The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, August 31, 1890, Image 4

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tey in every clime, and memory something nigh; else, j it may be in its Velvet A A A A Rye. There was an t old man nothing in Spalding, scalding, Who wished to take that was p So he tried "Belle of Nelson’’Rye, m And with a glad and happy eye, At beverage Champion’s that he the buys, favorite in Spalding. The Hi You Can Always Find trails and fifties ' W Clark & bon. gg I Ok., August ftl THE loan you money to buy rove a home, at Per Cent i allow you to pay back in U1 monthly payments, live Stop renting roof. and un der your own : or Rent! Three nice houses in West Griffin. Gardens up and t >£■ Apply at once. ^ ELL H. DRAKE. — m • Wanted. Board by gontlemnn and wife at once in nice privnte family. AddreHH K. H., thta office. nug29 3t. — Oysters. The oyster HPHwon has opened at Book Ison’s. Come down and try «ome. ■ ■ ^ House and Lot to Rent. Pour room house and kitchen and Hood garden to rent in the city of (IrifRn. Apply to R. 8. Connell tf. Attention, Spalding Greys. You are commanded to attend bun- ioeea night meeting 7:80 and o’clock, drill on Monday tion to at fill vaenneio# of sharp. let Lieuten¬ Elec¬ £ ant amt D. Orderly J. Bailey, Sergennt. Jr., Captain. • —- — I,. „ , Compeii ive Examination lor Appli¬ cant* Georgia School of Technology. Will be held on Saturday, Sept. 0th, 1890, at the Court House in flrirtin, tla.. Applicants will pleuee meet me at Deane* Huff's book store at 9 a. m. J. 0. k Miller. C. S. C. - New Firm. D. D. I’eden nnd I). W. Patterson have formed a co-partnership for the purpose of doiogn produce,brokerage rtU<l combine business, und solicit the nnd surrounding county. Pkok.y * Patterson. MgBMm. Strayed #- Stolen. Ouo irou Uray Mare Mule, 10 hands high, on the night ofthe Sflth, from it. Lawrence, in llpson county, Oa. Any one taking up said mule and delivering her to me, or for any nformation so I can get her, will he tittle liberally rewarded. Righthindnnkle swollen. Address Z. Lawrence. Molena, Pike county, On. To My Friends. In futore I can be found at George Muse s clothing store, 38 TV hitehull street, Atlanta, Oa., where 1 would he pleased to see ail mv former ds and customers. We handle Inest and most stylish goods at *■ priced, and I can please Very respectfully, Charles F. Walcott. :D OATS, HAY AMD BRAN, tM illsiip SEED RYE AND BARLEY. • ■ i«i . m -----——- V OUR NEW FRENCH ROLLS. ¥1 - » " ^ • • .* j Mrs. J. A- Stewart in this city, left yesterday for Atlanta. Tboa. Nall shipped one bnndred bole# of cotton from here yes terda y- tbe first shipment that is remember ed from here in August. r~ stylos. | Plaid* This and season’s stripes in_ Dross the popular Scheuerman A White have just re¬ ceived • beautiful line. Mias Nannie Smith, of Thomastoft came up yesterday and is visiting the family of J. M. Kimbrough at the Experiment Station, Theyounger misses of this city gave a very pleasant party to their young gentleman friends on Friday nfght at the residence of Thomas Nall. Rev. F. M. Daniel will preach to the children and young people at the Baptist chnrch this morning. A large audience should hear him. Muster Louis Speth and his little sister Lenie arrived in the city yes- terday evening, after spending a very pleasant summer ut Augusta. Scheuermon A Whits would be g ad to show everybody In town who has a *w moments to spare, their dress goods, carpets, and light-we ght wrapt. B. A. Ogletreefind J.D.Touchstone have retired from the race for tax collector in favor of C. T. Digby, whose card appears in another column. Miss Anna Haynes, who has been spending the summer with her uncle Col. F. D. Dismuke and family in this city, left yesterday for her home in Dublin.________ Miss Lena Warde, who has recov¬ ered from her recent severe illness, returned to Liberty Hill yesterday, where she will resume the exercises of her school. Rev. M. McN. McKay returned home yesterday from a trip to Fort Smith. Ark. He has not positively decided yet whether ho will accept the offer of the church at that place or not. The only black hose In the market that will not stain the feet; that will stand the effects o! perspirotfon and will positively not fade from washing is the ‘ Onyx ’ atu Scheuerman A White’s. Dr. Vasey, U. S. Botanist from the Department ol Agriculture at Wash- ton City, arrived in this city yester¬ day umi wont over the agricultural farm. He is visiting the various Experiment Stations in the South. Cory B. Townsend, Jr., has ar¬ rived in this city nnd will spend the balunce ot the summer here. He is now three days old and is as hand¬ some and can make as much noise us his anybody’s friends the chHd. He will receive C. at residence of G. Mills, Miss M«y Stafford, of Barnesville, spout yesterday in this city, the guest of Miss Flora Jones. She was joined in the afternoon by Miss An¬ nie Bulock of the sume place and they left by the Ga. Midland railroad to attend the camp meeting nt Warm Springs, where they will be the guests of Miss Iyeila Tignor. On next Saturday the Oth of Sept, the Odd Fellows of Atlanta will give an entertainment at DeGives Opera House, in honor of Grand Master J A. Andorson and Grand Representa¬ tive J. B. Goodwyn. Judge It. T. Daniel ot this city, who is Deputy Grand Master, the second highest office in the State, will,by invitation, address the order on that occasion. nudmuscle Every tissue is made otthe body, every nnd nerve, heal¬ hone stronnrer luoro thy by taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla. 4. 50 bates Checks to be cJosed nut at 5 cents per yard at the >w Yt rlc Store. CftHdrenHKnJny------ The pleasant flavor, gentle action an d soothing effects of Syrup of Figs, when in need of a laxative nnd if-the father nr mother be costive or bilious the most gratifying results billow its use, so that it is the best family rem¬ edy known nnd every family should haven bottle. ------ Just r cejvcd 10,000 yards Stand¬ Prints, fall styles, a: 5 cents per at the New York Store. Specimen Fuses, S. II. Clifford, New C»«sel, Wis., was trou¬ bled with Neuralgia disordered, and Itheiimalism his w as his Liver was affect¬ to an tda'ining degree, appetite fell nwav. he w is terribly reduced in flesh and Three bottles of Electric Bitters him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg. 111., had a sore on his leg of eight sears’ stand red three bottles of Electric Bitters enven boxes oi Bucklen’s Armen Solve, his leg is sound and well. John Speaker. lt., had five large Fiver sores on leg. doctors saul he was incurable. One Electric Bitters anti one box But klen’s Salve eured him entirely, Sol 1 by J. Harris * Son's Drugstore. Shell beadt at 5 and 10 cents at New ^York Store J. A stEfart’s Eggs. Chickens, . . Cheese. Hams. Mackerel, Boss Crackers, HOUND ABOUT. Jtty Notes, and News From This and Adjoining Counties. BENT ON DOING WRONO. Some Imp )ms seals an led outi ay. While son* themselves msk oat the way, Some tall, nn t hin king. Is t he pit, While others search ntisut for it. 'Tia probable if Hatan should Strive for the universal good And close hie gatee and bar them well, Some souls would still break into hell. H. W. Dew*, of Newnnn, was here y es terday . J. W. Sullivan, of Erin, spent yes¬ terday in this city. John Cautheu, of Milner, is visiting relative* in this city. Now Sateen* a> d Ginghams at Scheuerman A While s Mrs. J, F. Allen left yesterday visit relatives in Plkecounty. C. 8, Shattuc nnd family returned home last night tmm an extended Western trip. Mrs. fi. W. Wallace returned home yesterday from a visit to relatives in Coweta county. Miss Mattie Tyus returned to this c ity yesterday from a visit to her parents at Milner. T. T. Ellison, of Madison, Fin., is visiting the family of Col. J. J. Hunt at Vineyard. Miss Corinno Tebuult returned to this city yesterday from ft visit to relatives in Mneon. Miss Sybil Bice returned borne yes¬ terday from« pleasant stay of a week nt Barnesville. Mrs. A. Randall left yesterday for Uuion Springs, Ala.,- where she will spend about three weeks. =A8il ,Mss,.Xt I). llrowiy, of Chattanooga, Tenn., are visiting their parents near Cfetwell. We tfan’t ask ysu to buy, but just Ini pet Scheuerman A while's new •took of Drott Goods, just in. Miss Emma Present, of Bartow, arrived here yesterday and is visit¬ ing Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Blakely. The oyster season opened lust night at Dock Ison’s with some of the finest bivalves of the season. Ntv ^ i ton an Body Biusscis thr ■« p.'y xnd Ingrain Carpets re eived ed it Scheuerman A While’s last week scheuerm in A White h« e just re¬ ceived a handso ue li<* of imported dress goods. No two dresses alike. J. Kr. Porter, of Seddon, Ain., nr riued ^»i town hist night nnd is visit¬ Ids old Griffin friends, We want him to come up nnd let us hear his N. once more. A ri*henitan'» Itoul ------------- Arr:k.t ^ ‘n w.v, Tenn., Aug.Wash t* o -bere ali. w-«s kitl- tn t. , • ( it: hr «’ • tut )’ Ten- e. , tt .iuia ami Georgia- f ,.i. h; :i. i:;h:;bJ ttif f;*t,m vue irtot, anor; , \Mndc ,-r tmtn * ‘ him. ‘ gt&ig in —— an ion V? 1 rate • 'telNc.} ; , ru .; (m , ,- ih " 1 '5 1‘ -\,G K'VI‘C.1 |[, J, A,A, U. 1 .I lI k- strike in wm 10 -’ | fW.Twl „ Ang. 80.—Lelaad J. Web-*, of Kan., was elected of the Sons ot Vete¬ ran*. The appeal of ex-Conunaader-ln- Chief Walter 8. Payne, ot Ohio, from the finding of the ( ourt-martial, vm treated very indifferently yhen brought before the encampment, m the delegatee refused to take any action on it. Yesterday afternoon Payne Kansas employed to an attorney and sent him to ask United States Judge Phillips the to issue»mandamus to compel show why na¬ tional encampment to cause he should not be granted a trial by his peers. The committee reckoned the panles in Die drill. dr report m ..... ■■ ight the ception the Ladies was Aid tendered who members attend¬ ing the society are encampment. The Pottsvllle Fishing Party. seventh PoTT»viuJt, anniversary Pa., Aug. of 30.—The the Pottsville thirty- Fishing Party, a famous social organiza¬ tion, was celebrated yesterday at Rail¬ way park. There were guests present Read¬ from Lancaster, Philadelphia, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Allentown, Bethlehem, ing, and other cities. Easton Pottsville, Judge David B. Green, of presides. The other officers are: Vice president, H. Stanley Goodwin; trea¬ surer, Walter 8 . Shuttle*; secretary, Mason Weidiaan. An elaborate: menu was supplied by Caterer C. H. Reiaser, of BbUftaelphia.' Coal Prospecting Abandoned. Mifikusvuxjs, Pa., Aug. 30.—After of months of costly operations the extensive an ex¬ perimental character on Bullock tract at this is proposed for coal, to abandon further prospecting tract will be and by to-morrow the prac¬ tically deserted. All moving property is being conveyed ----------•* to the York Farm colliery, between hero and Pottsville. Sinking test holes on the Citzinger will tract adjoining the Bullock property be continued. Schuylkill and Philadelphians Lehigh Valley and Railroad the new company are interested in these opera¬ tions. Knights of the Golden Rale. Indianapolis, Ang. 30.—The supreme commandery Knights of the Golden Rule concluded its labors after a three days’ session with the following commander, newly elected John D. officers: Irving, of Supreme Ohio; vice supreme of South commander, R, S. Morgan, Carolina; supreme secretary,T.K.Smith, W. D. of Kentucky; of* supreme treasurer, prelate, J. Kramer, Illinois; supreme medi¬ M.Coulter, of Tennessee; C. C. Higgins, supreme of Il¬ cal examiner, Dr. linois; supreme warden, Dr. A. W. Ber¬ nard, of Kentucky. An III Fated Factory. New New Brunswick, Brunswick, n. N. J., j., Aug. Aug. o(j. 30.- Otto Schultz was killed and .Cart Skaw fatally timber injured by building the fall of the Sayre heavy in a new at Fisher’s brick works, John m Hartman, Sayreville. About the same time a mason, died from the effects of a fall of eighty feet from the chimney at the same works. I>ela mat or at Ambler. Ambler, Pa., Aug. 80.—The Republi¬ cans of Ambler entertain are making Senator extensive Del¬ preparations to The Republican imiter to-morrow. candidate will arrive some time during the day and make a personal call cm several of the leading businessmen of the borough, and in the evening he will address an open air mass meeting. Farewell Dinner to a Benedict. Was Hi noton, Ang. .—A number of Col. the official Perry S. and Heath, professional correspondent friends of of The Indianapolis Journal, gave a dinner to him last evening, the event being made the occasion of the announcement of the coming marriage of Mr. Heath to Miss Mary Ella Conway, of Louisville. The Prosit!Out at Washington. Washington, Ang. 30.—The president arrived at the White House at 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon from Cape May Point. Tlic president's family have gone to to Creteon, Creteon, where where they they will will spend spend the early will probably part of September. The in president week, go to Cresson a Death of a Wealthy Farmer. Bi.andon, Pa., Aug. 80.—John H. Rothermel, place, a died weal t hy retired aged farmer of this here. 78 years. Two of his sons, Israel H. and John H., are prominent members of the Berks county bar. Ilf leaves seven other children, The Wci.thor, Fair, followed by showers; northerly ip winds, becoming variable; slight change temperature. Proceedings in Congress. Washington, Au<. Si.—Iu the house the 'licisioii of ihe spanker as to the right of way o( the lard bill was sustained ami the bill was pas-.eii, t,il to a«, the clerk couuUihe a quorum. Tiu hill tu constitute eight hours a day’s work for laborers and mechanics on govern- midrt work was amended and phased. in the senate th« tariff bill wasem»dder< further and sixty paragraphs disposed of. NUGGETS OF NEWS. iwilsttl, an Italian aeronaut, was killed at LI mi, a by the burning of his balloon. The president of Salvador has thanked Spain for its efforts to rcatore peace-ta-Cea— tral America. Lieut. Miliot and Lieut. Baruti fought a duel with sword* at Belfort, Prance. Miliot was fatally wounded. The vapor vtovo uusaufaeturors of the Unite d States in session in Cleveland, suc¬ ceeded in adjusting their disagreements. According to official statistics the strength of the Farmers’ Alliance tn New Jersey is less than 1,001, hut It is reported to bo growing. Alexander 8. Baker, a prominent farmer of Lafayette, K. Y., was stung on the nose by a be- and dtod before a doctor could be sum¬ moned. Lorens Wilde, saloon keepor, of Paterson, N. J„ was drugged and robbed iu his saloon. The thieves escaped before he regained his senses. (.'apt. Joseph Ilammond, for twenty-three years custodian of Peabody Academy of Science, died suddenly In Salem, Mass., aged S4 years. The Baku newspapers asaert that the adoption of the American tank system has had for its results the steady beating back of Russian competition in the petroleum trade. An open air tariff debate between Congress¬ man Springer, of Illinois, aud ex-t’ongress- uum Horr, of Michigan, took place at the fair grounds of the Country Agricultural as¬ sociation, Hudson, N. Y. For Over Fifty Years. Ah old and Well-Tried Remedy Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup t>een used for over fifty years by of mothers for their children soothes teething, with perfect success. the «hHd, softens the allays all pain • eures wind ftnd is tbe best remedy for Is pleasant to the taste. by Druggists in every part of world. Twenty five cents a bot¬ Its value is incalculable. Be and ask for Mre. Winslow's Syrup and take no other atlgltnd* wly. Prayer 8 o'clock, meeting Wednesday even- ng at Sunday School teachers’ meeting Friday evening at 8 o’clock, at the pastor’s residence. DEVOTIE CHAPEL. Sunday Superintendent. School 9 a. m.—Dr. N. -B. Drewry, Prayer meeting Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock. Alt those who expect to travel will do well to buy a trunk from the New York Store. Mammoth stock cheap. just reeeivsd 10,000 Yards Stand* ard Prints, fall styles, at 5 cents per yird, at the New York Store. |A host of Intellectual women are using you? Bradycrotine to prevent Headaches. Are “ ON® ®HJOYS Both the method and results when and 3yrop refreshing of Figs is taken; the it« pleasant to taste, and acts Liver rently and yet promptly Bowels, on the Kidneys, dispels cleanses the sys¬ aches tem effectually, and fevers and colds, head¬ cures hfthitnftl constipation. only Svrup of Figs is the duced, remedy pleasing of to its the kind taste ever and pro¬ ceptable ao> to the stomach, prompt is its action and truly beneficial m its healthy effects, prepared only from the most and agreeable le substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular Syrup remedy of of F; Fifi known, r is forsale in 60c and $1 bottles B hy all leading drug¬ gists. not Any have reliable it hand druggist will who may it on pro¬ wishes cure to promptly try it. Do for any one who not accept any mbstitute. CALIFORNIA FI0 STROP CO L 8AN FRANCISCO, CAL, JLOUISVtUE. KY. NSW YORK. N.Y. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. For County Commissioners. Editob News and Sun— Please announce for County Commissioners of Spalding coun¬ ty, subject to the action of the Democratic primary, Thomas R. Mills, city district, An drew J. Walker, Cabkis dis trict, and W- J - Duke, Akins district. TO TUB VOTERS Oi SPALDING COUNTY. 1 am a candidate for the office of County Commissioner, subject to the action of the Democratic party iua primary to be held Sept. 16th, 1830. Thos. P. Nkwols For Tax Collector. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF TUB COUNTV Iu the interest of harmon) I retire from the vacs for l ax Collector In favor ol Mr. C. T* Digby. X desire to thank my friends for the kind and flattering support that has lieen accorded me in my short race. Your klad- ness will ever be remembered. Jameb D. Touchstone. Editor News and Sun.—P lease announce my name as a candidate tor Tax Collector, subject to the Democratic primary. I ami authorized to state that Messrs. B. A. Ogto- tree and J. D. Touchstone have retired from the race in my favor and it is their request that their triends give me the same support promised to them. C. T. Digby. Editor News and Sun.—P leas# announce my name as a candidate for Tax Collector in the Democratic primary. J. W. Travis. To the Voters of Sfalbing County— I am a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Spalding county, at, the ensuing election in January next. Subject to a Democratic primary election if one is held. Ii nominated and elected I pledge myself to a faithful per formance of the duties of said office as the law directs. Respectfully, C. A. COOPER. billion News and Sun:—P lease announce my name as a cat didate for Tax Collector, subject to the Democratic primary. I refer to my past record in the same office several years ago, and respectfully ask the support W. H. Horne. For Treasurer. —-- To the Democratic Voters of Spalding County— 1 respectfully offer myself tor re- election to the office of County Treasurer, subject to the Democratic nomination, and solicit your votes, If elected I promise to be as faithful in the discharge of ray duties in the future as in the past, J. C. Brooks. To the Voters of Spalding CounTY— I respectfully offer for the office of Treasurer of Spalding'counly and if elected will servethe people to the best of my nbility. I ask the of my friends, both iu the city and nnd will abide, as I always do, the nomination. R. II. Johnston. For Sheriff. Editor Nkw t s and Sun—P lease announce name as a candidate for Sheri!!, subject the Democratic nomination. M. J. Patrick. For tax Receiver. TO THE VOTERS OP SPALDING COUNTY. 1 am a candidate for re-election to theoffice Tax Receiv er of this county, subject to action of the Democratic party. R. A. Hardee. Editor News and Sun.— Please announce name as a candidate for Tax Receiver the Democratic primary. I refer to my record when in this office and respect¬ ask the support of my friends and all Joshua Hammond.^ For Clerk Superior Court. The support of the people is hereby solicit¬ in our candidacy for re-election, subject nomination. W. M. Thomas. AND * mr SPRING I . CLOTHINi mr I HAVE EVER HAD, Our aek line is that of Young examine Men’s Suite, etock. botb£in Boye’ business and and Children’s dress suite, suite eannot in be exreli*. T we I will you our Respectfully, the noht,i«. , ” t 17 me and please you. • octlOdAw CEO.R.NILI • 35 HILL j ___ KEEP YOUR EVE ON THE IN"ovelty O ^Weekly we^are receiving new goods, See our stoci you want Watches, Clocks, Silver-ware, China. Dinner $( Tea Sets, Lamps, Glassware,Tinware, &c. All goods guaranteed as represented. One p r only. J. W. SPARKS* ON’T READ THIS AND DON’T FORGET THAT ^ - 3D- Davii Has a car load of Charter Oak Cook Stoves on the wa here. I can suit you in any kind of a Stove, add my line of Hardware iscompleteand CHEAP H w. DAVIS. Look To Your Strength l DREWRY’S DRUG STORE DEALER IN Tie Finest, FresMst IN : THE : MAHKET No. 9 Hill Street} GRIFFIN, : : I mean that tbe Provident Savings furnish you Life insurance at about HALF THE with same benefits ns the Northwestern, tual A3t»a Benefit, Mutual Life, New York or other high priced companies. policies are all- NON - after three payments and has a cash surrender value, PAH) UP insurance, the ber policy of will without be extended for a given years any Liabilities cost to the Its ratio of Assets to are than any other Company in the State and we hold the largest INDIVIDUAL POLICY in Griffin. Call at my office and its plans and also our lnvestment-policy, will pay yon. I respectfully solicit a share of your FIRE BUSINESS. Company Am Agent for the only English > ccident best in the doing world. business m America and the For further information call on or write to J. W. LOGAN, jufv22dAw-tf 1C Hill St., GR1FFIN.GA. TAYLOR -AND- M’DOWELL, E®*’ Cali on ns at No. 6 Hill Street. • fsJT <N0 NEW IRISH POTATOES. NEW ONIONS, .....NEW YORK CABBAGE..... —FLOUR BOUGHT BEFORE THE RISE- Come to see me and I will save you money. Wiil have Saturday ALL PORK SAUSAGE and all kinds fresh fish- j. D. HOX.MAN. PROCLAMATION. m I State of Attanta, Georgia—Executive Ga, Dip’t.’sSP f Whereas, the general assembly August, 4, 1890. of 1889 m passed the following act, in accordance to-w£ with 1 i the requirements of the constitution, ’1 ‘•An the constitution act to amend of Art. 1877,and 7, Sec. theactof 1, Par. 188S 1, 0 : | amendatory thereof, its ,1 4 so to include widow* 1 of Confederate soldiers in the aid therein ex tended, Section nnd for Be other purposes. f 3 1. it enacted by the genera, , r assembly assembly of 1885, of of the tbe state state of of Georgia, Georgia, That That tht tht act approved October 19, 1885 amending article 7, section first, paragraph 1, of the constitution of 1877, be and tot same is herebv amended by adding theret* and at the end of eafd act the followias following ate of tbe soldiers Confederate as may have states, died in’lfie^swvfee since wounds received therein diseases or from or contract ed in the service: provided, that this act shall only apply the to of such persons as we» | m arried at time such service and have remained unmarried since the death of soldier husband, so that said article 7 , sec¬ tion 1 , paragraph 1 , of the constitution ol 1877, and the act amendatory thereof, shall read as follows: “To supply the soldiers who lost a limb or limbs in the military service of the Confererate States with stth- stantial artificial limbs during life, and t* make suitable provision for such Confederate Boldiers as may have otherwise been disabled or permanently injured in such service; sad for the widows of such confederate eoldiere as may have died in the eervice of theconfed erate therein, states, disease or since from wounds reoeiv 1 or contracted in the service. Provided, That this act shall only appl) to such widows as were married at the tim of tbe service and have remained mnnarrie Since the death of such soldier husband. r Sec. 2. “And be it further enacted, Tha if this amendment shall be agreed to bytwc thirds of the members elected to each of ttt two houses, thesame shall beentered on then journals with yeas and nays taken thrnu • and the governor shall cause said ameot ments to be published in one or more newt the people at next general, election, and tit legal voters at the next said general electioi 1 Bhall have inscribed or printed on their t»d ets the word “Ratification” or “Non-ratifies tion,” #e they may choose to rote, and if majority of the electors qualified to vote' members of the general assembly votiifc therein shall vote in favor of ratificatioa'' then this amendment Bhall become a part said article 7, section 1, par graph 1, of tht constitution of the state, and the said acf* of 1885, amendatory thereof, and the got ernor shall make prodimation thereof," .-U Section 3, Be it further enacted. That » ■ : laws and parts of laws in conflict with tint act ' be and id t the hereby repealed.” same are Now, Approved therefore, November 4,1889.” L. I, John B. Gordon, govern or of said state, do issue this, my proriaiaft tion, hereby declaring that the fon ' proposed amendment to the constitution if tothe hereby submitted for ratification or rejection voters of the state at the general ejection to be held on Wednesday, October 1,1890, By as provided in Said act. the Governor: • ___ J. . _ W. Warren, Sec- J. B. Ex. Gordon, Governor, .ijl Dept. LIFE OF„THE HON. JEFFERSON OIIIS. MRS. JEFFERSON DAVIS.: To Bg SOLD BY SUBSCRIPTION ONLY The prospect us and complete outfit for c.ttel vassing will be ready immediately. Agents Wishing uosIrnblo-1 Territory .3 on this great work will please address, ;ir soon os possible, ilte publishers, I BLLFORD COMPANY, -22 East 18th Street, NEW YOR1