The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, October 04, 1890, Image 3

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TOT CTED. Blood mi the l rh it thr r®. KUsTO-’S ROYAL greatest blood germetuer| porlKer and germ de- ■ h ,t,e •troy eroltOeage. It trnei tbe stomach, i Increases tbe appetite, r anBes the secre- | tlons and quickly and permanently cure* m Sand nil blood, stomaeb, kidney, bladder, liver, * . female diseases. Asa tonic It is with- Boot a rival in the whole range of materia d njedlca. It is a sovereign remedy, and never falls to care rheumatism, neuralgia, 5 paralysis, Insomnia, dyspepsia, indigos- m I debility, palpitation, catarrh, etc. Uon, Hon. H. VT. Grady says: *' It Is tho Ul¬ tima Thule at all remedies.” _ Bev. Sam. P. Jones says: "I wish every K suffering wife had access to that medi- K cine.” v I BCV. J. B. Hawthorne says:' ” It has brought In certain and radical ceres to hun- jg dreds Georgia and other States.” Hrs. Ella B. Tennent, Editor Tennent’B Home Stagaslne, says: ” Its fame has spread like a prairie Are.” pt. Jas. Young, the great temperance lecturer, says: “Oh! that every afflicted man and woman could get this grand rem¬ edy.” of others attest its virtues Thousands praise. and sound Its It yon arc sick, do not despair till yon have tried Germetuer. it has performed cures that astonish the world, r Ityoa ere suffering with disease and fail [Of a cure, send stamp for printed matter, certificates of wonderful cures, etc. For sal® hy Hlvy's c*r-> t\. Company . ‘’ants ftp., si* Pricefl concentre:''.: ' makes > • ,-iUon of medicine rectlons accompanying each ... be sent hy express C. O D„ ii gist cannot supply you. --------- ia& . % I W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. jloe The excellence Calf and and Laced wearing Waterproof qualities of this Grata* shoe Amiot bo better shown than by the strong endorse¬ ments of its thousands of constant wearers. DlS O >00 Genuine Hand-sewed, Shoe which commends an elegant and stylish Hnnd-sewed dress yVelt.^ fine.calf itself. * 4-00 shoo 5,50 All maue iu L/UiigruBB, ouuuu uu $3&$2 SHOES la f d°.1s { (lave been most favorably received make since introduced tad to the recent Improvements at them superior any shoes sold these prices. he Ask your Dealer, and if cannot supply you send ^'°Wrf.WGU8, llract to factory enclosing advertised price, or a Brockton, M_„ SCHEUEItMAN & WHITE. c biffin. _ Ad Ago brines vice inf to irmitien, tli© Bach Aged. sing, an bowels, weak kidneys and blaq- term and torpid liver. have a spec i flc effect on theae organs, ttlmalaiin£ discharges the without bowels, giving straining natur¬ griping, al and or IMPARTING VIGOR to the kidneys, bladder and liver. They are adapted to old or young. • SOLD EVERYWHERE. i slsy ■ .-I . ... bS■ 1 ' rttal .e , v . n , . ,,.,*,.ail.Si ■ 1 . —__ - ■ - - .• ■ .lew Advertisements. S— Vlf.£ \ > 'i. Will Play f . BOX 100 TUNES . £ j To Introduce them, County one or Town In ev i nished reliable l PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM Cleanse* mid beautiflei the heir, j Promotes a luxuriant growth. Never Pails to Restore Gray McCair to its Youthful Color. Curts scalp diseases & hair failing. COCy ami % LOQ at Dmggiato ^CONSUMPTIVE a ' H ter’s Ginger Tonic. It cures the worst Cough. -. ’ : • l Debility, Indigestion, Pain, Take in time. 50 ct*. Mention t.hcNawg Sun sSoBfjr&S: when ft- Aon you write. GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. EPPS’S COCOA Ity a thorough breakfast. _____— „ j™ knowledge the of the nnturol tion and nutrition, and operations by of Jigcs- fu“ ,? a careful applica- " e no Properties of well selected Be! 18 w r Epps lias provided breakfast ' our | hhles jmicli with . a deiicateiy flavored beverage may save us many heavy doctors’ «Us. J t is by the judicious use of such arti- *»8 of diet that aconStitution may bo grad- «wly built up until strong enough to resist eT fy tendency to disease. Hundreds of wbtle maladies are floating around ns rerdy wattack wherever there is a weak point. We ma.v escape many a fatal shaft by kcep- ®Kearselves well fortified with pure blood wd a properly nourished frame.”—Civil Ser¬ vice jaiette. Madtsimulywith boiling wa- Jf ft*"*. r or milk. labelled Sold thus: only in Im'f,pound tins, by AMES EPP8ACO.,Homoepathic Chemists, . London, England. A118 TIIE BEST POROUS I’LASThUS IN THE WOULD. p^V.cure Pleurisy Bhemnstism, and Kidney all I Pains, ‘™ gig mere® u on by exposure or orcr-e*e.'tioo. ‘UtoWant luick Relief from Mrafoton having GrosveiK —LI-fAP-SICI’l-VSTl-rv a the\ y**-cfo(A, picture of a bell on msioient, for there is no piaster, * or lotion that has complete mastery ov<ar -—-,— ALL ACHES AND PAINS. Pb s convenor's BcII-Cap-aic Plasters iUy „ djr \ c « t ubi*and Harmless. BelieW and never fail to ctge. mate, quick and sure. ofSSc. I I ■' i 9% Mississippi Wants Them Barred W; : ■ ' f Even at « Goat «f Several of Her Congressmen. Tbs Cnitliuliussl ConvoulloM Will W*. saorlftliz- Cong-.-s** to 8*1,mil me Qn*«- Uon of IU« of tl:t V>:t.,-nth Aiuoudmsni to a Vote tfcilw Mats*, Wins! Will Uc tho Rcsnlt t Jackson, Miss., Oct. 3.— Its or,'or eypedite basiueas and cult a ■ :; threat? ened long a ssioa tli” cons tin it ■ «. con- ventiou derided Tu. to . «v - night aeaeio'.is in the fatr.r-. Tin t ruuiittee to which was refr . ed the s;i -pet rne- momliiiug aud rqpriecy oongre:- - repaali. ns to t hy . t xjiedi- fif. teeiiih enev . reported in g .e mb: dinent part as foliow y WBuiiiA. Thera are in the state ot Missi' ,ji,,i iod some other stetes of the United States, in Approdmutely equal numbers, t wo distinct races, or types of, ihs white an-j the negro; and- WnstilAS, These two races, though friendly ami iiomogeueous for all business and iudusirial purposes, are widely sep- aralii by race Irutinots and prejudices in all political and social matters; and whereas, we are without any well-found¬ ed hope of a change in respect to the po¬ litical relations of the two races; aud whereas, with such a condition the one race or the other must have charge of and control the governments of such states and to do so there will ever be ever-recur¬ ring conflicts -of greater or Voss magni¬ tude between them; aud Whbreas, A government thus main¬ tained, existing and resting upon such a oonditlon, must* of necessity be without permanent efficiency or stability; and Whereas, Such condition of insecurity Is not only a great political or social evil, but also great ly impedes all industrial de¬ velopments; and inasmuch as tuu white people only are capable of conducting and maintaining the government of such states, gi ring security aud protection to the whole people and property thereof, the negro race, even if its people were edu¬ cated, being wholly unequal to sueb great responsibility if they should come into control of such governments; therefore, be it Resolved, By the people of the state of Mississippi, in its constitutional conven¬ tion assembled, That it is our deliberate judgment and opinion that the true and only efficient remedy for the great and important difficulties arising out of the conditions set forth in the foregoing pre¬ amble, lies In the repeal of the fifteenth amendment of the constitution of the United States, whereby such restrictions and limitations may bo pnt upon negro suffrage, by the several states, as may lie necessary Mid proper far tho main¬ tenance of good and stable government* therein. Resolved, That we requeft that the congress of the United States cause to be submitted to the several states a proposi¬ tion to repeal said fifteenth amendment of the constitution, aud that we will cheerfully accept as a condition to such repeal such reductions in the houee of representativee of congress from Missis¬ sippi as may be reasonable and just In view of the diminution in tbe number of voters In the state consequent upon such repeal of the fifteenth amendment. again postponed,___ __________ | Burned consideration of tho legislative article of the new constitution. The after following spirited section debate, of the was. • t out by a vote of © " to ' 42; <2: “Th* ture shall have no power lishment auv of »f lent the the and and publip publlp maintenance money money : _____ of be m a Of immigration, or ■ foi for any pui r ._ bringing derives immigrants sfamlfioance to this state.” 1 vote from the : from that the the rejected section Farmers' was co platform of the ance. _ A LOV ER’S REV ENGE. A Rejected Suitor Shoote the Cause a i Hle Troubles Through tho Heart. Jacksonville, Fla., Oct. 2.—A fit. Augustine Joseph, daughter special says: Bernard-Joeeph. Rise Mamie of dered a prominent Tuesday merchant by Alexander here, was mur¬ her rejected lover. Three shots Campbell, were fired by the infuriated man, the first miming. slightly wounding The third her, passed and the eecdnd he? heart, and through bleeding was aimed at l}er as aha lajr upon tho groom flowersc jail. Campbell He was he arrested and taken to to Joseph several says months, was engaged but tl Miw sent him a note breakingitoff. day said he called for au explana she her marriage to lam v distasteful to her parents. I ed her life, but she apparently think him in earnest. He went to the house Tuesday, determined to UU her at first sight. .He says he “expects to hang,” and sesms indifferent tc hia fate, Campbell has is a only native of Baltlmori, ana been here a short time. An lynching. extra guard is at the jail to prevent _____ . a MAN RUNS OFFWIYH TWO WOMEN. Ed Walters, Aged 88 Year*, Performs the Wouderjul Feat. Mobile, Ala., Sept. 29.— News has just been received that Ed Walters, 22 years old, miles who from lives Mobile, at Wheelervjlle, twelve ishing feat of eloping performed the aston¬ with two women, b oth o f them married women, too,- the other day. The women were Mrs. Dick Fincher and Mrs. Tanner. Jack Thomp¬ son, brother of Mrs. Fincher, started m pursuit of the parties as soon as he learn¬ ed of the affair. The three were located at Bay St. Louis, Wad a telegram states Thompson arrived there Saturday. It is not known whether Walters dodged the angry and determined brother. Mrs. Fincher had her six children with her when she left. * The Deficiency Bill. Washington, Sept. 29.—The conferees on the deficiency appropriation bill have come to an agreement. The bill, as It 536. passed The the house, appropriated $5,230,- senate increased the appropri¬ ation $2,644,956, inrkiug the amount car¬ ried by the bill as it passed the senate $?,84,5,493. The conferees reduced this amount $1,209,233, leaving the total, as agreed to in conference, §0,666,259. Pneum onta. A person that is weak and debilitated as¬ a very great risk if he tails to give a be it ever so slight, immediate and qnick attention. When the system of such a becomes impregnated with a deep- is almost euro to result in a disease that is very nearly al¬ fatal. The timely use of Smith’s Toole at the very beginning of a cold will it at once. Its timely use has undoubt¬ saved many lives. I to tonic properties unexcelled, and its good effect on circula¬ system is felt at once, preventing eon- of tbe mucous mem brane and Wood It is the common sense treatment malaria, chills and fever, colds, influenza, grippe, action, etc., and baring far superior to quinine in It never any harmful after *. is the prescription of Dr. John Bnli. puisrllle. Ky., m which city it is used al- ' universally. Any druggist will get yon fppTif der roared and the rain fell in iorrents. At this 1 oar San Taylor » a la the Buckhorn saloon, seated at a play¬ ing cards with three other men. There wan a flush, a loud rcistrt, and Taylor, his chair. gasping and bleeding, Ml from The night barkeeper uttered a cry of pain, and he, too, f< 11 iu a heap upon the floor. An examination discovered the fact that Taylor wjw dead, he having rcceired a The charge barkeeper of buckshot under the left arm. was also found to lie bad¬ ly wounded. Five idiot bud euteied the small of his back. A Mexican had also received one of the bullets in his shoul¬ der. The assassin fired through a window, and both barrels of his gun are supposed to have been emptied at once. Two years ago Taylor killed a passen- — conductor—Server—at Valentine, on the wildest excitement among rail¬ road men, as Server was very popular among the trainmen throughout tho state. ’ About eighteen months ago he was shot at through a window in the Haymakers’ saloon at this place, and thus barely escaped death. No arrests have far been made, and the murderer is unknown. It is presumed that some friend of Server took this method of avenging The barkeeper his death. and Mexican will prob¬ ably die. IN A WRECK. Eight Persona Killed by the Carelessness of a Young Railroader. o'clock Zanesville, Ohio, Sept. 20.-About 1 trous freight Sunday wreck morning a most disas¬ iimore occurred on the Bal- and Ohio railroad, near Pleasant Valley, ville. a short distance west of Zanes¬ Orders were given the east and west bound freights to pass at Biack Hand, but Operator that place, failed to deliver the orders to the east bound train. Later he saw his mistake, and telegraphed would would legraphed be be the the operator o here ‘ that ..... there a a wreck wreck pretty soon, and then left his poet. He is a mere boy. Both engines and a number of cars, filled with ^ oats, coke and merchandise, Eight were piled up in the greatest confusion. Firsteon, mem, Engineer Buckingham, Fire¬ man Brakeman Keller and five tramps, injured. were killed, and several others Trains are running on the Pan¬ handle between Zanesville aud Newark, until the wreck is cleared, which will be several days. THE DREAM OF YEARS Soon to bo Realized by Some of Her Very Bo*t People. Franklin, N. C„ 8ept. 29.—The citi- zens of Macon county have voted for the issuing 000 for of bonds to the amount of $100,- the purpose of aiding in the con¬ struction of a railroad through Macon county. These bonds are to run for tiurt^yeara roadw^be^buUt at 6 per cent, interest,which The from the Geor¬ gia or South CoroUna line through Ma¬ ■Murphy con county division by Franklin, thence to the d t the Western North Carolina railroad. This is a project long looked and hoped profitable for, and one that will prove the most of anything that could be be¬ stowed in any way upon the citizens of the county, AT THE PISTOL’S POINT, A Slanderer Brought to Term, by Another Man and a Priest. Roanoke, Va.,Sept. 29.—A Mr. O’Mera has caused the arrest of J. J. Keely for assault and threatening his life, and of Father J. W. Lynch, pastor of St. An¬ drew’s Catholic ehuren, as accessory. The trouble arose through a scandal which O’Mera had made public concern¬ ing Keely and a lady of Father Lynch’s church. The priest arranged for a meeting, to which O’Mera came, not knowing Keely would be there. When they met, Keely forced a written retraction from O’Mera at the point of a revolver, remarking that he must sign or die. the Keely admits the assault, but denies fined priest's $25, connection and with bond it. keep Keely was gave to the peace. The case ^gainst Father Lvnch will be heard later. PROCEEDINGS AGAINST MINERS. Th« People File a Petition in the United States District Court. Knoxville, Tenn., Sept. 29.—A peti¬ tion has been filed by the district attor¬ ney in the United States district court for against Middle Tennessee, for proceedings all mining companies from which coal is shipped to Nashville, and all local The dealers petition selling alleges to consumers in that city. that a trust or combi¬ nation exists between the parties against whom it is filed, and asks for an injunc¬ tion in accordance with the provisions of the anti-trust law passed by congress July 2,1890. _________They Appeal to the HezxhanU----- ers’ Cobbville, Alliance Ga., Sept. 29.— The Farm¬ merchants of respectfully Telfair ask all the county to show their friendship to the farmers by refus¬ ing to but keep a single yard of jute bag¬ ging, bagging. supply All their customers with cotton sub-Alliances in the county appeal. are requested to make a similar Tallulah Should Have Hors 'phones. Clayton, Ga., Sept. 90.—News has reached here that Dr. H. S. Lucas, pro¬ prietor of the corundum mines of this county, will proceed at ones to construct a Clayton telephone Franklin, line from Tallulah Falls via to N. C. Wire suffi¬ cient for this purpose has already been purchased, Tallulah. 1 ia is now in the depot at Gaptnred in South Carolina. Raleigh, N. C., Sept. 20.—H. Byrd, who aided Steve Jacobs in escaping from jail at Lumberton, has been cap¬ tured in South Carolina, and Sheriff Mc- Eachern, of Robeson county, has gone to Columbia to get him. A reward was of¬ fered for the capture of Byrd. Cut tho Shorttr* Throat. McRae. Ga., Sept 29.—L. B, Clark cut Sheriff Lancaster's throat on Satur¬ a day, dangerous at the depot wound. in this Clark place, has inflicting fled parts unknown. to • Tbe Best Man in the World. wisest he who positively cheeks the best, one of tbe Us is disease at the start in the own heaven-granted system. In preserving or restoring deserve* profound consideration. gift of health, Bis he worthy to be imitated. The example is which afflict largely complaints us are attributable to a want of tore in the stomach, either inhe -ent or inflicted by ourselves onr *^ T «* ®P° upon n teat th-t mrch mrch abused abused repository repomtory of of teefood the food that that shoo’d shoo’d nourish nourish us. UP. What WllAt is in in KHmiMinai.t requirement in ,** ad¬ versity? A wholesome tonic. None so good M we iefy pPpa Stomach expenerce and testimony, is Hoste iter’s Bitters. Unmediciited stimulants won’t do. Regulation, as w«il as »ttaS£35S3S tire system, is ire wffirt-dyspepsi* re and Ml- Malarial, kffirey,blsd- by tii* saint ary rrforjBerof dTtatitk 8am . hi* big levivst la Mom ‘ ~ ‘ * r 47th. tee Tbe«L_,______ wild > i on with tint and weather ,—...... other is . (.laying , , Lauren* cotton crops In county, 8 . For the month of fSeptcuibet 5 them &ce of JaokLmviUe,pT ^ .South Carolina uimcmty will 1 its fall session next Tuesday. A ■ attendance fttevti *iMii tii is Uk expected c*j»vuui, Tue, day night at 12 v£<*k UwSav an- ty-eight tjf-eight pah river, feet at Augusta, and four Ga„ inches. scored liven- feet Dr. Henry Pope, a well known physi- denly clan of Fernand 111a, Fla., died verv sud¬ in that city last Tuewlav. The Southern Female college, at I a- Orange, l!?5 Ga , resumed exercises Monday, with young ladies in attendance. Ex-Governor O’Neal, of Ala) ana, has been stricken with partly si*, athia home in Florence. He is in u critical condi¬ tion. The cotton crop of Walton county,Ga., is badly damaged by the rains. In some sections tho seeds are sprouting in the bolls. Rev. Sam Jones Is reported to have raised $12,000 in Richmond, Va., last week for the orphan’s homo at Decatur, Georgia. The turnip crop of Washington coun¬ ty, Ga., is a failure, it being impossible to secure a stand on account of the rav¬ ages of insects. At a special session of the Masonic grand lodge, held in New was decided to erect a new temple iu that isity to cost $100,000. Cotton is coming in more freely at Midway, the continued Ala., this week than last, but rain is playing havoc with cotton in the fields. For the month of September only fifty- one deaths were reported to the city board of health at Jacksonville, Fla., as Occurring in tho city. Samuel J. Randall died even poorer than was supposed. The estate he left is dot worth more than $5,000, and it is mostly personal effects. of According Georgia to the returns, the Alliance the members nas elected three fourths of Of the state senate, and about four-fifths of the house. Henry Armstrongs prominent farmer of Blount epunty, Ala., who was serving as teized a jurfqran with bilious on a murder trial, was colic and died. The monument of Dr. Robert Morris, the eminent poet laureate of Masonry, was where formally he lived, unveiled at LaGrange.Ky., on tho 29th of Septem¬ ber. The Vicksburg (Miss.) Post says the rai&i&il has been continuous ana exces- slve over nearly the entire state. All Motions report rain from two to seven days. a population Complete census of 1,834,865— returns give sufficient Georgia the retention to insure of Georgia's ten con¬ gressmen under an apportionment ratio of 180,000. The steamship Yem&saee arrived in pleasant icksonvilie, Fla., Tuesday, after a very with voyage. berth 8he left New York cabin everv every ____ taken, and nearly 100 passengers. The New York Central: officials have decided that no more Knights of Labor has -to issued road, and lar to that effect. a circu- Tbe second annual —luting of the Tri- Btale Medical association—Alabama, Georgia Turner hall, and Tennessee—will be held in ber 14th, 15th Chattanooga, and 16th. Tenn., Octo¬ An attempt was made to rob the Mer¬ chants’and Traders’ bank, at Bruns¬ wick, Ga., Tuesday night. The burglars steps, were frightened and fled, leaving off by approaching foot¬ the door open. A young man named Hudio, while drank at a campmeeting, near Cum- Ga., Wednesday night, stabbed '»y tally. The badly and a young lady mor¬ sot wa8 arrested und turned over to the officers. The Times says Savannah has had nu¬ merous before wet Septembers has she in the past, but never been treated to such a continuity of leaden clouds, light showers and heavy storms as in the Sep¬ tember that has just closed. Among law the bills which failed to be¬ come a for lack of the president’s signature, was one to pay the legal rep¬ resentatives of Henry L. French, of Jonesboro, destroyed Ga., for 230 bales of cotton by federal troops in 1868. The prisoners in the Bibb county, Ga., jail dom made the another bold attempt for free¬ other night. Tom Woolfolk was among the number. The jailer found it out, however, and prevented the scheme. This is the third attempt. It is estimated that about one bale of cotton in every hundred received in the Montgomery, done Ala., market, this season, is up in cotton bagging. Now and then a bale comes in wrapped with pine straw--bagging, and alr thh fhe ra« rest £ith with jute. down Mayor —„ -- profanity. Schwartz, — ------ of Savannah, is on He doesn't use bad language indulging in himself, that lowest And to hear any one ity him foi form of ‘ vulgar- ' angers more tnan ~ drunkenness or any other offence t the city or- dinances. Washini , crops are be- ptinued furrows, rains, the farmers___ and which has opened. pick »being out dam- that ' pnnra.. _ ..... Tr _ „ Condense the cotton until - thirty it weighs over only two-third* pound* to the cubic foot, and is the usual size. The Crop Short and Prices Higher. Danville, Va., Oct. 2.-The rales of tovOffco in this market in September pounds were 908,gfS pounds, which is 633,448 less than the sales for September Ia*t. La»t. p»e The sales sales of of tobacco for the year endtag poMi, September Pl8, 30th 3( were 24,0:i5,O7( for for poapas, the the previous previous lieing t*ing 5,81 ,T70 pounds The less than this year $lS.i y< veai 22 ear, hundred price paid was per pounds, tming $4.47 hundred r _ than that paid per thb before. pounds more year The Best Advertising. The most efficient advertising in behalf of the s Sarsaparrilin is that which comes medicine itself. That is. those who cured by it, S)ieak to friends eufferinc- who in tarn deriv’f benefit and unre to try tbi« gnereegf ui medicine. Than circle of Itepopularity is rapidly widen¬ from this cause alone, and more and are Sarsaparilla becoming enthusiastic in behalf of as it actnally demon ft* absolute nwuiuMf merit. meni- A’l a i «m$ that is ih asked ankeil Hood'* Wnrwf* Hara^parilla _____ u« A that 1 __A 1 it J, a. be giren . a If you need a good blood purifier, building up medicine, try Hood's Rarea- -a--------- ..jntferaRfi kw to Bt Writ's C«Hr —j—„ oil Summer' Yomidoints. No <May, ft no diaanpotmuirnt. no «» failure We *41 N. 11 Prrwry. __j ___________ Ia<* I’fttteceon, who lives a few miles out from Americus, was badly bitten ^tlw^imnl ini? the a niton I. ^ ** *** ^ The children **• iividr*****) uml go 8” to tj**1 *zrn* vHiij only on on condition ( oiuiiMuii that I hit* matuvm IDAKIDA &jX*°ThT UIVNti don’t (hsm like them Priidi though AHA “riT ft. "tee ~—„—-JLl Americas, A ippublicun muss meeting in by huvinjf Saturday, bat wm» broken up money for campaign a jiuswetl around for — »xpen*e.t. Q lie Witt,’# Cnlir ahii t hol-’rtl isjv l» ulnars saieatHt altnp *»re. We m-uuuuPTiit it: 5 n tiVi «rv In a fifth t. bet wee 1 .lob Mint,m and Jobu Cocbrnii. iii - Newton Factory, Hinton wasie-rioivly tain Wiiur hit with u motik i y wivin ti lie Witt's Little He:Iv |h4*A, ii»s.t little Bold by K. It. lirewrc. i.-ti I! i.J l!r.-«th. The ordinary of Coffe.- county bus declined to accept the returns of tlie registration on the grounds that none of it has been legally done. We recommend De A'itt st’olie snd tholera (ffilf because we beliovo It is a safe ami relia qle remedy, its good effect* are shown at once in cases of Cholera Morbus nod simitar compUiipts. -V. R brewry. The Japanese viHiage, which has been on exhibition for gome time past in New York, will lie one of the curiosities at the state fair in Macon. De Witt’s Little Karly Risers.- Best Liver Pill ever made, lire Constipation every time. None equal Use them new N. JJ. Drewry. Gus Lassiter, a youth employed by Coney & Parker of Brunswick, was sent to the bank with a deposit of $180, which lie lost while on the wuy. Mysterious Disappearance. Mrs. John A Clarke was a great sufferer from Indigestion and Sick Headache. She left her homo last Saturday to buy a bottle of De Witt’s Little Early Risers, took a doss and tier headache disadpeared as mysterious- y os ft came. Try them. N. B. Drewry. A negro boy named General Gate- wood was sflot and killed at Social Circle last Saturday by a negro man named Sim Campbell. Campbell skipped. De Witt s Little Early Risers. Only pill to cure Sic k Headache end regulate the bowels. Sold by N. B. Drewrv. Brunswick, Judge Crovalt, the county judge at has given notice that alt Sunday Monday drunks coming before him on will be required to tell where they obtained their whiskey. No Gripping, no Nausea, no Pain, when Ds Witt’s Little Early Risers are taken. Hmall pill. Drewry. Safe pill. Beet pill. We sell them. N. JL There is a pear tree on Mrs. Cupe’a plantation, which, three miles from Homer, found By bo actual feet measurement was to ten in circumference, or a little over three feet in diameter. I was very susceptible to colds. The least exposure would effect my throat and lungs. At last 1 found a safe guard in .Smith's Tonic Syrup, also it prevents my taking cold and quickly Ga- cures me.—Henry Weldon, Sa¬ vannah, Ben Cook, one of the oldest print¬ ers in the state, diet] at bis home in Baldwin county last week at an ad¬ vanced age. He was one of the men who helped to print “Joe Brown’s Georgia days. money” in ante-bellum ____ Children Knjoy The pleasant flavor, gentle action and soothing effects of Syrup of Figs when in need of a laxative and if tne father or mother be costive of bilious the most that gratifying it is the results tollow its edy use, known so and best family family rem every should have a Bottle. > of Tobe Tbomasville, DonaidsoD, a colored baker was roblied of all his savings, nephew, $115, by Joo Williams, bis Monticello, Sunday. Williams fled to Fla., but was captured, and all but $2.90 of the money was recovered. Remarkable Uescne. Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plainfield, III., makes LYtW lunm, ImSVnLtd 7of h month by her family physician, <1. but gn grew worse. .,—-------— He told her she was —hopeless a hopeless vic¬ v tim of consumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption: she bought a bottle and to her delight found her¬ self oenefltted from first dose. 8he continued it* aso and after taking ten bottles, found herself sound and well, now does her owe housework and is as well as she ever we*. Free trial bottles of this Grent Discovery at J N. Harris A Bcn'sdrog store, large bottles 50c. ami $1.00. — ---------------------_ - British RtonmRhin rnlnrie A Stupendous Task. Tbe present cannot boast of things re¬ markable beyond precedent, for do we not rear! that when Alexandria wn* laid out “in tbe form of a plcthrum, or military cloak,” to an architect nan ed Dinocrares was as¬ signed the arrangement of the gardens, and he conceived the darini, project of carving Mount Athos into a statute of Alexander, “with a city m the right hand and a reser¬ voir m the left," But they knew not of the merits of the Cinchona tree of thorn yet un¬ discovered primeval fore*-*, and fever* and ailments thinned the ran s of soldiers and slaves. A bottle of pr. Westmoreland's Cal- isaya Tonic would have been as nectar to them. It* medicinal virtni* that, alleviate debility, dyspepsia, prostration, restore lost appetite, cure blood and iralarial invigorate tbe system, eradi¬ cate poison aod ward off chills and feve.-s. would have brought fresh la rrets to those conquering legion*. It is for sale by J.N. Harris A tfon and E. It. Anthony. Happy Boosters. : Wm. Timmons. Postmaster of Idaville Ind., writes: “Electric Bitters has dome more for me than all other medicines combined for that bad feeling arising from Kidney and stockman, Liver trouble." John iUtee, farmer and of same plaes. says: “Find Elec¬ tric Bitters to be the best Kidney and Liver medicine, made me feel like a new man.” J W. Gardner, hardware me: chant, same town says: Electric Bitters is just tee thing tor s man who is aB run down and don't cere whether he fives or dire; he found nsw strength, had good appetite and lek just like be a new lease on life. Only 50c. a bottle at J. X. Harris A Ron’s drag store. ’ ^ *F*r«teUN treated b M hem! Ahsrin MjjWte *• reliefi the mm teeA S, S S, 1 eorod efter m »l _ ______ C B. McLcmom, - RRATlSI^Eto dsmdK * Twa Ssurr Jtrt qwycCiy LD WARDS & SON, " itotogH Wbiir li ,;l.H ., \U *»«*! .O' E ww l»»4-4 t*.trir J C$s<4 l't»*il<igr*|ihi !#t _ M.r. li uml Mn.-hiwry » flail* lr- m mi .host Minin’are ,— U.-m. mts-r nar I'rict*. Eli * I'nbincts only $3.00 per itoien. Ft.A Card* only $1 .BO par dosen. H|«cciiil rare takes to stake good pictures of children Fnwr Puss—Two 80- ver Medal* for host Portrait* a*d bast Views, Awarded by Piedmont ExhiMtfoa. Sept I* d 2w October SherifTs Sale. \\T YV ILL BE SOLD ON THK FIRST TUBB- day in October mat. before the floor Of the Court Route, la ft* the titr following at Griffln, de¬ scribed Spalding County, to-wit: Georgia, The property, Half ot lot of land No. M,containing east 101M acre* of land more or lees, ft being in Origtanlly Henry “ the third district,_____ W. W. Woodruff, west by R. A. — favor 8 In issued ot Griffln from Banking Bpnldtag Company Superior C, v____ well A Keith. Squire Btilweil, tennnt in pos¬ session, legally notified. CONNELL, Sheriff. $0.00. B. 8. Ordinary’* V UOINABY’8 OFFICE, BpAuxnnComfTT «*., Bept. 1st, 1890.~W. H. Moore, ns administrator on estate of Henry Moore, ceased, has applied for leave tom# tbe In lor belonging to the tsiid estate for 1 One paying two-story deb brii of Broadway Griffln, Ga., on the eoraer of HID streets, known os tee post Griffln building. containing Also one houee snd tot in three-fourths of ab Mrs, more or less, bounded try railroad on north, on south by Christian church, and asst by 8. W. Bloodwoeth. Abo one honse and lot containing bounded forty-seven Hill seres, mere or Mm, Thurman east and by G. A. street, Cunningham, north by T. W. land# of Beeke’ estate and Mrs. J. H. west ~ i “ by and south by Mrs. J. H Keith and street. Also three hundred acres, more less, In Jackson county, Florida, Let all person* concerned show should not 1 $6.00. ■>ND, Ordinary. andT. V Ga., Hept. 1st, 1890.—D. W. W. ana W. Manley, a* executor* ol the last 1 of John Rogers, deceased, having application for loss, leave to noil acres, more or of tend * * ond district of originally Monroe, Spalding ol Elisabeth county, Rogers, known a* the dower ' district of said now deceased, I* i Let aU county. concerned show the Court persons of Ordinary t-w Gs., at my offlrw In i_ day In. by October, ten o’clock, 1800, a m., on the flrst should not be granted. why such spptte-- $«• 00. E. W. HAMMOND, Ordlaary. QRDINARY^ OFOT, 8 pa^»«CopW*T M*rs. * administrator on the estate of Vir, ’ purpose of paying debts and lor distribotfon amongst the heirs, to.wit: One nndirldsd one-fourth Interest in tbe old Merttt Bank property In Griffln, G oaths omon street aud an am Also one uadi- vided one-fourth interest in a dwelling bowse and lot on the comer of Solomon ion and Eighth in Griffln, Ga should 00. not b* granted. W. HAMMOND. ' "* ' E. Ordinary . idmintotratar on th* ssSaU of Mm. M, a3 M. Pwrce . deceaaed, Monging ha* spiled raUeitotie for immrm foTffirtrteT to the lands amonptXU. to to^y tion and tfeMh ot Griffln, Ga * 11 Pwvo’Mtoneerned show « October. 1800, why such n.m. not tom-rated. L.W. HAMMOND, Ordinary, has applied to me for letter* of adattafston. on the estate of John Ballard, late of county d e ce ased. Let sH persons concerned show canes before Ordinary administrator has applied on estate for Wave of T. to A. seU Bate? tte belonging to said «statsfor the purpose off of krt, number not known, bsiag a ad hi * L'nion CUo, District Dl of s aid ro MU uaty; ' M Let ot ctober, IteSSBS perwor----— ten be of granted. o’i ( jlowo, - -:- st n vm S „ $*i.oo. E. W. HAMMOND, Padimmy. bro plaes hundred and ... In Miff WwWi »should notbs, to Ml raid tm- ere I the •Now, An, Iu 1 tenrtt_________ »re will sen More < sale. 8p*‘<“ ofjasd lot is the rily'af Ism. Lr,—. oraw hnntMfoaif mere Jfti or Ia knowa T Tai* 1 l m i ALABAMA RAILROAD. if- * tifU bit —rrrj . • at - Salt Tnaaday, Ww —fcir 4Hi, (ISO, — - --JLand bama ■Pis a: STAL i* tea November, City 1»»0, of m?. aygitet t Ai^hiteus Rtilrutti iSMlJl’iN iCwniteS d Carroll to Cs <^|«» -rnff ,.+U *4**^*.* iAiirtiffh’ t Hi" gp Mrn [ a 201 glasses and profftst _ h* as in sqs ., Griffln and. with urinre sum of One Hm ra&4 *by Um Harmrior ffitvmy WpropertyM natureandraid n**c _- ll ^aFvm,i «i . r< T k T’§£«~' : f ; at- OR v» EL EL 1 "J* * too ”, 1200 “ 14 “ *• MU bought --twn low, of aod Hampton__ only <mi C. It R. tm Mb 10 Atlrat*. 6. A. CUNNINGHAM, Raw) Bnknta IhMIlI ** «.<--------- _______ represent i to ^ rAr .’ J)- I ra wee rrhraged Eapafa ***««>