The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, December 22, 1889, Image 3

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An to’ »1 i stxsx.. ‘ -.SSJS wughs t and *• 204 Albany, aik N. Y, “I have need Ayer’a Cherry Pectoral tot bronchitis and Lung Diseases, ^4«a«sas;; Caraway, Iff. 0. mk ' ^A’SS^rSS.ut; tried various medicines, but none did her any good until I got a bottle of Aysr’s Cherry Pectoral which has cored ss^arsissaasir of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. the use I have no hesitation in recommending this medicine.”—Robert Horton, Yore- man Headlight, Morrlllton, Ark. "Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral cared me of a severe cold which had settled on my lungs. My wife says the Pectoral helps Xtti more than any other medicine she ever used.”—Enos Clark, Mt. Liberty, Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, rasraasD bt Dr. J. ©. Ayer A Co., LoweB, Mass, rET'rr. Intelligent Readers will notice that Titfs Pills -west’s®’ Colie, Flatulence, etc. tk«M th«y are not wa: SOLE? EVERYWHERE. mmm I FOR SALE. ill street. 4 half acre vacant lots on I3tli street and Broadway. Beantifol lots oak in and the city. hickory grove. Prettiest building For Sale or to Ren Griffin FEMALE COLLEGE and lots, all lienchs, the apparatus, Ac. geological cabinets, school Stark house. 8 rooms, 1 acre land. lan Most convenient boarding house, house in thecil ty. : Charlton W* Hill street. 4 act acres land, .. . Ac. . stables, fruits, A No, 1 place every way. Shelton house and tot, ‘J‘/i acre*. 5 room house in centre of Poplar street. One of the most desirable places in the city. Titles perfect. Vil right in every particular. •lo«sey house and lot, 7 rooms, % acre. Nall’s house “ "8 " 1 “ Adam June* bouse and lot, 10 acres. Blake house and kit, 7 rooms, fl5 acres. Vacant lots from % to 50 acres in various nortioDS of the citv. lie of 75 lots STA action on 27th. G. A. CUNNINGHAM, 7 KeWEWatiCsgBivr. Firs limn I -)o{- C.H. JOHNSO N SR. Still represents t e old Soatbero Mutual Insurance 05, of Athens. 6athe cheapest in Geor¬ gia and as £ 0 od as in the world; THE : GHOBGJa : HOME an. ethers as good as can be found, as be would not repress ,t oth r than goad ©"A*, and earnestly so'icits the pitrnn gc ol he eorr.imnilL He also represents the o d Washington Life Ins. Co. of New Yoik, his ch >ice of all the Life Companies, because it embodies all ts promises i > the po icy. The Na¬ tional Accident Socidy and th- South- er.i Mutual Building and Loan Associ¬ ation, the best Savings Bank for Small investments extant. Call at his office No !6 Hill Street and investigate. C II. JOHNSON, SR. S 3 SHOE cff."... *3 SHOt FOR 1*01*8. HOME tses-vsmxtessx SSS2 EiftmloeW. L. DoiwIm ,3.00 Shoos Sho lor vntlemen and ladies. FOR SALE BY SCHEUEKMAN & WHITE. ____CRIFFIR. _ MEN ONLY! lY YOU AY * O., Deo. U. _________ Grieve' and Mrs. Homer an 3ouplo living in the eastern part county, quarreled oyer a remark ; by a neighbor that one of their johuu-en to his brothers did not and bear any resemblance intensity sisters. The quarrel grew is and the couple became irreconcilable and enteredintoaatrange that agm-ment or compac. to the effect ihe they would continue to live under same roof, but never again This! would ■ but together and entertained their friends, no direct word from one to the other was ever exchanged. Not long ago some of the church friends of Mr. Grieve, for both the old people interested preserved themselves their church relation, ferent and in the family dif¬ the official board brought the matter before *»w® they of the church to and remarriage belonged and reconciliation a was recommended, which advict, toe old folks accepted. Arrangements which, of for the remarriage, course, is apleasant fiction, as-there never had been a divorce were made and the event Was celebrated last friends P resence of a number of • To Butt, with too Knight*. Indianapolis. Dec. 21.-At the ses¬ sion of the miners’ convention Master Workman Rae, of district assembly No. 135, and Secretary Watchorn, of the same of organization, spoke in the interest a union of the forces of the Pro¬ gressive union and assembly No. 185. Speeches Ross, of Illinois, were also made by Delegate and Christopher Evans, of Ohio, who urged that some sort of a union be effected. Resolutions were then adopted declaring in favor of union and providing for the appoint¬ ment of a committee of three to confer with the officials of district assembly No. 185, Knights of Labor. President McBride received a formal invitation from that assembly asking that the convention Progressive which union send delegates to the meets in Columbus bus meeting. Mollie Pilcher Not Wanted. Trenton, Dec. 31.—The New v Jersey Jersey library commission lias decided ..... ho pai< . _ H ■ desired to sell it to the state for $8,000. and the legislature passed a joint reso¬ lution authorizing mmSsmm the library commie- i proposition, “1 am little I know, but 1 think I can throw a weight of a hundred ton.” So sang aproudbanana peel. But Dr. Pierce s Pleasant Pellets are and quite overthrowing as powerful in meeting with disease. If you have rush of blood to the brain, diz¬ gestion, ziness. headache, biliousness, constipation, buy indi¬ of or a vial these little pUlsat once. One a dose. Toys, Toys, Toys. All kinds of Toys to please the children, a t low'prices, at Keith & Co's. 12 lbs. Granulatedj Sugar for fl.00, at Ira Slade’s. J. W. Bishop. You save 50 per cent, buying Holi¬ day goods at Maugham’s. Cost sale New Novelties opened up every Novelty day Co’s. this week Don’t at the fail to see them. ' —•—*——♦>—-~* How He Wonld Slide. Mrs. Smitem (to her son)—Which would you rather have for Christmas, Robbie, a pair of skates or. a sled? Robbie—Can’t I have both? Mrs. Smitem—No, I don’t think Santa Claus would consent to that. Robbie—Then give me the skates. Tommy Siimson’s got a sled, and I can lick him. ______ Salt Rhemn w-wj—sfeye:- broken into painful indescribable sm $s suf- fering. watery pimples, Hood’s often ~ Sarsaparilla rilla has has wonderful wonderful power over this disease. It purifies lurifies the the blood blood and * expels els the the bnmor, nmor, and and the the skin skin heals witMont a scar, Send for book containing & Co., many statements of cures, to C. I. Hood Apothecaries, Lowell. Mass. — (f) Dr. Anthony will save you from 10 to 25 per cent, on any of the staple drug¬ articles kept in a first class store. Best Leaf Lard for 10 cts. a pound t Ira Seade’s. A Wise Bird. •‘Whv don't you eat, Mr. Gobbler?” “Because I don’t wish to be eaten, my friend. Are you not aware that Christ¬ mas is coming?”—Harper's Young Pee- P le - _____ Go to Kin ard Bros. For a nice meal, a good drink or a fine cigar on Christmas or any other day. It is the best place in Griffin. j, : 4 ” " , for , a fire » Fourth avei .. ______ The fire started on the fifth and t. p floor of the hospital. The patients were re¬ moved from the building in safety and at 10 o’clock the fire was under control, During its progress a wall on the Madi- are Capti Luaue and Hosemen Dunbar Levee and Ryer, of Engine No. 29. There were eighty patients in the hos¬ pital. alarmed, They were naturally much but the nurses succeeded in firemen and police. The police also al- lowed civilians to enter the building and aid in the work of rescue. There were many exciting scenes. The sick were carried out on mattresses aad taken across the street to another Some building belonging also taken to the hospital. were into private houses in the vicinity and some into the several club houses in the neighborhood, all of which threw their doors open. The last patient was taken out of the upper ceiling story fell by just which before the wall and the four firemen before mentioned were injured. After the fire was over the patients who had been taken to places of safety near by were removed in ambulances to various hospitals in Bus city • t he CVonln Casa Not Ended Yot. Hubbard Chicago, has Dec. directed 21.—Chief of Police to work toe Capt. Cronin Scheuttier resume on case, more down especially to the alleged with the view to of getting tain ex-member of complicity the triangle. a cer¬ He will have the assistance of four brother officers. Matters relating to toe attempt to bribe the jury have also been placed in the hands of Chief of Detectives El¬ liott. Juror Culver is under strong sus¬ picion _ Gathered Roses. “We thought her dying when she slept, And sleeping when she died.” But the bitterest sting of such sor¬ row is to tnink she might have been saved! They saw the rose fade on her cheek and theeye grow dim. Had they Medical but known of Dr. Pierce’s Gold¬ she en might Discovery, still be with who can tell bnt them, the sun¬ shine of their home. Take the reme¬ dy in time, and you will find that con¬ sumption lungs)can (which is scrofula of the be enred. The -‘Discovery” is guaranteed to cure in all cases of diseases for which it is recommended, ly or refunded. money paid for it will be prompt¬ Blankets and Comforts cheap at Asher’s. Sample Hats. A fine line of all grades of Sample Hats at Patrick & Brooks.’ They the were bought cheap and will be sold same way. Remember EADY when you want S teak. W. Buy Bisho your fine Pork Sausage of J. p. Get Dr. Anthony’s prices on Paints; g& aTe tl)e kmcat *° r tha - w - The Penn*jrlvania CotuoHdatJon, Philadelphia, Dec. 21.—There was renewed talk of the plan of the Penn¬ sylvania company to consolidate the lines west of Pittsburg, and there is reason now to believe that such a plan is in contemplation and that some positive announcement will be made before very long. The plan is not new, as there were rumors of it a long time ago, bat no definite statement was ever made concerning it. Officers of toe company, however, do made not deny further that preparations this plan. are being what method to of financiering will Just the be followed or will bv what name con¬ solidated lines be known is not yet settled. ___ Nine Yean on It* Journey. Baltimore, Dec. 21.—A registered letter, valuable, supposed has just to returned contain to something the Bali more postoffice. It was sent from here to New York city for a party there as far back as March 15,1881. The regula¬ tions require registered letters to be re¬ turned to the sender within thirty days if undelivered. The letter had no ex¬ planation or indorsement after its nearly nine years of sleep in New York. If toe woman who sent it will call at the post- office she can get it back now, but she will be required to identify it B®y. Dr. Beale Vindicated. Johnstown, Pa,. Deo. 31.— Dr. David J. Beale, formerly of Baltimore, churah now pastor of the Presbyterian here, who was charged with neglect tendered of duty, his dishonesty, etc., and who resignation pending an Investigation of these charges, reoeived a vindication at the hands of his congregation in a meeting at which they refused to accept his resignation. BUD In th# Virginia LegDDtura. Richmond. Va., Dec. 21.—A bill was introduced into toe legislature to amend the code so as to give women the power to practice law in the courts of the com¬ monwealth. Another was introduced to make the first Monday la November (election day) and toe holidays. 80th of May (Memorial day) public A Woman’s Discovery. “Another wonderful discovery Me been made that the too by a lady in this county. Disease fastened its clutches upon her mid for seven bnt he years vital organs she withstood wernndennined its sevwests snd neatb test*; seemed imminent. For three months she st nightand idwito one bottle has been miracn- lonely cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lut*.’ Thus write W. V. Hamrick ft Co,, of N.C. Get a free trial bottle at E R. Antho¬ ny’s Dreg Store, $175,000 Stock. Don 't buy‘any Watches, Diamonds and Jewelry before getting has J. price* P. .from W. M. Terrell, who Stevens & Bros, immense stock of 3175,000 to select from. Can 75 please the most fastidious. 20 to per cent, will be saved you by me onany of the above goods. Bargains ia Boys, Youths Y< and Men’s Clothing at Asher’s. Ira Slade’s Five Cent Cigars a you trill smoke no other. Call early in the week, and to ** Silver- our l*^«**aea.s*£ novelties in China,Glass SS:siV join seated ami attitudes iu-c of the city of extended ended r port* toe | of the ££351 conveii! TS pum\l a!”o, it. noui u c4rr llnulHU Ii ftuen*a In Detroit. Detroit, Dec, 21.—The Rus ten influ¬ enza toe has reached Detroit. Oddly victims— enough bankers «•« the earliest ■ and ' not mm so odd ' ‘ either, for it is aaiil that geperai it was suppose,! to ue simpiy a ntfrd cold. Nine of the employes were sick at one time, and three of them are still confined to their homes with the disease. In the Preston bank there are four ea4e< of toe contegioa. In the First National the entire staff has it. In the Merchants and Manufacturers’ bank to two lay have them the influenza, but not enough up. ;V’ — ;r-- ' • ■ TUe Hudson Klver Tunnel. Hudson New New York, York, tunnel tunnel Dec. Dee. SI.—Work 21.—Work shortly on be the river will will re¬ sumed on the New New York York end. end. It It ia to pro¬ posed proved to machinery, get in *jt tot bnt of it new impossible and im¬ is to say when toe tunnel will be com- 1 lie wurja. _UU lUtJ Srifift 2,060 feet. . _ The Verdict Unanimous. W. D. Bult, Druggist, Bippus, Ind., testifies: VMSwsas relid in One took six bottles every case. man and was cured of Rheumatism of 10 years standing.” Abraham Hare, dauggist, Beil cine mile, I Ohio, have offinns: handled “The best selling ewer in my 30 years’ perieuee, others have is Electric added their Bitters." testimony, Thousands of so that the verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitters do Blood. cure all Only diseases half of dollar the Liver, bottle Kidneys E. or a a at R. Anthony’s Drugstore. Ira Slade’s Is Headquarters for all kinds of Country Produce, nice and fresh. Buy Tour Candies At Keith & Co’s. Don’t pay a fancy ticle for price, less but get a good pure ar¬ money. Dr. Warner’s Health and Flexible Hip Asher’s. Corsets, and Bail’s Corsets, at Get Good Stuff. Don’t drink poor liquor on Christ¬ mas, but buy the bast at reasonable prices. John Ison has it and will sell it to you every time. Wall Pockets and Whisk Brooms with Brass Holders, at Mitchell & Co’s Art Gallery. i„«r4reiu|; that New the York, number Dec. of 2i.— Physicians of influenza say in cases toe city is available, steadily increasing. the board No statistics are a3 of health pays no official attention to the matter, the ailment not being of a dangerous character. Clay V llkej sol.I for *15,000. Paris. Ky., Dec. 21.—G. G. White, of this city, has purchased of Milter A Sibley, of Franklin, Pa., the black stallion Clay Wilkes by George Wilkes, dam by American Boy for 815,000. Union Pacific and Fort Worth Deal. Boston, Dec. 21.—At the meeting of Union Pacific directors the Union Par cific-Fort Worth deal was considered and referred to the executive committee to be put into shape and executed. Killed la a Powder Mill. South Acton, Mesa, Dec. 21.—A cyl¬ inder burst in the coke room of toe American powder mills, killing Charles H. Hurd. Sanders and fatally injuring Joseph • -Jd" ~ 1 A • 1 Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. The Beet Salve in the world for Cute- Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, »um, Fever Never Sores, i. Tetter, Tetter, Cha] Chapped Hands, Hi Chilblains, - Corns s, : and allS kin Ernptio ons, and If poeitive- res Piles or no pay treq is guar or For mone; oneyre safe by JUiiueo. jrnut? as E. R. Anthonv. The celebrated “White” Sewing Ma¬ chine for sale at Asher’s. Genuine Oil Paintings in Gold Frames, size 24x30, only $1.50, at Mitcbell &Co’s Art Gallery. Prime Sugar Cured Hams, 13 cts. a pound, at Ira Slade s. Fillocelie _ Arrasene, | Embroidery SHk and for just received by express the Holid ays at Asher’s. Beantifdl Cashmere and Silk Muff¬ lers at 50c. 75c. $1.00 and $1.50 each. Also nice line Hearts and Windsor Tijs, at E. J. Flemibter’b Christmas Groceries. Ira Slade’s is headuqarters for Christinas Groceries and Provisions of all kinds. Christmas Liquors. The very purest Liquors for your Christmas Egg Nogg and all other kinds of drinks, at low prices Bobs. during the holidays, at Kwabd Our stock of Drugs are always full and complete, and of the purest and My stock of Combs, __| Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes and Toilet articles are the nicest and best ever offered in this market for Dr. the E. price. K, Anthony. Those White ‘Sewing Ms chine* At Asher’s are worth your trouble to go in to see^_JL isatonieandmiapp^anda* pert) cure for chiBs amkfever dui kgue and malaria, as thousands, **»r. in the FAMIDFOR TWENT v YEAH.S, I or Integrity of its Drawings and Prompt Pay me t of Priies, ■jit authors the Compaq to <)«*» thin .eerMfiento H ‘4 ■ o*ami*Mra»n a We the will pay all Prizes _____ r.wr in Tbe Loui.I.D. State Lotteries which ch may be presented at our counters: I3£v:is::i Grand : Monthly : Drawing At the Tuesday, Academy January of Music, 14,1890, New Orleans, Capital Pritee, #00,000 100,000 Tickets at Twenty Dollars each Halves flO; Quarters #5; Tenths 2; Tw»» tieths #1. ust or prizes. I 1 Pair, Pbizb or 1300,0001*............ 100,000 1800,000 1^ 000 or m............ 1 Puna or 50,000 s........... 60,000 28,000 lPwxBor 25,000 is........... js® 5pS2s°^ f’tffia B’ooois;.......... ..... Il’oon 35 000 100 Pants or '500 are'."!!.”'.! 5o!o00 aoo 500 Prats Prats or or 800 SOO are.......... are.......... 100,000 , ^0,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES’, 100 Prizes or f500 are............... #50,000 55>?9$ 100 do, 800 are............... 100 do. 200 are............... 20,000 TERMINAL PRIZES. 909 do. 100 are................ 99,900 99,900 990 do. 100 are................ * NOTK-Tiekels drawing Capita Prizes’ are not entitled to terminal Prizes. AG ENTS WANT ED. For Club Rates, or any further Information desired, writi legibly to the undersigned State* dearly stating 8treet voor Number. residence, with rapid County, mail delivery and will be assured More by enclosing re‘ turn an Envelope bearing your fall addrese. IMPORTANT. Address M. A. DAUPHIN, is.w^^ or M. A. DAUPHIN, Washi^to^c! c Sx M Try^ Exchange, Draft or Postal Note. wotoress Kegistefeo Letters Contain¬ ing Currency it NEW >.|URANSSSTIOZAI. BANK New Orleans, La. BANKS of New Orleans, and toe tickets are signed by the President of an Institution whose chartered rights are recognized in the highest Courts; therefore beware of all imita- CffYE DOLLtoHs*the ’nAet price of the smaileet part or fraction of a ISSUED BY TO in any Drawing. lees than Anything Dollar is in our windte. name of- ered or a a s HOTEL CURTIS ’ ' ‘ A 7°' ^ ‘.....• ' 3RXFFTN, GEORGIA, Under New Management; G. DANIEL, Prop’r. , 1 fm nil el all trains. LIPPMAN.BR08. t Wholesale Agents, Pa- vannah Qa. juen25dAwl l-arm tor Sale. One of the finest faims in Middle Georgia for such sale. The he wishes proprietor’s t® health is that re¬ tire from the fatigue of business. This farm is about three-fourths of a mile east from the centre of the city of Griffin, Ga., adjoining the sub¬ urbs 25 of the city, containing200acres, enclosed acres in an permanent pasture with large branch ru through branch centre o! is a faflf* Balance"of land is in the high¬ est state of cultivation of any farm in the state, having had thousands of dollars worth ofcotton seed and stable manure and composts of all kinds put on it in the last few years. It is also one of the best terraced and ditched scientifically places in Georgia. Ditches all run so as to preveut flny w&sliin^ of the fields* ditching of the place cost $500. owner has made the improvement the owned place it, a specialty thinking ever that he since would not ever sell it; consequently it is a & 10 , such as scarcely ever is of Also on the place is a fine orchard of fruits of different nfee convenient dwelling, bars all necessary out buildings. lie ad place is only to ba seen to mired. CLARK. _ G.W. Sept29d&w3m. CHILDREN^ r SUB Farmii :* - ® .. v ' * I . • - FOR v-”> '* We have t lion. We are sole < . ro K (tg. F; Coo ( And THIRTY YEARS EX PERU- ;mrM M BIB REDUCTION IN i We are the recognized leaders for TINWABE, TOT WO 01 every dworiptlo*. To thow in need, LEATHER OR RUI fre con offer .op«riortndneement.. We, The BEST in the world, and can \ sale and retail trade. Henry Builders’ ....... ...... VI'W REMEMBER. THE OLD TV. M. Soli KEEP THE BEST OF ALL STAPLE AND FANCY , w . Our Sweet Water Pat. and Telieo Hoi Hams, Shoulders ond Breakfaet Bacon, as any one. Freeh lot Mackerel and White grades Sullivan’s Tobacco. Water Ground Fruits, Fancy and Stick Candy. ks» fresh fish PRIG Wo offer thl* morning Ginghams at 7c. to 9o, per yard. .......... We have just received another FINE LINE ef Drummer's Samp7 AT WHOLESALE 1 4 opto ■ i,# i We have 100 pain at Udlee’ Kid Bette, at less than cost Ail styles at $1.00 to f' to $3.50 per pair. Give ue a call and we WILL SAVE YO R.F. Griffin, Nov. 28rd. FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE HAVING MADE MONEYED ilfi sn ' We AT HIGHEST MARKET - WE WANT EMPTY Kl i WK WANT CHOKER AND MEAL wmmm We Want to Fell the Best Cow F"od in .* ... Mr Call at OIL MILL. W. E. H. 8EABCY, 1 MttgW r —* * - ........ SOOTS, SHOES AND JX.- HASSEI.KUS’ SHO Home-made Sheet and Leather i We warrant al) work and ohall makff it a I largo shlpmCTi toff Gents’ and Ladies’ and Mbuwe’ fine goods, am l linP ^r cord pmd*for 200 cord* ol Tan-bark. * -“ TO THE F - ★THE Hjtocl MM i HAVE MOVED THEIR f SASH, DOORS Al To No. 16HU18te(C H.doI Where All Sizes Sash, Doors, will be on sale at lowest math complete Him of . Builders■ p H and will have prices goods suit to the suit XL. i fiaeet at to