The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, July 12, 1892, Image 3

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/ ' ■■ rntTW- SHI.! 1 n\ ■ DURHAM i ■SMOKING TOBACC Ok * the Esrl ca^ . ^ Sld^ rr r r vg—m the^^uestfotr — Both of should be looked into. And when this Is done the Intelligent smoker uses BLACKWELL'S BULL DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO. BL.AC KWBLL'3 DURHAM TOBACCO CO., Durham, N. C. (mil l l OF GEORGIA II. M. COMES, Chatman Directors, Receiver TiMC J llblo ll KSTeot lay Hth, 1803 !> ‘ ' NORTH BOUND. No. 8. PABS^StQKB—D ah,y. Manon....... ........ ■I't'' a. ffl irfitaOnfflti................*.................6.00 7-4a ** Atluntft............................... No. tl. P Assesses—D aii./. Leave Macon.................* ...... n i, m Arrtvp Arrive Griffin....................................... :30 *' Atlanta.............................7 J NO. 1. Pa8si:noe8—Daii-y. Leave Macon.............................. 8:40 p. a. Arrive Arrive Oriffln...............................<j:»0 Atlanta..........................7:35 • SOUTH BOUND. No 2. PAB8ESQBR— DaIPY. Leave Atlanta...........-.................7*20 o.44 n. m Amre,OnifiD................ Macon................................10:55 ••*.•••»«#»•••• «• Arrive No. 12. Passbkgeb—Daily. Lea re Atlanta..........................1:10 pm. Arrive Oriffln...........................6:00 “ Arrive Macon...................:..........8.10 No. 4. Pahsebo kb—Daily. Leave Atlanta....................7.10 p. m. Arrive Grifltn.................... ...... ......8:42 Arrive Macon.. ...10:55 CHATTANOOGA DIVISION. WEST BOUND. No. 1. Passbnqeh—Daily Leave Oriffln............................. 9:55 a. m Arrive Newnan............................1 1115 a. m. Arrive Carrollton. . ......12:25 p. in EAST BOUND. No. 2. Passenger. l*enve Carroll ton....................2:38p. 8:4 r m. Arrive Xewimn....................... ....u.3.5 • > P-n> Arrive Oriffln, ......................•• No. 6. Leave Carrollton.,........................7:30 0:30 a. m. Arrive Newnan.........'..........-.....» Oriffln............................,1:30 a. m. Arrive p. m. No. 5. Leave Oriffln........................... 8:00 p. Arrive Newnan............... 6-85 P- m Arrive Carrollton.........................8:00 For further information relative to tickets schedules, best routes, etc., apply Oriffln, to: Ga. A. 0. Kendrick, Ticket Agent, W. F. bhellman. Traffic Mur. Sav’h. Ga. Geo- Dole Wahley, Genl Superintendent, —mi ............ ..... ........ Ordinary’s Advertisements. /^VRDINARTS’ OFFICE. Si-au«noUoui*v», W Georgia, JJuly '’2, 1892.—Whereas, It. E. . Seagraves makes application MB for letters of I administration on o the estate of Ja». W. Gordon, ordon. late late nl Of suid sold sonnty, deceased. These are therefore to cite and notify all persons concerned. that if they have any ob¬ jection to said application or to administrator said appli cant aforesaid, being they appointed will file said ns objections in Monday Sept my office on or before the first in 1892, at which time, if no objections passed are filed, said application will be upon and »loo letters granted W. HAMMOND, to said applicant. Ordinary, E. / IltDlNAKV'H OFFICE, Sj-alwno Oouhty V/ Georgia, July 1, 1892 —The apprais¬ ers appointed to set apart a 12 months' sap- port for Mrs. Martha 0. Dupree, hava per¬ formed that dnty and filed their report in my Let all persons coneerned show cause, if nny there be, at my office in Griffin, on the first Monday in August, 1892,. by ten o’clock a. m., why t he report of the apprais¬ ers should not^be made the judgment of this Court. E. W. HAMMOND, Oroinary. *-mo ( \HD1N ARY H OFFICE. Spalding i ounty, v/ Ga., July l, 1892.—The appraisers ap¬ pointed for Clara to J. set LeFevre apart a 12 and months’support children, have performed that dnty and filed their report in my Lt office, all persons concerned show cause, if any there be. at my office in Griffin, on the first Monday in August, ’892 by ten o’clock a. m.. why the report of the ap¬ praisers should not be made the judgment iff. the jMdXl "Court. _E. W. Hammond, Ordinary. _ / IRDINABY’S OFFICE, Spalxuno County, Reeves v/ Georgia, July 1, 1892.—Whereas, Lon makes application for letters of administration on the estate of J< bn Reeves late of said county, deceased. There are therefore to cite and notify all objection poisons concerned, that if they hare said any to said application or to ap¬ plicant bring appointed as administrator aforesaid, - file said objections Monday in my ly officut on or t>d before the first in August, 1892,- «t which time, if no objections are application will I be be passed upon *3.00 anti letters W. granted HAMMOND, to said 1 Ordinary. applicant. E. Notlcs to Debtors and Creditors. | All persons indebted tothe estate of Glenn H. Sanson, Jr.Jate ot Spalding (’ounty, Georgia, deceased, are notified to call and settle the same at once, and all persons ha ■ring Yin claims against estate of said decedent will rill MARTIN, present •NaraSfir- A Administrator 0. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. f said decedent will present ,y Walter h. pitts, Sale. & j« v ^T fwT'S «ou 8 il Ordinary of Spalding County, Geor¬ gia, 1 wlB aril to the highest bidder be¬ fore the door of the court house in Griffin, Georgia, the between the in August legal hours of the sals, foi- on first Tuesday belonging next, ■■ tho to 1st* of said emmty, dcccnsed, to-wit: One On house and or I f paying debts < • _ The t maUevi Pfll SECRET In the W orldly. ® THE A l of recruiting health U discovered is A * Tunrs •Tiny Liver Pills* B In liver la, flatulence, affections, sick heartburn, headache, bilious dys- H colic, pens of the skin, and ail £3 — troubles eruptions of the bowels, their curative B ^ effects are marvelous. gentle They cathartic, are a cor. A “ recti ve as well as a H a Very small and easy to take. Price, «6o. Office, 30 *41 Park Place, N.Y. Health is Wealth! Db. E. C. West’s NEB»EANnBBAf)f Tbea. Dizsinesa, best, a guaranteed Convulsions, specific Fits, for Hysteria, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache Nervous pros¬ tration, caused by the use of al¬ cohol or tobacco, Wakefnllness, Men¬ tal Depression, Softening of the Brain, resulting in insanity and teadingto misery, decay and death. Prematura Oid Age, Bar¬ renness, Loss o fPovrer in either sex. Invol¬ untary Losses and Spermatorhma, caused by over exertion oHhn brain,setf-utraee month's or over indulgence. Each bo* box, contains six one for 95.0C, treatment $1.00 mail a prepaid or roeeipt boxes of sent by on price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES to cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with $5,00 will send the purchaser cur written guar- tec to refund the money it the treatment doe* not. effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by Dr. Hill E. B. Anthony, Oriffln, Druggist, Ga. Sole agent, 41 street,, ........... . '!'» -C- A ' ■ • The Finest on Earth. Tfi t Cincinnati, Hamilton A Dayton RR. Is the only Vestibule line running Pullman’s Perfected Safety Trains, with Chair, Sleeping and Dinning Cat service between Cin nati, ludanapolis and Chicago, and is the Oily Line running Through Reclining Chrir Cars between Cincinnati, Keokuk Car and Spring fled, 111., and Sleeping Cincinnati or Mackinaw. And the Only DIRECT LINE •ween- Cin c innat i , D a yton, and Lima, Canada. Toledo D troit, the Lake Regions The road is one of the oldest in the Stat of Ohio and the only line entering Ciucinnat over twenty-five miles of double track, and !rom its past record canmore than assure its patrons speed, comfort and safety. Tickets on sale everywhere, and see that (hoy rend C. II. A D., either in or out of Cm rinnati, Indianpolis or Toledo. E. O. McCOBMICK. ■moral Passenger and Ticket Agent. t a^r 1 n ‘ ,eWd ‘ 5 ’ without tthe the Non^nou^d aid or publicity t of s i The Universal America* Cart. Manufactured by The Brans Chemical Oo.i CINCINNATI, O. V. S. A. Or js* ] by awtmlnixU-rtnw Or. ! Golden Sf i eHa It Is manufactured u u powder. oolite which sun be ( In a cl no of ----'-----ofUwp.ti.nt. boor, a cup of or toa, or in l — Iti.ab.olu “ --— and §p- JH|_ I drinker or a thousands and In _ perfect _ cure' of ossos, every Kail*. instonoe a lowed. It sever Tbs system onoe imp for ad with the the becomes exist, an utter impea liquor Appetite to •"““■Sffi; wUoulao (~a •ot.rrs.prAMbra, To bo had at SSpae. book of sssa 2699 can 2-4-6-8 My be working made Main jun27dlm Street, for B Richmond, Va. VIGOR JFIEIi Beblllty. all Weakne*,, a-rvouineM, UfMl tli« train ol evils fruin early errum or later exceuee, the results of overwork, sickness, worry, tic, Pall strength, development, end tone given to every o.-pso sod portion of the body. Simple, nutunri mt-thuds. Immediate improvement seen. Failure linpoeeible ^ 8.000 references. Book, ex pitn a tkins butpaLo. n. V. 0 . ... DON’T :I TAKE ANYTHING ELSE? When yon see anything arivertis ed in the News and Sun yon may be sure the proprietor has a good thing or lie wdold not advertise it. If you make up your mind to buy what you see adVertiged in the News anb Sun be sore you get it, hONT li you see anything in the News and - ... ...... ' .....*- 4 CONFERENCE. Governor Pattison Raeeires a ^Deputation. The Governor Firm in Main- ~ taining the Law. The Homestead People Charge All of the Blame to the Carnegie People lor the Turn Af¬ faire Have Taken. Harrisburg, Pa.. July A— A com¬ mittee of Homestead citizens, including ex-Representative John Co*. Hugh O’Donnell, 1. H. Williams, Dr. J. P. Purman and G. W. Sarver, arrived at the executive department at 10:30 at night, and were at once ushered into the private office of the governor, who was awaiting them with Attorney Gen¬ eral Hensei and Private Secretary Tata It was midnight when the conference came to an end and the committee, fif¬ teen minutes later, were on their way back to Homeitead. When they had gone, Attorney General Hensei received newspaper reporters and gave them the substance of what had occurred daring the conference. He said the committee was composed of two representatives of labor organi¬ sations and three of the citizens of Homestead. Two of them had been sum¬ moned as part of the sheriff's posse. They came to say to the governor that the works are now in possession of the owners of the plant and that their watch¬ men are now on the ground. No at¬ tempt has been made by the workmen They pledged the citizens of Homestead and the workmen to the preservation of good order and the safety of the works. The committee stated that the sheriff could that there take woald charge of the resistance property and bn be no to authority. There had never been any attempt, they said, to execute a writ or serve cigri process and that the sheriff would be permitted to do so at any time. Governor Pattison said he was glad to hear that peace and order prevailed, and hoped it would continue. He want¬ ed it understood that the civil authori¬ ties must exhaust all the means at their understood command, but he desired it also to be that peace and order and the observance of law must be adhered to, and would be maintained even if it required appeal all the the federal force of the state, <>r But an to government. it would be done under the forms of law, and in subordination to civil au¬ thority. Property would be protected and the rights of all parties in the ex¬ isting tained straggle would be strictly main¬ without regard to the merits or demerits of business differences between them.__ Affair* at Uomattead. Pittsburg, July The statements as to whether or not the Pinkerton men were sworn in as deputies are very con¬ flicting. not, Sheriff but the Carnegie McCieary people says insist they were that they were. E. R. Spear, of Chi¬ cago, who is at the West Pennsylvania hospital, Carnegies. oonfirms He the they statement of the in says were sworn by Deputy Sheriff Gray. the The latter admits that he was with party, but asserts that he did not Administer the oath to them. This question will be important responsibility. in settling the question'of All of the wounded at the West Penn¬ sylvania hospital are in a fair condition and will recover, except, perhaps, E. A. Covert of Brooklyn, wno has a terribly shattered right arm and thigh; Pat Mc- Gousrb, Chicago, who has a bad wound in the abdomen; Fred Prumer of Phila¬ delphia, Whose skull is terribly injured ana it is feared has sustained internal injuries. These three we in a critical condition and may not recover. * The Dead Pinkerton Chief. Wabash, Ind., July 9.—James W. Kline, the Pinkerton superintendent who was killed in the Homestead, Pa., riot, was born in this city, and was the adopted son of Jonathan National Talmage, a director of the First bank. Kline was known about town as Ban¬ tam, on account of his build, and was inclined to be a sport. Just before he joined the Pinkertons he made the rounds of the fairs, running games of chance. He has been living in Chicago fonr years, but returned here on a visit several weeks ago. Posd.rly at M om sa t e afl. Chicago, July 9.—Chief Powderly, i. W. Hayes and A. W. Wright of the executive council of the Knights of La¬ bor, and other labor leaders, reached Chicago Thursday, and left at night for the scene of the Homestead riot. They declined to talk of the troubles. A New Military Band. NEW York, July A—The resignation of Director John Philip tiousa of the Marine band, Washington, having been reluctantly accepted by the authorities at Whshington, in accordance with Mr. Sousa’s pressed by Mr. request, a and contract has been signed of business Sousa of New a strong York syndicate which makes men him for five and Chicago, director of military years the a new band, to be composed of the best mate¬ rial that can be anywhere selected, end which ia to make a tonr of the oountry toe coming fall. Articles ot incorporation have been taken oat by the the syndicate referred being to, the name of new company the Blakely syndicate. Mr. Blakely sails in the Augusta Victoria to forward the in¬ terests of the organisation, In respect to the selection of instrumentalists and a repertoire oi new music. Thirty-One Highwaymen Milled. New York, July 9.—A special cable dispatch to The Herald from Valparaiso ■ays the government is making deter¬ mined effort to stamp oat brigandage. A large force of cavairyjencoantend a large number of armed bandits on the southeastern frontier of Chili recently. A fierce struggle followed, killed.' and thirty- one brigands were A Million Friends. A friend fn need is a friend indeed, and not leas than one million people have found just such a friend in Dr. King’s New Diarovery for Consump¬ tion, Coughs and Cokla.—If you have never used this Great Cough Medi¬ cine, one trial will convince you that it has wonderful curative powers in all diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs. Each bottle is guaranteed to do ail that is claimed or money will be refunded, Trial bottles free J. N.Hitrri. * Sou’s Drugstore, , HiS ^ W> F- T$^SPEC | F |C FOR renovating tk* entire system, eliminating all Poisons from the Blood, whether of scrofulous or malarial origin, this prep¬ aration has ho equal. “For eighteen months / had am f eating sere on my tongue. / 1 ku treated b loetU physician. , hit obtained no relief: the sore gradually grew worse, t finally toot S. S. A’, and was entirety cured after using a few bottles!' C. B. McLbmovb, Henderson, Tex. roes EAT1SE on Blood and Skin m mailed free, win SrECipicC«v Atlanta, Ga. P.F.P. CURE5 ALL SKIN DISEASES Physicians endorse P. P. P. as a splendid combination, and prescribe it with great satisfaction for the cures of all forms and stages of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary ■■§ P.P.P. w IMWfe • MM w _ Lures scrofula Syphilis, lous Ulcers Syphilitic and Sores, Rheumatism, Glandular S wellings, Scrofu¬ Rheumatism, Malaria, eld Chroaio Catarrh, Ulcers that have resisted all treatment r.i. POD r. {£&£. h Poison Skin Diseases, Eczema, Chronio Female Complaint*, Boald Head, Etc., Mercurial Etc. Poison, Tetter, F. P. P. is a powerful tonic, and an ex- CURES*RHEUMAT!SM jp jD jp eellent appetizer, building up the system ^Ladies whose systems are poisoned and Whose blood is in on impure condition due to menstrual Irregularities are peculiarly benefited by tho wonderful tonio and blood cleansing Ash, Poke properties and Potassium. of P. P. Prickly Root p JO j]P Cures’oyspepsiA LIPPMAN BROS., Druggists, Proprietors, Upptnafl’s Block, SAVANNAH, QA. ABBOTT’S BUNinfiS rain LIPPMAN BRO'S DRUGGISTSPROp’j SAVANNAH GA Lip PHAN BROS., Proprietors, Druggists, Uppmta’* Block. SAVANNAH, GA. BEWARE SHtt* - Huy "* Cheap at Wholesale Kates. A Few Sample Prices: Pastors Koening’s NsiveTonie........68c. Harter’s Wild Cherry Cordial......... .75c. Mother’s Friend................................99c. California Syrup of Figs............ 34c. Sage's Ely’s Catarrh Cure......................H4o. Cream Balm............—........34c. Pteree’s Pills.............................. ,15c. Pierce's Golden Med'eal Discovery,. ...69c, Pierce’s Favorite Prescription..........69. Swift’s Specific (8. S. 8 ).......59 c id 99c. Botanic Blood Balm(B. B. B)........68c. Dr. John Ball’s Hareapirilla...........73c. Dr John Bull's Worm Candy..............15c. Chichester’s Pennyroyal Pi Is....... $1,67c. Brown’s Iron Bitters............... 71e. Shiloh's Catarrh Core........ 35c. Shiloh’s Consumption Care..............34c. Shiloh’s Plasters......................... 12c. Me mCLiPW El roe’s 8 Wine Tv ID8 Cardui.................. vaiUtll.MM*, •>«••**•••■ tie. Black Jbanght...,...,..s....... ............ ..15c. King’s Parker’s New Discovery...,.,........... 34c. Hair Balsam.................. Hinder Corns............. i.. - ..........10c. Caslorio..................... 25c. Injection P.*.............................. 0......... ,73c. 1. P. ....—..... ,68c. Hire’s Root Beer............ 18c. Tutfs PHIs................18e. 2 boxes lor 25e. Carter’s 1’jlis..........13c. 2 boxes tor 25c. Bsechara's Pills........................17c. Powers and Weigbtmaas Morphine. .87e. Express *®“EverythiDg . thing else else in in j propoi ition. press charges charges ar are usually 25 cents per packs** under 5 lbs. JACOB’S PH4RMACY. ATLANTA* GA. ONLY! MRpSf -4; J r ’! HE. T. BERGEN, Proprietor. ft??! 'f/t r P| E 7 * kAtM wtfNMfcO*** Wholesale dealers in the Famous World-Renowned CHRISTIAN MOERLEIN BEER, Griffin. of Cincinnati. Our Beer will be found on draft and in bottles in any saloon in . Call for it when you want a glass of good Beer. Just received big lot Swiss Cheese, Lemberger, Dried Beef, etc. Cl ELI I DDCIilCD (fltEVf Elli 11 MANAGER. ■^Send us your orders. A TRIAL Sash, Blinds, Doors. WILL CONVINCE YOUj Building AND ALL KINDS Material. OF THAT OUR GOODS ARE j THE BEST ' WE HAVE THE FAMOUS AND CHEAPEST. pKRUSTCH EMBOSSINC MACHINE, 85 And are prepared to make anj design of Embossed Work. •w. c Aycock. ' TELEPHONE 23. ON STREET CAR LINE. U.J Griffin Hedge Company. HtOOCCOMPl.tTCO . , This picture represents theHedges grown and completed by us. It will turn a pig, ma.eor bull. It is everlasting—doesm»t rot and is not affected by fire or Hood. B0“8ee our agent before baying any other .ence.~#St Pbehidkxt—H. W. Haksklkuh Vtrn-PBKntnMiT-R. P. SrBtcKr.xso 8 btbrt*sv—J. V. Brook*. Directors—L lTToyd, Douglas Glessner, H, W. Hassclkos, R. F Strickland, J. ('. Brook*. may22dAw3m HOTEL CUMBERLAND CUMBERLAND ISLAND, GA. Tho hotel and cottages will open May 36, 1893. A favorite seaside resort; with the finest beach in the world. As a health resort with arte¬ sian water it has no equal. A fine orchestra, lawn tennis, croquet, ten¬ pins and shooting gallery. A well equipped livety, rowboats, sailboats and naptba launch. The fishing at Cumberland has a nationol reputa¬ tion, the waters of the numerous bays and inlets abound in all varie¬ ties and the season never ends. The railway lines issue round trip tickets and check baggage to Cumberland doek. For circulars and rates ad¬ dress, WM. C. MORGAN, Manager, CUMBERLAND, GA. •j may21d2* •■•• • — TREATMENT ........ . ...<•■ BY INHALATION! 1529 Arch St., Philad’a, Pa. For Consumption, Asthma,Bronchitis, Dyspepsia, Catarrh, Hay Kevee, Headache, Debility, Rheu¬ matism, Neuralgia, AN0 ALL CHRONIC AND NERVOUS DISORDERS. It has been in use fo« more than twenty year: thousands of patients hare been treated, and over one thousand physicians have used it and recommend it—a very sig¬ nificant fact. It to agreeable. There to no nauseous tnst, nor after-taste, nor sickening smell. “Compound Oxygen—Its Mode of Action and ReanlU,» i. the title of a book of 200.pages, pm blurted by Dr». Htar- key A Psieo, which gives to all inquirers full information as to this remarkable curative agent, and a record ot surprising cures in a wide range ot chronic eases—many of them mttor being abandoned to die by other phy¬ sicians. Will be mailed free to any address on application. Da STARKEY ft PALER, t, VMuMpM*. 8k St. Sen Fradciica, Cal. jjriiJSSpmi; ^ j “ CIRCULATE IN THE HOME) Or PEOPLE* BUViN<r THC Kind oroooDi) Youmay / mVt TQ sell . AORAL: DMTE them to yourStore 4 Supplies for Encampment. JOSEPH THOMPSON, Wholesale Dealer in Mm Fine Whiskies, Wines, Beers, Ete. 7, 9 and 11 Kimball House, ATLANTA, #A. ursole Agent for ACME WHISKIES. IMPERIAL, TANHAUSER and ANHAUSER-BUSH’S Exquisite and Standard BEERS. 12-YEAR OLD BOURBON. Everything usually kept in a first-class house. Orders solicited and promptly filled. TELEPHONE 48. CALIFORNIA CLARETS & IMPORTED CIGARS- <3/ie i mm l m