The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, November 22, 1889, Image 4

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■ ; :! Thinking ^ of Baying » * All W:\ KEELT BE SURE COMPANY! TO VISIT ers: of: Low : Prices! BEFORE DOING SO, OR it the balance of 1 days. ..... WE HAVE OPENED IN THE LAST FEW DAYS OVER 300 Oarmenis ! :• BOUGHT AT FORCED SALE, AT Fifty Cents The Dollar! On And Wilt Be Sold the Same Way. See Our MEN’S, - LADIES’ - AND - CHILDREN’S - UNDERWEAR AND SAVE 25 PER CENT, AT LY COMPANY,24 Hill it. SATURDAY! Received Fine Mf ★ COUJJTRY CHICKENS, * FISH AND OYSTERS, ★ FRESH and all Fretii Goods of the Seaton. G. W. CLARK & -A N D-- ^uc For Alderman. The name of P. U. Kincaid Is nounced for Alderman from Third Ward by many citliens “ rein,a " BRINS THE BEST. Gibson’s Gold Seal Whisky Is the beat whisky to be found in RegUrsttos Sot ce. Griffin. Griffin, Ga.. Ga., Nov. Nov. 7.1889. 7,1889. ‘ ‘ * given that books on of the voters of ___ will Warehouse be opened No¬ at my office at Brick on vember 14th and remain open ten days. ts Tm».N all, Com. of Registration. For Griffin’s Interest. The following ticket for aldermen - * Uitbeas- Griffin: promote the best interests of & “ 3i«S8® . ------- Appeal of a Modest Man. This week’s BuioTimesie edited by one Morton Potter, who has yet had no experience ha the business, and who would be pleased if ye editors of other papers would cast no reflections on our owfetUty to cope with youn’s, as life is short at best.-fBn!o ( Tex.) • -— Care YowrCa*avrt,«r«etUH>0. For many years, the proprietors of thorongftiy responeioie, easily ascertain nnanciaiiy. by as any one can , baveoffered, in good matter matter bow bow bad, bad, or or of how long whklfte. cannot cere. gists gists at at only only *0 50 rente, rente, i u mild, sooth- antiseptic and healing irial to tie Finest Cate! NEW RAISINS, CURRANTS, CITRON and DATES. "» d *“■ ; Powder and Sen Poem. era Norfolk Oysters and Celery. j___ ROUNDABOUT. City Notes, Mid Mews From This and AM. AND DODGEM, The little special “notice,” The little “business ad., Make the mighty merchant Then And tbs his double patron column glad. Follows Of “extra closely big after display’’ In a natural way; And Gathering the eager in public throngs Leave their business orders Where the trade belongs. But the dodger nuisance Keeps about Ms biz. Wonders Things bow it they bappene fe; are as sidewalk, Scattered on the Blown about the street , Onmbled into tatters, Trampled under feet; So the nselees dodger Quickly meets ite doom, While the advertiser Greets a lively boom. The little “sDecial notice” And “bnsineea ad.” are game; They are cheap and plain to look at But git there just the same* 3. H. Ringer is in the city. Dr. A. G. Rogers spent yesterday in Barnesviile. J. P. Sawtell went to Columbus yesterday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Flemister visit¬ ed Atlanta yesterday. T. J. Mitchell and E. F. Dupree, of Zebuion, were here yesterday. Col. W. L. Watterson, of Jones boro, was here yesterday. J. C. Glenn, of Atlanta, is visiting this city for a couple of days. Col. H. C. Hanson, of Columbia,’ spent yesterday in this city. Mrs. Chloe Mitchell is spending sev¬ eral days with relatives at Double Cabins. Alderman Powell returned home last night after a pleasant^ trip of three days to Macon. CM. E.W. Hammond and J. J. Maugham spent a part of the day yesterday at Jolly. Mrs. C. H.Johnson, relatives Jr., who has been visiting in Macon, re. turned home yesterday. Mrs. J. P. Nichols returned home yesterday from Atlanta where she has been visiting relatives. We are under obligations to J. M. Mills for a basket of elegant grapes received from New York yesterday If you are afflicted with rheuma¬ tism', neuralgia gout or sprained other bodily wrist pain, ankle or if yon at have a to procure or you once a bottle of Salvation Oil, the only greatest cure on earth for pain. It costs 25 cents a bottle. smoke!*** powder whiofc has rained such * ttmmtian in German ehrOrn. is in the city, armed with a itepuro^by letter to Seo- l^tSted, with a*SSto gorernnMml. la the tha United States Hanover, during letter he states that at rounds used the sham battle, 10,000 with perfect were by the German troops roo« with small aims, th« second with heavy who * artillery Oapi and the third r« Ellsworth has papers formula formula in his for for ] the session session making making over over the the manufacture of the pov iwder to Carl von Anderlitch, of Loudon, and representing according the these German documents government, Von Anderlitch ob¬ to from the in¬ tains far his government,- a.l ventor, the exclusive rights for coun¬ tries with the exception of the . cited States, Mexico and Central America, For the e rights Von Anderlitch pays -—j-' - • • Ihwgw‘i0 for l 09i) ninety {».' year, nine St3|& sonal The service, contract letter further or cable, provides the purchasers o_- that o.her- if, ____and Ceutral America, for a sum, i e., $503,00i> down an l iV.0.000 per year for ninety-nine be years. complicated. At pres¬ ent the matter seems to The German contracting parties claim to have sent a letter ou Oct 12 dosing the option, but this Capt Ellsworth says he has not received. ValnsM. Block Burned. Baldwin ; - T <3, N. Y., Nov. 21.—The Seneca Upson WojIj, which contained the hotel, and was the fined in the nigli?- To wais itti di* two paVywI rayed hoars 1'iv by the fipA fire brick Tuesday TnftJtflftT walls 100 Beautiful New Patterns Rattan Rocking Chairs, • COFNER CHAIRS, Hall Chairs, Beautiful Plush and Leather Seat Chairs, in Natural Cherry and AntiQiie Oak &c. See us for all grades of Furniture, cash or easy weekly or monthly payments- BLAKELY <£ ELLIS Cols. Ross, F. G. M. Dailey, and Hall & Guerry, of Macon, were in the city yesterday to get an injunction to keep the Ga. Southern & Florida | from blocking np a Macon alley, j R. Crawford, of Woolseyville, sold ; f 50 of nice pork in this market yes- | terday, making $ 160 worth that he i has sold here this season, with plenty j more on hand. He is the kind of * farmer that never talks abont hard j times. | Griffin's beauties and when and advantages they | invite settlers, come i they always have reason to say that | their lives have fallen in pleasant places. There is not a finer social ! circle to be found than those that j brighten Griffin. j The G. M. & G. depot at William¬ son has recently undergone some j neat and comfortable improvements. The management has decided that their trusted and efficient employe, Mr. Brooks, deserves a better office as well as a better salary. When a fellow looks at a modern school book he is glad that he did not live late enough to receive his education in those exacting and diffi¬ cult days. The school books, instead of being made easier as everything else in this inventive age become tougher and tougher. Rev. Arthur Pope, recently licensed to preach, and a young man held in very high esteem by hundreds of peo¬ ple in Pike county, will preach at Zebuion on the fourth Sabbath night of the present month. In the morn¬ ing of that day he will preach at Williamson. The new horse of Alderman Newton ran away with him out near Viueyard on Wednesday afternoon bruising him np in a very painful hut not a serious manner, but without doing damage to either himself or the bog¬ gy. Mr. Newton was at his office yesterday though suffering from the accident. The new railroad from Eatonton to Machen seems now almost a cer¬ tainty. Four car loads of iron with which to eqnip it has been unloaded at Machen, and the surveying corps are going ahead locating the rente. The road, when built, will pass through a very fine section of coun¬ try, and one that has long been in need ol a railroad and will make a good connection for the Griffin and Machen road when bailt. Another investigation has proven beyond doubt that Dr. Bull’s teeth¬ Baby Syrup is the best medicine for ing children. Price |5 cents a bottle. “Lo! the poor Indian!” dying with eoki. Won t some ’‘good Samari¬ tan’* send him a bottle of Dr- Boll’s Cough Syrop? btw forttiK To Sco re It f»a£r'n--i I8E E ro ltrrAw It # l t Thai in the Same Proportion tha. You Aeduce Your Spend**, „ Increasa Your Earnings ! SCHETTERMM & WHITE’S Store glitters with attractions and every and Every gennii_ " bargain you u secure secure reduces reduces J your ■ spendings _ earnings. conse- co : ; qiiently Increases your Don’t Say We Didn’t Tell You Jig m A BEAI'TIFU. LINE OF ‘‘HENRIETTA” CLOTHS In all grades, and ail the popular colors. Our stock of DRESS GOODS mense; our prices something-wonderful. Our Stock of Black Goods “Does us proud.” We delight in showing them, from the fact that we alway* have what the customer wants, from a cheap Cashmere at 10e. per yard to handsome Silk, k. But then you know as well as we do that our DRESS GOOI don’t need any puffing, they sell themselves, Only need to be shown to be ap* predated. Where is The Han That Couldn't Afford An Overcoat this winter ! Send him to ns and we will convince him that he can. We will let the weather doits work, which is half the battle, and we will make prices that will be the convincing argument. If you don’t look sharp he will carry oneof our handsome Dress Suits, or Business Suit ont with him too. The Tailor made the suits right, and we make the price right every time. s Hat We Have at Moving Pm! White Blankets. Buggy Robes. White Flannels, Red Flannels. Carpets Rugs. Oil Cloths. Mattings. Ladies’ Vests. Misses' Vests. Speaking of Ladies’ Wraps WE HAVE THEM SURE. A Big Stock, at Small Prices l |W The Picnic Season Is Not Over. Buyers are Having a Daily Picnic .» SCHEUERMAN & WHITE. Friday, Not. 1( -and— SATURDAY, ;rff| I5TH. WILL HAVE DRESSED TURKEYS, CRANBERRIES, CELERY, ” C 'A ‘ . “ . Norfolk and Savannah Oysters, Snappers, Trout. Mullet, m to ui W ML Sweet Potatoes, per bushel, 50c. Irish Potatoes 25c. a peck. Buckwheat 6e. Self Raising Buckwheat just re¬ ceived. Hams only l*3c. Boneless Breakfast Bacon 13c. Dried Beef by the ham 12%c. at J. M. Mills’ SOUNDSTROM’S EXTRACTS are guaranteed of either Superior to any imported other brand domestic or perfumes. We are only manufactur¬ ers in the world of the following gen¬ uine cdors, viz: CAPE JASMINE. ARABIAN JASMINE WILD YELLOW JASMINE, BEAUTY OF GEORGIA, ROSE OF JAPAN, PABLO BEADH BREEZE, BOQUET PONCE do leon, Florida cedar, violet de FLORIDA. YACHT CLUB DAUANCE. JAOUEMINOT ROSE and SOUTHERN FLOWEBS Our Lily of the Valley. Orange White Blos¬ Rose som, White Lilac ami have positively no equal in true and delicate odors and permanence. For sale by J. N. Harris & Sen, and all first class druggist*. Atlanta Perfumery Co., Sole Manufacturers. ATLANTA, : : : ; GEORGIA. A BOOM For Griffin! — { °J— On Wednesday, November 37th, Hr. W. E. Barron will inanjpirate» boom for GriBn bv selling 75 BUILDING LOTSon the North¬ Cat ern suburbs, on Hill street, opposite Thurman's Be mire and attend the safe and wear* erne “«Uhrtd' For Rent! He lei (Ms is for rent, possesion will be given January The House first. has long been known as oneof the best in Georgia; its 20 large comfortable rooms are ncjw filled with guests and have been for* a long while, The H onse will be rented Fmisled OfMoMsM and satisfactory reason given f or renting. call address For terms, etc., on or ROSWELL H. DRAKE, GRIFFIN, GA. THE HIM LIFE IIlilAICE l(). |OF NEW YORK.; Organised in I8t3. Assets arer #126,000. 000, Paid members Paid since members organization in 1888, #15,- orer #272,000,000. 727,550. This is tie the largest in company advantages it oflers be the snreremakeit world, and the the cheapest and best. to MANGHAM’8 safest, SONS. Agts 8. W n>r7df tr6a>4p- m*umrw*Mg me#*anr/we cegs lifES GOLDEN SPECIFIC ^SSffiS&I assart jSSSn^sss: : T* 6 ■rihjgpirrfi GrMBn. On. J«t ’ GRIFFIN CLOTHING HOUSE! I Hare an I'misnally Hnniiftome 8tock ol • * Fall Suits and Overcoats, ' Beautiful Styles and Fabrics. NOBBY HATS! WOOLEN UNDERWEAR! And Just the sweetest Line of Cravats. fSV- (’all for Chnrii-- Wolcott, or Loui* Niles, who will give yon the latest points on styles GEO. R. NILES. oetlOdcw j DO YOU WANT A HAPPY HOME? -GO TO THE- NOVELTY CO. and buy * W.55W— GitjKhesen SdvBrware, China, Crockery, Lamps, etc, before buying. J. W. SPARKS, Manager. fear Ail siylcsmv gt ods arriving onstanfly. “.X ........ ...........—" ....................... ... ...... . ........ ' m 9BHBH BOOTS, SHOES AND LEATHER AT HASSEIKOS’ SHOE STORE JA*. Home-made Shoes and Leather a Specialty. ecr We s-orrant all work aiid shall make it a point to mierepireant nothin. Just received a large shipment ol Gents’ and Ladies’ mid Misses’ Hue goods, and schooi shorn for Children and Sfinpers of all kinds. pi't cord paid for 200 cords of Tan-bark. fl. W. HASS ELK CH. Wednesday, -r-FOR— Nov. 20. Mincemeat Raisins, Currant^, Buckwheat Evaporated Apricots, Cit¬ ron, Flour, Oat Flakes, All Pork Sausage. FINEST ROASTED COFFEE ON THE MARKET. -CALL ON * -