The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, December 13, 1889, Image 4

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Dlnfeintr of finding a 'mi •( In llmiin BE SURE TO VISIT KFFIY P.nMPANY* Leaders: of: Low : Prices! BEFORE DOING SO, OR Yon will regret it the balance of Your born days. > 1VE OPENED IN THE LAST FEW DA YS OVER I Garments .uw. A. !:• > S , $ * ..... SJ&Ui'Hi bought HT at AT FORCED forced SALE, sale, AjT Fifty Cents Chi The T>nlln„ t And Will Be Sold the Same Way. See Our LADIES’ - AND - gMLDREN’S - UNDERWEAR, AND SAVE 25 PER CENT, AT COMPANY, 24 Hill St TOYS, , AGE STOCK TOYS 0 EVERY KIND. --STACKS OF- , iristmas Goods. i us a GALL when you went anything in that line. W. CLARK & SON. ——and— - 5 SBB Oil, Dec. 18. m For Side 2,000 Elbertapeach oft; trees, one one »» baH half years year, . - V‘.-v •• ■> # . ■ iec&dawSw. Keep aa ay. oath, »,. W and see which of the merchants yonr custom and are courteous to invite you to There is a food deal more in tising than yon may think. It not only to tell of hie goods a man advertises, but it is also invite the people who read—the think The J«tr. Davis Fund Benefit This entertainment will be assisted by Mrs. Hasselkus, Mattie Lee Woodruff and Miss ma StilweU. Admission &• Reserved seats without exto to be had at Patterson’s Hall. of tickets to begin Monday The at Patterson’s Hall. Constitution In speaking of Mr,. says: “The ease with which be ders the most intricate music is it¬ self a revelation. H'» touch is pronounced in the tenderest as. in the stnpMest playing and his fingering”*, equaliv wonderful rapidity, brilliancy and finish. His general execution has a distinct charm. But the chief charm of this wonderful player does not lie in the domain of technique. It is to found in the soul of his work. seems to be thoroughly in luv* with everything that he plays.” i. •j, and thus <-*re* rheumatism. (>) WE ARE DISPLAYING SOME autiful - Furniture! 75 Rattan Rockers, ER CHAIRS. CHILDREN'S CHAIRS, Tables, in Cherry and Antique Oak, ^ _S, HaH Furniture. p rter suit*. a ■ all md Finish Sift*. Hundreds ol Artiotes for Holiday Is Bold Cash or Credit* - Ellis ’ROUND ABOUT. City Notes, and News From This and Adjoining Counties. OVS ADTEBTISSaS. Take a «P from Santa Clans Ony Wires and hnsbands, ma s and pa’s ; they your free gift* from of «* flies because and flaws, are J. W.andJ. J, Aiford, oi Helena, came up yesterday. J. W. Sullivan, of .Erin, came up yesterday afternoon. Byrd Lovett, of Woodbury, was in the city yesterday. Walter Harris and Mias Ella Har¬ ris spentyesterday in Atlanta. The fine weather continues to de- light the hwl, ol oar people. W. A. Flemister spent yesterday in Atlanta taking in the Qilmore Concert. Dr. G. W. Pinkston and Joe Smith, Sr., of Jones Mills, were in the city yesterday. Miss Lula Belie Towns, of Senoia, is spending several days with friends in this city. Mrs. G. Cr-Ste visit" wart left yesterday afternoon for a her parents at Woodbury. B. H. NenI, of McDonough, passed through the city yesterday en route for Flat Shoals. R. H. Garland, of The Rock, spent yesterday in this city, the guest of his son Dr. Garland. Those who expect to reap a good Christmas trade will have to make their announcements early. Mrs. Thomas Nall returned home yesterday morning from a short visit to relatives at Baltimore. D. E. Dunbar, formerly of this sec¬ tion, but lately near Americus, has moved to a farm in Barnesville. Miss Yancey Thompson, of Wood¬ bury, arrived yesterday and is visit¬ ing friends and relatives in this city. “How can Mrs. Smith wear such a handsome velvet coat?” “My husband dear child, don’t you know her doctors' bills by using 1 Bull's Cough Syropfor tnechildr The goose bone most have been broken. It is not bracing up the cold weather according to promise. The barbed wire fence, says a farm¬ er, will keep gunners off your place better than a score of “no trespass¬ ing” Bigns. C. W. Chears, of the^ntral RR was in the city a short while yester¬ day, leaving later in the day Colnmbns. Col. Speer writes to bis papers that Col. Thurman will take Bowdoin’s place about the 12th next month. Miss Emma Frederick, who been visiting the family of A. Blake, returned to her home Marshallville yesterday. We regret to announce the illness of C. S. Wright at bis home this city, an aggravated attack rheumatism being the cause. Miss Rnth Cheatham, Mrs. E. B. Boyd, J. G. Rhea and Miss May l Rhea were among the visitors to lanta from this city who attended the Gilmore Concert last night. Hits Sibyl Rice left yesterday take lessons in short-band in Atlan¬ ta. Miss Bice is already quite ficient, and a part of the memorial exercises in yesterday’s News Sun were taken down by ber. The people have confidence in ador lor the cure of affections of liver, stomach, bowels and headache and nervousness, it never pi onuses more than it perform. Price 25 cents. “I see a star, Eve’s first born, whose train” Comes the damp light that neuralgia, bringeth pain. and For of head, cut Try Salvation Oil, three will lose. HENRY G. BURR & BRO. LEADERS AN Hardware, Guns, Stoves, Pistols, Tinware, Sporting Belting, Goods, Farming Cutlery, Implements Etc. FOR THE 1889 AND 1890. We have the largest, best selected and most complete stock fn this sec¬ tion. We are sole agents for the celebrated Iron King, Farmer Girl and Champion Monitor Cook Stov@S / And THIRTY YEARS EXPERIENCE has shown us that they are the best ever sold in this market. BIB REDUCTION IN ALL LINES OF STOVES I We are the recognized leaders for TINWARE, TIN WORE AND REPAIRING, Of every description. To those in need of LEATHER OR RUBBER BELTING We can offer superior inducements. We are agents for King Powder Co.’s Powder, The pEST in the world, and can offer big inducements to both the whole- and retail trade. Henry C, Burr 4 Brc. MU*** tferifeam • SpoMfer this is i isn't. lying. who spent port of*the Ins ” the eastern part of this returned to spend all ...... .. here. He says many people ' neighborhood are only wait chance to sell out in order to to this section. It is liut a question of a short time when the bushel, peck and quart measure will no longer be used in the sale of potatoes, apples, etc. Like¬ wise the dosen, as applre to eggs, will go out of existence, and every¬ thing will be sold by weight. It is manifest tbafrthia is the only fair way to sell eggs, so much do they vary it size. Quite a number of young people were entertained in a most pleasing manner at the elegant residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. H. Searcy on last evening. The affair was given in honor of Miss Genie Speer, the charming niece of Mrs. Searcy, who is on a visit from Washington City, and was thoroughly enjoyed by every one present. Dainty and seasonable refreshments were served during the evening. Wednesday afternoon a wagon with a pair of mules attacked, which were left standing in front of Powell’s livery stable, became frightened at a passing freight train and run away. Near the railroad track and the pas¬ senger depot the train came in vio¬ lent contact with Madison Means’ ox-cart, whose ocenpant, a negro boy, was thrown oiit and turned a double summersault before reaching the ground. Oranges, applre and other small groceries were scattered in reckless confusion, but the boy was not hurt and very little damage was done either cart or wagon. The mules and wagon,, which stopped after striking the cart, belonged to Will Starr, who lives in the country Your wagged cheeksmay have all the plnm p new and bloom of health through your uee of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. This time-honored remedy still leads the van. It improves di- geetion, purifies the blood, and invigorates the system. Give it s trial. i J. M. MILLS | e O ciic L L L 0 BEST Groceries at the Lowest Prices. CALL AND SEE. jm mm j £’■*' A' ■ A - Determined To Unload We have too many goods for so late in the season. Onr prices, which werei ready low enonghjnaveheen literally cut intw<* - ^ # ^ ; EVERY ARTICLE IN THE HOUSE REBUCEL. 3 Accordion Pleated Suits, in Myrtle Green, Bronze, aud Black which have been selling all season 1 reduced to $10.00. This is much less than these suits cost/nut we are d not to carry them over. Broadcloths, 54 Inches Wide Worth anywhere la the world *1,25, and that is the price we have beea selling them at nt now new $1.00 al fill per MAI. yard. von) ALL WOOL LADIES CLOTH, 36 INCHES WIDE for 37 l-2e., former price 46c. This line can’t last long at that price, as there Is only a few of them left. PLAID AND STRIPED FLANNELS, Suitable for childrens and ladies sacks, that have been bringing 50c. per yard all along, reduced to 40c. Black Fur Muffs 50 Cents. Former Price on These Goods 75 Cents. Cut Prices the Order of the Day ! No fine hat escaped, but ail have suffered alike. Our entire foree busy last through night (Saturday) the holidays marking down, haye m ducinq the price*, on every article. We expect to be very busy from now an in Consequently have ani wont the prices Time to make you a long talk upor the merits of our goods, when you come put where the will move upon their own merit. CLOTHING AND OVERCOATS. HULIa toll lale line aha. Ton can bu, a 53.00 Overcoat new far $2.00. *15.90 Overaoa no. far 54.00. A JJMJW—gArr*I* «*I8« C«l £ *"00. Uaa and Say. Salt. h„. all bean reduce la tbi. ,am. REED’S FINE SHOES FOR LADIES ! A full line in alt widths and styles just received during the past week. Remember every pair of these shoes are guaranteed, and we consider it a favor if you will let us know whenever they fail to give satisfa action. > 'i W. L. DOUGLAS’ MEN SHOES. We are sole agents for this well known make in this market Do not buy other shoes simfAy because the deal¬ er claim that they are just as good as OOU6LAS SHOES. Eor none are as good for the same money that Nt are arid. SCHEUERMAN & WHITE. For Rent! ■KOT¬ Hi! Hotel Curds is for rent, possesion will., be^given January first. The House bas long been known as one of the best in Georgia; its 20 large comfortable rooms are now filled with guests and have been for a long while. The House will be rented MM Or Qiflmiisliiit « . ■ and satisfactory reason given f or renting. For etc., call address terms, on drake] or rqswelln. omfuh, qa. mui al life 'mm to. OF NEW YORK Organised in 1843. Assets organization aver 9136,000, 000, Paid member* since over g&is *272,000,000. rgszjsMi Paid members in 1888, fl5,- 727,550. This company is the the largest in "" “aw MANGtf AM’^80NS. Agta. t nir7d»ir#m4p. Farm tor Sale. I win eeli at private ealelOOW acres of land, more or lew, eitnated one mile from the rail¬ road in the lower part V. «* Maddox Orr’s District, and ad¬ C, join* the land* of W. H. 45 sews in a hi^i etate of enlti- ^ ewaartiiof woods. lose with hall ^all ' Js? r £?“?• kinds frmt. Well etocked and provwooed, end cash, balam* on eneb time as would suit ; ■ ’ Orchard I?r4DGETT, Hill, . fl v27df*l« G ★ FOR THE NFXT FEW DAYS * -WILL OFFER- Special Inducements . -IN — Faily ton Of 1 Ms. —(o) ■ Have on hand large stock alt grades Flour, and Corn, Feed and Seed Oats, Bran, Hay, Salt, and a full line Sugar, Coffee, Tobacco, etc. S-1ML IPercLue Tlxey Say I -THAT- HVTP JJtLiilivJL A win At (SC TJTTT rLUrr 41 U’ Ate Afraid they will sell all their HOLIDAY -s- OOODS Before the Holidays come. ? ★ Just Received, A Fresh Lot of -fe / KENNEDY’8 and Cakes I ! » THE MARKET, HOI MAT*