The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, December 07, 1889, Image 4

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•5m . ■■ V4i• rf, jm '*#. ■ W if you I i, Jacket or W. M BE SURE TO VISIT KEELY COMPANY! Leaders: of: Low : Prices! BEFORE DOING SO, OR I on will regret « *« balance of Voor born days. WE HAVE OPENED IN THE LAST FEW DAYS OVER -:300 Garments !:- BOUGHT AT FOBCED SALE, AT Fifty Cents On The Dollar l • And Will Be Sold the Same Way. See Our V MEN’S, - LADIES’ - AND - CHILDREN'S - UNDERWEAR AND SAVE 25 PER CENT. AT KEELY 24~Hill St *5= st Day To get some of those Extra Fine Bananas, Cocoanuts, cheap. Nuts, Citron. Dates, Fine ro,,fa.,te. assortment Apples, Oranges, new p ro g|L; New lot Cabbage, Irish Potatoes, Onions f Mince Meat . eS Win have toll amort meat FISH and OYSTERS. G. W. CLARK & SON. ■ ____ mu. 6s., Dee. t. Lost. '~W Trr f; * . Nat Hammond, a seal brown col¬ ored, large trained white. pointer A good dog. reward Each foot tipped for his delivery. offered G. J. Cunningham. For Sale 2,000 Elberta peach tress, one and one half years old; treesguarnnteed. T.*J. Brooks. dee5d*w3w. BRINK THE BEST. k 4 M Hibson’s Hibson Gold Seal Whisky oAa best whisky to be found in ond is sold only by JOHN I. ISON’S. ! ^y !t ‘ llov7dlm Virginia Wedding. A number of tbe following invita- i tions were received here yesterday. Mias Goodwyn was the guest of Mrs. Francis Stabler In this place a cou¬ ple of winters back and is well known h<®e‘ ..............................................*........... .....• Mrs- M. P. Goodwyn desires your presence | at the marriage of her daughter Jessie Hoge, to Mr. Robert Beverly Anderson. : Wednesday afternoon, December IHth, . : at three o’clock. { s ......-.......-.............................. '• The News and Sun extends best wishes to its Virginia friends. They are expected to visit Griffin on their wedding tour. Homicide In Meriwether. Meriwether has had another killing Last Saturday afternoon on the farm of V. A. Lynch, near Woodbury, Drew Williams, colored, got into a quarrel which ended in 1 ub hitting William Barnes, colored, with a hoe. The wounded boy died Monday from the results of the blow. Backlen’s Arnica Salve. Tbs Best Salve in th* world for Outs- Corns, and alls kin Eruptions, and positive¬ ly cares Piles perfect or no pay {required. lti* guar ted to gives satisact ion. or money re landed. Price 25cents per box. For safe by WE RECEIVE QUILT ™ine Trout and Oysters Hew Buckwheat FlGnr and Maple Syrup, ce Meat, • . Apple Batter. ROYAL BAKING POWDER 1ST.'.. ii^i 1 'ROUND ABODT. Clty Notes, and News From This and Adjoining Counties, tbey’ix get theik btos.* The pay up subscribers But Are the getting „. money subscriber! last, no pay ty up up Will get their dues at tost While s the the pay poy up up subscribe subscribers Will wear a crown of gold, The no pay subscriber Will not suffer with the cold. Dr. E. B. Anthony spent yesterday at Zebulon. Judge Cleveland returned from McDonough yesterday afternoon. Malcolm McLean, of Savannah, is visiting this city for a day or so. Mrs. A. Randall left yesterday for Union Springs, Ala., where she will visit friends. Mrs. Rube Stafford, after a week spent in Columbus, passed through here yesterday on her way honv- to Barnesville. Rev. J. T. Hargrave has moved from Poplar street to the Walcott house opposite C. H. Osborn’s, and diagonally across from Col. Dis- muke’s. J. L. Bass, of Rome, is spending several days in this city, the guest of his brother H. H. Bass. We are glad to note his improved state of health. Chns. T. Foster, of Empfre, who has been spending several days in this city, returned home yesterday accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. Tyler Foster and her children, who will spend some time there. The passenger train from Savan¬ nah, due here I>etween5and (Jo’clock yesterday morning, did not get here until 4 o’clock in the afternoon on account of an aceidentbelow Macon. Tbe schedule got so far behind that it was abandoned. The Greys Armory, the three banks and many of the stores were appro¬ priately draped in black and white yesterday in mourning for the death of Jefferson Davis. In Schenermaa & White’s show window a stack of muskets guard the drapeif picture of Mr. Davis in the foreground, with drum and sabre lying on each side and the tattered battle flag of the Spalding Greys ns a background, be¬ ing a very artistic and appropriate picture. The fountain of perpctnnlyontb was oneoj the dreams of antiquity. It has been well- nigh realised fn Ayer's’ Sarsaparilla, which purifies the blood, gives vitality to all tf bodily functions, and this restores to a; much vigor and freshness cf youth. «>1 u IAL SERVICES. ■ • in ■ the i i at tbe Hour Atlanta, December 6.—Tbi* morn, jng Governor John B. Gordon sent to the governor of every southern state the following dispatch: I respectfully suggest that the gov- ernora of the southern states, by proclamation, invite the people of their respective states to assemble at funeral the hour of to be Davis, appointed and foaJkhe join in Mr. suitable memorial services. J. B. B. Gordon, Goi Governor. It will no doubt meet with a cor¬ dial and loving response everywhere, and such a memorial sendee will come from the hearts of southern patriots as has not been paid to a dead herosindfe Washington In addition to the memorial service, a fund will be raised for the widow and daughter of Mr. Davis This morning Mr. Hoke Smith, president of the Journal, and Judge W. Lowndes Calhoun, president and commander of the ptlton County Veteran Association, called on Gener¬ al Gordon, and, as a result of a con¬ ference, the general sent the following ‘° HHlD.Oi.TETO, limn loruiB wiuuw ‘•' i s'UW It is thought that at least $200,- 000 can be raised tor that purpose. Catarrh originate* in scrofulous tlunt. Hood’s Sarsaparilla purifies the blood, and thus permanently cures catarrh. (7) Ellis Are displaying some beautiful articles in Set Furniture, Cheval Suits in Antique Oak, Beautiful Walnut Toilet, Suits, Parlor Suits, in Best Grades Silk Plush. We are agents for the NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE. Goods sold cash or credit. See us for Fnrniture. J. R. Jordan and E. E. Norris, two strangers here, were delivering copied pictures yesterday when they were arrested for doing business without a license. They gave bond and their trial will come off today. A Thief Caught. On Sunday several dwelling houses were broken into in the vicinity of Worthville and one—James Thornton’s—was broken open near Jackson, a nd quite a number of valu¬ ables taken. Mr. Thornton learned who tbe thief was and the way he went, and, with T. D. Maddox, pur¬ sued and canght him at Cork, Butts county. He was brought back to Jackson and lodged in jail. He doubtless will be required to serve a term on the public works. He says his name is Henry Stevens and claims to live in Macon. A Historic jlB'Hion fsarn«a. Carbondale, Pa.. Dec. (i. -The Mere¬ dith homestead, familiarly known as Belmont, in Mount i icasant township, Wayne county, was destroyed by are. The dwelling was one o the handsom¬ est in this region, amt notwithstanding that it was the oldest structure in Wavne ------—-ii —eil preserved. the----- — in the year 1917. HENRY C. BURR & BRO. leaders in Hardware, Guns, ♦ Pistols, Stoves, Tinware, Sporting Belting, Goods, Farming Cntlery, Implements , Etc. FOR THE SEASON OF 1889 AND 1890. We have the largest, best selected and most complete stock in this tion. Wo are sole agents for the celebrated Iron King, Farmer Girl and Champion Monitor Cook And THIRTY YEARS EXPERIENCE has shown ns that they are the ever sold in this market. REDUCTION IN ALL LINES OF STOVES ie recognized leaders for ABE, TIN WORE AND REPAIRING, flriytkm, To those in need of LEATHER or rubber beltinc We can offer superior inducement*. We are agents for P 9 The BE8T in the world, and can offer big inducement* to both the whole¬ sale and retail trade Henry C. Burr & Bro Builders’ .....■ Hardware a Specialty. ' vii • ■ tsm i ijii KHRI ■4 ■ 7 l ore AN “AD.” CAN LIE, ■ III 4m ’<* j - * " 4 t vo/i v- wi THE GOODS CAN’T nr\ UNMISTAKEABLE. f ,'|l ■BlBmbBmMuiHHMiiiiMiiittWi PRICES TALK IN A LANGUAGE I , v ■ :1 !<■ i Prices have delighted hundreds ot Customers during the t past win . 1 Time is money to us now and we cart afford to spend it in writing moon- Vk0VVf ___- L1 U ____--At:— f{U lt»A*A kaMAIDO flAHIO TA AM lift- and i go somewhere Immense Dress Goods Department is simply over run with bargains. Wo ore forced to place an order almos. '•j**- every day for these goods in order to meet the increasing demand. We have placed on our remnant counter for this week a number of short ends of Dress Goods. These are from the very nicest goods in the house as well as the eheap- J er _____ grades. jt __ II_______ If you are making m .L; na over an aU old dress ftrAoa uAii you minM might find find hsrft here just tust whflt what i you want at half Price. Or H you want a child’s dress that only requires a few ysTds it might pay you to examine these short ends. ■ ■ , In’s and Buys Mint and Overcoals We say that we will save you money on every dollars worthof Clothing that liiai you jfuu buy uuj and anu we nv iiivmi mean it. We have shaded our — pric s s on on Clothiog Clothiog .until there is :<« nik no room wAnm for fnp anu any aha one Fa to sitfilfO make In lower prices, have a line of faney worsted that can not be snrpassed anywhere in f*** 4 * m " ■ Carpets, Rugs, Oilcloths and x ^r Matting : ' : - cl. Any alMt prices Henlim made you save by ,.u Atlanta,Macon, mroey. We orajiy s.ld . albar gcltema ^toufB, n^.. wd^wW*»P«* bin _rt_Cnr 1 o e. pet$ (not a small oill Bitncr) foot iatook* wro wi. mwjjim mOhi wib w largest houses in Atlanta. We have the largest line of Carpets this season, ever brought to Griffin, and if we can not suit ydu- there is no need to try further. Flannels, Blankets & Bugg Red and White Flannels of every grade Blankets of every imaginable each defy quality An assortment of Robes at every disappointing price. Quality, chat quantify, about prices, their goods, but com petition. Others may deal out gen¬ uine Bargains can NOT be handicapped, Prices wilt TELL SCHEUERMAN & WHTE * Dom lei Co. Don’t buy a dollar’s worth of goods Until you see my goods today. I will se.l— 12# lbs. Gr. Sugar $1.00, 11 lbs. Leaf Lard $1.00. 50 lbs. President’s Wife Flour $1.50 “ “ Elegant “ $1.60 “ “ Cream of Chatta. •< $1.25 Victory “ $1.00 Levering s Coffee 25c. Ar buckle’s “ 25c. 6 Cans Eagle Milk $1.00. Jackson Tomatoes $1.45 a case. Figs sn _____’anned per pound, • Corn ■ 10c. r 10c. 1 Jb. Corned Beef 12%c., 2 lbs. 20c. 1 lb.*A Good Salmon 15c. 1 lb. Fresh Herring 12&c. 4 lbs. Soda 25c. Cream Cheese 15c. 4 Cocoanuts 25c. Cabbage 2^c. lb. Onions 30c. pk. Malaga Grapes 20c. lb. 5 lb. Basket Grapes 40c. Mince Meat 10c. Cucumber Pickles 10c. quart. 30 Bars Crackers Dandy Soap $1.00. Bose 12%c. Will also have dressed Turkeys, Cranberries, Fish, Savannah and Norfolk Oysters, Mir Come to see me. J. M. Mills. For Rent! -(C)- is for Jrent, possesion will, te£given January first. ^ The House has long been known as one of the beet in Georgia; its 20 large comfortable rooms are now filled with guests am! have been for a long white. The ie House will be rented MmM Or (JnforiisM and satisfactory reason given *or renting. % address For terms, etc., call on or ROSWELL H. DRAKE* GRIFFIN, GA. THE MIWAL IKE IliME 10. OF NEW YORK. Organized in 1843. Aweteaver $126,000, 000, Paid members since members organization in 1888, $lo,- over *272,000,000. Paid 727,550. This company is the the largest in Ulv7d*ir6in4p. Farm for Sale. I will sell at private sale 100% acres of land, more or lew, situated one mile from tbe rail, road lrau in ... the ______»r lower part of Orr’s District, ad¬ join* the land* of w. V. Maddox and H. C. Cummings. 45 scree in a high state of cnlti- ration, tSdaiK* in mixed growth h< of with woods. hall Two Two good imnd MttkmMltS. settlements, one ow bouse and two rooms and other with four rooms, will include puachaaer. with pi^ht pur efilit. interest. Ap* AM1Wi nor27<Mwlm Orchard Hill. O ★ FOR THE NFXT FEW OATS ★ -WILL OFFER- Special Inducements — in — Fail Gmcn I AW! Have on hand large stock all grades Flour, and Corn, Feed and Bred Oats, Bran, Hav, Balt, and a full line Sugar,Coffee, Tobacco, etc. --- S. Xwl. Perdu ' ’<1 L- --{ Is written on the door of the }—— BOOK+ STORE, -{AND j-- DEANE «£ HUFF, Say if yon will “COME IN” you will see something you never saw before. Wednesday, Nov. 1 Mincemeat Currants, Evaporated Apricots, Cit- ron, Raisins, Flakes,’ Alf Buckwheat Saus^e.' Flour, Oat Pork FINEST ROASTED COFFEE ON THE MARKET. - CALL ON- J. D. HOLMAE. B