The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, November 29, 1889, Image 4

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» "Iflf ., I I m : :of: Low rices! Bfiit)RE DOING fG SO, SO, OR OK rtgntltft' bom days. w#iP ^nggminjjjjtam IN THE LAST FEW DAYS OVER - i HA ”*-E 1 OPENED ass*.- ?. «. - - __Garments !: BOUGHT AT FORCED SALE, AT ; ^ W 4 lb Ifty Cents On The Dollar! sa And Will Be Sold the Same Way. See Our LADIES’ * AND - CHILDREN'S - UNDERWEAR AND SAVE 25 PER CENT. AT EELY COMPANY, 24 Hill St auue a w s 'HANKS G G yfe N 8 l ;» * «Sf r .rsir Turkeys, ^ t."' —[ AT^ ~— «. W. CLARK & SOW. Vi ? ‘ 1 <* * ' ’ * rfHS 1 —AMD— sliyiSnn. * Gm., Nov. S». W. E. Barron will sell the remain¬ der of hte buildinglots, on N. Hill St., Deecmber 3rd, atl o’clock sharp, td For Alderman. The name name of of H.C. H.C. Burr is ed as a a candidate candidate for Alderman in the Third Ward, by Many Voters. For Alderman. The name of F. M. Kincaid is an¬ nounced for Alderman from the Third Ward by many citiwms who are in favor of progress. BRINK THE BEST. Gibson’s Gold Seal Whisky Is the beet whisky to be found in ISON^S* 11 “^- ° n,y ftt J N 1 Try it. novTdlm -" For Griffin’s Interest. The following ticket for aldermen is placed before the people with the as- * sura nee that if elected will promote the best interests of Griffin: 1st D ard-W. B. HUDSON. 3d >« -M. J. PATBICK. 3d « -F. M. KINCAID. ; 4th “ —C. P. NEWTON. Altar lb. P«t»S«». West Chest -km, Pa.. Xo»\ 28.—The pggDHtmhbof Wert Chester is the one topic of conversrtton hein just at ywnt Congressman Darlington left rerWmUiingtou,carrying with him at least three mrtilrinni and several more applkadioos for the which nm»to,400a year. The tattle village of West Grove haa a very prtoperoui post- of office and nearly every ptoce Republican it. any prominence, in the wants There are seventeen applicants for it Demungton beats Wert Grove, how¬ ever. to number of applicant., for nine¬ teen citizens of the borough have called anon OangrwsMuan Darlington to tell him how well they could conduct the office if it were placed in their charge. ing Lose not thy own for want infant of ask¬ for it! Lose not your want of Dr. Boll’s Baby Syrup, which any druggist will sell you for 25 cts. For the cure of fever and ague, bil¬ ious fever, and all other bilious dis¬ eases, Laxador, there the to no surer family remedy physic, than famous for afl malarial affections. It fa safe and sure. Price 25 cents. Nor Thanksgiving: Turkovs. NORFOLK OYSTERS; I City Notes, and News From This and Adjoining Counties. iPPSABiXCB) ass or* WKSITTCL. [Concluded from yesterday.} uj • * Uu; — t Yet this fact warrants no presumption, consumption. He died that day of quick W. C. Ayeoek spent “yesterday at Whitesburg. W. S. Baine, of Atlanta, was in the cith yesterday. # H. H. Base and J. 0. Brooks spent i yesterday in Atlanta. Jake Jake Menko Metlko left ,eft yesterday vesl for Ma¬ con, after spending a day in this city. Mark O’Brien, the Supt. of South¬ ern Express routes for this division was here yesterday. The usualimpressiveTbnnksgiving services were held at St. George’s church yesterday. Mrs. P. H. McDowell returned home yesterday from n short visit to relatives at Gainesville. The Christian Endeavor .Society _ will meet at the Presbyterian cburch ! thin this Areninir evening nt at 7 7 n’elnek. o’clock. 1 Miss Marian Daniel left yesterday for Atlanta, where she will spend some Gme with relatives. Miss Emma Stilweli came down from Atlanta yesterday afternoon, and spent last night with her pa rents in this city. Miss Amanda Beauchamp, who has been spending several days with relatives in this city, returned to her home in Atlanta yesterday. We are glad to know that Rev. J. H. DeVotie, who has been very sick lately, to very much better and with no backset wi’l beout in a short time. Don't disgust everybody by haw¬ king, Sage’s blowing Catarrh and spitting, but d usee b Dr. Remedy an cured. IcN. Me— Psalmist, > Iness of most I »lful and in■ iiMi .1114 miiin tore i display of the bounties of „ i a tastefully arranged ta, its, corn, cotton and flowers, This in front and below the i on each side of the pul- iriant plants their with bases. sheaves It! ting of at Mrs. J, N. Bell and rork ‘M ooay-' any cause, the digestive and ins become disordered, they „_Jated to healthy action by the Cathartic Pills. These Pi!U are by the beet physician*, and are tor drug-stores. A Girl Arreted 1 toTltaw* i«f fimji* Stemllag- Williamsport, Pa», 1 lodgSl in U5f l*nw t^ty-eix Mcjfame «a«ea. agreed * Miss to Stiger bare said a *nj that James station s\A ( spied a gray horse tied .to a tree, and supposing rt was there for her xwa took itossession and drove off. I After diphtheria, scarlet fever, orjjmo | nia, HoocTb Sarsaparilla and expel all will give from the the^system, poiaon Walnut Extension TaWes $1.00 per foot Beautiful Patterns Parlor Extenaion’fla.bles, $1.60 m Antique Oak, very handsome, at per Sideboards $18.00, $25-00, $35.00 and $35.00- Dining Cnairs in Oak. See our Stock: CASH OB CREDIT. <£ ELLIS Miss Leila Tignor, of Warm Springs, who has been spending- sev¬ eral weeks in Barneeville arrived in this city yesterday afternoon and is visiting Miss Gussie Trammell. Ed. Johnson, a clever “gentleman well-known ________ throughout 0 this section as the former traveling agent of Atlanta Constitution, is lying very ill at bis home at Stone Mountain and will likely only live a day or so longer. Mrs. W. E. H. Searcy, Mrs. Chan¬ dler, Mrs. S. M. Logan and Mrs. H. S. Bradley went to Barnesville yes¬ terday, as delegates to the Woman’s Missionary Society of the North Georgia Conference, which met there yesterday. T. S. McKee will move on Janua¬ ry 1st to the Agricultural Building, in the room now occupied by G A. Cunningham. His present store room, it is understood, will be occu¬ pied by a dry goods firm from Ken¬ tucky. *__ The use of Ayer's* Sarsaparilla purifies the blood, stimulates the secretions, aud imparts new life and vigor to overy function of the body. For. nearly half a century, it has re¬ mained unrivaled us t he best blood medicine ver discovered. Be convinced by a trial. ' HENRY C. BOHR & BRO leaders' IN Stoves, Hardware, r Pistols, Guns, Tinware, Sporting Belting, Goods, J’j||.jj||||g ® Cutlery, Implements Etc. FOR THE SEASON OF 1889 AND 1890. '....... .I. We have the largest, best selected and most complete stock in tlife sec¬ tion. We are sole agents for'the celebrated Iron King. Farmer Girl and Champion Monitor Cools: Stoves Aud THIRTY YEARS EXPERIENCE bps shown ns that they are the best ever sold in this market. ^ Blfi REDUCTION IN ALL LINES OF STOVES I We are the recognized leaders for' TINWARE- TIN WORE AND REPAIRING, Of every description. To those in need of - LEATHER OR RUBBER BELTING We can offer superior inducements. We are agents for P, P BEST in the world, and can offer tog inducement* to both the whole¬ and retail trade. Hen ry C. Burr Bi & Bro Banders’ H, Boh Tie; Go. Don’t buy a dollar’s worth will of se.l— goods until you see my goods today. I 12* lbs. Gr. Sugar #1.00 U Ibe. Leaf Lard #1.00. 50 lbs. President’s Wife Flour fi.OU #1.50 * “ Elegant “ *1.60 “ u Cream of Chatta. u *1.25 “ “ Victory 25c, “ #1.00 Leveling’s Coffee Arbuckle’s “ 25c. 6 Cans Eagle Milk #1.00. Jackson Tomatoes #1.45 a case. Figs per pound, 10c. . 2 lb. Canned Corn 10c. • 1 lb. Corned Beef 12&., 2 lbs. 20c. 1 lb.-A Good Salmon 15c. 4 1 lbs. lb. Fresh Boda Herring Cream 12%c. Cheese 15c. 25c. 4 Cocoanuts 25c. Cabbage 2J4c. lb. 20c. Onions lb. 30c. pk. Malaga 5 lb. Basket Grapes Grapes 40c. Mince Meat 10c. Cucumber Pickles 10c. quart. 30 Bars Dandy 12JJc. Soap #1.00. Boss Crackers Will atop have dressed Turkeys, Cranberries, Fish, Savannah and Norfolk Oysters 1©" Come to see me. J. M. Mills. §|Ni p | m i h I 1 in %tMr tkfc Ti ' frt ),- ? V-vti' ig(Ft ttki fc>^®yst< • PRICES TALK 111 » LANGUAGE UNMfSTAKEABI iRf Prices have delighted hundreds of Custoifiers during., _ St ■ spend it j Time it money to us now and we can’t afford to in i ingless “ads *' Wo have bargains for every one of you and it is if It you you don’t non t secure secure some some of oi them mem We n« tell icit yon yew ui of them uiem every ***■ j •« go somewhere else next time Our Immense DressGoodsDepartmei is simply over ran with {bargains. We are to place an order almos ev ry day for these goods in ordoi m^ce^gMds^in placed goods. Goods. on These These our are a remnant emnant from the MIC coti c< very TCI | lllbcei JfUVUO »« ^l^iwe MW ’WWWV »w w-wre- er grades. K you are making over an otd dress you might find hero just what you"want at half Price Or if you want a cMld's dress that only requires a few yards it might pay you to examine these short ends. Men’s and Boys’ (Mini anl Overcoats IHIHMfwWi made by Atlanta, Macon, other town, iff dupfi- Any prices oftentimes you We or sold any gentleman we bill # of Car- c»te and save you money. a a iaiwit iiirc|6$t houses toiuse^to in AHTnte'^We'have^^ niiSnuR. fi®ve mo tarwst^e^^tSB^Ik^^rBiifcsaiL i®n|vW ■•fis iwis ever brought to Griffin, and if we can not suit you there is no need to try further. Flannels, Blankets & Buggy Robe: Red and White of Flannels of every grade QuaHty Blankets quaiBHy^jH-iees, of every imaginable dtfy quality An assortment Robes at every price. each eem a petition. Others may deal ou’ Disappointing chat about their goods, but gen¬ uine. Bargains can NOT be handicapped. Prices will TELL- SCHEUERMAN & WHITE For Rent ! —(«, — «Hotel Mis fa for rent, posseflion will be given January first- - The House has long been known as one of the best in Georgia; its 20 large comfortable rooms are ndw filled with guests and have been for a T^e House will be rented- Fmiei OrOMM and satisfactory reason given for renting. For call address ter ms,, etc., on or ROSWELL H. DRAKE, GRIFFIS, GA. THE mm LIFE IHUH to. OF NEW YORK. Organiaed in 1843. Aa*>t*aver $126,000. 000, Paid member* Paid simte members organization in 1888, $13,- over $272,000,000. This i* the the largest in 727,550. the company it ofiere be the world, and advantage* to rarer* make it the safest, cheapest and beet. 8. W MANGHAM’SSOXS. Agt* olv7df w6m4p. for Sale. 1 win bdl at private sale 100H acre* of land, more or leas, situated one mile from the rail¬ road in the lower part of Orr’» District, ad- tbe lands of W V. Maddoz and H. C. ‘" acres in a high state of culti. mixed growth of woods. Two good settlement*, one house with hall other with four rooms, two good wells, good orchard* with all kinds will inrtnde thto dert^. P Atgrod neigh¬ borhood as any in the State. State. I'erm* one- neb time as would suit --- with eight per percent, interest. Ap- ply on the place to. or l&i®.'.. * no~27d*wlm ★ F0R Il^J* ★ inducements -v • -IN- Ml; Grams Of M Kinds. Hi nve on hand large stock all gHiden Flour, and Corn, Feed and Oats, Bran, Hay, Salt, and a full S. A«I. Perd - J -^---- 1 - GRIFFIN CLOTHING HOUSE I Have an I nnsnally Handso ? «frtuck of Fall Suits and OvercoaU BeautiM Styles and Fabrics. NOBBY HATS l WOOLEN UNDERWE___ And lust the sweetest Line ef Cravats- , »-•........ . w. Vow.,, Or tow.NiW. ggg-JH!gL_J!---LJ-a i ag i JJLiliLILIl'J...... ' ZJ,'.R l.'WI, 1 . 1 1 O' | l .. _U- Wednesday, Nov. 20 -FOR— Mince ron > It h 'StM* FINEST - i jVa