The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, December 12, 1889, Image 4

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■■■■■ ' /f ; : BE 81 m „ . warn \ 1 ir^i^SpdiM 80,6» ' ' 1 BEFORE DOING regret it the balance of Your born days. >\ ‘; ! OPENED IN THE EAST FEW DAYS OVER G-a,rxn©nts !:- _ BOUGHT AT FORCED SALE, AT Cents On The Dollar And Will Be Sold the Same Way. See Our LADIES’ - AND - CHILDREN’S - UNDERWEAR ...... . . . -MmSti CENT. AT AND SAVE 25 PER :ly company m ...... . °nt^^l^ t ^rrng^ t Cwoanu^ e ^ew Nuts, Citron.. Dates, lot CabbageJMsh Potatoes, Onions, tee Meat. '» v • . .. ’ l have full assortment FISH and OYSTERS. «. W. CLABK A SON. ,2WS -AND-- ItK* Orlfftn, Go., Dec. 12. .....— - Mutton at Eady’s 10 cents. ... . u rn ...... Don’t forget Barron's sale of lots today at two o’clock. Goto . Eady’s for Kansas City Steak 10 cents. •a. Eady’s Pork Steak 10ct«. _ 11 a. tn. Terns one half cash-the balance in six and twelve months. If yon buy a lot today the Savings Bank will build you a house on it. City Lots at Auction. W.E. Barron will sell at Auction on Thursday, Dec. 12tb, at two o’clock sharp 38 beautiful building lots on Ken&cky North Avenue, Hill street Lexington the Aven¬ city ue and in of Griffin, Ga. dec8t4. For Sale 2,000 Siberia old peach ;tree«jr^^t^ tress, one a* one half years dec5d*w8w. Squire Stilwell was detained from his dinner yesterday to marry Geo. B. Linler, of Clayton county, and Mbs Lillie Ogletree, of Union district, this county. The Squire soys he thought tBt groom would give him enough to buy his dinner, or at least “set’em up f ”butthegroomwas look- ing forward te the expenee of raising what possibly might be a large fami¬ ly, and the Squire had to go out and buy himself some new cheese and old Th. hawk, drastic purgative, once deemed to indispensable, hare given place to mUder aad more ekilfnlty prepared laxative#; hence the great and growing demand for Ayers KBs. Physicians everywhere recommend them for eostiveneee, indigestion, and Brer complaints. _ WE IRE DISPLAYING SOME Furniture! r 5 Rattan Rockers, . CORKER CHAIRS, CHILDREN CHUBS. Beautiful Tables, in Cherry and Antique Oak. Parier Suit*. -------ta Sold Cash or ’ROUND ABOUT. City Notes, and Mews From This and Adjoining Counties. WOMAN’l KICK I.K FAXCV. Girls always find it hard to choose- Fancy likes their reason when orerspread*- she Sbe a wild one wooes, A tame one when she weds. F- M. Kinemd kd* yesterday business trip to Borne D- J. Bailey, Jr., after a brief visit home, left for Columbus yesterday afternoon. Miss Sallie Maude Jones, of Atlan¬ ta, arrived yesterday and is visiting her annt Mrs. J. S. Boynton. The pressure of the memorial exer- ereises upon our columns has crowd¬ ed out some minor local items. Mrs. J. C. Anthony, of Greenville, who has been visiting Dr. E. R. An¬ thony and family of this city, left for her home yesterday. S. D. Niles, of Atlanta, who has been visiting his brother Capt.G. R. Niks and family in this city, left yes¬ terday for bis home. J. F. Stilwell has a stalk of cotton with 233 bolls from which he picked thirty ounces of cotton. The stalk originally contained 282 bolls, some got lost. ; Prof. Joseph H. Dench, of Atlanta, is in the city and will give a piano concert at an early date at son’s Hall, under the auspices of the Davis Fund Committee of this place, half of the gross proceeds to go to¬ wards that fond. J.L. Bass, of Rome, who spent several days here with his brothers, left yesterday for Florida and will make a trip to Cuba. He was joined by his wife at Macon and they to¬ gether will be absent from home eral weeks. Ringing Noises i» ---ion di- aleo result Wood purifier, is a peculiarly —riTTuT.ire- try Hood’s Sarsapn-rilla. the pecnUar medi- Mrs. R. A. McFarland and little daughter, who have been spending the past two months in this city, left yesterday afternoon for Ogle¬ thorpe where they will spend some time, Mr. McFarland now being stationed at that place. The most remarkable cures of scrofula on record have been accomplished bv Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Try it. Sold by all drojjr«l*t«. 8 Confederate Veterans The committee appointed for the purpose of taking steps looking to the organisation of a Confederate Veteran Association of Spalding county met Tuesday a. m. with Col. J. S. Boynton in the chair, and Re¬ solved, that a mass meeting of all those now living in the county who served in the Confederate Amy or Navy be held in Griffin, at the court house, Wednesday, Dec. 18th next at eleven o’clock a. m. for the purpose of p erfe ct in g writ! nrg airtraiikm fay the adoption of a constitution and election of officers. All Ex-Confederate soldiera of the county are earnestly requested to be present and take part in the meeting. We owe it to ourselves, and wives and children, as well as to thememo- ry of our deceased comrades, that the friendshins cemented by the hard¬ ships and tbe valors of a tour year’s service together should not be oblit¬ erated by time and a failure to asso¬ ciate more intimately together. > Vm. R. Hanleiter, John F. Stilwell and Geo. R. Niles are a committee to prepare constitution for submission to the meeting and will have their report ready. - Your wasted cheeks may haveall the plump ness and bloom ol health through your of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. This time-honored remedy still leads the van. Itpmproves gestion, purifies the Mood, and invigorates the system. Give it a trial. HENRY C. BURR t SRO. LEADERS IN Hardware, Guns, Stoves, Pistols, Tinware, Sporting Belting, Goods, Farming Cutlery, Implements Etc. FOE THE SEASON OF 1889 AND 1890. 11 i | Q ^ We have the largest, beat selected and most complete stock in this sec¬ tion. We are sole agents for the celebrated Iron King, Farmer Girl and Champion Monitor Cools; Stoves And THIRTY YEARS EXPERIENCE has shown ns that they are the best ever sold in this market. BIB REBUCTION IN ALL LINES OF We are the recognised leaders lor j leather or rubber beltinc . sale and retail trade. ry C. Burr A Bro ' .11 be a i..... _ town <south) at u y day; anyone passing would . ... so, from the sound of the hammer. Elder Harrison Jonw, of Hampton, was in tow* yesterdajr. Will Vi Mialier made a miriness trip to Carrollton Monday, and reports a good time..: . Sam Darsey, that clever baggage master of the 8. G. * N. A. RR., was in town Sunday. W. B. Miller leaves this morning for Ft. Valley, where he will spend several days visiting relatives and friends. ! E. H. Darsey has at last finished making syrup. He has made off his individual crop about three thous¬ and gallons, and an immense quan¬ tity for customers. The farmers have at last decided to raise their syrup at home. Jersey bad the misfortune to lose a fit*. milk cow Saturday by falling in a ditch and breaking its neck. We notice in the South Fla. Courier that “Mej. Jno. C. Griffin is an as¬ sistant height agent’’ at Bant City, Fla. W» wish him success. Safe Investment. la one wlieh eh is is guaranteed guaranteed to to bring bring you results or In ease of failure a re ' ase price. On this safe plan you our advertised Druggist Consnmp- Consump- a bot- ur. lung’s New Discovery y for for ____ It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case, when used for any affection of Throat, Lnnn or Chest, such as Consumption, Inflam matfon, tfe. It is pleasant and always agreeable de- to Trial safe, andean E. be bottles free at B. An r Store.- ”S EAST INDIAN CORN aoves all Corns, Bunions —«► Chvkey. A controversy arising froui a request for instances of the use of this cant word before 1840 was left undecided owing to a doubt as to whether a trace of its use could be discovered in the sixteenth century. In the injunctions of King Edward VI to the capitular bodies of the cathedrals, in 1547, they are forbidden to “use/any wanton, filthie, chekyng scornefull or taunting wordea.”—Note and Queues J. M. MILLS SELLS the BENT Groceries at the Lowest Prices. • CALL AND SEE M9RM ■Mili ■'* .*&« ', .-la*? -. • > ,v:.r^j- . . . x-,.•« iCt : m, $ ' • BRHi I m is r „ V -i#*r * -O - 1 law 5 Determined To t wc EVERY ARTICLE IN THE 3 Accordion PL in Myrtle Green, Bronze, aud Black which have baen reduced to $10.(M). This Is much less than these suits not to carry them over. . Inches : m Broadcloths, 54 Worth anywhere In Ihc world $1,25, and that is the price we have been them at now $1.00 per yard. ALL WOOL LADIES CLOTH, 36 INCHES WIDE for 37 l-2c., former price 45c. This line can’t last long at that price, as there only# few of them left. a ° PLAID AND STRIPED FLANNELS, 9 Suitable for childrens and ladies sacks, that have been bringing 50c. per yard along, reduced to 40c. ass***-' * m a Black Fur Muffs 50 Cents, Former Price on These Goods 75 Cents. Cut Prices the Order of the Day s&S&i a. .in. ha.. ... fc.« SS ‘asns»? r s s where the will move upon their own merit. CLOTHING AND OVERCOATS. * REED’S FINE SHOES FOR LADIES i „ “ttws ssaattB wat Mat? these shoes W. L. DOUGLAS’ MEN SHOES. 1 We are sole agents ter this wed known make m this market. Do not buy other shoes simply because the deal¬ er claim that they are just as good as D0U6LAS’ SHOES. Eor none are as good for the same maitoy that hw £ re so d. SCHEUERMAN & WHITE. For Rent! -( 0 )- He Hotel Ms is Tor rent, possesion will, be^given January first. p The House bas long been known as one of the best in Georgia; its 20 large comfortable rooms are now filled with guests and have been for a long while. • Tne Bouse will be rented FbM Or IMirasW and satisfactory reason given for renting. For etc., call - address terms, on or ROSWELL H. DRAKE, GRIFFIN, GA. MUTIAL LIFE IMHA1E CO, OF NEW YORK. ; Organised in 18*8. Afreets aver |126,000, j 727,550. This company i« the the largwt in the world, and the advantages it oflere to be snreremokeit the MANGliAM’SSONS. safest, cheapest and best. niv7dpwfim4p. 8. TV Agts Farm lor Sale. ds of W Y. Maddox and H. O. unmnungs. 45 am* in a high state of colti- vaUun, balance in mUed growth of woods. nov27d*wim On*aH Hitl.O ★ FOR THE HFXT FEW DAYS ★ -WILL OFFER— Special Inducements Family tents 1 1 Kills. Ho 's. jsj. hS.wL aysSuSi --(o)- S. 2m£. Perdue Tlxey Say ! -THAT- DEANE & HUFF A r e Afraid they wiU set! alt ill their their «Q»»S Before the Holidays come. ★ Just Received, A Fresh Lot of ■¥ Crackers and Cakes! FINEST IN THE MARKET 1 V. LMAN ♦