The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, June 27, 1890, Image 2

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-'*• •: -—- .96.00 Or**! • *•*** • •»* 1 . 00 . Hbnmm , Jane 97,1800. [ Spalding Co. dollar per square for tho first fifty cent* for each , or Ms* to bs m a •10 rent* P« |i«w to* __>rtion under this head ’rents. An ^o«« tor tore - - M M r made with parti p a4i vertBsen^outs 1 fttw,M,ortfa * Pl>llY that Dr. Felton into the Congressional in the Seventh. The parson expect to be elected, it mighty lively. , . ,,j. ;;y.^CiV•• • i ■■ wg^a f ig The stonningstory that“Harrison is resolved not to run again (or the must have been started James—or else by Col. Oehiltree. If there is one B. H, means to go for— is the presidency. , Give ue the good, old-fashioned principles, honestly, applied,and we shall not near tfcft “wail and Woe” aris¬ ing from the masses of the people because they are over taxed for the benefit of the few. Stand by the old party, and the people will be safe. Democracy means the rights of man linlaw. .. Colonel Clarkson tells the Republi¬ cans that the ensuing political cam¬ paigns will be fought throngb the newspapers, and he appears to be impressed with a notion that the way to make more Republicans is to ■tart more Republican organs. But he showed by stubborn statistics that about two-thirds of the people will not read the Republican papers which are published now. What is the use of printing any more? Is it not a happy family of Repub¬ licans at Washington now? Blains comes to. the front squarely in denuu. ciation of the McKinley cruzy-quilt tariff bill and the principle of ultra- protection that it represent*. Har¬ rison repudiates bis Socretary in this matter. Speaker Reed is armed against every leader of his party. The Republican Senatorial majority deftly disposes of Reed aud McKin¬ ley. Harrison announces that he is going to do just exoctly as he pleas¬ es, Senators and Representatives to ! the contrary notwithstanding. Sen¬ ator Wolcott and others are ready to knife the President. It is not an inspiring spectacle, but Democrats can sit comfortably on tb* fence and see the fu neral proces sion go by. A correspondent writing to the Cincinnati Commercial-Gazette con¬ cerning tiie political situation in ln- diana says: “There is an uneasiness and rest¬ lessness among thepeople very much liks that which pervaded the State in 1874*** It will be remembered that in 1872 the Republicans elected ten out of thirteen Congressmen. In 1874 the Democrats almost entirely reversed the record, securing eight of the thir¬ teen Congressmen. That was the result of the “uneasiness” ia 1874, and we have no doubt that the paral¬ lel will hold good in 1890. The pros¬ pect is wsH calculated to give Proto dent Harrison and his Indiana party friends a great deal of “uneasiness and restlessness.” $100 Reward. 9100. Th# leaders of the News akb Sen frill be pleased to toenitiiat there to at least one preaded dlaeaae that science hae been able to cure in ail it* stages, and that is Catarrh. Hail’s Catarrh Cure the is medical the only fraternity. positive cure Ca¬ now known to tarrh beta* a constitutional disease, Hall’s re¬ quires a constitutional treatment. Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, acting di¬ rectly upon Hie blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the founda¬ tion of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution assisting nature in doing its work. The prietorsnave so much faith in its cun powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, CO., Toledo’ 0. F. J. CHENEY * ■W- Hold by Druggists, 76c. ADW10*TOMp|#R« WiNM^ww’s-SeoTHma Mrs . ^yrcp or children I presrrip tion of one of tl smalo nurses and physicians ited States, and lias been i tbyinillions forty years with never-faili: of mothers for children. lim¬ ing the process its vi ins s incalculable, the child from the .^•yaaddirtr- bowels, and risen, iftihtothe dlrid it rests i augSMd&wly race 25c. '.tot tie. :£==m H’ s Dye’s yourtaddres Celebrated s w • ^ ; ■on ! Belt *nd A s SftiT you Matshnll, Me 9%f»- «' SSfW <3 stow a, but we d to think that Mr. Hodges, land training os a states¬ man, legislator and orator, when in the senate before, would place the other candidates at a great disad¬ vantage. The Vidette says: inently “There spoken befog only of three likely men to prom¬ be In as the race for Senator from this coun¬ ty, Col. H. W. Hodges, Beck, R, would W. it Mays, not and William choice? The only right way to do this would be for the candidates to go before the people In joint debate. Then the people can bear for them- selves the the great opinion questions of the of candidates the day. The upon candidates then cannot touch noon just such subjects as they may will select, and evade others, but ‘ have to express themselves upon all the vital questions that are now agitating the public mind. Tbev would have to answer any and all , sensible questions that may be asked thbm. After the candidates have gone before the people they can then ToieUigcntij- represent decide them who in IS the best senate. quali¬ fied to A* aspirant for office can write an article and only touch upon such subjects as he may see fit, and leave others alone. He can conch his thoughts in such language that be may evade the real issue and mislead tile people. -In an open debate he oan do no such thing. If he does not dearly define his position his hearers can ^This moke him do so. ia the old fashioned Demo¬ tic >p!e way of doing Democratic things and they if our are not fs are be office of senator the . -I ue in our immediate gift jta man to fill that office oisin full and hearty sympathy who fil •h all our interest*, one can the office with dignity and ability. Let us have a joint debate.” ^Tbere are unpleasant indications that Asiatic cholera may obtain a strong hold Opon Europe this. sum>- er. The reports of the prevalence 'the dread epidemic are already toggestive of its wider spread and Increased fatality as ths warmer weather comes on. Energetic meas¬ ures will undoubtedly be taken to stamp out the plague, but experience does not justify confidence that they Will he very successful. Little anxie-r ty need be felt regarding the danger in this country. Our quarantine service here js effective, and the sani¬ tary regulations of our lapge cities Ore such as to give us a large meas¬ ure of security. , Emperor Francis Joseph of Aust ria, has forbidden his daughter, the Archduchess Valerie, to accept the uedding gifts that the Municipal Councils of the Empire were intend-, ipg to vote. We commend this ac¬ tion, of the Austrian Emperor to the thoughtful attention of the husband Of Mrs. BeDjamia Harrison. He plight find it instructive, if not whol¬ ly productive of self-satisfaction, to ponder upon this incident as lie sits Upon the piazza of Mrs. Harrison’s Cape May Point cottage. According to English vital statis¬ tics, more men than women die an¬ nually. Other statistics assure us that more female than males are porn. That ought to encourge the woman’s Tights advocates. Ia the natural course of events the men most wholly disappear, leaving the female sex in exclusive possession of ths earth. If the women will only patiently bide their time they will fcs able to have everything all their own way without trouble. Oieamte yonr breath and regulate yonr oow- Sold el* with DeWitt’* Little Early Rieere. by N B. Drewrv. The income of the University of Oxford for the prestent year is about £66,200. During the last year the university! has increased its capital by nearly £18,000. When yon getalloutof sorts, Billion*, Dy* peptic, Despondent, Blood impure, Liver in** active, tack of ambition, tired feeling and ev TttfflsR’issi'as^’sVf perfectly reliable preparation and wHl build you up and renew your strength. N. B. Drewry. v Census enumerators in Philadelphia .report that they haveencountered no difficulty in obtaining answers to their questions DeWitt’* JL/V " Ivli o UIUIO Little “twij Early aeeov* Risers a mix. are a little pill that do not • gripe • canee pain, din. Small. or easy to nake, safe. Sold by N. B. Dr irewry A Berlin firm pays to the city 100,- 000 marks annually for using the 400 official town posts for private advertisements. business, Los ot Apdetite, that Tired eel* ing, Faintness, Dyspepsia. Blood Dieorde Ecsema. Blotches. result Pimples, from Sallow impure Skin condi¬ and most diseases an tion ol the Blood. Purify it with De Vitt’e Sarsaparilla. We sell it and recommend it N. B. Drewrv. , Deal Gently with the Stomach. If It proves refractory, mild discipline is the thing to eet it right. Not ail the nauseous draughts and boluses ever invented can do half a* ranch to remed i its disorders as a few wineglassfnle—say, three a day—ot Hoe tet¬ ter’s rtomnch Bitters, which will afford it soeedy relief, aud eventually Imnieh every dyspeptic and bilious symptom. Sick head¬ ache , nervousness.sallownees of tl>«complex¬ those ion, tar upon the tongue, vertigo, am. many indescribable and dlsagreable sensation abaadonment of such random and ill advis¬ ed experiments should be the first step In the direction of a cure; the next step the use of this standard tonic alterative, which has rr. ceived the highest medical sanction and wep unprecedented poP u ' ft rity ■Bmp# ty to : S to red in a collision 1 age, Mz Roloson had. achieved fume in hischosen was accounted the fastest sending J. W. BOLOSON. in the (.'sited Staten. At Conn. Despite this, however, Mr. Rolo- zoo, urns generally exoelhmt conceded and accurate to be one teleg- of the moot tha other 6 years of age. — — —I' McuicAt JBn vii ti ai & sm » Home physicians, noticing the excellent tonic,’ anti Tonic periodic Syrup, and antipyretic have endeavored properties to of Smith’s the ascertain its composition. Of course proprietors of this valuable remedy would wrong themselves if they made the secret of their cure public property. Why should its composition effectual be considered remedy,and so easily long obtain¬ as it moves an quinine. Many people able who buy of druggists and as quinine is don’t know it ie use to made know. from They Peru yean know bark. it nearly They always don’t cures care the chills and lever, and that is all they want it for. Bo too, the people know quinine. that Smith’: They Tonic Syrnp Is than know itennr curoe chili* and fever when quinine faile. They know also that Smith’s Tonic Syrnp will brook up a cold or or * an attack of influenta, other la grippe, They They know know etc., a&o also quick* that th er than It h pieas- any- sr drug. drug. and and leaves leave* unpleasant ant fao to take take never never any any aftereffect. They know alao that it can he need as a substitute tor quinine and always with more satisfactory results. tew wf Wllltl.'.liiiir lirliiirti year of th-.- r- .niluliun the Un'.i.ti gucei-umenl proposed tii niivko jauice and grunt the colonics the privil re.lliey had detuandeti on tlie that they should pay the ex penses of tun War. Franklin replied that the proposal that hnppeiied reminded when him he of somethin# .lived i» London. "A Frenelinmii, svljo was a , little out of his head, heated, a poker, ipd ex.cluiiniog hot and then the dished fi. -l"mat; into t, to inet. '4e stick dis i.iu* jou six 'reply. opslies.” “Wefl. “No you den don't,’ stick 1 ii tvr-t dn^ inchesf* me m "No. sir!" was the more omphalic reply. “Well den, sure, you will of course nay me for heating de polcer." New Haven Palladium. —— *. -——■. ... , De Witt’s Sarsaparilla will renew and pnri iy the blood, eradicate disease and make I i gestion easy. We sell it, K. B. Drewry. SyxUtoul* ot Salats. In Christian art the various saints are with symbolized angel standing as follows: Matthews, him dic¬ an near tating the winged Gospel; lion; Mark, Luke accompanied has by a him John, writing his Gospel* an ox uear ; or bearing a chalice from which a ser- pent issues; Paul, with a sword and an open book: Feter holds in his hand a tod book or scroll; James, with a sword, eometimes attired as a pilgrim; Andrew, wilh a <x> cross; Philip, bear- iiig u large cross or basket of loaves; Juao, a Thbmus, club or staff and carpenter’s square; a builder’s square; Bartholomew, a knife, hand. and —Exchange, Simon, with a sword in his DeWitt* Headache Little Early Risers. Stomach, Best Sold pill tor Sick and Sour by N. fi. Drewry. An aged kidy died suddly in a ho¬ tel in Alabama and in her bustle $2,010 was found concealed. De cathartic Wilt’s Little liver Early pills Kisers. made. Most Sold pleas by ant ever N. B. Drewrv. Then) are six Wilsons ia congress, two(senators and four representative. Politically they are a tie. Thr demand for Smith’s Tonic Syrnp is un equalled by an other chill and fever remedy. My burg, saiei 111. are surprising.—[P. J.Dreher, Lene- Arose bash at South Pasadena, Cal., is credited with showing 200,- 000 blossoms. Bucklen’s ArnicvuSale. The Best Salve in the world for Ohts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever Sores, Tetter, all 3 Chapped Eruptions, Hands, Chilblains, Corns, ly and Pile*,or kin (required. and Itisgnar- positive¬ cares no pay ted funded. to gives Price25cents perfect satisaction, box. or For mon sale ey re J. N. Harris A Son. per by The Lmw ot the Case, The Law of Husband and Wife is the uaine of a book written by Lelia J. Robinson. AH adjudications of this knotty subject simple if it were regarded In a spirit of com¬ quently promise. occasioned Incompatibility by disordered of temper is fre¬ a liver. It makes a snappish. well-disposed Into mortal morbid, mo- - rose or snch houses where this explains the situation the soother of rub fled or disgruntled dispositions would be as a white winged angel of peace and messenger ol happiness. With a bottle of Westmoreland’s Calisaya mistic Tonic of somes mind health, vigor, an opti¬ frame and a dispelling ol all dark stand*. Tone up your iiver, brace up your nerves and improve your appetite by using i a bottle, which can be had of J. N. Har- lis Bon and E. R. Anthony. A Boon to the Rick Rev. Dr. King's B. Hawthorne, Royal Germetuer is endorsed by J. pastor First Baptist church, Atlanta, Gu., whosays: “It is a groat remedy.” Rev. suffering Sam wile P. Jones had says: “I wish every poor access to that medicine.'’ Thousands of others attest its daily, virtues. where Fifty gallons are-drank in Atlanta it is performing remarkable cures. It removes the cause ol disease and builds up from the first dose. Send stamp tor tali particulars, certificates of wonderful cures, Atlanta, ets., Ga. to King’s It Royal Aermetuer Co., cubes whew allilse fails. Price, $1.50 per concentrated bottle, which make* one gallon of medicine as per direc¬ tions accompanyingeaeh bottle; Can be seat by express C. 0. D. if your druggist cannot supply yon._ tf Female Weakness Positive Cure. To the Editor : Please inform yonr read era I have a positive remedy torthe thousand and ons ills which arise from deranged female organs, I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy r»M to any iy lady lady ii if tl they will send their Express Express I)b. and and P. P. 0. O. address. address. Yonn onre resprettuily, J. B. MARCHISI, u-wi, 188 Gen tie , H. Y. June4dAw4» Feverish, CHILDRENnlRRITU'l sometimes crsvlsg food sad eetinp r. >.v and miles, wuor* r< seure- are s-idfln.iify stoeft'a duii, Vermiiage ,v .Itnw. B. An ffah- ure. T>y saa teetor ourself, newer it has tutu ) stood ttoi sis man mWnmB We have to off* this w eek the following * room house, half acre lot, Chappell street $1,000. „ , __. 4 ■ nd- . ont throe dr H. A 0: railroad °" 4 Ssr“^s a *is»s* , i?; e^srBmS Georgia, wifsell cheap on easy pay- TwomilroiroW Brifflh, good Damn. Will sell We tow%hel adlmning desirable section. proderty.ta For furtherpartic- Griffln and information, nlars or apply to mymrn^rmm -Hre, to- Remyoberdur Tnshronro d^iSat Life snd Accident. ' M fcVkiMNfa or THE St^TEW ZACATECAS, MEXICO: k syndicate of capitalists have secured the concession tor pperpttag this , LOTTERY, and has extendedit* business throughout the United States and British America. Below will be found a list of the prise* which wfll he drawn on June 27,1890 AT ZACATECAS, MEXICO, and continued monthly thereafter. 8150,000.00. 100,000 Tickets at 910,00; Halves, 96,00, Tenths, |1.00; American Currency. LIST OF PRIZES: 1 P*K( V........9160,000 50.000 i*.., .|160.000 50.000 Prize of. i*....... t P«IIE OF. 25.000 ia....... ... 25,000 3 Pkiies of .. 10.000 are... ... 80,000 2 Prizes of.. 5.000 are.... ... 10,000 5 Prizes of., 2.000 are... 10.000 10 Prizes of. 1,00,1 are. 10,000 10,000 20 Prizes of. 500 are....... 40,000 200 Prizes of. 200 are______ 800 Prizes of.. ISO are....... 45,000 500 Prizesof . 100 are....... 50,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 150 Prizes of ......$150 are..........■■. ■ > 16,000 22,500 150 Prizes of ...... 100 are:... ........ 158 Prizes of ...... 50 are.............. 7,500 909 Terminal Prizes of $50 are....... 49,950 2492 $524,950 Club lutes: O Tickets for $50 E9* Special Rates arranged with Agents. AGENTS WANTED In every town and city in the United States and British America. The payment of Prizes is guaranteed by dol¬ a special deposit of five hundred thousand lars (*500,000)', with the State Government, and approved by Jeans the Atechiga, supervision Governor. ol I Ac. Drawings Herminio under Arteagt, personal who is appointed by the Government as interventoi “I Certify that with the State Treasurer all snriug necessary full guarantees of ail are rizes deposited, this draw; as- Hisiinno payment i of ing. Arte ala, luterventor.” IMPORTAKT- Remittances musk lie either by New York Draft, Express or Registered Letter, Ameri¬ can money. Collections can be made by Ex¬ press Companies'or Banks. be Ticket draftsod sent di¬ rect to management will paid by New York, Montreal, St, Paul. Chicago, San Francisco or City of Mexico. For further in¬ formation address JUAN PIKDAD, Manager, Zacatecas, Mexico. Apartado 43. apr26d*wtf >C. 18, Til TABU 1 IT In effect June 1st, 1890. No. 15—Dailt LcaveGriffln...............................5:40a.m. ArriveAtlanta.................................7:45 1 No. 16—Daily, Leave Atlanta ...............................<5:00p.m. No. 8 —Dah. ,. Leave Macon........................ ArriveGriffln............................ ........5:28 “ , No. 11 —Daily. Leave Macon........................... ... 9 ^0 “ 44 Atlanta...................... .....11:00 “ No. 1 —Daily. Leave Macon........................... ArriveGriffln......................... “ Atlanta........................ 5:40 « ..... No. 13 —Daily . Leave Macon.....'.................. .......5:55*p. m. Arrive Griffln.......................... .....,.8:12 “ Leave *«•« .—...8:32 « Arrive Atlanta......................... No. 2 —Daily. Leave Atlanta....................... ...... 7:00 a. m Arrive Griffin......................... io*sr» M No. 14 —Daily. Arrive Griffln.......................... Leave *• .......................... Arrive Macon........................ No. 12 —Daily. Leave Atlanta........................ ArriveGriffln.......................... Leave “ ........................... .......4:05 “ Arrive Macon.......................... |No. 4 —Daily. Loav*. Atlanta........................ Arrive Griffln.......................... '• Macon......................... No. 33—Daily. Leave Griffln..................... 9:25 a. m Arrive \ewnan.............................11:05 “ Carrollton,.......................12:20 p. m No. 84 —Daily. Leave Carrollton...........................4:20 p. m, Arrive Newnan.. .5:25 «• Arrive Griffin. .. ...7:20 No. 81— Daily, except Sdnday. Leave Griffin................................. 4:00 p.m. Arrive Newnan..........................HV 6:25 Arrive Carrollton.......................8:15 “ No. 82 —Daily, Except Sunday. Leave Ceurollton............................6:50 a. m. Arrive Newnan...............................8:45 “ ArriveGriffln....................... 11:00 “ ' *** For fmther information relative to tick «t rates, best routes schedule Ac., write to or call on JNO. L. REID, Agt- E. T. CHARLTON. G. P. A.. Griffln Ga. Savannah. Ga. «E8. TERRY M’PQ CO., NashviU.E, Tenm. ; of the neck, which pro- i or swellings; j eores on the arms, , or feet; which developes ulcers In the eyes, ears, or nose, often causing blindness or h is the origin of pimples, can-, , or the many other manifests- ous usually Ascribed to “humors;" #hteh, fastening upon the ltmgs, causes consumption hr ? ^&5, for-1 very tow persyna are entirely free from H, H °r B c r C U R E D By taking Rood’s Sarsaparilla, wltieh, by tbs remarkable cares It has accomplished, often when other medicines hare fulled, has proven Itself to be a potent and peculiar medicine for this disease. Some of these cares are really wonderful. If yon suffer from scrofula, be sure to tty Hood's Sarsaparilla. * My daughter Mary was afflicted with scrof¬ ulous sore neck from th c time she was 22 month s old till she became six years of age. Lumps formed in her neck, and one of them after growing to the size of a pigeon’s egg, became a running sore forever three yearn. We gave her Hood’s Sarsaparilla, when tho lump and ail Indications of scrofula entirely dis¬ appeared, and now she seems to be a healthy child.” J. 8. Cahi.ilk, Nauright, N. J. N, B. Bo sure to get only Hood’s Sarsaparilla gold toy aUdnggi**. fffrtixforfs. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD * CO., Ap^thecariM, Lowed, Mass IOO Doses One Dollar TO MACKINAC Summer Tours. 0*L*cc Stcsmcac. Low Rats*. Four Trips per tVeelc Between DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Petoekey, The Soo. Morquetto. and Lake Huron Ports. Every Evening Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Sutdiy Trips during September Jane. Only. July, Angcnt uJ 6un ILLUOTBATEO PAMPHLETS, KnteeandBxtiurelonTleketewU] by Ticket Ajent befomirLel your or eddt see £. a. WHITCOMB, a P. »., OSTSOIT, i<iiCo.. THE DETROIT * CIEVEIASO STEAM fi*W. CD 8 tec : ■ -' .• ■ TYLER BANK COUNTERS. 150 RLUSTRATZD Iff ready. COLORS; Books a perfect free, Work of 15c. Art; Pages; How 18W>, postage AIm H0 p.. C.Ulof f.r of TtUt U,.k^ TYLER DESK CO., 0T. LOUIS, VO., TJ.8.A. QURtS PILES SALT RHEUM, TCTTta, BURNS 4 kSCALOS, R SORES, a WOUNDS. IN' ' a WANT'S SO NEC ih | AND CHAFING, ■tsJ: WrJ' ... . SORE NIPPLES AN INVALU¬ ABLE R EM E DV FOR CATARRH 25ST? „Jt&2ZSngES£‘ u For S tie by N8 . Div Georgia Midland & Gulf RR fimq Table, No. 32, Taking Effect June. 22, 1890 NORTH BOUND-Dailv. Leave Columbus.............................1:00 p.Yn' Arrive Grifiln....................... 8:50 “ Leave Cohimbus.............................5:10 * Arrive Griffln.................... :..8:17 * Leave Griffln...................................8.85 “ Arrive McDonough..........................9:15 “ SOUTH BOUND— Daily. Leave ArriveGriffln...........................8:20 McDonngh.........................7.40 u. “ m Lavee Griffin....................-............8:85 a. m. Arrive Columbus..........................11:80 “ Leave Griffln...................... 4:15 “ Arrive Columbus.......................... 7:08 M NORTH BOUND— Fbeioht. I^ave Columbus..........................7:50 a, m Arrive Griffln............................2:05 p. m Leave Griffln.........................2:30 ” Arrive McDonough................3:80 “ SOUTH BOUND— Freight. Leave McDonough...................8-00a. Griffin v.05 “ m. . Arrive “ Leave Griffin.....................10:80 Arrive Columbus............................4:25 p. m ■ rrrr- s m . rt» xer t ws. Inward rtnin-;. Krtia in - -. { un. . i . * -- TaJuttbifijinMiik.’incs v .tb .ia.. . • • .in*, -r. •* c~-.;: - tire po rfr over di 1 nn <’ i.t. • r* ! i-’ " are dram* in*' ’a • ilMir a**k« «|r-' 9*: .d a* t J -I.4T r * -V* . ltfoutiATl-fp; *fi- ' »U., . - -l,..,.. a, vt ... i. TO WfilK MEN psrtlcnlars tor borne cure. jof charge. A splendid medical work; should be read by every man who is nervous and debilitated. Address, Prof. P. C. FOWUSB, JHoodus, Conn, muretentEU the world. *'tir f*'.iliilt)* ar« u»e<|o*d^. (roods *o>t wswfH to iufr»*dur«* «pnarK»££ our Eoprrlor bi each loceHtr, to ONI l*MR«r»N at above. Only those \%i»o write to us at once e«n n»ak« sore of the chauce. All you have to do in return is to show our woods to those who call—your neighbor* be- •nd those ■round yon. The ginning of this adrertiscreen •how's the email end of tbe tele ecope. The foil owing cut fives the appearance of It reduced >a day»tleMtv from*beJtart. wHh. rience. Better write •t • once. We my all njifiM* ohnr»efi. H. HALLETT 4 CO. Bex 81HMM»TUUii>s Mam. BANK !' OFFICE I a DEor.v !/*D 3TORL I i; <TURES 'theT&RRY Tv 1 FG CO. tub *Ktws, THE SttN, ® estabuIhed 1871. ESTABLISHED I877 1 -m THE -ti i§ mr \ v - j 1 1 and Sun, DAILY AND WEEKLY, (CONSOLIDATED MAY 26, 1889,) —i OFFERS y~ Wore Value - dvertiserH In proportion to prices charged, than any other medium in the South. With the combined cirCiit ftllon of two old and well established papers, it Charges the prices of only one. It is published in one of the agricultural, commercial, manufacturing and railroad Centers of t he most progressive State In the South, with a large aud intelligent sur¬ rounding population and extra facilities for ; distribution. Bellia first-class newspaper, fully rip to rill demands of tlie times arid the reqttire- merits oftts crifistltuency, it is read not oifly' by nearly every family In Spaldlugr CountY, but ln tlie eight surrounding counties, tUth a good general circulation In the State arid other Htrites- -ssiriEe ItS WHOLE FIELD IT COVERS and covers it completely. j Gf Che 257 newspapers anti‘peStMtSffS published in the State of GeOlfff'fa, the NHWS AND SUN ranks eminent among the two tlozen tiiat stand rit the head of the list. Its greatest foreign patronage comes from the largest and moel experienced advertisers and the shrewdest and best advertising agencies* sample mil : Prices low. Wri(e for rates and copies of I>ail y and Weekly to r m DOUGLAS GLESSNEK, Publisher, m .f ». 1 Griffin, Ga * * t*