The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, November 19, 1890, Image 2

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Hi Imk&i V Kit, Kd. A Prop’r I AdfiUwe) I'W-Anmim *5.00 if, On* Year.............. . 1 . 00 . Nov. 1W, 1800. I Of Scolding Co. Advertising Kates T--On* dollar per square I or the Unit. ~ i and ttftycent* (Or each subsequent ted line* or less to bs conn ns ft J NOTICES—V) cents per line for 'on. No insertion under tills head ii 60 cents. All Insertions for less tt must l>e paid for in advance, i win lie made with parties wish »their advertisements longer lame atm ns (or the Dnilv About this time look out for the ap- nuunoeof the new one dollar treasury not**. They will contain the bead of the old war secretary Stanton ns their umlJtngrotat.__ "That featberbead who has been l a u g hin g at the new air ship about which we have just heard may yet live to take a voyage in it," ia the latest prophecy as Congress has not yet made any ar¬ rangement for the seating of a delegate from Alaska, yet that enterprising young territory has her delegate already elect¬ ed and waiting, expecting all the time when he will be called. Another fine vein of coking coal has been found in Virginia in the south west¬ ern part of the state. It is twenty-two feet thick and pronounced to be of ex- oeUeat quality. A few more discoveries like this will bring back to the old state, hot in a far different way, some of the prosperity of bygone times and perhaps help pay her debt after a while. The Halifax Herald takes an original view of the McKinley tariff law. It de¬ dans that the law was passed with the "avowed purpose of coercing Canada into severing her connection with the British empire and becoming a part of the United State*. It ia, therefore, in its nature an act of war on the British em- ytra to bring about its dismemberment.” Ex-Governor Gilpin, of Colorado, may poaaibly yet see before be dies the con¬ summation of bis great soberno for build¬ ing a railroad around the world by way of Alaska and Behring straits. The plan has been pronounced by engineers feasi- i really cap able of being carried Gilpin, except at one point. Gilpin a<I- voeated building a road from island to island across the straits. Capt. Emery, of the Thetis, thinks it would not be possible to use at all seasons of the year a road built across the islands, on ac¬ count of the cold. But he says a tunnel can be constructed under the straits that could be used by trains the year around. Timber Depredations. United States Laud Commissioner Lewis A, Groff calls attention to tliu continued poachings on the forests of tbs public domain. An examination of tho reports back as far as July 1,1881, and extending up to tbo end of Jane, 1889, shows that the best timber still be¬ longing to the United States is being ruthlessly destroyed and stolen, aud will soon be exhorts ted. There are laws Against tliis stealing, but the laws are imperfectly enforced, and always have been because citizens of the United States find it difficult to eradicate from their minds the idea that appropriating anything belonging to Uncle Sam is not stealing. - Our laws are utterly inadequate to protect the forests of the public domain, and they are melting away liko snow wreaths in spring. Commissioner Groff suggests that whenever the public woods are situated in a locality in which tim- their vicinity, that provision be made for supplying such actual settlers with the needed lumber. Bat the constant cutting of timber on those lands and shipping it off and selling it elsewhere, patting the money into private pockets, should be stopped at once and forever. Commissioner Groff says the law should be made sliffer, so as to prevent the cutting and deportation of pnblic timber beyond the neighborhood where it is needed, as stated by him. Also the catting of any timber at all should be forbidden on mountain sides and near the bead waters of streams, or at any pther point where for economic, climatic or public reasons tho land should be left permanently wooded. How’s This ? We offer One Bandied Dollars Howard for any ease of Catarrh that ran not be cured by faking t\ 4. C.mney Hail’s Gatarrh <‘iire. Toledo, Co.,- Props.. known O. We, the undersigned, have F. .1 Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in alt business traus- . _____financially by by able to carry out W«*t obligations A Troax, ‘ ins m« WholesaleUrna Wiiob‘saieDrnggist made mode made I their ureu firm. mu». _____ ___x, _____ .Toledo/). Waiding. Kiunan A Mnrvin. \V Drukgists, Toledo. Ohio. Hall t’atarrli C’lire ‘ is taken iulenuilly * acting direetly upon the iih*od 75c nml mvic-.n* surfRce* of the system. Prii-e, |« n In. tie. Bald by nil druggists. i Ch route lll-fleulth, How many pass tbroegh.’U* How never knowing wbn - it meons to feel well. Biany cou- toex st whowould glndl.v laydown.iml "SHM* -eotae ft requires more i to die, They ivc f ir . icy live bits* a pia.t.sT itm H ;»5ess ii tie ones. h! sa-i it isuffiicte.1 with Relies i. parent gjwkai to im.-dysi* blame who . means of o-liei c, e who long snffereil in a ti, slios. lives wa e • I elin.s I .lisfre s. front m vt'A« d.s I m, vs. have M.»vr , r. sTohu M i ss?; . ----TSTFiSt JVrlmps you are run down, can’s coni .duett, can’t Husk,can’t do anything what aits «*» your Hathdiicttoli, ami Jot, womlcr takjiij? you. f«n ebnnW hssdtimwaMiiug, into Prostration. jum HP 1 You tlh? first step Nervous Electric Bluet* iwsut a Nerve Tonic and tu n-storiiig you will flml the exact remedy Its normal, for healthy your nervous syiitem to condition. Kuril rising results follow the use of tills great Nerve Tonic and Alterative. Your upiiettte return, good digestion is re¬ stored, hriilfhv and action. the i,Ivor,ami Try abol^e. Kidneys Fries resume 50c. at ,1. N. Harri s & Son’s Drugstore. Miss A. n. Cleghnrn, n Hawaiian princess, and in the line of succession to the throne of Honolulu, arrived in New York from Europe on Sunday. She is shortly to wed u well known Englishman. , To the Suffering. Over one hundred columns of voluntary certificates have been printed In the Atlanta .lonrmd trom such people as Rev, J. II Hawthorne, llev. Sum I* Jones, Hen. H. W. Orady. Moj. Chas. IV. Hndrftr, late of tlie ‘‘Christian Index;” Gon. James Long- street Col. W. Avorr, late editor Atlanta '-Constitution,” and hundreds specialists of prominent and dii ities. editors, doctors, others, certifying to remarkable cures per¬ formed by Dr. King’s Koval Germetuer, after eminent physicianssud all known remediss had fail# t.' Mend two-rent Co., Atlanta, stamp to Ou., King’s for Koyn! Germetuer book of p ict loulapi. It is truly a great rem- ody, and surely mires when all else tails. A MINISTER’S CURE A MiNisTien anu ms littlr bov cured of OltSTIMATK SKIN DISEASES BY THE CUTICUBA Ukiieimkh. Praises them in the pulpit, IldME, AND IN THE STREET. Cured bv Cuticura. For about thirteen years I have been troubled w'fch ecxema or some other cutan¬ eous disease which all remedies failed to secure. Hearing of the Outiouha Remedies I resolved to give them n trial. 1 followed the directions carefully, and it affords me niTch pleas ii re^to say that before using two boxes of the Ctticura.four cakes of Cuticura Huai-, and one bottle of Uutkjika Resolv¬ ent, I was entirely cured. In. addition to mv own case, my baby boy, then about five months old, Was suffering with what 1 supposed to ho the same disease as mine, to such an extent that his heud wus coated over with a solid scab, from which there was a constant flow of pus which was sickening to look upon, besides two large tumor-like kernels on the back of his head. Thanks to your wonderful Uuticuha Remedies, his scalp scattered is perfectly well that /mil there tlie is only kornels one jiuve little hern so and that is healing place by hie left ear, -kss ‘ Instead of coal ing of scabs ss nicely, of have n much better than that, u fine coot the disease. I would which was destoyed by of sufferers from skin that the whole world and lilood diseases knew tlie value of your Cuticura Remedies as ldo. They nreworth ten times tho price at which they ore sold 1 have never lined any other toilet soap lti my houfw since 1 bought the first cake 01 your OcTSCUKA. SoAi*. I would lie inhuman, uk well aw ungratofu). should I fail to speak well of and recommend them to every sufferer. I have spoken of ihem, am! shall continue to Hpeak of them from the pulpit, in the homes, *md in the streets, fraying that you may live long, and do others the same amount of good you have done me and my child, I (1U v ') C '! m'.' M AN N*IN g',~Ro x 28, Aeworth, 0 a. Cuticura Remedies Are in truth the greatest skin cures, blood purifiers, and humor remedies of modern times. Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticura. 50c.: Soap, 25e.; Resolvent, *1. Prepared by the Potter Drug nnd Chemical Corpora¬ tion. Boston. Cure Skin „, . _• Diseases, — » f-9“8end for ‘‘How to lUOtestimon- f,4 pages, 50 illustrations, and inls. r 1 MThlpVmd Cuticura Soup. OLD FOLKS’ PAINS. Full of comfort for all l’ains, Inflammation and Weakness of of the aged is tlie Cuticura Anti- Pain Plaster, tlie first and only pain-killing _ strengthening paster. New, lust ant am-mis and i nfallible. if ---T—3W* Fashion Blade, Nop. 15, 'HO. [Spuimil.]—.ItiHt urriveerttig- fnshion- lot SILK FELT HATS in every til/le Sltiipe und Shnde, tintl nt tlie very Ii—Tlie lowest price. wide lirond brims N. extra nre the “Leader.’' —ALSO- NELLIE BLY CAPS beautiful, in Velvet Frieot, Cash- mere nnd Cloth, and in Fancy and Soliti C olorg. ^F7\M'V (iflt rrmr—A FTdert lot Held itig’s Skein nnd Spool Embroidery, Ktuning n nd Rn w Svlk i’-i "b eolor«- ntuVshades. Uelicnte perfum-ties (tinllui Belts, in uruumetlfnl V’ns ew • j, (iitives, Hair Ornaments and Hair Foods. Orders promptly executed and satisfiietum gain ante>-d. Old ur.ti soiled bend wear, dyed TTnd repaired at short notice and low rates. MllS. L. L. BKNSON'S l no, 2‘t 1H..L K’l'lr.::r scpl2S-iU\v2m. IV. B’KER & CO.. Oorchet Mass ^Pure, Itrilliant, Perfect. Authentic Living Testimonials from Distin¬ guished Generals and 'Statesmen : n favor of Hawkes New Crystalized ersts tv r All Others Testimonials from the leading physicians in the United JState**, ^overnore, senator*, stockmen, men - f nothin nil pro ft H'-yniH ami in differaorebranch** of trade, lifihkcrs r«f t’anics, ef<? can It** nho . | )i ive had tiieir sifjht Improved 1 >t their use. ! These glasses have won tli tt admiration of mil who h,*tveuapd them. They can Ik' worn any length of time at one sitting: and tfive a marvelous cleurnesa of vision. They stand tiurividh’d in their splendid reputntiim. IMITATIONS. The market is full of imitations, represented oiystnliicd to be the sninh as Ilnwkcs new ls«Si-s. These imitations..are inmost cases, jiriidm- ivcof positive ijtjtirv to the n-commend eyes of tho »r n-r M.tuv dealers wd interior C| ve(Holes a .1 et e g asses, «fnl thtjse of lower price wit teh afltt d more prsitlt to tin niseiVeS. fnmousgbisses»* Alt ey. s fitted with thaw the ilrtigst re > f Harris 4 Son, novtit-vl* Griffin. -tf:n. On., Every paii warranted, rHAMN 'Mi- . ..... T . “Joat look at WW1 ____ ... ..reporter off _ each „ party of a down boy* trooped with a big pnmplrin antler his arm. "That in the way trim* been for ten (lays They part. Bet I hate sold a carload to boys. want bigones, too. The common, ordi¬ nary size doesn’t seem to meet their no¬ tion." "What do they «lo with them?” "Count the seeds. There is a perfect craze over it. Nearly every lady who comes along here doing her day’s mar¬ keting says, ‘Send me up a pumpkin, a large one; my little boy wants to count "I thought at first it was jack-o’-lan terns they wanted them for, such as w< used to make when I was a boy, but ii seems that is a guessing contest for a pony going on. The child guess¬ ing the nearest to the correct number of seeds in a giant, pumpkin exhibited in one of tbeir'vvindoWH gets the pony, and these boys arc Bunting a few facts on the seed question. ‘Tisn’t a bad idea, but it keeps us prodneo men hustling for big^pUmpkins."—•Washington Post. t'lorul Fmlilon*. The chrysanthemum is in the ascend¬ ant, and very soon every house, flat or room will be illumined by its Bplcndid bloom. This is one of the effects of tak¬ ing Japanese art into our bosom. We have learned the decorative lesson and profited, for it would seem a flowerless autumn were we to be deprived now of this perfect bit of natural decoration. Ami another floral idea has also arrived from Japan, one which bids fair to rival the more fragile creations of Ihs green¬ house. Dwarfed trees, strange, stunted, gnome like plants, set in the artistic porcelain pots of that land of art and invention, will he used for dinner table and house decoration. Already they are employing them in London houses, and no doubt in time they will appear here, superseding the familiar rubber plants and palm, and giving that one note of vernal oddity so prized by the tasteful owner of a well composed room. -Boston Herald. Lightning Kill* lilril*. A singular story is told by a head gamekeeper in Prussian Silesia. A few weeks ago ono of his under keepers found in the tract of shoot ing country under his charge a covey of partridges, two old birds and fifteen young ones, all lying dead. They were huddled up close together within the space of equaro yard, but wore too decomposed to show any reliable signs of the cause of their death. Poison was at first sus¬ pected, as the spot was close to some peasants’ allotment, but a car .'"l ex¬ amination of the ground revealed struck the fact that the birds had been by lightning. The flash had struck a little mound a short distance away, and then coursed nlong the ground, and the grass surrounding tho spot where the par¬ tridges lay had a burned and yellow ap¬ pearance. —Exchange. • Duckivn’s Arnica Solve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Halt Rhontn Never gores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblain*, Corns, and all K kin Eruptions, (required. and It positive ly cores Piles or no pay is gunr- ted to gives perfect sntisaction, or money re J. N. Harri s A Son. __ Female Weakness Positive Cur? Free. To tub Emroit: Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the thousand and one ills which arise from deranged female organs. I shall be glml to send t wo bottles of my remedy tree to any Isdy if they will send their Express nnd 1‘. O. address. Yours respoctinlly, Ds, J. B. MARCHIHl. 185 Gene¬ see St.., Utica, N. Y. For Over Kitty Years An old and Well Third Kkmkdy —Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup hn» millions been of used mothers for over for fifty their vein children s by while teething, with perfect success the It soothes the child, softens gums, allays nil pniu, cures wiiyi for colic, Dfflirrtkrn. nml is the best, remedy Sold Druggists Is uleusant in to thetasjo. part, of wor’d. by Twenty five every bot¬ the cents a tler—Its value is •incalculable. Be Burehnd usk for Mrs. Winslow’s ^nothrnpr^Yriip kind and take no other «, o«kV ulv. The HonieTruth of a Foreign Proverb. peligroso—“too The Spanish have much a proverb- is diuigerous -'l' 'nm.*iudn " , e« ...... .. •*KrOvI‘ ’brevity ill f the ** non l of * wit./ ' *■ ’ tins raeaiin “ ” a gr^nt m*af; «a4 * ft hi vimfir u»iuii - ce« in eating ami drinking nre prodiietive of one trenvendoiw oviT—tlie progenitor of many othew—^uid t hese are aiming, the fid*; hew t o whi<d> thiw jiithy nifyingj i t np- digention," to the relief and eure of wliieh Hon* tetter’8 Stownch bittete bun contributed mo re tlmn any medicine which aeienee haw given’o the American poop’o This orating »tomnehie and comwtive i« tlie means not only of reforming a disordered <>r entotb eil condition of the digestive orgaiin. but of renewhig healthy net ion of the bowels and the liver. llesideK this, it counteract* n tendency to rheumatism and Kidney com¬ plaint extirpates nml prevents malarious disease, is u potent restorative of strength wtiiciiis failing, hastmiB convalescenee und mitigates the inflrmitfes of age. Tlie New Dtseovery. You have heard your friends aud neighbors talking about it. You mayyourSelf be one of the many who know from persona! experi¬ ence just how good a thing it is. If you have ever tried it, you are one of its staunch friends because the wonderful tiling about it is. that when once givenn trial. Dr. King's New Dis¬ covery ever Hfter holds a place in the house. If you have neyer used it and should be af¬ flicted witli a cough, cold, or any Throat, Lung or ( host trouble, secure u bottle at once and give It a fair trial. It isRunrnnteed evhrv tunc, or money refunded. Trial Bot¬ tles r'n-e at rh N. ffarris A Son’s Drugsfor.-. ^y.fn ss Can t be Curi’fl by-local applications, as they can There not is reach only the diseased portion of t he ear. one way to cure Deafness,and that is by eoi^ stitutionill iremeilies. Deafness is caused by jin influrued condition of the tuueons lining of the Eustachian Tube. Whi n this tats-gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or im¬ perfect tliftnng, lieu ring, anti aild when wuen if it ■(< s.-atirelv eHrimy chikwi closed iH>a{ > ,4r» Ih the iwult. and nuhvs tl»*' mtlain- mat »• »n can Im* taken out and thistuln* nstor- «sl - to Its * normal condition, ..... hmsmia' wifi " * f»*’ destroyed fort'ver; nine cases out often aiv caused by catarrh, which is nothing bu r au inffnmr^l coudifioci «*f the mucous surfaces. We will nitre 0m l Hundred Dollars f*»r any etiwof Pealm»« teatiKetl by Catarrh) that wc can no t eure hy tuktug HnlPs Catarrh f *titv. Hetn) for eimtlars. fn*c The JleMf AdvertI nIii^: The ni'tad efficient ml vert iwiny in tsha!f ;»f HtMuPs .<irs3ipatr»llu is that whi h c*>m*s from tie medhune itself. Th t is. t.hose win** are cure*V by it, s, e.iL to friettCs simthir who in urn derive benefit and otlw-ii to try this nu^essful in *t»<dne. - Hots the <*ir**h* of its if.v is r?» id. 1 .. t»» > u inir froitti tics t*i»u*-e id«*nc. jinj yu*m v «oid lltxkfM ns* t Jb filling ■mKll i .yl *■ in <rt h i‘ »», 8 usap-ir if« n it *»* »ah> h« Ftrn i f- its ftiifl hite »ecr : \ » ’’a ■ • Hoodr Sgt**V dL. is th > U ; .• tu a If i» tn**- 1 * .w hitiWittg UR •uwlicim- * *' uu rills \ ;u liar rtiiny pevnttar points make Hood’s Hsu , par ilia superior to ail other medicines. Peculiar In combination, proportion,^ and lood’a preparation Sarsaparilla of Ingredients, jrilS, possess#* Uie^^rfVV, the full curative value of last known teme&len^roi the vegetable klng-^r dom. recuiiar in •trengui ami economy Hood’s Sar¬ saparilla Isthe only tried! tine of Jr which can truly be raid ,,JrA ^^Dollar.” Hundred Dusi- One ^ aO Medicl;s_s iu larger and smaller bottler kA~J^larger ^ good results doses, and H.i. ilo no; S _^gpvoduce Peculiar lu ns Its nuSdlcinal ns mem?, flood's Sai-sapariila accor«p!!*!iC8 enrer Lille erto unknown, and has won for ltseif VC the title of "The dlscovercd.”^^^ greatest blood purifier ever ev Pccuilarln its “ good name home,''—there is bov/ psere of Hood’s Sarsaparilla sold In 1, o w e i i, where It is made, than of other blood purlflera. r Peculiar Jji its pbenome- nal record of sale* nbroad, other preparation has r evcr attained such popu- ln so short a time, ^nd and retained Its r»>! hlaritj confidence nmox^ all classes r "of people so stcadtastly. Do not be Induced to buy other »reparations, Medicine, but bo sure to get the Peettllar Hood’s Sarsaparilla Sold fry ah dragged*, fl; »ixtor03. Prepstreu ouljr by C. I. HOOD * OO., Apothecarle*, Lowell. Ala**. IOO Doses One DoIIpj Parties who wish Vacnntlots to Rent nnd or Buy Farms, Stores, and Dwelling houses, esongh meet the demand. I bavn’t got to Those who have rtny of the above to rent or sell would find it to their interest to commit me before disposing of them on or before Kept. 1st. I have only u, few places left and there are bargains in every one of them. Himmons house and lot, 7 rooms and 12 acres land in edge city limit*. limits. 100 acres land in edge city Hi *• “ inside “ “ 53 . ” 4 “7 room house, Hill street. 2 Vi “ 5 “ *‘ Poplar street. 2 V-i ” 7 •’ •“ Taylor 1 ” Vacant, Teylor street. ;% u Stephenson place, 8th street. 207 “ 2 miles, I est fruit farm in the State, on C. R7K t 130 acres 2 miles Good fruit farm 700 “ 5 “ from city. 1200 “.14 “ “ " good improve¬ ments. 80 “ 5 " Large, Jossey place,near fine vineyard. Hill st. Vj . “ 7 rooms, H “ 5 “ Goulding “ “ “■ 1 “ 7 ‘ Mi s. Crocker’s Poplurst. Also 15 to 20 house and lots and land in the town of Hampton on C. R. R. can be bought, low, and only 10 miles from Griffin and 33 from Atlanta. (J. A. CUNNINGHAM, Ural Estate Agent. ICLEANEI), CURED AND DYEDJATJ PHILLIPS, 1 pt Marietta Street, Atlanta,JOeorgla. ■TALSO KID GLOVES CLEANED. octTTKr^mtt BANK g- ^ ^ OFFICEji I 1 desks knd storl Fixtures ‘theJ erry m f g. co. NASHV1U-E TEN N UNIMER OFFER T>UY D to An«Mt, September, or October end per when crop* ire told. Spat Cash Prices. The Loweet known. Jut»little ceeh down, bslsnoe December 1Mb. No Interest. Oar entire etoek-siur msto- prioe or style. BEST Sum¬ mer offer we ever made. Write for dreutox- Sl’M.YIKil OFFER 1800 LUDDEN S BITES, SAVANNAH, OAj_^ pe» cone s ornune world ncoe /sort one o*haii(E 5 GOLDEN SPECIFIC ___________________________jt and speedy whether the patient ft pet_ is nent cure, wreck. % loderate drinker or an alcoholic IT NEV^ :R FAII-H. It operates so quietly and with such annuity enience, that and the patient his complete undergoes reformation no incon- ia soon OTected. 48 page bo“^ Tm *— 1 — j *—*-------------- « W. MANGHAM H,*vt \ 7-cod A w- lv Griffln. Ga. C « HtS PILtS, SALT RHEUM, .Tetter, ' burns ^SCALDS, SORES, WOUNDS, IN¬ FANT'S SORES And CHAFING, SORE NIPPLES AN INVALU¬ ABLE REMEDY FOP CATARRH 25 ^? Rcliaslc on oucaiSTS T ON Po*m WHELESs'si AMP __ -PRESS CO- 748 REYNOLD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA Agents Wanted I Catalogue FREE! RUBBER STAMPS, SEALS, BADGES, CHECKS, STENCILS STEEL STA M PS, &0. iiefc M.mifaeturvrs ot Tho WueiassSelf-f nking Rublve* Stn.r ' Prii Vine Pre^? ‘jqf Tfir THF BEST KNOWN REMEDY. -U.U.C.” Cures Gonorhrea and G Cteetln 1 to5 I>nys, without Fain, Prevents Stricture. Contains no acrid or poisonous substances, and is guaranteed absolutely harmless. Is prescribed by physicians and rocomended by druggists. Price fi«b* »1. Sold by druggists. Ileware of stUute..^dLOJ* Formic by E. R. Anthony, Griffin, On. Pippi «!e*P well, U restlc**, unnatural ia its appetite and Georgia Midland & Gulf RK hwk fable, No. 32, Taking tflect June. 22, 1890 NORTH BOUND- Daily LJuve Columbus.......................... Griffln.................................**/ Arrive **’ l^nve Columbus.............................“• , Arrive Griffln.................................” ;,‘ r {stave Griffln..................................„ McDonough........................ Arrive SOUTH BOUND—Dxily. ■ Is?a ve McDonugh........................ 1 8 J ^ 2 ° Griffln..... a P „ „ ........................... Columbus.......................... f Leave .................................. 7 Uo „ Arrive ColumbBB.......................... : 0 NORTH BOUND—Ffkioht. Columbiie...i.. # . ft, ffi . . * Griffin............................■*$* McDonough................8:80 SOUTH BOUND—Fbeiout. McDonough.................. Griffln....................-*«* „ Griffln.............. ’ CoIumbuB,...^***.-...... **• m m it. 8. UMb nm 10.1? ^In effect,’^une 1st, 1800. 1 H|No. 15 —Daily.1 >-* a No. 10 —Daily, Atlanta ........................ ..6:00 p.m. Griffin.. .. 8:00 No. 3—Dail«. Macon ...3:80 a.m 0 "No. 11— Daily. .. 7:90 a. m. 9:20 “ Griffin........-................. .. 11:00 “ Atlanta...................... .. No. 1 —Daily. Macon.......................... 4:00 1:40 p.m. Griffln.....................—• “ 5:40 . Atlanta............................. No. 13 —Daily. ...8:12 “ ....8:32 “ ...10:10 “ No. 2 -Daily. Atlanto......................... ... 7:00 a. m 8:32 “ ... .4.10:35 “ No. 14 —Daily. S-.V.’ Leave Atlanta........................... .. 11:30 a m Arrive Griffln........................... .. 1:00 p.m. 1:25 “ ... Macon............................... 3.40 No. 12—Dailt. Leave Atlanta............................... 2 : ^k P \?m Arrive Griffin..................................C00 ...................................COo . J Leave “ _ Arrive Macon..................................6.15 |No. 4—Daily Leave Atlanta............. ................ Macon................... -...11-20 No. 33—Daily. Leave Griffin.............................. Carrollton.........................12.20 p. m No. 34 —Daily. Leave Carrollton..........................4:20 Newnan................................5:25 p. m Arrive Griffln..................................7:20 Arrive No. 31 —Daily, except Sunpay. Leave Griffln................................. 4:00 p. m. Arrive Newnan............................. »:25 Carrollton........................... 8:10 ^ Arrive No. 32 —Daily, Except Sunday. Leave Carrollton............................0 ; 50 a. m. Arrive Newnan.............................- 8: 45 Arrive Griffln................................U:00 • prta r Or lUl tilici Ih/lu Luaiion voltttiyp tick et rates, best routes, schedule, Ac., write to or call on JN0. L. REID, Agt., Go. E. T. CHARLTON. G. P. A.. Griffin Savannah, Ga. THE EAST TEiiSf. VA. & fiA. BY. SYSTEM IS|TBfE ONLY SHORT and DIRECT UNF - J |TO THE^; : North, East and West AND THE) SUMMER RESORTS ---OF- M East Tennessee, Virgir^ and Carolinas. The best equipped line ami finest Pallrna Sleeping Car Service --- IN THE SOUTH. TYLER DESKS—200 New Styles. TYLER ROYAL TYPE ’W RI T ER CABIKETB, TA¬ BLES, and Special CHAIRS, Discounts. BOOK CASES, Oataloges *«., ft *t 1190 Redand read* Rate, bow 130 pages, Illustrated. Book free; Postage 10c. TYLER BANK COUNTERS. CHgriH ter 8t?ta. Qultt? u. PrlM. ('.lor. d pevfeei werfc el Art| ISO oet*e> ■V ' ■■ Reek free* Post*c« ■ !» 1S • a eU. cm. TyUES DESK C0., BT. ------ LOUIS, M0., U 8 A. libliljc*. . " The - s&i:. tiye puwTr o'» r Weak Lun.r* ? i. d ,< VessIm;iUpc are — - dragjriu; J * — s'*-' lil Vv» I 'ii ______ nreS,,.! ___liU|.-i' Ue . . date Himcoj. .c B. A. FAHNESTOCK'S 253 ISt 7. It it note ever tioty ptort tine* tMt mtdl ein* ico« oftrti at a rtmtdy for WORMS, an until from that tun* itt reputation hat ttoadily inortattd wL tdgtd at throughout Ot p r a nntSayit nearly itim ali part* io o roally of tho aatno teorld to bo th* Sovereign Remedy for WORMS, VERMIFUGE. TO WEAK WEN Prof. F. C. FOWM*. — ' Bl* a to acknowledger 1 CpWofxUMMpA^it f< t. , LlltttSMtoCHtklCUOR vra «>). b 7 safe to recommending it to;«n „ _ m an Body ¥? a « et linOeisrT.-v' "\7:v •. ’ - • t \ SAVF YOUR MONEY -GO TO- w For*Coal Vases,. Oil Stoves and cheap Pocket Knives. The knives were bought before the advance. the The Charter Oak still leads the Cooking Stove, an d “Times” competes with any others in Grrffirb Hardware we are the cheapest, and will treat you all rig i Come and see us. DAVIS. — . W. D. II. W. HA88ELKUS, Dealet in SHOES AND LEATHER, 22 HILL STREET, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. ^ g , I desire to coll the attention of the public to the great waste of ^ dollars each year in this city—by purchasing poor footwear, made to sell but n vice, and which can tie avoided. manufacturing . ppviaS It has been onr aim to save money for onr customers by shoes that tnc #wt 4 . the most solid nnd lies! goods only, for it is especially true of cheapest, chashing shoes. hud we therefore take pleasure in inviting all to examine H.w.HA onr K'TagDj^fS sept20-d*w3m DR. GR 0 SVEN OR S tt Bell-e&p-sic FLAST r tr p £1 ... ’ •xL.J',. ...V; i -■ . - L PEYTON H. SNOOK, at Fiim NO. 7 AND 0, MARIETTA ST., AT LANTA, C/ OneJThousand Parlor, Chamber and Drawing Room Suites"! Beautiful Parlor Suites only $25.00. Silk Plush Suites only $35,000. / Woven Wire Springs only $3.00. Elegant Folding Lounges x6th Century $7.50. Suites $35.00. *f Hat Racks, Book Cases, Folding Beds, Fancy Chairs 500 yards Carpets—best. Ingrains—Wardrobes, Chevai Suites, Fancy Cabinets, Dining Tables, Colotvoal and weather Chairs, Cotton and Hair Mattresses, Iron and Brass Beds, Large Full Arm Rocker $2.00. Ali orders promptly filled and satisfaction guaranteed. ; P. H. SNOOK, Atlanta, Ca. oct4.d*w-3m. COLUMBUS Buggies and Carts The best built and most celebrated in the United States. For sale by ,___________________ J. A^OARWtN. At Livery Stable on Broadway Sept. 26 dtf Look To Your f S fiprlrg time always try* the strength oi the animal—the very time of the year when mtw and beast requires all of their forces to ucconiidisli their work. The change of eeusoti rr duces langor and the inquiry is, “What will give me strength ? What will keep me up to dr, my Spring work?” Take AniidyspepCordinl to regulate your liver and bowels, make ,imi food Powders digest and energise yonr nervous system. Try it for yourself and the Denison Sited for your horses*, cows and poultry. Call at DREWRYS DRUGSTORE KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE UNT ovelty Co. Weekly we are receiving new goods. See our stock it you want 4 Watches, Clocks. Silver-ware. China. Dinner Sets Tea Sets, Lamps,|Glassware, Tinware, &c. tST* All goods guaranteed as represented. One price .only. j J. W. SPARKS R.,F. STRICKLAND 9 NO. 57;HILL STREET, GRIFFIN, GA. We offer tins season tbe best and cheapest line of goods ever offereii Ladies Plaid Dress Flannels, 86 inches .wide at 50 rents per yard, Striped Tbs most serviceable dress a lady ean buy. Henriettas, Cashmeres, and Plaid-Brilliantines with Silk, Velvet and Duttons to match,from 10r. to 50c. peryard. Table Damask and Table Cloths at ft.00, worth $1.50. Notions. Shirts, we have t he best shirts for 50cts. ever sold in the market. A full line of ladies and childrens hoes at 10c. to 50c. per pair, childrens and misses full regular made hoes at 15c. to 25c. a batgain. Ladies Hem¬ stitched Handkerchiefs at 5 to 25e., very cheap. We still lead in Shoes, our stock of Shoes is now complete and all we ask is a look at our Shoes and we will guarantee you satisfaction, we warrant alt our Shoes solid leather. We have added Clothing to our'stock and can sell you a suit from 5 dollars and up, lower than any body.; Give, us a cal) and save money. R. F. STRICKLAND. ...... Sept, 21 j Aw 3m. _______