The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, November 26, 1889, Image 4

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mi & n*' rhi] et or Wrap oi Any umptt BE SURE TO VISIT KEELT COMPANY! __ ers: of: Low : Prices! BEFORE DOING SO, OR will regret it the balance of Your born days. WE HAVE OPENED IN THE LAST FEW DA YS OVER O Gtetmaents !:- BOUGHT AT FORCED SALE, AT Fifty Cents On The And Will Be Sold the Same Way. See Our MIN’S, • LADIES’ • AND - CHILDREN’S - UNDERWEAR AND SAVE 25 PER CENT. AT KEELY COMPANY, 24 Hill St. ■tZ' 1 ^ SA * f|1TTgl M U Klrim ink a wf H t • Jest Received Fine Lot * COUNTRY CHICKENS, * FISH AND OYSTERS. * FRESH TURNIPS and alt Fresh Goods of the Season. G. W. CLARK & SON. a '—A N D—— iMiifafc". Oa, Xev. *6- GROVER CLEVELAND FOR 1892’. meantime we have the Hon- p frn aa the most critical taste. Messrs. Ssnsrus P&tetek & Brooks, of our city, have Hines * Co., of Danville, Ya., for ex- at best Factory Prices. For Alderman. } ot H.e. Burr is anaounc- ed as a' candidate for Alderman in tN’ Many Voters. For Alderman. The name of F. M. Kincaid is an- pimK* d for Alderman from the Third Ward by many rituens who are in favor of progress. REDoT thebest. Gfbfton’s Gold Seal Whisky is the best Whisky to be found in flfHli oinl is sold only at JOHN I. ISCRUS. Try it. nov7dlm For Griffin’s Interest TMb following tfckp* for aldermen ££?*Sui __Fill of Griffin: promote the best mtereate HUDSON. 1st Hard— W. B. td “ -F.m". NEWTON. KINCAID 4th «■ -C. P. When »h»l \ we strike another good ppttrm year like this one? When «h«H the three meet again—peace, prosperity and plenty? These are the questions that interest ns closely as the season wanes and we begin to peep over into 90. We eodorreail tbe proprietors lrnve ■aid relative to the merits of Salva¬ tion Oil. It is nonpareil. ■ ' SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1889. _J c Goshen Whit* ir.Trout. Savannah Cherries. Butter. Oysters. { < , Dressed i Turkeys, *• Fine Salmon. *»** 1 , BLAKELY. R. W. Champion will open up a fine bar on the first of January in the place now occupied by Jno. Asher. Miss Mary Lou Taylor, of Texas, and Mrs. W. M. Thomas, ofthis city, are visiting relatives at Milner for a few days. H. B. Neal, of McDonough, passed through hereyesterday morning on his way to his plantation at Flat Shoals. Several cases were disposed of at police court yesterday morning, And tlie city was better off on ac¬ count of fines imposed by his honor. W. H. C. Lyons, of Flint, Mich., who has been visiting relatives near this city, left yesterday for Tampa, Fla., where he will spend some time. Miss Ada Mobley, who has been visiting relatives at the Experiment Farm for the past month, left yes¬ terday morning for her home at Talbotton. J. H. Powell will leave this morn¬ ing for Nashville and other points in Tennessee and Kentucky, and says he will bring a show back with him in the shape of the finest lot of mules that have ever been in these parts. A negro named Hood paid £50 in police court yesterday for stealing a pair of pants from E. J. Flemister’s store on Saturday. This is a pretty high price to pay for trousers, es¬ pecially as he said they were a misfit . The roan horse of Dr. 3. S. Sim¬ mon, swho lives near this city, fell and broke his leg yesterday morning, the accident being caused by stepping on a rolling stone. The fracture was set and the Doctor is in hopes that he will not lose the animal. Mrs. M. R. Banks, formerly a resi¬ dent of this city, bnt at present re¬ siding sHiing in m Washington, naamogrou, D. u. C., *>., where sum she ^ ^ployed ; n one of the depart ments. passed —*■“ through here yester¬ day afternoon on her way to Macon. She makes this trip Sooth to be present at her son's marriage, which takes place in a few days. Quite a number of her friends were at tbe train to see her. The weather has been very favor¬ able this season for the sowing of oats, and it is to be, hoped that a large acreage has been put in. There is no crop that pays better than oats, m this section, and tbe fail sowing is of tbe greatest importance. One acre of oats sown in the fall is worth two sown in tbe spring. Tbe yield is much better and tbe maturi¬ ty of tbe crop comes much earlier. If our farmer patrons have not sown this important let them do so 1 crop, once. How is tbobabj? is tbe and question often pot to a mother, many Dt. answer comes, “thanks to Baby Syrup much better to¬ Cost! renew, if not cheeked will re¬ in constipation, and tbe latter corrected will surely terminate fa Laxador, if taken in tin s restore the normal condition. 25 cents. ’ROUNDABOUT. City Notes, and Hew, From This and Adjoining Counties. LIT IS Bt TSlStm. Thanksgiving Day will soon be here, How thankful we should be. We’ve alt been spared another year. How thankful we should be. tot there are other Messing, with, yet Whose absence Mia us regret, Which U we could in some way be. get. How thankful we should _____put their 1-------— How thankful we should U. If fate would condescend to choke The joker with his ancient his chronic joke croak. And the croaker with How thankful we should be. If tongues were all attached to brain*. n. should be, kfu! we If fads and foibles oibles were were tabooed, tabooed If M ““ gum were —** not **"♦ by h,r ladies XaAi ** chewed, If death would kindly steal the dude, How thankful we should be. But let us be to fate should resigned, How thankful we be, kind, For Providence is good and How thankful we should be. There’re many things which we regret Aad wish were otherwise, and yet If we a nice fat turkey get How thankful we should be. H. W.-Dews,of Xewnan, is spending several days in the city H. H. Bass went to Greenville yes¬ terday for a couple of days. Dave Gaillard, of Macon, spent Sunday with relatives in the city. The regular monthly session of County Court was held yesterday. Miss Mattie Woodruff,of Macon, is spending several days in this city. J. F. Dickenson and Miss Effie Dickenson spent yesterday in At¬ lanta. Miss Rose Cunningham left yester¬ day morning to visit relatives at Shiloh. Miss Ella Harris is ... spending a day or so at Milner. She went down yes- terday. Miss Clifford .Springer and Miss Kate Ison are spending this week in Columbus. Dr. W. J. Barnes, of Meriwether county, is visiting his brother. J. H. Barnes, in this city. Mrs J.C. Ellington, of Montezuma,, arrived yesterday and is visiting relatives in tbe city. Mrs. J.*E. MitcheU and children, of thus dty, left yesterday to visit her parents at Carrollton. Herman is up to many tricks: hot lie will never take in as much as I)r. Ball’s Cough Syrup ia its big raid on coughs and colds. A ropy ot the Da.1.v Sun anti also of the weekly with a descriptive pamphlet of Grif¬ fin, were scut by w rftireu yw»(erda.y to a Cnrteruville gentleman who talks of building a hotel here. The advantages of such a building are folly set forth in the documents mentioned, and if the gentleman will come here he will find even more rea •ons than could be mentioned in a column article. Let us bnve the hotel, by all means. Both, carbuncle*. and other Ate eruption* indicate that theaystem i* endeavoring to re ject poisonous acids, and that Ayer’s Sana par&ia is imperatively needed. It is the most reliable oi all blood medicige. Ask yonrdrog- gtat lor it, and take no other. A Half Man, Bat a Whole Show. The performance of Johnny Miller, the half man, last night was all that it was represented to be, and the audience, which was a very fair one, departed wen .satisfied. Johnny is certainly a very wonderful freak, in¬ telligent,well educated and not bad looking- Unlike many mons¬ trosities, be is not repul¬ sive in appearance and there is nothing In his performances objec¬ tionable to the most refined. While only a-fcalf man, he makes good use of that upper portion of the body which he possesses. There will be a ; matinee at three o’clock this after- noon especially for ladies and chil¬ . dren, and another performance everybody at 7:30 tonight. The Lady Godiva must hav* bad exeep tionally long hair since it completely conceal ed her lovely person. Since Ayer’* Hair Vig¬ or came into use such examples are not * rare a* lormerly. It not only promote* the growth o! the hair, but £-'«•»• it a rich, silken texture. Walnut Extension Tables $1.00 per foot* BeautiftQ PatternsTartor Extension Tables, Si**” “*• ^ “ * w p “ Sideboards $18.00, $86-00, $36.00 and $36.00- Dining Cnairs in Oak. See our Stock- CASH OR CREDIT. H1.AKEI.Y «£ ELLIS Don Ttifif Go. Don’t bay a dollar’s worth of goods until yon see my goods today. I will se.l— 12* lbs. Gr. Sugar £1.00. 11 lbs. Leaf Lard £1.00. £1.50 50 lbs. President's Wife Flour “ “ Elegant “ £1.60 “ “ Cream of Chatta. “ £1.25 “ “ Victory “ £1-00 Levering’s Coffee 25c. Arbuekle’s “ 25c. Jackson 6 Cans Eagle Milk £1.00. £1.45 Tomatoes a case. Figs per pound, 10c. 2 lb. Canned Corn 10c. 1 lb. Corned Beef 12«c., 2 lbs. ‘20e.- 1 lb. A Good Salmon 15c. 1 lb. Fresh Herring 12%c. 4 lbs. Soda 25c. Cream Cheese 15c. 4 Cocoanuts 25e. Cabbage 2Jfc. Jb. Onions 30c. pk. Malaga lb. Basket Grapes 20c. 40c. lb. 5 Grapes Mince Meat 10c. Cucumber Pickles 10c. quart. 30 Bars Dandy Soap £1.00. Boss Crackersl23ic. Will also have dressed Turkeys, Cranberries, Fish, Savannah and Norfolk Oysters *uF" C6me to see me. «• J. M. Mills 80 UN D STROM’S laflifleHUMtf EXTRACTS are guaranteed of either domestic Superior to any imported other brand er perfumes. We are only manufactur¬ ers in the world of the following gen¬ uine odors, Viz CAPE JASMINE. ARABIAN JASMIN E WILD YELLOW JASMINE, BEAUTY OF GEORGIA, ROSE OF JAPAN, PABLO BEADH BREEZE, B0QUET PONCE de leon, Florida cedar, violet de FLORIDA. YACHT CLUB DAUANCE. A0UEMIN0T ROSE and SOUTHERN FLOWERS delicate lave sSSSHS positively and no equal in oders permanence. For sate by J. N. Harris A Son. and all first class druggists. Atlanta Perfiamery Co., Sole Manufacturers, ATLANTA, : ; GEORGIA. Bids for Stone Crossings. CoLvuara. G*-. Sovswber 22, ’89. Bide are invited by the City Coredl of Co- ambus. Ga„ for paving tear street erase ags with Belgian Block* at Granite or lueses, amonatiag to SIC square yards ia all. Hocks to bs5 to 7 inches on face aad 9 iacbee deep. Ho Mo ss i ng to be 7 fast wide. The on ter edges to be aad curbing at « inches face aad 10 inches deep average lengths. For Rent! Tie Hotel IMs ie is fm* for rent, rant possesion nAOBPfimD will will He be given fnVPTl January first. The House has long been known as one of the best in Georgia; its 20 large comfortable rooms are now filled with guests and have been for a lonj^ while. House will be rented Or OiHsM and satisfactory reason given for renting. call address For terms, etc., on or ROSWELL Hi DRAKE* GRIFFIN, GA. mm ubbhki to. OF NEW YORK. Organised in 1843. Assetsaver $126,090. 000, Paid nembent since organisation in 1888, $15,- over $272,000,000. Paid members 727,550. Tlus company* the it the Sere largest be in the world, and th* advantages a and beet. to savers make it thesafrst. cheapen! 8. W MAXGHAM'S SON R Agte nlv7djwSmtp. For Griffin! On Wednesday, November 27th,Mr. W. E Barron sin inaugurate a boom for Griflta setting 75 BtlLDING LOTS on tbe North- ' * HB! street, opposite Col, Each aad everyone ol them wiB be an ,4c- ffiSSwraid location for a .d^adeapd Kendenre. 1 Bestir* aad - attend " the sale and wear* one I »>., N “AD ” CAN LIE BUT THE fiOODS C PRICES TALK IN A LANGUAGE UNNHSTAKEABlE. ip JETTERMAH & WHH r Prices have delighted hundreds of Customers during the past wi re Time is money to us now and we can’t afford to spend it K in is writing netour mean¬ fault ingless “ads ’ We have bargains for every one ef yoo and if you don’t secure some of them We leil yo«r of them every day Come through the newspapers but there is nothing like seeing these bargains. to see us and if We don t give you a dollar and ten cents werthfor eyery dollar you spend go somewhere else next time- Our Immense Dress Goods Departmem is simply over run with bargains. We are forced to place an order almos every day for these goods in order to meet the increasing demand. We have placed on our remnant counter for this week a number of short ends of Dress Goods. These are from the very nicest goods in the house as well as the eheap- er grades. II you are making over an old dress you might find hero just what you want at half Price Or if you want a child’s dress that only requires a few yards it might pay you to examine these short ends. thios and Owcoate ! We say that we will save you mAney Jiave on every dollar’s worth Clothiog of ClotMno until that you buy and for we mean it. to We make lower shaded prices. eur prices We have on a lino of fancy there is no room any one in qualify prices. worsted that can not be snrpassed anywhere or Carpets, Rugs, Oilcloths and Mattings. * ■ Any prices made you by Atlanta, Macon, or any other town, we «ill dupli¬ cate and oftentimes save you money. We sold a gentleman a bill of Car¬ pets (net a small bill either) last week, who had samples from one of the largest bouses in Atlanta. We have the largest line of Carpets, this season, ever brought to Griffin, and if we can not suit you there is no need to try further. Flannels, Blankets & Buggy Robe: Red and White Flannels ot every grade Blankets of every imaginable quality An assortment of Robes at every disappointing price. Quality, chat quantity, about prices, their goods, each defy cem petition. Others may deal ou but gen¬ . * uine Bargains can NOT be handicapped, Prices will TELL SCHEUERMAN & WHITE. ★ FOR THE NUT FEW DAYS * -WILL OFFER- Special Inducements pul ^5 of A1 Kinds. /«i Have on hand large stock all grades Flour, and Corn, Feed and Seed Oats, Bran, Hay, Balt, and a full line Sugar,Coffee, Tobacco, etc. S. 3VE. Perdue __ GRIFFIN in mm CLOTHING — HOUSE! 1 Have anCmumaUy Handsome Stock of Fall Suits and Overcoats^ Beautiful Styles and Fabrics. NOBBY HATS! WOOLEN UNDERWEAR 1 1 And Just the Sweetest Line ef Cravato * # m- fall for Charlie Wolcott, or Louis Nibs, who win give yon the latest potetaite styks oetlOddw CEO. S, SHOES AND LEATHER AT , 22 HASSE1.KUS* SHOE STORE -HILL ST.— Home-made ■■fliN’ Shoes mtm Lefitter • Specialty- f Ropers of all kind*. per cord paid lor 200 cords ol Tap-bark. Wednesday,. Nov. 20. Currants, Evaporated Apricots, Cit¬ ron, Raisins, Flakes, All Buckwheat Pork Flour, Oat Santtge. ROASTED COFFEE ON THE XAKKET. -CAUL ON Batman & IMewart