levied on
and sold by virtn'e of a fi fa issued from G. M., the
Justice Court of the loOotk District,
of Spalding Countv, in favor of Martha 4
McDowell vs. Jack Stark. Levy made
Geo. V. Johnston. L. C., and turned over to
eres more or less
er of lands of 8. R. Donrough. bounded on
the north by the branch that separates said
lands from the Goodwin place, on the east
by the Fayetteville and Xebnlon road
ough. Levied ou fl
of S. B. Dorough satisfy one ia issued
fro „om the Jnstice Court of the U59th District
(i. U., in favor ol Andrew Coe. vs. S. 1
Dorough. Tenant in possession legally »<>
tified fG.OO.
B. S. CONN ELL. Sheriff AC.
Administratrix’s Saie
will sell before theCourt House'door in said
county, in Griffin on the first Tuesday in De¬
cember next, next, during the legal hours of s ile.
one —_____sired hundred acres ;---------- land more ire or! or less belong
mg to the estate of Press! “ f n Eurdette. Eurd late of
■———*y,di ceased, <’ ninglu ninwlandsof B.
ios. K. Nutt i Colwi rell and „ M
_________ . le-batf miles from
intv, deceased, at the — ... heirs
Id for distribution amongst the at
law. Said land is in a good chnrihes.jBrood neighborhood,
convenient ■nient to to schools schools and and c
water \ good land and MART desirable BUBDETT, place.
cash. A.
$6.60 Adm’rx of Presley Burdett.
Executor’s Sale.
during Tuesday the legal hours 1889, oi saw. before on the me conrt nnsi
in December, the highest bidder,
house door in Griffin, to hundred and
the following lands to-wif. One
twenty No. acres
8 inCnio
ed by land <
tha A. Maiai
man, being a:
ed by J. B. Elder, deceased, ns ms nome
place at the time of hi* death, except said forty land
or forty-five acres more or less of
heretofore sold at executor’s sale, by the ex¬
ecutors ecuvoreu,™™. of deceased. Said propert} good neighbor¬
uable and desirable place, in
hood and well surrounded and located. Bold
for distribntion amongst the h«re Terms Terms
of sale one-half cash ___ and _____ twelve
moat* from date of “V p . WILSON,
ExecutwfofJ. B. Elder deceased.
SuNlQHiC^ )ves.
m The * liRl Largest hi Store In all the!
Department never so well stocked anid prices made to sell.
French Novelties in DRESS GOODS marvelously beantilul and superbly grand in design and coloring. 1| J
L-U>I J^rGE!^\ MIS8E.S‘, BOYS’ and CHILDREN’S SHOES.—Stock full and complete.
66 and 68 Whitehall and 1, 3, 5, 7, 9. 11 and 13 Hurrter Sir., ATLANTA, GA.
. . ___;_ ■ - ■ • "___
C««I* «MP». *
TCTTEW. burns
(some nipple*.
For Sale b y N. B. Drewry.
j-arm tor Sale. Middle
One of the finest Jot ms in
Georgia for sale. The he wishes proprietor’s to
health to such that re¬
tire from the fatigue of business.
This farm to abont three-fourths of
a mile east from the centre of the
25 acres in an enclosed branch permanent
pasture with large On running this
through centre of pasture. place for mill
branch is a splendid of water and a water
fallf or gin; plenty of land to in the high¬
Balance of farm
est state of cultivation thousands any
in the state, having had
of dollars worth of cotton seed and
^SSTSSLSSK? terraced ££
It to also one of the best
and ditched places in Georgia.
Ditches all scientifically run so
ditchiDg of the place cost f ouu. l ne
owner has made the improvement of
trie place a specialty ever since be
owned it, not thinking that he would
ever sell it; consequently scarcely it is a rare
bargain, such as ever
Also on the place to a fine young
rebard of fruits of different kinds
ice convenient dwelling, barn am.
all necessary out buildings. Thif
place to only to be seen to l»e ad
mired. CLARK. _ . ___
G. W.
Sept29d &w3m.
Feeders and ‘iMler*;.
One 5 horse‘Jnd band Engine and 50 Sat
Gin i2 with Ia.V. T>Daoen Brooks Press, forsale fowcoln oriaOn cheap.^
Osborn’s Firet-classGrassMower,
Improved Milburn Gin.
‘ Centennial Gin.
Halt s Self Feeder 6 ir.
l'ri(«s as low as same grade anywhere
uglGJAwlm 46 Hill St. GRIFFIN. GA
L 1PPMAS DECS.. 'WholeMile -!me25d4w Agents
va nnah Ga.
APosmvE55»ag®,MSS, CtrBE;2SS,«SMSS«E
« ^s^aiaaa 8 ga
Executrix’s Sale.
ourt of Or-
ntj win be sold before
fa said county, with-
fa the legal hour* of sale, on the first Tuee-
day in December next: One hundred and
twenty-seven and a half acres, more or
beingpart of lot number thirty-eight, Henry in 8 paid- the
3d District of originally north by lands now of T.
ing County, bounded 8. M
C. Andrews, !ws, east ea by estate ‘ ‘ • of —^ C. oro¬
land, _____ south by lan be r-s.
nnd ig all
of sai the
west sidi te ofsaid lot. Sold ns part of the
estate cwittie of Aaron ft sldrotp, deceased, for
'»”** - iLssw.iar*' Executrix.
Sov. 1 1889.-$6.00.
Administrator’s Sale.
By virtue of an order granted by the Court
of Ordinary of Spalding couaty. will be sold
onlhe -« *--w first Tuesday 'T'--W in iw. December, fUwonKaw Spalding 1889, 1RRO be¬ La.
fore the court house door of county.
brtwren the usual hours oi sate, to the
est ..... bidder, ■* the “ *' following described leseribed property,
to-wit: 202H acres of land, bring eightyfive of lot
acres off ol lot No. 113 and balance off
No. 113, and bounded north by lands of
Coleman and D-P.Elder, eastbv lauds ol J. J.
$" p. Hto! Si “SsImSSi^5
originally Fayette now of land, Spalding located county. in
This is neighborhood,haring a good piece good water, a
good through pure wild land.
and a public road runs estate of Mrs. Martha A. Malaier.
deceased, for the purpose of distribution and
payment of debt*. Terms cash.
ig .00 J.H.MALAIER, Xdm’r.
Hardware, Stoves,
And; Fawning Implements.
Have just received a nice line of CEDAR BUCKETS, POT-WARE and
PISTOLS. . - 1
★ * PISTOLS ! PISTOLS! ! ★ it
fST Come and see me. '
/ ’
„ .
£«* at the book STORE.
DEx. N£ 6 HUFF,
(Prickly Ash, Poke Boot and
-IttAKES POSITIVE CCSES or all rosMS asb stages or-
Physictans endorse P. P. P. ae s splsn- will regain fi**h sad strength.
dM combination, and prescribe it with 69 Wastoof energy nadsBdfsesnss resulting
great satisfaction tor the cure* of ail from overtaxing the system are cured by
forms and stages of Primary, Secondary the use off.P.I. .
lad Tertiary Syphilis, Syphilitic fiheu- fcsi Ladies whose systems *re poisoned end
Eostjsm, Scrofulous Dicers aad Sores, whoseblood is in sn impure conffittirndne
Gknduiar Swellings, Eheumaiism, Sid¬ trust ifregulerith* »re pecalisrty
Complaints, old Chronic Dicers tbst ■d by the wonderful tonic sad
hare reeiated all treatment, Catarrh, Skin blood clesnsing properties of V. P. P.
Diseases, Comptoints, Eracma, SCercnrial Chronic Potoou/ Femnle Tcttei, GO Prickly Sold by Ash. sll Poke Druggists. Boot sod Potassium.
Scaldhead, etc., etc. UPTIAfi BR«8e Proprietors,
P. P. P, is a powerful tonic and ca
excellent appittoer, building up tho Wholesaxc drogoists.
system rapidly. If you are -weak and Limns* Block, SAVANNAH, at.
feeble, and feel badly try P. P. P., and
-..... i . ————————————
I testimonials from high sources, free to all.
TM» is the only f ever puli ublished, and to absolutely ew
' b very root# roots and j vitals of disease.
.lew Advei iteements.
L wuaK«erw«w_---------- ‘
{rtastfx*) for t*rri«vlara aed .■*««. ...
•^sssa^s $30 portrays rnrr liltt
wire < rayon Portrait Free of Cha large. The
will be
ity ns a 8«m-
Of our wo
ed suitably, so that that the work will si
to advantage. Write full name and address
on back of photo to secure it* safety. We
________ ...... Ju ... only, nta' iTium. mm the u, sample uuc., portrait ... is
few days and
..-orth $30, bring as fine as can be made. Ad-
dress Ambbkax Poet bait Horan, 3 and 6
Washington 8»., Chicago. -HD Largest Life-
8i*e Portrait House m the World.
MBgtt&r- Aula * Ht
■ .-V
“By i
and nutritii
of the fine
wire aGcucaieiy naiuis raaj
save us many heavy doctor’s bills. It is by
the judicious use of such Articles of diet that
a constitution may be gradually built up
until a til si strong enough to resist every tendency
to dise Hundreds of subtle maladies arc
ply with boiling water or milk. Bold only i
half-pound tins, by Grocers, labelled t tuis
Homa-opathicChemists,Loudon, JA31KS EPU^&C«.» England
If yon propose going West or Northwest, to
write to me. 1 represent the Short Line.
oct8dAw6m AtlantA, Ga.
pArtlcolK. jptonAi tor bats, work; enrw PREE
d aasdtesl