The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, December 11, 1889, Image 4

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life® 1 ' i BE SURE r I jL rs : of: Low : Prices! BEFORE DOING 80, OR ret it the balance of born days. 1 have opened in the last few da ys over j Garixionts ! BOUGHT AT FORCED SALE, AT \fty Cento On The Dollar! Ind Will Be Sold die Seme Wee. See Oui , - LADIES’ - AND - CHILDREN’S - UNDERWEAR AND SAVE 25 PER CENT. AT COMPANY, 24 Hill St, WET ,ast Day -, „«,». Note , rattOD , {■ , Cabbage, Irish Iri Potatoes, Onions, Mince Meat. Will have hill assortment FISH and OYSTERS. O. W. CLARK & SOW, i -AND- . Griffin, Qt., Dee. I*. City IiOts at Auction. W.E. Barron will sell at Auction on of Griffin, Gfcllm' decSti. Fop Sale 2,000 ESIberta peach tress, one and one half years old; trees^uaranteed. dec5d*w3w. 1liw. R. J. Edwards and her charm ing daughter, Miss Eunice, and Mamie Lee left yesterday to visit Col. R. A. Turnipseed’s ly, of Ft. Gaines. They will other places before returning home, and will be absent several weeks. Every place of business in Griffin should be closed today from 11:45 this morning until the memorial services are concluded. Other and larger cities will close for a longer time and th£v much at least we owe to ourselves. The addresses this morning will be appropriate and worth hearing and will be at a place easily attended. Let there be no hesitation about closing up, or wait¬ ing lor others to dose first, but let preparations be commenced as soon as the belto commence to toU and let every plape be dosed by the time they cease—and not dosed at one door only, but at all the doors. ABBOTT’S EAST INDIAN CORN- PAINT removes all Corns, Bunions and Waits, WE ARE DISPLAYING SOME 4® Furniture! 75 Rattan Rockers, CORNER CHAIRS, CHILDREN’S CHAIRS. ibles, in Cherry and Antique Oak. igm PMtwSto. J t Sold Cash or Credit- J ’ ’ROUND ABOUT. City Note*, and New* From This and Adjoining Counties. IT n ruts To rake and scrape yonr dividends So And that place you’ll them hare under the wherewithal lock. Tofli! the baby’s sock. Miss Ella Hale, of Jolly, visited this city C. A Stepheiuon, of Liberty Hill, was here yesterday. Dr. N. B. Drewry spent the day yesterday in Senoia. Col. W. T. Trammell spent yester¬ day at Milner and Barnesvflle. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Borders, of Jolly, spent yesterday in this city. W. J. McCaslan went dowu to Waverly Hall yesterday afternoon. J. W. Bullard left yesterday for Newnan, Lagrange and other points on that road. „ Mrs. D. J. Bailey, Mrs. M. B. Fow¬ ler and Master Elbert Fowler spent yesterday in Atlanta . Mrs. M. A. Hammond, who has been visiting relatives in Atlanta, re¬ turned home yesterday. T. J. Burney, of the Atlanta nal, has been spending a day or so in and around this city. R. A. Barfield, who has been buy¬ ing cotton at Griffin, has gone to Weuonn Doody county. G. C. Stewart arrived here yester¬ day afternoon from Macon and spent a tew hours with relatives. Mrs. Roland Brooks returned to Molena yesterday, after a visit to her father A. A. Snider nnd family,in this city. . ; vnantlepiece * waSKaksittn in winter time without a bottle of Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup. Tic douloureux or neuralgia can be permanently cured by the use of Sal¬ vation Oil. Price 25 emits. nilar the Macon florist, says, in speaking of ebr mam,, that there ar»o ‘ UBS pll Alheos Hnrcfae, which was on ezbibi- tion last year at New York, a New Jersey florist paid $1,800, and for the Mrs. Andrew Carnegie another party paid $1,000. No better evi dence is needed to show that there must be a chiysanthemo m craze, i *-- . The Dari* Fund Committee. The committee on raising subscrip¬ tions to the Davis fund will meet at the office of the cotton mills this morn¬ ing at nine o’clock, following are the members of the committee, and it is hoped that all the city members will be present, as well as any who may be in from the country: ' D.G.Shenan, Griffin—T.J! Brooks, J. G. Rhea, D. W. Patterson, W. J. Kincaid, C. W., Slaton, T. J. White, J. A. Stewart, Gep. R. Niles, S. Grantland, S. H. Deane. " Orrs—J. P.Hammond, W. V. Mad¬ dox, W. H. McWilliams. Union—W.J Bridges, J. J. Elder, J. W. Vaughn. Akins—E. C. Akins, W. J. Duke, G. G. Head. tine Creek—W. L. Bowers, J. A. J. Tidwell, F. H Drewry, Sr. Cabins—R. S. Connell, M. Patrick, Joshua Hammond. Africa-J. M. Kell, W. B. Griffin, H. T. Patterson. Mt. Zion—Wm. M. Blanton, Dr. W. H. Touchstone, Richard Davis. The baby was crying bottle piteously, of Dr. but Dut the tne nurse nurse had iihu a a uoccie little Bull’% fellow Baby whs mm Syrup hMNN|mN| at hand, comfo and : irtable. nd the the soon At druggists. More persons die every year from inattention to proper perish sanitary in jcautions than kittle. As an anti-febrilo, anti- bilious medicine, Laxadoris exellent, and it only costs 25 cents. Don ft; Go. Don’t buy a doSar's worth of goods until you see my goods today. I will se.1— 50 lbs. President’s Wife Flour $1.50 “ “ Elegant “ $1.60 “ “ Cream of Chatta. 1 $1.25 « “ “ ii.oo Levering’s Coffee 25c. Arbuckle’s lew s ; “ ■........ 25c. 6 Cans Eagle Tobatoee Milk $1.00. Jackson $1.45 a case. Figs per potffid, 10c. 2 lb. Canned Corn 10c. 1 lb. Corned Beef 12Jie., 2 lbs. 20c. 1 lb. A Good Salmon 15c. 1 lb. Fresh Herring Cream l%%e. Cheese 15c. 4 lbs. Soda 25c. 4 Cocoa nuts 25c. Cabbage 2lb. Onions ib. 30c. pk. Malaga Grapes Grapes 20c. 40c. 5 lb. Basket Mince Meat 10c. Cucumber Pickles 10c. quart. 30 Bare Crackersl2Jie. Dahdv Soap $1.00. Boss Will also also have have dressed Turkeys, Cranberries, Fish, Savannah and Norfolk Oysters. I®* Come to see me. 8 J. M. Mills L. J. Cheely, of Turin, passed through here yesterday on his way to Macon. He spent several hours in this city. Mrs. J. C. Ellington, who has been visiting relatives in this city for the past month, left yesterday afternoon for her home. Miss Lizzie Qriffln, who has been visiting friendB in this city for several dajs, took her departure yesterday for her home at Hampton. „ ThepubHc schools will close [today at about half past ten o’clock. The only exercises will be a talk from the teachers on Jefferson Davis. This is a very pleasant spring. Squire Hammond wanted to start to planting com yesterday, but was persuaded that it was little too early yet. The reunion of the members of the largely attended and a most pleas¬ ant and profitable evening was en joyed by all. W. C. Harvey, a handsome and affable young gentleman of Rich¬ mond, Va., was here for a short while yesterday, on his way to New¬ nan. On his return he will stop sev¬ eral days in this city. Gov. J. B. Gordon passed through here yesterday morning on the way home from his plantation in Taylor connty. He said that owing to ade- lay caused by the train not making connection below, he would not stop in Atlanta,but would proceed at once to New Orleans in order to be pres¬ ent at the funeral of Mr. Davis to¬ day. The most remarkable cures of scrofula on record have been ‘accomplished by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Try it. Sold by all druggists. HENRY C. BURR & BRO. LBA.DEH8 IN Hardware, Guns, Stoves, Pistols, Tinware, Sporting Belting, Goods, Farming Cutlery, Implements Etc. FOR THE SEASON OF 1889 AND 1890. We have the largest, best selected and most complete stock in this sec¬ tion. We are sole agents for the celebrated Iron King, Farmer Girl and Champion Monitor Cools: Stoves And THIRTY YEARS EXPERIENCE has shown ns that they are the beet ever sold in this market. BI8 REDUCTION IN ALL LINES OF STOVES I We are the recognised leaders for TINWARE* TIN WORK AND REPAIRING, Of every description. To those in need of LEATHER OR RUBBER BELTING We can offer superior inducements. We are agents for if* . King Powder Co.’s Powder, The BEST in the world, and can offer big inducements to both the who’c- |m4and retail trade. « ^ ro ■■ roa'Srrw^tonT&fire^^fwT"- EVERY ARTICLE IN THE Hi :ei ■ 3 Accordion rcrtncedtoTwV'TOR moebtau thanthews* s*M* not to carry them over. •I * ' s. ■ Broadcloths, 54 Inphes Wide Worth anywhere In (he world *1,25, and that is the price we have been sell! $1.00 yard. _ them at now per ALL WOOL LADIES CLOTH, 36 INCHES WIDE for SJ l-2c., former price 45c. This line can’t last long at that price,isthere only a few of them left PLAID AND STRIPED FLANNELS*. Suitable for childrens and ladies sacks, that h»ve been bringing 50c. per yard all along, reduced to 40c. Black Fur Muffs 50 Cents. Former Price on These Goods 75 Cents. Cut Prices the Order of the Day artaip rMS *rjrsK r. z *s£»bs sf M: where the will move upon iheir own merit. CLOTH INC AND OVERCOATS. fall into line also. 1T1-r-^ You can buy a $3.00 Overcoat new Mr $2.00. ^ A $5.00 Qvercoa now for $4.00. A fmo i lh ■ — W d sea im raania rt. thl* same proportion NOW IS YOUR TIME TO INVEST. REED’S FINE SHOES FOR LADIES f A full line in all widths and styles just received during the past week. Remember every pair of these shoes are guaranteed, and we consider it a favor if you will let us know whenever they tail to give satisfaction. W. L. DOUGLAS’ MEN SHOES. W. are eel. egeel. fer this well knm ■a t.liei e "»>*«. Be Mt good to e*er.hee. tor the e lm.l, b that ye.M hts the a..l sold. ; er claim that they are just as good as DOUGLAS SHOES. Eor none are as same money tre SCHEUERMAN & WHITE «s m For Rent! -(0)- ft Hotel rn is for rent, possesion will,, be^given January first. The House has long been known as one of the best in Georgia; its 20 large comfortable rooms are now filled with guests and have been for a long white. Thi ie House will be rented MM OrDnfmisM and satisfactory reason given f or renting. ’ » £• •*''’* v' WK ■ ■ ■ For terms, etc., call on or address ROSWELL H. DRAKE, GRIFFIS. GA. TH L NMUFEI0I6IA0CB GF (9. NEW YORK. >00. Paid members iu1888, f 15,- 727,550. This company is the the largest iu the world, and the advantages it ofierstobe S. W HANOI 5 80N8. Agis. nlv7d*w6«4p. Farm for Sale. - I will sell at private sale Two good settlements, one bouse with haR and two rooms and other with four room*, an SOCD nne as WOBW m rfat per cent , interest. A ?or £b^f«Td ★ FOR THE NFXT FEW OATS * 1 -WILL OFFER— Special Inducements Family Groceries Of All Ms. Have on hand large stock all grades Floor, and Corn, Feed and Seed Oats, Bran, Hay, Salt, and a full line Sugar,Coffee, Tobacco, etc. S- Perdue T3aey Say I -THAT — DEANE & HUFF Are Affraid limy will sail all their JJS HOLIDAY CiONDS Before the Holidays comb. •k fust Received. A Fresh Lot Of * KENNEDY’S I v • Crackers and Cakes