The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, June 24, 1890, Image 2

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Kd. & Prop’r . .$5.00 . 1 . 00 . reorgto, June 34. 1830. 1 Paper ol Spalding Co. -- '&£i xsr square lor the 11 ret setorwwh subsequent i Hues or kwi to be counted as a fihSS MS *u< arenas h insertion. S® 33 gS;l£g 55 parties wish- liberal rat*, will be made with th t EKLY—iSame lor the llnilv WE nice uh Literature is getting low down in¬ deed. Here are Bill Nye, P. T. Bar- nnm and John L Sullivan ad vert Is- National Democrat * CO thinks 'jjj| The election law is rn; that it stands no more chance of passing ths ate now than Harrison does of being renominated for the Presidency in 1892. ^ Macon Telegraph: “Col. Living¬ ston, who is a candidate forcougress in the fifth district, has been indors¬ ed by meetings in the fourth and ? im seventh district* unanimously, but motion was made to indorse in a mass-meeting in his owrf it met with strong opposi¬ tion, and was carried by only a uia- Distance lends enchant¬ ment to politicians as well as to ti m,,." * aum e PENJCLYLVAMA DEMOCRATS. Next te the Republican fight be¬ tween gubernatorial candidates, the hottest thing in Pennsylvania just now hi the Democratic contest. T? is, however, a big difference crate are harmonious and Pennsylvania Democrats are not ways harmonious, and rarely hope¬ ful. This year the candidate ol the party will receive the lull party vote, wh ethe r it be the straight old line Democrat, with a long record of lw>r. orabVservice, ex-Senator William P^il- A. Wallace, or the popular young adelphian, twice Cisiuroller of the lie- Pattison. No one, at this stage, prophesy the nomination of and it is burely possible that dash: brainy ex-State Chairman W. U. liensel may come in as a compromise candidate. In any event, the man named for the Governorship at Scran- ton, July 2, will find the strength of his party behind him an opposition broken and diso: iied by jealousies and by t he rial interference of Senutor Quay and the Administration. He will also find the great agricultural interests or Pennsylvania, for years Republi¬ can, but with a strong element of stur¬ dy independence, undergoing the same process of disruption as their horny-handed brothers of the West and South, a lid t here is no counting their votes until they are cast. 9100 Reward. $100. The readiere of tbe Nkwb awd Bos will be pleased preaded to learn that there is at least' one disease that science has been aide to tarrh behtg constitutional fraternity. disease, Ca- a re¬ Catarrh quires ft « Cure constitutional constitutional Is taken internally, treatment. treatment. Rall’i Hall’s rectly the blood , and ] surfaces acting di of upon lll( mucous nlU nou» ________ ol the system, thereby destroying the tout) da- tion of the disease, and giving the path ient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing faith its work. Tbe : pro- potters [irietorx that have they so much offer One Hundred in it* curati- Dalla for any case that it fails to cure. Send f( list of testimonials. Address, .. F.J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo’ 0. *W Hold by Druggists, 75c. Lightning struck Capt. Boyd’s residence at Laary Sunday evening, but did no damage, owing to the conductors, further than tearing off considerable papering from the walls of one room and administering a se¬ vere shock to the inmates of the house. When you get alloutof sorts, Billions, llys peptic, * Despondent, Blood impure, Liver in active, . » ■> a lack » of • ambition, t.u9 . .. a tired am feePng »*„ and a .w ev¬ erything bottle goes De wrong, Witt’s just .Sarsaparilla. come to ns and It get a of is a perfectly ih I reliable and preparation strength. and N. will B. I .ti you up renew your -fttwwrr s^msaiessU^amsmBBaastaasmeusssisgm A Boon to the Sick. Dr J. King’s R. HwwtHorne. Uoyul Germetuer is First endorsed Baptist by Rev. pastor “It is e lurch. Ailauta.Gu., who says: a greet remedy.” Rev. Stwn P. Jones says: “I wish . medic;ne.” very poor sttMering wife of had others access to that Thousands attest its daily, virtues. Fifty gallons are drank in Attains where It is performing disease remark side ciiree. It r-movee the cause of and builds up trurn the first dose. Bend stamp for lull parttomar*. certificates ot wonderful hick - re., On. toTCing's If Royal Aermetuer Co , Atlanta, COBBS WB*X ALL ELSE PAILS. Price. *1.50 per concentrated bottle, which makes «dte gallon of medicine as per dire f ion>- u.ium|MinyiHgeneh bottle. Can be sent supply fiyespress C. O. D. if your druggist cannot tf you. To Nervous Men. will send us your address we you Dr. Appliances Dye’S Celebrated iJelt nnd on a They will quickly restore yon i ' nai n ml health- 'Co., Marshall, Mi wsm equation ottor^lL^ between ^ Mr. McKinley', power and the power of the Crar. The ruler of the Rueeine make. hi. own tariff regulations. The House of Representative, is controlled by the majority, the majority by the caucus, the.caucus by thecomniittee, the committee by McKinley, Does the equality appear? All in » Muddle. Philadelphia Record. Those eager, hard-and-fast par¬ tisans in Congress who have followed the lead of Speaker Reed seem to have got themselves oil tangled up by trying to do too much. With the Eastern Republicans kicking for free wool, Western Republicans howling for free silver coinage, and Southern Republicans protesting against a Force bill, the outlook for the leaders of the Grand Old Party is rather the reverse of cheering. Bevlylng • Bugaboo. Fort Worth Ou*tt«. Here it is again, the wormy old chestnut. A Republican contem¬ porary assures us that England is opposed to the McKinley bill. There is no call for ringing in that old gag now. The Republicans have a safe majority and can pass tl»e bill ifthey wa nt to. That raw-head-and-bloody- bones bugaboo does effective service only on the stump in humbugging the masses. v A National Election haw. New ^^n Orleans Times-Democrat. TorT^g, The how- ever, tflat the bill will not be passed is to be found in the natural reluc tanceof foreseeing Republicans to have the same sauce for tbeir own mess when the country shall hqye relegated the Republicans to the shades of opposition. Fearing that the "Democrats might, after Republi¬ can example, then “rub it in’* pretty roughly, many Republican Repre¬ sentatives may probably refuse to vote for the bill under whatsoever pressure A Sate Onarrt. Few people living in a malarial country but occasionally need a vigorous tonic, either to keep off the malarial feeling or else to cure Ti , the Bystem. the disease if it once gets gets nto There to no mote uncomfortable disease that affects humanity than chills and fever. It drives away energy and ambition. It makes onete one feel sick and mean all over. A safe guard against t^" " tbs disease and a sure cure is Smith’s Tonis u Syrup, mad* by Dr. Jphn Bull, of Lou¬ isville, Ky. A single bott le will do for an en¬ tire fatally. ’rnreTTBr^q-ft It b» far ^js better —‘in than quinine, os use. 4 the ears, dissy sensations, nausea and some¬ times even convulsions and paralysis. gT Smith's Tonic Syrup has and all such danger is avoided. Intact it all the good medicin- al qualities of quinine with none of its evil na¬ ture. The latest thing at Am oaken g is to go to the Hot Springs and quaff the water, sparkling pure and scalding hat, pure distilled water, as it flows from the pipe from the dry kiln. The water is said to he a panacea for all the ills that flesh is heir to. Merit Biss. We desire to say to our citiseus, that for years we havo been selling Dr. King's New Discovery Pills, Bucklen’s lor Consumption, Dr. King’s Elec¬ New Life Arnica Salve and tric Bitters, sell and bare never bundled such remedies that as well, or that have given uni¬ versal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if These satis¬ factory remedies results do not follow their use, purely have their merits. won their J. great Harris popularity A Hon, on Di ruggfats. The Peabody Institute *wi)l begin at the Piedmont Chatuuquu grounds, near Atlanta, Tuesday, next week. Prof. E. E. Sheib of the University of Sonth Carolina will act as conduc¬ tor. The Great Benefit Which people in run down state of health derive from Hoods Sarsaparilla, conclusively proves that this medicine “makes the weak strong.” It does not act like a stimulant. Hood’s and Uf assists to healthy . action those impor¬ a tant organs, the kidneys and liver. c. Lightning struck the telegraph wire at the depot at Lagrange Sat¬ urday, and ran down to the opera¬ tor’s instrument, where it exploded like the report from a lieavily charg¬ ed gun. BuclUen’s ArnlcaSalvo. The Best Salve in the world for Cut* Bruises, Tetter, Fores, Ulcer*, Salt Rheum Fever Sores, and all 3 Chapped Eruptions, Hands, Chilblains, Corns, kin and positive¬ ly cures Piles or no pay frequired. Itis guar- ted to gives perfeet satisaction. or money re funded. Price35cent* per box. For safe by J. N. Harris & Son. The |700 needed to purchase a lion Grunt park at Atlanta has been by the Journal, and the king bea*l* will be purchased at once. DeW-itt's Little Early Kisers. Mt St pleas cathartic liver pills ever made. Sold by B. Drowrr. Deal Gently with the Stomach. if it proves refractory,mild discipline is the to set it right. Not all the nauseous and b luses ever invented can do an much to rented its disorders as a few tliieeaday—ot Hostet¬ -toiMMrh Bitters, which will afford it iclief, nrul > ventunlly tain eh every and bilious symptom. Sick lieud- ,’nervousness. saHown'eseof vwtfao. tbecotuptax- those fur upon the tongue, *«<• in(icseribableand 1 1isagree 1 ilc wmsji tiiin by iadigsstion. are too often pens tu by injudicious dosing. An imuiediuto of such random and ill adv*- experiments should Ik* Hie first step in tiw tton of aeure; the next step the use of standard tonic alterative which has re¬ the highest medieol iqin tion and won populnrit . representa- of Democratic States to suit themselves. Nothing can be known until the official summary is an¬ nounced, and then injustice «an only be overcome with thoconsent of those who planned and perpetrated It. Turn on thecalcium. The people are paying for this work and have a right to watch its progress. Truthful Complaint.. Washington Post. * The usual complaints are coming in as to the alleged incompleteness of the census enumeration, and it is no doubt true that quite a number of persons, especially in the larger cities, have been overlooked, as always rorst be the case so long as enumer¬ ators are required to do a maximum amount of work for a minimum amount of pay, and at the highest rate of speed. A Failure to St. Louis e St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Whether the failure in St. .Louis be due to tbe insufficiency, carelessness incompetency of tbe enumerators, or lack of foresight or energy on the part of the officials who selected them, and under whose direction they act, cannot yet be determined definitely by the public, butthat there has been a failure hero, and tlyit it is as harm- ful to tbe city as it is discreditable to the individuals responsible for it, is a proposition which is no longer an open question. From present indications there will be an emphatic and imper¬ ative demand in St. Louis for a thor¬ ough and adequate recount of the population of the city. De Witt s Little Early Risers. Best Sold pill for Sick Headache and 8our Stomach. by N. B. Drewry. Joe Appling thinks he has discov¬ ered the grave of an Indian chief on his place near Lexington. His find far consists of three arrow beads. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are a little pill H»at do not gripe or cause pain. Small, •asy to nake, safe. Sold by N. B." Drewry. The Rev. H. B. Bartlett, tax asaes- »or of Carroll county, died at his home in Kansas district Wednesday evening. Cruel, tashionable mother I Why don’t you look after the welfare of your sickly little child 1 The nurse hasn’t sense enough to get it a box of Dr. Bull’s Worm Destroyers. A lady of Madison has copies of Richmond papers published during war. ........ jAjjx-futfimokMi that of Lagrange will be about 4,000. Northerners In the $ with. All persons north of the Ohio river are called northerners. A lady visiting here was anxious to meet me, as I was from the north like herself; for that reason she felt almost acquainted v. iih me. She was from Ohio aou ! from New Hampshire. "ttirMiwHHH cows a 11 pigs and spotted pigs of all si/osT . One frequently hog walking meets along an the immense black with all the dignity of constable, pavement and the a eonsid inclqsures iwed around sacred the for churches his pigship are not too to enter.-Oor. Boston Traveller. Wliar* Ctilldrmi Un. The longest lived people in the world are Norwegians, duration among whom the av¬ erage of life is now 43.33 for the men. 51.80 for the women, and 49.77 for both sexes. The life period has increased in recent years. That it has become 17 per cent irreater than in central and western Europe is at tributed by the director of (ffe'statisti¬ cal bureau to the comparatively slight mortality -Ireiv —New among York Telegram the youngest cliil Precocious J. 8. Mill. ~ John Stuart Mill is another remark¬ able example of precocity. He began Greek at the age of 3, and by the time he was 8 years old he had read far more Greek than most college grad¬ uates, besides all the works of Hume, Gibbon, Robertson, RoJlin and many other books of a similar character. When 12 years old he read “Aristotle’s Logic” in the original, a work of great •difficulty even for an accomp] lished scholar. —Now York Ledger. The Modem Infant. A modern youngster who scorned the language of baby talk surprised an old fashioned parent the other day. “There’s the choo-choo, baby,” said the visitor, pointing out a train of cars. Yes,” answered the baby, with slow distinctness, “and the locomotive is coming, too.”—Boston JoumaL A Honeymoon Warning. He—The cutlet is cold again, dar¬ ling. Now what would you do if I scolded just a little? She—Make it hot for you, dearest.— Jester. Wiltcb Ik Nearly Always Brown. ’How dark she is. Her face is as brown as a berry.” ‘Yes; she is Boston bred.”—Chat¬ ter. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Mbs. Winslow’s ibid- children teething, is the presdip of one of the bast etnalo nurses physicians has been used in the for United forty States never-failing bymil yiyirs lions success mothers for for toeir their children. Dur¬ the process of teething its value incalculable. It relieves the child pain, cures dysentery and diar¬ griping Bv in the bowels, and it the giving mother. health to the rests Price 25c. ang3eod&w)y frito oycdl • ripe mi iid U- I ,.f e ._____ to tbe end of Nftvcmber. I to be many varieties, rangin.r , Am from a small peach to that of « c, ■; ■‘W pie. The forms vary from from i cl shaped to oblong and round. I“i8' skin Varies in color from demr oraugb red to light orange yellovv! 'They are eaten when ripe in a soft and pulpy condition, the They tuste reminding also dried one’ when of tomatoes. are fully rina in the suu, pressed flat imd boxed like figs, Some and the are eaten natural as figs are eaten. of sugar dried to tbe fruit comes out on the kaki as a white powder covering it.- Oor. Detroit Fra ■ Press. Two Noted Society B»el»«1or*. Only one man in the history of so ciety in Nevv York has ever entertainments given more strikingly than Peter eccentric Mari* has and that was John W. Hamersley, now dead. Some of his parties as described by old New Yorkers to which people were invited and invited to come dressed in old "Ro¬ man costumes with laurel leaves around their brows, and at which dll were expected to speak the ancient tongues if they were able to do M>, transcend any thing devised the presebt by the genial old bachelors of day. Now that Mr. Hamersley has host with original ideas.—New York World. ...............-....... ? - WIF TI S _spE c | r <c FOX renovating tkt entire system, eliminating Bloofy' all Poisons from the whether of scrofulous or malarial origin, this Prep¬ aration has no equal. . . MEUSE* . m Por eighteen months / had an f eating son on my tongue. physicians, I was treated ty test local tut obtained no relief; ft" son gradually grew worse. I finally took SiA, and was entirely cured after using a few bottles? C. B. McLkmom, Henderson, Test. i TTREAT1SE on Mood and Skfa | TheSwift Sfecific A tl nt Ca. On* a a, Road Notice. GEORGIA—Spaldino Cocrty. P. R. Ogletreo and others have made aplica- tion for a fast-class Wise’s public place, road in running District, from Mrs. Martha Akins to a certain point near the residence of G. G. Head, on the road running from Griffin to Head’s Shop out by and the beyond, commicsioners whieh has been marked and a re¬ port thereof made on oath by them. All persons are notified that said new road will on Commlssfaserc and aftei the lith of Roads day of and Jnly Revenues next by the of said cousay be finally granted if no new cause be shown to the contrary. This the 14th of June, 1890. M. J. PATRICK, A. W. WALKER, T. R, MILLS, Ci nmissin lioatf Notice. GEORGIA—Spaldiro County, S. A. Putnam and others having made ap¬ plication ^i far a first-class public road, start- thon y> gkape*- thence running north to t|e county tine at J. M. Putnam s intersectinr with road running to Brooks Station, which has been markto th Commissioners and a report thereof mad that on oath by them, all persons are notified said ijew rood wiU on and after the first Tuesday missioners inj jof July said next by tbe be finally County granted Com¬ if sufficient be county shown the J- cause not to eon- trary. M. J. PATRICK, June 2, 1B90. A. W. WALKER, T. H. MILLS, County Commissioners. TYLER DESK 00 Georgia Midland & Gait RR flax? fable, No. 32. Taking Effect June, 22, 1890 NORTH BOUND—Daiev. Leave Eeave Columbus.............................1:00 l oiumuus...........................„l:00 p. m Arrive Griffin.............. 8:50 •• Leave Colnmbus.................... 5:10 Arrive Griffin...................... 8:17 “ Leave Griffin................... 8.35 “ Arrive McDpnough.........................9:15 “ SOUTH BOUND—Daiey. Leave McDonngh.........................7.40 a. m ArriveGriffln...........................8:20 Lftvffl Griffin..... “ ............... Arrive Colnmbus. ............ ....11:80 * 4 Leave Griffin..................... 4:15 “ Arrive Colnmbus................ 7:08 “ NORTH BOUND—Frkiuht. Leave Columbns............. 7:50 a, m Arrive Griffin..;.........................2:05 p. m Leave Griffin.........................2:30 •• Arrive McDonough................3:30 “ SOUTH BOUND—Freight. Leave McDonough...................8 00 a. m. ArriveGriffln.....................9:05 Leave “ Griffin........... 10:30 “ Arrive Columbus............................4:25 p. m (JURIS PILES. SALT HHEUM, TETTKR. BURNS SCALDS, SOSES, WOUNDS, Ift- FANT'S SO PtS And CKAFINC. SORE NIPPLE'S AN INVALU¬ ABLE REMEDY FOR CATARRH OCCTS. Reliable dsuqoiets Guaraictee *eu fcw * * ivom A Positive For 1 1 ’ i > / .V*. > w TERRY M'PG oo„ Na*hviuji, Twin. •m > SC M K- 'A’ -V best known rem dma. r Btreng”! Hood’s f ru¬ ths only rav which can (u. trfly -One Hundred ■MriBBst" in- Sin:.!’.: t Stij ; -'r cl,. 1 ,; "'-, .*■-]■ 1 g> as Hoc 1 its ntedfelqfd ______ hith¬ Hood’s Sarsaparilla accomplishes cures erto unknown, and has won for Itself ths title of “The greatest blood ever dlseoversd." Peculiar In Its’ -there of Hood's Sarsaparilla. sold in - Lowell. »h«i» It is made, than of alt. Mother blood purifiers. Peculiar its pbenome- rial record of sales fiio other preparation r«ver attained such papa¬ in so short coiifidence __ popularity ■m,a amoag oUHasses ■ PM people bo other preparations, D o not be Induced to buy Peculiar Medicine, but be sure te-feet tbs Hood's Sarsaparilla Soldbysndnxwau. HOO?ToO..X^tbw»xi~. puslxfnps. TnpMmdeniy by C. L Lowell. H»» too Poses One Dollar mm DRAWINB OF TEE Ifltflk Js fa Mmm Pitt or THE STATE OF ZACATECAS, MEXICO. A syndicate of capitalists have secured the concession for operating this lottery, throughout th< and will extend its bustores United States and British America. Below win be found a list o! the prtoee which will be drawn on Juue 27,1890 AT ZACATECAS, MEXICO, ' and continued monthly thereafter. $150,000.00. 100,000 Tickets at $10,00; Halves, $5,00, Tenths, $1.00: American Currency. LIST OF PRIZES: 1 Prize , f..... ...$150,000 is.—.....$150,000 50.000 1 Prize of.— ... 50,000 is.......... 1 Prize of..... 25.000 Is.......... 25.000 3 Prizes of... 10.000 are..... 10,000 80.000 2 Prizes of... 5.000 2.000 are..... 10,000 5 Prizes of.. are— 10,000 10 Prizesof.. 1.000 are- 10,000 20 Prizes of.. 500 are..... 200 Prizes of.. 200 are- 40.000 300 Prizes of... 150 are- 45.000 500 Prizesof.., 100 are..... 50j000 APPROXnlATIOir] _ 150 Prizes of ......$150 are..............$22,500 ___ 150 Prizes of ...... 100 ore............ 15,000 150 Prizes of ...... 50 are.............. 7,500 999 Terminal Prizes of $50 are....... 49,950 2492 $524,950 Club 1 Intent GTlokets for $50 tSO~ Special Rates arranged with Agents: AGENTS WANTED In every town and city in the United States and British America. ___... and approved pni, by Jesus . ■ Arechiga, Governor. Drawings Undsr the personal supervision of Lie. Herminio Arteaga, who fa appointed by the Government as Interventoi “I Certify that with the State Treasurer all necessary guarantee* are deposited, this as¬ suring full payment of all prixes of draw ing. Herminio Arteaga, Interventor.” IlwrORTANT. Remittance* must be either by New York Draft, Express or Registered Letter, Ameri- c in money. Collections can be made by Ex¬ press Companies or Banks. Ticket sent di¬ rect to management will bo Paul. paid Chicago, by draftson San New Francisco York, Montreal, City Mexico. St. For farther in¬ or of formation address JUAN PIEDAD, Manager, Mexico. Zacatecas, Apartado 43. &pr26d&wtf t.«. R. Til TABLE 1 17 In effect June 1st, 1890. No. 15 —Dailt Leave Griffin..................................5:40 a. m. ArriveAtlanta................. 7:45 “ No. 10—DAn.v, Leave Atlanta ...............................0:00 p. m. ArriveGriffln......................... 8:00 “ No. 3 —Daili. Leave Macon. ............................3:30 a. ra Arrive Grififin...................................5:28 “ “ Atlanta................................7:00 “ No. 11 —Daily. Leave Macon............................... 7:90 a.m. Arrive Griffin—.,............... 9:20 “ “ Atlanta...........................11:00 “ No. 1 —Dailt. Leave Macon................................. 1:40 p. m. Arrive Griffin............................... 4:00 “ “ Atlanta............................ 5:40 “ No. 13 —Daily . Leave Macon........................ 5:55 p. m. ArriveGriffln..................................8:12 “ Leave “ ...................................8:32 » Arrive Atlanta...................... 10:10 “ No. 2 -Daily. .-vi Leave Atlanta............................. 7:00 a. m Arrive Griffin............................... 8:82 “ “ Macon...............................10:35 « No. 14 —Daily. --------------- Leave Atlanta..—.........................11:30 a. m Arrive Griffin...................— 1:00 p. nr. Leave *• .................. 1:25 ; <> Arrive Macon........................ 8.40 . No. 12 —Daily. Leave Atlanta..............................-2:15 p. m- Arrive Griffin..............................—.4:00 “ Leave “ ...................................4:05 “ Arrive Macon..................................6:16 “ INo. 4 —Daily. Leav> Atlanta.............................. 7-20 p. m. Arrive Griffin................................ 9:03 “ •* Macon...............:.............1120 *• No. 33 —Daily. Leave Griffin.............................. 9:25 a. m Arrive Vewnan.......................... 11:05 “ .*i. „ Carrollton........—..........12:20 p. m No. 34 —Daily. I^ave Carrollton..........................4:20 p. m. Arrive Newaan*_______...........----- 5:25 ArriveGriffln .............................7:20 “ No. 31— Daily, except Schday. Leave Griffin................................ 4:00 p. m. Arrive ' ewnan............................. st.&K 0:25 •> Arrive Carrollton............c..... v .—..8:15 “ No. 32 —Daily. Except Schday. Leave Carrollton............................6:50a.m. Arrive Newnan...............................8:45 41 Arrive Uriffln................................11:00 44 *#“ For hii ther information relative to tick et rates, beet routes, schedule, Ac., write to or call on JNO. L. REID, Agt., E. T. CHARLTON. G. P. A.. Griffin Ga. Savannah. Ga. TO; WEAK MEN splendid medical awa who is aeri FrsC. V. C. WWUB, J this week tie fa! We have to u i|j eii; Coitry fifff half acre lot, (’bappeU street. sssSSSHSS Homest buildiDg lot in Gnffin 1G5 fFont bftlUiere corner* o^mling Broadway^ 1 taterest in three G. M. & G. railroad room cottage, Tl’ twnth Ht„ one-half acre ground. Well watered. Goodba.n. $2 400 Broadway, two minutea e-haif acre Postoffice. on Splendid buildiu walk from watered, - lot. Well Griffin finest _ .. land . miles from 800 acres bottom land. in Spalding county. 200 Handsome two”tenement two story frame building, Spleh- mod barn, honsee. tionlfii did stock farm. Within half mil© of sta- M. A G. and two mil* of post- 700 'acres, 5 houses. miles Griffin, Finest good stock dwelling farm and in tenant Willsell cheap Georgia- on easy pay- from Griffin, good farm. Will sell We haveother desirable proderty in Griffin and adjoining section. For further partic¬ ulars or information, apply to BOWDOEf & lOGAIf, 10 HILL STREET. Remember our Insurance department —Fire, Life and Accident. f Application tor Partition. B. H Drake Appliostion tor par¬ vs. tition ol land, in Su¬ B. B. Flemister, IBUlIDtOll Mrs. "UD. perior Court of Spald¬ Jennies" 1 ,' ing County, State o iBgCounty and Fan-lGtoreis.Febr’y 1890. Sold Term, nie and Louis Broad- case re- foot, of Cumberland tnrnableto •' Aug. term County, North Caro¬ 1890. lina. To Fannie Broadtoot and Louis Broadfoot, co-defendants in said case—Greeting: You are are hereby required personally the Superi- by attorney to be and appear at or Court, to be held in and far said then County, and on first Monday in August next, why there to show cause, if any fie you appointed have, and partitionera should not pjgyed said — laid » partitioned as prayed for. tor. And in default of such appearance said court wiH proceed P as the law directs. Witness the Honorable James S. Boynton. TO THE PUBLIC. Old Georgia Hotel and lot for sale. In the most central part of town. One Store House on Solomon street, for sale or rent. property And other City will and be glad Country to Call on us and we serve you a any time. Office No. 6 IlDl street, tatlor & McDowell, aprl9(16m Real Estate Agents. TO 1MMC Summer Tours. Piuci Steamers. Low Rates. Four Trip. p« Vfuc Bcimm DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Petoakcy. Xatke Tha Soo, MarquBU*. Huron Pc run Ewy Emini 5 CLinorr lunity 7,if*, dmiai and h- prwxAm 7i-:., I’.t^ea n a-o. &wpU«r,:Hr O.ilv. OCR ILLUSTRATC0 l 3 A^?h,r.Vi SiOT!T«on a’loi.t.will j-tmi lil -j by your Tiukat A t «Jt midi ,am E. B WHITCOMB, Q P. A, Oitikit, U.l*. , THE DETROIT* CliVEL*«0-JTE1M WAV. CO GamberM Islii Hotel. The Cumberland Island Hotel is now oper for th* reception of guests. 30 NEW ROOMS ADDED -1 since last season.}- Artesian Well, —:— —:— Shower Baths and everything that is neee sarv for the ei and comfort of gnestB. bates $2 per day; $10.50 per week; *30 per month. W. H. BONKLY, Proprietor, may21dl0w Bunkly, Go. #tw 3SES remedy for orWhitsa to all rofferem, ■ muns«oic«i FOR MAMYH BKH'J eocoi>«« the One \vot-f!. of Tci tup J *i 0tiilTd< fa I L v -ililfrw a 1 UBfiqoiilrfl, au.rTo ititi itroducc t MprdorgOMVttefalH r.le-tt e»iIH tocii wmjrRBB ppiuirf iocaHtjr, loofiHly. toGNSPKRftGN IU ittlove. Only those who ho write write to h* nt oncBCfin «Ake wire of tho chrtbce. All yon h«r« to do in !• Ip ihow oar neighbor* good* to thoee who c*li—jr$ur The be- ami ........ fh' M ... firound d for. you. The be- ** ginning of this advertinemen • __ Bbowt tire «nall find of tbe tele 'fh* followlwg Ctt t gtvw th« appefirwme of it rwhacedt* crebmmh. tnm •» llett’a'co.! to «10 . Sm day fit nSJ^sn!s»,' lmt, from tb« .U^witbv mSS A5uir»KH*HA SBBSgB OmV iw U „ . ___ ________ tvsrSZkgr&vF* VEPMIFUCE. i&memm 9»; ff’S iiiss- Jeas, andpart mote of imrnmM? bounded noril notified. » jISSMS JSS possession, fa B. CONNELL, f Administrator’s Sale , - gia I vriU seli ?E?r,^H W H U tbe r in°thi ual ! loar « ofsai lonffiuar one house and lot to the ABtatii nf u n n saaa Spwsftiss?asa» want?, deceased, said house m 2^. west by k Montooierv '«Camph.,l^ Kto.i ,?„’ d° ^’. on n 1 A more‘’o( C °Fe^ n ilU the eighth of an „ acre, s* M < ',”” o«M«l purpose and formstribution of paying the iebto amonvlkut of f Terms cash. i among the h«r&. ■I. F. STILWELL, idffi Guardian’s Sal©. SPALDma County c ®* lrb bouse dpor ihfionSs"^ the 2nd;day of Juneflgi 890. Ordinary's Advertisement*. d yXjrr, YBDINART’8 OF F1CE— Spaldino IX.JjX Coim- Geobou. May 28th, m fa. mist Mo ore ration has applied the to me for letters cW oi ac- Moore, on estate of Mrs. fate of Baid county, deceased. ' ' Itot all persons concerned show reuse be fore the court of Ordinary at my office Si Griffin, on the first Monday in July aouBca'tioi next hi ten o’clock a. m., why such should notbegranted. ♦8.00. ET W. HAMMC iOND, Ordinary. VA Harriet Crowder, ^orKTT.-Whmi admimBtratfig ! 2 o. ol she * a has saaswB££ft.asaj fully * la administered * R. P. Crowded ’ It*- estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concern¬ ed , kindred and creditors, to show cause, il any they can, whysaid administratrix should not be discharged from her administrates, and receive letters ol dismission on the first Monday in Angnst E. W. 1890. HAMMOND, * Ordinary Notice to Heirs ol Win. Ellis In Re. James R. Ellis, In court of Ordi- Adm’r of William EUis, settle-j May ^ Application tor ■nest. It fa ordered that W. T. Ellis, Jas. It. EUis, w-%s*» Ellis, sr% fa A. a tin Ellis, • n H man T. F3ifa, » mu Emma - mL Du- . Martha N unnally, T. E. BH Drewry, Blanche brooks,-and ok«. and Mary Mary W. E. HRs, administrs trix of the estate of J. EUis, Lucy E. Beeves, and Mary EUis. Henderson, all of SpMdfag countL J J. of ....... tee T. Ellis, I rs. Cass Henley, of Locust Grove, Ga.; Lewis EUis, of if ViUa ViUa Rici Rica, John Ga.: - * Lucy Holmes, of Tallapoosa, Texas: B. Ga.: E. EUis, A. Wilson, o! BIOS- mom, B 1 , aci Co. Co.,Wa; William Wilson, of Jenkinsbrng, of--, 1st; utt* ts C. R. Wilson,.of Hollonville, Pike Co., Ga.; Robert EUis, Elizabeth of -, Maddox, William of MonGcri- EUis, of -, —and lo, Jasper Co., Ga.; heirs at law of billion Kllis, dec* ased lateof said and ap¬ pear at the tegular term ot the Court of Or dinarr of said county then on the first Monday is September next, and there to submit ♦o u settlement of the account of James I. Kllis. administrator of the estate of the said William Ellis, deceased. It fa further ordered that the above served part ies who reside in least Spald¬ ing county be hearing personally at application tea days before the of said l part.... ... ________ . at the September term, 1890, of the Court to show cause if any they have why said settle¬ ment should not be made. Given under my hand and official signature this the 26th day of May, 1890. E. W. HAMMOND, Ordinary. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. AH persons indebted to theeetats of Sami F. Gray, deceased, are hereby hereby ^ - I notified te make immediate settlement of *ane. Afi parties holding claims against the estate of said deceased, are '’■“’"Mfeiffir* notified to present them risay j" apr24w6-|3.70. Executor. Libel for Divorce. GKORGIA—Spaldinq Courtt. . LulaShepard Shepard,jFebru^r LWloH^ ffi$90. Richard T To Richard Shepard defendant in the hbore stated case:- notified and commandea — Y on are hereby the nffirt tenmof the™ to be and appear at perior court to be held in andforCountJ State nforesiiid on tne.'flrW lfipBday, at t« S: Judge otihecourt aioressad. threthe 14th day of Febrnory,lS90 WM ^ Clerk Superior Court tf p*iidi»$ C onnt L mayl3oaw8w ■ . IJbel for Divorce. GEORGIA—Spaldiro County. f Cathrone A. Wood.l Libel for J* Febraa^ 1 1890. Wm. Wood. J Term, To Wm. J. Wood, defendant in above stated Yon are hereby notified and commanore r be and appear i-t the next term ot thei Connw supe¬ rior court, to be held in and for th« and State aforesaid, on the first Monday, ten o’clock a. m., in Angnst next, tMU there’to answer the complaint of_ divorte^ t-amro» A. Wood in said action of Ubd for Witness the Honorable J. 8. Judge of the court aforesaid, thisth* w™ day o February, 18 TH0MA& WM. M. County. erl; Snperioi Conrt Spalding rpayl3oaw8w