The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, November 23, 1889, Image 2

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rr iv r _ spablic of 6*50.- * wftuffid to accept to tberaceqaes- . Ik 4a possible Mfl«t President Jefferson, fro® whom hie name, a politician ia toe Wgheet sense of the word from hk youth, mental vigor undlminmhed by hk more than fonracorv years What bo say* will .lot be nmd for the sake of the writer—who ns the only strong link tvsMlBiag between the present generation and that which entablkh- interior towns are now 883,977 bales against 915.059 at the corres¬ ponding dat• of last year. The to¬ tal American mill takings tor the eleven weeks of the present season last year—showing n lading off in their takings of 182,5*8 bales, of which 181,289 bales represent!^ the tolling off by northern mill*. The price of cotton was pretty well main¬ tained last week. Though some of the estimates of the crop are still high, it is now known that the crop In the northern region has been con Hderabiy curtailed by October t™ 1 * __ ■no doubt be elected in the joint s t»»n. WMhl.fto,,’. V.W ta>Ur. S battle, Wash.. Xov/i). Watson C. Squire was ejected fenator on the second ballot, reeomtig seventv-sit Hepesa. Mont, Nov 21. Tho legia- ^ ( wfiUlL somewhat roll of ambtUons in the uer.t two be the ones narrowed d own. _ Cure VourCatad-rlt, or Get 9500 . For mony year*, the proprietors of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy, financially, who are thoroughly responsible, easily ascertain by as any one can S - V-i) SV-O.13 Eight Men of an lii-.'ated Nenomwr As* ri».‘ 1» \ w Vn.-k. Nssw Yobe. N*»v. t? -Tit • c tp aiu of the steajn^hip Icjon.t of th > Mallo y line,* which baa just arrive.!, re pot- n iiiat be bos uu boon! right aesuneu who.u lie twmaiw.1 at sea in an open boat the men were picked u,» o f the ooa-t of the southern states ia a ; i.i.-itile oo;i ii. on The eight men on bo ini the stcome; Leona were Cawt. Tttoiuas, .Mate 1'oAtev sit of t he «■ ew ri the schooner Freeman L. Multo il from ILej West for Balti- more which spraag a leak on Hntn ’ay night au«l sunk on Sunday bout oven eight ng. The nun left in aa opoa war* reeoued a few bouts afterwards br the Leona. . * „ . Jane kut for end H*j tod Fever it ia wit the h great onlv eatkfarfioa. thing f hare seen which would allay, without irritating, the inflnmation ol the nostril* and throat. It* sooth¬ ing and heeling properties were marked ami immediate." Iriige bottle fl.OO. tlarke'a Flax Soap m the latest and beat Try it. 25 eta. Ask for them at Dr. N H Dmrrrw r » TW. .0 Promises Made by the Sultan Being Fulfilled. ; Loxdon. Nor. St. If the recent visit of Emperor William., of Germany, to Coo*touting', has been productive been the of no other result it has oeiVniuly means of inducing the sultan to tee to it that Moussa Bey. ih« Kurdisu rob¬ ber, murderer and perpetrator of every ■rile crime known to the region over which he lately terrorized, receives at least a portion of the naniahinent he de¬ serves, for lie certainty ootthl not be adequately punished aul yet live. Several timet siuoo the clamor of the OOntlEStobd press led the sultan to cell Monusa trial to the Coaffantinople offenses with ostensibly winch lie for for is charged, it has been announced from the Tacfcwh capital that the court had decide t that jnnsdkrion tiie ease of war the properly Albanian un¬ de* the hod tribunals, taat «he prisoner been incarcerate.i ponding further luvestiga- insisted upon by the kaiser whitef.con¬ ftoussa ferring vith the sulUu was that should be daoc 1 uuo . trial as puJppd soon as possible, without -.ietsty. and if found ihis goBto sultan tue prom¬ ised to do, au l the rirst step toward the fulfillment of toe ptoitti-e is the ini; prisoumen: of the Kurdidt caitiff; who has until he no pleased. tv been pending permitted his trial. to go whither Still, it-will Mousai's not do to conviction rely too confi¬ the dently on of graver crimes with which he is charged, tor it will bo remembered that the wit¬ nesses who went from Albania to Con¬ stantinople number to testily mysteriously against him, disap¬ some twenty in peared their on route rival or at almost .their immediately destination. after u If yon have made up your mind to buy Hood’s Sarsaparilla do not be Induced to take any other. Hood’s Sarsaparilla la a peculiar medicine, possessing, by virtue of Its peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation, curative power superior to any other article. A Boston lady who knew what she wanted, and whose example is worthy imitation, tells her experience below: Hood’s Sarsaparilla SsMbyaBdraggbta. *!; fix for *5. Piepuedonly by C.L HOOD* CO., Apothecaries, LoweS, Masa 100 Doses One Dollar most all remedies also the mostwouueat doc- '«fe5ssr“ 790 M. 16 th St.. Omaha, Neb. Cuficura Resolvent / The new Blood Purifier and purest and best of Humor cures, internal and Crnrrn*. tbe gnat Skin ( are, and Cmcuas Soar, an «- ing, scaly, ol crusted and scafp pimply diseases and humors the skin, and Wood, with loss of hair, from pimple to scrofula. Sold everywhere. Price. Ccncm. 50e. Soap, 25.; Kehootewt, 91. Prepared by the PoTTM Unto AXD CSDEMICAI. CORPORATION, Boston. Diseases,” BP Send for “How toCure Skin 64 pagte, 50 Ulustratiou*, and 100 tretimo l HOW MY BACK ACHES k I Back Ache, Kidney Pains and Weakness. Soreness, Lameness. Ordinary’s Advertisements. Johnson, administrator of Mary A. B. John¬ son, makes application lorleaveto sri] alot of wibi land situated in Lot No. 191, in the 13th district of Dooly County, Georgia, at publie or private sale. Let ail persons concerned show cause be¬ fore the Court of Ordinary, at my office in Griffin, on the firstMonday why in such December application next, by ten o'clock a. m.. should not he granted. $8.00. B.W HAMMOND. Ordinary. / V* ARMNARY’S OFFICE-Spa imreo Cops- tv, Geobgia, November 2d, 1889.—H.C. Burr, executor of Rhoda H. Doe, represents to the Court in his petition, duly filed and en¬ tered on record, that he has fully administer¬ ed Rhoda H Doe’s estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concern¬ ed, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can. why said executor should not be discharged from his administration, and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in February. 1890. U rkRDlNARY’S OFFIL'fc—S paxmsg Cora tv, Georgia, November 2d, 1889.—The appraisers appointed to set apart 12 month* support lor Eiixabetti Bates, widow of T. A. Bates, tote of said county, deceased, have performed their duty and made tlieir report. Let all persons concerned show cause before the Court of Ordinary, at my office, by tew o’clock a. m., on the first Monday in Decem¬ ber next why such report should not he confirmed: E. V. HAMMOND. Ordinary. This is therefore to cite all persons concern¬ ed, kindred and creditor*, to show cause, 3 any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged letters from his administration, and receive of dismission on the first Monday m January. 1890. 96.15 E. W. HAMMOND. Ordinary. i EORGIA—8n AtniXAi Cojtxty.—W hereas. VI Jas. G. Matthews, administrator th* of Josephine Padgett, represents to Court in his petition, duly filed and entered on rec¬ ord, that he has fully administered Josephine Padgett’s therefore estate. ci all This is to te persons concern¬ ed. kindred and creditors, to show cause, 3 any they can. why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration, and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in January W. HAMMOND. 1890. Ordinary 96.15. E. in the legal hour* of sate, on the «rst Tues¬ day in December next: One hundred and twenty-seven and a half acres, more or Ires, being part of lot number thirty-eight, Henry m Spald¬ the 3d District of originally north by lands bow of T. ing County, b united C. C. Andrews, east by estate of 8. More- toad, south by lands ot W T. thtmix**, and west by balaacs of said lot and being aR of said lot exaepi eeventy-five acres outlie west ride of said tot. Sold ai| part ot the T * A lW FELT WANT ° omu ‘ CARPETS, RUGS, OIL. CLOTHS, DRAPERIES, ETC., ET > Department never ao well stocked nmd prices made SILKS, WOOLENS, TABLE LINENS, HOSipST, ETC^ ET( French Novelties in DRESS GOODS are marvelously beautiful and superbly grand m design and color W LADIES'" h CHILDREN’S SHOES.-Stock full and complete. iENTS\ MlSSES’, BOYS' and order. MILLINERY and DRESS MAKING—All work done to Wends calho* write Mr. J. T. Stephenson is with ns and would be glad to have 1«» w wr» CHAMBERLIN, JOHJS & CO. 66 awl 68 Whitehall and 1, 3, 5, 7, 9. T1 and 13 Hw****^! CURES PILES, k SALT RHEUM, JMk TETTER, burns P^S CALOS, SORES. WOUNDS. IN- f* nja| f % FANT'S SORES r„* ?■? § - U l BB And CHAFING, nipples sohe JMj A%T AN REMEDY tNVALU- ABLE y for CATARRH Feeders and Inlaii) i. H E BEST EN6INES and BOILERS One 5 horse 2nd hand Engine and 50 Saw Gin with Brooks First-etessGraseMower.....♦ Presa. for sale cheap. Osborn’s 60.0 “ “ “ Reaper*........ .. 1U0J* Improved Mifburn Gin. Centennial Gin ’* Hall’s Self Feeder Gir Prices as low as same grade anywbCre- G. A. CUNNINGHAM, nglGdiwlm 46 HiRSt.. GltrFFTN, C A Execntor’s Sale. By virtue of an order granted by the Coni t of of Ordinary Ordinary of ot Spafding Spalding county, counry, 1 I will V>m sett sco during the legal hours of sale, on the firat Tutodav in December, 1889, before the court house door in Griffin to the highest bidder, the following lands to-wit: On ’ - * * twentv twenty sere* scree of of land land more more or or less off of lot. No. So. 8 ft m in Union CnionDistrict District of of said said county, t bound¬ ed bv land of J. H. and J. J. Elder, Mar¬ tha A. Matoir. deceased, andjliy lands of Cold- man, being all of the laud occupied and own¬ ed by J. 8. Elder, deceased, Os his home }dace at the time of his death, except forty or forty-five acres more or less of said kind iieretofore sold at executor’s sate, by the ex¬ ecutor* of deceased. Said property is a val¬ uable and desirable place, in good neighbor- hood and well surrounded and located. Sold for distribution amongst the heirs Terms of sate one-half cowhand remainder twelve month, 96 . 00 . from date of mde^ p WILSO> of Ordinary of ripalding county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in December, 1889. be¬ fore the courthouse door of sate, Spaldingcoimtj. the high¬ between the usual hours of to est bidder, the following described property, to-wit: 202% acre* of land, bang eightyfive eightyfive off rtf acres ofiof lot No. 112 and balance e of of lot lot No. 118, and bounded north by lands of Coleman and D. P.Elder, east bf lands of J. J. laml’of Elder and jlmre the relate of J. B. Elder, south by ^KJMW.a M. Cobman ^“F^h^trief and wret to land originWy lPayette rf originally Fayrtte now now tend, Spalding Spalding located county. county. in This is Be^borhood.Uavmg a good piece of a good good pure tort water, land. and a pnMic road runs through Sold as the estate of Mr*. Martha A. Malaier, Administratrix’s Sale By virtue of an order granted byrtbe Court W. 0 . And Farrail^piii Have just received a nice line of LEDAB * * PISTOLS mr Come and see me. !t —... . ■■ ■■ - ■ ~ i ■ —"'"-w.-i v-ir tT' v?- novelties IN PLUSH GOODS, PASTELS. PLAQUES p * + PICTURE FRAMES ★ i rs** AT THE BOOK STORE. :*&£* — -,-(Q ) ■ ■» — A.f *" . JH ECONO FLOOR FULL OF PIM0S AND ORGANS. _ wtM*. Wood ism ■stmpareeoadun ririsaarefisesUuiy SYPHILIS RHEUMATISM .dew Adverlisements Gf< ATEFUL—COMFORTING, fcp m cocoa Organ and Piano Co. BOSTON. NEW YORK. CHICAGO. XKNV Contains a five octave, ,Yi« Stop Action, teriferi m * MUI>KL OKfiAN, cash; also cold on the End MASON - -ii 1 jj■ 1 k|B|1 ‘VI