The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, December 29, 1889, Image 4

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Toys, TOTS, TOTS URGE STOCK TOTS 0 EVERT KIND V ------8TAUKSOF-- Christmas Goods. •firQiv« us a CALL when you want anything in that line. 6. U. CLARK & SOW. \n K-Jl') >-• f, .110 rjLjC j v - X '■ --A N D— T\ Griffin, Ga., I>ee. !»»• SwapMolBrii B. R, BLAKELY. President. K. R. ANTHONY, Vice President. R, H. DRAKE, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. R. Blakely *Mj, E. B. Anthony, U. H. Drake, R. T. Daniel, d, A. A Scbenertnnn, it. (■ Burr, R. S. Connell, A “ S. » Murray ami W E. Drewr.v. Real Eetate Loans, on the Installment Plan, and Loan# on al) Good HecuHtiiw at Low Rat* ol Interest, deol7d*wly For Rent! One of the NICEST HOUSES on South Hill St. Possession given 1st January. Apply to a h. CET THE BEST! -BUY YOUlt- Groceries And Provisions This Week -AT- J. M. Mills’ That Lost Package Arrived yesterday with a fine lot of Holiday presents consisting of La dies' and Gents’ Gold Watches, Chains, Pins, Bings, &e., &c. They must be sOftfc. Now is the time tor A. Loweh. Blakely will Have DRESSED TURKEYS. Fine Celery. Finest Fruits—all kinds . FRITT CAKE, Nuts, Fine Confections, and all the delicacies for the New Year. .Receiver Fine White Shad, Trout snd Oysters daily. *%i» BLAKELY. •HOUND ABOUT. City Note#, and New# From Till# and Adjoining Countie#. ihk Ttntnrct cunn. Oh, t he Unlit that Hee in a maiden’. «ye«, A. .he meet, the lond glance of her lovi rer, I. brighter by far than the gleam of then! itnr That shine, in the darkness above her. But the tuneful clink of« maiden', eltiuk, And the gleum of her gold ho yellow. the heart More than Cupid', dart will touch Of the most nn.imeeptiMe fellow. Hev. C. V. Waugh, of Barnesville. came up yesterday. A. B. Cleveland is spending today with relatives at Lithoniu. Ed Mallary, of Macon, is visiting his father and family in this city Joseph 8. Pnrker, of Baltimore, is spending a day or two in this city. H. I'. Brown is spending a day or two with relatives in Henry county. J. 1). Nelson will leave today for a two weeks sojourn in the mountains of North Alabama. Frank Wutt, of Atlanta, who has been visiting relatives at Henoia, re¬ turned to Atlanta yesterday. B. A. Daniel, of Keely Co., who has l>een in this city for several days, returned to Atlanta yesteada.v. Col. W. T. Trammell returned yes¬ terday from a trip of a week to sev¬ eral cities and towns in Alabama, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Malone left yes. terday lor Greenville, where they will spend several days with relatives. Mayor Stewart left yesterday af¬ ternoon for a few days of absence in Atlanta, Chattanooga and other points. Mrs. E. M. Drcwry and children left yesterday morning for Forsyth and will visit her father and family for about a week. Miss Annie Stark spent several hours here yesterday in this city on her way from a visit to her mother near East Point to her home at Co¬ lumbus. The central telephone office made 085 connections on Friday, GOO of which were lietween 7 a. m. and 7 p. in. Tin's is pretty gooa wore tor n* phones. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Quilliau, and Mrs. Logan ami Gus Redding, of At¬ lanta, urrived yesterday and are visiting B. J. lteddingut the Experi¬ mental Farm. A new schedule goes into effect on the Central railroad today, and will be fouud in full on the inside of this issue. Soma of the trains have their time changed considerably. The usual services at the Met ho¬ dist church today. Subject for the morning discourse, “Th# Transitory and the Eternal.” At night, ‘‘The Plan of Redemption.” A cordial in¬ vitation to the public. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anderson, of Petersburg, Va., arrived here last night and are the guests, of Miss Opal Smith, at the Nelms House. Mrs. Anderson will l>e remembered here ns Miss Jessie Goodwin. The couple arc returning from a bridal tour to Florida. The person who furnishes items to a newspaptc is always a valuable friend to the editor. Many persons hesitate about sending personal notes to a newspaper regarding the movement of friends lest the newspaper man should think them too anxious to see their names print. He will think nothing of the kind, but on the contrary he is glad to get such notes. Many seem¬ ingly unimportant items when print¬ ed are news to a large number of renders. Send any item of news you may l»e in possession of and it will lie appreciated. If some enterprising fellow would now corner the market on Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup he could make his for¬ tune. Beware of frauds. THE LICEN8E ORDINANCE. W|i«t People Must Pay for Doing Uueluru Next Wear. The principal business of the coun¬ cil meeting on Friday night was the enactment of the license ordinance for the year 1889. License to sell spirituous or malt liquors was fixed at 9250, payable in advance. Resident auctioneers, #50. Tnina- ieut met I oncers, $5 per day. One horse drays #20, two horse #40. Billiard tables and ten pin alleys, #10 each. Hucksters license, #20. Porters, #5. Livery, sale and feed stable, #40. Hotels and restaurants, #20. Barber shops, #10. Express companies, #25. Telegraph offices, #25. Coal and wood dealers, #15. Real estate dealers, #50. Resident insurance agents, #5 to #10; transient agents, #5 per dny. Guano dealers, #20. Lumber dealers, #10. Pawnbrokers, #50. Bankers and brokers, #75. Warehousemen and cotton factors, #25. Butchers and vendors of meat , #25. Wholesale beer dealers, #100 in advance. All licenses not especially provided for as specified, will lie subject to quarterly payments, in advance. All violators of any of the tux ordi¬ nances shall be punished with a fine of not less than #50 or GO days on the streets. The salary ordinance was fixed as follows: Mayor, #400—an increase of #150. Judge of City Court #250 per an¬ num. Clerk and Treas. #300 and fees. Chief of Police. #45 per month. Policemen, each #40 per month. Street Overseer, #40 per month. City Watchman, #30 per month. City Physician, #150 per annum. Dr. T. J. Collier was elected city physician. for tla» The contract to furnish oil city was awarded to W. B. Hudson at 1314 cents per gallon. The street committee was instruct¬ ed to buy another mule. Aid. Powell contracted for the city garbage, paying for it #51. The City National Bank was select¬ ed as a depository for the city funds. It was ordered that the managers of the recent city election lie puid #2.50 and #3.50 per day. Epoch. The transition from long, lingering and painful .ieknes. to robust healt h marks epoch in the life of the individual. Such a markable event is treasured in the memory and the ageuov whereby the good health has |>een attained' is gratefully blessed. Her it is that bo much is heard In praise‘tit El< trie Bitters. So many feel they owe theirn torution to health, to the use of the Ore Alterative and Tonie. If you are troubled with any di«ea*He of Kidneys, Liver or stom¬ ach. of long or short standing you will surely find relief by use of Elect, ri \tteiw. Sold at, 50c. and #1 per bottle at* V: Anthony’s Drugstore. A SUGGESTION FOR OUR GIRLS W hat They MightJDo Just Before t h, ‘ Wedding Day. Here is an example worthy of emu¬ lation by the many young Indies of Griffin who are looking forward to that very important event in lit matrimony. Some of them, doubt, less will l>e quite thankful for its wealth of suggestiveness, Not long ago an Atlanta young lady was about to be married—she is married now, may heaven bless her and keep active the business tact with which she is endowed. The following story has leaked out l>y merchants comparing notes from time to time: About two weeks before the time the wedding was to take place this young lady visited the various stores in the city. At each of the jewelry stores she called the proprietor aside and told him of her approaching marriage, and then said: “Now, it is very probable that some of my friends may come in here and select me a present. It’s horrid to get something you don’t like, so 1 want you to look out for me, and if you can satisfy yourself that a pres¬ ent is about to be purchased for me, induce the purchaser to buy some¬ thing 1 will now select." The proprietor could see nothing wrong in granting such a request, and the young lady selected a num¬ ber of pieces of jewelry which suited her taste. They were marked and the clerks notified. This was repeated at the crockery, music and book stores. From all that can bo learned, the scheme worked well, and on her wed¬ ding night the happy bride had few presents with which she was not pleased. One lap (its mother’s; lor the well baby bedroom in daytime. About700 night laps of the floor at for the happy (?) father unless he has a bot¬ tle of Dr. Bull’s Baby Syrup to ease the little sufferer. A constipated habit of the body and all of its pernicious effects are quickly removed by Laxador, the great regulator. Price only 25 cents XMAS GAIETIES! PHENOMENAL WEATHER AND AN EXCEPTIONAL HOLIDAY. Borne of the Event, of the Week l*«*l end the Week toConie--Ncw Year* Reception*. Christmas week in Griffin this year has been as pleasant as any time in May. Nor is it alone in this section that the weather has been so spring like, being still more phenomenal in the North. As we write, with a twig of peach blossoms pinned to our lapel, the old field plums breaking into bloom and the birds carolling beneath the office windows, we would fain surprise our Northern readers by telling of a Christmas day spent picnicking in the woods and a star¬ lit evening watching the sky rocket* from a swinging hammock; but the surprise has already been ours in reading that up on Long Island the residents were at the same time picking dandelions and wild flowers. The past week has been a very pleasant one in a social way, with numerous small parties for people of all ages. There has been the usual number of dinings and winings in¬ dulged in by select coteries, while a great many valuable presents hav* made glad the hearts of the givers, the receivers and the dealers. The one central event was trie masquer¬ ade party at the handsome residence of J. D. Boyd Thursday evening. Although less lively to some than it dancing bad beenindulged in,as orig¬ inally contemplated, it was possi¬ bly more pleasant to those who can not dance. The characters repre¬ sented were as follows: Miss s»ru T. Kril— Pearl of Great Price. Miss Emma Bullock, of Savannah—Red Hiding Hood. Miss Mattie Brewer—Goddess of Liberty. Miss Pearl Disiuuke—Flower Girl. Miss Pearl Johnson—Coming Thro' the Rye. MisH SusieStewart—Georgia Goolter Grab tier. Miss Mollie White—America. Misses Mattie Smith and Eugenie Speer— Two Country Girls. Miss Lena Smith—Mystery. Miss Lora Smith—Guess. Miss Currie White—Day and Night. Miss Mary Burr—Italian Girl. Miss Cleone Hudson—Little Girl Miss Susie Collier— Berlinese. Miss Lena Warde— Night. Miss Laura Banks—School Girl. Miss Annie Harris—Peach Blossom. Miss Mollie Rogers—"Oh. Shucks!" Misses Anna B. Moss and Maude Johnson —French Nurses Misses Opal Smith, ijessie Mills and D. J. Bailey—School Girls. Miss Mattie Matthews—Sweet Sixteen. Mrs. B. R. Blakely, Mrs. R. T. Daniel and Miss Gussie Trammell—Three Little» From School. MissOra Boyd—Dawn. Mrs. W. J. Kincaid—A Spanish Prime**. B. R. Flemister—Mamma'* Baby. Will Wheaton—Black Prince. Emory Drake—Cow Boy. Ed Thompson—Who Knows ? D. Glessner—Mother Hubbard. T. J. White—Cavalier. Douglas Boyd—Uncle S»i* Ed. Smith—Richard III. T. J. Brooks—Domino. Leo Samuels—Cow Boy. .1 N Brown and Will Blake—Domin'**** F G Bailey—Knight of the filth Century. .Joe Drewry—The Mute. Wilson Mathews—Uncle Sam. Jack Mangham—Dude. Charlie Wolcott—Turk. Young Gray—Sam from the Country. Arthur Stewart and Will Davis—Two of a Kind. Eli Brewer— Mr. Lattgsdale, of Atlanta—A Country Dude C. H Hutchinson, of Atlanta—A Courtier of the time of Louis XV. H. Roland, Will Brown and R IV Brown — Three Big Maids. Charlie Johnson—"He.” Allan Bates—Gentleman of time of Queen Victoria There were also present: Mr. and Mrs. R H. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. J. M Brawuer, Mr. atul Mrs. F D. Peabody, Mr. and Mrs. E. W Hammond. Mr. ami Mrs. E. P. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Patrick. Mr. and Mrs. I*. Clev*- _______ lamb Misses Annie Bates, Chattie Mitchell, Florence Richardson, Mary Leila Moss, Janie Brawner; Miss Ruth Cunningham, Mies, 0»burn and Miss Duncan, of Atlanta; B. R. Blakely, Frank Flynt, Styles Bradley, and R. T. Daniel; .T. T Stephenson and Mr. Good¬ rich. of Atlanta. ‘ • • * On Friday evening Got. and Mrs. E. W. Hammond gave a very pfeas- ant tea party In honor of Mis* Rena Wright, of 1’rentou, who is upending the holiday* with Miss lone Ham¬ mond. » * * The(’brief mas cantata on the wmie evening by Mrs. Hnssolkus pupils passed off pleasantly anti erooothlj and was much enjoyed by all present. Owing to other entertainments, the attendance was not large. • * * One of the great events of the year in Griffin is New Year’s receiving, and the receptions promise to be as gen¬ eral and as popular as ever this year. All the parties have not yet been fully made up, but six houses arc* assured, at which will be congregated the beauty, style and wit of Griffin'S womanhood and maidenhood. * * * At Mary Villa, the suburban resi¬ dence of Col. T R. Mills, Miss Ke-ssie Mills will receive, assisted by Mrs W. J. Kincaid, Mrs. M. B. Fowler, Misses Maude Johnson, Opal Smith, Annie Belle Moss, Rosa Layton and Louise Waddell; Miss Sara Tibbie Kell, of Sunny Side; Miss Emma Bullock, of Savannah; Mrs. R. A. Anderson, of Petersburg, Va. * * * At the residence of Hon. J. D. Boyd, Misses Ora aud Olive Boyd will re¬ ceive, assisted by their guest, Miss Ruth Cunningham, of Atlanta, and Misses Mattie Smith, Eugenie Speer* Mury Burr, lone Hammond, Annie Harris and Pearl Dismuke, The following ladies will receive at the Experimental Farm on New Year’s night, beginuingat 8 o’clock: Mesdumes R. J. Redding, Chas. Red¬ ding, of Atlanta, J. M. Kimbrough, T. J.Collier, Misses Leila Redding, Pearl Johnston, Florence Richard¬ son, Miss OuidaMobley,of Hamilton, Miss Julia Rudisill, Forsyth. * * * At the residenceof Hon. J. D. Stew¬ art, the following ladies will receive: Mesdames G. C. Stewart, J. A. Stew¬ art, R. H. Taylor, W. H. Dismuke, Misses Susie Stewart, Mollie Whitej Mattie Matthews, Carrie White and Nellie Grant. At the residence of B. R. Blakely. Esq., Mesdames B. R. Blakely and A. A. Blakely will receive, assisted by Mesdames A. Johnson, C. P. Beeks, Chloe Mitchell, R. T. Daniel and Wal¬ ter Ellis, Misses Gussie Trammell, Chattie Mitchell, Mattie Woodruff and Leila Richardson. * * * Mrs. M. R. Brown will receive at her residence, assisted by Mrs. E. W. Hammond. Mrs. J. VV. Little and about half a dozen young ladies. The above list is subject to revision and may be added to, and the whole will be republished on Wednesday morning. New lists and any changes can be handed in at any time before Tuesday night. * • Miss Bara T. Kell will give a tea at the pleasant home of her father, Cnpt. J. M. Kell, near Sunny Side, on Mon¬ day evening, in honor of Miss Emma Bullock, of Savannah. Most of the young people of Griffin will attend, going up on the four o'clock train and returning on the early evening train. They will doubtless have a very gay time. If so-called remedies have failed Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy cures. 5 cents, by druggists. Presbyterian. A committee of the English Presby¬ terian church is considering the question of corapiliug a catechism for the Sunday schools simpler than the Shorter Cate¬ chism and introductory to that com¬ pendium. The Presbyterian church in Austral¬ asia has now nearly 500 ministers in settled charges. The First Presbyterian church of San Francisco, Rev. Dr. Mackenzie, pastor, contributed last year §71,000 for church expenses; §11,000 for payment of a debt; #47.000 for benevolence, missions and education. There were added 100 to the membership, and there are 625 in the Sunday school. Bueklen’s Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world tor Cuts- Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Eruptions, ' ~ Hands, ■ Chilhlai Chilblains Corns, and lies all 8 kin pay pay Eruptions, (required freqtjired. and and Itisgnar positive or no ted to gives perfect satisaet.ion, or money r funded. Price 25cents per box. F, sale E. It. Anthonv. ltdtuau Catholic. The pope's income amounts to £480,000 yearly, exclusive of special gifts like those of his jubilee year. Peter’s pence provide two-thirds of the amount, the remainder being the Interest of various investments. As the papal expenses rarely exceed £320,000 his holiness re¬ tains a good annual surplus. The first church erected by the Catho¬ lics of Oklahoma was dedicated to St. Joseph. The Pittsburg Catholic says that the Catholic churches of Johnstown are making a steady stride to regain the position they occupied before the flood. “For I am declined into the vale of years,” she said a little sadly, but indeed I don’t much mind it since I can get Salvation Oil for 25 cents. A false Messiah has lately appeared in Arabia, and multitudes of Jews arc fol- lowing him. He is a man of high edu- aition, with tremendous force of cluirac- ter. Regiments of life guards, composed of Hebrew youths, protect his person, and ho has even deceived some of the wise and prudent of the Jews of northern Arabia. Do .you Sarsaparilla, have dyspeptic troubles? Take Hood’s which has relieved.thou- sands and wilf cure yon. Hold by druggists. 'DW»irj,HWPYHOME? . NOVELTY CO. AND BUY A CHAR X KR OAR DO YOU WANT TO SATE MONEY? Get pri es on Silvjrwar e, China, Crockery. Lampt, etc, before boym J. W. SPAR tv S, Manager. All siylesnw gooes arriving enttanfly. PURE DRUGS AND DRUG SUNDRIES At prices below anything ever sold in Griffin, w „ li 81, and all Goods Guaranteed as Imma. War-Special attention given to customers Respectfully. who desire to pay their bills ’ •»' ™ N. B. DREWRY. A. LOWER, Practical Jeweler and Dealer* in Diamonds, Watfe JEWELRY, CLOCKS, &C. Special attention given to Repairing. 20 Hill Street GRIFFIN, GA * FOR THE NFXT FEW DAYS * -WILL OFFE R— ■ Special Inducements --IN-- Fair Groceries Of IU ---(o)--- Have on hand large stock all grades Flour, and Corn, Feed and >Seed Oats, Bran, Hay, Balt, and a full line Sugar,Coffee, Tobacco, etc. : -(o)--- S. 3 S/ 1 - Perdue 25c. 35c. For China Doll, *que ] j | For Bisque buck Head Doll, with high. inches high. teeth and ckskin body. 12 inches high. 75c. 10c. j 5c. and 10c, For Wax Doll. 2b inches For ('bikini's Tea Sets. i For Children s lllust raltd high. Story Books. Florentine Statuary, Plush Goods, Scrap Books, Photo; _raph Albums, Manicure Sets, Odor Cases, Elegantly bound Books, Pastel Pietvr Pictures, Easels, Bovs Wagons and Vetoes pedfs. Musical Instruments. Pianos and Organs. DEANE & HUFF. Christmas - Goods, -'CALL (IN)- J. I). HOLMAN. How to Get What You Want. If you want a Lot, If you want Board, If you want a Btore, If you want Rooms, / If you wont a House, If you want a Tenant, If you want a Boarder, If you want, to Lend Money, If you want to Borrow Money, Ifyou want to Sell Anything, If you want to Buy Anything, Advertise in the News and Sun. Those who have tried will tell you that it pays. G\ ADVIUK TO JiuiuKKS. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup or children teething, is the prescrip¬ tion of one of the best female nurses and physicians in the United States, and has been used for forty years with never-failing success l»y millions of mothers for t heir children. Dur¬ ing the process of teething its value is incalculable. It relievesthe child from pain, cures dysentery and diar¬ rhoea, griping in the bowels, and wind-colic. By giving health to the liild it rests the mother. Trice 25c. bottle. aug2eod&wlv Tutfs Pills To# enwfov be k more th. in an cut, it Tonic, U .c: e ar\d Catharti ? Properties. in rntr# Pills powycNM iiiCM*’ maliUe# mii eminent degree, and Speedily Restore peristaltic) to the bowels their iiwtnal motion, no essential to reg-ularity. Sold Everywhere. j 1 iking iSSlt- | «•■***. SSSHStl I J® J#i W. spas Yft A *J ESS9B. ' ‘ ib'hnrtn*;' *<» . The best plane to take your meals during the Uhrtotmas Holidays is at Dock Ison s Oysters, all styles./^ kfnds. Fish, different Fried, _ least. , Partridge, Broiled or on Game, when in the Market . Steak, beet in the market Ham and Eggs. Meals at all hours. Good <-o<*bii*s ond prompt attention. Buy vourChristmu& ljquorent Dock Ison *• 11 the different brands of Whisky, B™™?' Rum, Wines, Keg and Bottle Beer, Scoteft and Pale Ales. etc. Fine imported Cigars. Five Pool and Billiard Tables. Givp him a mil. sinm iiriliMCE n OF NEW YORK. Organized in 1848. Assets etsaver av $126,000, owr 000, Paid members since „bewinl organization orgai in 3 888 #1<V #272,000,000. Paid member* InriU* , 4 ^ 727,550. Thi lie company is the the the world, Id, and the MANGHAJr^NS- advantages it oflerste enrerem “a W* uly7dvn-0m4p. Thi Best Ou;. r r tv -;! 5, Week i*.Y. 1 •